From: AAAI Technical Report SS-99-04. Compilation copyright © 1999, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Integrated Diagnosis for Future Mobile Systems Technology Overview and Concepts Dr.-Ing. B. Baker,Dipl.-Ing. Th. Forchert DaimlerChrysler AG Researchand Technology,FI’2/EK D - 70546Stuttgart, Germany Abstract This paper describes newhardwareand software diagnosis conceptsfor OnBoard use in mobilevehicles. Followinga review of existing diagnostic methodologies,we discuss approachesto the developmentof next generation modelbased diagnosis tool environmentswhich1) automatethe productionof diagnosis modelsfromdesign models,and 2) can improvethe diagnostic modelingprocess flow from design through to in-field service and maintenance. Examples of a model-based reasoning approach to mechanical(powertrain)and electronic (electrical vehicle network)component diagnostics will be shown. workshops with PC-based diagnosis and centralized database access; - Design and implementation of new AI diagnosis algorithms (see figure 4-7), including model-based diagnosis strategies, enhanced process chain integration - from the creation of diagnosis data to the development of diagnosis systems, the use of overriding software concepts, and the definition of interfaces for decentralized diagnosis modeling; Introduction Global car and truck manufacturers are substituting increasing numbers of microprocessor-controlled mechatronic systems and components for purely mechanical devices in an effort to achieve improved control and performance at reduced cost [B~ik962]. This trend requires the adoption of new integrated-vehicle and component-specific design and diagnostic modeling methodsthat scale well with increases in the structural, functional and configuration complexity of mechatronic command/control systems (e.g. powertrains, suspension systems, and "X-by-wire" systems), and of new in-vehicle high speed data/control networks. At the organization level, product design, manufacturing and diagnostics service teams need new approaches to collaboration, communications and learning which support common knowledge representations and concurrent planning, engineering and test across the full vehicle life cycle (see figure 1: introduction slide). The shift to an OnBoardnetwork infrastructure (see figure 3), comprising field bus lacing [Bak973] of control systems and internal networks, new diagnosis-suitable Smart Power sensor technology elements, and the use of powerful micro processors; Optimization of the diagnostic modeling process chain (see figure 8-9), including automation of the diagnosis data generation process, the diagnosis algorithm and the needed structure data to diagnose components and functions, development of modified software tools environments by vehicle suppliers and manufacturers, improved data handling, and the use and cataloging of mechatronic data models; Requirementsto integrate new system functions with product value creation (see figure 11), such as new safety- and driver assistance-functions, and remote diagnosis- and maintenance-functions[B~ik981]. These system limitations strongly motivate the ¯ development of integrated, system-wide approaches to vehicle OnBoardand OffBoard diagnosis. Motivation Goals and Benefits Efficient diagnosis of mobile vehicle systems faces substantial constraints in the future: The use of a special OffBoardservice infrastructure (see figure 2) whichintegrates links to global service and customer assistance networks and centers, requirementsfor availability, and the installation of The fundamental goals and advantages of a system wide vehicle diagnosis are: - Control of networkedelectric/electronic vehicle. units in the Enhanceddiagnosability of system components. Improvedpassenger safety and vehicle availability (up-time). Mathematics and Physics Background The core integrated OnBoard diagnosis systems (see figure 4) utilize complex diagnosis algorithms based on new artificial intelligence (AI) processes under development. These algorithms require knowledge of the underlying technical system structure (e.g.dependencies between the internal system values and the system functions). In principal, qualitative and quantitative diagnosis strategies will be employed(see figure 5-7) these procedures portray different attributes and views of the target system, makingtheir application conditional on the unit which is monitored. Automated Data Generation for Component-Specific Diagnosis Model Fragments The development of new diagnosis procedures also has a large impact on the software tool environment employed during system design through to production (see figure 89). Complexelectronic structures are today diagnosable only manually. Consequently powerful strategies are necessary to generate automatically parts of the needed diagnosis routines from the available design data. System Diagnosis - Outlook An demonstration implementation of a ,,System Diagnosis" illustrates the possibility of future diagnosis solutions [For981] for mobile vehicles (see figure 10). With the help of product-integrated diagnostic processes, internal electric/electronic infrastructure and functioncomponent hierarchy information can be employed as a basis for the generation of modelsfor localize faults and fault type, failure causes, and functions which interfere with user operation. A subsequent degree of severity further enables the specification of the procedure instructions. As the number of mechatronic system components in the vehicles of the future continually increases, newdiagnosis concepts and technologies of maintenance and surveillance of these units will be important as well (see figure 11-12). These mechatronic units include passenger compartment and other interior electric/electronic components, Powertrain electromechanicai components, "X-by-wire" technology for brake-, control- and damping systems, and new forms of telecommunication systems. Conclusions The application of Onboard model-based diagnosis systems in future mobile systems demonstrates numerous advantages over conventional diagnostic approaches. In addition to optimizing the process chain with an integrated tool environment, improvements can also be achieved in the specification of fault information and diagnosis deep models [B~ik982]. Together with new forms of diagnostic infrastructure in customer service and Offboard vehicle services, customer acceptance and the vehicle availability can be improved. References Book with Multiple Authors [B~ik973] B~iker, B.; Varchmin,J.-U.: "Simulation intelligenter Kfz-Bordnetze mit CAN-Feldbusanbindung und Leistungshalbleitern mit integrierter Sensorfunktion", in 4 u" SICAN Autumn Conference, Proceedings ISBN 3-9805472-2-X, SICAN GmbH Hannover, Hannover - Germany 1997. Proceedings Paper Published by a Society [B~tk962] B~iker, B.; Rech B.; Linder W.; Varchmin, J.U.: "Electrical Controlled Generator Drive with an ERFluid Clutch", 5" International Conference on New Actuators, Proceedings Actuator 1996, Bremen Germany 1996. [For981 ] Forchert, Th.: "Onboard Diagnostic Systems for Powertrain Management", European Conference on Vehicle Electronic Systems, Proceedings, Coventry United Kingdom1998. University Presentations [B~ik982] Baker, B.; Forchert, Th.: " Vehicle Diagnosis - Concepts and Tool Environment - Maintenance and Diagnosis Systems for Mechatronic Components in Vehicles", Center for Design Research (CDR), Dept. Mechanical Engineering, Stanford Univ. 1998. Dissertation or Thesis [B~k981] B~ker, B.: "Energie- und Informationsmanagementfiir zukiinftige Kfz-Bordnetze", Technical University of Braunschweig, Dissertation 1998, Publisher Verlag Mainz, ISBN 3-89653-241-3, Aachen Germany 1998. [Mau97] Mauss, J.: "Analyse kompositionaler Modelle durch Serien-Parallel-Stern Aggregation", University of Hamburg, AI Dissertation 1997, Publisher Hundt GmbH K~ln, ISBN 3-89601-183-9, Hamburg- Germany 1997. Research and Technology i gnosisfor FutureMe DAIMLERCHRYSLER Figure1: IntroductionSlide. 1. Introduction 1,1. Overview Diagnostics / Motivation ResearchandTechnology l Headqueters Workehop Vehicle Onboard Dlegnostios Assistan~ Vehicle DAIMLERCHRYSLER Figure 2: Diagnostics 3 / Overview. 1. Introduction / Motivation Researchand Technology,,,m,, 1.2. Motivation SystemDiagnosis f Goalsfor Onboard Diag -~ trol a ~plex ~tem = ¯ Onboard diagnosis adaptability of the variantsandconfiguration diversity , exactfault information ¯ avoidance of secondary faults ¯ detailedinformation of suspected component(s) fault ECUs Detailed information about: faulty(user-)functions ¯ degree of importance ¯ actionstobe aken intsrconnection DAIMLERCHRYSLER ¯ O*~ml*rC, hryd*rAa ||ker ~iNSt*~o~i#pl l$.lLtt hh4 Figure 3: Motivation / Goals of a System Diagnosis. 1. Introduction I Motivation ResearchandTechnology / 1.3. DiagnosisProcedure m,.m. DAIMLERCHRYSLER Figure 4: Description i) O|lmlerC, krfderAG Biker ,t/dLIN St|~4m’d,ppt 1|i|,|l Stiles of the Diagnosis Procedure. 4 2. Overview selected diagnosis methods(I) Research and Technology Prof. Isermann Technical University of Darmstadt FDI (Fault Detection and Isolation) L H(s) A.s2+B.s+C D.s2 + E.s+ F adaptive controlidentification diagnosisdata + compac + dynamicprocessdescription possible o optimizationof the processchain - no multi-fault detection - I ]ICPU necessary + dynamicprocessdescription possible - complexalgorithms used - no completeprocesschain - no multi-fault detection i DAIMLERCHRYSLER Figure 5: Description of Selected Diagnosis MethodsI. 2. Overviewselected diagnosis methods(11) Research and Technology mamma M odel-based Diagnosis (qualitative) -Dr. Struss, Munich M odel-based Diagnosis (quantitative) with rodon-Tool ~ 4~ developmentdata l mathematical, physical systemdescription diagnosis-checklists L ............................ ................................................... diagnosis-data (qualitative database) ¯ CAN j ......... i .......................... .o.n..b.9.a..rd. ....................... Jp o dynamic processdescriptionpossible + function-andcomponent-hierarchy + multi-faults detection + severityof faults + structureinformationof sourcesystem o optimizationof the processchain i DAIMLERCHRYSLER o severityof faults - no dynamicprocessdescription possible + optimizationof the processchain o structure information of the sourcesystem - fault-simulation necessary - no multi-fault detection eO=~mn+rcm, smlir~ elk+rM~ll.m,~d++4~ lS.~z.IIIII,T Figure 6: Description of Selected Diagnosis MethodsII. 5 2. Overview selecteddiagnosismethods (111) Research and Technology l DaimlerChrysler MDS DaimlerChrysler Model-based System Diagnosis designof functions and components CAD-structure data -~* /_ B,, input configuration and----* componentinformations ................................................... output FR-Dx _n_ru-L test ~scision " ~ Onboard .... diagnosisinformation:- fault component - badfunction - smallestswapable unit - fault classification symptoms faults ~ i ......... tree + modeldesignprocesssupportedwith iibraries + optimizationof the processchain o non complexmain algorithm + suggestionof test measurement locations + generationof decision trees + no fault simulation necessary o dynamic process description possible + function end componenthierarchy + multi fault detection + severity of faults + structure information of the source system + optimization of the process chain m DAIMLERCHRYSLER Figure7: Descriptionof Selected DiagnosisMethods III. 3. Process Chain Research and Technology 3.1. Automated Diagnosis DataGeneration construction layer ¯ math., phys.layer ~M1 ~ PMechl ¯ .............. ................. !i I!~_~ : eMech2 fct. ~ graph c M1 M2 CO l "M l = co2 "M 2 O)1 I¯ M :o °,trx Io,1; M2--- (FM-Tensor) 0) 2 mechanical clutch (schematics CAD-data) modelinglayer diagnosis information after thresholdcalculation(example): 400nm< M2 < 560nm &&n <3.500U/rain =>M2o.k. I t m DAIMLERCHRYSLER Figure8: Automated DiagnosisData GenerationProcess. 6 3. ProcessChain Researchand Technology nmmim 3.2. ProcessChainDevelopment corn ponent-diagnosis autocode generato~ functional description (e.g. underMatrixXor Matlab/Sireulink) ’~ px~ *,C netlist tool lid dimensiondata i sourcecode DAIMLERCHRYSLER data of the systemstructure limits for threshold algorithms q)O|lmh~’Ckrfnllr Aamll~AAAIII IIt~od,ppl i1,1|.#hh! Figure 9: Process Chain Development. 4. OverviewSystemDiagnosis Research and Technology u Diagnosis Workshop Driver DAIMLERCHRYSLER ¯ Dimba~..k.’yd,e AG Nker AAAII4P IlmloN,ppt I|,q|Jll ~llllO Figure 10: OverviewSystemDiagnosis. 7 5. Summary Research andTechnology m,,,,,,, 5.1. Outlook electric I electronic-components engineI powertrain @ Newbrake I steering / suspensionsystems i interior / telematicsI new-comm unications DAIMLERCHRYSLER Figure 11: Summary / Outlook. 5. Summary 5.2. Overview DiagnosticTechnologies Researchand TechnologyHi,,, Diagnostic Technologies DAIMLERCHRYSLER Figure 12: OverviewDiagnostic Technologies.