From: AAAI Technical Report SS-92-01. Compilation copyright © 1992, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Spike: AI Scheduling for Hubble Space Telescope After 18 Monthsof Orbital Operations MarkD. Johnston SpaceTelescopeScienceInstitute 3700San MartinDrive, Baltimore, MD21218 USA Abstract This paperis a progressreport on the Spikescheduling system, developedby the SpaceTelescopeScience Institute for long-termschedulingof Hubble SpaceTelescopeobservations.Spikeis an activitybased scheduler whichexploits AI techniques for constraint representationandfor schedulingsearch. Thesystemhas beenin operationaluse since shortly after HSTlaunch in April 1990. Spike has been adoptedfor several other satellite schedulingproblems:of particular interest has beenthe demonstration that the Spikeframework is sufficientlyflexible to handleboth long-termand short-termscheduling, on timescalesof years downto minutesor less. We describe the recent progress madein scheduling search techniques, the lessons learned fromearly HSToperations, and the application of Spike to other problemdomains.Wealso describe plans for the future evolutionof the system. with the systemsince the start of HSTflight operations.This is followedby a descriptionof the changesrequired to adapt Spike to other satellite schedulingproblems.Weconclude with somecommentson the implementationof Spike, and on our plans for future work. 2 Overviewof HSTScheduling HSTscheduling is a large problem:some10,000 to 30,000 observationsper year mustbe scheduled,each subject to a large number of operational andscientific constraints. Most of the operationalconstraintsarise fromthe lowearth orbital environment of the telescope. Withan orbital periodof about 96minutes,potential targets are onlyvisible for a portionof eachorbit before they are occultedby the earth. Thereare constraintsdueto guidestar availability, avoidingthe earth’s radiation belts, andstray light fromthe sun, moon,or bright earth. Thereare also constraints arising fromthermal and powerconsiderations, whichtend to restrict the allowable attitudeof the satellite at differenttimesduringthe year.Sci1 Introduction entific constraints are specified by astronomerswhenthey Efficient utilization of expensivespace-basedobservatories define the exposuresto accomplishtheir scientific goals. is an importantgoal for NASA and the astronomicalcommu- Thesefrequently take the form of minimum exposuretimes, nity: the cost of facilities like HubbleSpaceTelescope temporal relationships amongexposures (before, after, (HST)is enormous,and the available observing time groupedwithin sometime span, separated by someminimuchless than the demandfrom astronomers around the mumand/or maximum interval, etc.). Astronomersmayalso world. The Spike scheduling system was developedby the constrain the state of the telescope in other ways,e.g. by SpaceTelescopeScienceInstitute starting in 1987to help requiring exposures whenHSTis in earth shadow(to with this problem.Theaim of Spikeis to allocate observa- excludescatteredearthlight), by specifyingthe orientationof tions to timescalesof daysto a week,observingall schedul- the telescope,or by configuringoneof the six instrumentsin ing constraints, and maximizing preferencesthat help ensure a particular mode.A recent changeto the HSTgroundsysthat observationsare madeat optimal times. Spikehas been tems nowpermits the scheduling of two instruments for in use operationallyfor HSTsince shortly after the observa- simultaneousoperation: this is expectedto significantly tory waslaunchedin April 1990. increasethe amountof useful data taken by the telescope. Althoughdevelopedspecifically for HSTscheduling, Becauseof the design of the telescope and groundsysSpike wascarefully designedto provide a general frame- tem, nearly all HSTactivities mustbe scheduledin detail in workfor similar (activity-based) scheduling problems. advance. The detailed schedule specifies what commands particular, the tasks to be scheduledare definedin the system will be executedby the onboardcomputers,and whencomin general terms, and no assumptionsabout the scheduling municationscontacts will be available for uplinking comtimescale were built in. The mechanismsfor describing, mandsand downlinking data. Real-time interaction by combining,and propagatingtemporaland other constraints observersis limited essentially to smallpointingcorrections andpreferencesweredesignedto be general. Thesuccessof to place targets accuratelyinto the properinstrumentaperthis approachhas been demonstratedby the application of ture. Spike to the schedulingof other satellite observatories: SchedulingHSThas been divided into two processes: changesto the systemare required only in the specific con- the first is long-termscheduling,whichallocates observastraints that apply,andnot in the framework itself. tions to week-longtime segmentsover a scheduling period In the followingwefirst providea brief descriptionof of a yearor morein duration.Thisis the responsibilityof the the HSTscheduling problemand of the Spike scheduling Spikesystem.Individual weeksare then scheduledin detail framework.Wethen discuss someof the experience gained by the Science Planning and Scheduling System (SPSS), whichorders observations within the weekand generates a tion, i.e. the numberof constraint violations on scheduled detailed command sequence for the HSTcontrol center at activities or on potential scheduletimes. Min-conflictstime NASA GoddardSpaceFlight Center. Further details on HST selectionis onesuchrepair heuristic, in whichactivities are schedulingmaybe foundin [1,2]. movedto times whenthe numberof conflicts is minimized. Both theoretical analysis and numericalexperimentshave shownthat min-conflictscan be very effective in repairing 3 Spike and HST Long-Term Scheduling goodinitial guesses[9]. Wehavefoundthat further improveHSTobserving programsare received at STScIin machine- mentcomesfromthe use of a max-conflictsactivity selecreadableformover national and international computernettion heuristic, whichselects activities for repair whichhave works. Theyare then translated by an expert systemcalled the largest numberof conflicts on their current assigned Transformation [3] into a formsuitable for scheduling.The time. Spikepermitsdifferent constraints to havedifferent Transformationsystemcollects exposuresinto "scheduling conflict weights,whichcan be usedto causethe repair of the units" whichare collections of exposuresto be executedcon- mostimportantconstraints first; in practice, however,all tiguously. Transformationmakesuse of the Spike temporal constraints have so far been given the sameweight. Both constraint mechanism to collect and propagatetemporalcon- hillclimbing and backtrackingrepair procedureshave been straints: these are madepath-consistent andsavedin files tried, but hillclimbinghas beenshownto be the mostcostalong with the schedulingunit definitions. Spiketakes the effective on problemsattemptedto date. saved scheduling units and derives schedulingconstraints The choice of a goodinitial guess is important for andpreferencesfor them,basedon operationalandscientific repair-based methods,and to this end wehave conducted factors suchas those describedabove.Spikethen determines experimentson different combinationsof variable and value an allocationof schedulingunits to weekswhichsatisfies all selection heuristics to find the "best" combination.Overa hard constraints and as manysoft constraints as possible. thousandcombinationsof heuristics weretried by making Constraints from different sources are combinedusing a multiple runs on samplescheduling problems.Theadopted weight-of-evidencemechanism generalized to cover a con- initial guessheuristic selects most-constrained activities to tinuous time domain,as describedin detail elsewhere[4]. assign first, wherethe numberof min-conflictstimesis used Theresult is a set of "suitability functions"whichindicates as the measureof degreeof constraint. Min-conflicttimes goodnessover time for each schedulingunit, andalso indiare assigned, with ties broken by maximum preference as cates times whena schedulingunit cannotbe scheduleddue derivedfromsuitability functions. to violations of strict constraints. Mostof the HST-specific Spike currently uses a rather simple technique to schedulingdetails go into the definition of the suitability removeconflicting activities froman oversubscribedschedfunctions, which,for long-termscheduling,are definedat a ule: activities to be removed are selectedbasedon lowerprihigh level of abstractionandrelatively coarsetime granular- ority, higher numbers of conflicts, andlowerpreferencetime ity. Moredetails about Spikeconstraint representationand assignments. If there remaingapswhenall conflictingactivimanipulationmaybe foundin [5]. ties havebeendeleted, then a simplebest-first pass through Spiketreats scheduleconstructionas a constrainedoptithe unscheduled activities is used to fill them.This final mizationproblemanduses a heuristic repair-basedschedul- phaseof "scheduledeconflicting"has beenlittle studiedand ing search technique. An initial guess schedule is is an area whichcouldbenefit fromfurther effort. constructed, whichmayhave temporalor other constraint Spikeprovidessupportfor reschedulingin several ways. violations as well as resourceoverloads(in fact, giventhat Twoworth mentioningin particular are task locking and HSTobservingtime is intentionally oversubscribedby about conflict-causeanalysis. Tasksor sets of tasks can be locked 30%,it is knownahead of time that there is no feasible in place on the schedule,andwill thereafter not be considschedule that can accommodate all the requested observa- ered during search or repair (unless of course the user tions). Repairheuristics are applied to the initial guess unlocks them). Thesetasks represent fixed points on the schedule until a preestablished level of effort has been schedule.Conflict-causeanalysis permitsthe user to force a expended.At that point observationsare removedto elimi- ’ task onto the schedule,thendisplaywhatconstraintsare vionate remainingconstraint violations, until a feasible sched- lated andby whichother tasks. Theconflicting tasks can be ule remains. There are several important measures of unassignedif desired, either individuallyor as a group,and schedule quality employed,including the numberof obserreturned to the pool of unscheduledtasks. This helps with vations on the schedule,the total observingtime scheduled, the mostcommon reschedulingcase, wherea specific activand the summeddegree of preference of the scheduled ity must be placed on the schedule, thereby disrupting at observations.Theheuristic repair methodis fast, and typileast sometasks whichare already scheduled. A limited cally manyruns are madeand the best scheduleis adoptedas study of minimal-changerescheduling has been conducted a baseline. TheSpike algorithm has desirable "anytime" [10], but muchmoreworkremainsto be donein this area. characteristics:at anypoint in the processing after the initial Hillclimbingrepair methodslike the one used in Spike guess has beenconstructed, a feasible schedulecan be prohave muchin common with simulated annealing techniques duced simply by removingany remaining activities with such as described by Zwebenet al.[ll]. Oneof the open constraintviolations, as describedfurther below. research issues is whichtechnique has an advantage on Therepair heuristics usedby Spikeare basedon a very whichtypes of problems. successful neural networkarchitecture developedfor Spike [6,7] andlater refined into a simplesymbolicform[8] which has madethe neural networkobsolete. TheSpikerepair heuristics makehighly effective use of conflict count informa2 4 The Experience of HST Operations Shortly after HSTwaslaunchedit was discoveredthat the telescopemainmirrorhad beenfiguredincorrectly, resulting in lowerresolutionthan anticipated. This has not only liraRedthe scientific usefulnessof HST(althoughit still remains far superior to any ground-basedtelescope), it has also greatly disrupted the scheduling process. Observingplans madeyears in advanceof launch have had to be revised, leading to a shortage of ready-to-scheduleobservingprogramsand thus reducingthe efficiency with whichschedules could be generated.This problemstill affects ongoingoperations, andas a result Spikehas only oncebeenusedto generate a true long-term schedule. Instead, Spike is used routinely to identify observationsto place in the schedule approximately two monthsinto the future. Asthe characteristics of the telescope and instrumentshavebecomebetter understood, the pool of observing programshas been growing: the secondround of openproposal selection will be completedin December 1991, and weanticipate that by the Springof 1992a sufficient pool will exist to permitlongrange planning as originally expected. NASA is nowplanning a servicing missionto correct the HSToptics in early 1994. Themostsignificant lesson learned since launch, however, is the impactof high levels of changeon the planning andschedulingsystems. Instead of the anticipated level of about 10%of proposalschanging,the actual rate of change has been closer to 100%.While someof this change is clearly attributable to the discoveryof HST’ssphericalaberration, manyother factors havecontributedas well: nearly every instrument on the telescope has demonstratedunexpectedbehaviorin one formor another, and each has led to revisionsin observingplans to compensate. Thenet effect is that changeis the norm,not the exception,to the extent that stress has beenhigh on the softwaresystemsandon the people whooperate them.Theproblemstemsfrom the fact that an observing program mayconsist of manyhundreds of exposures,whichcan all be at different stages of the scheduling pipeline. If an observingprogramis changed,users mustbackup to the beginningof the processfor that program,thus workdoneon the previousversion is potentially wasted.Alternatively, a newobservingprogramcan be created to describethe changedportionsof the original one, but then keepingtrack of active and obsolete portions of the originalis required. If there is any recommendation to be madeto developers of future systemslike those for HST,it is to build in the expectationof changefromthe outset [12]. Eventhoughthe initial costwill be higher,the operationalcostswill be significantly lower. Spike and the other HSTground systems have been exercisedseveral times on "targets of opportunity"--- programsto be scheduledand executedon an crash basis. Turnaroundhas beenas short as a fewdays, whichis well within the pre-launchexpectations.Onesuch target of opportunity programtook the pictures of the dramaticstormon Saturnin December1990, whichwere subsequentlymadeinto a timelapse movie. 5 Hierarchical and Short-Term Scheduling Spike has been adoptedfor schedulingthree future astronomicalsatellite missions: ¯ the ExtremeUltraviolet Explorer(EUVE),an ultraviolet telescope built and operated by UCBerkeleyand Goddard SpaceFlight Center, ¯ ASTRO-D, a joint US-JapanX-ray telescope, and ¯ XTE,the X-ray timing Explorer (MIT/GSFC) to study time-variabilityof X-raysources. Theadaptation of Spike for these problemshas led to the successfuldemonstration of the flexibility of the Spike scheduling framework. As indicated above, Spike was designedso that newtasks and constraints can be defined without changing the basic framework.For ASTRO-D and XTE,Spikeis operatedin a hierarchical manner,with longterm schedulingfirst allocating observationsto weeksmuch as they are for the HSTproblem(and with similar types of long-termconstraints and preferences). Theneach weekis scheduledin detail, subject to the detailed minute-by-minute constraints of low earth orbit operation. Themajorchanges required to implementshort-termschedulingwere: ¯ a new type of task that can have variable duration dependingon whenit is scheduled, and whichcan be interrupted and resumedwhentargets are occultedby the earthor the satellite is in the radiationbelts ¯ newclasses of short-term scheduling constraints which moreprecisely modeltarget occultation, star tracker occultation, groundstation passes, entry into high radiation regions, maneuverand setup times betweentargets, etc. ¯ an interface betweendifferent hierarchical levels, by whicha long-termscheduleconstrains times for shortterm schedulingand conversely ¯ a post-processor whichexaminesshort-term schedules for opportunitiesto extendtask durationsandthus utilize anyremainingsmallgapsin the scheduleto increaseefficiency All of the general constraint combinationand propagation mechanisms, and the schedulesearch techniques, apply directly to both long-termandshort-termscheduling.Figure 1 illustrates the applicationof Spiketo short-termscheduling for a sampleof X-raytargets such as mightbe observedby ASTRO-D or XTE.Note that several observations are brokento fit aroundoccultations andso are taken in multiple segments. Mostof the effort required to apply Spiketo the new problemswaslimited to the specific domainmodellingneeessary, whichtypically involvescomputationrelated to the geometry of the satellite, sun, target, andearth. Theseproblemscan be expectedto differ fromonesatellite to another, andit is not surprising that different modelsare required. Someof the modellingincludes state constraints, although Spikedoesnot performexplicit planning(see, e.g. [13]). EUVE is unusualin that it makeslong (2-3 day) observations, in contrast to HST,XTE,and ASTRO-D whichtypically makenumerousshort (15-40 minute) observations. a consequence,EUVE is schedulableover year-long intervals withoutbreakingthe scheduleinto hierarchical levels. Oneof the moreinteresting results from a comparisonof search algorithms for scheduling EUVE wasthat the Spike repair-based methodsgained an extra 20 days of observing i...~.| ..... i ..... i ..... i ..... i ..... 1..: .~’1.’....i ..... i...~’.1 ..... i ..... i... i .... I ..... I ..... i ..... i ..... i ..... i ..... i ..... i A154RA:17.~. (lh 0Om22,3l) Dec: 17.394(17d 23mI Exp. tim e 10000 sec Priority: 3 9~s OH: ~ ¯ i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1--"1 O ~ ~ 1"’7 [] I I I I I CYG-X-2-NUM3 RA: 325.654(21 h 42m37.061Dec: 38.091138d05m2861Exp.time 140006ec Priority: n 11h Start 02Jan92 02h30m (318), dur: 0.24d, time 12CO0= (roq 140006),efti¢ 0,59, #confl:0, Ixe):56.00pref/max: °io n 1~OH:17~ ~ n H .xpn [ I / / , n Ilmml / , n I I I I , ~ ~ O ~ [] ~ ~ I , , I I I A2634RA: 3~3~g79 (23h35m55.06)Dec:26,73g(26d 44m206) Exp.time 5000secPriority: ’~] Start: 0~Jan~~ 09h0Om (396),d~r: 0.10d,exptime60005(req 50CO$), effi¢ 0.69, #¢onfl:0,pref;69.00pret/max;1,00 O!c , n n n n , CAS-A-NUM3 I~A: 350.292(23h21m10.16)Dec:58.542(58d 32m316) Exp.time 4000secPriority: t ~ OH: 2131 7 I I [ I I ] I ] [ l ] I / 1 , I I , n, 1’" 8ta¢l: 0~Jang~12h25m (437), r; 0.03d, ex time2700sreq4OOOs),effi¢ t,OO,#confl:0,ptef:100.0Ol:X’ef/max:l.00 oO!, n EDS.CETUS .~,: 16.500(lh 06m0.0s) Dec:-4.000(-4d 00m0s) Exp. time 3000secPrior)t)/: , n n n n n n IL , , n H n t ¯ ’."| Start O~.Jan~ 14h0~cn (457), dur: 0,02d,exptime21006(req 30000),effi¢ 1.CO,#¢onfl:0,pref:l CO.CO wef/max: 24675OH:11335 "-I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r’--I ~ rl r~l I"1i--’1 I I I I I~ 3(:;279RA:19i~,. 046(12h56m 11.06)Dec:-5.789(-5d 47m206)Exp.time5000secPriority: 11NStart 0~Jan9~ 16h20m (484), dur: 0.10d.exp time57006(req 5000s).effi¢ 0.66, #c~fl:O,pref:66.00pref/max: ~:~ 63830OH:2110 N I1 I I I n I1 I I I , I , I I I I-~ [] I-~ n , I-~ n I~ H n I-~ l i n I I n I I I I A1367RA:17tSv458 (1 lh 41m49.96)Dec:20,133(20d07m596)Exp,time 4000sec Priority: 11~| Start 0~.J~n9~ 19h25rn (521), dur: 0,03d,exptime27005(req 40005),effic 1,CO,#¢onfl:0,predICt,CO pref/max: 281~ OH: ~76 I I I I I ] I I I I ~ 0 ~ ~ I I I I I I I I / I I I I E 1821+643 RA:275.250( 18h21 m0.06) Dec:64.300(64d17m606)Exp.time 100006ec Priority: 1.5| Start (~.Jan92 20h20nl (532).(fur: 0.1 ld. exptime9900~ (req 10000s), effic 1.00,#cent):0,pre[:100.00 pref/max: 10723eOH:451s II II II I I I I I[ II CTA102 RA: ~:}7.533(22h30m7.9s) Dec:11.640(1 ld 38mI Exp . tim e 700 0 secPriority: 3 I" ~P-]Start: 02Jan92 23h25m (569),(Kit: 0.10d,exptime60COS (req 70005),effic 0.69,#¢~’~fl:0,preL60.00 pref/rnax: O:o, fl 64146 OH: 42~ ] I I n I I n I I n I I n I , I I n I I , I ~ I , ~ [I n I--’1 D f--I [~] L , D I I I 1 i i 0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15.’00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19.’00 20.’00 21.’00 22.’00 23.’00 0:00 92,0021/2 Figure1: An exampleof Spikeoutput on short-termschedulingof astronomicalobservations.Shown is a 24-hourportion of a 7-dayschedule. Thestart-time suitability for eachexposureis plotted as the uppergraph, withinterruptionsdueto target blockageby the earth andby satellite passagethroughhigh-radiationregions. Theavailableexposureintervals are shownbelowas openbars, whichare filled in to indicate the actual scheduledtimes. Someof the observationscanbe fit withinone orbit; others mustbe interruptedandthus spanseveral orbits. time in a year, whencomparedto the best incremental scheduling approach. 6 Spike Implementation The implementation of Spike started in early 1987 and was initially based on Texas Instruments Explorers as the hardware and software environment. The Spike graphical user interface was implemented in KEE CommonWindows (Intellicorps, Inc.), but the remainder of the system (about 40,000 lines of code) used only Common Lisp and the Flavors object system. At HSTlaunch, STScI had a complement of 8 TI Explorers and microExplorers used for Spike operation, developmentand testing. Since the initial developmentof Spike began there has been a great deal of evolution in Lisp hardwareand software. A significant amountof effort has gone into modifying the system to keep current with these changes. In late 1991 we are in the process of movingfrom Explorers to Sun SparcStation IIs as the primary operations and developmentworkstation. All of the Flavors code has been automatically 4 converted to the CommonLisp Object System. The Lisp used on the SparcStation is Allegro CommonLisp from Franz Inc. Allegro CLsupports a version of CommonWindowsbased on X-windows,and so the user interface continues operate on Unix platforms as it did on the Explorers. We are presently investigating the use of alternative windowsystems, and have prototyped the use of CLX,CLIM,and Motif for the user interface (the latter is based on the publicly available GINA/CLM). Weexpect to see a complete redesign of the user interface in the next year. Spikecan also generate high-resolution Postscript versions of schedules and constraints; one exampleof this is shownin Figure 1. Updating Spike for new Lisp language features has not been difficult. There are, however,plans to removesomefeatures that were developed for Spike which have since become part of the language (such as a logical filename mechanism).At present there are no plans to convert any of the system to C or C++. 7 Future Directions Several significant enhancementsto Spike are planned over the next year. Oneof these, a rewrite of the graphical user interface, has already been mentioned above. Another enhancementdeals with tracking the status of HSTobserving programs and exposures. All scheduled programs pass from the proposal entry system through Spike, while feedback on scheduling and execution status is received by Spike both from SPSSand from the HSTdata analysis pipeline. This provides information to Spike users which forms the basis for rescheduling decisions. Weplan to integrate this data into a relational database, along with additional information from the HSToptical disk data archive, which will provide a central source of information on the status of all HSTobservations. Weare also planning several systematic studies of the Spike scheduling search heuristics to see what further improvementscan be made, either in performanceor in quality of schedule. Thesewill include the initial guess, repair, and deconflict strategies. Wealso plan to investigate whether the use of short-term scheduling on the HSTobservations can improve the quality of the long-term schedule sent to SPSS. There are, however, no plans to have Spike do the final short-term scheduling for HST,due to the extreme cost of integration with the existing telescope and instrument commanding software which generates the command sequencesfor the spacecraft. 8 Conclusions The Spike system has performed as planned in the first 18 months of HSToperations. The success of Spike helps demonstrate the utility of AI technology in NASA flight operations projects. The flexibility of Spike has been demonstratedby adapting it for several other missions, and by integrating long-term and short-term scheduling at different hierarchical levels of abstraction in the sameconstraint representation and scheduling search framework. Acknowledgments:The author wishes to thank Dr. Glenn Miller and the present and former members of the Spike development team (Jeff Sponsler, Shon Vick, Tony Krueger, Dr. MarkGiuliano, and Dr. Michael Lucks) for their efforts which have led to the successful deployment of Spike. The patience and support of the Spike user group, led by Dr. Larry Petro, chief of the STScIScience Planning Branch, has been muchappreciated. Stimulating discussions with Dr. Steve Minton, Monte Zweben, Don Rosenthal, and HansMartin Adorf are gratefully acknowledged. The EUVE project at UCBerkeley helped with the initial Unix port, and the ASTRO-D and XTEstaff at MIThave continued to help push the system in new and fruitful directions. The Space TelescopeScience Institute is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomyfor NASA. References [1] Miller, G., Rosenthal, D., Cohen,W., and Johnston, M.D. 1987: "Expert System Tools for HubbleSpace Telescope Observation Scheduling," in Prec. 1987 GoddardConf. on SpaceApplicationsof Artificial Intelligence; reprinted in TelematicsandInformatics4, p. 301(1987). [2] Miller, G., Johnston,M.D.,Vick,S., Sponsler,J., andLindenmayer, K. 1988: "KnowledgeBasedTools for HubbleSpace TelescopePlanningand Scheduling:Constraints and Strategies", in Prec. 1988Goddard Conf. on SpaceApplicationsof Artificial Intelligence;reprintedin TelematicsandInformatics 5, p. 197(1988) [3] Gerb,A. 1991: ’~l’ransformationReborn:A NewGeneration Expert Systemfor Planning HSTOperations", in Prec. 1991 GoddardConf. on SpaceApplications of Artificial Intelligence, ed. J.L. Rash, NASA Conf. Publ. 3110(Greenbelt: NASA), pp. 45-58; to be reprinted in the Dee1991issue of TelematicsandInformatics. [4] Johnston, M.D. 1989: "Reasoning with Scheduling Constraints andPreferences,"SpikeTeeh.Report89-2, Jan. 1989. [5] Johnston, M.D.1990: "SPIKE:AI Scheduling for NASA’s HubbleSpaceTelescope",M.D.Johnston,in Prec. Sixth IEEE Conf.on Artificial Intelligence Applications(Santa Barbara, March5-9, 1990), (Los Alamitos, CA:IEEEComputerSociety Press), pp. 184-190. [6] Adorf, H.-M.,and Johnston, M.D.1990:"A Discrete Stochastic ’Neural Network’Algorithmfor Constraint Satisfaction Problems",H.-M.Adorfand M.D.Johnston,in Prec. Int. Joint Conf. on NeuralNetworks(LICNN 90), (San Diego, June 21 1990),(Piscataway,NJ: IEEE),Vol. HI, pp. 917-924. [7] Johnston, M.D., and Adorf, H.-M. 1991: "Schedulingwith NeuralNetworks- The Case of HubbleSpaceTelescope", to appearin Int. J. Computers andOperationsResearch. [8] Minton,S., Johnston,M.D.,Philips, A., and Laird, P. 1990: "SolvingLarge-ScaleConstraint Satisfaction and Scheduling ProblemsUsinga Heuristic Repair Method",in Prec. of the EighthNationalConf.on Artificial Intelligence (BostonJuly 29-August3, 1990), (MenloPark, CA:AAAIPress), pp. 24. [9] Minton,S., Johnston,M.D.,Philips, A., and Laird, P. 1991: "MinimizingConflicts: A Heuristic Repair Methodfor Constraint Satisfaction and Schedulingproblems",submitted. [lO]Sponsler, J.L., and Johnston, M.D.1990: "AnApproachto ReschedulingActivities BasedOnDeterminationof Priority and Disruptivity", in Prec. 1990 GoddardConf. on Space Applicationsof Artificial Intelligence (Greenbelt,Maryland, May1-2, 1990), ed. J. L. Rash, NASA Conf. Pub. 3068 (Greenbelt: NASA), pp. 63-74, reprinted in Telematics and Informatics,7, pp. 243-253. [11] Zweben,M., Davis, E., Stock, T., Drascher, E., Deale, M., Gargan, R., and Daun, B. 1991: "An Empirical Study of ReschedulingUsingConstraint-BasedSimulatedAnnealing", submitted. [12] Miller, G. and Johnston., M.D.1991:"A Case Studyof Hubble SpaceTelescopeProposalProcessing,Planningand LongRangeScheduling", in Prec. AIAAConf. Computing in Aerospace8, Oct 21-24,1991,Baltimore. [13] Muscettola,N., Smith, S., Cesta, A., and D’Aloisi, D. 1992: "CoordinatingSpaceTelescopeOperationsin an Integrated Planning and SchedulingArchitecture", to appear in IEEE ControlSystems SystemsMagazine12 Feb. 1992.