From: AAAI Technical Report SS-98-04. Compilation copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Multi Modal Methods of Information Transmission Jim Brander Interactive Engineering Pty Ltd HarrisPark Sydney Australia Abstract substrate, or for glue that will bind the methodsthat have been implemented.The search for a "glue" is reminiscent of the early descriptions of Expert Systems.Analgorithm for combiningrules wouldbe described, followed by a description of the properties of the Help systemto be implementedlater that wouldexplain the ES results. The flexibility and reasoning powerof the Help system would far surpass the limitations of the Expert Systemalgorithm, to the point whereif the Help system ever became available, one could throw awaythe Expert System. Different methodsof transmissionof informationare describedwithin a network formalizationof the analyticoperators. Examples are given of whereswitching occurs between the methods.Control of switchingis takingplaceat the lowest possiblelevel, the operatorsthemselves. It is suggestedthat, for complex highlevel tasks, no simple meansof problemdecomposition and assemblyof separate dedicated subsystems is possible,nor is one needed. Introduction The desire for different modesof reasoning to attack different problemsseems reasonable whenthe limitations of various current methodsare assayed. The obvious problemwith different modesis that someonehad to understand the problemcompletely to choose the modenot very likely for reasonably hard problems.Success dependsvery muchon the level of reasoning being attempted - are weattemptinga rapid response to a complex scene, or theslowandpainful accretion ofnew concepts overa period ofyears. Evenatthese extreme ends ofthespectrum, someunderlying flexibility offormand capability forself-modification isrequired ifwearetouse the term "reasoning". There have been manyattempts to decomposeproblemsinto disparate elements to suit preconceivednotions of reasoning methodsor efficient algorithms. Except in narrow areas, the decompositionand reassemblyprocess is rarely successful without destroying the essenceof the problem,or requires a large effort on the part of the humanusers to hold all the pieces together in phase. It might be worthwhileto analyze what is meantby multimodalreasoning. Are there different formsof reasoning, exemplified by Expert Systems and Constraint Handling Systems, oraretheymerely narrowinterpretations ofmore general reasoning. Arc we searching for a common Similarly, if wecould find a glue or "super-algorithm" which understood enough about the operation of each of the different modesof reasoningto be able to assign tasks, it coulddo all of the reasoning, perhapsnot as efficiently but certainly morecompletely. Each of these modesof reasoning has madecertain assumptions to allow operation in its specific domain.Whilethese assumptionsare at least partially understoodby the users, enthusiasmfor a particular modeoften outweighscareful analysis of the potential variability of the overall problemstructure. Wemight visualize the different modesof reasoning as different forms of information transmission amongnodes, as Constraint ~easoning Figure1 106 SoMng In the Expert Systemcase, we might use goal directed searching or dataflow. In the Constraint Handlingcase, we allow alternatives at the boundarynodes, and turn the constraints around. In the case of Consistent Reasoning,we use the pathwayswithin the statements, and any of the other forms of reasoningis a subset, with operations on the information and its direction of propagationbeing determinedat the operators. Control Perhaps we should look moreclosely at the analytic operators weuse. It turns out that in our current implementations, we can hardly combinetwo analytic operators before we are forced to start stripping away inferences. Witheach inference lost, it becomesmore important that a humanuser understand the intended use of the implementation. Our methodsof mathematical and logical analysis are incomplete,and haveinconsistencies needingto be papered over by a humanuser, particularly at the interface betweenlogic and numbers,or where existence of objects is relevant, or wheretopological changecan occur during analysis. Figure 2 The structure implements IF A<B THENC <D but contains far morethan wouldbe initially assumedfrom the textual form. The nodes and links maycon~in logical states, singular numericvalues, alternative numericvalues, lists of objects or lists of alternative lists. Thearrowson the connectionsindicate the potential directions of information flow, in that informationcan flow in either direction, and, if consistency is maintained,can flow consecutively in either direction. IfA is actually less than B, then a TRUE flows out of the less than operator to the implication operator. If its control pin is asserted, a TRUE flows out of the consequentpin to the other less than operator. However,ifC had been greater than D, then a FALSE wouldhave flowed the other way. If control had not been asserted, a FALSE mayhave flowedout of the control pin. Thestructure is clearly a logical model,and its application to constraint reasoning and rule based reasoning should also be clear. Anessential point is that it is not using Booleanlogic. To do so woulddestroy too manypotential inferences. Onlyif the problemis perfectly static can webe sure the inferences discarded will never be needed. This is an exampleof where the methodsof analysis we choose can serve to defeat us. Logic, both in our beadsand in a complexproblem, is better described by a squirming mass of connectionsthan it is by numbers,whichsit as a thin layer on top of logic. A networkimplementationof analytic operators will be used to highlight somedifficulties with a modeintegration approach.The networkis intended for use in high level planningand design, wherethere can be no artificial distinction amongrules, relations and constraints. Planning requires that a potential structure be assembled,evaluated perhaps using consistent reasoning, and then the planning systemmoveto a newstate, inconsistent with the last, and continue. As different forms of reasoning are needed, different modesof information mmsmissionthrough a common structure are utilized. This paper will attempt to showthrough exampleshowthe Integration of different methods of information transmission through a common realized sU’uctureseemsessential if we are to find a wayof combiningdifferent modesof reasoning. Reasoning Structure The elements of the networkstructure are the analytic operators, ranging over objects, numbersand logic, and being close analogues of the common operators. The main distinction with previous attempts at networkformalismis that an attempt has been madeto fully modelthe basic properties of each operator so that no potential inference is lost. Anotherdifference is the dynamicnature of the structure. A simple logical constraint mayserve as an introductory example. If we wish to combinemethodsof reasoning where the implementationshave destroyed manyinferences, either the system combiningthem mayneed to recreate the inferences, or we should not have destroyed themin the first place. The conversion betweentext form and networkstructure is not alwaysdirect, as inferences mayexist for us in our understandingof the text form that wouldnot survive direct conversion to networkform with its operator independence. 107 Onesuch case is Figure 3. Information Transmission and Structural Change Transmissionof information through the structure varies among Searching Dataflowwith killing Consistent dataflow Dataflowwith structure growth Structure assemblyand activation dependingon the purpose to whichthe structure is currently being put. Figure3 IFA <B THENX--- 5 ELSEX = 10 Wecan easily conclude from this statement that X may have the values 5 or 10 (the range 5,10). Whena statement such as this is convertedto networkform, additional structure is addedto allow the inference (and structure to control the inferenceis also built - the statementitself may not be unconditionallytrue). Oneother element needs explanation for the following discussion. A cluster of operators forminga statement itself becomesan element attached to a logical spine, over which control maybe exercised, the spine beginningat a logical variable. If the spine is not activated, an Unknowable state is usedto control the invalid statements,as a False state wouldimply inversion. The realized networkform allows extensibility, by a user and by the operators of the structure acting directly uponit to changethe topology or accrete newstructure. This extensibility is in clear distinction to other methodswhich rely on a stack, up which they maybecomestuck. The structure which performsthe reasoning is both capable of changeto its topology, and recovery from that change, unlike other methodswhichimposedirectional barriers as a result of either a misunderstandingof the meaningof analytic operators or as an artifact of their implementation. Searchingmovesthrough a structure initially emptyof information,attemptingto return to the search starting point with useful information. Searchingis recalled if dataflow overrides the need. Searchingmayinstigate structural change. Dataflowwith killing causes information to be pushed downapplicable pathways.If newinformation is to replace old, the old informationis killed (the relevant part of the structure is emptiedof information) before newinformation is transmitted. Consistent dataflow allows newinformation to overlay old without killing, wherethe newinformation is consistent with the old, as a newrange of 3..7 is consistent with an existing range of 2.. 10. Constraint dataflowis not limited to numbers, objects also being providedas alternatives. Dataflowwith structure growthimplies that arrival of information at a node causes growthof new structure, through whichinformation is again transmitted, either from the originating node, or from the other structure to which the newly created structure becomesattached. Structure assemblyand activation describes whereexisting structures are sought and selected basedon particular properties, they are connectedand then logically activated by driving logical states to their spines. Backtrackcan occur on structure creation and change, all of the logical structure being madeout of the samestuff. All of these methodscan be used together in any parallel combinationor sequence. A search through a structure may identify an area suitable for consistent reasoning, whichon completionor failure causes killing of informationor creation of newstructure. Constraint reasoning on some area of the structme mayallow transmission of information whichthen permits constraint reasoning in another area. Some Examples Theindexmayitself be a list, as ASD[{BFG[GHJ[X,{FGH[3]}],4],PQR}] Bridging Methods Of Reasoning ¯ . . . ¯ . . . . ............. . "¯’. The[ ] indicates the indexvalue, the { } indicate a list structure. . . ¯ . . . , Searching ’’-.. ¯ - - Herethere is a mixtureof single values, alternatives and lists. Theindex operator need understandnothing of the structureof the list, insteadrestricting itself to the operationof taking the elementrelevant to it fromthe list, then creating a newindex operator and passing the remainingindex to the newstructure. If there are ranges in the index value, these ranges cause newoperators to form, with initial connectionto all the alternative objects. Later pruningeither on the index or the output list reducesthe numberof alternatives, destroying the operator supporting the alternatives if the alternatives reduce to a singular value. The sametransmission mechanism that transmits lists in goal directed searching and dataflowalso transmits alternatives in Consistent Reasoning,so it doesn’t matter what mixture the index is of different "modesof reasoning". There maybe areas of the modelwherethere are too manyalternatives to handle, so this part of the modelwill wait for other modesof reasoning to reduce the variability to the point whereconsistent reasoningcan begin - another exampleof the essential intertwining of different modesof reasoning. ."° Io,,o1 ........... ......... // ¯. ’... Consistent Reasonlng ¯ . . . . . ......... : ... ¯ ...." Figure 4 Someconstraint handling tools (CHARME) provide Demon operator whichwill allow constraint solving to fall back to a programmaticmeanswhenappropriate - that is, whena changein the range occurs, a procedureis run. The analog for a network where programmaticmeansdoes not exist is a DEMON operator whichcan be built into the networkstructure, as shownin the diagram. Here the structure is identical in formon either side of the operator, the only difference being the methodof transmission of information Control can be exercised so that bridging only occurs whenthe range has fallen to a low level, or whena unique value is presented. A fall back to a programmatic meansis an admissionof failure of the reasoning paradigm, implyingthe initial meansis insufficiently extensible for the problem. It mightbe claimedthat this formof list indexingis no morethan a crude form of parsing, except that it should be notedthat the result of all this generationaland transmissionactivity is to finally connecttwoor more objects, without any knowledgeabout direction of informationflow, or if informationflow is currently possible, and to have the methodof connectionreversible, both by killing and backtracking. List Indexing Start Hint Withinthe network, lists maybe indexed, as ASD[X], whereXis singular, or has alternatives. Figure5 illustrates the structure obtaining wherethere are two alternative values for the index, and the objects indexed are numbers. ’Z Figure 6 Figure 5 109 Resourceusageis an important aspect of project planning. A resource usage operator in a planning networkhas consistent informationon most of its connections, but also needs to handle informationwhichis inconsistent with that already sent. AStart Hint is typical - there is some calculation that says whereresource bookingshould preferentially occur, and the calculation changesits output value dependingon the range and position of the available bookings.This newvalue, inconsistent with the last, must be transmitted through a networkwhich everywhereelse is using consistent dataflow. Figure6 illustrates the different types of transmission - links markedwith a 1 are using bidirectional dataflow (that is, newvalues flow back and forth, overlayingthe old), links markedwith 2 have a value that is transmitted once, and the link markedwith 3 has informationthat is repeatedly killed and re-transmitted. The changein methodof data transmission is occurring at the lowestpossible level, at each operator. In this case, the receiving operator mustunderstandits role. If killing escapedthis single connection,all other informationin the network wouldbe destroyed. The examplein shownin Figure 5 maynot be defining, but it is a goodexampleof howsterile a single methodof "reasoning" wouldbe. stabilizing. If welooka little moreclosely at eachiteration, wecan see a multiplicity of methodsin action. Actl~"~Constraln Search//// I ~onstrain 2 Figure8 The planning system needs to find and assemble the elements of the plan, and then handle wavesof constraint action. It can’t start to constrainthe use of resourcesuntil it is knownhowmuchresource is to be used. Wedon’t know whethera range evenexists until other areas in the reasoning modelhave stabilised - 0 does not describe existence. A complexplan has manylevels and local areas at whichiteration maybe occurring at different phases, not the simple sequential phasing shownhere.. A planning systemthat could not automateall of the planning cycle wouldbe of limited use, requiting the human users to fill in the gapsin its analytic capabilities, and risk loss of phase amongthe components.The method of information transmission needs to smoothlychange from Searching to Consistent Datafiowto Dataflowwith Killing, so that a newstate maybe found that is inconsistent with the previous one. Askilling proceeds, someof the structure maybe taken apart and destroyed, and newstructure built in its place. Application Area - High Level Planning Businessor project planningis typified by the construction of a modelwhich simulates the expected behavior of the real activity. The morecompleteand extensive the simulation, the morethat people can cometo understand the issues involvedand the consequencesof their actions. Therewill usually be constraints on the plan, there maybe options whichserve as cases, and there will usually be rules that needto be built into the model. As already mentioned,Booleanlogic is inappropriate in a high level area becauseof its destruction of knowledge.It should also be evident that a destructive methodof reasoning, reductio ad absurdum,is inappropriate where a suitable structure has still to emergeas part of the planning process. Consistent - Inconsistent - Consistent As an exampleof rules, there maybe a clause in the project contract describing incentive paymentsthat apply to completion. Figure 7 The values used in Constraint Reasoningremain consistent as a wayof ensuringthat no constraint is violated. This workswell until a situation develops wherea changeis necessary- there just isn’t enoughresource to do the job on time. Mostplans go through manyiterations before 110 reasoning, either in isolation or in macrocombination, seem far too narrow to describe the methodsof reasoning required in the fields of high level design and planning. References Cras, J-Y. 1993. A Reviewof Industrial Constraint Solving Tools. A.I. Intelligence, Oxford,U.K. Brander, J. and Dawe,M. 1998. Use of Constraint Reasoningto Integrate Risk Analysis with Project Planning. The International Journal of Project and Business Risk Management.Forthcoming Figure 9 In simple form, a rule linking project duration and project cost might be IF ProjectDtaation < 200 THENIncentive = 400 ELSEIncentive = 0 Thisrule (or is it a constraint) is built into the network model, allowing an undirected connection betweenduration and cost. Initially, the range of projectDurationspans 200. Additional constraints maybe applied on either cost or duration, with resultant switchingoccurring at an operator within the slructure of the rule to constrain projectDtaation or Incentive. SomeConstraint Handling systems have attempted a kludge to connect betweenBooleanlogic conditions and constraints - each ldudge pushes us further awayfrom a seamless handling of complexproblems. The rule shownhere is simple, but mayinstead be of arbitrary complexity, and use any mixture of the techniques in its evaluation. Conclusion This brief overviewof different methodsof information transmission through a networkstructure mayhave illustrated howmulti modalreasoning should have a commonsubstrate. Hopesthat we can somehowimplementlarge pieces of a problemusing different methodsof reasoning, then combinethemat a high level are likely to provefalse. Examplesin high level planning illustrate that the planning problemwouldbe destroyed if it were cut into elements seeminglysuitable for different modesof reasoning. Put another way, the only level at whichdifferent forms of reasoningwill be successfully combinedis at the level of the analytic operators, because only they are close enough to the problemto decide howparticular areas need to be handled. The Expert System and Constraint Handling modesof Iii