Attention Focusing and Anomaly Detection Richard J. Doyle

From: AAAI Technical Report SS-94-04. Compilation copyright © 1994, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
Attention Focusing and Anomaly Detection
in Systems Monitoring
RichardJ. Doyle
Artificial IntelligenceGroup
Jet PropulsionLaboratory
CaliforniaInstitute of Technology
CA 91109-8099
operators employ multiple methods for recognizing anomalies, and 2) mission operators do not and should not interpret
all sensor data all of the time. Weseek an approachfor determining from momentto momentwhich of the available sensor
d~tA is most informative about the presence of anomalies occurring within a system. The work reported here e~tends the
anomaly detection capability in Doyle’s SELMON
system[5, 6] by adding an attention focusing capability.
Other model-based monitoring systems include Dvorak’s
MIMIC,which performs robust discrepancy detection for continuous dynamic systems [7], and DeCoste’s DATMI,which
infers system states from incomplete sensor data [3]. This
work also complements other work within NASA
on empirical and model-basedmethodsfor fault diagnosis of aerospace
platforms[1, 8, 9, 11].
Anyattempt to introduce automationinto the moniwring of complexphysical systems must start from
a robust anomalydetection capability. This task
is far from straightforward, for a single definition
of what constitutes an anomalyis difficult to come
by. In addition, to make the monitoring process
efficient, and to avoid the potential for information
overload on humanoperators, attention focusing
must also be addressed. Whenan anomaly oc~’t~,
moreoften than not several sensors are affected, and
the partially redundantinformationthey provide can
be confusing,particularly in a crisis situation where
a response is needed quickly.
The focus of this paper is a newtechnique for attention focusing. The technique involves reasoning
about the distance between two frequency distributions, and is used to detect both anomaloussystem parameters and "broken" causal dependencies.
Thesetwo forms of information together isolate the
locus of anomalous behavior in the system being
2 Background: The SELMON
1 Introduction
Mission Operations personnel at NASA
have the task of determining, from momentto moment,whether a space platform is exhibiting behavior which is in any way anomalous,
whichcould disrupt the operation of the platform, and in the
worst case, could represent a loss of ability to achieve mission
goals. Atraditional techniquefor assisting mission operators
in space platform health analysis is the establishmentof alarm
thresholds for sensors, typically indexed by operating mode,
which summarizewhich ranges of sensor values imply the
existence of anomalies. Another established technique for
anomalydetection is the comparisonof predicted values from
a simulation to actual values received in telemetry. However,
experienced mission operators reason about more than alarm
threshold crossings and discrepancies between predicted and
actual to detect anomalies: they mayask whethera sensor is
behavingdifferently than it has in the past, or whethera current behaviormaylead to----the particular baneofoperators---a
rapidly developing alarm seq~.
Our approachto introducing automationinto real-time systems monitoring is based on two observations: 1) mission
Howdoes a humanoperator or a machine observing a complex physical system decide when something is going wrong7
Abnormalbehavior is always defined as somekind of departure from normalbehavior. Unfortunately, there appears to be
no single, crisp definition of "normal"behavior. In the traditional monitoringtechnique of limit sensing, normalbehavior
is predefined by nominalvalue ranges for sensors. A fundamental limitation of this approachis the lack of sensitivity
to context. In the other traditional monitoring technique of
discrepancy detection, normal behavior is obtained by simulating a modelof the systembeing monitored. This approach,
while avoiding the insensitivity to Context of the limit sensing approach, has its ownlimitations. The approach is only
as good as the system model. In addition, normal system
behavior typically changes with time, and the model must
continue to evolve. Giventhese limitations, it can be difficult
to distinguish genuine anomaliesfrom errors in the model.
Noting the limitations of the existing monitoring techniques, we have developed an approach to monitoring which
is designed to makethe anomalydetection process more robust, to reduce the number of undetected anomalies (false
negatives). Towardsthis end, we introduce multiple anomaly
models, each employinga different notion of "normal" behavior.
2.1 Empirical Anomaly Detection Methods
In this section, we briefly describe the empirical methods
that we use to determine, from a localviewpoint, when a
sensor is reporting anomalous
behavior. Thesemeasuresuse anomalies.This rawdiscrepancyis entered into a normalizaknowledgeabout each individual sensor, without knowledge tion processidentical to that usedfor the valuechangescore,
andit is this representationof relative discrepancywhichis
reported.Thedeviationscorefor a sensoris minimum
if there
is no discrepancy and maximum
if the discrepancy between
is predictedandactualis the greatestseento date onthat sensor.
Deviationonlyrequiresthat a simulationbe availablein any
is the essence of the surprise measure.It is designedto
formforgenerating sensor value predictions. However,the
highlighta sensorwhichbehavesother thanit has historically. remainingsensitivity and cascadingalarmsmeasuresrequire
Specifically,surpriseusesthe historicalfrequency
distribution the ability to simulateandreasonwith a causal modelof the
for the sensor in two ways: Todeterminethe likelihood of
systembeing monitored.
the given current value of the sensor (unusualness),and
Sensitivity and CascadingAlarms
examinethe relative likelihoods of different values of the
sensor (informativeness).It is those sensors whichdisplay
Sensitivity measuresthe potential for a large global perunlikely values whenother values of the sensor are more turbation to developfrom current state. Cascadingalarms
likely whichget a high surprisescore. Surpriseis not high measuresthe potential for an alarmsequenceto developfrom
if the onlyreasona sensor’svalueis unlikelyis that thereare
current state. Bothof these anomalymeasuresuse an eventmanypossiblevaluesfor the sensor,all equallyunlikely.
drivencausal simulator[2, 10] to generatepredictionsabout
future states of the system,given current state. C~t state
is taken to be definedby both the current values of system
Alarmthresholds for sensors, indexedby operating mode, parameters(not all of whichmaybe sensed) andthe pending
typicallyare establishedthroughan off-line analysisof system events already resident on the simulator agenda.Themeadesign. Thenotion of alarmin SELMON
extends the usual one sures assign scores to individualsensorsaccordingto howthe
correspondingto a sensor participates in,
bit of information
(the sensoris in alarmor it is not), andalso systempmmneter
reports howmuchof the alarmrangehas beentraversed. Thus or influences, the predicted global behavior. Asensor will
a sensor whichhas gonedeepinto alarmgets a higher score haveits highestsensitivity scorewhenbehaviororiginatingat
than onewhichhas just crossedover the alarmthreshold.
that sensorcausesall sensorscausally downstream
to exhibit
their maximum
value changeto date. Asensor will haveits
highest cascadingalarmsscore whenbehaviororiginating at
that sensorcausesall sensorscausallydownstream
to go into
The alarm anticipation measurein SELMON
performs a
simpleformof trend analysisto decidewhetheror not a sensor an alarmstate.
is expectedto be in alarmin the future. Astraightforward
curvefit is usedto project whenthe sensorwill next cross an 2.3 PreviousResults
alarmthreshold, in either direction. A high score meansthe
In order to assess whetherSELMON
increased the robustness
sensorwill soonenter almmor will remainthere. Alowscore of the anomalydetection process, weperformedthe following
meansthe sensor will remainin the nominalrange or emerge experiment: WecomparedSELMON
performanceto the perfrom alarmsoon,
of the traditional limit sensingtechniquein selecting
critical sensorsubsetsspecified by a SpaceStation EnvironValue Change
mental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS)domain
Achangein the value of a sensor maybe indicative of an
expert, sensorsseen by that expert as usefulin understanding
anomaly.In order to better assess such an event, the value episodesof anomalous
behaviorin actual historical data from
changemeasurein SELMON
comparesa given value change ECLSS
testhed operations.
to historical value changesseen on that sensor. Thescore
Theexperimentaskedthe followingspecific question: How
reportedis basedon the proportionof previousvalue changes often did SELMON
place a "critical" sensorin the top half of
whichwereless than the given value change.It is maximum its sensor orderingbasedon the anomalydetection measures7
whenthe givenvaluechangeis the greatest valuechangeseen
Theperformanceof a randomsensor selection algorithm
to date on that sensor. It is minimum
whenno value change wouldbe expected to be about 50%;any particular sensor
has occurredin that sensor.
wouldappearin the top half of the sensororderingabouthalf
the time. Limit sensing detected the anomalies76.3%of the
2.2 Model-BasedAnomalyDetection Methods
time. SELMON
detected the anomalies95.1%of the time.
Although manyanomalies can be detected by applying
Theseresults showSELMON
modelsto the behaviorreportedat individualsensors, ter than the traditional practice of limit sensing.Theylend
robust monitoringalso requires reasoningabout interactions credibility to our premisethat the mosteffective monitoring
occurring in a systemand detecting anomaliesin behavior systemis one whichincorporates several modelsof anomareportedby several sensors.
lous behavior. Ouraim is to offer a morecomplete,robust
set of techniquesfor anomalydetection to makehumanoperDeviation
ators moreeffective, or to providethe basis for an automated
Thedeviationmeasureis our extensionof the traditional
methodof discrepancydetection. As in discrepancydetecThefollowingis a specific exampleof the value addedof
tion, comparisons
are madebetweenpredictedandactual senSELMON.
During an episode in whichthe ECLSS
sor values,anddifferencesare interpretedto be indicationsof failed, systempressure (whichnormallyoscillates within
knownrange) becamestable. This "abnormallynormal"behavior is not detected by traditional monitoringmethodsbecausethe systempressureremainsfirmly in the nominalrange
wherelimit sensingfails to trigger. Furthermore,
the fluctuating behaviorof the sensoris not modeled;the predictedvalue
is an averagedstable valuewhichfails to trigger discrepancy
detection.See[5, 6] for moredetails onthese previousresults
in evaln~fingthe SELMON
3 Attention Focusing
A robust anomalydetection capability providesthe core for
monitoring,but only whenthis capability is combinedwith
attention focusing does monitoringbecomeboth robust and
efficient. Otherwise,the potential problemsof information
overloadandtoo manyfalse positives maydefeat the utility
of the monitoringsystem.
Theattention focusingtechniquedevelopedhere uses two
sourcesof information:historical data describing nominal
system behavior, and causal informationdescribing which
pairs of sensors are constrainedto be correlated, dueto the
presenceof a dependency.
Theintuition is that the origin and
extent of an anomalycan be determinedif the misbehaving
systemparametersand the misbehavingcausal dependencies
can be determined.
3.1 TwoAdditional Measures
runs, it computesincrementalfrequencydistributions for all sensors beingmonitored.Thesefrequency
distributions can be savedas a methodfor capturingbehavior fromany episodeof interest. Of particular interest are
historical distributions whichcorrespondto nominalsystem
Toidentify aa anomalous
sensor, weapply a distance measure, definedbelow,to the frequencydistribution whichrepresents_recentbehaviorto the historicalfrequency
representing nominalbehavior. Wecall the measuresimply
distance. To identify a "broken"causal dependency,
apply the samedistance measureto the historical frequency
distributionsfor the causesensorandthe effect sensor. This
referencedistanceis a weakrepresentationof the correlation
that exists betweenthe values of the twosensors dueto the
causal dependency.This referencedistance is then compared
to the distancebetweenthe frequencydistributions basedon
_recentdata of the samecausesensorandeffect sensor.Thedifferencebetween
the referencedistanceandthe recent distance
is the measureof the "brokenness"of the causal dependency.
Wecall this measurecausaldistance.
3.2 Desired Properties of the Distance Measure
Definea distributionDas the vector di suchthat
If our aimwasonly to comparedifferent frequencydistributions of the samesensor, wecould use a distance measure
whichrequired the numberof partitions, or bins in the two
distributions to be equal, andthe rangeof valuescoveredby
the distributions m be the same. However,since our aim is
to be able to compare
the frequencydistributionsof different
sensors, these conditionsmustbe relaxed.
Wedefine twospecial types of frequencydistribution. Let
F be the random,or fiat distribution whereVi, di -- 1~. Let
Si be the set of"spike"distributions whered~ -- 1 andYj
i, dj =O.
3.3 The Distance Measure
Thedistance measureis computed
by projecting the two distributions into the two-dimensional
space[f, s] in polar coordinates andtaking the euclidiandistance betweenthe projections.
Definethe "flatness" component
f(D) of a distribution as
This is simplythe sumof the bin-by-bindifferences betweenthe givendistribution andF. Notethat 0 _<f (D) _<
Also,f(S~)-, 1 as n ~ oo.
Definethe "spikeness"component
s(D) of a distribution
Thisis simplythe centroidvaluecalculationfor the distribution.Theweightingfactor ~b will be explainedin a moment.
Onceagain, 0 < s(D) < 1.
take[f, s] to bepolarcoordinates
[r, 0]. Thismaps
F to the origin and the Si to points alongan arc on the unit
circle. SeeFigure1.
Note that we take ~b = ~. This choice of ~ guarantees
that A(SO,Sn-l) = A(F, So) = A(F, S.-1) = 1 and
other distances in the region whichis the range of Aare by
Insensitivity to the number
of bins in the twodistributions
andthe rangeof valuesencoded
in the distributionsis provided
by the If, s] projection function, whichabstracts awayfrom
these propertiesof the distributions.
Additionaldetails ondesiredpropertiesof the distancemeasure andhowthey are satisfied by the functionAmaybe found
in [4].
3A Results
In this section, wereport on the results of applyingthe disi=0
tribution distance measureto the task of focusingattention
For a sensorS, weassumethat the rangeof valuesfor the
in monitoring.Thedistribution distance measureis used m
sensorhas beenpartitioned into n contiguoussubrangeswhich identify misbehaving
nodes(distance) andarcs (causal disexhaustthis range. Weconstructa frequencydistribution as a
tance) in the causal graphof the systembeingmonitored,or
vector Dsof length n, wherethe valueof di is the frequency equivalently,detect andisolate the extentof anomalies
in the
with whichS has displayeda value in the ith subrange.
systembeing monitored.
Figure1: Thefunction A(D1,/:)2).
Figure3: ’Aleak fault.
Figure 2: Causal Graphfor the ForwardReactive Control
System(FRCS)of the SpaceShuttle.
3.4.1 A Space Shuttle Propulsion Subsystem
Figure2 showsa ca.~! graphfor a portion of the Forward
ReactiveConlrolSystem(FRCS)of the SpaceShuttle. Afull
causal graphfor the ReactiveControlSystem,comprisingthe
Forward,Left and Right RCS,wasdevelopedwith the domain
3.4.2 Attention FocusingExamples
was run on seven episodes describing nominal
behaviorof the FRCS.Thefrequencydistributions collected
during these runs were merged.Referencedistances were
for sensors participating in causal dependencies.
wasthen run on 13 different fault episodes, representing faults suchas leaks, sensorfailures andregulator
failures. Twoof these episodeswill be examinedhere; results weresimilar for all episodes. In each fault episode,
and for each sensor, the distribution distance measurewas
applied to the incrementalfrequencydistribution collected
duringthe episodeandthe historical frequencydistribution
from the mergednominalepisodes. Thesedistances were a
of the "brokenness"
of nodesin the causalgraph;i.e.,
instantiationsof the distancemeasure.
Newdistances were computedbetweenthe distributions
to sensorsparticipatingin causal dependencies.
Thedifferencesbetweenthe newdistances and the reference
distances for the dependencieswerea measureof the "brokenness"of arcs in the causalgraph;i.e., instantiationsof the
causaldistance measure.
Figure4: Apressureregulatorfault.
the propellant tank is severedbecausethe valvebetweenthe
propellant tank and the manifoldsis closed. Thusthere are
two anomaloussystem paramOexs(the manifoldpressures)
and two anomalousmechanisms(the agreementbetweenthe
propellant and manifoldpressureswhenthe valve is open).
The distance and causal distance measurescomputedfor
nodesand arcs in the FRCS
causal graphreflect this faulty
behavior. See Figure 3. (To visualize howthe distribution
distance measurecircumscribesthe extent of anomalies,the
coloring of nodes and the width of axes in the figure are
correlatedwith the magnitudes
of the associateddistanceand
causal distance scores). An explanation for the apparent
heliumtank temperatureanomalyis not available. However,
wenote that this behaviorwaspwaentin the data for all six
lea, episodes.
The secondepisode involves an overpressufiz~onof the
propellant tank dueto a regulator failure. Onboardsoftware
automaticallyattemptsto close the valves whichisolate the
heliumtank fromthe propellanttank. Oneof the valvessticks
and remainsopen.
The distance and causal distance measuresisolate both
the misbehavingsystemparameters(propellant pressure and
valveStatusindicators) andthe altered relationshipsbetween
the heliumand propellanttank pressuresandbetweenthe propellant tank pressure andthe valve status indicators. Overpre~urization
of the propellanttankalso alters the usualrelation betweenpropellanttank pressure andmanifoldpressures.
Thefirst episodeinvolvesa leak affecting the first and 4 Discussion
secondmanifolds(jets) on the oxidizer side of the FRCS.
Thepressuresat these twomanifoldsdropto vaporpressure. Thedistance andcausal distance measuresbasedon the disThedependency
betweenthese pressures and the pressure in
tribution distance measurecombinetwo concepts: 1) empir-
ical data alonecan be an effective modelof behavior,and2)
volvedin constructingthe causal andbehavioralmodelof the
the existence of a causal dependencybetweentwo parame- systemis minimal.Thebehavioralmodelis derived directly
ters implies that their values are somehow
correlated. The fromactual data; no ofiline modelingis required. Thecausal
causaldistance measureconstructs a modelof the correlamodelis of the simplestform,describingonly the existenceof
tion betweentwocausally related parameters,capturingthe
dependencies.For the Shuttle RCS,a 198-nodecausal graph
generalnotionof constraintin an admittedlyabstract manner. wasconstructedin a single one and one half hour session
Nonetheless,these modelsof constraint arising fromcausal- betweenthe author andthe domainexpert.
ity providesurprising discriminatorypowerfor determining
is being applied at the NASA
JohnsonSpaceCenwhichcausal dependencies(and correspondingsystemmech- ter as a monitoringtool for SpaceShuttle Operationsand
anisms)are misbehaving.
(In the distancemeasurefor detect- Space Station ~ons. Current application efforts include
ing misbehavingsystemparameters,weare simplyusing the
the onefor the Propulsion(PROP)
flight control discipline
degenerateconstraint of expectedequality betweenhistorical
reported on here, and one for the Thermal(EECOM)
andrecent behavior.)
control discipline. EECOM
wishesin particular to be able
Severalissues needto be examined
to continuethe evalua- to knowand reason about howactual orbiter thermal pertion of the attention focusingtechniquebasedon the distribu- formancediffers frompredictions generatedby an available
tion distancemeasure
andits utility in monitoring.
mathematicalmodelof orbiter thermal performance.AnopWeneedto understandthe sensitivity of the techniqueto
erational SELMON
prototype, available starting with the rehowsensorvalue rangesare partitioned. Clearlythe discrim- cent HubbleRepairmissionis availablefor evaluationby all
inatory powerof the distribution distancemeasureis related flight controldisciplines,onlyrequiringthat a list of sensors
to the re~lution providedby the numberof bins and the bin .... owned"
by that disciplinebe provided.
boundaries.Theresults reportedhere are encouraging
for the
At the Jet PropulsionLaboratory,weare looking at the
numberof FRCSsensor bins were in manycases as low as
problemof onboarddownlinkdeterminationfor the Pluto Fast
three andin no casesmorethan eight.
Flybyproject, nowin its early planningphase.Thespacecraft
Weneedto understandthe suitability of the techniquefor
will havelimited communications
bandwidthandit will not be
systemswhichhavemanymodesor configurations. Wewould possible to transmit all onbonrd-collectedsensor d~t~ Only
expectthat the discriminatorypowerof the techniquewould eight hours of coveragefromthe DeepSpaceNetworkwill be
be compromised
if the distributions describingbehaviorsfrom available per week.Thechallengeis to devise a methodfor
different modeswere merged.Thusthe technique requires
constructinga suitable summary
of a week’sworthof sensor
behavioris separable dAtAguaranteedto report on any anomalieswhichoccurred.
for eachmode.¯If thereare imanymodes,at the very least there Theanomalydetection andattention focusingcapabilities of
is a ,tqtA nuut~ement
task. A capability for tracking mode SELMON
maybe well-matchedto this task.
transitions is also required. Anunsupervisedlearning system whichcan enumeratesystemmodesfromhistorical d~t~ 6 Summary
andenableautomatedclassification wouldsolve this problem
Wehavedescribedthe properties and performanceof a disnicely.
Notall distinct distributionsare mapped
to distinct pointsin tance measureused to identify misbehaviorat sensor locain a systembeing monitored.
the projectionspace[f, s] bythe distributiondistancemeasure. tions and across mechanisms
Thetechniqueenables the locus of an anomalyto be deterWeneedto understandthis limitation; in particular weneedto
with a
understandwhetheror not distributionswewishto distinguish mined.This attention focusingcapability is combined
are in fact beingdistinguished.Thejudicial introductionof
detection capability in a robust,
additional components
(e.g., the numberof local maximain
efficient and informativemonitoringsystem,whichis being
a frequencydistribution) to the distributionprojectionspace applied in missionoperations at NASA¯
[f, s] maybe requiredto enhancediscriminability.
Thediscriminatorypowerof the causal distance measure 7 Acknowledgements
mightbe enhanced
byretaining the flatness/spikenessdistincteam are Len Charest, Harry
tion. For manylinear functions,different input distributions The membersof the S]~LMON
Jay Wyatt. Other recent memmaymapto value-shiftedbut similarly shapedoutputdistribers
DanClancy,Steve Chien
butions. In other words, the spikeness component
valuable mathewhilethe flatness component
maybe relatively invariant. It
the development
maybe possible to distinguish the case wheremisbehavior
is the result of bogusvaluesbeing propagatedthroughstill
correctly functioningmechanisms.
It shouldbe possible to describethe temporal(alongwith
the causal/spatial) extent of anomaliesby incrementallycom- FRCS.
Theresearchdescribedin this paperwascarried out by the
paring recent sensor frequencydistributions calculated from
PropulsionLaboratory,CaliforniaInstitute of Technology,
a "movingwindow"
of constant length with static reference under
a contract with the National Aeronauticsand Space
5 Towards Applications
Theapproachdescribedin this paperhas usability advantages
over other formsof model-based
reasoning. Theoverheadin-
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