From: AAAI Technical Report SS-94-04. Compilation copyright © 1994, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Two Years On-line: a Dynamic Scheduler for a Hot Steel Mill. Virginio Chiodini GensymCorporation 125 Cambridge Park Drive Cambridge, MA02140 Abstract have a very high efficiency, capable of dynamically switching their operating modes betweencontinuous, intermittent, and batch. The layout of the plant is shownin Fig.1. This paper describes the development,and installation of the 5 Mill Scheduler, a dynamic schedulingapplication for a hot steel mill. The mainobjective of the scheduler is to dynamically generate,and revise schedules,,and makeeffective use of the resources of the phant, while satisfying a complexset of constraints dealing with the dynamicbehavior of the resources and the material processingspecifications. The design of the system evolved from a knowledge-basedapproach, ,as suggestedby the user, to a constraint-based reasoning approach embeddinguser supplied heuristics to prunethe search space. The constraint-based approachprovedto significantly outperform a pure knowledge-basedapproach. The goal of the scheduler wasto operate on-line, closely linked to monitoringdevices. The installation of the scheduler required some refinements of the design to cope with imprecise data and with the needto providegreater flexibility to the operators in dealing with resource constraints. The scheduler was installed in February 1992 and has been continuously operating on-line since that date. 1. The application Eachpiece of material has to arrive at the mill at a precise time to ensure proper material compositionof the steel and to keep the roiling mill fully utilized. A sophisticated SCADA systemmonitors each individual piece, from the momentit is loaded into one of the furnaces to the momentit exits the roiling mill. At Number5 Mill, schedulingthe furnaces is a mission-critical task. The complexityof the problemis defined by the numberof constraints and the frequencyof rescheduling. Manytimes a day, neworders ,are entered and the current schedulesmust be revised within the constraints imposedby the ongoing implementationof the current schedules. 2. The Design of the 5 Mill Scheduler. The scheduling probleminvolves scheduling a set of jobs J=(J1.... ,Jn) on a set of resources RES=(R 1 ..... Rm).Eachjob Ji, originated by ,an order, consists of a set of tasks TK=(TK 1 ..... TKw),one for each operation in the process plan of the ordered product. domain. Number5 Mill is a hot rolling mill. It heats billets and ingots to required temperatures, accordingto specific heating cycles, and then runs themthrough rolls to reduce the cross-section ,areas of the material to customerspecification. Twoalternative problem solving approaches were considered: a heuristic dispatching (knowledgebased) approachand a conslraint-directed search approach. The knowledge-basedapproach solves the scheduling problemby iterating over each resource ,and deciding whichtasks amongthose still to be scheduled should be processed next by the resource itself. The decision is basedeither on heuristic knowledge,usually encodedin the form of rules, derived from domainexperts or from Operations Researchheuristics. The scheduling process is monotonicand is able to produceschedules fairly quickly. However,its absolute reli,ance on heuristics ,and its inability to evaluate,alternative The Number5 Mill is a multi-faceted operation with a wide product range: 50 different heating cycles covering 350 grades of steel, with processing temperatures ranging from 1500°F to 2425°F. 16 furnacesof four different types, with a variety of dymuniccharacteristics ,and throughputrates, feed two hot rolling mills. Someof the furnaces 27 decisions maygenerate poor schedules. Furthermore, heuristic knowledgeis context dependent,and mayrequire extensive revision wheneverthe structure ,and dyn,’unicsof the production process change. The Constraint-directed search approachto schedulingis describedin [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9]. Usingthis approach,a task is described ,as a vector of the followingvariables: ¯ Theset of different resources (R=(R1..... Rk)}requested to performthe operation associated with the task. ¯ Theset of time-intervals {T=(T1 ..... Tk)} during which each one of the required resources is demanded. Wepreferred a constraint-search approachversus a heuristic dispatching approach, because we estimatedthat a constraint-directed search process could generate better schedulesand that user supplied heuristics could effectively be used to guide the search-process. The scheduling engine performs the constraintdirected search by iterating over the following cycle: Eachvariable mayassumea finite (discrete or continuous) domainof vaiues. Ri:[ rkl ..... rin }, Tj: { Tj1 -- Tj2}. A dech’trative hanguagebased on consistency techniquesoffers substantial advantagesover a heuristic approach: ¯ Constraints can be formulated in symbolic manner, enabling a more intuitive and natural formulation of the problem. ¯ Applications,are easily modifiedand extended, due to the separation of the definition of constraints from the wayriley ,are applied. ¯ Control of knowledgecan be stated in a declarative form, enablinga fast tailoring of scheduling,algorithms to specific problems. heuristics is to select for a specific variable a value that leaves the largest numberof solutions opento the variables still to be processed. Conflict resolution strategies are activated wheneverthe constraint-directed search is unable to find a vulue to assign to a specific variable. Conflict resolution strategies performan intelligent backtracking, changingthe sequencein whichvariables ,am processed and/or the values assignedto the v,’u-iables 1. Select a task to be scheduledapplying variable orderingheuristics. 2. Applybackwardconsistency enforcing procedures. 3. If no reservation is available for any of the requested resources then 3.1 relax constraints and/or select a conflict resolution method. 3.2 go to 1, . Becausethe scheduling problem is an NPcompleteproblem,a constraint-directed search could take exponential time in the worst case. However,both experimental and empirical studies indicate that, on the average, the ,amountof searchingrequired to find a solution can be significantly reducedby judiciously selecting the order in whichvariables ,are processed(variable orderingheuristics), the values that are assigned to the variables (value orderingheuristics), ,and the conflict-resolution method(repair method)to used wheneverthe search process encounters a de’d-end. Select the reservations for the task (resource and time interv,’d) applyingvalue orderingheuristics. 5. Applyforward consistency enforcing procedures. 6. If a dead-endis detectedthen 6.1 relax constraints and/or select a conflict resolution method. 6.2 go to 1. . Create a new search skate by adding the new reservation assigmnentto the current partial schedule. Backwardconsistency checks the availability of values to be assigned to a variable, checkingthe constraints against the variables already processed. Forwardconsistency checks the availability of values for the variables still to be processed, Variable ordering heuristics alwaysfocus on the variables that are the mostdifficult to process, to avoid building partial solutions that cannot be completedlater on. The goal of the value ordering 28 checkingthe constraints against the value selected for the variable being processed. Constraints relaxation simply reformulates part of the scheduling problem,increasing the size of the solution space by relaxing soft constraints. Constraints,are relaxed accordingto a priority that takes into accounttheir cost ,and the probability of m~kingthe search process converge toward a satisfactory solution. For examplein the 5 Mill application possible constraint relaxations included: The Process Modeldescribes the structure, behavior, products, ,and goals of the m,’mufacturing system to be scheduled. The Process Modelis definedby selecting ,and extendinga predef’med library of object classes. Followingthe representation schemedescribed in [7], the main predefinedobject classes are: States: defining the fin,’d products of the manufacturingprocess (for example: FinishedSteel) and the intermediate stages through which the process must proceedto reach a final product (for example:Hot-steel). - Increasing the nominalcapacity of some Operations:defining the activities required to performtransitions betweentwo states. For examplethe Rolling operation transforms Hotsteel into Finished-steel. The graph of operations required to performall the state transitions necessaryto reach a product is called a "process plan", reSOUrCeS - Extendingthe conditions under which tasks are allowedto be batched together. The 5 Mill Scheduler applies two conflict resolution methods: - ResoUrcePermutation. - Push Forward The Resource Permutation methodsaves the current status of the search process,and iteratively identifies conflicting set of tasks, selects a task in the conflict set for whichalternative resource selections are possible and ch,angesthe resource ,assignment. The iterating process terminates when the original dead-endis removed,or a user defined time period assigned to the conflict resolution methodexpires, or ,an infeasibility conditionis identified. The use of the Resource Permutation methodwas promptedby the diversity in the structure ,and dyn,’unicsof the resourcesavailable for ,an operation. A changein the resource selected to perform,an operation maydramatically,affect the search process, improvingthe global utilization of the resources beyondthe capability of the value orderingheuristics. Whenthe Resource Permutation fails to remove the dead-end situation, the Push Forwardmethod is invoked. The Push Forwardmethoditeratively shifts the scheduleof conflicting sets of tasks, ,and possibly the schedule of their downstreamtasks, forward in time. The possible outcomeof this methodis a set of delays forced in the requested flow of the mill, ,and therefore a lowerquality schedule. 3. The Modeling Scheme. 29 Resources:defining the physical entities required to perform an operation. Examples include machines, manpower,,and tools. Each operation mayrequire multiple resoUrcesand each resource maybe requested by operations belonging to different process plans. Orders:requesting the creation of instances of specific states (order’s final state). Ordersmay directly request the instantiation of the final state of a process plan or of any one of its intermediate states. Ordersmayspecify a due-time, a releasetime (the earliest time at whichoperations requestedfor the order maystart) and a priority. Constraints: providing a set of declarative assertions defining the dynamicbehavior and constraints of the process to be scheduled. Constraints are logically divided into unary constraints that unconditionallyrestrict the domainthat a scheduling variable mayassume(for example:the set of furnaces allowed to process a certain grade), and binary constraints expressing mutual dependencies between the domainsof two variables (for examplethe set-up time betweenthe rolling of two different grades of steel). Someof the constraints used by the 5 Mill Schedulerare shownin Fig. 2. Task Focus Guidelines: defining the variable ordering heuristics. Guidelinesare cailed at the beginningof each scheduling cycle to select the tasks to be scheduledduring the cycle and the sequence in whichthey should be scheduled. Guidelines specify also whether tasks should be scheduled Just in Timeor As Soon As Possible. In the 5 Mill Schedulertasks are scheduledjust in time in a sequencedefined by a fixed set of variable orderingheuristics: the manufacturingsystemand, in particular, the complex dynamic behavior of some resources could be accurately def’med,without the simplifying descriptions and assumptions required by the heuristic approach. 1. Tasks with ,an available numberof resources belowa defined threshold. 2. Tasks with an available slack belowa defined threshold. All the other tasks ,are scheduledin ,ascendingorder of late-finish-time. Resource Preference Guidelines: defining the value orderingheuristics for the resourcesto be ,assigned to performa task. Both constraints ,and scheduling guidelines may include action procedures,,allowing the user to express complexevaluation functions. In the 5 Mill Schedulerthe definition of action procedures was facilitated by a natural languageinteractive editor ,and by a variety of graphictools available in G2®,the software platform used for the development. 2) Anaccurate constraints definition increased the domainsize of somevariables. Actually, it becameevident that in manycases the number of alternatives available to the operator before the installation of the 5 Mill Schedulerwas limited by the need to managethe complexity of constraints, rather than by the structure ,and dynamicsof the manufacturing process. The SchedulingEngine, enforcing the actual material and resource constraints, wasable to generatea larger variety of scheduling solutions, withoutdeteriorating the qu,’dity of the schedules. 3) Thevariable ,and value ordering heuristics proved to be very effective. In almost 60%of the cases, the SchedulingEngineis capable of finding a feasible solution without backtracking. In 20%of the cases, constraints relaxation and the ResourcePermutation methodare able to improvethe schedule over the value ordering heuristics within the time limit ,allowed. In the 5 Mill Scheduler, the Process Modelis defined ,and updatedin a special ModelEditing Session and compiledinto efficient run-time control structures. During the initial phase of operation, two minor changesin the design of the application became necessary. 4. The Installation and Operation of the 5 Mill Scheduler. The 5 Mill Scheduler was installed in February 1992and has been continuously operating on-line since that date. The schedulingfunction is automaticallyactivated whena set of orders is released. Whena scheduleis completed,it is revised by the operator. The operator mayfirm or change the scheduling decisions made. When changes,are applied, the operator resubmitsthe set of orders to be scheduled.In this case, the firmed scheduledecisions ,and the applied changes,are used by the 5 Mill Scheduler,as additional constraints to be satisfied in the search for the schedule. On average, ulmost 5%of the schedules are manually edited by the operators. The installation and the operation of the scheduler confirmedthe validity of the constraint-directed search approachfor the specific domain. 1) A declarative constraint languageenabled moreintuitive ,and natur,al formulationof the problem, simplifying the knowledge ,acquisition phase. Oncethe conslxaint-based approachwasdecided, the dyn,’unic behaviorof 3O The first change was madeto support the schedule editing capability. Althoughschedule editing capabilities were provided by the 5 Mill Scheduler,an existing interface not interacting with the scheduler was preferred to minimize changes to the operator’s environment.Schedule changes,are therefore applied outside the control of the SchedulingEngine, at times violating capacity constraints. Constraints violations are detected during the reschedulingphase. In this phase, the imperative nature of the schedule changes prevents any explorations of alternative solutions, causing irrecoverable dead-endsin the search process. While somemanual schedule changes ,are consequencesof errors, other ,are forced by the occurrence of abnormalsituations. To overcome the problem,,an "override" attribute was addedto the constraint object definition. Whenan override action procedureis defined and the Scheduling Engine encounters a constraint violation caused by the imperativedecision of an operator, a w,’u’ning messageis issued, and the confirmation of the intention to violate the constraint is requested. Supporting this functionality required minor "Look-aheadTechniques for Microopportunistic Job Shop Scheduling". PhDthesis, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, March 1991. changesto the SchedulingEngine,and to the Process Model. The second changewas applied to provide greater flexibility ,and autonomyin the selection of resources by the operators. "Constraints Filters", interacting with the action proceduresof some constraints, enabledthe operator to graphically modifythe resource selection criteria based on product attributes like grade and temperature. The Constraints Filters enabledthe operators to dyn,-unically changethe selection criteria, without requiring ,any ch,’mgesto the model. [7] Sathi, A., Fox, M. S., Greenberg, M., "Representation of Activity Knowledge for Project Management." IEEETransaction on Pattern Analysis and MachineIntelligence, September, 1985. [81 Smith, S. F., Ow,P. S., Muscettola, N., Potvin, J. V., and Matthys, D., "An Integrated Frameworkfor Generating and Revising Factory Schedules", Journal of the Operational Research Society,41(6), June 1990. [9] Zweben,M., Davis, E., and Deale, M., "Iterative repair for Scheduling,and Rescheduling". Technical Report, NASAAmes Research Center, MS244-17, Moffett Field, CA 94035, 1991. The 5 Mill Scheduler has been developed on top of GensymCorporation’s G2®and is operating TM 3800. It served as a prototype for on a VAX TM, DSP a G2-baseddyn,’unic scheduling product currently under developmentat Gensym. References. Chiodini, V. "SCORE:An Integrated System for Dynamic Scheduling and Control of High-VolumeManufacturing". Proc. 5th IEEEConf. on Artificial Intelligence Application (Miami), March 1989, pages 271-278. [21 VAX is a trade-mark of Digital Equipment Corporation. G2is a registered trade-mark of Gensym Corporation. Fox, M. S., ,and Smith, S.F., "ISIS: A Knowledge-BasedSystem for Factory Scheduling", Expert Systems, 1 (1), July 1984, pages 25-49. [31 Fox, M. S., Sadeh, N., Baykan, C., "Constrained Heuristic Search" Proceedingof the Eleventh International Joint Conferenceon Artifici,’d Intelligence, 1989, pages 309-315. [4] OwP.S., Smith, S. F., and Thiriez, A., "Reactive Plan Revision", Proceedings AAAI-88,St. Paul, MN, 1988. [5] Sadeh, N., Fox, M. S., "V,’uiable and ValueOrderingHeuristics for Activity-based Job-shop Scheduling". Proceedingof the Fourth International Conference on Expert Systems in Production ,and Operations Management, Hilton HeadIsland, S.C., March1990, pages 134-144. [6] Sadeh, N., DSPis a trade-mark of Gensym Corporation. 31 Definitions States furnace batch-furnace resource Process Plan continuous-furnace mill¯ "WZ" "H" "MILL1" "MILLZ" "W3" "W4" "W6" Definitions Constraint States Process Plan "Z0-ton-flow-gap" Resources "20-ton-flow-delay" "bFfinish-Lime-delay" "BFnon-overlapping" N H Guidelines "BFUtJllz. DepP. Time" "HeaLing Processtime" Data Interface Displays CloseModel B "zoton oul]owrate" N H "a tonoutflowrate" N "Z0ton uLilizaLion""8 ton utilization" "4 ton utilization" "1 ton uLillzatlon" H N N N H N N "started-by HSM""finished-by SMMilling" N N N milling-set-up-Lime mlll-outnow-rateassert-mill-transition-task mlll-lnl]ow-rate N H N furnace-doors-coupling "HeaLingLot splitting" Idle-resource max-heaLing-duration "mlHow-rate" N "dooruLillzation" N N 32 "milHlenup" N mlll-utillzaLion N