of Submission Name:

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Hilda A Pettit
Organization: Vacca Office of Student Services
Course Catalog Update
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Course Catalog Update Information:
Reference Number: CCU006046
Date: 22-AUG-13
Level: 2.00 of 2.00
Currently On The Worklist Of: Joanne Arhar, jarhar
Owner: Office of Curriculum Services, 330-672-8558 or 330-672-8559, curriculum@kent.edu
Basic Course Data
Change type: Establish
Faculty member submitting this proposal: Sloane Burgess
Requested Effective Term: 201480
Campus: Kent
College: EH-Education, Health and Human Services
Department: LDES-Lifespan Development and Educational Sciences
Course Subject: SPED-Special Education
Course Number: 44309
Course Title: Autism Spectrum Disorders: THEORY AND DIAGNOSIS
Title Abbreviation: ASD Theory and Diagnosis
Slash Course and Cross-list Information: SPA 64309 + SPA 74309 + SPED 64309 + SPED 44309
Credit Hours
Minimum Credit/Maximum Credit: 3 to 3
Contact Hours: Lecture - Minimum Hours/Maximum Hours: 3 to 3
Contact Hours: Lab - Minimum Hours/Maximum Hours:
Contact Hours: Other - Minimum Hours/Maximum Hours:
Is this course part of the LER, WIC or Diversity requirements: No
If yes, course attributes: 1.
Can this course be repeated for credit:
No Repeat
Course Limit:
Course Level: Undergraduate
Grade Rule: B-Standard letter
OR Maximum Hours:
Rationale for an IP grade request for this course (if applicable):
Schedule Type(s): 1. LEC-Lecture 2.
Credit by Exam: N-Credit by exam-not approved
Prerequisites & Descriptions
Current Prerequisite/Corequisite/Catalog Description:
Catalog Description (edited): Provides an overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Examines the history,
characteristics, and prevalence of ASD. Assessment and intervention models are explored as they relate to various
theoretical models for understanding ASD.
Prerequisites (edited): None.
Corequisites (edited):
Registration is by special approval only: No
Content Information
Content Outline:
Content Hours
per Course
Topic Description
Introduction: DSM and educational
definitions of ASD, heterogeneous
presentation and need for
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comprehensive programming
History of ASD: Characteristics and
The diagnostic process: Assessment
tools and collaboration
Learning styles of individuals with ASD
Theory of mind and individuals with
Social interactional framework for
understanding ASD
Functional behavioral assessment of
individuals with ASD
Sensory processing deficits and ASD
Cultural and family perspectives
Display/Hide Delimited Course Outline
Total Contact Hours: 45
Textbook(s) used in this course: Laura J. Hall. Autism Spectrum Disorders: From Theory to Practice. Pearson: Upper
Saddle River, NJ.
Writing Expectations: Students will write responses to weekly instructor prompts. Graduate students will complete
annotated bibliography summaries for no fewer than 10 scholarly resources. Doctoral students will complete a literature
review related to course content.
Instructor(s) expected to teach: Sloane Burgess
Instructor(s) contributing to content: Sloane Burgess
Proposal Summary
Explain the purpose for this proposal:
The purpose of this revision to increase the emphasis on introductory content in ASD and to minimize overlap in content
between courses that make up the Autism Certificate Program. A secondary purpose is to make this course available
undergraduate students and graduate students seeking licensure in the Special Education Moderate_Intensive Program. The
revision affects the course description and content, the required text, the course number (addition of UG level), and
instructor teaching the course. 1) Learning Outcomes: a. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the DSM and educational
definitions of ASD and the need for comprehensive programming b. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the history of
ASD characteristics and interventions c. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the diagnostic process and diagnostic tools
to evaluate individuals with ASD d. Students will demonstrate knowledge a various theoretical models for understanding and
providing intervention to individuals with ASD e. Students will demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively about the
history and assessment of individuals with ASD and theoretical models for providing intervention 2) In-class Activities: a.
Students will engage in written reflections b. Students will engage in group discussions c. Power point lectures d. Written
exam 3) Out-of-class Activities: a. Readings as assigned b. Viewing of Videos c. Review of literature
Explain how this proposal affects program requirements and students in your unit:
This proposal will not affect courses, program requirements, or students in the Autism Certificate Program. It is a course
that is currently being offered and will continue to be offered with revised content to participants in the Autism Spectrum
Intervention Specialist Program. This will be a new course requirement for students in the Special Education ModerateIntensive Program at the undergraduate level and for graduate licensure.
Explain how this proposal affects courses, program requirements and student in other units:
This proposal does not affect courses, program requirements or student in other units. It is a course that is specific to
participants in the Autism Spectrum Intervention Specialist Program and special education.
Explain how this proposal affects enrollment and staffing:
It is expected that enrollment in this course will be higher than in past years due the addition of Special Education
Moderate-Intensive students. However, it is estimated that this course will continue to be offered only once yearly so that
there is no expected affect on staffing needs. A different faculty member will be teaching this course in the past.
Units consulted (other departments, programs or campuses affected by the proposal):
This course is cross- listed with SPA 64309. SPA faculty are in agreement with the changes.
Comments (500 Character Maximum):
NOTE: Please do not use the following restricted characters: (~ * / \ --)
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Return To Initiator
Sloane R. Burgess
Return To Prior Approver
No comments available.
12/6/2013 Susan M Augustine Approved
11/28/2013 Sloane R. Burgess Submitted