From: AAAI Technical Report SS-99-05. Compilation copyright © 1999, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Model-based Programmingof Reactive Systems: The Journey of Deep Space One Brian C. Williams MIT and NASAAmes Research Center A new generation of sensor rich, massively distributed systems are emergingthat offer the potential for profound economicand environmentalimpact, ranging from building energy systems to autonomous space probes. These"immobile"robots have the richness that comesfrom interacting with physical environments, together with the complexity of networked software systems. The goal is to make these systemsefficient, capable and long lived, that is, able to survive decades of autonomousoperation within unforgiving environments. This offers an overwhelming programmingchallenge. Hand coding functions for maintainingthe system’sinternals traditionally requires the programmerto reason through system wide interactions, along lengthy paths betweenthe sensors, control processor and control actuators. This reasoning requires thinking about the behavior of a hybrid system, composedof complexreal-time software constructs, distributed digital hardwareand continuous physical processes. The resulting code typically lacks modularity, is fraught with error and makes severe simplifying assumptions. Severe limitations of these codes are compensatedby large operations teams. Model-directed autonomy meets this challenge through two ideas. First, we note that programmers generate the desired function from their commonsense knowledgeof how the software and hardware modules behave. The idea of model-based programruing is to exploit this modularityby havingengineers programmodel-directed systems by simply articulating and plugging together these commonsensemodels. The next challenge is the infeasibility of synthesizing a set of codesat compiletime that envision all likely failure situations and responses. Our solution is to developreal time systems, called model-directed executives, that respondto novel situations on the order of hundredsof milliseconds, while performingextensive deduction, diagnosis and planning within the reactive control loop. For the last several years mywork, and that of the autonomous systems group at NASAAmes, has been directed towards developing an experimental autonomouscontrol system, called RemoteAgent (RA). Remoteagent will soon be demonstrated as a tech- 236 nology experiment of the NewMillenniumspacecraft, Deep Space One (DS1). DSI, launched recently during the fall of 98, will fly by an asteroid and a comet, using its solar powered ion propulsion engine and navigating optically by followingthe stars. To demonstrate fully autonomy, RemoteAgent will guide DSI through a series of optical navigation maneuversduring Mayof 99, responding and replanning in response to a series of injected failures and changing mission goals. In this talk I will examinethe lessons learned from DSI about model-based programming and modeldirected execution. In the first part I will examinethe representational needs of modeling DS1as a hybrid system. Fromthis I will develop the Reactive Modelbased Programming Language (RMPL). RMPLuses transition systems and co-temporal interactions as a rallying point for unifying representational concepts from a diverse set of research areas, including qualitative modeling, model-baseddiagnosis, hidden Markovdecision processes, synchronousreactive languages and concurrent constraint programming. In the second part I will discuss the development of a series of increasingly more expressive modeldirected executives. Eachexecutive is formulated as a deductive form of an optimal, model-based controller in which modelsare specified through a combination of hierarchical, probabilistic transition systems and propositional logic. This frameworkallows us to achieve high levels of autonomyand responsiveness, by drawinginspiration from a diverse set of algorithms taken from model-baseddiagnosis, hidden Markovprocesses, search, planning and real-time propositional inference. I will concludeby discussing the role model-directed autonomyis playing within a variety of future NASA applications, from Mars Exploration to the search for Earth-like planets around other stars. Model-based Programming of Reactive Systems: The Journey of Deep Space One Brian C. Williams Autonomous Systems, NASAAmes MassachusettsInstitute of Technology http://www, i c. arc. nasa. gov/ic/proje cts/mba/index, html In collaboration with P. Pandurang Nayak, Vineet Gupta, Jim Kurien Outline ¯ Remote Agents and Deep Space One ¯ Model-based Autonomy ¯ Livingstone:Model-based Configuration Manager (with Pandu Nayak). ¯ Unifying Model-based and Reactive Programming (with Vineet Gupta). ¯ Conclusions 237 Emergenceof Long-lived Systems Rovers Interferometers In situ Propellant Production Life Support 238 Explorers Houston, We have a problem... ¯ Quintuple fault occurs (three shorts, tank-line and pressure jacket burst, panel flies off). Groundassembles novel repair. Swagert & Lovell work on Apollo 13 emergencyrig lithium hydroxideunit. Mattingly works in ground simulator to identify novel sequence handling severe power limitations. Autonomy should embody the innovation in Apollo 13 and other missions. Remote Agent exemplified AMES / JPL www.rax. arc. nasa. gov Mission Goal Scenario ¯ Goal-directed ¯ Closed-loop on Goals ¯ Programmed with models ¯ Highly responsive ¯ Heavily deductive 239 courtesy JPL Outline " Remote Agents and Deep Space One * Model-based Autonomy * Livingstone:Model-based Configuration Manager (with Pandu Nayak). ¯ Unifying Model-based and Reactive Programming (with Vineet Gupta). ¯ Conclusions 240 Challenge: Programmersreason through interactions: ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ monitoring confirming commands tracking goals detecting anomalies diagnosing faults reconfiguringhardware recovering from faults avoiding failures coordinating control policies Model-based Autonomy Programmers generate breadth of functions from commonsensehardware and software models in light of mission-level goals. ¯ Model-based Programming ¯ Programby specifying commonsense, compositional models. ¯ Model-directed Executives ¯ Performsreasoningthroughsysteminteractions, by performingsignificant search &deductionwithin the reactive loop. " How do we model and reason about hybrid software/hardware systems simply and uniformly? 241 A Unified Modeling Paradigm Distributed Hardware Continuous Processes Software RMPL ¯c If c next A g%~ Unless e next A .A,B ¯ Always A ¯ Choosewith probability u t~ty’+ncer’a’n’and Anomalies ¯ Choosewith reward Model-directedExecution is Formulated as Model-basedStochastic OptimalControl Controller o(0 Plant /1 = argminC(s ’, y, g ’) s.t. /.t’ ~ 242 Reformulating the Autonomy Coding Challenge Programmers must reason through system-wide interactionsto generatecodesfor: ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ monitoring confirming commands tracking goals detecting anomalies isolating faults diagnosing causes ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ reconfiguringhardware recovering from faults safing the system avoiding failures coordinating control policies 4 4 Identifying Modes Reconfiguring Modes Livingstone and Burton Model-directedExecutives Model Possible Discretized Sensed values Command q Model-based,Stochastic, OptimalController where: ¯ variables have finite domains ¯ modelspecified in a propositional temporallogic ¯ implemented as queries to a fast, best-first, inference core 243 Outline " Remote Agents and Deep Space One " Model-based Autonomy ¯ Livingstone:Model-based Configuration Manager (with Pandu Nayak). ¯ Unifying Model-based and Reactive Programming (withVineetGupta). ¯ Conclusions A Unified Modeling Paradigm Distributed Hardware Continuous Processes Software Qualitative Algebra & State Diagrams Uncertainty and Anomalies 244 Modeling:Co-temporalInteractions Valve Driver Valve ¯ Resettable [-7 failure Off [--] Permanent ¯ failure On Open Closed vdriver=on => Out= In; vdriver=off=>Out=close; .... ~x~ Stuck open N Stuck M closed vlv--open => Sgn(Inflow)= Sgn(Outflow); vlv=elosed=>Sgn(Outflow)--O;.... Formulae in propositional state logic {xi ¯ Algebra on Signs : S = {+, 0, -,?} - [infloW]s = [outflOW]s ¯ Algebra on Relative ~ = vij } Values: R = {high, nominal, low,?} - [inflow]R= [outflow]R DS1 RCSfailure scenario z facing thrusters x facing thrusters 2£21 Dynamics I x att error , I I y art error z art error ACS mode Type 2 nominal~nominal 245 A Unified Modeling Paradigm Distributed Hardware Concurrent Automata Continuous Processes Software Qualitative Algebra & State Diagrams Hidden Markov Models Uncertainty and Anomalies Modeling: Constraint-based, Concurrent,Probabilistic, Automata Valve Driver Valve Open On (~::~~Resettable Turn on~ ff Off ~_J ~ o,e" failure "~.~ Permanent ~ failure vdriver=on => Out= In; vdriver=off=> Out=close; .... cost l Stuck ~ "open 51// Prob .9 ~.~ Closed ~ ~kal Stuck ~ closed vlv=open => Sgn(lnflow)= Sgn(Outflow); vlv=closed=> Sgn(Outflow)=0;.... Compactencoding of a restricted 246 POMDP Livingstone: Model-basedConfiguration Manager Possible Model Command Discretized Sensed values Command ModeIdentification: ReachableConsistent Next States Current state Possibl t’l’On wI t h2obt~rruVs~ Belief State Enumerated by decreasing likelihood 247 Characterizing MI Find feasible current states, given prior state, commandsand current state observations. Previous Current Si+l Observed Sol+ 1 Predicted ¯ Probabilities computedas standard belief state update with conditional independence of transitions. ModeReconfiguration: ReachingGoals in the Next State ~ , ~Current o state o Next states that provide "nominal thrust" Enumerated by decreasing immediate reward 248 Characterizing MR Find least cost commandsthat achieve the current goal in the next state. gi Goal Tn(S i ~ Suj) Nominal Next Current Propositional Reduction MI: Characterizing possible next states ¯ MR: Characterizing possible 249 commands Statistically Optimal Configuration Management Statistical ModeIdentification ¯ p(vj.] oi) = P(Oi]vj) p(v/) / oc p(oi I 5) P( rJ) Bayes Rule ¯ p(oil ~) is approximated from the model - p(oil "9) = if 5 (ai-1) entailsoi if rj. (ai_l)is inconsistent withio - P(OiI rj.) = - P(Oil ~j.) = otherwise Optimal ModeReconfiguration t~i = argminc( pi ’) s.t. i ’ in Mi OPSAT: RISC-like Best-first, Deductive Core Test Best-first Agenda Optimal feasible solutions Checked n; Incorporate conflicts ~~ Conflicts (infeasible subspaces) ~~ ¯ Conflicts and unit propagation highly focus search ¯ (< 10 states visited per test) ¯ Unit propagation dominates, TMSsignificantly 250 reduces. ITMSincremental unit propagationclose to ideal Data from 387 context switches on DS-1 theory containing 12,693 clauses 300. 250¯ 200¯ Ranges from 110% to 660% more label changes than necessary Number 150 ¯ 10050. o0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Percent extra label changes 100 110 > 110 Outline " Remote Agents and Deep Space One " Model-based Autonomy " Livingstone:Model-based Configuration Manager (with Pandu Nayak). ¯ Unifying Model-based and Reactive Programming (with Vineet Gupta). ¯ Conclusions 251 Does a Unified Representation and ParadigmExist ... at the Reactive Layer? Whats Missing from Livingstone’s language? ¯ Goal Decomposition ¯ Strong Typing ¯ MethodSelection ¯ Encapsulations ¯ Concurrency ¯ Polymorphism ¯ Preemption ¯ Inheritance... A Unified Modeling Paradigm Distributed Hardware Concurrent Automata Continuous Processes Software Qualitative Algebra & State Diagrams Hierarchical Automata Hidden Markov Models Uncertainty and Anomalies 252 The Model-based Programming Language Large-Scale Modeling Requires Good, Familiar ¯ Encapsulation Mechanisms. Supports: class Valve{ -Familiar syntax public VaiveCmd cmdln; -encapsulation private ValveFIow inflow, outflow; -polymorphism private ValveNominalModes mode; valve 0 { -strong typing when(mode=open){inflow = outflow; - multiple inheritance.. when(cmdIn=close) next mode=closed;} when(mode=closed){ inflow = outflow= 0; when(cmdIn=open) next mode=open;} } To model software MPLmust support complex imperative behaviors. DS1 Optical Navigation: Switch engine off, tum MICASon Do: - Turn to first asteroid, take picture - Turn to second asteroid, take picture - Turn to third asteroid, take picture Watching if thrusters are broken, then switch to alternate set and repeat. Computecurrent position and course correction Watchingif pictures are corrupted, then repeat sequence. 253 Execution Script Component Model AutoNav::{ TurnMicasO~)SwitchlPSStandb~’~) do when IPSsta-ndby & MICASonteen{ {TurnToTarget(1 when Turndonedo TakePicture(1)}; /* samefor targets 2 and3 */ {TurnMicasOfl~) OpticalNavigation0} } watching PictureError(~ when PictureError donext AutoNav} MICAS:: always choose { with probability 0.99 { if MICASonthen unless TurnMicasOff thennext MICASon, with probability 0.01 { next MICASfail, if MicasTakePic thennext PictureError }} Language Design Features ¯ Constraints ¯ Conditional execution ¯ Iteration ¯Preemption/defaults ¯ Nested Parallel ¯ Probability & reward Composition Reactive MPLCombinators Support Design Features ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ c constraints ¯ If c next A conditional execution ¯ Unless c next A preemption/defaults parallel composition ~ ¯ A,B / iteration ~l ¯ Always A ¯ Choose with probability probability ¯ Choose with reward and reward Generalize from TCC/HCC[Gupta, Saraswat] 254 Combinatorsof synchronouslanguages like Esterel can be derived fromRMPL: ¯ do A watching c ¯ suspend A on c reactivate on d ¯ A;B ¯ next A ¯ P ::= A[P] ¯ when c do next A ¯ when c do A ¯ If c then A EncodingRMPL using Hierarchical Probabilistic ConstraintAutomata ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Generalizefromconcurrentconstraint automata States maybe automata(compositestates). Multiplestart andcurrent states for eachautomata. Conditionsallowedon negativeinformation(not entailed). Transitionsare distributionsover next states, with rewards. Transitionsfromprimitivestates only. Constraintsassociatedwithprimitivestates only. 255 Combinators: Preemption & Conditional Execution ¯ Introduces non-monotonicity, but is stratified. ¯ Avoids causal paradoxes found in languageslike Esterel. ¯ Only combinator using negative information. ¯ Livingstone used material implication to encode: - not c or next A ¯ RBurtonuses intuitionistic interpretation, Combinators:Iteration & Parallel Composition Starts newcopy of A at each time instant. Theability to markmultiple states simultaneouslyenables a compact encoding. 256 Executing Deterministic HCA 0 = {c,d,e} Given marking: ¯ Markstart states of all newly markedcompositestates. ¯ Let theory 0 be the set of constraints of all markedstates. ¯ Find enabled transitions of markedstates. - Labeld is satisfied if d is entailed by 0 - Label’dis satisfied ifd is not entailed by 0 ¯ Take Transition RBurton: Model-directed Executive Reactive MPL x,~ Derived state Goals Plant Model Discrete Sensed values 257 Commands Probabilistic Execution: EnhancedMI Standard MI Nested Choose A B C Encodingof a partially D A CB CA D B D observable MarkovProcess Sequence Combinator: Decision Theoretic Choice Nested Choose RI/~R2R3///~ A B Encodingof a partially R4 C D observable MarkovDecision Process 258 Does a Unified ParadigmExist for Model-based Autonomy? Model-based Programming Model-based Execution oC ¯ If c next A ¯ Unless c next A .A,B ¯ Always A ¯ Choosewith probability ¯ Choosewith reward Hierarchical, Probabilistic Constraint Automata RISC-like Deductive Kernel 259