From: AAAI Technical Report SS-95-01. Compilation copyright © 1995, AAAI ( All rights reserved. An Integrative, Layered Approach to Lexical Semantics and its Application to Machine Translation Inderjeet ¯ : ,). This paper addresses these two problems by describing a representation for meaningwhich combines the advantagesof both the logicoriented and the conceptualstructure oriented frameworks. The approach is layered, allowing different aspects or distinctions of meaningto appearatdifferent levels. Aswill be illustrated here, .in accommodating different granularities of meanmg,it offers a basis for the developmentof a commonlexicon. Manf The MITRECorporation, Z401 7525 Colshire Drive McLean, VA 22102-3481 Phone: (703) 883-6149 mani 2. The Approach: Integration 1. Introduction 2.1 Representational Oneof the practical problemswhichstands in the way of the goal of developing a common lexicon for a languageis the variation in granularities of meaningrepresentation. These varying granularities have developedout of ecological needs. For example,in the field of machine translation (MT), researchers workingon problems oftranslation divergences at the semantic level [Dorr 93a] [Dorr 93b], [Dorr and Voss93] have tended to favor fairly abstract representations of meaning,such as Jackendoffian Conceptual Structures (CS) [Jackendoff 83], [Jackendoff 90]. Others (whether workingin an "interlinguar’ paradigm, e.g., [Carbonell and Tomita87], [Carlson and Nirenburg90], [Meyeret al. 90], [Barnett et al. 94], or semantictransfer paradigm,e.g., [’Nagao 87]) have dependedon more concrete specifications of meaning,for example,based on microtheoriesof different domains,e.g., [Levin and Nirenburg94]. The question then arises as to (1) whetherthese different granularities meaningrepresentation can be related to each other. In addition, there is (2) the problem frameworkcompatibility; in particular, between meaningrepresentations moreor less based on logic, with its emphasison the semanticsof reference and quantification, and the more conceptual structure-oriented approachesOike Jackendoff-inspired approaches) which focus mainly on a rich ontologyof primitives and structures. In general, the logic-based representations appearto be especially useful in application to "functional" (or closed-class) categories associated with modality, mood, tense, aspect, conjunctions, determiners, etc., while the Jackendoffian approachesare particularly useful in connectionwith "lexicar’ (or open-class) categories. Wewill be~nwith a semantic representation that is logic-based. Wewill assumea standard Davidsonian [Davidson 67]representation for reference toevents. To simplify the presentation, wewill use for the mostpart a uniformsemantic treatment of modification within the Davidsonianapproach, as sketched by [Parsons 90]. Our overall frameworkwill be thatof Discourse Representation Theory [Kamp 84],butthisismerely a matter ofconvenience, related in part to its theoretical interest andin part to experience with using this frameworkin various NLPareas, including MT([Barnett et al. 90], [Barnett et al. 94]). 86 Assumptions Toillustrate theapproach, considerthesentence: (1) A boy swamacross a fiver. In theDiscourse Representation Structure (ORS) forthissentence, shown inFigure 1,certain letter variables stand forcertain basic sorts: el..en: events, xl..xn: things. Thesorts indicate theontological class oftheobject denoted bythe variable. Thetermscontributed by themorpheme "swim"are in boldface. el .xl x2. swlmmlng(el, xl, x2), past(el), boy(x l), river(x2), water(x2), across(el, [ Figure 1: DRS for "A boy swam across a river." 2.2 Decomposition Now,assume we wish to represent the lexical semantics of"swim"at a slightly finer level of granularity, in terms of "movement.across water, by meansof limbs, caused by an animate ggg.~. The newterms contributed by this new view of the morpheme"swim" arc shown in boldface in Figure 2. el e2 xl x2 x3 cause(e2, xl, el), + rot(el), Note that the DRSin Figure 3 is also equivalent to the followingexpression in standard first- orderlogic: move(el, xl, x2), boy(xl), animate(x1), water(x2), river(x2), across(el, limbs/x3 ), with(el+ x3) 3jl 3el 3xl 3x2 3x3 3kl 3wl [cause(el, xl, jl) & gotjl, xl, kl, wl) ~ past(j1) & boy(x1) & river(x2) & via(kl, x2) & limbs(x3) with(wl, x3)] Figure 2: DRS for "A boy swam across a river.", where "swim" is decomposed in terms of "move". Figure 5: First-order logic representation for "A boy swam across a river.", from DRSof Figure 3. It is importantto note that these DRS’scan encodea decompositionalrepresentation such as Jackendoffs CS. This follows from the formaliT~tion of CSdescribed by [Zwarts and Verkuyl 94], where the authors show howCS can be interpreted as a (many-sorted)first-order logic. Viewedas representational languages, the maindifference betweenCSand typical logical representations for meaningis that CShas many different sorts of entities, with the variables and existential quantifiers whichare explicit in logic In general, for any sentence, a meaning representation in any one of these three formalisms (CS, DRT,and first-order logic) can be transformedinto an equivalent representation in any. of the others in whichthe sentence’s meaningcan be expressed. It is worth pointing out that whileexistential quantificationis expressed in a straightforward mannerin CS, the extent to whichuniversal quantification can be expressedin CSis the subject of further research. Thusthe DRSrepresentation allows us to capture the quantifier scopingin sentenceslike (2), while the CSrepresentation (at present) not. made invisible in CS. To see the intuition behind this encoding, assume we view movingas a kind of going. Let sort variables j stand for spatial events, sort variables k stand for spatial paths, and sort variables w stand for instrumental positions. (Here weare using an extendedset of Lexical ConceptualStructure (LCS)primitives inventoried in [Doff 93a, p. 170].) Wethen have the DRSin Figure 3: l el xl x2 x3 kl wl cause(el, xl, jl), go(jl, xl, kl, wl), past(.jl), boy(xl), water(x2), river(x2), via(kl, limbs(x3), with(wl, IJ Figure 3: DRSfor CS-level decomposition for "A boy swam across river." a Asimple syntactic transformation on the DRSin Figure 3 yields the equivalent CSshownin Figure 4: [Event CAUSE([Thing-Animate X 1 ], [Event GOspatial([Thing-Animate X 1], bmVIA([war= X2])]) [Position WlTHInstr ([Limbs X3])]])] Figure 4: CS for "A boy swam across a river.", from DRSof Figure 3. 87 (2) Every boy whoknewwhere the river was swamacross it. 2.3 Using different ontoiogies By using a many-sorted DRSin the manner illustrated, we have demonstratedhowto encode the semanticsof sentenceslike (1) at a variety different levels of granularity. TheCSapproach turns out to be simplya particular level of granularity, with variables in the representation associated with a specific ontology, with sorts like spatial events(j variables), spatial paths variables), and instrumental positions (w variables). For a particular application, wecould consider substituting a different ontology, for example, the PENMAN Upper Model [’Bateman et al. 1990], an ontology for NLPused widely in generation and MT.For a samplerepresentation in the PENMAN ontology, let the e variables be of the sort relational process, j variables of the sort motionprocess, x variables of the sort object, k variables of the sort spatial extent, and wvariables of the sort instrumental, whereall these sorts are appropriate conceptsin the Penmanontology. Wethen have the same DRS as in the "CS"view in Figure 3, but nowin terms of the Penmanupper model. Of course, in thi.~ case the mappingfrom the CSontologyto a different ontology was apparently not problematic; in practice wewouldexpect I. conflicts 2.4 Application In the examples in Section 2.2, we showedhow a given meaningcould be decomposedinto and expressedin rather different representations, without loss of meaning.In Section 2.3, we showed how a common representation of meaning could betiedtodifferent ontologies. These suggest practical applications, inallowing MTsystems to exploit theadvantages of both logic-based representations, e.g., [Barnett etal. 94],andconceptual structure oriented representations, e.g., [Dorr 93a][Dorr 93b], [Dorr andVoss93].Forexample, we can represent precisely thesemantics of(3a)and(3b) in DRT(butnotin CS). (3a) Every boy swamacross the Potomac. (3b) Every boy crossed the Potomac swimming. Note that the DRSfor (I) in Figure 2 could also serve as the semanticsfor sentenceslike (4)2: (4) A boycrossed a riverby swimming. Similarly, by decomposing "swim" to a CS-level go in theDRSfor(3a), we willendupwiththe decomposed DRSforsentences like(3b),which happens tobe a formofthenatural French translation of(3a). Thedifference between this pairofsentences (aswellas(I)and(4)), translation divergences [Don" 93a], [Dorr 93b], [’Barnettet al. 94], reflects the fact that English typically allows incorporation(conflation) manner(which has been decomposedout in our representations) into the verb, whereasFrench doesn’t [Talmy85]3. Byintegrating these lit is worth noting that the PENMAN ontology has since been merged (by hand) with the ONTOS [Carlson and Nirenburg 90]ontology, as reported by[Knight andLuk 94]. 2Webriefly discuss pmblerns withclaiming equivalence viadecomposition in Section 4. 3Notethatsuchlanguage dependencies in meaning alternations, e.g., [Talmy 85],[Levin 93],etc., seemto support theideaofdistinguishing language-dependent aspects oflexical meaning fromworldknowledge. See 88 different lexical approachesin a common formalism,whichcan, further, be tied to different ontologies (e.g., C_~, PENMAN), the MTsystem gains considerable power. 3 The Approach: Layering Thusfar, our discussion has dealt in general with sentential semantics. Wenowturn to the problem of lexical representation,in relation to different granularities of meaning.Wewill first introduce the idea of views in relation to decomposition, as a device for informationhiding. Wewill then discuss the applications of this idea. 3.1 Decomposition and Views The different levels of decomposition are analogous to different views ofa concept in terms of its position in a subsumptionhierarchy. Figure 6a showsthe "minimal"view for the morpheme"swim" (i.e., the view corresponding totheterms for"swim"in Figure 1).Forclarity ofpresentation, we useda morestructured variant of a DRSencodedin a feature-structure formalisminstead of a term-based formalism. This representationis in fact the languagelnl. [Calder et al. 89], where"(i) every expression has a privilegedvariable (its index) and (fi) every variable is sorted, so indicating the ontological category of the object denotedby the variable" [Calderet al. 89, p. 234]. As shown in Figure 6a, the meaning of"swim" is expressed in the DRSof Figure I by meansof a minimalview of the concept of swimmingwith only certain structures being considered salient. Thesestructures include required arguments.For sorts, only the most general sorts (event and thing) and importantselectional restrictions are consideredsalient at this level. [pied: swimming index:e levents argl: [index: xlthing] arg2: [index: X2wate~r]] Figure 6a: View of "swim" (minimal representation) Figure 6b showsan initial decompositionview of the same morpheme,where "swim" is decomposedto movement(as before). Here, [Hobbs 87],[Kegl87],[Pustejovsky 90] forvarious points ofviewonthis. augment the ~ view with other structures. In addition to the emergentcause structure, the "agent" argument (commonto both events) becomesan animate being, a swimmingevent becomesa "move"event, and the optional "instrument" argumentand direction feature are included. [pred: cause index: e2causin~-events argl: [index: xlanimate-being] arg2: [pred: move index: elevents argl: [index: xlanimate-being] arg2: [index: X2water direction: across] arg3: [index: x31imbs means: with]]] of a hierarchy of lexical templates). Third, the different layers could be associated with different lexical modules:for example, in MT applications, a ~ representation of meaningof"swim"used in a semantic-transfer oriented lexicon (with certain associated sortal restrictions on arguments) maybe decomposed further into moreelaborated representations of meaningused in more"interlinguar’ lexicons (with sortal restrictions associated with more elaboratedontologies). Fourth,it is likely that different levels of decompositionmaybe associated with different linguistic processes. For example,processeslike ellipsis, as in (5), might look only at the minimalrepresentation. Onthe other hand, an item in "implicit focus", like the limbs in (6), maybe associated with more decomposedrepresentation. Figure 6b: View of "swim" decomposed to ’~ove" (5) John swamacross the river and Bill did too. In Hgure 6c, we showthe LCSrepresentation. Here the "move"event becomesa "go" spatial event, whosesecond and third argumentsare "via" spatial paths and instrumental positions, respectively. (6) John swamacross the river, even though his limbs were aching. Fmally, one might speculate that such a layered representation of morphememeaning maybe necessaryforefficiency in natural language communication. [pred: cause index:.¢ .c~slng-events argl: [index: xlanimate-being] arg2: [pred: go index:j 1 ~o-spatial-events arg 1: [inc~x:x 1 animate-being] arg2: [index: klspatial-path pred:via arg I: [index: X2w~r]] arg3: [index: wlinstr-pos pred: with argI:[index: x31imbs]]]] 4 Decomposition and Problems of Generation and Translation In practice, someof theterms ina more decomposed DRS may correspond to new morphemeswhich were not present in the minimal DRS. The DRSin Figure 2 could serve as the semantics (for the generation o0 sentences like (7)and(8), inaddition to (I)(repeated here): (1) A boy swamacross a fiver. Figure 6c: View of "swim" decomposed to LCS (7)A boy crossed a fiverby swimming. Thus,at each level, different aspects of structure, including sortal changes, emergeand become salient. 3.2 Application Thelayered representation of lexical meaninghas several applications. First, the minimal representation helps to distinguish verbs which mayhave the same CSdecomposition. Second, layering obviously provides for a more perspicuous representation (analogous to the use 89 (8) A boy caused his limbs to movethrough waterin a fiver. If the decompositionis meaningpreserving (as it should beinprinciple), then the sentences corresponding to the original and decomposed DRSshould be equivalent in meaning. As with manyinstances of decomposition(cf. the discussion of kill = cause-to-die [Lakoff71], [Fodor 73], ffackendoff 84], [Dowty 90], [Parsons90]), it is unclear if these sentencesare t, ~ " I amgrateful to Paul Portner for manyinsightful commentsand suggestions on draft versions of this paper. in fact equivalent. However,this can, in principle, be tested by checkingentailments. Whetheror not certain decompositionspreserve meaning, a layered view of meaningsuggests that different aspects of meaningbecomesalient at different levels of decomposition.Indeed, sentences whichare related by decomposition maydiffer in pragmaticproperties, such as focus. For example,consider the alternations involved in a cansativefmchoative decomposition. A given DRScould generate, dependingon the level of decomposition: References [Barnett et al. 90] Jim Barnett, KevinKnight, Inderjeet Mani, and Elaine Rich. "Knowledge and Natural LanguageProcessing", Communicationsof the ACM,pp. 50-71, August 1990. [Barnett et al. 94] Jim Barnett, Inderjeet Mani, and Elaine Rich, "Revers~le MT: What To Do Whenthe Languages Don’t Line Up". In T. Strzalkowski, ed., Reversible Grammarin Natural LanguageProcessing, pp. 321-364, Kluwer, 1994. (9a) Marybroke the vase. (9b) Marycaused the vase to becomebroken. (9c) Marydid something which caused the vase to get into a brokenstate. [Batemanet al. 90] John Bateman,Robert Kasper, Johanna Moore, and Richard Whitney, "A General Organization of Knowledgefor Natural LanguageProcessing", ISI Technical Report, March1990. The choice between these forms maydepend on factors like focus, with the focus in (9b) being general morelikely to fall on the vase than on Mary. 4 Conclusion This paper described a representation for lexical semanticswhichis able to integrate in a uniform wayboth logic-oriented aspects as well as structure-oriented aspects of meaning,which have traditionally beenconsideredseparately. Ourrepresentational tool wasthe language of many-sorted,indexed, first-order logic, embedded in a DRTframework. The representation hasthepotential tomapto different ontologies. Itisalsolayered, allowing for different linguistic processeslike ellipsis and implicit focusto operate at different levels. In terms of these layers, minimal representations of lexical meaning appear to preserve whatis explicitly mentioned intheutterance. Decomposed representations appear to differ (at least) praTnatically from their originals, butoffer considerable advantages forgrouping together divergences in form(whether across orwithin languages). We believe theframework described herehelps to bridge thegapbetween various traditions in lexical semantics, and between various lexicographic approaches to MT. [Calder et al. 89] J. Calder, M. Reape,and H. Zeevat, "An Algorithmfor Generation in Unification Categorial Grammar", Proceedings of the 4th Conferenceof the EuropeanChapter of the ACL,pp. 233-240, Manchester, 10-12 April, 1989. [Carbonell and Tomita87] Jaime Carbonell and Masaru Tomita, "Knowledge Based Machine Translation: the CMU Approach". In Sergei Nirenburg, ed., "MachineTranslation, Theoretical and MethodologicalIssues", CambridgeUniversity Press, 1987. 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