The Fine Structure of Variance: Consistent Pricing of VIX Derivatives Nicole Branger∗ Clemens Völkert‡ This version: August 22, 2012 Abstract This paper provides a tractable framework for consistently modeling and pricing the two most actively traded options on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), namely SPX and VIX options. We derive the dynamics of the CBOE volatility index and give semi-closed form solutions for derivatives on it in a general affine jump-diffusion setup. We compare the implications of several special cases of the general model with the major empirically observed properties of VIX derivatives and the time-series behavior of the VIX. We show that commonly used affine jump-diffusion models cannot reproduce the basic patterns observed in the data. The fine structure of the variance process is essential to reconcile the empirical regularities with the theoretical models. We find that both variance jumps and a stochastic volatility of variance seem to be important factors in this respect. Keywords: Jump-diffusion model, volatility derivatives, VIX options JEL: G13 ∗ Finance Center Münster, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Universitätsstr. 14-16, 48143 Münster, Germany. E-mail: ‡ Finance Center Münster, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Universitätsstr. 14-16, 48143 Münster, Germany. E-mail: We thank seminar participants at the university of Münster and participants of the Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research, 2012 for helpful comments and suggestions. 1 Introduction One important source of information about market participants’ perception of aggregate stock market uncertainty is the volatility implied in equity index option prices. Starting in 1993, the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) published its volatility index. The VIX expresses the market expectations of the 30-day volatility implied in equity index options. Initially, this volatility index was based on S&P 100 at-the-money (ATM) put and call option prices. Implied volatilities were calculated by inverting the prominent Black and Scholes (1973) option pricing model. In 2003, the CBOE switched to a model-free calculation method which uses the entire strike price range of S&P 500 (SPX) options. A major reason for the revision of the VIX was to create a suitable underlying for tradable volatility products. Volatility derivatives were proposed almost 20 years ago by Whaley (1993).1 Before exchange traded volatility derivatives were introduced, the most direct way for investors to trade volatility were over-the-counter variance and volatility swaps. VIX futures were listed at the CBOE Futures Exchange (CFE) in 2004, VIX options started trading at the CBOE two years later. Using these volatility derivatives, investors can easily implement long or short positions in volatility. The volume and open interest of both VIX futures and options have increased rapidly since their introduction. By now, VIX options are the second most actively traded contract at the CBOE. The most liquid options are written on the S&P 500. There is a close connection between these two contracts, as the underlying of VIX options essentially represents a portfolio of SPX options. The tight link between the VIX and the underlying S&P 500 return dynamics requires a consistent modeling and pricing of VIX derivatives. In contrast to the model-free replication of the VIX itself, the valuation of VIX derivatives is modeldependent. We consider models from the affine class of Duffie et al. (2000). These 1 A survey of the literature is given in Carr and Lee (2009). 1 models have been found to capture important stylized facts of returns and equity index option prices. We show that typically used jump-diffusion models have problems in explaining the major characteristics of VIX related derivatives while being consistent with the underlying return dynamics. We take a closer look at the fine structure of the variance process and evaluate several extensions of the commonly employed square-root variance dynamics. Concerning the modeling perspective of the underlying volatility process, there are at least two approaches. Among others Grünbichler and Longstaff (1996), Detemple and Osakwe (2000), and Mencia and Sentana (2012) directly model the dynamics of the volatility index, effectively decoupling it from the underlying return process. The main advantage of this approach is tractability, since closed-form solutions are often available. However, the return dynamics and the VIX are related. While SPX options are written on the S&P 500 index, a portfolio of SPX options resembles the VIX. Directly modeling the dynamics of the VIX does not guarantee that the portfolio of SPX options replicates the volatility index. A consistent modeling of VIX related derivatives with the underlying S&P 500 return dynamics introduces an additional layer of complexity. The volatility index needs to be derived from the assumed return dynamics. Afterwards, this quantity can be used as underlying for derivatives. From a theoretical perspective, this modeling approach is superior since inconsistencies in the pricing of related financial instruments can be avoided.2 Among others, Lin and Chang (2009, 2010) and Sepp (2008b,a) adopt this approach. They use commonly employed affine option pricing models with return and variance jumps. The general affine jump-diffusion framework we use nests these models. Due to its tractability and flexibility, the affine jumpdiffusion setup of Duffie et al. (2000) has been widely used in derivatives pricing.3 2 Another modeling approach is pursued by Bergomi (2008) and Cont and Kokholm (2012). They model the joint dynamics of forward variance swap rates and the underlying return process. 3 There is a vast literature on affine option pricing models. Important contributions include Heston (1993), Bakshi et al. (1997), Bates (2000), Pan (2002), and Eraker (2004). 2 It also offers a suitable framework to analyze volatility related derivatives. However, volatility derivatives have a nonlinear payoff function and the transform analysis of Duffie et al. (2000) does not apply directly. To obtain semi-closed form solutions for volatility related derivatives, we rely on the methodology in Lewis (2000, 2001) and Chen and Joslin (2012). We consider several special cases of the general model and show which features are necessary to reconcile the patterns observed in the data. Preceding the analysis of the theoretical models, we give a detailed treatment of the empirically observed properties the models ought to match. Concerning the time-series behavior of volatility, some well-known characteristics are upward jumps, heteroscedasticity, and mean-reversion. Using VIX options, we are able to go one step further and infer information beyond what is available from the stock market and the time-series of the VIX, i.e. we can extract information from the tails of the volatility distribution. We compute the risk-neutral distribution and analyze the option-implied moments. VIX options have the following characteristics: 1. the implied volatility smile is upward sloping, 2. implied volatilities are higher and the slope is more pronounced for shorter times to maturity, and 3. there is considerable time-variation in VIX option smiles. The upward sloping implied volatility smile indicates that when stock prices fall, both the volatility and the volatility of volatility increase. We find that the time-series behavior of the VIX and the empirically observed patterns in the VIX option market can be explained by a combination of variance jumps and a stochastic volatility of variance. Variance jumps primarily induce right skewness and are most important for shorter times to maturity, while a stochastic volatility of variance generates excess kurtosis and also has a strong impact on longer times to maturity. In addition, this factor produces the necessary amount of heteroscedasticity found in the first differences of the VIX. The weak performance of the standard square-root variance specification in pricing VIX options shows that it is questionable to apply standard equity index option pricing models to volatility derivatives. 3 The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we provide some background information about the VIX. We discuss derivatives on the VIX and describe basic characteristics of the implied volatility smile and the option-implied distribution in Section 3. Afterwards, we introduce the model setup. In Section 5, we present the empirical results. Section 6 concludes. 2 The VIX and the Connection to Variance Swaps In September 2003, the CBOE revised its volatility index. The new calculation methodology makes it feasible to replicate the VIX based on a portfolio of SPX options. The CBOE calculates the VIX in the following way v u 2 u 2 X ∆Ki 1 Ft (T ) rτ t VIXt = 100 e Ot (Ki , T ) − −1 , τ i Ki2 τ K0 (1) where Ft is the S&P 500 forward index level derived from SPX index option prices, r is the risk-free interest rate, Ki is the strike price of the i-th SPX option, ∆Ki = Ki+1 −Ki−1 2 is the interval between strike prices, Ot denotes the mid price of the out- of-the-money (OTM) SPX option, and K0 is the first strike price below the S&P 500 forward index level. The time to maturity τ = T − t is set to one month.4 The expression under the square-root in Equation (1) is a discretized version of the fair value of variance of Demeterfi et al. (1999), or equivalently, the model-free implied variance of Britten-Jones and Neuberger (2000) and Jiang and Tian (2005). Essentially, it resembles the 30-day variance swap rate. Variance swaps were the first volatility derivatives introduced at the market. The payoff of a long position in a variance swap is equal to the difference between the sum of squared daily log price changes over the life of the contract and the variance swap rate, multiplied by 4 For a detailed description about the construction of the CBOE volatility index see Jiang and Tian (2007), CBOE (2009), and Whaley (2009). 4 the notional amount of the swap. By definition, the variance swap rate is set such that the contract has zero market value at initiation. Thus, the variance swap rate is the risk-neutral expectation of the realized variance, i.e. the price of the realized variance. We use a continuous time framework to model the stock price and the variance dynamics and consequently replace the sum of squared log price changes (with daily sampling) by the quadratic variation (with continuous sampling) and set the floating leg of the swap equal to the latter. The variance swap rate is 1 V St (T ) = EQ τ t Z t+τ 2 (d ln Ss ) t 2 = erτ τ Z ∞ 0 Ot (K, T ) dK + ε, K2 (2) where S is the stock price. The first summand in Equation (2) is the expression for the model-free implied variance, i.e. for a 30-day contract the squared VIX. ε denotes the approximation error due to price jumps.5 The time-series behavior of the VIX from 1990 to 2011 is displayed in Figure 1, with the associated descriptive statistics given in Table 1.6 The mean level of the VIX over the sample period is about 20, with a historical high of 80.86 on November 20th, 2008. The volatility of the index is high and the unconditional distribution is rightskewed and leptokurtic. We observe frequent spikes in the level of the VIX during periods of market stress. When markets recover, volatility gradually reverts back to its mean level. The mean-reversion property can also be seen from the negative autocorrelation of the first differences in Table 1. Looking at the VIX first differences, we observe significant departures from normality. Especially the volatility clustering in the first differences of the VIX is notable. The heteroscedasticity is confirmed by the quantile-quantile plot and the scatter plot in Figure 2. The strong positive relation between the VIX and the absolute value of its first differences indicates that the VIX is far more volatile when it reaches high levels. 5 The approximation error is given in Jiang and Tian (2005) and Carr and Wu (2009). They find that it is negligible for stock market indices in commonly employed option pricing models. 6 See also Dotsis et al. (2007) and Whaley (2009). 5 Furthermore, it is well-known that changes in the VIX have a negative correlation with the returns on the S&P 500 index. In turbulent times, when stock prices decline, the demand for equity index (put) options rises sharply. This increases the premium necessary to compensate protection sellers. Thus, we observe higher implied volatilities at the market. Investors who want to protect or diversify their portfolios can exploit this inverse relationship to hedge downward movements in stock prices and increases in volatility using VIX derivatives. 3 Derivatives on the VIX VIX futures and options are contracts on the forward 30-day implied volatility of SPX options. The underlying of VIX derivatives is thus not the spot VIX but the expected, or forward, value of the VIX at expiration. VIX futures started trading at the CBOE Futures Exchange (CFE) on March 26, 2004. European style options on the VIX followed on February 24, 2006. 3.1 Data VIX futures and options data are obtained from the CBOE’s website and Market Data Express, respectively. The sample period ranges from February 24, 2006 to December 31, 2011. The sampling frequency is daily. We apply several filters to the options data. We eliminate option quotes that do not satisfy standard no-arbitrage conditions. We also check for negative bid-ask spreads, zero bids, and filter out all options with zero open interest and those options where the implied volatility could not be computed. Options with time to maturity shorter than 7 days are discarded to reduce pricing anomalies that might occur close to expiration. Options with ma- 6 turity of more than one year are also excluded.7 We use the mid of the bid and ask prices in the following. Moneyness is defined as the strike price divided by the VIX futures price. For VIX futures, we employ daily settlement prices. Constant maturity Treasury bill yields are treated as a proxy for the risk-free discount rate. Table 2 displays information about the VIX options data. It shows implied volatilities, the number of observations, the average volume, the average open interest, and the average percentage bid-ask spread for different moneyness and maturity categories.8 3.2 Empirical properties of VIX derivatives From the contract specifications of VIX options, we know that the underlying is the forward value of the VIX at expiration. The VIX futures price converges to the spot VIX when the contract approaches expiration. Thus, VIX options can also be treated as options on VIX futures. To get a better picture of the actual underlying of VIX options, we briefly cover some properties of VIX futures.9 Historically, the volatility of VIX futures is much lower than of the VIX itself. This can be seen by comparing the time-series of the VIX in Figure 1 with the VIX futures in the upper left corner of Figure 3. Consistent with the mean-reversion property of volatility, we typically observe that the longer the time to maturity the lower the volatility of volatility. The term structure of VIX futures has experienced various shapes over the sample period: upward sloping, hump-shaped, and downward sloping.10 On average, the term structure is upward sloping. 7 Currently, there are no VIX options with maturity beyond one year. Prior to the last changes in the contract specifications, up to three near-term months and up to three additional months on the February quarterly cycle were listed. 8 The statistics for the longest maturity category are somewhat misleading. VIX options with long times to maturity were primarily traded in 2006 and 2007. This biases the associated statistics towards a time period with relatively stable economic conditions and lower levels of volatility. 9 The empirical properties of VIX futures have been studied by Zhang and Zhu (2006) and Zhang et al. (2010), among others. 10 Before the financial crisis in 2006 and 2007, when implied volatility was historically low, the term structure was upward sloping. In October 2008 the VIX exceeded several times its long term average and the VIX term structure was downward sloping. 7 The empirical properties of VIX options and especially the implied volatility smile have not been studied in great detail. In order to have a clear understanding what the theoretical models ought to match, we take a closer look at these options.11 The trading volume and open interest of VIX options increased rapidly after their introduction. There is more trading activity in VIX derivatives when the uncertainty in the market is already high. In general, VIX call options are more heavily traded compared to put options. One reason for this is that market participants use OTM VIX call options to protect their portfolios against sharp decreases in stock prices and increases in volatility. Table 2 shows that based on the average volume and the average open interest, in-the-money (ITM) options are less liquid than OTM and ATM options. The percentage bid-ask spreads for ATM and ITM options are typically below 10%. The percentage spreads can be quite wide for OTM options. In the following, we look at the implied volatility of VIX options. The implied volatility is the volatility parameter that, plugged into the Black (1976) option pricing formula, makes market and model prices agree. By computing the implied volatility using the Black (1976) model, the benchmark is that the VIX follows a lognormal distribution. Empirically, the implied volatility smile for VIX options is upward sloping. OTM call options on the VIX provide protection against high levels of uncertainty in the market and are relatively expensive, compared to ATM and ITM call options. This is the flipside of what we observe for equity index options. For these options, it is well-known that implied volatilities are usually downward sloping and sometimes there is a moderate U-shape. OTM equity index put options provide insurance against sharp declines in stock prices. Similarly, due to the inverse relationship between stock prices and volatility, OTM call options on the VIX are a “disaster” insurance on the overall equity market. The implied volatilities in Table 2 provide more detail about the cross-section and the term structure of VIX options. The average implied volatilities are calculated by equally weighting all call or put 11 See also Wang and Daigler (2011) and Mencia and Sentana (2012). 8 options in a given moneyness-maturity bucket. For each maturity category, implied volatilities are upward-sloping. For short times to expiration, there is a U-shape. For longer times to maturity, we observe lower implied volatilities and the smile flattens out. These moneyness and maturity related biases indicate that assuming lognormality might be inadequate. Using the result in Breeden and Litzenberger (1978), we can infer the implied risk-neutral distribution of the forward VIX.12 The upward sloping implied volatility function reflects positive skewness and leptokurtosis in the implied risk-neutral distribution, i.e. implied volatilities are increasing in the strike price, which results in a fat right tail of the empirical risk-neutral VIX distribution (relative to the lognormal distribution). Figure 3 shows the time-series of the implied risk-neutral moments for VIX options with a fixed time to maturity of 60 days.13 As required, the values of the implied mean and the corresponding VIX futures are about the same. The riskneutral volatility moves in lockstep with the mean volatility. Both shoot-up during the turbulent times during the recent financial crisis. In the aftermath, they gradually mean-revert to their pre-crisis levels. The risk-neutral volatility of the VIX is more erratic than the mean level. First order autocorrelations are high, exceeding 0.95 for both series. Looking at the higher moments, we observe a pronounced right skewness and excess kurtosis. When the VIX is already at high levels, skewness decreases due to mean-reversion of volatility. Skewness and kurtosis are highly correlated. After the crisis, both skewness and kurtosis increase, showing that market participants believed that large upward movements in volatility are likely (or investors became more risk-averse). The time-variation in the implied moments indicates that the shape of the implied volatility smiles considerably changed over the sample period. 12 Details are given in Appendix A. We focus on the 60-day series to maximize liquidity. Results for option-implied moments with different horizons are available upon request. 13 9 Concerning the modeling of the downward sloping implied volatility smile for equity index options, researchers include jumps in the return process and stochastic volatility to capture non-normality. For plain vanilla options, both stochastic volatility and jumps can generate a volatility smile. These two effects can be disentangled because of the maturity pattern.14 For VIX options a similar result holds true. 4 Affine Models for Volatility Derivatives Stochastic volatility, jumps in prices, and jumps in volatility have been found to be important components in explaining stock market returns and equity index option prices.15 We assume that the price and the variance dynamics follow a general affine jump-diffusion process that allows for all of these components. In Sections 4.4 and 4.5 we focus on specific models. As we are mainly concerned about derivative pricing, we directly specify the models under the risk-neutral measure Q. 4.1 Return process and volatility state variables We follow Duffie et al. (2000) and assume that there are n state variables that follow affine jump-diffusion processes. We let the instantaneous variance Vt = ϑXt depend on the vector of state variables Xt , which follows dXt = µ(Xt )dt + Σ(Xt )dWtX + ZX dNtX . (3) ϑ is a selection vector, WtX is a n-dimensional Brownian motion, and NtX is a Poisson process. The drift µ(Xt ), the variance-covariance matrix Σ(Xt )Σ(Xt )0 , the 14 Bakshi et al. (1997) and Das and Sundaram (1999) find that jumps have a greater impact on short times to maturity, while stochastic volatility dominates for longer maturities. 15 See e.g. Bakshi et al. (1997), Bates (2000), Pan (2002), Eraker et al. (2003), Eraker (2004), and Broadie et al. (2007). 10 jump intensity λ(Xt ), and the risk-free discount rate r(Xt ) are affine in Xt . More specifically, for the drift we set µ(Xt ) = M + KXt , M ∈ Rn , K ∈ Rn×n and for the P variance-covariance matrix Σ(Xt )Σ(Xt )0 = h + ni=1 Hi Xt,i , h ∈ Rn×n , Hi ∈ Rn×n . Jumps have intensity λ(Xt ) = λ0 + λ1 Xt , λ0 ∈ Rn , λ1 ∈ Rn×n , and jump sizes 0 are characterized by the transform (moment generating function) %(u) = E[eZX u ], ZX ∈ Rn×n . The risk-free rate has the form r(Xt ) = r0 + r1 Xt , r0 ∈ R, r1 ∈ Rn . We assume that the log stock price also follows an affine jump-diffusion process d ln St p 1 2 = r(Xt ) − σS Vt − λS µ̄J dt + σS Vt dWtS + ZS dNtS . 2 (4) The intensity of the Poisson process NtS is affine in the state vector λS = λS0 + λS1 Xt . Jump sizes are denoted by ZS , µ̄J is the mean percentage price change due to jumps. 4.2 Model implied VIX In order to price derivatives on the VIX, we proceed in two steps. First, we derive the variance swap rate based on the assumed log price process in Equation (4). We rely on the connection between the variance swap rate and the squared VIX to obtain an exact expression for the volatility index. Afterwards, we price futures and options on the model implied VIX. According to Equation (2), the variance swap rate is the annualized expected quadratic variation of log price changes under the risk-neutral measure. Given the log price process in Equation (4), this yields Z t+τ 1 Q 2 2 V St (T ) = Et σS Vu du + ZS dNu τ t Z t+τ 2 S Q 2 S 1 2 Q σS ϑ + Et ZS λ1 Et Xu du + EQ = t Z S λ0 . τ t 11 (5) We solve for the expected integrated state vector as in Egloff et al. (2010) EQ t Z t+τ Xu du = AIV + BIV Xt , (6) t with −1 K + EQ [ZX ] λ1 M + EQ [ZX ] λ0 , −1 (K+EQ [Z ]λ1 )τ X K + EQ [ZX ] λ1 e −I , AIV = (BIV − Iτ ) BIV = where I denotes an n-dimensional identity matrix. From Equations (5) and (6), it follows that the variance swap rate is an affine function of the state variables V St (T ) = AV S + BV S Xt , (7) where 2 S 1 2 2 S Q Z AV S = EQ λ + σ ϑ + E t t ZS λ1 AIV , S 0 τ S 2 S 1 2 BV S = σS ϑ + EQ t ZS λ1 BIV . τ Setting the time to maturity of the variance swap equal to one month, the variance swap rate resembles the squared VIX. According to Equation (2), there is a small difference between the two in the presence of price jumps. We adjust for the jump Q 2 induced error by replacing EQ t [ZS ] with 2 Et [exp(ZS ) − 1 − ZS ] and thus, we repli- cate the VIX exactly.16 The variance swap rate only depends on the specification of the drift components. When looking at the term structure of variance swaps, the specification of the innovations is irrelevant. However, the variance swap rate is an 16 For conditionally normally distributed price jumps proposed by Duffie et al. (2000), i.e. ZS |ZV ∼ N µJ + ρJ ZV , σJ2 , where ZV ∼ exp(µV ) is the jump size in the instantaneous variance, this yields EQ t [exp(ZS ) − 1 − ZS ] = µ̄J − (µJ + ρJ µV ), with µ̄J = exp(µJ + 12 2 σJ 2 )/(1 − ρJ ) − 1. affine function of the state variables. The innovations drive the behavior over time and are important for pricing derivatives on the VIX. 4.3 VIX derivatives VIX futures and options are written on the forward VIX. Setting T̄ − T = 30/365, V ST (T̄ ) denotes the 30-day variance swap rate at time T . Furthermore, the 30-day variance swap rate is identical to the squared VIX, i.e. VIX2T = V ST (T̄ ). The price of a futures contract expiring at T is equal to the risk-neutral expectation of the forward VIX, i.e. EQ t [VIXT ]. The payoff of a call option on the VIX with maturity in T and strike price K is (VIXT − K)+ = max [(VIXT − K) , 0]. Using risk-neutral valuation, we can determine the price of a call option h RT i + − t rs ds e . Ct (K, T ) = EQ (VIX − K) T t Deriving an explicit formula for the price of a call option is not straightforward since the VIX is not affine in the state variables. For volatility derivatives, we have a nonlinear transform (square-root) for a process with a tractable conditional characteristic function (variance swap rate). We transform the payoff function to deal with the nonlinearities. To do so, we rely on the Fourier inversion techniques in Lewis (2000, 2001) and Chen and Joslin (2012).17 Sepp (2008a,b) uses a similar approach to solve for volatility derivatives. Since VIX derivatives have some unique characteristics, we summarize some important properties of the pricing formulas. The VIX futures price converges to the spot VIX as the time to maturity approaches zero and to a constant for long times to maturity. Call option values initially increase in time to maturity. However, due to mean-reversion, prices decline for longer times to maturity and converge to zero for long times to maturity. 17 Details on the computation are provided in Appendix B.1. We test the accuracy of the pricing formula using a Monte Carlo study in Appendix B.2. 13 4.4 Shortcomings of existing models Regarding the return process and equity index option prices, the commonly used affine jump-diffusion models are able to replicate major empirical properties. In order to identify deficiencies of existing models concerning the variance dynamics, we first explain the time-series behavior of the VIX in common affine jump-diffusion models and then focus on the pricing implications for VIX derivatives. Figures 1 and 2 indicate that there is volatility clustering in the first differences of the VIX. This poses a challenge to the commonly used square-root instantaneous variance specification.18 More specifically, changes in the instantaneous volatility in the Heston (1993) model are Gaussian and homoscedastic. For the VIX the coefficients AV S and BV S change this result. Even in the square-root case changes in the VIX are heteroscedastic and there is a positive relation between the VIX and its first differences, as observed in the data. Although the effect has the right sign, for reasonable values of the parameters it is too small. Another problem with the square-root variance specification is the low volatility of volatility. Figure 1 demonstrates that there are large spikes in the time-series of the VIX. Especially the turbulent period after the Lehman crash in September 2008 is difficult to match in a diffusion setting. Jumps in the instantaneous variance process are a direct way to model this feature of the data. Eraker et al. (2003) extend the square-root variance dynamics in this direction. Jumps are usually assumed to have a constant arrival rate. However, Figure 1 indicates that jumps seem to occur more often in high volatility periods. Wu (2011) confirms this conjecture. He finds that the arrival rate of variance jumps is not constant and that a jump intensity proportional to the variance level is more appropriate. In addition, a constant arrival rate does not induce heteroscedasticity in the first-differences of the VIX and thus can only 18 Several studies, e.g. Christoffersen et al. (2010), find that the square-root variance dynamics are incompatible with empirical observations. 14 partially eliminate the problems of the standard square-root model. VIX options are very sensitive to the specification of the variance process. To illustrate implications of a misspecified process, we use a very popular model from the equity index option pricing literature, the double-jump model (SVCJ). This model was introduced by Duffie et al. (2000) and has subsequently been applied to describe stock returns and to price equity index options by Eraker et al. (2003) and Eraker (2004), among others. It includes stochastic volatility and jumps in both returns and variance. The SVCJ model nests the SVJ model by excluding variance jumps and the SV model by only allowing for diffusive components. The instantaneous variance process in the SVCJ model follows by setting Xt = vt and ϑ = 1 √ dvt = κv (v̄ − vt )dt + σv vt dWtv + Zv dNtS , where WtS and Wtv are correlated Wiener processes. Jumps in returns and variance are assumed to occur contemporaneously with constant intensity. Jumps in the log asset price are conditionally normally distributed, while variance jumps are exponentially distributed. In the following, we use the parameters from Eraker (2004).19 Figure 4 displays the implied volatility surface for the SV model. The squareroot variance specification is not able to replicate the upward sloping implied volatility smile for VIX options. Implied volatilities are decreasing in the strike price for all times to maturity. The SVJ model adds constant intensity return jumps to the SV model. In the SVJ model, jump components explain a part of the unconditional return variance, resulting in a more damped volatility path. Looking at the formula for the variance swap rate in Equation (7), we recognize that a specification with a constant return jump intensity induces a higher lower bound on the value of the VIX. As the part depending on the instantaneous variance makes up a smaller por19 The parameters were estimated using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods based on return and derivative data for a sample period from 1987 to 1990. 15 tion of the total VIX, larger shocks are necessary to generate enough variation in the level of the VIX over time.20 The square-root variance specification is not able to achieve this. It is inconsistent with the VIX options data. If constant intensity return jumps are included, the performance deteriorates even further. For the SV model and the SVJ specification, the VIX spends relatively little time at high values. Variance jumps might help in this respect, as they induce additional right skewness and kurtosis in the instantaneous variance compared to the non-central chi-squared distribution of the standard square-root model. In Figure 5, we observe an upward sloping implied volatility smile for the SVCJ model. However, there are still deficiencies of this specification. First, the overall level of the implied volatilities is rather low. Second, for longer times to maturity implied volatilities are either flat or decreasing in the strike price. Third, the constant jump intensity implies very little time-variation in the implied volatility smile. Finally, in the SVCJ model return and variance jumps occur simultaneously. However, among others, Wu (2011) finds that jumps in volatility tend to arrive more frequently than return jumps. Thus, a tight coupling of return and variance jumps might be problematic. Summing up, although sufficient to model returns and to price equity index options, commonly used affine jump-diffusion models seem to be inadequate for modeling the time-series behavior of the VIX and for pricing VIX derivatives. 4.5 Variance jumps and stochastic volatility of variance We extend the square-root variance specification along two lines. First, we introduce jumps in the instantaneous variance process. Guided by the empirical evidence, we allow for an arrival rate proportional to the level of variance. Second, we allow for stochastic volatility of variance that is positively correlated with the variance process 20 A stochastic jump intensity for return jumps, which is proportional to the variance level, would solve this issue. There has been mixed evidence concerning a stochastic jump intensity in returns, see e.g. Bates (2000), Pan (2002), and Eraker (2004). 16 itself. The model follows from Equation (3) by setting Xt = [vt , qt ]0 and ϑ = [1, 0] √ dvt = κv (v̄ − vt )dt + σv qt dWtv + Zv dNtv , q √ dqt = κq (q̄ − qt )dt + σq qt ρvq dWtv + 1 − ρ2vq dWtq , where Wtv and Wtq are independent Wiener processes. ρvq denotes the correlation between diffusive shocks to the instantaneous variance and its variance. The jump intensity is assumed to be affine in the state variables λv,t = λv,0 + λv,1 vt . We restrict our analysis to jump sizes with a positive support. More specifically, we use gamma distributed jumps Zv ∼ Γ ν, µνv , where ν is the shape parameter and µv denotes the mean jump size. The jump transform for gamma distributed jumps is µv −ν %v (u) = 1 − u . ν By setting the shape parameter ν to 1, we recover the exponential distribution used for example in Eraker et al. (2003) and Eraker (2004). In the context of variance and volatility derivatives, exponentially distributed variance jumps have been studied by Sepp (2008a,b) and Lin and Chang (2009, 2010). While for the exponential distribution skewness and kurtosis are fixed, the gamma distribution can generate larger levels of right skewness and kurtosis if ν < 1. Eraker and Shaliastovich (2008) use gamma distributed jumps in a general equilibrium asset pricing model. To the best of our knowledge, the stochastic volatility of variance specification has not been employed to price VIX options. Fong and Vasicek (1991) use a similar process to model interest rates, whereas Bollerslev et al. (2009) apply it to model consumption volatility in a long-run risks asset pricing model. A restricted version of the model with only variance jumps can be obtained by imposing qt = vt . As only the drift components matter for the level of the VIX, the expressions for the variance swap rate of the restricted and the unrestricted models 17 coincide. More specifically, we have V St (T ) = AV S + BV S [vt , qt ]0 , with AV S BV S 1 − e−(κv −λv,1 µv )τ τ− = (κv − λv,1 µv ) −(κv −λv,1 µv )τ 21−e = σS , 0 . τ (κv − λv,1 µv ) σS2 (κv v + λv,0 µv ) τ (κv − λv,1 µv ) , (8) In order to appreciate the properties of the stochastic volatility of variance model, we look at the instantaneous volatility in the restricted model p √ √ 1 vt + Zv − vt dNtv , d vt = µ(vt )dt + σv dWtv + 2 where µ(vt ) denotes the drift of the instantaneous volatility process. Ignoring jumps, the restricted model implies that changes in the instantaneous volatility are Gaussian and homoscedastic. Furthermore, constant intensity variance jumps do not affect the volatility of volatility. Unless there is an arrival rate proportional to the instantaneous variance and jumps occur frequently, which is at odds with the notion that jumps are rare events, the model is unable to generate volatility clustering. In contrast, shocks to the instantaneous volatility and its volatility are correlated in the stochastic volatility of variance model. A positive shock to the instantaneous volatility increases both the instantaneous volatility and its volatility.21 There are several other multi-factor variance structures that have been explored in the literature. Bates (2000) and Christoffersen et al. (2009) use a double Heston (1993) model, while Duffie et al. (2000) introduce a stochastic central tendency factor. Both specifications imply a more flexible term structure of VIX futures. However, they have a minor influence on implied volatility smiles of VIX options.22 21 Because of the coefficients AV S and BV S , the effect is not as clear-cut for the VIX. If AV S is small, which is typically the case, the results do not change significantly. 22 We tested the stochastic central tendency model and found little impact on VIX options. In particular, for reasonable parameter values the implied volatility smile is downward sloping. 18 5 Empirical Results We analyze if variance jumps and a stochastic volatility of variance are able to replicate the major stylized facts of VIX options. First, we describe some of the properties of the models using “reasonable” parameter values. Afterwards, we calibrate the models to the average implied volatility smile. In the analysis, we exclude return jumps. Alternatively, we could assume that return jumps have an arrival rate proportional to the instantaneous variance. Similar to the parameter σS , this implies an influence on the level of the VIX but not on the implied volatility smile. 5.1 The impact of jumps and stochastic volatility We fix the mean-reversion levels at 1. The mean-reversion speed of the instantaneous variance κv is set to 5. This value is consistent with the high autocorrelation of variance and implies a half-life of about two month. For the volatility of variance σv , we choose a value of 1.5. The values of these parameters are equal across all models considered. Note that a lower value of κv (shocks die out more slowly) leads to higher implied volatilities. An increase in σv (a higher volatility of variance) makes the VIX more volatile, leading to an overall increase in implied volatilities. We fix the state variables at their unconditional means and assume that the risk-free rate is zero. Table 3 shows implied volatilities for several parameter constellations. Two values are considered for each of the jump parameters. Increasing the average jump size induces additional right skewness and kurtosis in the distribution of the instantaneous variance. This leads to a higher level and also a more pronounced implied volatility smile. The effect is strongest for short times to maturity. Concerning gamma versus exponentially distributed jumps, we know that the variance swap rate in Equation (8) is identical for both distributions. A shape parameter smaller than one implies a greater variance, skewness, and kurtosis compared to the exponential 19 distribution. The chances of ending up in the money are higher and consequently a lower shape parameter increases the level of the implied volatilities and makes the implied volatility smile more pronounced. From the formulas of the variance swap rate in Equation (8), we can see that regarding the intensity of the jump process there are two effects at play. First, a constant jump intensity implies a lower weight on BV S . Second, constant intensity jumps contribute only a constant part to the conditional variance. This leads to lower levels of the implied volatility smile. It also implies less time-variation compared to a proportional jump intensity. The variance swap rate of the stochastic volatility of variance model is the same as for the restricted model. However, a stochastic volatility of variance has different implications for the time-series behavior of the VIX and VIX option pricing. The magnitude of the parameters can be roughly guided using the risk-neutral moments in Figure 3. The risk-neutral volatility of the VIX is high and the autocorrelation is close to one (a bit lower than for the risk-neutral mean). Furthermore, the riskneutral mean of the VIX and its volatility are highly correlated. These observations imply that κq is higher than κv , a high value of σq , and ρvq close to one. Table 4 shows implied volatilities for several parameter constellations. It is apparent that while variance jumps mainly influence short times to maturity, the effect is more evenly distributed for the stochastic volatility of variance model. Positive shocks to the instantaneous variance increase both the instantaneous variance and its volatility. This effect is persistent and consequently also influences long-term options on the VIX. The parameters ρvq and σq are important for the slope of the implied volatility smile. In order to match the basic patterns, we require ρvq to be close to one and a high value of σq . High values of σq and ρvq also lead to significant heteroscedasticity in VIX changes, which is consistent with what we observe in Figures 1 and 2. A low value of κq increases the curvature. The volatility of variance model can generate a sizeable dip for low strike prices. While upward jumps in the 20 instantaneous variance generate a long right tail of the risk-neutral VIX distribution, the stochastic volatility of variance model is able to put more weight on both tails of the distribution. This is beneficial for pricing short-term deep ITM call options. 5.2 Calibration We calibrate the models to the average volatility surface. Compared with the classification in Table 2, we use a finer partition to focus on the most liquid options. We consider 7 moneyness categories ranging from 0.5 to 2 (0.50-0.75, 0.75-0.90, 0.901.00, 1.00-1.10, 1.10-1.25, 1.25-1.50, and 1.50-2.00) and 4 maturity buckets (7-30, 30-60, 60-90, and 90-120 days). We average the implied volatilities, futures prices, interest rates, and times to maturity in the respective moneyness-maturity categories. The implied volatilities are converted into call option prices using the Black (1976) formula. Figure 6 shows the representative implied volatility curves. To calibrate the models, we solve the following minimization problem N X M 2 min Ci (K, T ) − Ci (K, T ) . i=1 N is the number of options, CiM (K, T ) denotes the i-th option price observed at the market, and Ci (K, T ) is the corresponding model implied price. In each step of the optimization, given the values of the structural parameters, we obtain the instantaneous variance by inverting the formula for the variance swap rate in Equation (8).23 We constrain all one-factor models to satisfy the Feller condition. The parameter estimates and the root mean squared pricing errors (RMSE) are reported in Table 5. The RMSE are tabulated for all options and also separately for each maturity category. Since the objective function assigns more weight to relatively expensive options, it is expected that OTM call options have relatively large pricing 23 The initial value of the stochastic volatility of variance is treated as a parameter. 21 errors compared to options with lower levels of moneyness. The estimation procedure forces all models to match the current value of the VIX. For the specifications with variance jumps, the value of the parameter σS is much lower because variance jumps contribute significantly to the level of the VIX. Table 5 shows that the square-root (SR) variance dynamics are incompatible with VIX option prices. The model generates the largest pricing errors and the parameter estimates are rather unrealistic. It requires a very high value of σv to match the average level of the implied volatilities and the Feller condition is binding. It cannot replicate the upward sloping implied volatility curves, which implies that the SR model severely misprices OTM and ITM options. The parameters of the restricted model with only variance jumps are in line with studies that use SPX options for parameter estimation. Among others, Eraker (2004) and Broadie et al. (2007) estimate the risk-neutral parameters of a squareroot process with variance jumps using SPX options. The variance process in their SVCJ model corresponds to the SREJ0 model in Table 5. The parameters of the mean-reversion speed κv and the volatility of variance σv are comparable to these studies. Variance shocks have a half-life of less than three months. Concerning the jump parameters, the intensity and the mean jump size are also similar to existing studies. On average there are about 1.5 jumps in the instantaneous variance every year. The mean jump size is 3.646. This implies that if the instantaneous variance is currently at its long-run mean, an average jump almost doubles the value of the VIX.24 The SREJ1 variance specification lets jumps occur more frequently in high volatility periods. Thus, the model can generate a more pronounced volatility smile during periods of high uncertainty. We observe that the frequency of jumps is about the same as in the constant intensity model, while the mean jump size is lower. This is expected, since a proportional jump intensity puts a higher weight 24 Large daily percentage changes in the VIX are not uncommon, e.g. from August 3, 2011 to August 8, 2011 the VIX more than doubled. 22 on BV S . This implies that smaller shocks in the instantaneous variance process are necessary to generate comparable upward spikes in the VIX. The SREJ1 model produces lower pricing errors compared with the SREJ0 model. This shows that a variance specification with a time-varying jump intensity is important for VIX option pricing. The largest improvements are achieved for longer times to maturity.25 Concerning the jump size specification, the parameters are similar across models. We do not find that the more flexible gamma jump size distribution can significantly improve upon the special case of exponentially distributed jumps. Especially for the shortest time to maturity, all one-factor models have problems in pricing deep ITM call options, i.e. upward jumps in the instantaneous variance do not make the left tail of the risk-neutral VIX distribution heavy enough. We find that the stochastic volatility of variance (SVV) specification generates lower pricing errors compared with the variance jump models. It performs well for all times to maturity. The improvements arise due to a better fit to long-term options and pricing short-term deep ITM call options more accurately. The pricing errors of the SVV model for longer times to maturity are about half the pricing errors of the one-factor models. Both models perform well for short-term OTM call options. In the SVV model the variance process is relatively persistent, while the process for the volatility of variance is short-lived and very volatile. The correlation between diffusive shocks to the instantaneous variance and its variance is 0.87. While variance jumps mainly introduce right skewness, the stochastic volatility of variance model generates an instantaneous variance process that exhibits a greater kurtosis. Thus, depending on the value of ρvq , OTM and ITM call options can be rather expensive. Due to the high positive correlation between the instantaneous variance and its variance, the implied volatility smile is mostly upward sloping with a moderate U-shape for low levels of moneyness. 25 As we only calibrate the models to a single cross-section, the potential benefits of a proportional jump intensity for explaining changes in the shape of the implied volatility smile over time are not investigated. 23 6 Conclusion The market for exchange traded volatility derivatives has experienced a dramatic upswing in recent years. However, accurate modeling and pricing tools are still in its infancy. We develop a general framework for modeling and pricing VIX futures and options. We investigate several special cases of the general model and find that the fine structure of the variance process is essential for the time-series behavior of the VIX and the shape of the implied volatility surface. In particular, the commonly used square-root variance process is misspecified. We show that both variance jumps and a stochastic volatility of variance are important to reconcile the empirical regularities with the theoretical models. Jumps have a major impact on short times to maturity. The effect dies out with increasing time to maturity. In contrast, the stochastic volatility of variance model is able to match the basic pattern for longer maturities. Concerning the assumed variance process, two possible extensions are a more flexible jump specification and non-affine models. We restricted ourselves to Poisson jumps. Wu (2011) uses a variety of Levy processes to model variance jumps. It would be interesting to investigate the implications of these processes for VIX option prices. Furthermore, there is a growing literature on non-affine models. Constant elasticity of variance models have been studied by Christoffersen et al. (2010). This model class has more desirable volatility time-series properties. Gatheral (2008) uses a non-affine two-factor model to price VIX derivatives and is able to replicate the basic patterns. The disadvantage of using non-affine option pricing models is that they do not admit analytic solutions for VIX derivatives and option prices can only be computed based on time-consuming Monte Carlo simulations. Another promising topic for future research is to use the information content of VIX options for estimation purposes. VIX options are very informative about the variance process and using them jointly with SPX options and return data might help to identify the true data generating process. 24 A Risk-Neutral Distribution Breeden and Litzenberger (1978) show that the second derivative of a European call option price with respect to its strike price is the discounted risk-neutral probability of the future asset price ending up at exactly the strike price of the option. The price of a VIX call option with strike price K and maturity in T is Z ∞ R T e− t rs ds (VIXT − K) qt (VIXT , T )dVIXT . Ct (K, T ) = K Differentiating twice with respect to the strike price and rearranging yields the following expression for the risk-neutral density RT ∂ 2 Ct (K, T ) . (9) qt (VIXT , T ) = e t rs ds ∂K 2 K=VIXT As a continuum of option prices is not available in practice, we follow the interpolation and extrapolation approach in Bliss and Panigirtzoglou (2002, 2004) and Figlewski (2010). We exclude ITM options (puts with moneyness greater than 1.05 and calls with moneyness smaller than 0.95) because they are less liquid than OTM and ATM options. To reduce the effect of a jump at the transition point between call and put options, we blend the call and put implied volatilities in the region around the at the money level as in Figlewski (2010). For each maturity, we interpolate implied volatilities across delta using a cubic smoothing spline. The smoothing parameter is initialized at 0.99 and if necessary adjusted upwards to fit option prices within their bid-ask spreads. To convert implied volatilities from the strike price space to the delta space, we use the Black (1976) formula with the ATM implied volatility. The fitted spline leaves us with a narrowly spaced set of implied volatilities across deltas. In the next step, the implied volatilities are converted into call prices using the Black (1976) formula. A fine grid of 20,000 prices is used to approximate the risk-neutral distribution in Equation (9) using finite difference methods. We numerically integrate the appropriate function of the probability density to estimate the moments. Risk-neutral moments for a fixed time to maturity are obtained by linear interpolation. Concerning the tales of the distribution, we have to impose some distributional assumptions. We follow Bliss and Panigirtzoglou (2002, 2004) and extrapolate beyond the maximum (minimum) available strike price with the implied volatility of the highest (lowest) actually traded strike price. This procedure effectively makes the tails lognormal. Note that the Black (1976) formula is solely used to switch between option prices and implied volatilities. We do not presume that the formula prices options correctly. B B.1 VIX Option Pricing Pricing formula Equation (7) shows that the variance swap rate is an affine function of the state variables V ST (T̄ ) = AV S + BV S XT . To price futures and options on the VIX, we apply the results in Lewis (2000, 2001) and Chen and Joslin (2012). First, we derive the Fourier transform of the payoff functions. The forward and 25 inverse (generalized) Fourier transform of some function f [x] are Z ∞ fˆ[z] = eizx f [x]dx, −∞ f [x] = 1 2π izi +∞ Z e−izx fˆ[z]dz, izi −∞ with transform variable z = zr + zi i, where zr and zi denote the real and imaginary parts of z. The payoff of a call option on the square-root of the 30-day variance swap rate is f1 V ST (T̄ ) = q + V ST (T̄ ) − K . The forward transform is √ fˆ1 [z] = √ π 1 − erf(K −iz) , 2(−iz)3/2 where erf denotes the error function of a complex valued argument, which can be evaluated using the series approximation in Abramowitz and Stegun (1972). A futures contract on the VIX has p the payoff function f2 V ST (T̄ ) = V ST (T̄ ). The forward transform is √ fˆ2 [z] = π . 2(−iz)3/2 (10) For both payoff functions the Fourier transform is well-behaved if zi > 0. We use the results in Duffie et al. (2000) to compute the discounted characteristic function of the state vector h RT i − t rs ds uXT ψ Q (u, Xt , t, T ) = EQ e t e = eα(τ )+β(τ )Xt , for u ∈ Cn . The coefficients satisfy the following set of ODEs ∂β(τ ) 1 = r1 − K 0 β(τ ) − [β(τ )0 Hβ(τ )] − λ01 [%(β(τ )) − 1] , ∂τ 2 (11) ∂α(τ ) 1 = r0 − M 0 β(τ ) − β(τ )0 hβ(τ ) − λ00 [%(β(τ )) − 1] , ∂τ 2 subject to β(0) = u and α(0) = 0. [β(τ )0 Hβ(τ )] denotes a n×1 vector with the i-th component given by [β(τ )0 Hi β(τ )]. For the Heston (1993) model and certain other specifications of the instantaneous variance, the ODEs can be solved analytically. Models with a state-dependent jump intensity or gamma distributed jump sizes do not admit closed-form solutions. However, the ODEs can be easily solved numerically using Runge-Kutta methods. 26 Putting the results together, the price of a call option on the VIX is given by h RT i − t rs ds Ct (K, T ) = EQ f1 V ST (T̄ ) t e R Z izi +∞ Q − tT rs ds 1 −izV ST (T̄ ) ˆ = Et e e f1 [z]dz 2π izi −∞ Z izi +∞ 1 = e−izAV S ψ Q (−izBV S , Xt , t, T )fˆ1 [z]dz 2π izi −∞ # √ Z ∞ " 1 − erf(K zi − izr ) 1 (zi −izr )AV S Q ψ ((zi − izr )BV S , Xt , t, T ) < e = √ dzr . π 0 2(zi − izr )3/2 The integration is performed along a straight line in the complex plane parallel to the real axis. The price of a forward contract on the VIX can be computed by substituting the transformed payoff in Equation (10) into the pricing formula and ignoring the discounting in Equation (11), i.e. by setting r0 = 0 and r1 = 0. To determine put prices, we use the put-call parity relationship. The characteristic function does not depend on the strike price. Thus, a cross-section of options can be priced without evaluating the characteristic function in each step. As the variance swap rate is an affine function of the state variables, we can easily obtain its risk-neutral distribution by numerical integration. Using a change of variable, we obtain the following density of the VIX Z i 2 2x ∞ h (zi −izr )AV S Q < e ψ ((zi − izr )BV S , Xt , t, T ) e(izr −zi )x dzr . qt (x, T ) = π 0 B.2 Monte Carlo tests To demonstrate the accuracy of the solution technique, we simulate the SVCJ model (see Section 4.4) 1000 times, with parameters taken from Eraker (2004), and calculate VIX option prices for various strike prices. Figure 7 compares the analytical prices using Equation (12) (solid lines) with Monte Carlo option prices (asterisks) for 30 days (blue) and for 180 days (red). 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Avg Vol. Avg OI Spread Call Options Days to Expiration < 60 60 − 180 > 180 93.36 55.51 38.87 7051 12770 1475 223 50 48 7193 1754 1323 4.18 5.44 7.82 71.08 57.07 45.62 5794 11246 1606 953 196 149 13283 4169 2345 6.30 7.03 9.45 78.77 61.94 49.06 3648 6343 964 2937 563 148 26175 7117 3561 7.05 7.96 10.53 86.15 64.44 51.47 3307 5834 916 5212 724 208 39415 9578 2806 8.33 9.18 12.31 94.27 67.49 53.30 4436 7699 1224 5401 719 163 46798 10351 3587 12.05 11.29 14.78 113.34 78.69 56.44 16642 39246 3066 2958 461 188 37595 6474 4372 31.54 32.22 28.81 Put Options Days to Expiration < 60 60 − 180 > 180 80.21 57.79 40.58 2605 10048 1091 1822 417 49 26921 8697 1364 43.49 44.46 54.71 73.44 57.68 45.26 5287 11191 1505 4099 697 207 35643 9616 2446 22.98 17.84 22.82 78.60 62.22 49.03 3647 6201 821 4601 585 225 38861 7885 4545 10.06 9.93 13.85 86.04 64.73 51.41 3287 5521 687 2418 297 52 32172 5049 883 7.03 7.86 11.68 94.01 68.10 54.20 4376 6756 852 624 120 6 16337 2431 201 5.75 6.00 8.50 122.68 77.18 55.69 19002 24414 2170 60 11 3 2309 432 73 2.64 3.16 4.87 Table 2: VIX Options Data The table shows implied volatilities (in percent) using the Black (1976) formula, the number of observations, the average volume, the average open interest, and the average percentage bid-ask spread for different moneyness and maturity categories. The average percentage bid-ask spread follows from dividing the bid-ask spread by the ask price. Moneyness is defined as the strike price divided by the VIX futures price. The sample period is from February 24, 2006 to December 31, 2011. 33 λv,0 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Parameters λv,1 µv 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ν 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Maturity Days 30 60 180 365 30 60 180 365 30 60 180 365 30 60 180 365 30 60 180 365 30 60 180 365 30 60 180 365 30 60 180 365 0.6 54.44 45.56 28.57 20.12 51.29 45.10 29.64 20.92 52.76 45.55 29.62 20.91 54.38 45.53 28.61 20.15 58.01 49.35 31.55 22.26 56.92 56.13 44.61 32.81 58.45 53.14 37.15 26.52 57.91 49.26 31.52 22.25 0.8 53.45 46.20 29.87 21.06 51.78 47.08 31.85 22.50 52.83 47.62 32.44 22.95 53.41 46.27 30.08 21.22 56.24 49.47 32.83 23.23 57.69 58.61 47.94 35.67 57.89 55.18 41.02 29.54 56.14 49.44 32.95 23.33 1.0 53.14 46.46 30.41 21.45 55.20 49.60 33.05 23.33 56.04 51.28 35.22 24.91 53.32 46.93 31.04 21.91 56.36 50.27 34.01 24.11 65.10 63.14 49.88 37.17 63.96 61.43 45.91 33.14 56.48 50.66 34.57 24.53 K/VIX 1.2 1.4 57.94 67.47 48.63 52.52 31.23 32.35 22.01 22.77 64.32 71.91 53.22 55.81 33.86 34.19 23.86 24.06 69.12 84.11 58.92 66.57 38.49 41.18 27.14 28.98 59.65 72.47 50.49 56.86 32.75 35.16 23.10 24.75 62.51 72.57 53.57 58.20 35.70 37.42 25.31 26.48 74.72 79.99 66.70 68.26 50.44 50.15 37.54 37.28 80.36 94.81 71.12 78.66 50.39 53.26 36.25 38.17 64.22 77.55 55.38 62.39 37.20 40.16 26.39 28.42 1.6 74.28 55.68 33.32 23.43 75.43 56.80 34.12 24.00 93.30 71.18 42.81 30.10 82.49 62.37 37.37 26.27 79.46 61.60 38.58 27.27 82.31 68.55 49.41 36.71 103.20 82.97 54.78 39.17 87.58 68.03 42.49 30.01 1.8 77.94 57.36 33.88 23.81 76.73 56.83 33.78 23.75 98.48 73.53 43.64 30.67 88.91 65.91 38.92 27.35 83.30 63.45 39.16 27.65 83.10 68.14 48.45 35.98 107.98 85.27 55.45 39.59 94.05 71.66 44.00 31.04 Table 3: Jump Components The table shows implied volatilities (in percent) using the Black (1976) formula. The risk-free interest rate is set to zero. 34 Parameters κq σq ρvq 10 4 0.95 10 4 0.95 10 4 0.95 10 4 0.95 5 4 0.95 5 4 0.95 5 4 0.95 5 4 0.95 10 2 0.95 10 2 0.95 10 2 0.95 10 2 0.95 10 4 0.8 10 4 0.8 10 4 0.8 10 4 0.8 Maturity Days 30 60 180 365 30 60 180 365 30 60 180 365 30 60 180 365 0.6 38.04 28.32 19.09 13.62 43.74 31.88 20.27 14.31 54.80 48.20 32.75 23.23 54.77 46.06 29.55 20.89 0.8 36.61 32.11 22.09 15.70 32.28 25.91 15.96 11.23 52.87 45.25 29.63 20.94 45.90 39.01 25.66 18.16 1.0 48.57 40.39 25.74 18.16 47.97 38.89 23.75 16.70 50.75 43.04 27.65 19.50 48.84 40.83 26.13 18.43 K/VIX 1.2 52.18 43.49 27.34 19.25 53.02 44.44 27.92 19.66 48.45 41.03 26.14 18.41 51.20 42.75 26.94 18.97 1.4 52.89 44.35 27.86 19.60 54.23 46.26 29.69 20.93 46.21 39.17 24.88 17.51 51.58 43.30 27.22 19.15 1.6 52.45 44.23 27.84 19.58 54.01 46.59 30.40 21.45 44.12 37.46 23.78 16.73 51.03 43.06 27.12 19.07 1.8 51.50 43.63 27.55 19.38 53.17 46.21 30.55 21.58 42.21 35.90 22.81 16.04 50.05 42.42 26.79 18.84 Table 4: Stochastic Volatility of Variance The table shows implied volatilities (in percent) using the Black (1976) formula. The risk-free interest rate is set to zero. 35 σS κv σv λv,0 λv,1 µv ν κq σq ρvq qt RMSE RMSE RMSE RMSE RMSE (all) (1) (2) (3) (4) SR 0.312 1.710 1.849 — — — — — — — — SREJ0 0.180 2.870 1.906 1.535 — 3.646 — — — — — 0.314 0.350 0.304 0.281 0.315 0.132 0.213 0.062 0.065 0.126 Models SREJ1 SRGJ0 0.201 0.169 4.923 2.912 1.648 1.993 — 2.442 1.702 — 1.811 2.802 — 0.522 — — — — — — — — 0.124 0.209 0.060 0.045 0.109 0.130 0.211 0.060 0.064 0.123 SRGJ1 0.196 5.143 1.602 — 1.896 1.754 1.051 — — — — SVV 0.339 1.463 1.685 — — — — 22.589 20.403 0.876 1.194 0.123 0.207 0.056 0.048 0.111 0.086 0.152 0.047 0.022 0.060 Table 5: Parameter Estimates and Pricing Errors The parameters are estimated by minimizing the sum of squared dollar pricing errors between market and model prices. The mean-reversion levels v̄ and q̄ are fixed at one. SR denotes the square-root model. The SREJ0 and SREJ1 model include constant and stochastic intensity exponentially distributed jumps, respectively. The SRGJ specification features gamma distributed jumps. SVV denotes the stochastic volatility of variance model. To assess the performance of the models, we report the root mean squared pricing error (RMSE) for all options and separately for each maturity category. 36 80 VIX 60 40 20 0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 VIX First Differences 15 10 5 0 −5 −10 −15 1990 Figure 1: CBOE Volatility Index The figure displays the VIX and its first differences. The sample period is from January 2, 1990 to December 31, 2011. The shaded areas represent NBER recessions. 37 VIX First Differences Quantiles VIX First Differences (Modulus) 20 10 0 −10 −20 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 Standard Normal Quantiles 2 3 4 20 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 VIX 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 2: VIX Time-Series Diagnostics The upper panel of the figure shows a quantile-quantile plot of the sample quantiles of VIX first differences versus the theoretical quantiles of a normal distribution. The lower panel displays a scatter plot of absolute values of VIX first differences and the VIX, including a least squares regression line. The sample period is from January 2, 1990 to December 31, 2011. 38 70 25 60 20 Volatility Mean 50 40 30 15 10 20 5 10 2008 2010 0 2006 2012 2.5 9 2 8 Kurtosis Skewness 0 2006 1.5 1 0.5 0 2006 2008 2010 2012 2008 2010 2012 7 6 5 4 2008 2010 3 2006 2012 Figure 3: Risk-Neutral Moments The figure shows the risk-neutral moments for a fixed time to maturity of 60 days. The dotted red line in the upper left corner is the VIX futures contract with a fixed time to maturity of 60 days. 39 0.9 Implied Volatility 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 60 1 50 0.8 40 0.6 0.4 30 Strike Price 0.2 20 0 Time to Maturity Figure 4: Implied Volatilities (SV Model) The figure shows the implied volatility surface of the SV model. The parameters are taken from Eraker (2004) and the initial variance is set to its long-run mean. The risk-free rate is fixed at 5%. 40 0.6 Implied Volatility 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 70 60 1 50 0.8 0.6 40 0.4 30 Strike Price 0.2 20 0 Time to Maturity Figure 5: Implied Volatilities (SVCJ Model) The figure shows the implied volatility surface of the SVCJ model. The parameters are taken from Eraker (2004) and the initial variance is set to its long-run mean. The risk-free rate is fixed at 5%. 41 1.4 1.3 19 days 45 days 75 days 105 days 1.2 Implied Volatility 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Moneyness Figure 6: Average Implied Volatility Smiles The figure shows average implied volatility smiles for 4 maturity categories. The average times to maturity in the 4 maturity categories are 19, 45, 75, and 105 days. Moneyness is defined as the strike price divided by the VIX futures price. The sample period is from February 24, 2006 to December 31, 2011. 42 Option Price 15 10 5 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 25 30 35 40 45 50 25 30 35 Strike Price 40 45 50 Option Price 15 10 5 0 20 Option Price 20 15 10 5 0 20 Figure 7: Analytical versus Monte Carlo Option Prices The figure shows VIX call option prices for the SVCJ model. The asterisks indicate prices obtained by Monte Carlo simulation and the solid lines show analytically computed values (in blue for 30 days and in red for 180 days). The parameters are taken from Eraker (2004). The initial variance is set to its long-run mean minus the average variance jump size (top panel), long-run mean (middle panel), and long-run mean plus the average variance jump size (bottom panel). The risk-free rate is 5%. 43