From: AAAI Technical Report SS-96-02. Compilation copyright © 1996, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Between Help and Engineering: constraints on user task automation Joost Breuker University of Amsterdam Social Science Informatics(SWI) Roeterstraat15 1018 WBAmsterdam,the Netherlands breuker@swi.psy.uva,nl Abstract In this paper we describe two projects relevant for automating user tasks. The first one, EUROHELPwas aimed at tools and methods for developing Intelligent Help Systems (IHS). Experiences and accomplishmentsin this project shed light on understanding and monitoring task performance of users. The major bottleneck appears the lack of understanding of the content of user tasks, calling for research in ontologies rather than trying to cometo grips with the commonsense semantics of the workplace. A major part of the paper describes the CommonKADS projects in which a methodologyand tools were developed for building KBS. CommonKADS has a long (> 10 years) and extensive history, and it is arguedthat it has survivedseveral shifts in attention in problems about knowledgeacquisition (KA),becauseit has focusedon well defined, coherent specification languages. The need for such a core is signalled for current approaches in KAwhich provide operational components ((configurations of) mechanisms)to domain perts to develop small, but practical knowledge based systems. 1 Introduction In this paper we discuss problems and limitations of automating user tasks based upon experiences in two large scale research and development projects: EUROHELP and KADS.First we will give a brief outline of the (relevant) aspects of these projects. Thesecondpart of this paper focuses on the limitations and problemswe have identified in these projects with respect to (supporting) the automation of user tasks. Weassumethat the issue is not whether we can provide automationto users in general. Technologyand tools, that range fromhigh performancepowertoolsto intelligent workmateshave been developed (e.g. in KADS and Radboud Winkels University of Amsterdam ComputerScience and Law Kloveniersburgwal72 1012 CZAmsterdam,the Netherlands emailwinkels@lri.j in EUROHELP) to enable task automation. However, the question nowis rather whetherwe are able to provide tools to users whowill be able to automate their owntasks either as the side effect of their recurring activities (e.g. via user modeling, plan recognition and learning) or by simple constructive activities whichdo not require software or knowledgeengineering skills. In short, we want a nonprogrammersprogrammer’s assistant. The experiences in EUROHELP pertain in particular to understanding tasks of users while they are performingtasks with conventional applications such as word-processorsor mailing systems. In discussing KADS -- a knowledge engineering methodology -- we will focus on a library of problemsolving methods, and their indexing. 2 EUROHELP EUROHELP was concerned with tools for the development of Intelligent Help Systems (IHS). 1 These IHSs provided both active and passive help to users of (conventional) applications such as word processors, operating systems, mailing systems etc. Passive help meansthat the user can ask questions to the IHSabout the application; active help meansthat the IHS’looks over the shoulder’ of the user, interprets her actions and offers spontaneous help. Reasons for offering help are errors, inefficiencies and opportunities to expandthe skills of the user. Figure 1 summarizes the architecture of a EUROHELP IHS. The monitor consists of two submodules:a planner and a plan recognizer. The plan recognizerinterprets the user’s performance in termsof local goalsor subtasks,while the plannergenerates the correct/efficient waysto achieve such goals, given the current state of the user’s competence(user model).The diagnoseris called in whenthe user’s performance deviates fromsuch plans, and traces these in terms of lacking or confused knowledge. Lacking knowledgeis not restricted to the proper use of the commands of the application, or its current state, but also to its working.Whena diagnosis 1EUROHELP was an Esprit project (P280, 1985- 1991). involved120 personyearand delivered tools and a methodology for IHSconstruction[Breuker,1990] r - -A-PPIJOA-TI-ON-I ~ e.g. email system L. r - I I ..J EUROHELP-IHS ~ question ~ terpreter ) ~ monitor 7 plan ~_~ e~nsU Is~ta~d ~recognizer y ~applic!tion _ i-//1 ~diagn0ser 1 ) ,~’ I model ~e~e L_ Figure 1: Architecture of an EUROHELP IHS is found,the discourseplannerprovidesan explanation [Winkels,1992].Thequestioninterpreterallowsthe user to specifyhis problem or question via theuseof anapplication dependentmenustructure [Pilkington, 1992]. Because the questioninterpreteris coupledto the monitor,questions are understood in termsof the current state of performance andof the application. This is in a nutshell whata EUROHELP IHSconsists of (see also [Breukerand Wielinga, 1987; Winkels,1992]). A completedescription of EUROHELP is available in [Breuker,1990]. EUROHELP is based upondetailed empirical studies of noviceusers of conventionalapplications[Sandberget al., 1988]. Thesestudies showedthat, whenmonitoredby humanexperts, users hardlytake the initiative to ask questions. Mostinteractions are the result of expert interventions. Themajorreasonis that the user is often not aware of problems or alternativeroutes, or is not capableof specifying his problem.Note, that in these experimentsfull communicationis possible betweenuser and expert. A secondimportantissue is that the focusis on task performance.However,the plans (methods)for executingthese tasks easily breakdown, becausethey often "encapsulateinteractions" [Simmons, 1992]. Makingor correcting plans often involves understandinghowthe application works. The distinction (and mapping)between’task knowledge’ and’insight in the application’is explicit in the domain representation (application model).Therefore,wehavetaken the fact that a user shouldknowhowan applicationworks, or at least whatthe worldit operateson consistsof, is as importantas to knowhowto handleit. In anyeducational philosophy,skill andinsight are mutuallysupportive(e.g. [Anderson et al., 1990]). Athird, related issue is the fact that task decompositions are highly dependenton the worldin whichthe task is to be executed.This seemsalso a trivial observation,but it leads to mostof the trivial problems of noviceusers. If one doesnot havea goodinsight of the (side) effects of automatedactions, planningcan only be performed’by analogy’ to knownworlds. However,this leads to problematicdifferences or mismatches as Fig 2 shows,becausethe digital (mail) worldis different fromthe physicalone. 3 KADS ~ is a comprehensivemethodologyfor deCommonKADS veloping KBS.A CommonKADS project consists of the development of a suite of dependentmodels(see Fig. 3). Twomodels, the Organization modeland the Task model describethe operationalcontext of the KBS(s)(the "workplace" [Yostet al., 1994]).Thecombination of Taskmodel andAgentmodelcontainsthe specificationof the task distribution betweenthe agents involved(machine,human). The Communication modelspecifies the required communications to support this cooperation(see [Breukerand de Greef, 1993]). 2KADS, initiated by SWI,Universityof Amsterdam, wasdeveloped in variousEspritprojects,between 1984and1994.It took morethan200personyears. Some of the majorpartnerswere:Cap Gemini,Siemens,IBM,STC,Touche Ross,LloydsRegister,ENTEL,SICS,Free Universityof Brussels.KADS, or someadapted formis usedbymanyindustriesin Europeandthe USA. send(letter) prepare enveppe write letter I\ write address write sender send (e-mail) put in envelope put in mailbox write address write subject write message type eof put stamp Figure 2: Sendingmail: plans (task decompositions,methods)for e-mall (Unix-mall) and snail namic) roles) between basic reasoning steps (inferences) are specified. Sucha networkis called an inference structure. (2) Control can be addedto an inference structure, resuiting in a task structure. A task structure is a(n instantiAgent ated) problemsolving method(PSM),i.e. its major structure is a task decomposition,bottomingout in inferences. Exper[.is.e Commun!caU~n Wewill not describe here CML in detail (see e.g.[Schreiber et al., 1994]). Different from most other approachesin KA (e.g. SBF[Yost et al., 1994], EXPECT [Swartout and Gil, model 1995; Gil and Paris, 1994], KREST [Geldof and Slodzian, 1994]) CML specifications are not directly operational for several reasons such as efficiency (of. the Design model) Figure 3: Suite of models in a CommonKADS project and independence of specific implementation platforms. However,CMLcan be translated into its formal language (ML)2, i.e. FOPLaugmentedwith reflection and various Twoother modelsprovide specifications of the KBSitother logics, whichis executable by very inefficient provself: the Expertise model and the Design model. The Exing [van Harmelen and Balder, 1992]. The role of 2(ML) pertise modelcontains a ’knowledgelevel’ specification of is rather in validation and consistencycheckingthan for opthe required knowledgeto build a knowledgebased system, erationality. analogousto a data modelin software engineering. The ExExpertise models are not necessarily to be built from pertise modelis the input for the construction of the Descratch, in a bottom up way. The CK-Library a prosign model,i.e. the specification of the systemarchitecture vides reusable componentsfor constructing expertise modthat implementsthe knowledgespecified in the Expertise els [Breuker and de Velde, 1994]. This does not meanthat model. This two step system specification philosophysepathe CK-Library is to be used exclusively in projects that folrates considerations of understanding and modelingthe relow a CommonKADS methodology. Most of the compoquired problemsolving competence(’expertise’) from effinents to be foundin the CK-Library are in fact inspired by or cient and well structured implementations. copied from other approaches, and in particular from fundaThe Expertise modelcan be viewedas a conceptual intermentalresearch in Artificial Intelligence (e.g. on diagnosis face between the "workplace"and the machine. This means or planning methods). Moreover, it can be shownthat the CK-Libraryalso supports other approaches[Valente et al., that it has an inherent ambiguity.Onthe one hand, the terms to be used should be easily identifiable and understandable; 1993]. on the other hand these terms should not only be well deThe role of such a library is not so muchthe reuse of these components,but rather the application of these modfined, but also easily maponto machinemechanisms.Most eling fragments. In reuse, the primary effect is efficiency research efforts in KADS have therefore been devoted to the design of a "Conceptual Modeling Language" (CML) by copying or reinstantiation. However,the problemsolving componentsare relatively simple objects: only in their to express Expertise models[Breuker and Wielinga, 1989; combinationsand their domainspecific instantiations may Wielingaet al., 1992;Schreiberet al., 1993]. turn out to be very complex. The major role of the CKIn CML,like in most other approachesin knowledgeacLibrary is the guidance of the modelingprocess, i.e. the quisition (KA), domainknowledgeis distinguished from task knowledge.In task knowledgethere are two views. (1) aThefull nameis CommonKADS Expertise modelingLibrary, A knowledgeflow view, in which the dependencies ((dyor CKEL. HereI will simplyuse the term CK-Library I mooo’ r/ 70o, Organization I m°?’I ~ Task | I m,oo,, / DesiQn 3 knowledgeacquisition. The problemin knowledgeacquisition is that it is very difficult for a (novice)knowledge engineer to identify the types of tasks and knowledge in the data documentation, interviews, etc. -- of some domain. A knowledgeengineer mayneed to knowwhether it is a diagnostic or an assessment task whichhas to be automised, what problem solving methodsmay be applicable to this task, what assumptionson the nature and structure of the domainknowledgeare implied by a particular method, etc. Therefore, the CK-Libraryis not a simple store, but rather a frameworkfor reuse, that should provide guidanceto its user. This guidanceis not so muchin separate, linked documentation,but it is moreor less wired in by the structure and the access of the CK-Library.This structure and access guides the process by constraining the possible routes through the library. Only those componentsare accessible from another, selected componentwhichare compatible. In traversing the CK-Library,local selections are made, and the selected componentspreserve the relations which are implied by the structure of the CK-Library.The selections are madeon the basis of data on knowledgein the application domainthat do or don’t matchthe assumptions-- features mthat are associated with a component.4 The major access to the CK-Library is by a typology of problemtypes, such as diagnosis, planning, assessment [Breuker, 1994]. The typology is not a taxonomy, but a "suite", which expresses the dependencies between these types as they occur in (sub)tasks (see Fig. 4). Thesetypes are characterizedby their solutions (see Table I). It is beyondthe scope of this paper to explain in detail the nature of these problem types. This suite exhibits a numberof properties which makeit attractive for KA.The types are mutually exclusive and appear to cover the full range of problems/tasksas identified in the literature and in a decade ’KADS experiences’. It is based upon the notion put forward by [Clancey, 1985] that problemsolving consists of the construction of"a modelof a system-in-the-world". Althoughartificial problemsolvers hardly ever construct a case modelin an explicit way, 5 this is indeed what is implied by understanding a problem. Whenthe modelis already given as generic knowledgein the knowledgebase, this simplifies the construction to the selection and instantiation of the applicable knowledge.In that case, the task contains problemsat the analytic spectrum of the suite. Otherwise, the case modelhas to be made, constrained by requirements, and we will characterize the task as a synthetic one (design, planning). Therefore, an importantproperty of the suite is that it guidesthe decomposition of tasks. For instance, any PSMhas two functional components: a part whichgenerates solutions and a part whichevaluates or tests these solutions. Thetest part invariably followsthe suite at the analytic side. The suite not only enables the recognition of this paradigmin real life tasks, but also enables the construction of new task decompositions(PSM). Not only the access, but also the bottom of the CKLibrary is defined by a typology. The inferences, whichare the terminal functions of PSMs,are typed according to the operations they perform with respect to a KL-ONE like ontology (see Table 2). A formalization of this typology can be foundin [Aben, 1994]. It should be noted that other ontological commitments result in other typologies. However, this typology has the advancethat the commitments are relatively small and widelyacceptedas a basis for representing knowledge,so that the scope for application is large. The types are well differentiated, and basedon a systematiccovering of "what can happen to a concept", as comparedto typing like deduction, abduction and induction ("what can happento a set of propositions"). Moreover,the terms refer to reasoning operations which are not context dependent, as e.g. the teleological terms that are used to characterize, for instance, task or problems.This is a nice property for reusable building blocks. (See also [Wielingaet al., 1992] and [Aben, 1994] for alternatives.) Theseinferences have a fixed meaningbut not a fixed grain size level. They can be further decomposed,if necessary. Theyare standard or canonical terms, rather than primitives or atoms. This concern in KADS with language, typology and formalization showsthat apparent approach to knowledgeacquisition is in providingconceptual, knowledgelevel tools, which on one hand easily map onto real life data, and which on the other hand are well defined to allow computational rendering. Theseanalytic tools are supplementedby reusable models and modeling componentsfor specifying the problemsolving knowledgefor an application. 4 Coming to terms The problemtypology of the CK-Libraryclaims that the dependencies between kinds of (well defined) problems are more or less universal. Ananalysis of PSMsfor diagnosis reveals that subtasks solve a particular kind of problem, 4 Animplemented version of the CK-Library is commercially whoseresult is used to solve problemsin another (next) subtask [Benjamins, 1995]. For instance, in the test parts of available as part of the KADS-Tool workbench by ILOG(France); a diagnosis-PSMcontain prediction and monitoring prob[Breukerandde Velde,1994]providesa descriptionof the philosophy, structure and ingredients of the CK-Lib.The CK-Library lems. The predictions and observations are a necessary is not ’complete’. Not only new(arrangementsof) PSMmay input for a monitoring problem/subtask, which identifies developed,but there is hardly any supportfor domainknowledge conflicts, etc. Thesedependenciesare most explicit in all modeling.Theemerginginterest in reusableontologiesmayfill modelbased diagnosis PSM.In association based (heuristhis gapin the nearfuture. 5Anotableexceptionis ABEUs ’patient specific model’[Patil, tic) methodsthey are less clear, because of the compiled 1988] out nature of associations between symptomsand (classes synthesis modification behavioural view (system*environment) I I planning I assessment , /_ l rt "modeling assignment --~ prediction IL___ I I I analysis design 7- monitoring * diagnosis structural view (system) Figure 4: A suite of problem types, dependenciesand views solution behavioural model structure of elements sequence of actions distribution/assignments state of system discrepant states faulty element class/grade attribution Table 1: Type of problemand corresponding solutions operation type generate concept change concept differentiate manipulate structure Inference instantiate classify generalize abstract specify select assign-value compute compare match assemble decompose transform l,,..I I J _.l L_ major type type of problem synthesis modeling design planning/reconstruction modification assignment (scheduling, configuration) analysis prediction monitoring diagnosis assessment "7 I I l I I 71 II 4.1 input --+ output arguments concept --+ instance instance ---, concept set of instances --, concept concept --+ concept concept -, concept set ---+ concept/instance attribute --+ attribute-value structure ---+ attribute-value value, value ~ difference value structure, structure --+ difference set ~ part-of structure part-of structure --+ set structure ~ structure Table 2: Typologyof inferences [Wielingaet. al., 1992] of) malfunctions. The identification of (sub)tasks characterized by a type of problem from the suite can be obscured by these shortcuts, but another important reason is that the terms by which these problems/subtasks are described are highly context dependent. Diagnosis maymean such diverse things as a malfunctioningcomponent,a class of malfunctionsor a sequenceof events that caused a problem (accident), whichrefer to different problemtypes: diagnosis, assessment, respectively reconstruction (planning [Simmons,1992]). are not knowledgeintensive and the intelligence required for performingthese tasks is the planning of automatedactions (leaf sub-tasks). The planning problemsinvolved are not too complex, so that EUROHELP could construct executable scripts instead of instructing the user whatto do if in trouble. However,such a "butlering" modewas not recommendedfor the simple reason that it wouldonly hide the application, and learning to talk to the butler and to understand his capabilities wouldbe as difficult as learning to use the application itself. Wemayhypothesize that the scope and size of effective automationof a user task is proportional to its intensity of knowledgeuse. In knowledgeextensive tasks, whichdo not havea strongly recurring routines, a set of simple procedures maybe more effective than encapsulating complexroutines (of. the flexibility of knowledge acquisition toolboxes with simple mechanisms). A second suggestion from EUROHELP concerns the feasibility of automateduser-task automation. Specifications were written to combineplan recognition, student modeling and machine learning techniques. Recognized plans were stored in the student modeland routine plans wouldbe inducedfrom repeated patterns. Theseroutine, stereotypical plans could be used both for user-tailored recognition and help, and for limited butlering. Implementation,however, was abandoned, because experiments showedthat 1) plan recognition had a very limited scope, becausethe intentions of users were not available, nor could they be assumedand (2) sequences of actions and their variations were largely ’content’ dependent. For instance, understanding what the user of a text editor is up to mayrequire understandingwriting competence(e.g. spelling, style, grammar6 ) and (some of) the topics involved. This domaindependencefor understanding the tasks that users performwith machines(and of course, also withoutmachines)suggeststhat at least the terminology(ontology) of the domainshould be available and explicitly represented before automateduser task induction becomesfeasible. If in the literature there is a terminologicalconfusionon what the terms meanand refer to (see [Breuker, 1994]), the world of users the terminologyhas becomea major bottleneck in the access and deploymentof ’knowledgelevel’ tools for automatingproblemsolving tasks. Initially, i.e. at the end of the 80-ies, mostof these tools incorporated some particular PSMfor a particular kind of problemand with a particular set of implied requirementson the nature of the domain knowledge e.g. Generic Tasks [Chandrasekaran, 1988], Role Limiting Methods[Marcus, 1988]. Although domainexpert (users) werequite capable to fill these shells, it appearedthat the scope was too limited, i.e. only for a few problem-type/domain combinations the implied PSM appearedto be suitable. A moregeneral solution was found in assemblingsystems rather than in filling readily available structures. PSMcan be built from combinations of basic, reusable subtasks: inferences (KADS),or mechanisms (SBF). Tools for building artificial problemsolvers, like K_REST,EXPECT and SBFcontain some library of mechanismswhich can be accessed and configured by some task description. As it appears that the terms used in these task descriptions are different across domains,basic mechanisms are added, imd the access interface grows to complex libraries by itself (e.g. [Yostet al., 1994]). This pragmatic approachfacilitates easy reuse, but lacks a structuring frameworkfor systematic indexing. There is no wayto assess whether, or to what extent, the mechanismsare functionally equivalent or the terms are distinctive. In KADS References exactly the opposite happened. Mucheffort has been put in the grounding of terms and structuring of the CK-Lib, [Aben, 1993] M. Aben. Formallyspecifying re-usable knowlbut no reusable operationalizations are available. KADS edge modelcomponents.KAJ,5:119-141, 1993. fits within the software engineeringtradition that puts the [Aben, 1994] M. Aben. 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