Illiquidity Commonality across Equity and Credit Markets Miriam Marra ∗ Warwick Business School Working Paper This Version: 20 August 2012 ∗ Finance Group, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK (Office: C2.26, WBS Scarman Road Building; I thank Gordon Gemmill and Anthony Neuberger for very helpful suggestions, Alex Stremme, Dion Bongaerts, and Jérôme Dugast for valuable comments on an earlier version, and all participants to: Cambridge-Oxford-Warwick Spring Doctoral Conference (April 2011), Finance Series Workshop in Warwick Business School (June 2011), Fourth Liquidity Conference in Rotterdam Erasmus University (July 2011), Glasgow University Workshop (May 2012), and Transatlantic Doctoral Conference in London Business School (May 2012). Illiquidity Commonality across Equity and Credit Markets Miriam Marra Working Paper Abstract This paper examines whether illiquidity propagates across equity and credit markets and, if so, through which mechanisms. Equity and CDS illiquidity co-movements are detected for a large sample of firms, but the extent of the illiquidity commonality changes over time and increases over crisis periods. For most firms illiquidity spills over from one market to the other. We view equity and credit default swaps as claims written on the same underlying firm’s assets and show that, besides the effect of traders’ funding constraints, market volatility, and firm’s systematic risk, the equity-CDS illiquidity co-movements are strongly related to the debtto-equity hedge ratio (based on the Merton 1974 model). The hedge ratio captures the arbitrage linkage between the two assets and the extent of cross-market activity of traders for hedging and speculative purposes and contributes to explain the existence of cross-market illiquidity spillovers. Finally, the paper disentangles common components of CDS and equity bid-ask spreads at individual firm level: hedging and information costs, besides funding costs and market volatility, are found significantly priced CDS bid-ask spreads. The paper sheds some lights on how the demand of liquidity for hedging and speculative trading across two fundamentally-linked assets can generate and enhance cross-market contagion phenomena besides the well-documented effects of volatility and shortage of liquidity supply. Keywords: Credit Default Swap, Equity, Bid-Ask Spreads; Illiquidity Commonality; Illiquidity Spillovers; Hedging; Capital Structure Arbitrage; Merton (1974) Model. 1 Introduction This paper examines whether a lack of liquidity (illiquidity) spreads across equity and credit markets and, if so, through which mechanisms. Although the study of such commonality has important implications for asset pricing and risk management, the extent and causes of the cross-market illiquidity co-movement have not yet been reported in the literature. Structural-form models based on Merton (1974) view the equity of the firm as equivalent to a long call position on the firm’s assets and the risky debt of the firm as a short put position on the firm’s asset plus a long position on a riskless bond. As a result, equity and credit markets have strong inter-linkages. In addition, the increased use of credit derivatives to hedge risky positions in equity is bringing the relationship between these two assets even closer1 and prompting the expectation of illiquidity transmission mechanisms. Therefore, the study of CDS-equity illiquidity co-movements is important to understand whether, and at which extent, more integrated markets might be less safe. The literature on illiquidity commonality has flourished in the last decade. Academics have highlighted that the illiquidity of individual assets is affected by the illiquidity of the overall market and that this commonality represents risk which is priced across securities2 . Many studies have provided some evidence of illiquidity commonality in the U.S. equity market (Chordia, Sarkar, and Subrahmanyam 2005, Halka and Huberman 2001, Hasbrouck and Seppi 2001). Other papers have extended the analysis of illiquidity commonality to corporate bonds, options, CDSs, and international equity markets (Chakravarty and Sarkar 2003, Houweling, Mentink, and Vorst 2005, Karolyi, Kuan Hui, and van Dijk 2007, Mahanti, Nashikkar, and Subrahmanyam 2010, Kapadia and Pu 2012, Cao and Wei 2010). Some studies have also attempted to offer demand-side or supply-side explanations for the phenomenon (Brockman and Chung 2002, Coughenour and Saad 2004, Bauer 2004, Fabre and Frino 2004, Domowitz, Hansch, and Wang 2005, Zheng and Zhang 2006, Kamara, Lou, and Sadka 2008, Koch, Ruenzi, and Starks 2004, Hameed, Kang, and Viswanathan 2010). Meanwhile, the fast growth of the (over-the-counter) credit derivative market3 in the last ten years has fueled a large amount of literature on the relationship between equity, debt, and credit default swaps (the most popular credit derivative product). Some papers have provided evidence of: lead/lag relationships between returns in CDS, equity, and bond markets (Norden and Weber, 2009; and Marsh and Wagner, 2010); CDS and bond spreads’ dependence on equity liquidity risk (De Jong and Driessen 2005, Das and Hanouna 2009); time-varying integration between equity and CDS markets (Kapadia and Pu 2012); effects of credit news and insider trading in the CDS market on the equity market (Acharya and Johnson 2007, Qiu and Yu 2012); and reciprocal volatility spillovers among CDS, bond, and equity for a group of firms (Meng, Ap Gwilym, and Varas 2009). These findings support the hypothesis that, as investors trade across different asset classes, the link between the CDS, bond, and equity markets strengthens. A few researchers have attempted to detect the existence of illiquidity co-movements across equity, CDS, and bond markets (Tang and Yan 2006, Jacoby, Jiang, and Theocharides 2009), but have not provided insights and explanations for this phenomenon. 1 See Meng et al (2009) fact, an investor would require a higher risk premium for holding an asset expected to become illiquid during market illiquidity events; i.e. when liquidity is most needed. 3 See Meng, ap Gwilym, and Varas (2009) for relevant statistics 2 In 1 The literature lacks an accurate and comprehensive investigation of the extent and causes of credit-equity illiquidity linkages. Our study fills this gap: it examines whether there is robust evidence of CDS-equity illiquidity commonality and sets out an appropriate framework to explain its determinants. The research question is interesting for academics, but is also of particular interest for investors engaged in cross-market trades, for risk managers, and for regulators. Understanding the influence of the joint movements of asset illiquidity has major implications for portfolio management, financial risk management, and derivatives pricing. In this paper, we differentiate the concepts of illiquidity commonality (also defined co-movement) and illiquidity spillover (also defined contagion). Illiquidity commonality is the common surge of illiquidity in equity and credit assets, while illiquidity spillovers comprise transmission of illiquidity shocks from one asset to the other. Illiquidity spillovers imply illiquidity commonality, but illiquidity commonality does not necessarily imply the existence of spillovers. In fact, equity and credit assets might be influenced by exogenous factors which cause an increase in their respective illiquidity without generating illiquidity transmissions across the two markets. We measure illiquidity commonality as the positive co-movement between equity and CDS bidask spreads4 . We analyze 51 U.S. investment-grade firms over the period April 2003 - December 2009. Correlation analysis and graphic analysis suggest that equity and credit illiquidity co-move over time, but the extent of this commonality changes over time: commonality is much higher in 2003 than during the period 2004-2006 and then it rises again during the crisis period 2007-2009. We also test for the existence of illiquidity spillovers and find that for most firms illiquidity is transmitted across markets either from CDS to equity or in both directions, but not from equity to CDS. We notice that the direction of the illiquidity spillovers at firm level has no one-to-one correspondence with the directions of return spillovers and for one third of firms it follows the direction of volatility spillovers5 . Moreover, we analyze how market-wide illiquidity and firm-specific volatility affect equity and CDS bid-ask spreads. At individual firm level we find that CDS and equity illiquidity are influenced by general market illiquidity, but CDS bid-ask spreads are also significantly affected by firm’s asset volatility. After examining the characteristics of equity-CDS illiquidity commonality and illiquidity spillovers, the paper investigates possible explanations consistent with the reported evidence. Several illiquidity transmission mechanisms are likely to be in place across the two markets, in particular during periods of higher volatility (Frank, González-Hermosillo, and Hesse 2008). Previous literature argues that during periods of turbulence market-wide factors such as higher cost of funding and increase in market volatility can prevent market makers from providing liquidity to both equity and credit markets, thereby increasing their illiquidity commonality. The recent sub-prime crisis offers an ex4 We select the bid-ask spread as measure of illiquidity in equity and credit markets. However, in Appendix A2 we perform Principal Component Analysis on different illiquidity proxies (for trading costs, trading frequency, and trading impact on prices) to investigate on the informativeness of bid-ask spreads as measures of illiquidity in both markets. 5 For all firms, return and price spillovers run from equity to CDS; for a large number of firms volatility spillovers run from CDS to equity. 2 ample of the scale of these market-wide factors on cross-market illiquidity transmission. The early literature on limits to arbitrage (Schleifer and Vishny 1997, Kyle and Xiong 2001, Xiong 2001, Gromb and Vayanos 2002) argues that wealth constraints experienced by traders give rise to withdrawal of market liquidity. Similarly, the Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009) model shows how the ability of traders to provide market liquidity across multiple markets depends on the availability of funding. The Gromb and Vayanos (2010) model shows that arbitrageurs’ financial constraints create a linkage across otherwise independent assets, i.e. fundamental and supply shocks to one arbitrageur’s investment opportunity affect the liquidity and risk premia of all her opportunities. Comerton-Forde et al (2010), Garleanu and Pedersen (2011), Hameed et al (2010), and Ben-David et al (2012), amongst others, provide empirical evidence for the mentioned theories. Cespa and Foucault (2011) model departs from this earlier literature: in this model the illiquidity spillovers across securities with correlated payoffs rely on dealers’ attention to prices across markets. Since the dealers in one security pay attention to the price of the other security, when one market is less liquid, its price noisier, and the price-embedded information less transparent, liquidity declines also in the other market. Besides the theory on funding constraints and market volatility, our paper proposes and tests an additional channel of illiquidity propagation across asset-markets. Equity and credit are fundamentallyrelated since they both represent claims written on the same underlying firm’s assets (contingentclaim approach of Merton (1974) structural model). Consistently, prices in the equity and credit markets appear to co-move substantially over time6 . Sophisticated arbitrageurs with informational advantage -also know as capital structure arbitrageurs- trade on this fundamental (arbitrage) linkage. They take simultaneous positions in equity and credit to benefit from mispricings across the two markets. Other traders simply exploit the credit-equity linkage for hedging purposes. All these traders decide the amount of equity and credit to be held in their portfolios according to the hedge ratio estimated from the structural model. This ratio measures the sensitivity of debt to changes in equity value and ensures that traders can correctly cover the risk of their credit exposures in the equity market. The cross-market positions are therefore proportional to the hedge ratio. When the credit conditions of a firm worsen and when the firm’s assets become more volatile, the hedge ratio increases. This means that credit and equity markets become more integrated. The increased linkage translates in higher credit risk and larger trade-rebalancing needs for those traders who hold positions contemporaneously in CDS and equity claims of the same firm. This paper illustrates how and tests whether higher hedging and arbitrage trading across markets can trigger larger bid-ask spreads in both equity and credit markets, therefore causing a surge in their illiquidity commonality7 . 6 See Figure 1 displaying a close relation between average CDS premium and inverse of average equity price for the firms in our sample. 7 The intuition behind this channel of cross-market illiquidity transmission is explained in Section 3.5 3 We use panel analysis to test whether the illiquidity spillovers across credit and equity can be explained by the hedge ratio. We find that the hedge ratio (estimated from the Merton model8 ) is a main determinant of illiquidity commonality and its contribution remains economically and statistically significant even after controlling for funding illiquidity, systematic risk factors, and market volatility. Additionally, we examine the determinants of CDS bid-ask spread, using some of the insights from the previous analysis. After controlling for CDS bid-ask serial correlation, cost of funding, and market volatility, we find that hedging costs and informed trading flows across CDS and equity markets (indicative of sophisticated arbitrage trading) increase the CDS bid-ask spread. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the data employed and carries on statistical analysis to detect equity-CDS illiquidity co-movements. Section 3 presents preliminary analysis on illiquidity, return, and volatility spillovers and explains potential drivers of the illiquidity co-movement. This section also describes an arbitrage/hedging channel of cross-market illiquidity transmissions and formulates the main hypothesis to be tested in the rest of the paper. Sections 4 and 5 explain the empirical methodology for two different tests of the arbitrage/hedging channel and examine the respective results. Section 6 concludes. 2 Statistical Analysis on Equity and CDS Bid-Ask Spreads: Detecting Illiquidity Commonality In this Section we perform an analysis of co-movements between equity and CDS illiquidity using equity and CDS percentage bid-ask spreads9 ,10 . We employ data on 51 U.S. investment-grade companies which are components of the Dow Jones 5-years On-the-run CDX North America Investment Grade Index (CDX.NA.IG). The CDX.NA.IG index is composed of 125 firms; however, 51 companies (6 financial and 45 industrial firms) remain after excluding those recording missing values in the CDS prices series for more than 20 consecutive days. We include only investment-grade firms in our sample because they do no suffer from distress or restructuring events over the period considered and from structural illiquidity. The companies have large market capitalization and are typically followed by a large number of analysts. For each firm we select the corresponding stock and the 5 years on-the-run credit default swap. We collect daily quotes (bid and ask prices) and daily close trading data (price and volume) for firms’ stocks from the CRSP Daily Stock dataset. The sample period goes from 8 We calibrate the Merton model in order to estimate the sensitivity of debt to equity (hedge ratio) which determines the size of the equity position relative to the CDS position in the arbitrage/hedging strategy. One of the underlying assumptions is that sophisticated investors use Merton’s structural model to perform arbitrage trading across equity and credit markets. This assumption is not far from the actual practice of capital structure arbitrageurs - mainly hedge funds - who refer to modified implementations of Merton’s model (the most popular proprietary models used are Moody’s KMV and RiskMetrics’ CreditGrades). 9 Equity bid and ask prices are quoted in dollar terms, while CDS bid and ask prices are quoted in basis points. Therefore, for CDS bid-ask spread we use the difference between quoted bid and ask prices (in percentage units), while for equity bid-ask spread we used the ratio between quoted bid-ask spread and midquote price (in percentage units). 10 Most prior literature has examined illiquidity using different proxies for each specific market (Spiegel 2008). In Appendix A2 we ascertain that the percentage bid-ask spread can be good a measure of illiquidity for both equity and CDSs by performing Principal Component Analysis across a number of illiquidity proxies at weekly frequency: Amihud measure, Roll measure, effective spread, percentage bid-ask spread, run length, and inverse turnover index. 4 April 2003 to December 2009. The CRSP stock dataset includes all transactions and quotes from NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ. Daily quotes and prices for CDSs are available on Bloomberg. We use only CDS contracts with a maturity of five years because the trading liquidity is highest in this maturity. The CDS data provided by Bloomberg are daily price information contributed by some of the leading market participants. Bloomberg constructs a composite quote called Bloomberg Generic, which reflects the arithmetic average across the CDS spreads offered by various market participants. When calculating the generic time-series, Bloomberg excludes the infrequent quotes, but not the outliers. Bid and ask prices are daily averages of market quotations, rather then transaction-based prices. This has some advantages, as highlighted by Völz and Wedow (2009). Firstly, the Bloomberg Generic time series covers a wide range of CDS price information from various participants, rather than being broker-specific information that might not reflect true conditions of the inter-dealer market. Secondly, the average provides the advantage that prices are not distorted by the evaluation of a single market participant. Finally, while some CDSs may only be rarely traded, the indicative quotes reflect the broader picture of market activity. Appendix A1 provides all details on the treatment and filtering of the data employed. In Figures 2, 3, and 4 the normalized percentage equity and CDS bid-ask spreads are compared over the whole sample and in two sub-samples, before and after the recent financial crisis (i.e. July 2003-December 2006 and January 2007-December 2009). Equity and CDS bid-ask spreads are closely related: both are downward trending over the pre-crisis period, jump upwards during the crisis period and decline towards the end of the sample. Table 1 displays summary statistics on aggregate equity and CDS bid-ask spreads at weekly frequency over the whole sample (April 2003 - December 2009). On average equity bid-ask spread is larger and more volatile than CDS bid-ask spread11 . Table 2 shows Pearson, Kendall’s Tau, and Spearman’s Rho measures of correlation between weighted-average equity and CDS bid-ask spreads. The three estimated correlations are used as alternative measures of illiquidity commonality. Pearson correlation (ψ) measures the degree of linear association between equity and CDS bid-ask spreads. Rank correlation coefficients, such as Spearman’s rank correlation (ρ) and Kendall’s rank correlation (τ ), measure how well the relationship between the two variables can be described using a monotonic function, without requiring the function to be linear12 . Time average correlations are quite high, in the range of 20%-55% for the whole sample period, and respectively 36%-77% and 15%-45% in the period 2003-2006 and 20072009. Table 3 shows the distributions of the time-average measures of correlation across all 51 firms in the sample. Despite the dispersion of values being quite wide, the estimated measures remain mostly positive (over the whole sample period, as well as over the pre-crisis and crisis sub-samples). Correlation distributions present insignificant or slightly negative mean values only in the middle of the period (2005-2006, results available upon request). Figure 5 illustrates the three measures of correlation between equity and CDS bid-ask spreads in cross-sectional average. The average correlation measures are larger (in the range of 10-20%) over periods of higher turbulence (from the second 11 Our result contradicts the finding of Hilscher et al (2011). They calculate that the CDS bid-ask spread is higher then the equity bid-ask spread on average and speculate that informed trading privileges the most liquid market (i.e. the equity one). Consistently with their conjecture and our results, we should instead support the hypothesis that most informed trading may take place in the CDS market (as in Acharya and Johnson, 2007). 12 In our study Fisher z-transformation (inverse hyperbolic function) is applied to all sample correlation coefficients r 1+r (where r = (ψ, τ, ρ)): z = 0.5ln( 1−r ) (See Section 4 at 4.1). 5 quarter of 2003 to the beginning of 2004; and from the third quarter of 2007 until the third quarter of 2009) than in the middle and at the end of the sample. To summarize this preliminary statistical analysis, we have found illiquidity commonality across equity and CDS using different measures of association between equity and CDS bid-ask spreads of 51 firms. However, the illiquidity co-movement varies over time and becomes more prominent over periods of higher market turbulence, that is in 2003 and in 2007-2009. 3 Drivers of Equity-Credit Illiquidity Co-movements Statistical analysis has detected the existence of illiquidity commonality across equity and CDS bidask spreads and found that the co-movement is substantial during crisis periods. The next step of the analysis is to investigate on: (1) the existence (and direction) of illiquidity spillovers across the two assets; and (2) the sources of the illiquidity co-movement. While the simultaneous increase in equity and CDS bid-ask spreads can be the consequence of a rational response of dealers in segmented equity and CDS markets to market-wide frictions or to adverse movements in the firm’s fundamentals (for example, an increase in asset volatility or a decrease in asset quality), the existence of illiquidity spillovers (in one or both directions) could be ascribed to trading patterns across equity and CDS markets. 3.1 Illiquidity Spillovers We test for the existence of illiquidity spillovers across equity and credit markets for the 51 firms in our sample by performing pair-wise Granger causality tests at individual firm level for CDS and equity bid-ask spreads. We use daily data and include two and four lags. The sample period runs from April 2003 to December 2009. We also perform vector autoregressive (VAR) analysis at individual firm level including daily equity and CDS bid-ask spreads and prices. The VAR analysis can however detect only lead/lag relationships and not causality across equity and CDS markets. Tables 4 and 5 show the results of Granger causality tests between CDS and equity bid-ask spreads including 2 lags: the causality runs from CDS to Equity for 27 firms and in both directions for 21 firms (but for 13 of these firms the evidence of casuality running from CDS to equity is much stronger than the other way round). When we increase the number of lags to 4 we find even stronger evidence in favour of CDS-to-equity causality for 34 firms. Since the causality relationship may be (but not necessarily is) reflected in a “lead” of the CDS market on the equity market, we perform VAR analysis on daily individual firms’ CDS and equity bid-ask spreads and prices to obtain more robust results in terms of illiquidity spillovers . The lags included in the VAR are set using Schwartz information criterion. The VAR tests show that, after controlling for past prices effects, lead/lag illiquidity connections between equity and CDS markets exist for 45 firms over 51. For 13 firms lagged values of CDS bid-ask spreads affect current equity bid-ask spread but not the other way round; for 8 firms lagged values of equity bid-ask spread affect current CDS bid-ask spread but not the other way round; while for 24 firms both effects are present13 . The VAR results are quite 13 Detailed results of VAR analysis at firm level are not reported for brevity, but they are available upon request. VAR 6 conservative because the VAR performs controls also on past price effects. However, the VAR tests show that there are illiquidity connections across the two markets and the Granger causality tests detect a more pronounced evidence of contagion running from CDS to equity. 3.2 Return and Volatility Spillovers Next, we gather some preliminary evidence on possible sources of cross-market illiquidity spillovers. We start with analysing the relationship between CDS and equity returns. The worsening of firm’s asset quality can trigger an increase in both CDS and equity bid-ask spreads. Meanwhile, it also causes an increase in the firm’s CDS premium and a decrease in its equity price. If the same information on asset quality is impounded in both returns (prices) and bid-ask spreads, consistently with the results on illiquidity spillovers’ direction, we should observe stronger evidence of CDS returns (premia) Granger causing equity returns (prices). Therefore, we examine the causality relationship between equity and credit returns for each company in the sample. We find that for almost all firms equity returns Granger cause CDS returns, but not the other way round (see Tables 6 and 7). The same results are found for returns calculated on both transaction prices and midquote prices and for equity-CDS prices (unreported for brevity, but available upon request)14 . Next, we study the relationship between CDS and equity volatility. Since a surge in volatility also determines an increase in bid-ask spreads, we investigate whether the existence and the direction of the illiquidity spillovers are consistent with the results of the Granger causality tests for equity and CDS volatilities (Tables 8 and 9). All volatilities are computed at daily frequency as exponentially weighted moving averages on a rolling window of 120 days of CDS and equity return data. The study of volatility spillovers reveals that higher CDS volatility drives higher equity volatility more frequently than the other way round (in 18 cases versus 6, while for 16 firms volatility spillovers are detected in both directions). However, at individual firm level, the results on the direction of Granger causality for CDS-equity bid-ask spreads and volatilities match only for 27% of the firms in the sample. While these findings indicate that illiquidity spillovers may not only be a by-product of returns and volatility spillovers across equity and credit markets, they also suggest that different sets of information might be anticipated in one market and then transmitted to the other one. For example, while new information affecting the average performance of the firm may be firstly incorporated in the equity returns/prices and then transmitted to the CDS returns/premia, more extreme shifts in beliefs that generate higher volatility of firm’s assets and increase in bid-ask spreads for a large set of firms may be detected first in the CDS market and then transmitted to the equity market. analysis has been also performed on prices and on returns (without bid-ask spreads). In all cases we detect price and return influences across both markets. This evidence offers some support to Cespa and Foucault (2011) theory that illiquidity spillovers might be explained by dealers’ attention to prices across markets. However, their behavioral explanation may result incomplete or insufficient when the markets analyzed share common fundamentals. Equity and CDS illiquidity commonality might be explained by rational dealers’ attention to common fundamentals affecting prices in both markets, rather than by their passive attention to prices across market. Moreover, the idea of separate trading over segmented markets can be challenged by the hypothesis of traders taking positions in both markets for arbitrage and hedging purposes. 14 This result is consistent with the result of Norden and Weber (2009) who find that equity returns lead CDS price changes much more frequently than the other way round. 7 The contingent-claim approach offers some support to this conjecture. According to Merton (1974) model the equity of an investment-grade firm (as those in our sample) corresponds to an in-the-money option written on the underlying firm’s assets; while the CDS is equivalent to a deep out-the-money put option with same underlying. Zhou (2005) finds that in-the-money options attract investors who possess mild firm-specific information (on price), while deep out-of-the-money options catch the attention of those who possess extreme information (on volatility). Consistently, Acharya and Johnson (2007) find that CDS can lead equity when there are bad news about a specific company; Qiu and Yu (2012) show that most of the information flow from the CDS to the equity market takes place before adverse credit events; and Marsh and Wagner (2012) find that CDS markets lag equities in pricing good news about the general economy, but they quickly impound firm-specific bad news. From the Grange causality tests in our paper CDS volatility appears to lead equity volatility, while equity returns lead CDS returns. Since the empirical literature suggests that volatility is more affected by past negative news than by past positive news (see, for example, Dufour et al, 2008)15 , our results are compatible and consistent with the hypothesis of CDS market quickly impounding (extreme) bad news and transmitting them to the equity market. The equity and CDS daily data and the Granger causality tests we have employed suggests the possibility of a trading channel through which negative information and illiquidity are transmitted for CDS to equity markets. While this paper is focused on an investigation of CDS-equity illiquidity co-movements, future research can be done on a more extensive identification of the sources and nature of information flows across equity and credit markets and their effect on prices and bid-ask spreads of the relative claims. This research would expand the flourishing literature on the topic16 . 3.3 Market-wide vs Firm-specific Drivers of CDS and Equity Illiquidity The final test we perform in this Section aims at disentangling the separate contributions of marketwide and firm-specific factors to CDS and equity bid-ask spreads. We define market-wide sources of illiquidity those frictions which might affect the transaction costs of different assets within the same market (i.e. stocks of different companies, or CDSs issued on the debt of different companies). We define asset-specific sources of illiquidity the variables that might affect both equity and CDS contract of a firm as claims written on the underlying firm’s assets. 15 Chen and Ghysels (2011) find that moderately good (intra-daily) news reduces volatility (the next day), while both very good news (unusual high intra-daily positive returns) and bad news (negative returns) increase volatility, with the latter having a more severe impact. Additionally, the ARCH literature has assessed that negative equity returns lead to higher impact on future volatility than positive returns (see the reviews by Bollerslev, Engle, and Nelson, 1994; and Andersen, Bollerselv, Christoffersen, and Diebold, 2006). Recent work has also found evidence of this relationship using high frequency returns (see Bollerslev, Litvinova, and Tauchen, 2006; Barndorff-Nielsen, Kinnebrock, and Shephard, 2010; Visser, 2008). Patton and Sheppard (2011) also find that future volatility is much more strongly related to the volatility of past negative returns than to that of positive returns. 16 Future work employing intra-daily and actual transaction data in CDS and equity markets would be very valuable in shedding further light on this issue. 8 According to the contingent claims approach of the structural models (see Appendix B) when a firm’s asset volatility increases, equity price decreases while CDS premium increases. The effect of asset volatility could be extended -in theory- to CDS and equity bid-ask spreads: when firm’s fundamentals worsen and asset volatility increases, dealers rationally increase CDS and equity spreads. Therefore, a shift in asset volatility might cause an inverse movement in equity and CDS prices and a positive co-movement in equity and CDS bid-ask spreads. We test separately for CDS and equity of each firm whether bid-ask spreads are affected by market-wide and/or asset-specific factors. We perform regressions of CDS (equity) bid-ask spread on CDS (equity) market average illiquidity and firm’s asset volatility. Newey-West standard errors (robust to heteroskedasticity and serial correlation) are computed using GMM. Asset volatility is estimated as in Schaefer and Strebulaev (2008) from a linear combination of firm’s equity and debt variance and their covariance (see Appendix B). We perform this regression only for the 45 industrial firms in our sample, given the different nature of financial companies’ balance sheets. The regressions reveal that for all firms equity and CDS bid-ask spreads are affected by average market illiquidity; however, while for 22 firms over 45 (half sample) CDS bid-ask spread is also strongly positively affected by the firm’s asset volatility, for 80% of the sample this variable has no significant positive effect on equity bid-ask spread (see Table 10)17 . In (unreported) regression analysis on CDS and equity prices, we find for a larger number of firms a significant effect of asset volatility on CDS premium but not on equity price, after controlling for aggregate market effects18 . These results suggest that firm-specific asset volatility shocks have larger impact on CDS liquidity and price than on the equity. This may reflect the CDS nature of deep out-the-money put option written on the firm’s assets, therefore with larger exposure to volatility risk. 3.4 Re-Cap of the Preliminary Results Our analysis shows so far that: (i) Bid-ask spreads on individual equities and CDSs are closely related, particularly in turbulent periods; (ii) There exist CDS and equity illiquidity spillovers which for most firms travel from CDS to equity market and do not perfectly reflect the direction of returns and volatility spillovers across markets; (iii) For almost all firms equity returns spill over CDS returns, while for a large number of firms volatility spillovers display an opposite direction; and (iv) For a large number of firms asset volatility has positive influence on CDS illiquidity, while only for few firms it affects equity illiquidity (after controlling for the general level of market illiquidity). Thus, the co-movement in equity and CDS illiquidity may not only be the consequence of higher asset volatility, worse asset quality, or higher general illiquidity, producing a separate response of equity and CDS dealers. The illiquidity spillovers across CDS and equity may be the result of crossmarket trading activity. We define an alternative channel of illiquidity transmission across equity and credit and call it “Equity-CDS Arbitrage/Hedging Channel”. 17 This evidence does not change substantially between more volatile and calmer periods. Moreover, no significant cross-sectional differences among firms (by sector, industry, and size) are found in the results of this analysis. 18 Also this evidence does not change substantially between more volatile and calmer periods and no significant crosssectional differences among firms (by sector, industry, size) are found in the results. 9 3.5 Arbitrage/Hedging Channel of Illiquidity Commonality across Equity and CDS Markets In this Section we attempt to provide some intuition on a channel of illiquidity transmission across equity and credit markets based on the behaviour of different groups of traders, which will be then used to formulate the central hypothesis of the paper. The intuition is supported by our empirical results in Section 3 and by recent literature on CDS and equity microstructure (see Qiu and Yu, 2012, amongst others19 ) to which we refer throughout the exposition. 3.5.1 Some Basic Facts on CDS and Equity Market Microstructure In normal times, equity and CDS are highly liquid markets. In particular, the CDS market is much more liquid than the bond market20 . While the traders’ composition in the equity markets is very heterogeneous, the CDS market is mainly a venue for speculative and hedging activity of institutional investors. For example, hedge funds and private equity firms use CDSs for a variety of trading strategies (popularly known as capital structure arbitrage) that attempt to arbitrage across equity and credit markets21 . Dealers in CDS and equity markets are different. The CDS market is a bilateral dealership over-the-counter market, with no centralized quote disclosure mechanism and with a less than fully competitive network of (private) dealers, usually controlled by a group of major banks22 . In the CDS market many banks act as dealers by posting bid and ask quotes for CDS protection. Apart from their role as dealers, banks use CDSs also for managing the risk connected to their own loan exposure (and they are net buyers of CDS protection)23 . Therefore, some of the dealers in the CDS market have potentially access to companies’ private credit information. As Qiu and Yu (2012) notice: “ this blurs the traditional boundary between dealers and non-dealers; rather it is the decision of supply 19 Further research is needed however to develop a partial equilibrium market microstructure model for illiquidity commonality and contagion between pairs of assets with correlated payoffs and fundamental linkages. 20 Corporate bond markets often lack liquidity, which explains the presence of a substantial liquidity premium in bond yields. According to different studies, CDS spreads incorporate a lower liquidity premium than bonds (see Longstaff et al. 2005; Cossin and Lu, 2005; Crouch and Marsh, 2005; and Zhu, 2006), especially for the 5-year maturity, which is the most traded maturity. The CDS market is the market investors are likely to turn to when they want to liquidate their credit positions. Several factors underpin the greater liquidity of the CDS market, as explained by Coudert and Gex (2010). First, when an investor wants to liquidate a CDS position, he does not have to sell it back on the market, but he can write another contract in the opposite direction, which is of course not possible for bonds. Second, CDS contracts are not in limited supply like bonds, so they can be sold in arbitrarily large amounts. Third, the CDS market on a given borrower is not fragmented as the bond market, being made up of all its successive issuances. Fourth, a number of investors, such as insurance companies or pension funds, purchase bonds as part of a “buy and hold” strategy, whereas CDS sellers are more active on the market. For corporates, the CDS market has nearly outsized the bond market, as it reached USD 9.7 trillion versus USD 10.0 trillion for long-term debt securities in September 2009 (BIS, Quarterly Review, March 2010). 21 Hedge funds constitute a major force in the CDS market. Between 2004 and 2006 they doubled their market share and with 30% of volume traded on both sides of the market, they became the second largest group in the CDS market, after banks. 22 According to a survey by Fitch (2009), conducted amongst 26 banks which play a major role in the CDS market, the 5 largest banks were responsible for 88% of notional amount bought and sold 23 Banks’ trading activity constitutes respectively 33% and 36% of total volume of CDS sold and bought (BBA, 2006). Banks’ loan portfolio activity represents instead 7% of total sold volume of CDS, and 18% of total bought volume (BBA, 2006). On the sell side of the CDS market insurance companies are also particularly active and provide around 18% of total CDS supply (BBA, 2006). 10 or take liquidity that distinguish the participants” in the CDS market. The role of the dealers in the equity market is much less ambiguous as they are at all effects liquidity-providers with no particular information advantage on the shares they provide a market for. Moreover, firms’ stocks are exchange-traded and all dealers can access a centralized and transparent quote disclosure mechanism. Despite their differences, in both CDS and equity markets the fundamental role of the dealers is to provide liquidity in the relative assets. The dealer buys a security on its own account (at the bid price) or sell a security from its own account (at the ask price). The bid-ask spread is the cost of a round-trip transaction and also represents the compensation earned by a dealer for providing liquidity. Dealers try to make a profit by maximizing the spreads they earn, given the costs they have to bear. Below we analyse some of these dealership costs and their possible effects on the co-movement between equity and CDS bid-ask spreads. 3.5.2 The Behaviour of Traders across CDS and Equity Markets Let us consider the three groups of agents examined by most market microstructure models: i) Wellinformed risk-neutral arbitrageurs; ii) Risk-averse noise traders; and iii) Risk-averse dealers. In the CDS market the dealers can be informed or uninformed agents, while noise traders are uninformed agents mostly in demand for CDS protection24 . In the equity market dealers and noise traders are uninformed agents. Noise traders trade mainly for liquidity reasons. When firms’ credit conditions worsen25 , the debt-to-equity hedge ratios of the firms increase26 and noise traders demand more CDS insurance to protect themselves against the higher likelihood of firms’ defaults and losses on their bond positions. Qiu and Yu (2012) find that higher hedging demand triggers more supply from CDS dealers only when markets are relatively calm. Instead, during periods that precede steep increases in CDS premia and in the hedge ratios, fewer CDS dealers supply liquidity to the CDS market. Building on this result, we conjecture that if the firm’s default risk is moderate and its hedge ratio not too high, then the CDS dealer provides additional liquidity supply. Being risk-averse, the CDS dealer hedges her short position in CDS (say X) by shorting corresponding equity (hX). If the default event becomes more likely and hedging increasingly difficult, the CDS dealers reduces her 24 For example, bond market investors with passive hedging demand. The CDS market is vastly populated by traders who take position only for hedging purposes and non-speculative desires. CDS dealers are in fact net sellers of CDS to noise traders 25 This expository choice is consistent with the observation that the illiquidity commonality phenomenon appears mainly during crisis periods 26 Credit protection is conceptually similar to a put option on the underlying firm value. For firms with better credit ratings, which tend to be far from default, such puts are further out of the money. The elasticity H of the CDS (or put option) to equity is equal to the debt-to-equity hedge ratio h = ∂CDS/∂E (or delta) multiplied by the ratio of equity price to CDS (or put option) price (see Appendix B). A higher hedge ratio means that credit quality deteriorates, credit risk is higher, and credit and equity markets are more integrated (i.e. credit price reacts more to changes in equity). If a trader wants to invest Y in the CDS market and hedge for underlying fundamental value risk, she should invest hY in the equity market. Similarly, if a trader wants to invest Y in the equity market and hedge for underlying fundamental value risk, she should invest (1/h)Y in the CDS market. The bigger is h, the more difficult is to hedge a CDS position, as this requires an increasing position in equity. However, when h increases, the incentive to hedge CDS position in the equity increases as well. 11 supply of CDSs (by taking the opposite position on the CDS contract) and liquidates her position in the “hedging”-equity. The implicit cost of this liquidation is the bid-ask spread of the “hedging” and it is charged by the dealer in the bid-ask she sets in the CDS market27 . The hedging costs of market making have been analysed by Cho and Engle (1999), Kaul, Nimalendran, Zhang (2004), Landsiedl (2005), Petrella (2006), and Neri and Engle (2010) in the option market microstructure literature, where an explicit connection between equity and option bid-ask spreads is established via the hedging activity of dealers. In this paper we attempt to verify the existence of hedging costs for CDS and equity bid-ask spreads. The hedging channel can be a source of firm-specific illiquidity commonality. If CDS and equity bid-ask spreads co-move in proportion to the delta-hedge of the cross-market position, then the illiquidity commonality increases with the size of the hedge ratio28 (and this should be also large enough to have any recognizable effect). Furthermore, the reduction of CDS supply from CDS dealers (while demand for protection is high) may generate a supply-demand imbalance. This can cause credit premia to set above their fair value. The rise of a mispricing fuels arbitrage trading across the CDS and equity markets for a specific firm. Arbitrageurs (in particular hedge funds) are well-informed traders. They can evaluate the intrinsic value of credit spreads by setting them equal to synthetic option-based spreads from a sophisticated model based on the company’s liability structure and equity volatility. When an arbitrageur recognizes a mispricing between equity and relative CDS, she may decide to perform credit-equity arbitrage (so-called capital structure arbitrage)29 . If the arbitrageur believes that the credit spread observed for a specific firm is too high with respect to its equity value, she takes a short position (Z) in CDS and a short position (hZ) in the corresponding equity. Suppose that a group of arbitrageurs believe that for the same firm CDS is overvalued. Hence, they perform trading across credit/equity of the identified firm: they go short on the corresponding CDS and short on the corresponding equity. This cross-market trading should narrow the mispricing between CDS and equity. The size of the cross-market position is determined by delta hedging, therefore it is equal or 27 Once the dealer sells the CDS, it sells the corresponding equity as well paying the bid-ask spread on the equity as cost of the round trip transaction. The bid-ask spread that the dealer charges on the CDS transaction in this case should include the cost borne to hedge the positions (Cho and Engle, 1999) which is given by the size of the position on the equity (delta determined by the hedge ratio) times the equity bid-ask spread paid. 28 Moreover, this is a potential channel for the illiquidity spill-overs asymmetry. Since it is easier to hedge equity position with CDS than the other way around when the hedge ratio is particularly high, we should expect a stronger effect of spillovers from CDS bid-ask spread to equity bid-ask spread, than the opposite. This is consistent with our result in Section 3.1. 29 In more general terms, the capital structure arbitrage (CSA) is a trading strategy that attempts to exploit mispricing between a company’s liabilities, most commonly between equity and straight or convertible debt. In recent years such strategies have become increasingly popular, particularly among hedge funds, possibly as a result of the development of the credit default swap market that has allowed market participants to take short positions in a credit risk more easily (Currie and Morris, 2002). Yu (2005) analyses CSA convergence trades involving credit default swaps (CDS) and equity. He finds these trades to be “quite risky” and, in particular, prone to large losses when CDS spreads rise quickly. However, in this analysis Yu (2005) also finds that “when the individual trades are aggregated into monthly capital structure arbitrage portfolio returns, the strategy appears to offer attractive Sharpe ratios”. In related analysis, Duarte, Longstaff, and Yu (2005) find that CDS-based capital structure arbitrage and find that this can produce promising Sharpe ratios of approximately 0.8. Finally, Kapadia and Pu (2012) analyse the limited arbitrage across equity and CDS, due to arbitrageurs’inattention and funding limitations, as source of persistent misalignment between CDS and equity prices 12 proportional to the debt-to-equity hedge ratio estimated using the sophisticated structural model30 . An increase in the hedge ratio commands larger cross-market positions for delta-hedging and - therefore - larger liquidity demand across markets from arbitrageurs/informed traders31 . If arbitrageurs are more informed than noise traders and dealers in both CDS and equity markets, then, according to the mainstream microstructure models of asymmetric information (see, amongst others, Glosten and Milgrom, 1985; Kyle, 1985; Amihud and Mendelson, 1986; Easley and O’Hara, 1987; and Admati and Pfleiderer, 1988), the bid-ask spreads should increase in both markets. The cross-arbitrage would in fact generate informed flows in both the CDS and equity markets (respectively, Z and hZ)32 . Accordingly, when credit-equity arbitrage become possible (i.e. the CDS mispricing and h are significantly above 0) bid-ask spreads should increase in both markets due to a surge in adverse selection. This is another potential source of illiquidity commonality33 . While it is hardly arguable that sophisticated arbitrageurs are more informed than equity dealers, to the extent that the CDS market liquidity can be provided by both informed and uniformed dealers, the relationship between informed arbitrage trading and CDS bid-ask spread remains an empirical issue. On the one hand, the dominant role played by potentially informed dealers (i.e. banks) may set the CDS apart from equity market (Qiu and Yu, 2012). On the other hand, it is highly probable that when credit events increase (as for example in the 2007-08 financial crisis), the CDS dealers who remain available to supply liquidity to noise traders are mainly uninformed agents. In conclusion, when firms’ credit conditions worsen, co-movements between CDS and equity bidask spreads can arise because of: 1) Higher hedging needs of CDS dealers: The dealers recover these hedging costs by setting higher CDS bid-ask spreads, in proportion to the bid-ask spreads paid on the equity-“hedging” market (i.e. hedge ratio times equity bid-ask spread); 2) Larger demand of liquidity across CDS and equity markets from capital structure arbitrageurs: Uniformed dealers will seek protection against superior information of capital structure arbitrageurs by setting higher bid-ask spreads in equity and credit markets, respectively in proportion to the size of the CDS informed flow (Z) and the size of the equity informed flow (hZ). 30 Yu (2005) reports that: “From what traders describe in media accounts, the equity hedge is often ”static“, staying unchanged through the duration of the strategy. Moreover, traders often modify the model-based hedge ratio according to their own opinion of the particular type of convergence that is likely to occur”. For example “the trader may decide to underhedge” or “he may overhedge.” 31 A model by Fernando et al (2008) suggests that the commonality in illiquidity is higher for securities traded in markets where a small group of traders operate and pursue similar trading strategies. This is compatible with the cross-market trading generated by capital structure arbitrage hedge funds. 32 If a dealer could hedge all the risk related to her CDS position in the equity market, no cost related to the risk of informed trading in the CDS market would arise. Nevertheless, not all risk related to the unbalanced exposure can be hedged. The hedging activity requires the dealer to have simultaneous active and frictionless exposure to both equity and CDS markets. The decentralization in market making can be a problem for the coordination of risk management decisions and it can render the hedging activity more expensive. It is more likely that the dealer applies a form of partial, rather than perfect, hedging or no hedging at all. Therefore, she remains exposed to the risk of losses due to informed trading. 33 The literature on liquidity shocks transmission across correlated assets via arbitrage trading has seen some developments in very recent times (see, for example, the theoretical model by Gromb and Vayanos, 2010, and the empirical work on equities and ETFs by Franzoni et al, 2012). 13 Accordingly, we derive the following hypothesis: Hypothesis. Equity-CDS Arbitrage/Hedging Channel of Illiquidity Commonality: The commonality of illiquidity across equity and credit markets increases with the hedge ratio. In the reminder of the paper we set and perform some tests to disentangle whether equityCDS illiquidity commonality can be significantly explained by the arbitrage/hedge trading channel - proxied by the hedge ratio - even after controlling for the effect of exogenous frictions (funding, market, and systematic risk factors). In fact, as previous literature has pointed out, the ability of market makers to provide liquidity depends also on their funding availability and aversion to systematic risk. The equity-CDS arbitrage/hedging channel implies instead that illiquidity can comove and spill over across equity and CDS markets even in the absence of systematic risk (Das and Hanouna, 2009), just as a result of specific trading patterns which intensify during crisis periods34 . 4 4.1 Empirical Test of Determinants of Linkages between Equity and Credit Illiquidity Empirical Modelling In this Section we test the Hypothesis of an arbitrage/hedging channel of illiquidity commonality across equity and credit markets. In this test the illiquidity commonality variable CommBA i,t is represented by the Kendall’s Tau measure of correlation35 (Fisher-transformed) between daily equity and CDS bid-ask spreads constructed over each quarter from April 2003 to December 2009 for each firm. As first step we perform a preliminary analysis to filter the illiquidity commonality variable from the effects of some variables which previous market microstructure literature has found significant in affecting the cost of market making: - Firm’s systematic risk (Fama-French three factors M ktRf , SM B, and HM L): Higher exposure of a firm to market, size, and book-to-market risk factors may cause higher inventory costs for dealers operating in the CDS and equity market for the specific firm, which then translate in higher bid-ask spreads. - Tightening of funds (proxied by the spread between 3-months LIBOR rate and 3-months T-Bill yield, T ED): 34 We have shown how the hedging/arbitrage trading can increase illiquidity commonality taking a “directional” view, i.e. assuming that during the crisis periods higher CDS demand would trigger higher equity-hedging needs and a CDS mispricing fuelling CDS-equity arbitrage. We cannot completely rule out the possibility that during the crisis a forced sale of stocks can cause equity to be undervalued, rather than CDS to be overvalued. The CDS-delta factor which applies in this case is 1/h and it would lead to opposite conclusions: a counter-effect of hedge ratio h on illiquidity co-movements. Firstly, this is not what we will observe in our data (see Section 4). Secondly, several papers (amongst others, Dick-Nielsen et al, 2012) have shown that the crisis period has been characterized by a misalignment between credit prices and equity fundamentals. In particular, bond and CDS spreads have risen above the level predicted by different structural models of credit risk. 35 Kapadia and Pu (2012) use the Kendall’s Tau to measure the concordance between CDS and equity price changes. They stress two advantages of using this measures: firstly, the Kendall’s Tau does not need a parametric setup; secondly, being intuitively related to the variable’s co-movement, it is not affected by interpretation-ambiguity, unlike other measures such as the coefficient of determination. 14 The increased cost of funding represents a burden on dealers’ costs across many different markets. Generally, dealers fund and maintain their positions by borrowing (the cost of funding represents also an opportunity-cost). Therefore, the lack of funding liquidity can generate unwinding of positions across multiple markets, fire-sales, and large illiquidity discounts on assets. Additionally, the higher risk of assets’ devaluation can cause further pressure on dealership costs. - Increase in volatility of markets (measured by the implied S&P500 option volatility index, V IX): Higher volatility can increase inventory dealership costs and cause dealers to impose larger bid-ask spreads across all markets where they provide liquidity. We perform the following preliminary panel least squares regression where we also add a control for firms’ unobservable fixed effects: CommBA i,t = α0 +β1 M ktRft +β2 SM Bt +β3 HM Lt +δ1 T EDt +δ2 V IXt +α1 F irm1 +...+α17 F irm17 +i,t (1) where i = 1, . . . , 18 is the firm index; t = 1, . . . , 27 is the time (quarter) index. The analysis is performed on a sub-sample of 18 non-financial companies which display stationarity in both the illiquidity commonality and the hedge ratio series36 . F irmi represents the fixed effect (dummy) for firm i (i=1. . . 18). As second step, we use the residuals from this model Res.CommBA i,t (so-called filtered illiquidity commonality) to analyze the effect of the hedge ratio. Using the filtered variable should strongly reduce the possibility that we attribute illiquidity commonality to equity and credit common exposure to exogenous risk factors (systematic risk, funding illiquidity, and market volatility), rather than to the hedge ratio which instead captures the extent of credit-to-equity sensitivity and cross-market trading. We perform the test using panel least squares regression and estimating firm clustered standard errors. The estimated equation is: SS Res.CommBA i,t = γ0 + θHi,t + ui,t (2) where i = 1, . . . , 18 is the firm index; t = 1, . . . , 27 is the time (quarter) index. SS On the right-hand side of Equation (2) we have Hi,t , the estimated debt-to-equity elasticity (hedge ratio) for firm i in quarter t. Appendix B describes the two methodologies followed (from Vassalou and Xing, 2004, and Schaefer and Strebulaev, 2008) to estimate the debt-to-equity hedge ratios on a weekly basis for each firm (sample: April 2003-December 2009)37 using the Merton (1974) model approach. The two methodologies are called respectively VX and SS for brevity. In the regression specification (2) we employ the hedge ratio obtained from SS methodology. In a further specification we augment the right-hand side of Equation (2) with Qtr2003:2 , ..., Qtr2009:3 , which 36 Test of unit roots have been performed on illiquidity commonality and hedge ratio to select these firms. The test are run using Augmented Dickey-Fuller equation with number of lags lags set by Schwartz information criterion and 5% confidence level. 37 In addition to equity price data from CRSP and CDS premia from Bloomberg, we employ firms’ accounting information from COMPUSTAT. 15 represent the fixed quarter of the year effect (dummy). In particular, controlling for time effects represents a robustness check for the effect of the hedge ratio on illiquidity commonality since time dummies can capture the effects of extreme events (2003 stock market drop, 2007-07 subprime crisis). The analysis performed so far could be too conservative if some of the exogenous risk factors were also influenced by a contemporaneous worsening of firms’ credit conditions and assets volatility, which ultimately determine the firms’ hedge ratios. In this case the filtering in the first step would eliminate part of the effect of the hedge ratio. Therefore, we perform another panel regression where the hedge ratio variable is added to the right-hand side of Equation 1. This analysis allows us also to evaluate and compare the relative contributions of the hedge factor and the market volatility, funding, and systemic factors to the increase in equity-CDS illiquidity commonality. We estimate the augmented equation with least squares and call this second estimation exercise the “All-in Regression”: SS CommBA i,t = α0 +β1 M ktRft +β2 SM Bt +β3 HM Lt +δ1 T EDt +δ2 V IXt +θHi,t +α1 F irm1 +...+α17 F irm17 +υi,t (3) Finally, we repeat the entire analysis replacing the hedge ratio with its component orthogonal to general market default risk and volatility (H SS,ORT ). This further check is necessary to test whether the hedge ratio’s influence on the equity-CDS illiquidity commonality does not simply pick up the increase in default risk and volatility at market level, particularly over the crisis period. A change in economic conditions can in fact influence the likelihood of all firms’ default and their hedge ratios. Therefore, to isolate the orthogonal component we regress the hedge ratio on: i) the difference between the return on Moody’s AAA Index of long-term corporate bonds and the longterm (20 years) government bond yield (default risk factor DEF ) and ii) the V IX index, and take the residuals from this regression. 4.2 Results of Test of Equity-CDS Arbitrage/Hedging Channel of Illiquidity Commonality BA BA As proxies of illiquidity commonality we consider: ψi,t , τi,t , and ρBA i,t , respectively the Fisher’s z-Transformation of Pearson Correlation, Kendall’s Tau Rank Correlation, and Spearman’s Rho Rank Correlation between equity and CDS bid-ask of firm i estimated over each quarter t. We also consider the same correlation measures for equity and CDS returns of firm i estimated over each RET RET quarter t: ψi,t , τi,t , and ρRET . Table 11 and 12 report respectively the pair-wise correlation i,t and (Granger) causality matrices for relevant variables. The hedge ratio is highly correlated with all alternative measures of illiquidity and return commonality and all these variables are also closely related to default risk, VIX index, and TED spread (see Table 11). Table 13 display the summary statistics of these variables. The pair-wise Granger causality matrix in Table 12 identifies for each pair of variables which causality relationship is most likely. Stronger evidence on causality directions suggest that all commonality proxies are influenced by the hedge ratio which in turn is affected by bond market default risk and VIX index. The relationship between illiquidity and return commonality remains instead ambiguous. 16 To test whether the illiquidity commonality can be explained by the hedge ratio and verify the main hypothesis of the paper, we first need to filter out the effects of firm systematic risk factors (i.e. exposure to Fama-French factors: size, book-to-market, and market risk), funding cost, and market volatility from the illiquidity correlation measures between equity and CDS bid-ask spreads for the 18 non-financial firms. From the preliminary panel regression analysis all these variables are found positively significant to explain an increase in illiquidity co-movement across equity and credit of the firms (Table 14, Panel A). Moreover, the likelihood ratio tests of redundancy reveal a limited contribution of firms’ fixed effects. Next, using the residuals of the previous panel regression we test the main hypothesis of the paper. We regress the residual series on the hedge ratio obtained through the SS methodology. The hedge ratio represents a first approximation of the arbitrage relationship between equity and CDS; in fact it is obtained as the elasticity of the CDS value to the equity value of the firm (see Appendix B). When this elasticity changes, the arbitrage relationship between equity and credit changes: informed traders who exploit it (arbitrageurs or speculators) have to rebalance their relative positions across the two markets. Their rebalancing need represents an act of liquidity-consumption from informed traders to which dealers (liquidity-providers in the equity and CDS markets) react by increasing equity and credit bid-ask spreads. Moreover, dealers who hedge their credit imbalanced positions in the equity market will have to pay a higher price for rebalancing the strategy and will increase the bid-ask spreads to recover the higher equity-hedging costs. Therefore, an increase in illiquidity co-movement may be driven by an increase in the hedge ratio (or debt-to-equity elasticity). Figure 6 illustrates the time-series plot of the value-weighted average of the hedge ratio across all firms. It shows that the average hedge ratio H SS gradually decreases from 2003 over the following years; it then rises again from the second semester of 2007 and decreases towards the end of 2009. Figure 7 displays a similar pattern of the average hedge ratios estimated with SS and VX methodology (April 2003-November 2008). Figure 8 shows that the time-pattern of the average hedge ratio closely tracks CDS market average premia and bid-ask spread. Noticeably, Figure 9 reveals a very close relation between average hedge ratio and CDS-equity illiquidity commonality over time. This relation is the object of our investigation. The results of the panel regression for Equation (2) reported in Table 14 (Panel B) confirm the existence of a positive relationship between equity-CDS illiquidity co-movements and the hedge ratio. The hedge ratio is a significant explanatory variable for co-movements of illiquidity only during crisis periods (2003, and 2007-2009). It must be noted that the sample is composed of investment-grade firms with low leverage and hedge ratio over calmer periods (2004-2006) when also the illiquidity correlation across equity and credit is negligible or even slightly negative38 . As a robustness check, the positive effect of the hedge ratio on the illiquidity commonality survives also when we control for fixed effects of time (quarters) and when we replace the hedge ratio with its component orthogonal to market default risk and volatility (Table 14). When we perform the All-in Panel Regression (Equation 3) we can evaluate the separate influence of the hedge ratio versus exogenous frictions. Panel analysis at individual firm level in Table 15 38 These intuitive results are unreported, but available upon request 17 (Panel A) reveals a positive significant effect of TED spread, VIX index, and systematic risk factors on illiquidity commonality, but also a positive influence of the hedge ratio, after controlling for firms’ unobservable fixed effects. In Table 15 (Panel B) we notice that the economic significance of the hedge ratio in terms of standard deviations impact is around 0.16, while the aggregate economic significance of all other exogenous factors is about 0.52. When we use the hedge ratio as regressor for the filtered illiquidity commonality (Equation 2) its economic significance is around 0.12. Consistent with our concern, we find that the results in terms of hedge ratio effect are typically stronger without the filtering. For robustness checks we repeat the previous analysis using: 1) As alternative dependent variables (measure of illiquidity commonality) the Spearman rank measure of association and the Pearson correlation between equity and CDS bid-ask spreads; 2) As alternative proxy for arbitrage/hedging trading the hedge ratio estimated with Vassalou and Xing (2004) methodology. When we use the hedge ratio from VX Methodology instead of SS Hedge Ratio we consider a restricted time sample running from April 2003 to October 2008. A comparison between the results of the three alternative regressions in Panel A of Table 16 shows that using Spearman instead of Kendall correlation does not change the results, while in the regression that employs the Pearson correlation the hedge ratio and the size factor are the only significant variables. The economic significance of the hedge ratio remains in a range between 0.13-0.16 standard deviations impact. If we replace the hedge ratio estimated using the SS methodology with the one estimated using the Vassalou-Xing (2004) methodology we find that the latter is also significant in the panel data equations (Table 16, Panel B) and has the same economic significance as the SS hedge ratio. However, the R-squared halves with respect to the case when we use SS hedge ratio (Table 16, Panel A), so the VX measure of hedge ratio is less useful than the SS measure. To conclude this Section, the central hypothesis of the paper cannot be rejected in all performed tests: the effect of the hedge ratio on equity-CDS illiquidity commonality is strongly significant, both statistically and economically, even after controlling for relevant exogenous risk factors39 . 39 Given the unavailability of trading data for CDS markets, to verify that the firm-specific channel of illiquidity commonality is trading-based we rely on a proxy of traders’ changing exposure across markets (the hedge ratio). The frequency of the analysis is low. However, this should bias the results towards under-detecting the incidence of cross-market hedging and arbitrage on illiquidity transmission, since the relative trading happens at higher frequency. The data and tests we have employed are suggestive of the existence of a trading channel for cross-market illiquidity movements. However, future work employing better proxies for cross-arbitrage and hedging activity, perhaps using intra-day data on actual transactions in CDS markets, would be valuable in shedding further light on this issue. 18 5 Empirical Test of Determinants of CDS Bid-Ask Spread One of the insights of the arbitrage/hedging channel of CDS-equity illiquidity commonality illustrated in Section 3.5 is that the dealers in the CDS market: 1) can hedge the risk exposure of their imbalanced positions on fair market terms in the equity market; and 2) can protect themselves from potential losses arising from trading with better informed traders (capital structure arbitrageurs). Furthermore, the dealers need to hold some capital to finance their market making activity and the hedging and to absorb unhedged risks (hedging and raising external funds are costly). As a consequence, the bid-ask spreads in the CDS markets should be set by dealers upon the cost of the funding needed and the compensation for an increase in market volatility (which augments the risk of keeping imbalanced positions and freeze the funding), and also upon the cost of hedging and informed trading across equity and credit markets. The effects of hedging costs on the CDS bid-ask spread should be larger when the demand for CDS protection is higher (i.e. when the firm’s credit conditions worsen). Asymmetric information costs should affect the CDS bid-ask spread more when the CDS mispricing (and so arbitrageurs’ interest) increases. In this Section we test whether hedging costs and costs related to trading on private information across equity and credit markets represent additional determinants of CDS bid-ask spreads. 5.1 Empirical Modelling We perform the test at weekly frequency. The following elements represent desirable properties of this test when compared to the previous one performed on the illiquidity commonality variable: (i) the test is executed on CDS bid-ask spreads directly, therefore it needs not to rely on estimated measures; (ii) the frequency of the analysis increases from quarterly to weekly; and (iii) the test employs data for all 45 non-financial companies in the sample after assessing the stationarity of the relevant variables. Firstly, we control for the influence on CDS bid-ask spread of its five lagged values, since the bid-ask spreads have a strong autocorrelated component. We take the residual CDS bid-ask spread after removing its autocorrelated component and regress it on: (i) TED spread (proxy for funding constraints), (ii) VIX index (proxy for market volatility), (iii) equity and CDS private information flows (proxy for asymmetric information costs); and finally (iv) hedging costs represented by the equity bid-ask spread times the delta-hedging factor. The following panel regression is estimated: SS CDS Res.BACDS = αCDS + γ CDS T EDt + δ CDS V IXt + ζ CDS Φi,t + λCDS (BAE i,t i,t × hi,t ) + i,t (4) Res.BACDS is the residual CDS bid-ask spread of firm i at time t; T EDt is the (exogenous) cost i,t of external funding at time t proxied by the TED spread; V IXt is the (exogenous) proxy for market SS volatility40 ; BAE i,t × hi,t is the cost of hedging an opened credit position on the equity market. Φi,t represents the private information relative to firm i at time t and includes: 40 VIX index is also considered a proxy for market risk aversion 19 (1) Information anticipated in CDS returns (according to the discussion in Section 3.2, this could be mainly related to changes in asset volatility) (2) Information anticipated by equity returns (according to the discussion in Section 3.2, this could be mainly related to changes in asset value). We follow the methodology of Acharya and Johnson (2007) to construct the components (1) and (2) of Φi,t , which are defined respectively CDS and equity innovations41 . We regress CDS returns ∆CDSi,t (equity returns ∆Ei,t ) on contemporaneous equity (CDS) returns in order to extract the residual component. We do this by means of separate time-series regressions for each firm i, also including five lags of CDS and equity returns to absorb any lagged information transmission within the credit and equity markets. To account for the nonlinear relation between CDS and equity returns, the regression specification for CDS includes interactions of equity returns (both contemporaneous and lagged) with inverse CDS level, while the regression specification for equity returns includes interactions of CDS returns (both contemporaneous and lagged) with CDS level. P5 P5 CDS CDS CDS ∆CDSi,t = αiCDS + k=0 (βi,t−k + γi,t−k /CDSi,t−k )∆Ei,t−k + k=1 δi,t−k ∆CDSi,t−k + uCDS i,t P P 5 5 E E E + γi,t−k CDSi,t−k )∆CDSi,t−k + k=1 δi,t−k ∆Ei,t−k + uE ∆Ei,t = αiE + k=0 (βi,t−k i,t The residuals u d i,t from each regression represent independent news arriving in the credit (or equity) market at time t that is either not relevant or simply not appreciated by the equity (or credit) d \ CDS = CDS Inn and u E = market at time t. We will define them CDS (or equity) innovations: u i,t i,t Equity Inn. 5.2 Results of the Test In panel regression analysis at weekly frequency for CDS bid-ask spreads (Table 17) the hedging and private information cost components enter significantly in the estimated equations also when TED spread and market-wide volatility are used as explanatory variables. Both funding costs and market volatility are positively significant for CDS illiquidity. The two exogenous variables have a larger impact if we perform the analysis only for the crisis period 2007-2009 (unreported results). The panel analysis allows a direct comparison of the economic impact of hedging and information costs versus other determinants of the bid-ask spreads. A one standard deviation (SD) change in hedging costs generates an increase of around 0.04 SD in CDS illiquidity. The economic impact of 1 SD increase in CDS innovations have more than double impact on CDS bid-ask spreads (0.09). TED and VIX together have instead an economic impact between 0.08 to 0.12 in the various regression specifications. CDS and equity innovations (proxies for private information trading in the respective markets) carry the expected signs: information anticipated in higher CDS returns - more likely related to an increase in assets’ volatility - move the bid-ask spread upwards; while information anticipated in positive equity returns - more likely related to an increase in assets’ value - reduce bid-ask spreads. However, the CDS bid-ask spread is significantly affected only by CDS innovations. This means that only private negative information in the credit markets can reduce CDS market liquidity through a widening of the bid-ask spread set by CDS dealers, while private information in the equity market has no effect on CDS liquidity. To verify whether this result is consistent with the mechanism described 41 Acharya and Johnson (2007) uses this definition and methodology only for CDS innovations, however this work extends it to stock innovations. 20 in Section 3.5 we test whether the impact of CDS informed flows widens when CDS mispricing is substantially positive and high. For the CDS mispricing we use the residual component of CDS premia regressed on structural variables (leverage ratio, equity volatility, and interest rate). We then interact the CDS innovations variable with the lagged value of CDS mispricing. Table 17 shows that the interaction term is significantly positive: more informed flows in the CDS market increase bid-ask spreads; furthermore, their effect is stronger when the CDS mispricing is larger. A larger CDS mispricing may fuel in fact trading interest of well-informed capital structure arbitrageurs across CDS and equity markets. In terms of economic significance, on average the interaction term adds 0.00642 to the impact of CDS innovations, which is around 0.09. The hedging cost component is also found positively significant. In Section 3.5 we conjecture that if higher demand for CDS protection from noise traders initially triggers larger supply from CDS dealers, then it also fosters more hedging activity of CDS dealers in equity markets to reduce the risk of their credit imbalanced positions. The effect of hedging costs should be then more effective when the CDS demand from noise traders is higher. Since we do possess CDS trading data, we use as proxy for CDS demand the lagged change in CDS price. The hedging costs interacted with the proxy for CDS demand has a significant positive coefficient, which supports our conjecture. In terms of economic significance, on average the interaction term adds 0.0743 to the impact of the hedging factor, which is around 0.04. To conclude this Section, the effects of hedging and private information costs are strongly supported by the data, also after controlling for funding and market volatility which are both statistically and economically significant cost components of CDS bid-ask spreads of individual firms. The hedging and information cost contribute more to CDS illiquidity respectively when CDS demand (from noise trader seeking protection) is higher, and when the mispricing across CDS and equity is wider and cross-market trading more attractive to sophisticated arbitrageurs. 42 This number is calculated by multiplying the economic significance (standardized beta) of the interaction term 0.04 by the average lagged positive CDS mispricing 0.13%. 43 This number is calculated by multiplying the economic significance (standardized beta) of the interaction term 0.09 by the average lagged positive CDS price change 0.78%. 21 6 Conclusions This paper examines linkages between illiquidity in equity and CDS markets for 51 investment grade firms and sets a theoretical framework to identify and test the determinants of their co-movements. The paper demonstrates that part of the illiquidity contagion across equity and credit market is based on their arbitrage linkage. Equity and CDS are almost substitute assets trading highly-correlated (firm’s equity and credit) risks, therefore a wave of illiquidity originating in one market can be easily transmitted to the other. The paper demonstrates that: (i) Illiquidity co-moves in equity and credit markets, but the commonality varies in magnitude over time; (ii) There exist illiquidity spillovers across CDS and equity markets; (iii) Equity and CDS illiquidity are affected by general market-wide illiquidity, but CDS illiquidity is also particularly sensitive to shifts in firm’s asset volatility; (iv) The equity-CDS illiquidity transmission is significantly explained by a firm-specific factor (hedge ratio) representing arbitrage/hedging trading across the two markets, even after controlling for the effect of exogenous common risk factors (funding and systematic risks); and (v) Hedging and information costs are significant explanatory variables for bid-ask spreads in the CDS market, even after controlling for market-wide frictions. Thus, this work shows that the transmission of illiquidity across markets can be partially explained by an arbitrage/hedging channel. To the best of our knowledge, this channel has never been considered in previous empirical and theoretical literature. During credit events higher demand for CDS liquidity provisions can push dealers to equity-hedge more their exposures. When dealers withdraw from providing CDS liquidity, CDS mispricing may raise and fuel CDS-equity arbitrage trading. Equity and CDS dealers protect themselves from the likelihood of informed trades of sophisticated arbitrageurs by increasing the bid-ask spreads respectively on equity and CDS. Rather than identifying only external determinants of equity-CDS illiquidity commonality - such as an increase in funding costs or general market volatility - this paper shows that the debt-to-equity hedge ratio alone (as first general approximation of the equity-credit linkage) can explain a significant part of the co-movement. The illiquidity commonality increases with the hedge ratio, even after controlling for systematic and funding risk factors. To sum up, this paper makes several important contributions to the emerging literature on illiquidity commonality across asset markets. First, unlike any previous study it examines explicitly the extent and causes of linkages between the illiquidity of equity and credit (CDS). Second, building on previous theoretical literature on limits to arbitrage, the paper confirms the contribution of funding costs and risk-aversion to the increase of illiquidity commonality across equity and credit markets. This analysis appears of critical importance since the credit crisis, which was mainly characterized in its early stages by a market-illiquidity contagion episode, exacerbated by traders’ lack of financial resources which affected their ability to provide liquidity across multiple markets. Third, to the best of our knowledge, it is the first paper to apply the Merton (1974) structural model to capture the transmission of illiquidity shocks across correlated equity and credit markets. In particular, we employ Merton’s model to estimate the debt-to-equity hedge ratio and predict illiquidity co-movements 22 across CDS and equity markets due to arbitrage/hedging trading. Last, the paper provides a novel framework for modelling CDS bid-ask spreads and reveals a significant influence of hedging and information costs, besides funding and risk aversion components, on CDS market illiquidity. The results of this work can be used to formulate recommendations for regulators and investors to monitor more closely the transmission of illiquidity shocks across assets, in particular when they are characterized by common fundamentals, arbitrage connections, and correlated payoffs. In portfolio allocation and risk management these pairs of assets need to be considered together given that, under certain conditions, their functionality can be profoundly interrelated: if one asset experiences a drop of liquidity, it is likely that the other one ceases to function in the same time. 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For each firm we delete all observations which exhibit for equity (CDS) at least one of the following conditions: -Null bid or ask price; -Negative quoted spread (Ask price - Bid price<0); -Daily absolute change in equity (CDS) price higher than the 99% percentile over the period; -Daily absolute change in equity (CDS) ask-price higher than the 99% percentile over the period; -Daily absolute change in equity (CDS) bid-price higher than the 99% percentile over the period. We remain with an equity daily dataset of 71598 observations and a CDS daily dataset of 69174 observations. A.2 Analysis of Illiquidity Measures The literature offers a broad range of measures of illiquidity which reflect three main dimensions: trading costs, trading frequency, and trade impact on prices. We construct and compare different measures of illiquidity at weekly frequency to show that bid-ask spreads are suitable measure of illiquidity for both equity and CDS markets and justify their use in the analysis of illiquidity commonality. A.2.1 Equity Illiquidity Measures I. Measures of Transaction Cost at weekly frequency: • The Roll measure (Roll 1984) is computed over a 21-days rolling window. It is based on the magnitude of transitory price movements which induce negative serial correlation in price changes. For each company i the daily measure is constructed as: p 2 −Cov(∆P , ∆P i,t i,t−1 ), if Cov(∆Pt , ∆Pt−1 ) < 0. (5) Rolli,t = 0 otherwise. ∆Pi,t represents the price change (return) for firm i stock at the end of day t. The measure is averaged over each week (5 business days); • The percentage bid-ask spread is obtained as the ratio between the quoted bid-ask spread and the mid-quote price. For each company i over each day t, the measure is constructed as Aski,t − Bidi,t 0.5(Aski,t + Bidi,t ) and then it is averaged over each week (5 business days); 29 (6) • The effective spread is obtained as absolute spread between transaction price and mid-quote price over mid-quote price. For each company i over each day t, the measure is constructed as |Pi,t − 0.5(Aski,t + Bidi,t )| 0.5(Aski,t + Bidi,t ) (7) and then it is averaged over each week (5 business days). II. Measures of Trading Frequency at weekly frequency: • For each day t the Run length measure is computed as the total number of consecutive days when either: -Equity returns keep the same sign, i.e. trade direction remains invariant. Over two consecutive days we observe Buy - Buy; or Sell - Sell; -Or equity returns are equal to zero, i.e. no trade is registered on consecutive days. Over two consecutive days we observe No trade - No trade; -Or equity returns switch from positive (negative) to zero, i.e. trading switches from active to inactive. Over two consecutive days we observe Buy - No Trade; or Sell - No Trade; The run length is short when assets are actively traded or when the price impact is low, as the variation in the asset series swamps directionality. Therefore, liquid assets have short run lengths, while illiquid assets have longer run lengths. To construct a weekly measure of run length we take the maximum value recorded for this measure over 5 business days. • The inverse turnover index is obtained as ratio between number of outstanding shares and total traded number of shares over the day. The daily measure is averaged over each week (5 business days). III.Measures of Market Depth (Price Impact of Trading) at weekly frequency: • The weekly Amihud Illiquidity Measure (Amihud 2002) is calculated for each company i over each week w (5 business days) as weekly average ratio between the absolute price change at the end of the day t and the total amount of dollar volume traded during the day (approximately equal to total number of shares traded times price per share). Amihudi,w = 5 i i X − Pt−1,w | |Pt,w t=1 i V olt,w (8) i where Pt,w is the closing price for firm i stock on day t in week w. A.2.2 CDS Illiquidity Measures For CDSs the same illiquidity measures are constructed as for equities, with the omission of the inverse turnover, the effective spread, and the Amihud illiquidity measure. Bloomberg does not provide traded volume data for CDSs. 30 A.2.3 Winsorizing the 0.5% highest value of all Illiquidity Measures and Treatment of Missing Values We winsorize the 0.5% highest value of all illiquidity measures. For each illiquidity measure we rank all observations in 200 groups (0 - 199) in ascending order. Each group contains 0.5% of total observations. We assign the maximum value recorded for the observations falling in the 198th group to all observations included in the 199th group (i.e. the 0.5% observations recording the highest values). Although missing values in the weekly illiquidity measure series are few, especially for equity, to avoid gaps we interpolate each variable using a linear method. Figures 10-15 in Appendix C show the cross-sectional average for some equity and CDS illiquidity measures. The cross-sectional average is value-weighted on all 51 firms. From a comparison across Figures 10 to 13 we notice that the pattern of the equity percentage bid-ask spread is similar to the patterns of the effective spread, the Roll measure, and the Amihud measure, while Figures 14 and 15 show an increasing pattern over the crisis period for both average CDS bid-ask spread and run length measure. A.2.4 Principal Component Analysis and Combined Illiquidity Indexes Principal Component Analysis has been used in previous literature on the study of illiquidity proxies (see Dick-Nielsen et al, 2012, for the corporate bond market; and Jacoby et al, 2009, for bonds, equity, and CDSs). Following the methodology of these papers, we perform Principal Component Analysis (PCA) across all equity (and CDS) normalized illiquidity measures to evaluate the weight of the bid-ask spread in the First Principal Component (FPC). The Principal Components are computed on the correlation matrix of the variables. We also obtain a Composite Illiquidity Index. This is computed at weekly frequency for equity and CDS of individual firms as a linear combination of the selected illiquidity proxies with an average positive loading in the FPC higher than 10%44 . Aggregate results from Principal Component Analysis conducted across all weekly illiquidity measures for equity and CDS of all firms are displayed in Figures 16-19 in Appendix C. Figures 16 and 18 show that for both equity and CDS, the average First Principal Component explains around 40% of common variation across different illiquidity proxies. Dick-Nielsen et al (2012) find the same result across illiquidity measures for corporate bonds. On average bid-ask, effective spread, Roll measure, and Amihud measure have positive weights in the equity First Principal Component, going from 75% of bid-ask spread to 48% of Roll measure (see Figure 17). Trading frequency measures behave in a dissimilar fashion and are mainly captured by the less significant Second Principal Component. Bid-ask and run length have on average positive weights in the CDS First Principal Component, respectively 50% and 45% (see Figure 19). CDS Roll measure displays instead a different pattern. 44 The weight of each proxy in the linear combination is the same across all firms because it is set equal to the valueweighted average loading of the proxy in the First Principal Components. 31 The results of this analysis support the use of bid-ask spreads as a proxy for market illiquidity. In fact, given the available data, we observe that: - For CDS illiquidity, the bid-ask spread is consistent on average with the pattern of the other illiquidity measure (run length) with positive loading in the FPC and therefore with the CDS Combined Illiquidity Index (obtained as a linear combination of bid-ask and run length); - For equity illiquidity, the time pattern of the bid-ask spread is in line with other measures of equity transaction costs and price impact of trades (Amihud measure, Roll measure, and effective spread) and with the Combined Illiquidity Index. In fact, the PCA reveals that these four measures behave very similarly in the First Principal Component of equity illiquidity, though bid-ask spread displays the highest loading (75%). 32 B Estimation of the hedge-ratio, using the Merton Model (1974) To quantify the “arbitrage/hedging relationship” between CDS and equity bid-ask spreads and the relative size of cross-market positions, we estimate the sensitivity of debt to equity, i.e. the hedge ratio. Schaefer and Strebulaev (2008) show that even a simple version of Merton (1974) model can capture well the debt-to-equity sensitivity. Under the assumptions of the Black-Scholes (1973) model, the Merton (1974) model prices equity and risky debt of a firm as contingent claims written on the firm’s assets. Equity is priced as a call option on the assets of the firm with strike price equal to the face value of firm’s debt. The risky debt of the firm is evaluated as a short put position on the firm’s asset with strike equal to the promised debt payment and a long position on a riskless bond45 . Suppose that the total value of a firm’s assets is equal to A0 at time 0 and the volatility of assets’ value is constant over time and equal to σA . The firms’ liabilities consist of risky debt B - with face value D and maturity T - and equity E. We call L the leverage ratio (the ratio between present −rT value of debt promised payment and total value of assets): L = DeA0 , where r is the continuously compounded risk-free interest rate in the market. According to the Black-Scholes pricing formula for non-dividend paying European call options (Black and Scholes 1973), at time 0 the equity value E0 is given by: E0 = C BS (A0 , σA , D, r, T ) = A0 N (d1 ) − De−rT N (d2 ) (9) where N(.) is the cumulative function for the standard Normal distribution, d1 = ln( A0 −rT De√ σA T ) + √ σA T 2 = −ln(L) √ σA T + √ σA T 2 √ and d2 = d1 − σA T The sensitivity (first derivative) of equity to firm’s total assets value is determined by the call option delta: N (d1 ) = ∆C . At time 0, debt value is given by the difference between total assets’ value and equity value: B0 = A0 − E0 (10) B0 = De−rT N (d2 ) + A0 N (−d1 ) (11) B0 = De−rT − (De−rT N (−d2 ) − A0 N (−d1 )) = P V (D) − P BS (A0 , σA , D, r, T ) (12) Using equations (9) and (10) we obtain: This implies: 45 There is a large literature which extends Merton’s model in order to overcome the limitations of its simplified assumptions (Black and Cox 1976, Longstaff and Schwartz 1995). Merton’s model and its extensions have been extensively tested. Some tests of structural models (Jones, Mason, and Rosenfeld 1984, Eom, Helwege, and Huang 2004) focus on corporate bond pricing and find that structural models generally under-predict spreads. However, recent research has more clearly assessed that the failure of the models has more to do with corporate bond market peculiarities, such as liquidity and tax effects, than with their ability to explain credit risk. Although the basic Merton (1974) model has revealed inaccurate to price credit instruments, it is very powerful to predict their sensitiveness to underlying equity (i.e. debt-to-equity hedge ratio) which can be used to hedge long (short) position on credit risk with long (short) position in corresponding equity (Schaefer and Strebulaev 2008, Cremers, Driessen, and Maenhout 2008). 33 As previously mentioned, the debt value at time 0 is equal to the present value of a long position on a riskless bond with face value D plus the value of a short position on a put option (derived from the Black-Scholes pricing formula for no-dividends paying European put options). Equation (11) can be used to calculate the sensitivity (first derivative) of risky debt value to assets’ value which is given by the delta of the put option N (−d1 ) = ∆P . The sensitivity of debt value to equity value is then given by: ∂B N (−d1 ) ∂B 1 ∂A = = ∂E = −1=h (13) ∂E N (d ) ∆ 1 c ∂A The elasticity of debt-to-equity (hedge ratio) is obtained as: H=( ∂B E 1 )( ) = h( − 1) ∂E B L (14) We perform the estimation of the debt-to-equity hedge ratio H following the two approaches: (i) the traditional methodology set by Vassalou and Xing (2004) - henceforth VX Methodology; and (ii) the methodology implemented by Schaefer and Strebulaev (2008) - henceforth SS Methodology. The VX methodology requires the knowledge of outstanding debt of the firm, equity value, and equity volatility to estimate the value and volatility of firm’s assets from a system of two non-linear equations. We estimate equity volatility as historical annualized volatility, and equity value as the product between the firm’s equity price and the number of outstanding shares. Following Vassalou and Xing (2004) we also obtain the outstanding amount of debt as book value of the firm’s current debt plus one half of long-term debt value. Following the VX Methodology, we recall equation (9) and notice that since equity is a function of assets’ value, it is possible to apply Ito’s Lemma to determine the instantaneous volatility of equity σE from total assets’ volatility σA (Jones, Mason, and Rosenfeld 1984). dEt = df (At , t) = ( ∂Et σ2 ∂Et ∂ 2 Et ∂Et + µA At + A A2t )dt + (σA At )dWt . 2 ∂t ∂A 2 ∂A ∂A It follows E0 σE = A0 σA ∂E = A0 σA N (d1 ). ∂A (15) (16) Therefore, σE = σA A0 N (d1 ) . E0 (17) Equations (9) and (17) represent two equations in two unknowns (A0 and σA ). We can determine the unknowns by solving the non-linear equations. In practice, we adopt a recursive procedure -known as the KMV method (Lando 2004)- that involves inverting the Black-Scholes formula (Vassalou and Xing 2004, Crosbie and Bohn 2003, Bharath and Shumway 2008)46 . 46 Crosbie et al (2003) explain that the model linking equity and asset volatility described by the system of Equations (1) and (6) holds only instantaneously. In practice market leverage moves around in a substantial way and the system does not provide reasonable results. Instead of using the instantaneous relationship given by Equations (1) and (6), we follow Crosbie et al (2003) and produce the hedge ratio using a more complex iterative procedure to solve for the asset volatility. Crosbie et al (2003) describe it as a procedure that “uses an initial guess of the volatility to determine the asset value and to de-lever the equity returns. The volatility of the resulting asset returns is used as the input to the next iteration of the procedure that in turn determines a new set of asset values and hence a new series of asset returns. The procedure continues in this manner until it converges.” 34 The SS Methodology estimates asset volatility in a “more direct, model-free approach that is based only on observables” and “recognizes that debt bears some asset risk and that equity and debt covary” (Schaefer and Strebulaev 2008). We draw the basic idea from their methodology and estimate the asset volatility for each firm i at time t as square root of: 2 2 2 σA(i,t) = (1 − Li,t )σE(i,t) + Li,t σD(i,t) + (1 − Li,t )Li,t σED(i,t) (18) σD(i,t) is the time t unconditional volatility of firm i debt - estimated by historical annualized volatility of CDS; σE(i,t) is the time t unconditional volatility of firm i equity - estimated by historical annualized volatility of equity; σED(i,t) is the time t covariance between firm i debt and equity - estimated by historical annualized covariance between equity and CDS returns; and Li,t is the leverage ratio of firm i at time t. Once A and σA are estimated we can estimate N (d1 ) and the CDS-to-equity hedge ratio H at time t. 35 C Figures and Tables Figure 1: Cross-sectional average of standardized CDS Premium and inverse Equity price (Weekly Frequency, March 2003 - December 2009, Cross-Section of 51 Firms) Figure 2: Cross-sectional average of standardized CDS and equity bid-ask spreads; All Sample (Weekly Frequency, July 2003 - December 2009, Cross-Section of 51 Firms) 36 Figure 3: Cross-sectional average of standardized CDS and equity bid-ask spreads; Pre-Crisis Sample (Weekly Frequency, July 2003 - December 2006, Cross-Section of 51 Firms) Figure 4: Cross-sectional average of standardized CDS and equity bid-ask spreads; Crisis Sample (Weekly Frequency, January 2007 - December 2009, Cross-Section of 51 Firms) 37 Figure 5: Cross-sectional average of CDS-equity liquidity correlations measures (Pearson, Kendall, and Spearman) (Measured in decimals, Quarterly Frequency, March 2003 - December 2009, Cross-Section of 51 Firms) Figure 6: Cross-sectional average of debt-to-equity hedge ratio (Merton model calibration - SS Methodology) (Measured in decimals, Weekly Frequency, March 2003 - December 2009, Cross-Section of 51 firms) 38 Figure 7: Cross-sectional average of debt-to-equity hedge ratio (Merton model calibration - SS vs VX Methodology) (Measured in decimals, Weekly Frequency, March 2003 - November 2008, Cross-Section of 51 firms) Figure 8: Cross-sectional averages of CDS premium, CDS bid-ask spread, and debt-to-equity hedge ratio (Merton model calibration - SS Methodology) (CDS premium measured in 10 percentage units, CDS bid-ask spread in percentage units, hedge ratio in decimals, Weekly Frequency, March 2003 - December 2009, Cross-Section of 51 firms) 39 Figure 9: Cross-sectional averages of CDS-equity liquidity correlations measures (Kendall and Spearman) and debt-to-equity hedge ratio (Merton model calibration - SS Methodology) (Measured in decimals, Quarterly Frequency, April 2003 - December 2009, Cross-Section of 45 non-financial firms) 40 Figure 10: Cross-sectional weekly average of equity Roll measure (Measured in decimals, Weekly Frequency, July 2003 - December 2009, Cross-Section of 51 Firms) Figure 11: Cross-sectional weekly average of equity percentage bid-ask spread (Measured in decimals, Weekly Frequency, July 2003 - December 2009, Cross-Section of 51 Firms) 41 Figure 12: Cross-sectional weekly average of equity effective spread (Measured in decimals, Weekly Frequency, July 2003 - December 2009, Cross-Section of 51 Firms) Figure 13: Cross-sectional weekly average of equity Amihud measure of price impact (Measured in decimals, Weekly Frequency, July 2003 - December 2009, Cross-Section of 51 Firms) 42 Figure 14: Cross-sectional average of CDS quoted bid-ask spread (Measured in basis points, Weekly Frequency, July 2003 - December 2009, Cross-Section of 51 Firms) Figure 15: Cross-sectional average of weekly maximum value of CDS run length measure (Measured in N o of days, Weekly Frequency, July 2003 - December 2009, Cross-Section of 51 Firms) 43 Figure 16: Equity PCA: Cross-sectional average of proportions of variance explained by each PC (Measured in decimals, July 2003 - December 2009, Cross-Section of 51 Firms) Figure 17: Equity PCA: Cross-sectional average of weights of illiquidity measures in the First PC (Measured in decimals, July 2003 - December 2009, Cross-Section of 51 Firms) 44 Figure 18: CDS PCA: Cross-sectional average of proportion of variance explained by each PC (Measured in decimals, July 2003 - December 2009, Cross-Section of 51 Firms) Figure 19: CDS PCA: Cross-sectional average of weights of illiquidity measures in the First PC (Measured in decimals, July 2003 - December 2009, Cross-Section of 51 Firms) 45 Table 1: Summary statistics of cross-sectional weighted average (W.A.) Equity and CDS bid-ask spreads (51 Firms, Weekly frequency, April 2003 - December 2009) Obs. Mean Std. Dev. Median Minimum Maximum W.A. Equity Bid-Ask 366 0.0888 0.0735 0.062 0.0275 0.435 W.A. CDS Bid-Ask 366 0.0566 0.0181 0.049 0.0334 0.1155 Table 2: Correlations between cross-sectional weighted average Equity and CDS Bid-Ask Spreads (51 Firms, Weekly frequency, April 2003 - December 2009) All Sample Pearson Spearman Kendall 0.557 0.3132 0.1997 Pre-Crisis Sample (2003-2006) Pearson Spearman Kendall 0.772 0.522 0.364 Crisis Sample (2007-2009) Pearson Spearman Kendall 0.448 0.245 0.154 0.5966 0.2239 0.3286 0.2897 0.1486 0.2208 Pre-Crisis Sample Pearson Kendall Spearman Crisis Sample Pearson Kendall Spearman 0.268 0.1426 0.2055 0.6557 0.2232 0.3296 0.4943 0.1894 0.2776 Median 0.1575 0.1107 0.1596 0.1774 0.0967 0.1341 0.1918 0.0968 0.1374 Std. Dev. 0.1379 0.1123 0.1703 0.2418 0.1151 0.1599 0.3018 0.1352 0.1962 Inter-quartile Range Figure 20: All Sample - Histograms of Equity-CDS Bid-Ask Spread Measures of Correlation 0.4572 0.1903 0.2818 All Sample Pearson Kendall Spearman Mean Table 3: Distributions of Pearson, Kendall, and Spearman Correlations between Equity and CDS Bid-Ask Spreads at firm level (51 Firms, Weekly frequency, April 2003 - December 2009) -0.2019 -0.1304 -0.1941 0.0994 -0.0489 -0.0531 -0.0050 0.0036 0.0046 Lowest 0.6533 0.4678 0.668 0.8445 0.4196 0.587 0.7975 0.4185 0.6052 Highest Obs 1477 1319 1470 1402 1293 1411 1378 1426 1461 1408 1477 1357 1496 1449 1438 1239 1324 1502 1457 1357 1489 1411 1438 1466 1433 Company Name Honeywell International EI du Pont de Nemours Goodrich IBM ConocoPhillips Kroger General Mills Caterpillar Deere Boeing Capital Dow Chemical Lockheed Martin Motorola FirstEnergy Progress Energy Halliburton Alcoa Northrop Grumman Raytheon Campbell Soup Walt Disney Hewlett-Packard Duke Energy Arrow Electronics Omnicom Group 9.65655 0.02757 12.9241 1.31877 12.8915 16.3281 0.93471 5.26131 1.88282 3.63554 0.69962 2.85577 6.59504 0.52073 0.45748 6.84928 2.07183 0.40535 4.93599 1.0173 1.55099 4.72621 11.4569 9.53989 7.58392 F-Stat 0.00007 0.97280 0.00000 0.26780 0.00000 0.00000 0.39290 0.00530 0.15250 0.02660 0.49690 0.05790 0.00140 0.59420 0.63300 0.00110 0.12640 0.66680 0.00730 0.36180 0.21240 0.00900 0.00001 0.00008 0.00050 P-value Reject Accept Reject Accept Reject Reject Accept Reject Accept Accept Accept Accept Reject Accept Accept Reject Accept Accept Reject Accept Accept Reject Reject Reject Reject Test Result Null Hypothesis Tested: Equity BA does not Granger cause CDS BA 72.0589 16.4846 94.7041 0.91107 13.0634 59.1789 12.8862 8.04736 24.2157 70.3464 29.8767 22.3741 53.2859 18.9554 3.77172 11.58 14.6745 16.7724 31.055 22.762 44.4972 32.8771 49.0586 63.6657 32.8313 F-Stat 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.40230 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00030 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.02320 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 P-value Reject Reject Reject Accept Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Accept Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Test Result Null Hypothesis Tested: CDS BA does not Granger cause Equity BA Both directions* CDS to Equity Both directions* No causality Both directions Both directions* CDS to Equity Both directions CDS to Equity CDS to Equity CDS to Equity CDS to Equity Both directions* CDS to Equity CDS to Equity Both directions CDS to Equity CDS to Equity Both directions* CDS to Equity CDS to Equity Both directions* Both directions* Both directions* Both directions* Causality Direction (2 Lags included, Daily frequency, ∗ indicates that evidence is stronger for CDS to Equity than the other way round as the difference between their respective F-stats is > 20) Table 4: Pair-wise Granger Test of Causality for Equity and CDS Bid-Ask Spreads - Panel A Obs 1440 1475 1273 1315 1320 1400 1412 1370 1311 944 1465 1495 1397 1551 1464 1478 1496 1470 1425 1434 1421 1492 1433 1333 1388 1478 Company Name Computer Sciences McDonald’s Target Burlington Northern SF Wal-Mart Stores ConAgra Foods Nordstrom Chubb Norfolk Southern Newell Rubbermaid Dominion Resources American Intern. Group Anadarko Petroleum Carnival Safeway Time Warner ACE Eastman Chemical Simon Property Group Valero Energy Hartford Fin.Services Group Marriott International Sempra Energy Devon Energy MetLife Kraft Foods 6.06369 3.1774 0.18758 2.29332 12.7869 10.2588 0.55032 3.10743 2.39611 1.82804 2.38068 3.55763 1.49916 3.98564 8.22348 1.89036 5.59855 9.18974 7.09729 2.17625 44.622 0.49772 7.80696 0.58351 9.95191 2.93716 F-Stat 0.00240 0.04200 0.82900 0.10130 0.00000 0.00004 0.57690 0.04500 0.09150 0.16130 0.09280 0.02870 0.22370 0.01880 0.00030 0.15140 0.00380 0.00010 0.00090 0.11380 0.00000 0.60800 0.00040 0.55810 0.00005 0.05330 P-value Reject Accept Accept Accept Reject Reject Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Reject Accept Reject Reject Reject Accept Reject Accept Reject Accept Reject Accept Test Result Null Hypothesis Tested: Equity BA does not Granger cause CDS BA 3.05712 46.7617 14.2473 28.3297 9.35591 46.5928 5.15584 14.9602 7.51527 11.5742 28.4344 20.874 7.01297 6.79041 57.5242 34.1322 38.5151 54.5439 17.1519 16.0766 54.4471 19.4288 17.1864 1.06841 23.3621 44.7342 F-Stat 0.04730 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00009 0.00000 0.00590 0.00000 0.00060 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00090 0.00120 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.34390 0.00000 0.00000 P-value Accept Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Accept Reject Reject Test Result Null Hypothesis Tested: CDS BA does not Granger cause Equity BA Equity to CDS CDS to Equity CDS to Equity CDS to Equity Both directions Both directions* CDS to Equity CDS to Equity CDS to Equity CDS to Equity CDS to Equity CDS to Equity CDS to Equity CDS to Equity Both directions* CDS to Equity Both directions* Both directions* Both directions CDS to Equity Both directions CDS to Equity Both directions No causality Both directions CDS to Equity Causality Direction (2 Lags included, Daily frequency, ∗ indicates that evidence is stronger for CDS to Equity than the other way round as the difference between their respective F-stats is > 20) Table 5: Pair-wise Granger Test of Causality for Equity and CDS Bid-Ask Spreads - Panel B Obs 1476 1318 1469 1402 1292 1410 1377 1425 1460 1407 1476 1356 1495 1448 1437 1238 1323 1501 1456 1356 1488 1410 1437 1465 1432 Company Name Honeywell International EI du Pont de Nemours Goodrich IBM ConocoPhillips Kroger General Mills Caterpillar Deere Boeing Capital Dow Chemical Lockheed Martin Motorola FirstEnergy Progress Energy Halliburton Alcoa Northrop Grumman Raytheon Campbell Soup Walt Disney Hewlett-Packard Duke Energy Arrow Electronics Omnicom Group 22.5254 16.5996 12.0712 21.6103 16.5660 3.5061 1.8178 35.8506 22.8571 15.5715 21.8746 1.8347 14.8009 31.0695 9.9939 16.5024 20.5129 11.3915 6.4501 0.7341 10.3409 8.9610 4.2866 43.3120 19.7300 F-Stat 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.03030 0.16280 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.16010 0.00000 0.00000 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00160 0.48010 0.00003 0.00010 0.01390 0.00000 0.00000 P-value Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Accept Accept Reject Reject Reject Reject Accept Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Accept Reject Reject Accept Reject Reject Test Result Null Hypothesis Tested: Equity Ret. does not Granger cause CDS Ret. (2 Lags included, Daily frequency) 0.8284 0.0044 0.9293 0.7024 1.5302 1.7045 0.8072 0.7449 2.4517 1.1175 4.5982 0.5797 3.0415 1.0539 2.7832 0.1917 0.5764 0.1740 1.7575 1.3428 0.6174 1.2891 0.6868 2.2501 0.1598 F-Stat 0.43700 0.99560 0.39510 0.49560 0.21690 0.18220 0.44630 0.47500 0.08650 0.32740 0.01020 0.56020 0.04810 0.34880 0.06220 0.82560 0.56210 0.84030 0.17280 0.26150 0.53950 0.27590 0.50330 0.10580 0.85240 P-value Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Reject Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Test Result Null Hypothesis Tested: CDS Ret. does not Granger cause Equity Ret. Table 6: Pair-wise Granger Test of Causality for Equity and CDS Returns - Panel A Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS No causality No causality Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Both directions No causality Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS No causality Equity to CDS Equity to CDS No causality Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Causality Direction Obs 1439 1474 1273 1315 1320 1399 1411 1369 1310 943 1464 1494 1396 1550 1463 1477 1495 1469 1424 1433 1420 1491 1432 1332 1387 1477 Company Name Computer Sciences McDonald’s Target Burlington Northern SF Wal-Mart Stores ConAgra Foods Nordstrom Chubb Norfolk Southern Newell Rubbermaid Dominion Resources American Intern. Group Anadarko Petroleum Carnival Safeway Time Warner ACE Eastman Chemical Simon Property Group Valero Energy Hartford Fin.Services Group Marriott International Sempra Energy Devon Energy MetLife Kraft Foods 5.1909 3.1670 8.0365 17.6678 7.2472 6.4537 38.8123 20.2430 26.8072 11.8539 6.8437 16.9218 20.1116 7.3039 4.3313 22.1372 42.6476 32.2516 33.9180 30.1477 43.4927 36.9348 13.6967 10.5095 34.4126 3.4567 F-Stat 0.00570 0.04240 0.00030 0.00000 0.00070 0.00160 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00110 0.00000 0.00000 0.00070 0.01330 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00003 0.00000 0.03180 P-value Reject Accept Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Accept Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Accept Test Result Null Hypothesis Tested: Equity Ret. does not Granger cause CDS Ret. (2 Lags included, Daily frequency) 1.9757 2.3948 0.4572 0.1708 4.1119 3.7718 1.6191 3.5390 0.0170 0.9385 0.6302 7.3920 0.4528 0.0959 0.3468 0.8263 0.0376 0.3471 1.2383 1.2658 1.8302 2.0099 1.1088 0.1466 2.5251 2.7806 F-Stat 0.13900 0.09150 0.63320 0.84300 0.01660 0.02320 0.19840 0.02930 0.98310 0.39160 0.53260 0.00060 0.63600 0.90850 0.70700 0.43790 0.96310 0.70680 0.29020 0.28230 0.16080 0.13440 0.33020 0.86360 0.08040 0.06230 P-value Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Test Result Null Hypothesis Tested: CDS Ret. does not Granger cause Equity Ret. Table 7: Pair-wise Granger Test of Causality for Equity and CDS Returns - Panel B Equity to CDS No causality Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS No causality Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Equity to CDS No causality Causality Direction Obs 1549 1517 1563 1459 1513 1539 1537 1505 1530 1512 1525 1536 1544 1556 1550 1509 1534 1563 1538 1566 1533 1512 1548 1564 1546 Company Name Honeywell International EI du Pont de Nemours Goodrich IBM ConocoPhillips Kroger General Mills Caterpillar Deere Boeing Capital Dow Chemical Lockheed Martin Motorola FirstEnergy Progress Energy Halliburton Alcoa Northrop Grumman Raytheon Campbell Soup Walt Disney Hewlett-Packard Duke Energy Arrow Electronics Omnicom Group 5.32693 0.96815 0.19327 2.71322 1.17301 2.02711 0.11188 2.24694 1.65853 2.08635 2.06503 0.82183 6.36213 3.34316 11.2197 3.28885 9.4765 6.53175 2.44959 0.85412 9.24651 4.30404 0.82741 5.72523 0.69593 F-Stat 0.00490 0.38000 0.82430 0.06670 0.30970 0.13210 0.89420 0.10610 0.19080 0.12450 0.12720 0.43980 0.00180 0.03560 0.00001 0.03760 0.00008 0.00150 0.08670 0.42590 0.00010 0.01370 0.43740 0.00330 0.49880 P-value Reject Accept Reject Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Reject Accept Reject Accept Reject Reject Accept Accept Reject Accept Accept Reject Accept Test Result Null Hypothesis Tested: Equity Vol. does not Granger cause CDS Vol. (2 Lags included, Daily frequency) 11.9133 4.78274 0.19562 6.13909 6.20588 5.92694 0.4156 9.88471 11.2271 4.65806 1.66296 7.32844 0.34717 4.65785 4.79218 13.5669 5.42228 11.1753 5.39561 0.76645 11.1033 9.31248 7.40831 15.4489 1.69638 F-Stat 0.00001 0.00850 0.82230 0.00220 0.00210 0.00270 0.66000 0.00005 0.00001 0.00960 0.18990 0.00070 0.70670 0.00960 0.00840 0.00000 0.00450 0.00002 0.00460 0.46480 0.00002 0.00010 0.00060 0.00000 0.18370 P-value Reject Reject Accept Reject Reject Reject Accept Reject Reject Reject Accept Reject Accept Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Accept Reject Reject Reject Reject Accept Test Result Null Hypothesis Tested: CDS Vol. does not Granger cause Equity Vol. Table 8: Pair-wise Granger Test of Causality for Equity and CDS Volatility - Panel A Both directions CDS to Equity Equity to CDS CDS to Equity CDS to Equity CDS to Equity No causality CDS to Equity CDS to Equity CDS to Equity No causality CDS to Equity Equity to CDS CDS to Equity Both directions CDS to Equity Both directions Both directions CDS to Equity No causality Both directions CDS to Equity CDS to Equity Both directions No causality Causality Direction Obs 1536 1524 1515 1536 1494 1549 1536 1543 1531 1550 1542 1539 1547 1538 1537 1544 1551 1563 1525 1539 1545 1554 1551 1514 1524 1542 Company Name Computer Sciences McDonald’s Target Burlington Northern SF LLC Wal-Mart Stores ConAgra Foods Nordstrom Chubb Norfolk Southern Newell Rubbermaid Dominion Resources American Intern. Group Anadarko Petroleum Carnival Safeway Time Warner ACE Eastman Chemical Simon Property Group Valero Energy Hartford Fin.Services Group Marriott International Sempra Energy Devon Energy MetLife Kraft Foods 19.9354 8.09558 6.07164 0.11477 1.63434 1.6611 4.85863 14.1185 1.22545 4.27579 1.3423 46.2559 4.28249 1.69174 3.51825 0.71915 26.5361 12.6982 0.70557 4.76093 13.648 4.64991 12.7352 9.70201 17.3873 0.33171 F-Stat 0.00000 0.00030 0.00240 0.89160 0.19540 0.19030 0.00790 0.00000 0.29390 0.01410 0.26160 0.00000 0.01400 0.18450 0.02990 0.48730 0.00000 0.00000 0.49400 0.00870 0.00000 0.00970 0.00000 0.00007 0.00000 0.71770 P-value Reject Reject Reject Accept Accept Accept Reject Reject Accept Accept Accept Reject Accept Accept Accept Accept Reject Reject Accept Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Reject Accept Test Result Null Hypothesis Tested: Equity Vol. does not Granger cause CDS Vol. (2 Lags included, Daily frequency) 2.25889 19.2949 15.4058 0.39538 11.0373 1.94036 10.4275 7.68667 0.54135 5.76115 14.1147 23.8591 1.92212 2.08267 10.3127 2.04066 13.9356 13.3616 5.63519 0.55913 27.7733 3.35204 2.25406 17.5007 8.62053 0.07701 F-Stat 0.10480 0.00000 0.00000 0.67350 0.00002 0.14400 0.00003 0.00050 0.58210 0.00320 0.00000 0.00000 0.14660 0.12490 0.00004 0.13030 0.00000 0.00000 0.00360 0.57180 0.00000 0.03530 0.10530 0.00000 0.00020 0.92590 P-value Accept Reject Reject Accept Reject Accept Reject Reject Accept Reject Reject Reject Accept Accept Reject Accept Reject Reject Reject Accept Reject Accept Accept Reject Reject Accept Test Result Null Hypothesis Tested: CDS Vol. does not Granger cause Equity Vol. Table 9: Pair-wise Granger Test of Causality for Equity and CDS Volatility - Panel B Equity to CDS Both directions Both directions No causality CDS to Equity No causality Both directions Both directions No causality CDS to Equity CDS to Equity Both directions No causality No causality CDS to Equity No causality Both directions Both directions CDS to Equity Equity to CDS Both directions Equity to CDS Equity to CDS Both directions Both directions No causality Causality Direction Table 10: Regressions of CDS and Equity Bid-Ask Spreads on Asset Volatility and Market Illiquidity Market Illiquidity=Value-weighted average of bid-ask spreads across the 44 remaining firms. Newey-West SE estimated. Dep. Var. Equity Bid-Ask Spread Permno Ticker Equity Market Ill 10145 11703 12140 12490 13928 16678 17144 18542 19350 19561 20626 21178 22779 23026 23114 23819 24643 24766 24942 25320 26403 27828 27959 29209 30681 40125 43449 49154 50227 55976 56274 57817 60986 64311 64936 70332 75154 76149 77418 80080 85269 85913 86136 87137 89006 HON DD GR IBM COP KR GIS CAT DE BA DOW LMT MOT FE PGN HAL AA NOC RTN CPB DIS HPQ DUK ARW OMC CSC MCD TGT BNI WMT CAG JWN NWL NSC D APC CCL SWY TWX EMN VLO MAR SRE DVN KFT Coeff 0.9127 0.7095 1.2947 0.7442 0.9451 0.7274 1.1031 0.9141 0.8704 0.6745 0.8822 2.0731 1.7936 2.1069 0.9714 1.1143 0.8955 1.1949 0.9591 1.2514 0.6358 0.5683 1.1297 0.7554 0.5606 1.7570 0.2519 0.2794 0.4397 0.2768 0.5374 1.1609 1.0236 1.0680 1.9557 0.9337 1.9054 0.6973 1.3812 1.0327 0.7816 1.2102 0.8180 0.9887 0.4462 p-value 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0081 0.0079 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0003 0.0000 0.0030 0.0000 0.0016 0.0000 0.0000 0.0098 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0006 0.0001 0.0061 0.0012 0.0768 0.0484 0.0017 0.0000 0.0002 0.0033 0.0001 0.0058 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 0.0002 0.0000 0.0004 0.0015 0.0017 Asset Vol Coeff -0.0026 0.0185 0.0415 0.0239 0.0108 -0.1506 -0.0066 0.0627 0.0298 0.0363 0.0817 0.0720 0.3197 -0.0580 0.0393 0.0501 0.0867 0.0559 -0.0471 0.0439 0.0209 -0.0296 0.0781 0.0541 -0.0095 -0.0412 0.0067 -0.0091 -0.0882 -0.0564 0.0046 0.0517 0.1358 -0.0489 0.0215 0.0521 -0.0072 -0.0129 0.0471 0.0526 0.0773 0.0746 -0.0198 -0.0126 0.0247 p-value 0.9017 0.1747 0.0883 0.1849 0.6225 0.0023 0.8730 0.0290 0.0988 0.0030 0.0001 0.1482 0.0000 0.0492 0.3044 0.1443 0.0000 0.2146 0.1600 0.3552 0.3212 0.2380 0.0014 0.2016 0.7880 0.4200 0.8520 0.5817 0.0054 0.0278 0.9268 0.0598 0.0000 0.1250 0.6875 0.0083 0.6473 0.7992 0.3028 0.1295 0.0001 0.0016 0.5074 0.5586 0.2493 Dep. Var. CDS Bid-Ask Spread CDS Market Ill Coeff 0.9334 0.9179 0.6977 0.7956 0.6203 0.7314 0.4410 1.7590 1.1517 1.3947 2.9490 0.8362 2.7295 0.7234 0.6667 0.4850 5.2807 0.8489 0.7163 0.1627 0.9670 0.9634 0.1846 2.0952 2.3112 0.5096 0.3642 1.2647 0.7158 0.7477 0.3484 2.9263 0.9752 0.7198 0.4879 1.3697 3.0202 0.7673 1.2639 1.3878 0.5905 2.4101 0.4755 0.2252 0.6190 p-value 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0041 0.0000 0.0000 0.0023 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0019 0.0000 Asset Vol Coeff -0.0407 0.0382 0.0021 -0.0406 -0.0036 -0.0002 0.0347 0.0653 0.0478 0.0706 0.0994 -0.0756 0.1173 0.0308 -0.0956 -0.0115 0.2015 0.0646 -0.0700 0.0561 0.0077 -0.0505 0.0038 -0.0200 -0.0200 -0.0035 0.0272 0.0165 -0.0622 -0.0521 0.0206 0.1400 0.0674 -0.0552 -0.0477 0.0535 -0.0054 0.0206 0.0363 -0.0431 0.1769 0.1775 -0.0001 0.0118 0.1007 p-value 0.0000 0.0000 0.5217 0.0000 0.1384 0.9743 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0008 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1224 0.0000 0.3758 0.0003 0.0362 0.3270 0.1076 0.0029 0.0000 0.0000 0.0009 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.2321 0.0003 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.9908 0.0124 0.0000 0.251053 9.033028 <0.00001 0.258303 9.312236 <0.00001 0.109773 3.846441 0.0001 0.188536 6.686281 <0.00001 0.177576 6.284526 <0.00001 Hedge Ratio t-Statistic p-value TED t-Statistic p-value VIX t-Statistic p-value Default t-Statistic p-value 0.173902 6.15039 <0.00001 0.187813 6.659684 <0.00001 0.110083 3.857447 0.0001 -0.072636 -2.536464 0.0113 -0.068303 -2.384421 0.0173 Ret.Comm (K) t-Statistic p-value Ill.Comm (S) Ret.Comm (S) t-Statistic p-value 0.995381 361.1159 <0.00001 Ill.Comm (S) t-Statistic p-value Ill.Comm (K) -0.249649 -8.979128 <0.00001 -0.22052 -7.874163 <0.00001 -0.100302 -3.511029 0.0005 -0.254563 -9.167993 <0.00001 0.996432 411.1636 <0.00001 Ret.Comm (K) -0.2503 -9.004082 <0.00001 -0.222179 -7.93645 <0.00001 -0.098 -3.429677 0.0006 -0.256957 -9.26028 <0.00001 Ret.Comm (S) 0.521315 21.27631 <0.00001 0.551195 23.00773 <0.00001 0.215783 7.696638 <0.00001 Hedge Ratio TED 0.78663 44.37234 <0.00001 0.74499 38.89642 <0.00001 Table 11: Pearson Correlation Matrix: Time Sample: 2003Q2-2009Q4; Number of Total Quarterly Observations: 1215; Number of Cross-section: 45 Firms Comm (K) = Kendall Tau Measure of Association; Comm (S) = Spearman Measure of Association 0.950148 106.1322 <0.00001 VIX Table 12: Pair-wise Granger Causality Test Matrix Null Hypothesis: X does not Granger cause Y Time Sample: 2003Q2-2009Q4; Number of Total Quarterly Observations: 1215; Number of Cross-sections: 45 Firms Comm (K) = Kendall Tau Measure of Association; Comm (S) = Spearman Measure of Association X Hedge Ratio Ill.Comm (K) Ill.Comm (S) Ret.Comm (K) Ret.Comm (S) Y Hedge Ratio 0.59798 0.49305 5.84912 5.67158 0.55010 0.61090 0.00300 0.00350 Ill.Comm (K) 26.3359 4.2486 <0.00001 0.0145 Ill.Comm (S) 24.8627 3.89849 <0.00001 0.0205 Ret.Comm (K) 45.5806 3.82037 <0.00001 0.02220 Ret.Comm (S) 46.887 3.18702 <0.00001 0.04170 VIX 3.08414 4.78519 4.14365 9.96393 9.52758 0.04620 0.00850 0.01610 0.00005 0.00008 Default 9.85346 2.0633 1.57617 5.81489 5.42138 0.00006 0.12750 0.20720 0.00310 0.00450 Default 57.8109 <0.00001 28.3934 <0.00001 26.2406 <0.00001 59.2915 <0.00001 60.9786 <0.00001 163.278 <0.00001 - VIX 22.045 <0.00001 29.6549 <0.00001 27.1447 <0.00001 52.9075 <0.00001 54.6119 <0.00001 123.675 <0.00001 Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std. Dev. 2.19 1.83 50.52 -62.29 12.76 Ill.Comm (K) 3.09 2.71 71.01 92.99 18.49 Ill.Comm (S) -4.03 -3.74 26.42 -44.54 10.28 Ret.Comm (K) -5.90 -5.37 41.43 -67.57 15.19 Ret.Comm (S) 3.38 0.53 15.06 0 4.77 Hedge Ratio 0.59 0.35 2.35 0.18 0.53 TED Table 13: Summary Statistics: Time Sample: 2003Q2-2009Q4; Number of Total Quarterly Observations: 1215; Number of Cross-sections: 45 Firms All Variables are measured in percentage units; Comm (K) = Kendall Tau Measure of Association; Comm (S) = Spearman Measure of Association VIX 20.36 16.66 58.61 11.04 10.55 0.79 0.61 1.85 0.47 0.34 Default Dep.Var. Filtered Kendall Correlation Dep.Var. Kendall Correlation II II I I II II I I Model -0.0086 -3.05 -0.0083 -2.20 -0.0045 -1.62 -0.0083 -2.20 Int. 0.3970 3.38 0.3825 2.31 0.2068∗ 1.69 0.3825 2.31 0.3840 2.02 0.5186 2.20 0.2575 1.36 0.5186 2.20 7.84% 0.17% 8.79% 0.62% 7.57% 0.20% 8.53% 1.29% Panel B. Analysis of Residuals from Preliminary Regression H SS H SS,ORT Adj − R2 2.5494 0.0001 2.6676 0.0001 No 2.4842 0.0001 No 2.4725 0.0001 No LR Test (Time) Fixed Effects No Panel A. Preliminary Regression of Equity-CDS Illiquidity Commonality on Exogenous Risk Factors Model Int. MktRf Smb Hml TED VIX Adj − R2 LR Test (Firm) Fixed Effects I -0.0410 21.3075 30.0406 6.7020 7.0610 6.69% 1.0739 -3.46 3.25 2.97 0.99 4.55 0.38 II -0.0615 19.3255 25.9097 11.7533 4.1235 0.1874 7.45% 0.3676 -4.12 1.63 2.47 3.06 2.11 2.13 1.08 The panel regressions are estimated with least squares; Panel dataset includes 18 non-financial companies and 27 quarters (from 2003:2 to 2009:4); Estimated standard errors are robust to firm clustering; t-statistics are reported in italic; Likelihood tests of fixed effects (FE) redundancy use the panel regressions with no fixed effects as baseline for comparison: F-statistics and p-values (in italic) are reported; No = No FE included; Coefficients in bold when regressors are significant at 5% C.L.; Coefficients marked with ∗ when regressors are significant at 10% C.L.; All variables are measured in decimals. Table 14: Test of Hypothesis H.1: Arbitrage/Hedging Channel of Equity-CDS Illiquidity Commonality - Two-Steps Panel Regressions Dep.Var. Kendall Correlation Dep.Var. Kendall Correlation IV III IV Model III IV IV III III IV IV III Model III Panel A. Regression of Equity-CDS Illiquidity Commonality on Exogenous Risk Factors and Hedge Ratio LR Test (Firm) SS SS,ORT 2 Int. MktRf Smb Hml TED VIX H H Adj − R Fixed Effects -0.0435 16.3739 23.0302 10.4497 5.8369 0.5434 8.40% 0.9582 -3.69 2.49 2.25 1.51 3.76 3.27 0.50 -0.0436 16.2548 22.8609 10.5402∗ 5.8073 0.5565 8.53% No -3.05 2.51 2.36 1.95 3.12 4.37 -0.0453 16.4088 22.9595 10.7479 5.6216 0.0172 0.5195 8.21% 0.9572 -2.57 2.47 2.22 1.49 2.59 0.13 2.05 0.51 -0.0445 16.2556 22.8045 10.6950∗ 5.7003 0.0082 0.5468 8.34% No -2.49 2.51 2.33 1.75 2.36 0.08 2.87 -0.0394 17.4670 25.3686 6.8913 7.1215 0.4983 7.49% 1.0832 -3.33 2.59 2.48 1.03 4.59 2.29 0.37 -0.0394 17.4670 25.3686 6.8913 7.1215 0.4983 7.21% No -2.72 2.90 2.51 1.27 3.87 2.69 -0.0551 16.9347 23.4450 10.5931∗ 4.9270 0.1390∗ 0.3765∗ 7.76% 1.0864 -3.44 2.57 2.24 1.46 2.36 1.40 1.53 0.36 -0.0551 16.9347 23.4450 10.5931 4.9270 0.1390 0.3765 7.48% No -3.40 2.73 2.31 1.72 1.99 1.75 1.69 Panel B. Economic Significance of Regressors LR Test (Firm) SS SS,ORT 2 MktRf Smb Hml TED VIX H H Adj − R Fixed Effects 0.1674 0.1049 0.0728 0.2413 0.1619 8.53% No 2.51 2.36 1.95 3.12 4.37 0.1674 0.1046 0.0738∗ 0.2368 0.0068 0.1591 8.34% No 2.51 2.33 1.75 2.36 0.08 2.87 0.1798 0.1164 0.0476 0.2959 0.1113 7.21% No 2.90 2.51 1.27 3.87 2.69 0.1744 0.1076 0.0731∗ 0.2047 0.1148∗ 0.0841∗ 7.48% No 2.73 2.31 1.72 1.99 1.75 1.69 The panel regressions are estimated with least squares; Panel dataset includes 18 non-financial companies and 27 quarters (from 2003:2 to 2009:4); Estimated standard errors are robust to firm clustering; t-statistics are reported in italic; Likelihood tests of fixed effects (FE) redundancy use the panel regressions with no fixed effects as baseline for comparison: F-statistics and p-values (in italic) are reported; No = No FE included; Coefficients in bold when regressors are significant at 5% C.L.; Coefficients marked with ∗ when regressors are significant at 10% C.L.; All variables are measured in decimals; For the analysis of economic significance standardized betas are obtained by multiplying the estimated betas by the ratio between standard deviation of relative explanatory variable and standard deviation of dependent variable. Table 15: Test of Hypothesis H.1: Arbitrage/Hedging Channel of Equity-CDS Illiquidity Commonality - All-in Panel Regression IV Dep.Var. Pearson Correlation Dep.Var. Kendall Correlation IV Dep.Var. Spearman Correlation -0.0154 -1.17 -0.0659 -2.63 -0.0445 -2.49 Int. 8.0886 1.02 23.5711 2.48 0.1669 16.2556 2.51 0.1674 MktRf 39.5789 2.89 0.1499 33.5391 2.23 0.1059 22.8045 2.33 0.1046 Smb -6.3317 -0.94 14.1709 1.39 10.6950 1.75 Hml 4.7113 1.58 8.0997 2.63 0.2315 5.7003 2.36 0.2368 TED -0.1281 -1.15 0.0239 0.13 0.0082 0.08 VIX 0.5321 2.29 0.1277 0.7888 2.37 0.1579 0.5468 2.87 0.1591 H SS Coeff t-stat Econ.Sign. Coeff t-stat Econ.Sign. IV -0.0093 -0.86 0.0090 1.00 Int. -3.8054 -0.71 -5.7458 -1.05 MktRf 11.6913 1.12 14.9055 1.52 Smb -6.6383 -1.08 -9.0884 -1.42 Hml -0.5774 -0.26 1.5265 1.29 TED 0.1705 1.45 VIX 1.0813 1.84 0.1480 1.2799 2.39 0.1715 HV X Panel B. All-in Panel Regression - Alternative Hedge Ratio (Vassalou and Xing) Coeff t-stat Econ. Sign. Coeff t-stat Econ. Sign. Coeff t-stat Econ. Sign. III Model Spec. IV Dep.Var. Kendall Correlation Model Spec. 4.97% 4.73% Adj − R2 3.61% 8.37% 8.34% Adj − R2 Panel A. All-in Panel Regressions: Comparison between Three Alternative Dependent Variables The All-in panel regressions are estimated with least squares; Panel regressions includes 18 non-financial companies and 27 quarters (from 2003:2 to 2009:4) when Hedge SS is used; Panel regressions includes 30 non-financial companies and 23 quarters (from 2003:2 to 2008:4) when Hedge VX is used; Estimated standard errors are robust to firm clustering; t-statistics are reported in italic; No firms’ fixed effects included; Coefficients in bold when regressors are significant at 5% C.L.; Coefficients marked with ∗ when regressors are significant at 10% C.L.; All variables are measured in decimals; For the analysis of economic significance standardized betas are obtained by multiplying the estimated betas by the ratio between standard deviation of relative explanatory variable and standard deviation of dependent variable. Table 16: Test of Hypothesis H.1: Arbitrage/Hedging Channel of Equity-CDS Illiquidity Commonality - Robustness Checks Dep.Var. Res. CDS Bid-Ask -0.00080 -5.51 -0.00062 -5.05 -0.00067 -5.76 -0.00033 -5.59 Coeff t-stat Econ.Sign. Coeff t-stat Econ.Sign. Coeff t-stat Econ.Sign. Coeff t-stat Econ.Sign. Int. 0.00086 2.72 0.0559 0.00054 1.81 0.0349 0.00057 1.82 0.0368 0.00057 3.66 0.0369 H SS × Equity BA 0.00048 4.90 0.0874 0.00049 4.99 0.0890 0.00051 4.64 0.0919 H SS × Equity BA × CDS Return(Lag1) 0.00020 6.54 0.09 0.00020 6.58 0.0926 0.00019 6.25 0.0912 0.00018 6.56 0.0855 CDS Inn 0.00025 1.90 0.04 0.00024 1.89 0.0431 CDS Inn × CDS Mispricing(Lag1) -0.00013 -1.99 -0.03 -0.00012 -1.87 -0.0285 -0.00010 -1.52 -0.0234 0.00001 0.05 0.0013 Equity Inn 0.00058 3.96 0.06 0.00024 1.62 0.0548 0.00023 1.62 0.0227 0.00074 3.23 0.0726 TED The panel regressions are estimated with least squares; Panel dataset includes 45 non-financial companies and 300 weeks (Sep 2003 to Dec 2009); Estimated standard errors are robust to firm clustering; t-statistics are reported in italic; No firms’ fixed effects included; For the analysis of economic significance standardized betas are obtained by multiplying the estimated betas by the ratio between standard deviation of relative explanatory variable and standard deviation of dependent variable. Table 17: Test of CDS Bid-Ask Spread Determinants: Effect of Hedging Costs, Private Information Costs, Market Volatility and Funding Costs on Residual CDS Bid-Ask Spreads 0.00003 3.92 0.0619 0.00003 3.50 0.0577 0.00003 2.72 0.0570 VIX 3.5% 3.7% 3.2% 2.6% Adj-R2