From: AAAI Technical Report SS-93-02. Compilation copyright © 1993, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
A Producer-Consumer Schema for Machine Translation
within the PROLEXICA
Patrick Saint-Dizier
IRIT- Universit6 Paul Sabatier
118 route de Narbonne
31062 Toulouse Cedex France
In this document,wepresent a dynamictreatment of feature propagation expressed within the
Object-Oriented Parallel Logic Programmingframework(in Parlog++). This approach avoids
large quantity of useless and linguistically unmotivatedlexical data processing and feature
percolation. Thebasic principle of this treatment is based on the idea that a parser for a given
language, together with its lexicon and grammarproduces intermediate representations which
are then comsumed
by a generator of a different language. These two processes are viewedas
synchronized processes that communicate.The producer sends minimal information and the
consumersuspends and asks for moreinformation whenevernecessary.
Keywords :
lexical feature systems, parsing/generation, Parallel Logic Programming
1. Introduction
Recent works in ComputationalLinguistics showthe central role played by the lexicon in
language processing, and in particular by the lexical semantics component.Lexicons are no
longer a mere enumerationof feature-value pairs but tend to have an increasing intelligent
behaviour. This is the case, for example, for generative lexicons (Pustejovsky 91) which
contain, besides complexfeature structures, a numberof rules to create newdefinitions of
word-sensessuch as rules for type coercion. As a result, the size of lexical entries describing
word-senses has substantially increased. These lexical entries becomevery hard to be used
directly by a natural language parser or generator because their size and complexityallows a
priorilittle flexibility.
Most natural language systems consider a lexical entry as an indivisible whole which is
percolated up in the parse/generation tree. Accessto features and feature values at grammar
level is realized by moreor less complexprocedures (Shieber 86, Johnson90, Gtinthner 88).
The complexity of real natural language processing systems makes such an approach very
inefficient and not necessarily linguistically adequate. In this document,wepropose a dynamic
treatment of lexical data and of lexical feature propagation within a machinetranslation
framework.This treatment is embeddedwithin an Object-Oriented Parallel Logic Programming
framework (noted as OOPLPhereafter) which permits an access to feature-value pairs
associated to a certain word-sensedirectly into the lexicon, and only whenthis feature is
explicitly required by the generator, for exampleto makea control. OOPLP
languages such as
Parlog (Conlon89) allow the description of processes that execute different tasks in parallel.
Moreover,Parlog allows the specification of synchronization procedures betweenprocesses : a
process will suspend till another process has produced sufficient information. Parlog++
(Davidson91), the object-oriented extension of Parlog, combinesthe powerof paraUel systems
with the structured programmingtechniques of object-oriented programming.Communication
between processes and synchronization is realized in this case by means of messages
A MTsystem can then be viewed as a set of producer-consumerpairs. The central pair is
composedof (1) the parser which produces fragments of intermediate representations from
sentence of the input language and (2) the generator whichconsumesthese representations
producea sentence in the target language. The parser is tuned to send minimalinformation and
the generator can ask the parser to producemorein cases whenit is required. Other elements
such as lexicons and grammarscan also behave as producers with respect to their associated
parsers or generators.
Lexicons and grammarsare activated wheninformation is required, the parser is always
active when there is a sentence to parse. Whenit is asked for more information by the
generator, it suspends its current work to produce the required information. Finally, the
generator suspends till it has sufficient information to go on working. This global schemacan
be represented as follows :
, produces
asksfor more
grammar )
As shall be seen morein detail from an architectural point of view, the lexcions and the
grammarscan have various forms. For the sake of understandability, let us say that the genarl
form of these componentsis based on the notion of unification grammar.Theycontain usual
lexical and grammaticalinformation.
The motivations for this approachare twofold. The first motivation is obviously efficiency.
Whentranslating a sentence, only small portions of the lexical entries correspondingto the
words of the surface sentence being processed are used. It is preferable to delay this global
percolationand only to extract the relevant informationwhenrequired. Thesecondmotivation
to our approachis linguistic adequacy.Mostof the informationconveyedby features is often
linguistically relevant(andthus used) verylocally in a parsing/generation
tree. Forexample,in:
Johnopenedthe door.
the aspectualvalueof the verbto openis only relevantat the level of the VPcategory,i.e. the
level of the maximalprojection of the category. Thereis no reason to have a moreor less
specified aspectualfeature at lowerlevels, e.g. V1 andV° in the X-barsystem.
2. The project
The project PROLEXICA
we are currently developing as a testbed for studying different
processingstrategies, computermodelsas well as linguistic models,is basedon the notion of
lexical projection. Lexical entries axe relatively comprehensiveand each lexical entry is
associated to a set of basic trees roughlycorresponding
to the maximalprojectionof the word
associated to that lexical entry. This approachmustnot be confusedwith TAGs,since we do
not have predefinedtrees that go beyondany maximalprojection. Theoverall architecture of
Prolexicais the following:
Senteaace to parse
Types. Inheritance
of various
Lexical Insertion
Treatment of
Lexiced redundancy
Projection Trees
Lattice of
The generation componentalso includes a lexical choice component, not shownon this
diagramrnc.In a MTsystem,these two processescommunicate
by means
of a variety of interlingua representations. A transfer-based approach could also be used. As can be seen, the
system uses a priori the samelexicon and grammarfor both the generation and the parsing of a
sentence. Similarly, processes such as unification, inheritance, coercion and constraint
resolution are used in both systems.
3. Parallel
and the
Parallel languages such as Parlog allow programmersto express synchronization between
processes. Theyalso allow the specification in a simple wayof messageexchanges between
these processes. A messagecan be, for example, a data structure which is only partially
instantiated at the beginningof a process and whichis filled in step by step by the producer,
upon requests from the consumer. Parlog supports full and-parallelism and a committedchoice or-parallelism with guardedHornclauses. In other terms, the litterals in the bodyof a
clause are executedin parallel and the different clauses correspondingto a definition are also
considered in parallel. A commitmentis madeon the clause for which unification with the
head and execution of the guard suceeds.
The producer-consumer schema that we consider goes beyond the usual competition
between processes. Wepresent here a synchronization technique which permits the
suspension of a process till another process has completedhis work, or has done a minimal
part of it that permits the suspended process to resume working. These processes can be
viewed as independent machines which communicateby means of messages. These messages
can moreoverbe considered as objects. It should be noted that it is only the content of these
messages which determines the suspension of a process since suspension is mainly
provoquedby the fact that an input modevariable has not yet beeninstantiated.
is of muchinterest for concurent logic programming.Notions of encapsulation of
data and programmes,state changing and stream manipulation allow the removal of someof
the weaknessesof concurent logic programming
wherethe only structure is the predicate.
Concurent logic programming is also of much interest to OOPLP.Concurent logic
programmingmakesavailable simple ways to express synchronization and concurency within
and between objects. Most concurent logic programmingalso offer committed choice nondeterminism, whichis often the most appropriate strategy for OOPLP.
Wenowpresent the features of Parlog++ (Davidson 91). Concurent logic programmingand
systems usually have the five following characteristics:
- object is viewedas a process whichcalls itself recursively (to maintainit ’active’) and
whichhas an internal state stored in unsharedvariables,
betweenobjects is based on the instantiation of variables in messages,
- communication
- an object becomesactive when it receives an appropriate message, otherwise it is
- an object instance is created by process reduction,
- a response to a messageis characterized by the binding of a shared variable in a message.
In Parlog++,the basic idea is that an object is viewedas a process whichsuspendstill it gets
a message to process. This can roughly be sumarized by the following Parlog programme,
whereobj is an abstract object:
modeobj( ?, ? ). %obj has 2 input modearguments
obj( [Inputmessagel
Next], Currentstate) <actionl_obj(Input_message,
obj(Next, New_state).
obj( [Input_messagel
Next], Current_state)
obj(Next, New_state).
obj( [], [] ).
Theobject o bj has one input messagestream, its f’trst argument,and one state variable, the
second argument. That state variable mayoriginate a message which will be executed by
another object in the current programme.Wehave mentionedtwo different possible actions,
that will be triggered dependingon the input message. This abstract exampleshowsthat an
object can (1) try in parallel different actions whichcouldpotentially be triggered froma given
messageand (2) process in parallel and simultaneouslydifferent messages.
Let us nowintroduce the main features of the language Parlog++. A Parlog++class can be
summarizedas follows, in a kind of BNFform:
< class name¯.
< variable declarations>
{ initial <actions>
< clauses¯
{ code
< predicates
¯ }
Sections betweencurly brackets are optional. Initial, clauses, o0de and end are reserved
keywords.A Parlog++class begins with a nameand then the variables of the class that define
streams and states are declared, if any. Thesevariables, as shall be seen later, can be made
visible or invisible to the user (i.e. the user will or will not haveaccessto their contents). The
optional in itial section contains clauses whichmust be executed before the clauses section.
Theclauses section recieves and produces streams correspondingto messages.It also contains
the clauses that treat these messages. The general form of a clause in that section is the
< input message
¯ =>< actionsto execute
¯ <actionseparator>
The set of < actions to execute >, is a Parlog clause body, possibly containing Parlog++
operations, while <action separator¯ is either the symbol ’.’ to allow OR-parallel search
betweenthe different clauses or the symbol’;’ to realize a sequential search. Thecode section
contains portions of codeused in the clauses of the clause section. This codesection is private
to the object. This can be very useful to structure programmes.Finally, the class ends by the
Aclause is activated by unifying the input messagewith its messagepart, situated before the
symbol=>. If the unification succeedsand if the guard is true (if any), then the clause body
executed. Clauses mayhave their ownlocal variables.
Let us consider a very simple exampleof an object that represents a lexicon:
last =>end.
lex(the,Cat) =>Cat= det.
lex(a, Cat)=>Cat= det.
lex(book,Cat) => Cat= noun.
lex(has,Cat) => Cat = verb.
=> Cat= noun.
Input messagesare of the form:
lex( <word>, Cat
and the object returns a value for Cat, if the wordis in the object, e.g.:
C-- noun.
4. Translating sentences
within a producer-consumer schema
Let us now examine by means of a simple example how the producer-consumer schema
works and show its advantages. In order to avoid useless computations and propagation of
feature values, the exchanges between the parser and the generator are kept minimal. The
degree of minimality can be parametrized dependingon the source and target languages. For
example,in languagesof the samefamily it can sometimesbe sufficient to producea syntactic
tree as an intermediate representation. However,in most situations, it is necessaryto produce
a semanticrepresentation such as an argumentstructure-based or an interlingua representation
(Dorr 93). The examples below will makeuse of a very simple intermediate representation
based on the argumentstructure-based representation currently producedin Prolexica. This
representation remains superficial but maybe deepened and, for example, an LCS-based
(Jackendoff 90) representation maybe required for somecomplexsentences or phrases.
Let us nowconsider the translation of ¯
Jean aime mangerinto Johan hat essen gem. (or Johan esst gem)
’Johnlikes to eat’
Thefull semanticrepresentation of the input Frenchsentence is the followingin Prolexica :
predicate([airner]), negation(no_neg),
quantifier([ernpty]), dom_restr([jean])),
The parser (i.e. the producer) makesa bottom-up parse from left to right. It therefore
producesfirst the representation of the subject argument:
arg(role(agent), quantifier([empty]), dom_restr([jean]))
whichis included into the sentence semanticrepresentation. At this stage, the remainderof the
representation remains empty. The generator has enoughinformation to start producinga noun
phrase which will becomea subject or an object depending on the grammarof the target
Thegenerator is based on a technique presented in (Saint-Dizier 91). It is basically bottomup and it is based on the notion of generationpoint. Thebasic formalismis the following:
generate(<fragment of semantic representation>, Generated_Phrase)
<call to a set of specificgrammar
rules associatedto the representation>,
<call to the lexicalselection
These two calls may be executed in parallel and may cooperate. Besides this semantic
representation, these two calls mayneed additional information about e.g. aspect, semantic
selectional restrictions, deeper semanticrepresentations (e.g. LCS),etc. Theabsenceof this
information, which is declared as input modevariables or data-structures entails the
suspension of the generator and the production of a messageto the parser which will then
searchin the lexical data to get the information.
This case occurs with the verb ’aimer’ in French. The parser producesthe predicate ’aimer’
which is not ambiguousin French. In German,it maybe translated into either ’lieben’ or
’gemhaben’ (or gem+ infinitive verb). At that level, the generator cannot makeany decisions
by just consulting the target language grammarand lexicon. It thus suspends and asks for
another semantic representation, for examplean LCS-basedrepresentation of the form :
( [ State BE
( [ThingJean ],
[Event EAT]
] ) ).
The system roughly works as follows. The LCS-based semantic representation is the
semantic’entry point’ of the lexical entry correspondingto the verb ’gemhaben’; it allows a
priori a non-ambiguous
selection of that entry. It is declaredas an input modevariable. If it is
not instantiated in the call, this variable together with its associated feature nametriggers the
production of a standard messagewhich is sent to the parser. The parser has a routine that
recognizes the contents of the messageand triggers the production of that representation,
whichis then sent again to the generator.
Finally, the case of the translation of ’manger’into either ’essen’ or ’fressen’ is solved in a
different wayand illustrates another aspect of the propagationtechnique. Thebasic principle is
to limit as muchas possible the percolation of feature-value pairs in a generation system. If
there were no ambiguityin the translation, the translation wouldhave been done direcdy. In
our example, the generator has to ask the target lexicon about the semantic feature of the
subject. The target language lexical system is triggered and it produces the value ’human’
(possibly computedby meansof an inheritance mechanisminternal to the lexicon). The same
strategy is used : the semantictype of the subject is declared as an input modevariable for both
essen and fressen.
As can be seen, apart from basic information which are absolutely necessary, the other
sources of information are triggered only whenrequired by the generation system. In a certain
sense, wecan say that it is the generatorwhichpilots the translation system.
5. Machine Translation in Parlog++
In this section, we present two examples of a producer-consumerschemabetween a source
language and a target language processor. As explained above these two systems are
synchonized and exchange messages. They thus minimize the numberof exchanges to those
which are absolutely necessary to the system. Of particular importance are those exchanges
from the lexicon, whichcan be really very important.
5.1 Accessing to semantic feature values
Let us fh-st treat the relatively simple case of essen versus fressen as possible German
translations of the verb mangerin French. Hereis a simple portion of an object that processes
sentences. Therule presented here under the messages(X,Y,’l’) processes intransitive verb
constructions of the form:
sentence --> proper_noun,intransitive_verb.
X and Y represent the difference lists as in DCGs.T is the resulting semantic representation,
whichhas here the following form:
pred([<predicate name>,<predicate argument>]).
is the following. For the sake of readability, the lexicon has beenincorporated
into this object¯
last =>true.
T = pred([W2,Wl]).
word([Wl_],_,feat( .... SSem),Cat,_),
Sere = SSem.
word(?,^,^,?,^). %declaration of arguments
: ? is input mode,^ is output mode
The messagesemantics is a utility which allows any other object to have access to the
semantic feature(s) of the wordWof category Cat. Clearly, such a messagewill be produced
by the target language system in order to get, wheneverrequired, and only in that case, the
necessary data. Thetarget languagegenerator systemis the following:
invisible To ostream
initial strans(To).
last =>true.
not( Wl = manger)
%end of guard, realizes commitment
X = [W2, A].
Wl = manger:
To :: semantics(W2,SSem,proper_noun), %call to the objectstrans
X = [W2, A].
This exampleshowshowspecific cases, treated in parallel with moregeneral cases, are
identified. Theguard permits to postponethe committedchoice of the parallel systemtill this
guard is evaluated to true, avoiding thus incorrect choices. In the case of Wl= manger,then
the generator suspendstill it gets the semanticfeature value of the subject argument.This is
realized by the call:
To :: semantics(W2,SSem,proper_noun)
whichis sent to the strans object and whichis executedin parallel with other activities that
object mayhave. Duringthat execution, the starg object has suspendedthis activity. It resumes
workingwhenit gets the information back.
5.2 Cooperation between source and target processing modules
Let us nowpresent in more generality the cooperation betweenthe source language and the
target language processors. The source language processor contains calls to the target
languagegenerator, that allows the generator to start workingas early as possible. Thelexicon
has the sameformat as in section 5.1, it is thus ommittedhere for the sake of readability. Here
is a schemaof of the target laguage processor, ommittingvariable declarations to facilitate
%call samples,as illustrated in section5.1
np) => To :: semantics(Sere,
np). %redirectedto the np
vp) => To :: semantics(Sere,
vp). %redirectedto the vp
sentence_fr. %object treating sentences
%X andY are differencelists, T is an internal representationof the sentence
To :: np(X,Z,T1),%call to the NPobject in npfr
To1:: vp(Z,Y,T2),%call to the VPobject in vpfr
T = f(T1,T2),
%T is a certain compositionfunction f of T1 and
Toeng:: s(X1,Y1,T).%call to the English supervisor
npfr. %object treating nounphrases
To:: det(X,Z,T1),
To1:: n(Z,T,T2), %calls to the Frenchlexicon
T = f(T1,T2),
Toeng:: np(X1,Y1,T).%call to the English supervisor
vpfr. %object treating verb phrases
To:: v(X,Z,T1),
To1:: np(Z,T,T2), %call to the NPobject in npfr
T = f(T1,T2),
Toeng:: vp(X1,Y1,T).%call to the English supervisor
erGo, o
All calls from the source languageprocessor are directed to the target languagegenerator, to
guarantee a better independence between the two systems. As sson as the source language
processorhas processeda portion of the sentenceto translate, it sends it to the target language
processor which starts processing it. In case it needs moreinformation (see section 5.1
above), it send suspends and sends a request to the source language processor, to get that
information. Here is the general schemaof the target languageprocessor:
%supervisesall the actions doneby the English modules
np(Xl,Y1 ,T) =>To1:: np(Xl,Y1,T). %redirected to the npengmodule
vp(Xl ,Y1,T) =>To2:: vp(Xl,Y1,T). %redirected to the vpengmodule
%redirectedto the sentence._eng
s(Xl ,Y1,T) =>To3:: s(Xl ,Y1,T).
s(X,Y,T) => To :: np(X,Z,T1), %call to the NPobject
To1:: vp(Z,Y,T2), %call to the VPobject
T = f(T1,T2).
To:: det(X,Z,T1),
To1:: n(Z,T,T2),
T = f(T1,T2).
To:: v(X,Z,T1),
%similarly to section 5.1, maycontaincalls to semantics
To1:: np(Z,T,T2),
T = f(T1,T2).
In this short text, we have shownhowthe access and the processing of lexical data in a
machine translation system can be used in a dynamic way so as to avoid any useless
computations. Wehave given a few examples that show howthis general technique can be
realized within an object oriented parallel logic programmingframework.The combinationof
object oriented techniques and parallel programmingproduces a very interesting framework,
of a good degree of expressivity and completeness. Exampleshave been given in Parlog++.
BecauseParlog++is still in a stage of prototyping on small machines, wedo not have yet an
efficient system, however,the approachshowsthe advantages of the method.
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