From: AAAI Technical Report SS-95-04. Compilation copyright © 1995, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Planning Shuttle Mission Preparation Activities Jane T. Malin Intelligent Systems Branch, ER22 NASA- Johnson Space Center Houston, TX77058 malin@aio.j (713) 483-2046, FAX483-3204 Debra Schreckenghost and Dan Ryan Metrica NASA- Johnson Space Center, ER22 Houston, TX 77058 (713) 244-6134 Abstract The Space Propulsion Robust Analysis Tool (SPRAT)project is developing technology support Space Shuttle ground operations personnel as they manageand carry out mission preparation analysis and related analyses in missions. The initial SPRAT prototype provides intelligent support and automationfor mission analysis set-up and documentation for Propulsion consumables analysis. SPRAT models the actions taken by flight support personnel during mission preparation and uses this modelto generate an action plan. SPRAT represents mission preparation actions as they relate to planning and scheduling, and thus provides a general action representation for a broad range of tasks. Wehave recently delivered our phase 1 prototype to the targeted user group (the PROP flight controllers) for evaluation. This paper provides progress report on howthe current SPRAT prototype supports flight controllers in performing mission preparation activities, and howwe propose to enhancethis support through extensions to the current planning capability. Support for planning analysis tasks is described, and related to the consumables analyses performed by PROPflight controllers. Wefocus on user interaction with this planning process, and the evolution of the predominantly manual planning system we have today to a moreautomated planner. Wealso discuss howthe knowledgerepresentations developed for SPRAT support this evolution. The paper closes with our plans for future workand a summaryof our conclusions. 1 Introduction 2 Planning for Analysis Tasks Theanalysis and interpretation of scientific and engineering data combinemanualand computerbasedactivities in sequencesthat vary as the conditions of the analyses change. Thus, applications designedto assist analysts in performingthese activities offer challengesfor planning technology. Wehave developed the SPRAT system to assist space flight design personneland flight controllers in planning analyses conductedprior to a mission, and in performing analyses in response to anomalous situations during a mission. The SPRAT prototype automates and supports managingSpace Shuttle Propulsion (PROP)mission preparation in the task area of consumablesanalysis. SPRAT assists users in building an action item list of required consumablesanalysis tasks, and in managingthe results of performingthese actions. Thesetasks include both executing analysis software and producing mission preparation reports. The user interacts with SPRAT throughout mission preparation. Actions are added to the list whennewor changedmission def’mition data becomesavailable. Results of actions are stored in SPRAT once they are executed. 77 SPRAT is an exampleof the class of applications that providesupport to users performingscientific and engineering analysis tasks. A common approachis to provideassistance to the analyst in defining a plan for performingthe analysis, in executing that plan, and in documentingrelevant results of the analysis. Thus, a common aspect of this type of application is the requirementfor representationof the actions that the analyst performs to accomplishhis analysis tasks. Action representations developedfor scientific and engineeringanalysis include the task of developing scientific models[2], data interpretation tasks for geological exploration [5], and data preparation tasks for imagedata [6, 1]. AI modelingconcepts have also been applied in representing information to ensure that the software (often model-based) used in these analysesis appropriateto the task [2, 5]. Theseanalysis tasks are typically complexand iterative, with trial anderror refinementof the analyses. Task complexity is often managedby providing hierarchical organization ofthetask’s actions. Taskinteraction andrefinement requires providingtechniquesfor repairing the plan to reflect what waslearned in previous, unsuccessful analyses, and for reusing old plans. Thesoftware that these systemsintegrate with is often custom, legacy software, requiring an open, distributed architecture integrating heterogeneoussystems. Thecharacteristics of analysis tasks in general have resulted in the needfor considerableuser interaction with the planning process. This interaction is neededboth whendeveloping(and repairing) the plan and whenexecutingthe plan. Duringplan development,the user specifies the task to be performed(correspondingto a set of analysis goals). Configuration information about the specifics of the analysis situation mayalso be provided. Duringplan execution, the user often initiates specific actions and maysuggest plan changes.It is also importantto permit the user to define and modifyaction definitions in responseto changesin software and requirementsfor specific analysis situations. .~1~- 12 Months f= ¯ The consumables analyses conducted by Space Shuttle PROPconsumablesofficers are an example of these types of analysis tasks. Typicaltasks performedduring consumablesanalysis are: (1) determiningthe quantities of fuel available and required to achievemissionobjectives safely, (2) schedulingfuel tank interconnections to maintain massbalances, and (3) placing propellantconsuming events on a timeline that is part of the mission plan. Throughoutthe year preceding a flight, several types of missionchangesinitiate newcycles of analysis to determine howchanges affect consumables.Iterative evaluations are neededfor nominaland contingencysituations and for proposedmission plans and objectives, flight rules and procedures. Thesesituation what-if analyses are used to determineimpacts to mission objectives and procedures. During missions, additional analyses are performedas needed. Figure 1 provides an overviewof the Shuttle PROPconsumables analysis. I ~ ~ess"1 month ~~rRealtime t - 3 MonthSF/ightCycle EngineeringCycle InterconnectPlan InterconnectPlan -- -vernier/novemier -no deploy -no rendezvous -payload margins -rendez margins -event "blocks" - -raisethe orbit E + -Return to Launch (~ E -TransAtlantic Landing -Abort to Orbit -raisa-the-orbitavant-b,ocks ~ " . E Reports ~’¢ ~od. except ~ ’~1~’~ ~E~l SpreadSheet E (priority tables) ~[pD(~,~ ,,y.~- ~ ~~1~ E ~ ~’i COMPS - Fit ReadinessReview - I Iterate I Launch go/no-go Flight Rules Annex Flight DataFile Flight OpsReview PROPConsumables Final Tlmellnes Iterate I -Pdodty Table - Preflight Tagup [ ~ Iterate I~lP,Propellant Loading (actuals) Figure 1. Shuttle Propulsion Consumables Analysis Process 78 3 The SPRAT Prototype The SPRAT system assists the consumablesofficer in performingmission preparation analyses by helping plan the actions neededto conductthe analyses [7]. Missionpreparation actions include the executionof simulation and analysis software, the interpretation of results fromthese computations, and the generation of mission preparation reports summarizingdecisions. Action managementconsists of creating and modifying action operators[9], buildinga list of these actions (the actionlist, whichis a set of analysisplans) to accomplishanalysis purposes, and tracking the outcomeof the actions on this list as they are performed.Action list creation can be viewedas planning, and action tracking as monitoringplan execution. The SPRAT system utilizes an action-based planner, whereaction-based planning is characterized by temporal/causalrelationships amongactions [6]. It groupsthe analysis tasks as a networkof processes, wherea process consists of action nodesand their relations to input/output nodesand to other action nodes(see figure 2). Input and output nodesare objects containing data values. Action nodes are action operators. An action operator consists of the following: ¯ analysis task: description of the task purpose ¯ instructions: information on howto conduct the task ¯ constraints: conditions under whichthe action is relevant. SPRAT represents two types of constraints that mustbe satisfied for an action to be addedto the actionlist: ¯ precedenceconstraints: dependencyrelations betweenthe action and its data inputs and outputs (e.g., input a => action b => output translates to input a is usedin action b to produceoutput c; see figure 2) ¯ analysis context: propositions that must hold true for an action to be addedto the list (see Table 1 for propulsionanalysis context). Applicableprocesses are identified based on the goals of the analyst. Theanalyst specifies his purposeas either the responseto a changein missiondefinition data, or as the needto generatea report. Thespecified purposeis used to activate either input nodes (correspondingto a changein missiondefinition data) or output nodes (correspondingto the need to producethat output). Contextparametersdescribing the analysis 79 conditions are used to constrain propagation through this network. Actions from the applicable processare then placedon the action list, if the user concurs with them. Simple ordering constraints are used to construct a list of actions. Currently, the software precedenceconstraints are used in ordering actions. Theability to order actions using informationabout delivery deadlines and priorities is not yet supported. Table 1: Propulsion Analysis Context Contexts Standard Insertion Direct Insertion Deploy operations Rendezvousoperations Special ManeuverOPS Orbit Adjust Bum Ballast Data Cycle Engineering Flight Flight Readiness Review Actual Fli[ht Data File Updates Analysis Type Ascent/Entry Orbital Exploratory Category Mission Figure 2 describes the representation of precedence constraints and illustrates using these constraints to determinethe neededactions after a changein mission definition data (e.g., lome.sf.isp). The suggested actions from the examplein part B are: ¯ execute conman(left omsengine standard configuration) ¯ execute conman(2 oms engines standard configuration) ¯ execute tlcalc (nominalconfiguration) Note that the conmananalysis software is scheduledfor executionbefore the tlcalc analysis software, since conmanoutputs are used by tlcalc. Theexecutionof actions on the action list is monitoredto determine howactions are dispositioned and to documentthe outcomeof actions. Theinformation neededto track the disposition of actions is representedin the action tracking record. An action list consists of a collection of these action tracking records stored in a database. Actions are not removedfrom the action list whencomplete.Instead their status is markedcompleted(or canceled, failed, etc.). the end of the mission preparation analyses, the action list represents a history of what wasdone (similar to Kant’stask executionhistory [5]). A. General Representation of PrecedenceConstraints +.,<,,,., ¯". ~.:~. +~&".+"~¢.::-:.~:+:~:t.m ¯¯ ~..’+:~ ,o.,,,.,,,,,. ~ :omm, m-,.om-sm ~+..:.~+mm+:++..++++~ ,o,,,..x,’.,,rmE~’-:.~ ........+ .::+:+~++...’:.~+tZ,.-.++ ,ore,,,’.,,,," ¯ . .............. .++ ~M+~’+~ ~:++~-+ .... .:.:: +:’:.+:+.::m+ ::..+..+,.+,,::.:+, . .+ .~:::..: .~:.+... .... : ,~;~.~.’ Execute ~~:’.:.i OMS Performance +...... ~I~CONMAN-~’OME-STD l~~~~::"::~:"+~+::~" ’:::’"" "~..................... ~" 5un’m’lal+y i ~.’,:~+.’0:.+ ,::,).~+.:.m~:-.’-:+.P:..:’~.~.:’~’.’.:.:..’. ,’::::::::+:.:-:.:.:.:.+::-:.:+~::::::::::: +..::::::,:: + ..’ ¯ .:.:,..,...,’:.,:.’.:.:.:.’:.:.:. :...........~~:,.::.... ::.....:..~.:.:::~..... ~ ,:x+,,:,,,, ~".........+. ,o,,..,,.m,,,,,..~.,,,, :+i+ ..:.+.:’&~+::::::::.: [~~+.+."i re,,.,’~" ,.m..,e ~" S~.~ CONMAN-eOme-STD IIIm ¯ . g ::’~.~’.... ........ .......~::: B. Using PrecedenceConstraints to DetermineRelevant Actions Figure 2. Precedence Constraints This history includes information about howan action was performed(contained in the model usage record (MUR)).The MUR is an extension of Ellman’s modeldevelopmentrecord [2] that describes developmentand testing relative to a model’sintended use. for Propuls|on System Figure3 illustrates the action representationin SPRAT. SPRAT provides a muchsimpler, manual form of plan repair than Lansky[6] and Kant [5]. The status of an action is changedto reflect changesin the executionof the action (e.g., actions that are removedare canceled, actions that are delayed are suspended,actions that are successful are completed,actions that fail are aborted). When changeis made,informationuseful in explaining whythe changeoccurred can be entered by the user into an action "results" field in the MUR. 80 SPRAT also provides the ability for a user to extendthe set of available actions by building action operators. This action editing capability is central to the SPRAT knowledgeacquisition strategy. Instead of doing extensive, up-front knowledgeengineering, we provide the ability for users to describe action operators as they need them"on the job". Anextension of this philosophy of on-the-job knowledgeacquisition is providingrepresentative (though simple) capability as soon as possible for user evaluation. Thus, the SPRAT system is intended to evolve in response to the actual use of the system. Action List Database A~donTracldng RecordX TrackingParameters m~ Base of Action Operators Action OperatorA TaskDeflniUon t,,,,~ luser-solecte~ anal.vumose I ;InmrmtkxmIhow,oc,m+,m,,,ctmI ConstraintRelaUons ~Mne ModelUsageRecord AcUonOperator B TaskDefinition Cons~lntRelations ~l~tion TrackingRecordY TrackingParameters ModelUsageRecord ~tion Tracking RecordZ TrackingParameters ModelUsageRecord Action OperatorC TaskDeflniUon ConstraintRelations Action O~rator D TaskDefinition ConstraintRelaUons Figure 3. SPRATAction Representation 4 User Interaction with SPRAT Thenature of the mission preparation tasks has required SPRAT to support active user interaction with all aspects of the planningprocess. In particular, the user interacts with SPRAT when ¯ building action operators ¯ creating action lists ¯ executingactions on the list Eachof these types of interaction is described below. 4.1 Building Action Operators Users must be able to define newaction operators specific to a mission. SPRAT provides an action editor wherethe user can create or alter action operators easily. Informationthat the user must provideto build an action operator includes task purposeand instructions, analysis context, and precextence constraints. At a minimum, the user must define a unique action namewhencreating a newoperator.All other attributes can be specified (or modified) later. To makean action operator available to the planner, precedenceconstraints must be specified. For the propulsion system, there are two maintypes of action operators: software execution and report generation. Providingan action editor has significantly reduced the cost to deliver the system, since extensive knowledgeengineering and maintenanceis not required. Aproject goal is for users to developthe knowledgebase of actions as part of performing mission analyses. Since actions from previous missions can be loaded into SPRAT,we expect that they will be used in evolvingstandard "subplans"for the moretypical aspects of mission preparation(derivation of standard operating procedures (SOP)). Support for deriving SOPs will be addedin the future. Althoughthe current prototypeis specific to the Shuttle propulsion domain, SPRAT is being built to permit use in manydifferent domains.Part of building a domain-specific instance of SPRAT is determiningthe types of actions, the inputs required to do those actions, the outputs generated by the actions, and the analysis contexts relevant to the domain. Figure 4 illustrates using SPRAT to create an action operator. ACTION [] EDITOR ACTION: I ~N-2OME-STD Irstructlom: (~lew/EdltAction) I 1. Configure for 20MSIx~n I 2. S~ect 2 CMEde~lnatlon | $. Specifyoneof delts-T, delta-V, or I u~e I ReportOutp~ Context ParsedOutputs Step 1: Specify name, task, and instructions ACTION [] EDITOR of Results mm ,c,o. I ~orrdPin.I/.~p Iorne-ln~lf.rnr Iome-ln Iome-le~t.lm Iome-ln~ f.rnr Iome-k~J( ~OMS-FIE RF-SUMI4ARY-OUT PUT I I Edit Relations I ~ rome-ln.xf.lsp Select relation type and use menusto specify related objms 0 data Inputs 0 file outputs affected reportl O0preceding actiom 0 0 sub-actlom an~ysiscontext ReportOutputs CVlewAll Rel.iom) Context ParsedOutputs Step 2: Define the relationship to input and output Figure 4. Building an Action Operator 4.2 Creating an Action List Usersalso control the addition of actions to the action list. SPRAT suggests candidate actions to be performed(based on changesin input data or on the needto generate a report) and the user decides if they should be addedto the list. This preview capability guaranteesthat the user concurswith the suggestedset of actions (e.g., is the data change sufficiently large to warrantperformingthe suggestedaction) and permits the user to correct any mistakes(e.g., forgot to specify analysis context) before these actions are mergedinto the list. Theuser can also identify actions that are redundantor in conflict with actions already on the list. Finally, the user can comparecandidate plans resulting fromdifferent initial situations before deciding whichactions are most appropriate. In addition to determiningactions in responseto data changesand for report generation, the user also can performwhat-if/predictive analysis by postulating changesin input data and evaluating the different plans that are suggested. For an action to be suggested, both the precedenceconstraints must be satisfied and the analysis context must hold. Theplanningprocessis highly interactive at this time. Weexpect SPRATto evolve toward a more automatedplanning process, including ¯ identification of actions that are redundantor in conflict with actions already on the list ¯ replanning whenan action fails, and merging these newactions onto the existing list This is part of a larger issue of howto mergenew actions into a large action list containingmultiple, smaller plans. 4.3 Executing an Action Plan the outcomeof the action. Theintent of the action is defined by the user’s purposein performingthe action and the analysis context in whichthe action is relevant (e.g., rendezvousoperations). The waythe action is conductedis characterized by the activities/steps composing the action, the input data used to performthe analysis, and the characteristics of the tools used in the analysis (model developmentrecord [2]). The outcomeof the action describes both the analysis products and the completionstatus of the execution. Informationdescribing whyan action is on the list is automatically stored in the MUR whenthe action is addedto the list. This informationincludes the purposeand context of the analysis (previously specified by the user), the values of any inputs used in the analysis, and any actions that must precedethis action. Duringthe course of the analysis, the user specifies information in the MUR that describes the outcome or results of the analysis. Theseresults include both the products of the analyses (e.g., consumablesusage) and information about the execution of the action (was the action completed and howwas it completed, was the action successful and if not why,whywas the action canceled or aborted, what was done in response to an unsuccessful action). Information about analyses that were canceled or unsuccessful is useful, since knowledgeabout whyan approach wasn’t pursuedor what causedit to fail maybe useful whenperformingsimilar analyses in the future. All of the informationabout the results of the analysisis enteredas a text description. SPRAT supports the user in tracking the execution of actions on the action list. Actiontracking requires information about whyan action was suggested by the planner, howthe action was conducted,and whatthe disposition of the action was. This informationis represented in the action tracking record, whichconsists of information about execution status (whoperformedaction, whencompleted,priority of action) and the Model Usage Record (MUR).The tracking record also includes schedulinginformation (deadlines, priorities). Theuse of this informationin planning (or the possible integration of SPRAT with schedulingsystem) is an open issue. Theaction list summarizesall actions performed during mission preparation. For the propulsion application, there is one list for eachmission. Sinceall actions remainon the action list, even whencompleted,this list represents multiple, simultaneous analysis goals correspondingto multiple plans. Viewingfilters permit the user to extract different subsets of the action list basedon his/her interests and priorities. For example,an analyst can view: ¯ all actions assigned to a particular person ¯ all actions in-progress, canceled, etc. ¯ all actions with a specific deadline ¯ all actions of a priority class Theseviewingfilters can also be used in accessing informationstored in previous mission lists (using the plan to index into a missionanalyses database). The MUR includes information about the intent of the action, the waythe action wasconducted, and Figure 5 summarizeshowthe user interacts with the SPRATsystem. 83 Software Mission Definition Data / results of / analyses N design / , meters / Reports inputs to / reports/ / / II Action I ListII Action I I/oII Action I Structures II ManagementllOependendesll Editor I I/O Structures Userselectsversionof missiondefinition data; SPRAT loads data into its data structuresand differenceswith previousload Action List Management Userexecutesactions andstores results in MUR SPRAT automaticallystores conditionsrequired for analysesandprovidesaccessto stored value, Action Dependencies Userspecifiespurposeandcontextof analysis; SPRAT suggestsa set of actions (a plan) to process changes in missiondefinition; Userapprovesactions; SPRAT addsthemto action list Action Editor Userspecifies newaction operators; SPRAT creates these operators and makesthem availableto planner Figure 5. User Interaction 5 Future Work Ourexperience with action list management in SPRAT has already raised a numberof issues related to both plan creation and plan repair. For SPRAT, the challenge is to provide an adaptable plan with a goal structure that modelsflight controller goals. Thegoal of an action is needed for tracking the action (did the action achievethe desired effect? was an observed change intended?), and to providegoals that can be manipulatedusing traditional replanning techniques [3,4]. Enhancementsto the current planning capability include: ¯ providingfor goal hierarchy and levels of abstraction in actions by permitting subactions (with subgoals) to be associated with an action. Subactionsare viewedas constituent actions, or actions that mustall be completedfor a higher level goal to be satisfied. ¯ increasing the automationof the planning process, including - removingactions that are redundantor in conflict with actions alreadyon the list with the SPRATSystem replanningwhenan action fails (e.g., the results of an analysis violate flight constraints) and mergingthese newactions onto the existing list This is related to the issue of howto mergenew actions into a large action list containing multiple, smaller plans, and to delete items on the list that no longerhold. ¯ ordering actions using scheduling information available in the tracking record (deadlines, priorities) ¯ providing assistance in deriving SOPsfrom action list histories, and in using these histories as indices into the databaseof results ¯ extending the representation of results beyonda simple text description and automatingthe collection of results wherepossible Accessingand modifyingarchived actions also remains an issue. Thesearchived actions resemble case bases of partial plans [8]. Our developmentapproach has been to get as much capability as possible quickly into the user’s hands. Wealso want the users to do their ownknowledge engineering "on the job". Thus, manycapabilities in the initial systemare in a very simplifiedform (text fields, manualoperations). Weexpect this initial capability to be modifiedand enhancedonce we have a better understanding of howthe system is actually used. Theuser evaluation is an importantpart of getting this feedback. By concentrating on providingbreadth of capability (evenif someportions are very simpleinitially), we enable evolution to a moreautomatedsystem in the future. The SPRATprototype was developed using a commercialexpert system shell (Gensym’sG2). SPRAT is being re-implementedusing a distributed architecturethat interfaces with the existing "legacy" systems that performanalyses. This requires integrating the planner with (1) a data base or case base of actions and missionlists, (2) constraint checker to determinewhenthe results of analysis actions violate flight constraints requiring newaction items, and (3) telemetry representing PROP state and configuration (for plan repair during missions). 6 Conclusions SPRAT provides support for consumablesanalysis tasks conducted by PROPconsumablesofficers. The SPRAT system includes a simple planner that selects and partially orders actions in supportof the mission planning process. These actions require evaluating resource usage in what-if schedule cases, and analyzing resource usage impacts on procedures, and vice versa. SPRAT has not required a procedureexecution system or a scheduler, but could interface with them. The SPRAT domainis a rich mission planning testbed for integrating planning and procedureexecution with scheduling. The SPRAT project has addressed howthe nature of a task affects the representationof actions, and has developeda general action representation supporting a broad range of tasks. Such representations can be applied to other types of activities (such as software developmentand analysis over large data bases). Theyalso enable the developmentof moreflexible tools for representing and reasoning about actions. Common representations for procedures, action lists, plans and schedulescan support the integration of several types of operations support tools. SPRAT is designed to reduce ground operations costs not only in ControlCenters, but in analysis and simulation in flight design and mission 85 preparation. Increased automation and support for simulation and analysis reduces the complexityof mission preparation and reduces analysis time by reducing the numberof unnecessary analyses. SPRAT also supports standardization and reuse of analysis plans and better tracking and documentation. The support provided by SPRAT for managingiterative and interdependent analysis tasks should be generally useful in other domains where such tasks are performed. SPRAT has been developedgenerically, so that users can develop and maintain analysis planning databases in a variety of domains. References [ 1] Chien, S. 1994. Automatedsynthesis of image processing proceduresfor a large-scale image database. Proc IEEEConference on Image Processing. [2] Ellman,T., 1993. Atoolbox and a record for scientific model development. Proc. SOAR-93, (NCP 3240). Houston, TX: NASA-JSC,1993: 321-328. [3] Elsaesser, C.; R. MacMillan,1991. Representation and Algorithmsfor Multiagent Adversarial Planning. MITRETech Report 91 W000207. [4] Georgeff, M.; A. Lansky, 1987. Reactive reasoning and planning.Proc AAAL1987: 677682. [5] Kant, E., 1988. Interactive problemsolving using task configuration and control.IEEEExpert, Winter 1988. [6] Lansky, A., M. Friedman, L. Getoor, S. Schmidler, N. Short. 1995. The collage/kouros link: Planningfor imageprocessing tasks. submitted to AAAI Spring Symposiumon Integrated PlanningApplications. Stanford, CA. [7] Malin, J.T.; D. Ryan;D. Schreckenghost, 1994. "ModelingActions and Operations to Support MissionPreparation", Proc. 3rd Int’l Symp.on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, & Automation for Space (i-SAIRAS), JPL, Pasadena, CA, October, 1994: 385-388. [8] Zito-Wolf, R.; R. Alterman, 1993. A frameworkand an analysis of current proposals for case-based organization and representation of procedural knowledge. Proc AAAI: 73-78. [9] Tate, A; J Hendler; M. Drummond. 1990. A review of ai planning techniques. Readingsin Planning. ed J. Allen, J. Hendler, A Tate. Morgan Kaufman. 26-49. Acknowledgments Thanks to TimHill and GrayumWatts for significant efforts in the design and developmentof the SPRAT system. Thanksto flight controller MatthewBarry, for insight into mission preparationtasks and for significant contributions to the design of SPRAT. 86