Page 2 of 2 Proposal Summary Large-Scale Course Revision Subject Specification: This proposal will inactivate specific courses from the Special Education [SPED] program. Background Information: Several courses are active but are no longer being offered by SPED—they have not been taught for years or they are now taught by other programs. These do not fit the needs of the current program; therefore, it is appropriate to inactivate the courses that will not be taught again. There will be no impact to any other program. Alternatives and Consequences: If not approved, courses will remain active, but will not be offered. Specific Recommendation and Justification: Inactivate the following courses: • S P ED 19201 AMERICAN S IGN LANGUAGE I • S P ED 19202 AMERICAN S IGN LANGUAGE II • S P ED 29201 AMERICAN S IGN LANGUAGE III • S P ED 29202 AMERICAN S IGN LANGUAGE IV • S P ED 39201 AMERICAN S IGN LANGUAGE V • S P ED 39202 AMERICAN S IGN LANGUAGE VI • S P ED 43101 DEAF CULTURE AND COMMUNITY • S P ED 43108 AMERICAN S IGN LANGUAGE LINGUIS TICS AND US AGE • S P ED 43109 CUED S P EECH AND ORAL INTERP RETING • S P ED 43316 P RES CHOOL EDUCATION OF THE HEARING IMP AIRED • S P ED 43192, P RACTICUM IN EDUCATIONAL INTERP RETING • S P ED 53109 CUED S P EECH AND ORAL INTERP RETING • S P ED 60094 COLLEGE TEACHING • S P ED 63535 INTELLIGENCE, AS S ES S MENT AND EVALUATION IN GIFTED EDUCATION • S P ED 64092 FIELD EXP ERIENCE FOR MILD/MODERATE INTERVENTION S P ECIALIS T • S P ED 64192 FIELD EXP ERIENCE FOR MODERATE/INTENS IVE INTERVENTION S P ECIALIST • S P ED73031 P ROGRESS MONITORING/ P ROGRAM EVALUATION FOR BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTIONS • S P ED73032 ADVANCED INTERVENTIONS FOR ADDRES S ING S EVERE EMOTIONAL & BEHAVIORAL DISORDERS • S P ED73531 CURRICULUM DEVELOP MENT FOR GIFTED LEARNERS • S P ED73532 GIFTED P ROGRAM DES IGN AND ADMINIS TRATION • S P ED73535 INTELLIGENCE, AS S ES S MENT AND EVALUATION IN GIFTED EDUCATION • S P ED73952 FAMILY AND P ROFES S IONAL COLLABORATION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD • S P ED73953 P RACTICAL AP P LICATIONS :BIRTH TO FIVE • S P ED73954 P RACTICAL AP P LICATIONS :FIVE TO EIGHT • S P ED73955 TYP ICAL AND ATYP ICAL DEVELOP MENT IN YOUNG CHILDREN • S P ED73958 EARLY CHILDHOOD INTERVENTION METHODS • S P ED73959 MEDICAL AS P ECTS OF EARLY CHILDHOOD • S P ED83956 BIOMEDICAL AS P ECTS OF S P ECIAL EDUCATION Timetable and Actions Required: The proposal will go through the required curriculum approval process for changes to take effect in Fall, 2012. The following is an anticipated schedule: Approved by SPED program area: February, 2012 Approved by LDES Curriculum Committee: March 7, 2012 Presented to EHHS Curriculum Committee: April 20, 2012 Presented to EPC: May 14, 2012 AUGUSTINE, SUSAN Subject: FW: inactivations From: BARTON, LYLE Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2012 2:04 PM To: AUGUSTINE, SUSAN Subject: Re: inactivations Susan, The program area did discuss the various inactivations with concentrations making recommendation based on their needs (e.g., Deaf and Interpreter made recommendations based on the Deaf and Interpreter program needs). Thanks a lot for leading me through the abyss. Lyle Dr. Lyle Barton Professor & Coordinator of Special Education Programs 406B White Hall 150 Terrace Drive Kent State University Kent, OH 44242 From: "AUGUSTINE, SUSAN" <> Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 11:37:40 ‐0500 To: Lyle Barton <> Subject: FW: inactivations I just now saw this email from Kathy. This is the inactivation list that never ends. I have added these 2 courses to the list. -Susan From: Kathy Geething [] Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2012 6:21 PM To: BARTON, LYLE; LUFT, PAMELA; KRITZER, KAREN L.; Wiley, Andrew Cc: AUGUSTINE, SUSAN Subject: Re: inactivations I now have those additional numbers incase you have not had time to get them. These are now ASL dept courses only. SPED 43101 Deaf Culture and Community SPEd 43108 ASL Linguistics and Usage Kathy From: AUGUSTINE, SUSAN Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 11:11 AM To: BARTON, LYLE Subject: inactivations Lyle, 1 I have attached the proposal for inactivating the following courses. I need documentation that your program area discussed and decided that this is the course of action you wish to take. A reply to this email is sufficient. Thanks, -Susan SPED 19201 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE I SPED 19202 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE II SPED 29201 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE III SPED 29202 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE IV SPED 39201 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE V SPED 39202 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE VI SPED 43109 CUED SPEECH AND ORAL INTERPRETING SPED 43316 PRESCHOOL EDUCATION OF THE HEARING IMPAIRED SPED 43192, PRACTICUM IN EDUCATIONAL INTERPRETING SPED 53109 CUED SPEECH AND ORAL INTERPRETING SPED 60094 COLLEGE TEACHING SPED 63535 INTELLIGENCE, ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION IN GIFTED EDUCATION SPED 64092 FIELD EXPERIENCE FOR MILD/MODERATE INTERVENTION SPECIALIST SPED 64192 FIELD EXPERIENCE FOR MODERATE/INTENSIVE INTERVENTION SPECIALIST SPED73031 PROGRESS MONITORING/ PROGRAM EVALUATION FOR BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTIONS SPED73032 ADVANCED INTERVENTIONS FOR ADDRESSING SEVERE EMOTIONAL & BEHAVIORAL DISORDERS SPED73531 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT FOR GIFTED LEARNERS SPED73532 GIFTED PROGRAM DESIGN AND ADMINISTRATION SPED73535 INTELLIGENCE, ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION IN GIFTED EDUCATION SPED73952 FAMILY AND PROFESSIONAL COLLABORATION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD SPED73953 PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS:BIRTH TO FIVE SPED73954 PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS:FIVE TO EIGHT SPED73955 TYPICAL AND ATYPICAL DEVELOPMENT IN YOUNG CHILDREN SPED73958 EARLY CHILDHOOD INTERVENTION METHODS SPED73959 MEDICAL ASPECTS OF EARLY CHILDHOOD SPED83956 BIOMEDICAL ASPECTS OF SPECIAL EDUCATION 2