UCL CENTRE FOR LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Evening Courses Spanish Level 1+ (Common European Framework Level A1) Prerequisite for entry Basic knowledge of Spanish (successful completion of Spanish syllabus 1 at UCL CLIE or GCSE a long time ago.) Term duration 10 x 2-hour classes. Progression After 20 hours student may progress to level 2 Aims and Objectives The aim of the course is to enable students to function at a basic everyday survival level (basic vocabulary and grammar). Students should be able to communicate in and understand Spanish on a number of practical everyday matters. Language learning skills, including autonomous learning and how to approach authentic material will be enhanced. Some transferable skills will also be covered. Functions - Expressing likes and dislikes. Agreeing and disagreeing about likes and dislikes. - Describing a neighbourhood. Asking and telling the time. Talking about opening and closing times of shops and public places. - Talking about daily routines. - Talking about leisure and free time activities. - Talking about your work or studies. Expressing positive and negative aspects of your work or studies. Saying how often you do things. - Talking about public transportation. - Reporting weather conditions. - Expressing abilities, skills and knowledge. Giving opinions. Agreeing and disagreeing - with other people’s opinions. Talking about food. Buying food in a shop. Ordering food and drinks in a restaurant. - Speaking about plans and future intentions. UCL Centre for Languages & International Education Evening Courses 1 Course Content: Main topics/themes to be covered - Personal likes and dislikes. - The neighbourhood. Public places. - Chronological time. Days of the week. - Daily routine activities. - Domestic tasks. - Leisure and free time activities. Sports. - Work and studies. - Public transportation. - The weather. Seasons of the year. - Opinions. - Food and drinks. . At the restaurant. - Plans and intentions. Phonetics - Basic rules of the pronunciation of spoken Spanish Grammar and linguistic structures - Verbs gustar and encantar. - Indirect and direct object pronouns. - Prepositional pronouns. - Adverbs of time, place, degree and frequency. - Prepositions. - Quantifiers. - The Present tense: regular, irregular, stem-changing and reflexive verbs. - Reflexive pronouns. - Expressions of frequency. - Verbs: saber versus conocer. - Near future: Ir a + infinitive; Pensar + infinitive. Learning Resources Books - Course book: Curso de español para extranjeros ELE ACTUAL A1 (student’s book). Virgilio Borobio. Ediciones SM. (chapters 9 - 14) ISBN: 978-84-675-4741-2 In addition there is a wide range of language learning materials for self-study in the SelfAccess Centre. UCL Centre for Languages & International Education Evening Courses 2