From: AAAI Technical Report SS-99-05. Compilation copyright © 1999, AAAI ( All rights reserved. On the use of Hybrid Control for LeggedLocomotion S.V. Shastri, ne S.T. Venkataraman SRI International 333 Ravenswood Avenue, Menlo Park, CA94025 e-mail: robot called HEX(SectionII). Thesecondpart utilizes the experimentalresults anddevelopsa hybrid control architecturefor leggedlocomotion (SectionIV). Thehybrid control problemconsideredasa result is uniquein that it considers switching betweenreference modelsin a model referencecontrol architecture.Thethird part describesongoinganalytical workin the use of hybridcontrol for leggedlocomotion. Abstract In this paper, wedevelopa hybrid control approachfor legged locomotion. Wemotivate the developmentof the control architecture using the results of a series of walking, running and obstacle climbing experiments conductedusing a six legged robot called HEX.Our initial simulationresults indicate the potential stability of the control approach,and our future analytical work should provide the formal proof of these results. I. Introduction It is well known that leggedlocomotion involves the use of prototypical movements whereinthe phase,frequencyandamplitudeof individual leg motionsare related to oneanotherin specific ways.In the literature, suchmovements are referredto asgaits. It is alsowell known that the neuralcircuitry in mostbiological systems contain programs for multiple gaits. Typically, animals appearto select andswitch between gaits dependingon a rangeof factors such as body speed,unknown terrain geometryandvariations in terrain physics. Froma phenomenological point of view, this maybe viewedas an example of a control systemthat attemptsto maximizesystem performance and robustnessin the presenceof large disturbances(and possibly modeluncertainties) by possiblyswitchingbetween control laws. As suchtherefore, leggedlocomotioncould well serveas a problemareafor the studyof hybrid control. This papermaybe consideredas a first step in our formal studyof the useof hybridcontrol techniquesfor leggedlocomotion.It maybe viewedas a logical next step after our gait modeling work[Shastri 1997]. Werestrict our attention to hexapedal locomotionin this paper.Thepaperis dividedinto threeparts. In the first, wedescribeopenloopgait control experimentsperformedusing a hexaped 170 II. ExperimentalResults Figure 1: HEX, The LeggedRobot Figure 2: Implementation Setup Table 1: Walking, Runningand Climbing Experimental Results Gait Terrain Speed %Success Both Level Range 100 Both > 1" Single Step Fixed 0 Both < 1" Single Step Fixed 100 Tripod < 1" DoubleStep Fixed 25 Wilson < 1" DoubleStep Fixed 40 Tripod < 1" Triple Step Fixed 5 Wilson < 1" Triple Step Fixed 20 Aspart of this ongoingeffort, a leggedrobot has beenbuilt for experimental work(Figure1). It has six legs, eachwith four-degrees-of-freedom. Threeof theseare at the hip, andoneat the knee. Twoof the three degrees-of-freedom at the hip is actuatedusinga differential geararrangement. All the joints are drivenby Futabaservomotors, which are commanded with position commands. Eachservohas an internal PIDposition control loop in hardware at a samplea rate of about2.5 KHz.There is a contact sensormountedon each foot of the robot. Therobot is about50 cmslong, 30 cmswideand15 cmstall. Therobot is controlled by a data acquisition card mounted on the backplaneof a PC.All control programsare developedin C Programming Language,cross compiledto the native assemblylanguageof the processoron the data acquisition card andused for commanding the Futabaservos. Results from the numerous runs on level groundas well as climbing over obstaclesmaybe summarized as shownin Table 1. Theseexperimentsconsist of walkingand runing experiments usingboth the Wilsongait andthe tripod gait, and climbing over unknown obstacles. Theimplementation architectureutilized for the purpose (describedin Figure2) generatesnominalleg motionsusing the gait modelssuggestedin our earlier work, andperformsPIDtype servocontrol at the joints. Testson level groundwereperformed usinga tripod gait over a rangeof bodyspeeds, starting from about1 bodylength per minuteto about30 bodylengthsper minute. Tests with the Wilsongait wereperformedbetween1 and 8 171 bodylengths per minute. Obstacleswereconfiguredin the formof a single, doubleor triple step anda fixed climbing speedof about4 body lengthsper minutewasutilized. All the tests on level groundwerecompletelysuccessful,implying that the locomotion wasstable, withoutsignificant slippage betweenthe legs andthe ground (despitethe absence of anyfoot force sensors). Foranyof the stepconfigurations,if the step heightwas> 1 ", the legs couldnot clear pastthe obstacle. This is indicatedby the 0%successin Table1. For single step obstacleswhenthe step height was< 1 ", the robot wasalwayssuccessful, independentof the approachangle. For the two andthree step configurations,the successrate dependedvery muchon the approachangle. When the robot tried to climb the obstaclewith e = 0, the motorssaturatedmoreoften (input saturation) than otherwise.Asa result, successrates werequite low (as indicatedin Table1). When the approachangleswerevery large (e > 50°), input saturation appeared to lower the successrate as well. Whilea uniformdegradationin performance wasseenas the obstaclesgot worse,experimentswith the Wilsongait appearedto havebetter resultsthanwith tripod gait. Notethat in all of the experimentsthe robot wasable to maintain stability (e.g., did notfall or flip over),butthis may be largely dueto sufficient number of legs supporting the bodyat all times. Similar experiments with biped or quadruped robots cannotbe expected to yield suchstability properties. III. Discussion mentingthe twogaits. Asfar as tripod gait is conIn all of the climbingexperiments, input saturation cerned,with a duty factor of 0.5, the frequencyof oscillation is roughlythat of theforcingsignal.In occursdueto, (i) an increasein the magnitude the caseof Wilsongait, however,the needto controlsignalsrequiredfor climbing,and(ii) decrease in the coefficient of friction between legs maintaina dutyfactor of 1/6 results in higherharandthe grounddueto changein terrain in geom- monics.Thepowerspectraof a typical Wilson-like tery. Theformeris relatedto the fact that climbing responsewhenforced with a 1Hzharmonicsignal was shownto be spread out betweenOHzand requires overcoming larger potential energy,and 22Hz(with mostof powerresiding in frequencies maybe whythere is a slight improvement in perunderlOHz)in our earlier work.Asa result, gait formancewhenemployingthe Wilsongait (greater signals wouldhaveto be generatedat atleast numberof legs on the groundin generalimplies about 45x the leg movement frequencydesired. larger total bodyforcesfor a givenleg-ground This is likely to posea tremendous computational force value). Thedecrease in friction coefficient overhead, and as a result is not likely to be the results from prematurecontact betweenground preferred gait at higher speeds. As a result, andthe heel of a foot. For example,as shownin depending on the operatingconditions, the preFigure3, a stepobstacleresults in reductionof ferred gait mightvary between tripod andthe Wilthe friction areafromthat of thefootprint, to a line sonas a result of athe tradeoff by, anda that is as long as the widthof the foot. Suchconlocomotion architecturethat hasthe ability to tact effects occurdueto the absence of detailed switch between gait modelsand tune their paramknowledge aboutterrain geometry(and the resulteters on line wouldbe vital to achievinguniform ing inability to shape gait trajectoriesto fit thetersystemperformanceover a range of speedsand rain), combined with our assumption about terrain conditions.Ourworkin hybridcontrol is treating changes in terrain geometry as an extermotivatedprecisely by this observation.Wehave nal disturbance.Onewayto overcome this probalready developed a hybrid control architecture lemis to placeforce sensorson the feet of the for locomotion, and havestarted to test the potenrobot, andtreat gait trajectories as compliant tial of hybridcontrol techniques for leggedrobots. motiontrajectories. Analternate waymightbe to In the following sections, we report the state of integrate inclinometersandrate gyroson to the this work in progress. bodyof the robot, andusethis informationfor modifyinggait trajectories. A third, andperhaps the mostcomputationallyatractive method is to drive the legs usingcompliantactuators(e.g., artificial muscles),andusetheir passivecompliance to re-orient the legs andimprovecontactfriction. Thelast approach is evidencedin manybiological systems,andis arguedas the basis for passive stabilization of the bodyas well. Weare currently investigatingthe useof Electrostrictive Polymer Artificial Muscles (EPAMs) for this purpose. It is alsoclear fromdiscussions in the previoussectionthat the Wilsongait tendsto outperformthe tripod gait, andas a result shouldbe the preferredchoicein variousinsects. Evidencefrom biology, on the other hand,appears to indicate the Figure 3: Premature Leg-GroundContact useof Wilsongait only in stick insects, andcertain arthropodsduringvery slowwalking.In this paper,wearguethat the reasonfor this mightlie in the computational complexityinvolvedin imple- 172 IV, A HybridControl Architecture for Legged Locomotion Discussionsin the preceedingsection demonstrate that leggedlocomotioninvolvesthe use of multiple gaits. It is also reasonable to assume that thesegaits wouldneedto tunedon line to match the geometricandphysicalcharacteristicsof terrain. In the experiments conducted thus far, we havegeneratedthe desiredmotionof various legs usinggait models,discretizedtheminto position setpoints andperformedPIDcontrol of actuators for realizing the desiredmotionon variouslegs. Despitethe simplicity of suchan approach,its applicability to situations wheregait modelsmay be switchedandtunedon line maybe quite limited. In this section, wediscussthis issuein some detail, andpresenta control architecturefor leggedlocomotionthat has the ability to accomodategait switchingandgait tuning. Figure 4: A Control Architecture for Legged Locomotion In systemstheory, control objectivesare statedtypically usingcertain typesof error functions. Some of theserelate to howclosely various states (outputs) of a dynamicalsystemmay maintainedaroundprescribedquantities. Specificationof the latter couldoccurin oneof threedistinct ways:referencesetpoints, reference trajectories andreferencemodels.Theinitial experimentshas consideredsetpoint control due 173 to its inherentsimplicity in design.Onthe other hand,it is well knownthat this approach maybe too limiting a framework for specifying complex robot behaviors.Reference trajectory following schemes allow specification of complicated maneuvers and is in fact mostcommonly usedin robotics.Modificationof gait trajectorieson line mightresult in a change in the orderof reference trajectories andmustbe dealt with in the information specifiedof a controller. Suchan eventuality maybe accountedfor by consideringthe highest orderof the trajectories generated by all gait models (with sometuning schemes).A reference modelapproach wouldalso havethe ability to capturecomplex robot behaviors.In addition, it wouldpermitthe investigationof control designfor classesof tuning laws, andclassesof gait model switchinglaws. In viewof this, weproposethe use of a modelreferencecontrol approachfor locomotion andsuggestthe architecturein Figure4 for the control of locomotion. In sucha setting, gait control wouldinvolve the designof a modelreferencecontroller. In the eventthat the plant has modeluncertainties,gait control wouldinvolve the designof modelreferenceadaptivecontrol with appropriateadaptationlaws. Gait tuning wouldbe implementedthrough changesmadeto the parameters of gait models,andgait switching wouldoccuras a result of switchingbetween referencemodelson line. Further, realization of a gait wouldinvolve the demonstration of the existenceof a modelreferencecontroller. Stablegait tuninglawsfor whichcontroller exist wouldbe permissibleandrules that guarantee stability of the overall systemduring transitions wouldbe consideredthe allowableswitchingbetween gaits. IV.1. Initial SimulationResults Assuming that the use of compliantactuators passivelystabilizes the contactbetweenlegs and the ground,the problemof controlling leg motions maybe representedin a mannersimilar to multifingered handcontrol problemdescribedin [Li andSastry 1989]. As far as leg movements are concerned, the plant modelfor eachleg is givenby: = f(x) + g(x)u + ,I(x)F then extendresults to the class of nonlinearsystemswith analytic vectorfields. Wewill present theseresults to date, andmotivatethe conditions positionsandvelocities), u ~ R,, is the joint underwhichthe overall dynamicalsystem remainsstable duringswitching.In addition, the torquevector, F ~ RI’ is the foot to ground applicability of switchingrules suchas cyclic forces, andfand g are smoothfunctions. For switching andrandomswitching will be explored HEX,n = 8, m= 4, andp = 3. It is quite well known for locomotionover ruggedterrain. that the dynamicmodeldescribedabovemaybe re-qritten in the form VI. Acknowledgements Theworkdescribedin this paperis supportedin 2 = P lf(x) + P2g(x) u + J(x)F part through the NSFGrant IRI-9530915and through an ONRGrant (SRI project 1686). The wherePl andP2are vectorsof fixed value authorwouldlike to thankJohnKoofor his help in parameters that are related to link masses and the controls analysiswork. link lengths. To studythe performance of the multiple modelreferencecontrol problem,we VII. References simplify the modeldescribedabovewith the [Kanellakopoulos 1991]Kanellakopoulos, I., assumption that the legs are in free motion(i.e., Kokotovic, P.V., Morse, A.S., "’Systematic Design of = 0). Considerthe simplified plant modelwith AdaptiveControllersfor Feedback Linearizable scalar parameters a andb. Let the true valuesof Systems", IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control,vol. = these parameters(which are unknown)be Pl 36, 1991,pp. 1241-1253. 0.25andP2= 1.0. Let the control objectivesbe to track the referencetrajectory xd generated by [Li andSastry1989]Li, X., Sastry,S.S.,"’A Unified cyclically switchingbetween two reference Approach for the Controlof Multifingered Robot modelsR1 and R 2. Hands,"Contemporary Mathematics, 97:217-239, In the actual simulation,both reference 1989. modelsare forced vander Pol oscillators with different parameters (andhencedifferent limit [Narendra1989][Narendra1989]Narendra,K.S., cycles). Control designandcontrol parameter Annaswamy, A.M., StableAdaptiveSystems, Prentice updatelaws werederivedfor the casewhenall of Hall, 1989. the states werefully accessible.Controldesigns wereperformedusing the designprinciples [Seto 1994]Seto,D., Annaswamy, A., Baillieul, J., providedin [Narendra1989]and[Seto 1994], "Adaptivecontrol of nonlinearsystemswith trian[Kanellakopoulos 1991]. FromFigure5, it is gular structure," IEEETransactionsof Automatic evidentthat the controller is ableto quicklyadapt Control, 1994. as the referencemodelsswitch. Thereis, however,sometransient error every time a switch [Shastri 1997]Shastri, S.V., "A biologically consisoccurs. Figure4(a) showsthe modelfollowing tent modelof leggedlocomotiongaits," Biological performance,while Figure 4(b) showsthe Cybernetics,1997. tracking errors. Figures4(c) and4(d) show parameterlearning performance. wherex ~ Rn is the state of the system(joint V. Ongoing Systems Theory Research Weare currently derivingformally results related to proof of stability for systems that are placed undermultiple modelreferencecontrol. Ouranalytical workconsiderslinear systems first, and 174 I "~’/ I- 0 [ ~"2 L 200 600 800 1000 1200 I I J I I I I~ ’, 400 600 800 1000 I I I I I ’’-~" % 400 200 I 200 I 400 600 I 800 1000 1400 I I I 1600 1400 I I 1400 1600 Figure 5: AdaptiveMultiple ModelReferenceControl Simulations 175 1800 I 1200 1200 1600 /J J 1800