From: AAAI Technical Report SS-92-02. Compilation copyright © 1992, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Situated Cognition in Diagrammatic Reasoning Michael Lewis Jozsef Toth Deparunent of Information Science University of Pittsburgh Termssuch as intuition are frequently used to describe the experk.nce of immediacyin the comprehensionof possible behavior fromdiagramsor computerinterfaces. If this aspect of cognition is operationalized as automatic processing reflecting certain environmental constraints (st a~nements), the effects of intuition can accommodated within a more general model of cognitive difficulty. Theavailability of resourceindependent but specialized processing suggests that systematic methodsfor reducingcognitivedifficulty by substituting intuitive situations for nonintoitive ones(metaphor)are possible. Results from pilot experimentsusing Tower of Hanoiismmq~to investigate the role of attunement and form of ~ in such substitutions are reported. 1. Introduction Reasoningfrom all%crams,tying our shoelaces, or imaginingtrains traveling near the speedof light all rely on our atam~entsto the regularity of certain types of events within our natural environment.Ecological cognition involving imaginingrather than deducing,understanding rather than inferring, or intuition rather than rule appfication wesentsa stumblingblock to cognitive theories relying strictly on propositionalrepresentation. [Lewis, 1991a, 1991b] has Woposed a situated modelof cognition in whichsuch ecological informationprocessing plays a central role. The modeldoes not discriminate between the wocessing of perceptual or mental representations but only betweentheir memory requiremerits. Theprimaryadvantageof visual representations such as all%crams is attributed to apprehension of dynamicsrather than the explicit representationof state ~aukin and Simon, 1987] although the modelaccounts for both. The powerof this approachto mental models lies in incorporatingthe decomposition of situations into states of affairs and constraints from situation theory [Barwiseand Perry, 1983] and the characterization of cognitive tasks as search of a problem space due to [Newell and Simon. 1972]. This synthesis allows a unified treatment of representation, task difficulty and metaphoras allocation of processingproblems. 47 Twomental operations, envisioning and inspection, are hypothesizedto accountfor non-propositional information processing. Inspection refers to the controlled act of attending to non-inferential "facts" in a cognitivestate of affairs, such as noting the presenceof a coffee cup on mydesk. Envisioning is an automatic process whichfor familiar situations updates cognitive states of affairs in response to someforms of real or imagined action. For example, imagining an event in which I movemykeyboard to the far end of the desk (the cord pushes the coffee cup over the edge of the desk, it falls, andcoffee spills on the carpet). Situations vary in their ability to exploit ecological information ranging from those which are largely envisionable (everydayinteraction with our physical environment) somethat are practically unenvisionable (unfamiliar symbolicproblems). The key to this account lies in treating the envision/inspect cycle as a formof informationprocessing. This allows cognition to be described in a uniform wayas an allocation of processing betweenrelatively effordess, memoryindependent ecological operations and memoryintensive controlled ones. Because the external demandsposed by a task are in no wayaltered by this allocation, they can still be modeledas a problem space. The modelattributes the difficulty of cognitive tasks to intrinsic difficulty associatedwith the size and complexity of the problem space and the extrinsic difficulty associated with the non-automaticcomputations neededto update states, extract information, and supply additional constraints. Attunementsto constraints can makecognitive tasks easier in two ways. Theability to update states automaticallythroughenvisioning provides humancognition with immunityto the frame problem under special conditions. Wheretask and attuned constraints can be broughtinto coincidence, unwantedstates and paths are excludedautomatically, reducingthe size of the search space. This modelof cognitive difficulty can be illustrated using the Towerof Hanoiand its isomorphs(intrinsically equivalent problemsshownin table 1). Subjects find the Monster-Globeproblemsmuchmore anchored (order) una~hored (nominal) Rule 1 Rule 2 Form ai a~>a1 ~ut~ ^ut.aj --~-~ Aul~ Table 1: Problem Isomorphs Tower of Hanoi ] Monster Globe Move] Monster Globe Change disk size globe size monstersize disk location globe location globe size By Auunement A monster mayonly pass its largest globe Alarger disk may not be moved ontop of a smaller disk A monster maynot pass its globe to a monster holding a larger globe If monstershold globes of the same size, only the largest can chan~e A monster maynot change its globe to a size held by a larger monster length of 1. d~culL[Hayes and Simon, 1977], for example, reports differences in averse solution times of less than two As these examplesillustrate, cognition is conminutesfor the three disk Towerof Hanoiproblem,and ceived to be a heterogeneousmixture of automatically half an hour for the corresponding Monster-Globe Ul~_8!ing modelsand resource consumingrules. A com(change) problem. The Monster-Globe(move) problem monsenseinterpretation of this dichotomyis that cogniis of intermediate (14 min). [Kotovskyet al., 1985] tive tasks are direct, intuitive, and easy to the extent diifwadty. The IVkmster~31obechange problem is the that they do not requireinstructions. mostdifficult becauseit violates object constancy(globe The three representations used to describe these size unanchored),a basic attunementwhichplays a prieffects are: maryrole in theories of psychologyranging fromcognitive develolxnentto perception. Searchingits problem state of affairs (state)- an n-ary relation on n objects space requires the use of limited working memory S ----<r,xI,X 2, " " " Xa> resources to determine the changes in state resulting from actions because events do not follow environmen- interactive situation- (S) the states of affairs formable tal constraints to whichweare attuned. The Monster- froma canonicalstate of affairs by alternate determinaGlobe moveproblem relates states through the move- tions of r. meat of objects, to whichweare ~tn~nedand therefore S = <f,x~,x2, ¯ ¯ ¯ x~ > eliminates the need to use controlled processing and intermediate storage to update states. The problem problemspace (CS)A forgetful version of a constrained space madeavailable through these atamements,how- situation, CoS,whichstrips awaythe structure of its ever, is substantially larger than the official onebecause states of affairs. we can envision globes being movedamongany of the Assuming closure under consWaints,the difficulty monsters, while the problemrules constrain these moveof interacting with a situation can be operationalizedas ments. Because rule 1 requires information about the the difficulty, D(O,associated with the instructed coninitial state of a moveand rule 2 requires information straints, f, the user mustactively supply. In this model, about its terminating state, both states and the action f describes the controlled processing needed to move must be referenced to apply the problemrules. In the betweenstates (the extrinsic difficulty). Anyother conTowerof Hanoi rule 1 is subsumedby aUanementsand trolled processing(required for planning, search, etc.) violation of rule 2 is determinableby inspection alone, mustbe intrinsic and therefore irreducible. This relation becauseof the illegal state whichresults. As a consebetweenan interactive situation, S, problemconstraints, quence we are mentally constrained to ignore move- C, envisionedconstraints, A, instructed conswaints, f, mentsof disks from the bottomof stacks (rule 1) and the problemsituation, CoS,the problemspace, CS, the can judge legality by inspecting the terminating state cognitive space searchable using attunements, AoS,and (rule 2) without additional reliance on workingmemory. the cognitivespace restricted by problemrules, foAoS,is This reduces the problemto a controlled search of a succinctly expressedas: space of 50 states and 75 wansitions in whicheach of CS-= CoS-- foAoS the 36 prohibited movesare ruled out by inspection for the illegal "larger on top of smaller" slate at a path of 48 Because attunements, A, are determined by the situation, S, and the difference between AoS and CoS determines the instructions needed in f, the only avenue for reducing a problem’s difficulty. D, is to inmxluce a new sit,ration, S’, leading in a lower D(f’). This strategy of using one situation to reason about another is metaphor. A metaphor, G, is defined to be an isomorphism betweenconstrained situations. If a task is incompletely characterized byits problemspace,CS,there are additional goals or constraints associated with the objects or relations of S which are extrinsic information about the problem domain relevant to the agent but missing from the problem space. Under these conditions, mental tnm,_~latmns, g, between S and S’ are nece~ry and require additional controlled processing. The difficulty of a task can therefore be reduced iff there exists a melaphor, G: G: foAoSmf, oA,oS, such that IXI0 + D(f’) < D(0 if translation incomplete) D(F’) < d(F) if translation plete) is required (G is not required (G is Three descriptions of possible relations between S and S’ are shownin the commutative diagrams below: Statesof Affairs g c,x~ r~ ~r’ s Ox~ ProblemSpaces s C~ s Situations h HS ~foA xi g C, xi C~r ~ h HS ~foAor’ x~ 8 Oxj Whe~Xi meobjemin ,ima~. S. r and r’ are the relatiomwithin the two .~n,-ti~s, C. the problem constraints in S, C, C’s forgetful o0tmterlmrt, A, the mmmmnen*, umdated with S’, f, the comuaints for S’. and G sad H me the mmdafion, between the mates mdmeproblem,p.a~ ~re,~__’velyd S mdS’. The important thing to note about these diagrams is that they are not the same. An isomorphism between states of affairs is not nec~_essarily a metaphor, and a metaphoris not necessarily isomorphic in states of affairs. Properties of these forms of correspondence, discussed at gre~:,~" length in [Lewis91a.b]. include the reflection and Im~ervation of tmmodeledrelations and c.onslraints by isomorphicsituations. Assuming a conventional model of cognitive difficulty in whichdifficulty. D(g), is proportional to the numberof chunks and number of rule applications, isomorphic situations pose the minimumdifficulty because they require only a single wanslation between each object and relation in S and S’. Any other form of correspondence would require either a greater number of 49 rules or more than one chunk per rule and would therefore lead to a larger D(g). This hypothesis along with the hypothesis that difficulty is proportional to D(0 is tested in a series of experiments which isolate predicted difficulty of translation, difficulty of problem solving, and their combined effect on problem solving using metaphor. 2. Isomorph Experiments 1 investiThissectiondescribesa pilot experiment gating these hypotheses that to improve performance, a metaphor must both: 1) allocate more information processing tasks to ecological processing 2) be state equivalent The basic strategy of these experiment is to separate the effects of translating between reIaesentations, D(g), from the effects of allocation of processing within representations, D(0, by use of experimental controls. The hypotheses are tested by comparing pairs of isomorphic problems which vary in the envisionability of actions. D(0. and in correspondence between states. D(g). Table 2 shows these characteristics of the problems. Problem pairs investigated are shown in table 3. For problem pairs, the problem on the left of the arrow serves as the metaphor and the problem on the right as the aided problem. The differences in arity shown in Table 2 refer to the objects binding the anchc~’ed (at and unanchored (u/) properties from table 1. The Monster Change Color problem (monsters as chameleons instead of globe holders) was created to provide an isomorph equivalent in extrinsic difficulty to Monster Globe Change (actions are not envisionable, so D(f) must include state updating) yet isomorphic in state to Tower of Hanoi. The Tic-Tac-TOH problem, in which tokens are movedwithin columns of a tic-tac-toe grid, was created to provide an isomorph, equivalent in state to the Monster Globe Change problem (ai---~olumn, uj--~token-row), yet involving envisionable actions, thereby reducing D(f). 2 The primary comparisons involve the TOH-~MCC, TOH--~MGC, and X Additional mbje~ are p~umtly being nm in these experimeats. The preseat data are based on results from N--4 standalone ¢onditim, Nffi5 t~dation condition, and Nffi7 yoked condition. ZThcTIT isomoq3hwas derived using ¯ rewriu; method describedin [Lewis,1991a].Thethird role rmtfictingtokensmwithin columnmovement wasgmeratedin a series of steps in whichobj.size whichis normallyanchoredby ammcmm~ was rewritten as obje~-locafionwhichis normallyunmchomi, leavingthe constraint uncovm’vdby altunement MCC--,MGM pairinp. The additioaM imir Trr--,MGC is included in cell I Io test the hypothesis the MGC Woblem can be reded by ¢oastn~ting ¯ simplon which i, both envisioMblcmidsimaliolmllyequivalent. the goal state to prevemthe developmentof blind search str~gi~. Damfrom sU~l-Moneproblem solving provides a control for performancein the yokedproblemsolving conditim. Table 2: ProblemC’hara~risfics Envisionable actions Constituent objects 3-w/ 16-~ ~ MGM MCC Y@,$ No ~"anr.,m,lrwap,-- ... m TIT MOC I¯ . ¯ ~’--~--=.-::--"= ~----.,.-u.~.--- .~~ .~ Table 3: ProblemPairs Formof ExtrinsicDifrgulty Equiv~r~ ’S=S $#$" TOH-~MCC M~-4MGM Trr-~MGC TOH--*MGC gillm’e 1: MGM standalono o(mditi~ Zl D~p~ys Eachof these problemshas been implementedas an intcngtive tableau in the X windowsystem. Subjects interact with IXtddemtableaus by manipulating ~ ~ ¯ pm~m obiocu din~ay. T~ imerrace (k~ not ~]f cmumaintho~ In the TOHtableau, for insUugo, changein the problemstate evenif this involves aa "illegality" such as movinga disk fromthe bottomof a stack. Problemmbleatmam linked through a control WoOmn which umciatm tabkau statm between the pmtknb.’ Butmmfor viewing pmblemndm, a 2: "HT~MC, C ~ c~Ililion gin.=,=. cmmspomlonco table, and task inlngtiom ate avAmmle m ~ed problm condifi~ Prc~em ab~ms for ~ *_*_fj ±I I live problems in the display fcmmfor the ~e asks are shownim figurm1-3. m 2.2 I~qperimentai Condltiom Threetasks, stand-aloneproblemsolving, problem i m i i i mdyol~-pmb~m Jolving wereused in tt~ ~ Five problenu and four TOH--~MCC. TOH-->MGC. MCC-~MGM. Trr->MGC.aJzl TOH-~MGM were tested. Task 1: Stand.Aiome ~bkmSolving In the sumd-akxm condition sub.iswere presented with the problem’s cov~r~ and m~themble~ until theproblem issolved. Errors are andthe last valid state restoreduponreaching 5O 3: TOH~MOC yoked conditi~ Task 2: Problem Transla~on In the problemtranslation condition suborn wcm~ presented with a l~r of tableaus. Their task wmto repli~ c~ges m ~ ~ ~ by min Figure 4: Initial Solution Times 35, 30 25 ( $ 25.2 20 15 10.6 q 14.1 10 10.9 D 8.4 6.8 ~ 5. 3.3 MCS TOHMCSTITMCS MCC TOHMCC manipulating thewoblem tableau. State changesw~e evenly divided bctweenIcgal and illegal uan~tiom. This cooditioa wovidm ped’omance mmsmm reflecting lit MGM TOH 2.3 Results Resultsfromthis pilot experiment are generallyin medirection predictedby mehypotheses.Thesample is too small, however, to draw strongconclusions.Fog example,neither order nor problemeffects reached which are both ~ly equivalent and l~avi~ significancefog mes~d-aloneproblemsalthoughisoan eavisiormble action to copy (TOHMCC, TITMCS) morph differencesof this sort mea robust finding. will be the ensiest to tnmslate,l"nese data providea Differences we~found amongmeyokedproblemsfog contmtfog the yot~d-problemsotvin8 maditimsby time to solution (p < .002) and lime spent reading memginSuamumm difacuUy fog pm~mruin. If, instructions(p < .005). Anorder effect wasfoundfog fog instmce, twopairs of problemshaveequivalent meMonsterGlobeMoveproblemwith subjects spenddifficulty Oa me ~ lask yet diffeg in yokedinglesstimereading insm~tioes on mesecond problemsolving, this diffeazncemybe attributed to encounter (p < .05). Subjects’initial solutiontimesfog otherfactorssuchas differences in IZf’). change pmbkmswere on me avetase substantially shorter thanmehalf hourreportedelsewhere[Hayesand Task 3: Yoked.Problem Solving Simon1977,Kotovsky et al.. 1985].Wesus _pe~__that Yoked-problem solving is the focus of these boththe unexpectedly short solutiontimesandapparent ~ts because it duplicates the conditions under superiorityof the standaloneconditionmaybe artifacts metq~ogm~htaid orob~.msolve. In yctedof mesmall standalonesample(N=4).Thetimes found problemsolving, subjects w~el~eaented with two fog meyokedcondition(N=7)are muchcloser to throe tableaus. Their mkwmmsolve meodginal problem reportedelsewhere.It seemsunlikelythat inm3dtgtion whichthey manipulated direcey. Theaid in the upper ofdirect manipulation computer graphicscouldaccount tableau updated in reqxmem dumgesin meproblem fogsucha large discrepancy in mestandalonecondition. being mlved.This duplicates normaluse of an aid [Kotovsky eta/., 1985],for instance, foundmesimilar of providingsubjectswith modelmonsters becauseit requir~subjectsto act onme"actual"prob- numipulation lem while using meaid in planning and in--rig me withinflatableballoons,ineffectivein speeding upsolueffectsof the~jctims. tions. R~ 4 shows the solution times for each d ~ ~ ~c d~ for ~aUem~ m be su~,~n uansfm" of ~g as by ~~ et al., 1985, ~yes and S~ 1977], ~ueafly only ~,J~t ~u~ times are shown ~ discussed. The most ~t ~emr.e apparent in flStwe 4 is between TOI-IMCSand ~. ~ TIT produced slighdy longer solution limes than TOHin the mandalonecondition, whenpaired with the difficult MCSproblem,it led to substantially better performance.This agrees with our hypothesesthat an effective metaphormustprovideboth ¯ ~wer ~0 (be ~ef) and a low ~ (be state ~en0. A ~ com~ can be ~~ and ~~ w~, for ~ com~le ~, ~g the easiest ~ as a metaphor imix’oved peffmnancew~ state equivaleat CrOHMC~ and degraded pmfcmmaucew~ not crOHMC:S). The ~ of sointim ~ for maadalone problems also agrees with the hypmbesm bo~ for previously investigated pmblenmand created for this ex~ The longest solution limes were associawdwith ~ems having uncnvisimable scticm (MCS,MCC), imumed/a~solutim times we~ associatedwith problemshavingeavisionablemi3es but ammvisimedccmm~u cITr.lvlOM), and times associs~ with TOHwhich has ~ emisk~d sodoms~l coususim. F~ 5 shows rite average numbwof m:mssful uansladmm withia II~eem minute blodm for~eproblem pare 0~ msm s: TrI~t,I ’- U--’Ymmlsl~i s31/- compatiblemetaphorfares evmless well. The compatible TIT~MGS pairing leads to more than twice as manytranslafiom as MGC’s incompatible pairing with TOILThe compatible TOH-~MCC pairing, by coneast, produces the seccmdhighest rate of Uanslatim suggesting thatit isnotanincompatib’dity between change and move dynamics but an incompatibility between situations which impairs ummlation. These results Re in accord with our h~ ¯ mustbe both sip~#!ionally equivalent and provide mvi~onableactions toallow easy retaliation. 3. Concluding Remarks Thesefindings metenlalive as is apWOl~te for a pilot study but suggest that our apwoachto dissecting difficulty and differentiating betweenease of soludoe and translation may be a ~ way to ~h use of me~ in computer graphics. ~ model is pa~iculadysuitable for interface design and evaluadoo becauseit specifies the controlled processing(for which conventionalmeasuresof difficulty exist) neededto per. form a task. This ~l~_~ce-sthe ~’s dilemmato the diflicedt but familiar problemof progrmnmins to rake advantage of special peqx)seprcx:e___~3rs. References [Ba~e and Pew/, 1983] J. Barwise and J. PenT. S~raado~r a~ At~ude:. Cambridge: Mrr 1983. [Ham and Simm, 1977] J. Ham md IL SLmcm. Psychological differences amongproblem ismnm~. In NJ. CasteOan, D.B. Pismi, k OAt. Ports (Eds.) Co&W~w theory. WdlsJak,NJ: Eribe__.,. 1987. [Kotov~ es al., 1985] K. Komvsky,J. Hayes, aad IL Simon. Why m some ~ bar~ Evidence from Tower of Hanoi. Cog~ PowAo/ogy, 17, 248-294,1985. roll1614- [Lewis, 1991a]M. Lewis.Vis~mli,Jui~!and silllalioll& In Barwise, ~wron, ~, and ~ ~) S/moron Tkem7and its ,4pp//cat/oas, Vo/2. Stanford, CA: CSLI, 1991. 121@I64- [Lewis, 1991b]M. Lewis. Situated vimmlizatiogBuilding intm-faces from the mindup. (Fall issue), M~dt/med/a Re~,w,1991. 20l-,1 ~Jr~I I I I ~H-~M~ ~g %nln leads m ~ ~ormancealthoughthe MCC-=~MOMlaOblemwhich requires usr~la~g fmman nonemisiomble elmugh 52 [Newell and Simon, 1972] A. Neweil and IL Simm. HumamProb/em Solemn&.lnglewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Ban,1972.