Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae Academic Degrees .......................................................................2 Academic Experiences .................................................................3 Creative Activity & Research Interests......................................... .4 Solo & Two Person Exhibitions......................................................5 Selected Group Exhibitions...........................................................7 Commissions & Contract Work...................................................11 Grants & Project Support............................................................15 Abstracts & Invited Presentations............................................... 17 Artists in Schools and Community Projects.................................21 Workshops Presented.................................................................25 Exhibitions Curated & Adjudicated..............................................28 Works in Public & Private Collections .........................................37 Awards.......................................................................................38 Exhibitions & Projects: Cited and/or Reviewed in Publications.... 39 Professional Updating ...............................................................42 Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 1 Jack McWhorter Kent State University at Stark p: studio: 330-836-7345 p: office: 330-244-3356 email: jmcwhort@kent.edu Web catalogue: paintings drawings & projects http://jackmcwhorter.com Academic Degrees: 1983 Master of Fine Arts, School of Art, Kent State University Concentration in Painting Thesis: ‘Desert Configurations’ Advisor- Craig Lucas 1976 Bachelor of Fine Arts, School of Art, Kent State University Concentration in Painting & Drawing (Senior Project cited in Combat Art of the Vietnam War, by Joseph F. Anzenberger, pgs 124-126, color plate 1.) Kent/Blossom Studio Art Program 1979: Video Art as Medium, Collaging Found Video Footage, with Joan Jones. Process Art, Malleable Materials, Fiberglass and Latex to Create Abstract Forms with Lynda Benglis. 1978: Art Criticism, Applying Terms to American Paintings; Systemic, Hard-edge and Pop with Lawrence Alloway. 1977: Painting, New Realism, A Figurative Alternative, with Janet Fish. Painting, Humanistic Content with Illusionist Representation of Observed Reality with Alex Katz. 1976: Painting, Bay Area Figurative Style, Thick Paint Surfaces, Expressive Color and Gestural Brushwork, with Elmore Bischoff. Painting, Simplified Stylization as a Figurative Alternative to Minimalism, with Lowell Nesbitt. 1975: Art Criticism & Painting, The Dominance of Art Making, The New York School, with Dore Ashton and Adja Yunkers. Sculpture, Environmental Forms That Demand Architectural Scale, with Athena Tacha. Painting, Perceptual Abstraction, to Create Illusion of Movement, with Julian Stanczak. 1974: Painting, Photo-Realism, The Photographic Vision of Reality, with Don Eddy. Painting, Post-Painterly Abstraction, Exploring Two-dimensional Nature of Painting Surface, with Painter/Critic Walter Darby Bannard. Painting, Systemic Painting, Variations on a Single Geometric Motif, with Larry Zox Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 2 Academic Positions & Artist Residencies: 2000- present: Associate Professor of Art, Kent State Stark, N. Canton, Ohio. Teach undergraduate foundation courses; Painting I, II, III & IV, Drawing I, II, III & IV. Graduate Faculty Status. Other Teaching: Special Topics in painting, Special Topics: Identity Exploration & Understanding. Honors Art Survey, Art Survey, Individual Honors Projects, Graduate Thesis Review Committee (Kent), Senior Project Review Committee (Kent), Curriculum & Instruction: Summer Art Institute and Curriculum & Instruction Graduate Workshops. Administrative Responsibilities: Coordinator- Art Department, Curatorial/Administrative Oversight- Stark Campus Galleries, Regional Affiliate Coordinator - Northeast Central Ohio Scholastic Art Awards. Art Department Web Site, design and maintenance since 2001. 1994- 2000: Assistant Professor of Art, Kent State University - Stark, North Canton, Ohio. Teach undergraduate foundation courses; Painting I, II, III, Drawing I, II, III, 2-D Composition. Other Teaching: Sculpture I, Printmaking I, Special Topics: Identity Exploration & Understanding, Art Survey, Art Survey H, Special Topics: Computer Imaging I, Special Topics: Computer Imaging II, Curriculum & Instruction: Summer Art Institute and C&I Graduate Workshops. Administrative Responsibilities: Coordinator- appointed August 1995, Art Department Curatorial/Administrative Oversight of Stark Campus Gallery. Program Development: Studio for Creative Visualization, Co-Director, Kent State Stark Campus. Development and maintenance of a digital media studio for faculty research; with digital video; 3D modeling, rendering, and visualization; interactive CD-ROM authoring; world wide web development; and digital audio capabilities. Faculty tutorials given as requested. 1998-2003. 1993-94: Assistant Professor, (NTT) Kent State University - Stark, North Canton, Ohio. Teach undergraduate foundation courses; Painting I, II & III,Drawing I, II, & III & 2-D Composition. Other Teaching: Art Survey, Curriculum & Instruction: Summer Art Institute and Fall Workshops. 1991-93: Visiting Artist/Assistant Professor (Term) Kent State University - Stark, North Canton, Ohio. Teach undergraduate foundation courses; Painting I, II, Drawing I, II, Life Drawing I, 2-D Composition, Sculpture I. 1986-92: Lecturer in Foundation Studies, Myers School of Art, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio Teach undergraduate foundation courses; 2-D Composition, Drawing I & II. 1985-86: Artist in Residence, Cultural Center for the Arts, Artist in Schools & Community Program, Canton, Ohio. Create "door opening" experiences for students and teachers; new work, teacher training, artist teacher collaborations, workshops and local arts programming. 1983-85: Artist in Residence, Ohio Arts Council Artist in Schools & Community Program, Columbus, Ohio Create "door opening" experiences for students and teachers; new work, teacher training, artist teacher collaborations, workshops and local arts programming. 1982- 83: Artist in Residence, Six Month Travel Grant, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Create body of new Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 3 work in preparation for artist residency in Canton, Ohio. 1981-82: Artist in Residence/Visiting Instructor, The Walworth Barbour American International School, Ovda, Israel. Teach courses in Painting and Drawing. 1980-81: Instructor & Interim Director, The Gallery, School of Art, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio Arranged & supervised installation of exhibitions in main gallery & Ells Galleries, coordinated student exhibitions. Taught courses in Drawing I & II. 1979-80: Artist in Residence, Ohio Arts Council Artist in Schools & Community Program,Columbus, Ohio. Create "door opening" experiences for students and teachers; new work, teacher train ing, artist-teacher collaborations, workshops and local arts programming. 1978 & 79: Summer Artist Residency Projects, Kings Row, Deer Isle, Maine. Create body of new work. 1976-79: School of Art, Kent State University, Graduate Teaching Assistant. Teach courses in Painting I- 6 sections, Drawing I - 3 sections, Life Drawing I - 3 sections, Figure Painting - 3 sections. Creative Activity/Research Interests: 1998 – present New Optics: Entangled Multilinear Spaces. This work is focused on problems of abstraction; using interferences of painting with computer-generated images through the procedure of passing drawing to computer imaging to painting to create ‘Piranesian’ things-in-space with additions of color. Research methodology includes the creation of a number of works of art, international & regional exhibitions, essays and workshops. 1994 – present Art and Science Collaboration: Emerging New Connections Between Art and Science. Research into forms, both historical and potential, of collaboration between artists and scientists. Examination and creation of models for art/science collaboration. Research to date in form of collaborative projects, exhibitions, abstracts and co-authored papers presented at conferences. 1992 – present Bringing creative activity and innovation to undergraduate and graduate education. This work concentrates on ways in which culture and art can be applied to enhance the education, development, and quality of life of students. By focusing on how the discovery of the artist in oneself, through deep learning of how art forms work, can make all kinds of learning possible. Results from the work of the Summer Arts Institute, studio art courses, workshops, and exhibitions were reported at sessions of the AERA, ATE and APA. The training institute has resulted in a one-half million dollar private sector investment in arts professional development. 1990 - present Abstract Painting and Nonverbal Communication: Painting towards a dialogue between invisible and visible, conscious and unconscious, between matter and spirit and other lines of communication. Research methodology includes the creation of a number of works of art on paper and canvas, international, national & regional exhibitions, lectures, essays and workshops. 1982 - present Reconfiguring Cultural Democracy: New public sites, art in public schools. Research to date in form of engaging new audiences to interact with the worlds of contemporary visual art through interactive software, collaborative exhibitions, works in public spaces, invited presentations and national, regional & local conference presentations. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 4 Solo & Two Person Exhibitions: 2015: Paintings: Simply Burning, Gallery 121, Massillon, Ohio. Curated by Robert McKinney January 5 – March 7. 2013: Cross Over: Interconnectedness of Art & Science, Sint Lucas School of Art & Architecture, Brussels, Belgium. Curated by Johan Tierlink. December 16 – 21. Paintings: ‘Fabricating Atoms’ by Jack McWhorter & Jen Jones. We Gallery, Akron, OH. Curated by Karyn Ludlam. May 4 – 30 2012: Paintings: “Gathering Signals”, NC Little Art Gallery, North Canton, OH., August 25 - September 23, 2012 Regional two person exhibition curated by Elizabeth Blakemore. http://artwach.blogspot.com/2012_08_01_archive.html 2011: Paintings: “Things That Happen and Happen and Then Change and Happen”, de Bosuil Gallery Brussels, Belgium. May 27 - June 19, International two person exhibition curated by Caro Renckens. 2010: Paintings: ‘Forces Constant’, McFadden Gallery, Johnson Center for the Arts, Malone University, Canton, OH. January 11 - February 26. Curated by Clare Murray Adams http://artwach.blogspot.com/2010/02/molecularities-and-other-quarknesses.html 2009: Paintings: De Lijsterbes, Overijse, Belgium. January 9 - March 12. International soloexhibition curated by Linda Teirlinck . 2008: Paintings: Symmetry Breaking/God Has Always Been A Woman, de Bosuil, Brussels, Belgium. Oct. 28 - Nov. 6, International two person exhibition curated by Geoffrey Heyrbaut. Paintings: ‘Symmetry Breaking: 61 Paintings’ UZ Gathuisberg, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. Jan. 14 - Feb. 22. International solo-exhibition curated by Carla Mondlaers. New Paintings & Drawings, The Gallery at Kent State University Stark, North Canton, OH. Feb. 12 - March 3. non-juried solo exhibition. 2007: ‘Paintings & Drawings’, University of Akron. Solo Exhibition arranged by N. Margaret Wineman, PhD, Dean, The University of Akron, College of Nursing. ‘Recent Paintings’, Green Gallery & Dance Theatre, City of Green. Oh. Solo exhibition curated by Kim Lawver-Baltrinic. 2005: Paintings, ‘Direction & Discovery’, Summit ArtSpace, Akron, Oh. July 21 - September 3. Two person exhibition curated by Laura Bidwell. Paintings, ‘Estimating Terrain Geometry: Interpreting Place’, Gallery West, Cuyahoga Community College, Parma, Oh. Jan. 24 - Feb. 26. Two person exhibition curated by Julie Friedman. ‘Painting & Drawings’, Research & Sponsored Programs Complex, Polski Building, University of Akron. March 1 - Sept. 1 Solo exhibition curated by Kathryn Evans. 2003: ‘Drawing in Paint by Jack McWhorter’, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Non-juried solo exhibition. ‘Morph Diagrams: Mixed Media Drawings & Paintings’, Trumbull Campus Gallery, Kent State University, Warren, Oh. Mar. 3 - April 5. Solo exhibition curated by Susan Schroeder. 2000: ‘Recent Drawings’, Campus Center Gallery, Stark State College of Technology, North Canton. Solo exhibition curated by Marcie Bircher. Paintings "Expressive Figuration", Dance Theatre, City of Green, Ohio. March 25 - April 29. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 5 Solo exhibition curated by Richard Moore. 1998: ‘Paintings, Drawings & Projects’, Interactive media , China National Academy of Fine Arts, Hangzhou, March 30 - April 3. Presentation arranged by Guo Pei Jian, Deputy Director, International Exchange Center. Peoples Republic of China. ‘Paintings, Drawings & Projects’, Interactive media, Tsinghua University, Presentation arranged by Zheng Xiaoyun, Director of Centre for Arts Education. Peoples Republic of China. Paintings: ‘Transfiguration Molecules’, Art Source, Ohio Design Center, Cleveland. April 9 - May 6. Regional solo exhibition curated by Jennifer Tullis. ‘Recent Paintings’, Greek Air: Socratic Seminar at The long House. Carrolton, Ohio. Regional solo exhibition curated by Kathy Jevec, Art Education Consultant, Dennison, Oh. Paintings: ‘Defying Geography’, Kent Sate University Stark Campus Gallery, Canton, Ohio. Non-juried solo exhibition, Jan. 23 - Feb. 23. 1997: ‘New Paintings and Sculpture’, Millworks Gallery, Northside District, Akron, Ohio. Two person exhibition curated by Jill Bacon. ‘Paintings & Works on Paper’, Art Source, Cleveland. Regional painting exhibition curated by Jennifer Tullis ‘Paintings on Paper’, Advanced Elastomer Systems LP, International Headquarters & Technical Center, Akron. Regional solo exhibition curated by Celeste Richards. 1995: Paintings & Works on Paper, ‘Iconic Images’, TM Gallery, Thomas Moore College, Fort Mitchell, KY, Jan. 13-Feb. 17. Regional solo exhibition curated by Carol Grape. 1993: Multimedia/Multi-solo, Paintings, Millworks Gallery, Canal Place, Akron, Oh. May 1 - June 7. Regional multi-solo exhibition curated by Jill Bacon. 1990: ‘New Work New York’, Ward-Nasse Gallery, New York City, New York. National Multi-solo Exhibition curated by John Teppich, Guest Curator, Ward-Nasse Gallery. May 9 - 27. 1989: Paintings, ‘Compositions with Figures’, The Canton Museum of Art. Regional exhibition curated by Joseph Hertzi. June 8 - July 27. Paintings, Kent State Stark Fine Arts Gallery, Oct. 23 - Nov. 21, Invited solo exhibition arranged by Emily Bukovec. 1988: Paintings, ‘Contrast As Statement’, Ward-Nasse Gallery, New York City, New York. National multi-solo exhibition curated by Margot Norton. April 20 - May 8. 1987: Paintings, ‘Architectural Sightings’, Ward-Nasse Gallery, New York City, New York . National multi-solo exhibition curated by Ira Jacoby, April 20 - May 8. 1986: ‘Painted Constructions’, Ward-Nasse Gallery, New York City, New York. National multi-solo exhibition curated by Harry Nasse. Aug. 30 - Sept. 18. 1984: El Salvador: Work of Thirty Photographers/ Jack McWhorter Installation, a site-specific work created for, Spaces Gallery, Cleveland. Photos documenting the social crisis in El Salvador. June 8- 28. Regional exhibition curated by Jane Farver. 1983: Paintings: ‘Time and Places’, C.A.G.E. Gallery, Cincinnati, Ohio. Mid-west regional exhibition juried by William Hermann, John McClintock & Mehrl Bennnet, Sept. 9- Oct. 6 ‘Desert Configurations’ The Gallery, School of Art, Kent State University, three person MFA thesis exhibition. Advisor Craig Lucas. July 12 - 16. 1982: Site Specific Work, painting: ‘Road to Elat’, a 24”x 60’ acrylic on canvas mural, Negev Airbase Constructors, Ovda, Israel. Arranged by Benjamin Portnoy and Kathleen Montgomery. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 6 1981: Painting & multi-media installation, ‘Convergence’ American International School, Tel Aviv, Israel. International solo exhibition arranged by Forest Broman, AIS Superintendent. 1980: Site Specific Work ‘Glaciated/Unglaciated’, Regional solo exhibition, Spaces Gallery, Cleveland. Selected Group Exhibitions: 2015: Paintings: Six at 6000, Kent State University at Stark, Gallery 6000. February 2 – March 13. Curated by Thomas Wachunas. Drawings: Balance-UnbalanceConference, University of Arizona, Tempe. March 27-29. 2014: Paintings: Over The Edge: Paperworks Unbound, WAH Center, Brooklyn, NY. Juried by Rebecca Cuomo. October 25 – November 23. Paintings: Nature vs. Man, Arterie Fine Arts, Chicago, Il. National Juried Exhibition. Juror CJ Hungerman. August 5 – 30. 15th Annual International Bridge, Williamsburg Arts Center, Brooklyn, New York. January 25 – February 23. Curated by Yuko Nii Paintings: @ Infinitum, Museum of Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China. Curators Kan Hwee Koon and Janice Lessman-Moss. May 23 – November 23. http://atinfinitum.org/?team=jack-mcwhorter 2013: 14th Annual International Bridge, Williamsburg Arts Center, Brooklyn, New York. January 26 – February 24. Curated by Yuko Nii 2012: Stark County Exhibition 2012, Massillon Museum of Art, Juried by Dana Depew, Anderson Turner, Melissa Vogley Woods. September 15 – October 31. Works on Paper NYC, Jeffrey Leader Gallery, International Juried Exhibition, June 24 July 24, 2012. http://www.jeffreyledergallery.com/exhibit/26/ 2011: Drawings, Drawing Connections, Sienna Art Institute, Sienna Italy, September 24 - October 23. Invited. Bound portfolio to remain in the collection of the Siena Art Institute library. Painting, 4th Annual National Juried Exhibition , juror Sylvia White, director of Sylvia White Gallery. Ventura, California. Aug. 3 – Sept. 3. 2010: Painting, Majestic National 5th Annual Juried Competition 2010 , juror Mary Gray, director of the Ohio Arts Council’s Riffe Gallery. Majestic Galleries, Nelsonville, Ohio. June 25 – July 23. 2009: Painting, Touch and Scale: New Work by Selected Kent State University Studio Art faculty and Graduate Students, Trumbull Art Gallery, curated by Janice Lessman-Moss, Warren, Ohio. October 4 - November 14. Painting, 2009 Biennial Faculty Show, The Gallery, The Gallery, School of Art, Kent, Ohio. October 2 - 16. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 7 2008: Painting, Meredith A. Cowden Foundation, Firestone Country Club & Akrona Gallery, Akron, Ohio. Regional group exhibition curated by Susan Yingling, Artist, Miller South School for the Arts. September 13- 21. 2006: Annual Faculty Show, The Gallery, Kent Stark, North Canton. ‘Breaking New Ground: Annual Faculty Show’, The Gallery, School of Art, Kent, Ohio. Drawings 2006, Fine Arts Gallery, N. Canton. 2005: Annual Faculty Show: ‘Breaking New Ground’, The Gallery, School of Art, Kent, Ohio. Oct. 11- Nov. 19. Annual Faculty Show, The Gallery, Kent Stark, North Canton. 2004: Annual Faculty Show, The Gallery, School of Art, Kent, Ohio. Annual Faculty Show, The Gallery, Kent Stark, North Canton. 2003: Annual Faculty Show, The Gallery, School of Art, Kent, Ohio. Oct. 27-Nov. 7. 2002: Annual Faculty Show, The Gallery, Kent Stark, North Canton. Annual Faculty Show, The Gallery, School of Art, Kent, Ohio. 2001: Drawings & Interactive Media: "Digital Creativity: Crossing the Border" CADE 2001, Computers in Art and Design, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland. International juried group exhibition and conference. Annual Faculty Show, The Gallery, School of Art, Kent, Ohio. Annual Faculty Show, The Gallery, Kent Stark, North Canton. 1999: Paintings: Celebration of Scholarship, Student Center, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. Annual Faculty Show, The Gallery, School of Art, Kent, Ohio. Annual Faculty Show, The Gallery, Kent Stark, North Canton. Paintings & works on paper, Interactive Internet Art Project, Global Collage. 1998: Painting & Drawing, Global Collage, Bank of the West North Beach, San Francisco. October 30- December 23. Annual Faculty Show, The Gallery, School of Art, Kent, Ohio. Annual Faculty Show’, The Gallery, Kent Stark, North Canton. Painting Installation. Celebration of Scholarship. ‘The Impact of Scholarship on Society’, Kent Student Center Ballroom, Kent State University,Kent, Ohio. ‘Power of If (squared)’, Collaborative Paintings and Mixed media installations exploring connections that open both ways between art and science. Canton Museum of Art. Regional group exhibition. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 8 1997: Annual Faculty Show, The Gallery, School of Art, Kent, Ohio. Annual Faculty Show, The Gallery, Kent Stark, North Canton. Paintings : ‘Ways of Knowing’, Third Annual Celebration of Scholarship, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. non-juried faculty showcase. Painting: ‘Home Is Where The Art Is’, Millworks Gallery, Akron, Ohio. Group exhibition juried by Michael Owen and Jill Bacon. Paintings: Neural Connections, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State University, N.Canton, Ohio. Non-juried group exhibition. 1996: Power of If , Paintings and Mixed media installations exploring connections that open both ways between art and science. Canton Museum of Art. Regional group exhibition. Painting ‘Art From the Heart’, Summit Aids Housing Corporation & Northeast Ohio Task Force on Aids, Akron, Ohio. Group exhibition arranged by Michelle Colopy. Paintings: ‘Selections from Power of If’ , Exhibition and conference, ‘Sustainable Development’, Ohio Academy of Science Annual Conference, Malone College, Canton. Regional group exhibition curated by Barb Drennan and Sue Misheff. Painting Installation, Canton Ballet, The Cultural Center for the Arts, Canton, Ohio. Annual Faculty Show, The Gallery, School of Art, Kent, Ohio. Annual Faculty Show, The Gallery, Kent State Stark, North Canton. Ohio. 1995: Paintings- Uniting the Worlds of Art & Science: Carlisle, McWhorter, Prusack, Urich, Womack, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State University Stark Campus. Faculty Show. Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State University, N.Canton, Ohio. Faculty Show. School of Art Gallery, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. 1994: ‘Courage Exhibition’, E.I.O. Gallery, Powerhouse/Nautica Complex, Cleveland, Oh., Jan. 21-Feb. 26. National juried group exhibition, jurors, Amy Sparks and Andrew Stypinski. Kent Alumni: Painters and Teachers, The Gallery, School of Art, Kent State University, Regional group exhibition curated by Craig Lucas, April 10-30. Painting: ‘Mischief in the Making’, Cultural Center for the Arts, Canton, Ohio. Group exhibition curated by Kathy Koontz and Christine Wilkof. March 11- 20. Faculty Show. Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State University, North Canton, Ohio. Faculty Show. School of Art Gallery, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. 1993: Paintings: ‘Myths and Mayhem’, Paintings at Millworks Gallery, B.F. Goodrich Complex, Akron, Oh. November 13 - December 20. Regional group exhibition juried by Jill Bacon & Michael Owen. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 9 1992: Paintings: ‘November Showcase’, Helio Gallery, New York City, New York. National group exhibition curated by Thom Vaught. Nov. 20 - Dec.8 1991: ‘New American and European Tendencies’, Montseratt Gallery, New York City, New York. International juried four person exhibition, juried by Cecilia Alemani, Oct. 16 - Nov. 2. ’Works on Paper’, Ward-Nasse Gallery, New York City, New York. Sept. 18 - Oct. 6. Group exhibition curated by Margot Norton. ’Micro-Macro’, Helio Gallery, New York City, New York. International group exhibition, juried by Joseph Sipos and Thomas Vaught. September 7 - October 5. The Faculty Exhibit, The Gallery, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. Nov. 25 - Dec. 13. Group exhibit arranged by Fred Smith. 1990: The May Show, The Cleveland Museum of Art. Regional group exhibition, juried by Frances Barth, Senior Critic, Painting, Graduate School of Art, Yale University and Neal Benezra, Curator, 20th-Century Painting and Sculpture, Art Institute of Chicago. April 4-May 27. 1988: ‘All Ohio Show’, The Canton Art Institute. Sept. 17 - Oct. 30. Regional group exhibition juried by Harvey Breverman, Sate University of New York at Buffalo and Susan Kemenyffy Internationally recognized ceramic artist, Pennsylvania. Painting: ‘West Virginia Landscape 88’, Boarman Art Center, Martinsburg, West Virginia. Regional group exhibition juried by William Herman. Oct. 16 - Nov. 18. 1986: ‘The May Show’, The Cleveland Museum of Art. Regional group exhibition juried by Patterson Sims, Associate Curator, Whitney Museum of American Art and Tom Hinson, Curator of Contemporary Art, Cleveland Museum of Art. May 14 - June 29. 1985: ‘The May Show’, The Cleveland Museum of Art. Regional group exhibition juried by Linda L. Cathcart, Director, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston and Edward B. Henning, Chief Curator of Modern Art, Cleveland Museum of Art. June 12 - July 21. Painting: ‘Homeless at Home’, Storefront for Art & Architecture and Cultural Council Foundation, New York City, New York. National exhibition juried by Kyong Park and Glen Weiss, November 23 - December 29. 1984: Painting: ‘Landscape 84’, The Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati. Third Annual Tristate juried exhibition, jurors Sarah Rogers-Lafferty, Center Curator, Martha Winans of Herron Gallery, Indianapolis, Roger Williams, Director of the Art Academy of Cincinnati and Derrick Woodham of the University of Cinncinnati Fine Arts faculty. May 24 - July 7. Painting: ‘On The Way to 2019: After 1984’, The 1984 Gallery, Lansing, Michigan. National group exhibition juried by Howard Levine and Tim Keefe. March 4-20. Painting: 1984 and 2019: Visions From Ohio, Institute for Future Studies and Research, The University of Akron. National group exhibition juried by John Davis, Owner John Davis Gallery and William Olander, Director, Allen Art Museum Oberlin College. December 4-19. Painting: ’Ohio Art in the New Depression’, School of Art Gallery, Kent State University. Regional group exhibition juried by James T. Janson. April 10 - May 6. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 10 1983: Paintings: ‘15 Years of Blossom Alumni’, Ells Gallery, Blossom Music Center. Regional group exhibition curated by Amy Lighthill, Director of the Galleries. 1979: ‘Five Painters’, Massillon Museum of Art, Massillon, Ohio. Group exhibition curated by John Klausen, Director and Chief Curator, Massillon Museum. Painting: ‘Faculty Choice’, Ohio Board of Regents, Columbus, Ohio. Group exhibition selected by Kent State School of Art Faculty. 1977: ‘All Ohio 1977’ he Canton Art Institute, Canton, Ohio. Regional group exhibition juried by Paul Binai, Curator of Exhibitions, Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh and Ricardo Viera, Chairman, Department of Fine Arts, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. October 2 - November 2. 1974: ‘4th Annual All Ohio Show’, The Canton Art Institute, Canton, Ohio. Regional group exhibition juried by Richard McDermitt Miller, Queens College New York and Julian Stanczk, Cleveland Institute of Art. Dec. 16 - Jan. 27 Commissions & Contract Work : Paintings, Drawings, Digital Media 2010: Site Specific Work, painting: Water Webs & Human Networks, contracted by YMCA of Massillon, Ohio. Funded b ArtsinStark.(http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog/2010/06/our-water-webs-part-2-watersheds-101/ (In collaboration with Kent State University at Stark Students) 2009: Site Specific Work, painting: ‘Origins of Water: Repeating shape, pattern, and process’. Acrylic on canvas, 5‘x30’ overall, contracted by YMCA of Massillon, Ohio. (In collaboration with Painting III & Drawing III Students) 2006: Site Specific Work, painting: ‘Twelve Shades of Green’, Oil on canvas, 7’x60’ overall, contracted by YMCA of Western Stark County, Towpath Trail, Navarre, Ohio. (In collaboration with Painting III students) 2004: Site Specific Work, painting: Stele Forest: A Typographical Fairy Tale. Commissioned by Kent State Stark, North, Canton. Six painted panels 7 x 16 feet each (16 x 42 feet overall) oil & cold wax on plaster wallboard. 2003: Site Specific Work, painting: Monkey Puzzle, (oil on canvas, 120x180 inches) East Wing Science Building, Kent State Stark, North Canton. 2002: Site Specific Work, painting: ART, oil and cold wax on canvas, 4’X5’, theatre production of Yasmina Reza’s Art, Kent State Stark Theatre, September 6 – 15. 2001: Interactive Media on CD-ROM: Tenth Anniversary Celebration “Guangming Daily/Kent State University Partnership” (Audio and written narratives, photographic essays of Kent State delegation participants.) Screened at Flowers of Friendship Banquet, Kent State University Banquet Room, May 15. Distributed in the Peoples Republic of China. Interactive Media on CD-ROM: ‘Kent State University Fine Arts’. A compilation of works by Fine Arts faculty; visual art, music, theatre, and dance faculty creative work of Kent State’s eight campuses. Distributed in the People’s Republic of China. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 11 2000: Drawing: Ohio Commemorative Quarter Design, Ohio Bicentennial Commission. Eleven member committee appointed by the governor, choose my proposal as one of four designs transmitted to the United States Mint. Interactive Media on CD-ROM, Dimension of Time, Campus Teaching Themes, presented at Campus Preview, Kent State Stark. Dimension of Time, Poster design printed in four-color, Kent State Stark. Interactive Media: A Community of Scholars, Celebration of Scholarship, presented on G4 Macintosh, Kent State University. Digital Media- Animation: Stargazer, 320x240, Duration-14:14, Kent State Stark & Stark County Schools. N. Canton, Ohio. Funded by a grant from the Education Enhancement Partnership of Stark County. 1999: Drawings: ‘Graphic Impressions, Textures, & Patterns for retaining walls and noise walls’, Route 77 Corridor Projects STA/SUM- Commissioned by Ohio Department of Transportation & URS Greiner Woodward Clyde, Columbus, Ohio. Drawings; Architectural Renderings, Color Modeling & Elevation Views, Commissioned by DeHoff Center for Relocation, DeHoff Realtors, North Canton, Ohio. 1997: Site Specific Work: ‘Body Mapping: Luminous Projections’, Thirteen contour line drawings of women’s bodies with photographs, emulsion, graphite, crayon, on paper mounted on cardboard, 84"x228", in Collaboration with Stark County Instructional Services & Teacher Technical Center and Stark County School Districts. Temporary installation Cultural Center for the Arts, Canton, OH. Painting for Stage Set Design, The Rainbow Repertory Company. Canton, Ohio. McWhorter, J. & Art Students Paula Reynolds and Pamela Morris, Spring Semester. 1996: Interactive Media on CD-ROM: The Cultural Center for the Arts: Children’s Arts Connection Produced in collaboration with the Cultural Center for the Arts. Canton, Ohio. Funded by a Community Development Block Grant. Site Specific Work: Night Sky, 108x216 inches, crayon and encaustic on canvas, In collaboration with Morgan School for the Arts, Alliance, Ohio. Funded by grants from Ohio Arts Council and Martha Holden Jennings Foundation. Site Specific Work: ‘Botanical Garden’, 108x264 inches, acrylic, paper, ink, on canvas. In collaboration with Morgan School for the Arts, Alliance, Ohio Funded by grants from Ohio Arts Council and Martha Holden Jennings Foundation. Drawings for Regional Transit Authority and & Stark County Regional Development Board (Fall Campaign to generate support for the RTA) McWhorter, J. & Art Student Christopher Horn. 1995: Site Specific Work, painting: ‘The Signal Tree’, Oil on canvas, 96x55 inches, Commissioned by Ohio Department of Natural Resources - Division of Wildlife; Portage Lakes Division III Headquarters, Ohio. Site Specific Work, painting: ‘Air & Dreams’, 108” x 264”acrylic on canvas, Canton Museum of Art installation & Permanent Installation at Morgan School for the Arts, Alliance, Ohio. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 12 Interactive Media on CD-ROM: Gender and Society - Interviews exploring issues of fairness, changing roles of women, and sex roles established by culture. In collaboration with Virginia Carrol and Greg Little. Faculty Coloquium, Kent State Stark, North Canton, Ohio. Installation Design: Ohio’s Best Practices, showcase design- graphics/photography, BEST of Ohio’s Education Partnerships, Columbus, Ohio. * Summer Art Institute nominated for award. Drawings for Circuit City- 3 elevation views, McWhorter, J. & Drawing III Fall semester Billboard design for Stark County Health Department 75th Anniversary McWhorter, J. & Art Experiences and 2-D Composition students. Fall semester. 1994: Explorations of Cultural Identities, 7 kinetic sculptures, 108x350 inches overall, mixed media on nylon fabric, Great Court Ceiling installation, The Cultural Center for the Arts. McWhorter, J & Kent State Stark students. Interactive Media on CD-ROM: Violence in America- Interviews exploring family violence, violence portrayed in the media and violence to the natural environment. Produced in collaboration with the Academic Planning Committee of Kent State Stark Campus and Gregory Little. Interactive Media: ‘Ubu Roi’ Science of Imaginary Solutions, Spirituality, and Multiple Intelligence. In collaboration with Gregory Little. Presented at the American Education Research Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana. Interactive Media on CD-ROM:: The Cultural Center for the Arts: Children’s Arts Connection, Reflective comments by students are collaged with video clips of artists in collaboration at Allen, Washington, Lathrop, and Summit Schools. Funded by a Community Development Block Grant. Interactive Media on CD-ROM: First Light: Studio Based Summer Arts Institute - Reflective com ments by participants collaged with video clips of interlocking studios; music, dance, drama and visual art. Funded by The Education Enhancement Partnership of Ohio. Drawings, Colloquial English for Asians, Douglas K. Knell, author McWhorter, J. & Drawing II students (Donation to Kent Stark Scholarship Fund) 1993: Video: Ymoja: Swimming in the Absence of Water- Produced in collaboration with Patricia Grutzmacher, Barbara Carlisle, Shawn Womack, technical assistance by Sue Markovich. The Arts Institute is sponsored by Kent State Stark Campus and The Education Enhancement Partnership of Ohio. 15 Minutes. 1990: Site Specific Work, drawings: Children’s Art festival, 20 8’x10’, 96x120 inches overall, mixed media on paper shapes, for the Great Court of the Cultural Center for the Arts, in collaboration with students from Allen and Lathrop Schools. Funded by City of Canton Block Grant. Site Specific Work Painting: Sears Building, 8’x80’ latex enamel mural designed by Canton City School students from Lathrop and Allen and the Art Experiences class from Kent State Stark, City Hall Annex, Canton, Ohio. City of Canton Block Grant. Temporary Public Artwork for vacant storefronts in re-development areas to engage the public and revitalize the community. Site Specific Work, paintings: ‘Wall of Caring’, Commissioned by United Way of Central Stark County, 5’x 48’ mural based on video and audiotaped interviews and photo archives of individuals assisted by social service agencies of Stark County. Auditorium, United Way. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 13 1986: Site Specific Work, paintings:‘Just So Stories & The Harlem Renaissance’, 60 48x48 inch, mixed media on plywood panels, collaborations with students from Allen & Lathrop Schools. Funded by Canton City Schools Grant. 1985: Site Specific Work, paintings: 'Martin School Piece' melted crayon on chipboard, 96x144 inches. Martin Elementary School, Canton City Schools. Funded Residency Project. Site Specific Work, paintings: 'Mcgreggor School Piece', acrylic on chipboard, 144x96 inches. McGreggor Elementary School, Canton City Schools. Funded Residency Project. Site Specific Work, painting: Living Memories Project, audio-taped personal histories were col lected and transformed into a 7’x14’ mural. A collaboration with St. Paul’s Social Action Committee and Central Catholic High School. Site Specific Work: ‘Memory of War, Hope for Peace’, a 5’x 12’ collaborative mural based on dis cussions of a pastoral letter drafted by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops describing “a theology of peace suited to a civilization poised on the brink of self-destruction”, St. Paul’s Social Action Committee. Inter-Faith Chapel, Horace Mann Community Center, Ohio. Site Specific Work, ceramics: ‘Creation of the World, 7’ x 30’ ceramic mural, a collaboration with Canton City School students. Horace Mann Community Center. Funded by City of Canton. 1983: Site Specific Work: ‘Peaceable Kingdom(s)’, 6’x 22’ ceramic mural, Artist in Residence project funded by Canton City School’s J.T.P.A. summer program, Horace Mann Community Center. Site Specific Work, painting: 'Space Cells', acrylic, chipboard, paper, crayon mounted directly on wall, 119x138 inches. Horace Mann Community Center & St. Paul’s Social Action Committee. Site Specific Work, painting: 'Road to Eilat v2', acrylic, chipboard, paper, crayon mounted directly on wall, 127x137 inches. Horace Mann Community Center & St. Paul’s Social Action Committee. Site Specific Work, painting: 'Eastern Woodlands', acrylic, chipboard, paper, crayon mounted directly on wall, 119x138 inches. Horace Mann Community Center & St. Paul’s Social Action Committee, Ohio. Site Specific Work, painting: Convergence', acrylic, chipboard, paper, crayon mounted directly on wall, 169x169 inches. Horace Mann Community Center & St. Paul’s Social Action Committee. 1981: Site Specific Work, painting: ‘Mythical Pond’, 8’x 70’ oil on plaster board, Artist in Residence project commissioned by Community Services Corporation, Canton, Oh. Thurman Munson Community Center. Canton, Ohio. Site Specific Work, painting: ‘Conversation between Marco Polo and the Great Kublai Khan’ Latex on plaster wall, 8’x 16’, collaborative mural based on fantastic elements of Italo Calvino’s fables. Inner City Cultural Workshop, Thurman Munson Community Center. Canton, Oh. 1980: Stage Set Design: Super Clean 1,000, Memorial Civic Center, Canton, Ohio. Creative Activity/Research Grants & Campus Project Support: Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 14 2015: Internal: project support, Visiting Artists & Gallery Projects, Kent State Stark $9,850 2014: Internal: project support, Visiting Artists & Gallery Projects, Kent State Stark $11,564 Internal: project support, Painting Exhibition; Cross Over: Interconnectedness in Art and Science. Brussels, Belgium. University Research Council $3,500 2013: Internal: project support, Visiting Artists & Gallery Projects, Kent State Stark. $14,850 2012: Internal: project support, Visiting Artists & Gallery Projects, Kent State Stark. $12,780 2011: Internal: project support, Visiting Artists & Gallery Projects, Kent State Stark. $11,936 2010: Internal: project support, Visiting Artists & Gallery Projects, Kent State Stark. $9,854 2009: Internal: project support, Visiting Artists & Gallery Projects, Kent State Stark. $11,054 Arts In Stark Special Project Grant: Watershed Mural Project (McWhorter, J. & Bernstein, P.) 2008: Internal, University Research Council, Kent State University, Kent, Oh. for Belgium exhibition at UZ Gathuisberg. Internal: project support, Visiting Artists & Gallery Projects, Kent State Stark. $1,400 $2,500 $10,535 Internal: Kent State Stark : project support for Belgium Exhibition. $1,500 Internal: Kent State Stark: CC de Bosuil exhibition. $1,500 2007: Internal: project support, Visiting Artist & Exhibition Projects, Kent State Stark. $9,035 2006: Internal: project support Visiting Artist & Exhibition Projects, Kent State Stark. $7,850 2005: Internal: project support Visiting Artist & Exhibition Projects, Kent State Stark. $5,600 2004: Fulbright Scholar in Residence Program, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, to bring Professor Elias Jengo, University of Dar Es Salaam to Kent State Stark for academic year 2004-05. $26,900 Internal: project support, Site Specific Work: Stele Forest: A Typographical Fairy Tale. Kent State Stark Summer assignment. $6,500 2003: Internal: project support, Site Specific Work: Monkey Puzzle. Kent State Stark Summer assignment. Internal: project support Visiting Artist & Exhibition Projects, Kent State Stark. $6,500 $2,475 2002: Internal: Faculty Professional Improvement Leave. 2001: The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc. for Summer Arts Institute. Internal: project support Visiting Artist & Exhibition Projects, Kent State Stark. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 15 $16,845 $2,175 2000: Ohio Arts Council for implementation of the The Twinning Program, $5,000 a collaboration of two projects; Partnership 2000 in Western Galilee, Israel and New Millennium Kids, Stark County, Ohio. Internal: project support Visiting Artist & Exhibition Projects, Kent State Stark. Jennings Pro Arts, Summer Institute Planning Workshops. 1999: Internal: project support Visiting Artist & Exhibition Projects, Kent State Stark. $1,200 $700 $1,260 1998: Timken, Hoover, Deuble and Stark County Foundations. $70,000 $50,000 to continue the work of the Summer Arts Institute and related programs for a period of two years. $20,000 to support action research. *Chair, Human Development, Arts, and Aesthetics Council, The Education Partnership, Stark County, Ohio. Proposal submitted on behalf of Working Council. Internal: Regional Campuses Summer Teaching Development Award, to develop Special Topics Course, Identity: Understanding & Exploration. (McWhorter, J., & Betz, B.) Internal: Project support for an AVID Mc Xpress Multimedia Editing Station, Intergraph Computer for Faculty Research and Development, Kent State Stark. (Little, G., McWhorter, J., Betz, B., Finer, K.) $6,500 $21,878 1997: Internal, Professional Activities Load Reduction, Spring Semester 1996: Timken, Hoover, Deuble, and Stark County Foundations $92,171 for Arts Initiatives- $53,346 Summer Arts Institute $20,825 Evaluation, $1,500 Professional Development, $16,500 Power of If Exhibition. *Chair, Human Development, Arts, and Aesthetics Council, The Education Partnership, Stark County, Ohio. Proposal submitted on behalf of Working Council. 1995: Ohio Arts Council, Arts Basic to Education Implementation Grant for Artist in Residence fees. Power of If: Ways of Knowing. Internal: project support Visiting Artist & Exhibition Projects, Kent State Stark. 1994: The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc. to initiate a series of workshops in preparation for Artist Residencies in the Stark County Schools. 1993: The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc. Project support, Ubu Roi: A Project for Kinetic Sculpture, Performance Art and Music. Canton Art Institute, Ubu Roi Exhibition $6,900 $1,380 $6,000 $6,000 $3,000 1992: Video Project, Report on the Arts Working Council, Education Partnerships, Community Television Consortium of Stark County. Funded by a grant from Warner Cable. Discovery/Rediscovery - Artist in Schools Project and Exhibition. The Education Enhancement Partnership Greater Canton Quincentennial Commission Hoover Foundation Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 16 NA $ 9,000 $10,000 $10,000 Carlo Thomas Cicchini Foundation $5,000 1990: Marilyn E. and William J. Lemmon Hidden Meanings - Five Abstract Artists, an exhibition for the Canton Art Institute. $2,500 City of Canton-Special Projects Fund Collaborative Mural Project, for The City of Canton, United Arts Fund,The Cultural Center for the Arts, Canton, Ohio Children’s Art Festival Great Court Collaborative Project. $1,500 $1,000 1988: Ohio Arts Council Sudden Opportunity Fund to attend Open Dialogue III, Conference, Washington, DC 1986: The United Way of Central Stark County to research Painting Project. (‘Wall of Caring’) $800 $1,500 City of Canton Community Development Block Grant Just So Stories & Harlem Renaissance projects in collaboration with the The Urban League of Canton, Lathrop, Allen, McGregor, Martin, Gibbs and Summit Schools and The Cultural Center for the Arts. $17,000 1983-85: Artist in Schools and Community Projects. Awarded grants from the Ohio Arts Council, City of Canton Special Projects, Jobs Training Partnership Special Projects, St. Paul’s Social Action Committee, Community Services Corporation and the Inner City Cultural Workshop to create new work in public spaces. $23,920 Travel grant to research new work in Colorado Springs, Colorado. St. Paul’s Social Action Committee & Community Services Corporation. 1982: The Walworth Barbour American International School & Negev Airbase Constructors. Awarded a series of mini-grants to travel throughout Israel to create new work. (‘Desert Configurations’, Kent State University, MFA thesis project.) Abstracts & Invited Presentations $1,200 $5,000 (visiting artist, public lecture, guest speaker) 2015: McWhorter, J. & Kan, K. H. "I see You": Collaborative Art-making Across International Borders through Technology. Paper accepted for presentation at the National Art Education Association (NAEA) Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. March 25. 2014: Cross Over: Utopic dimensions in artistic work. (Lecture in conjunction with painting exhibition) Master Class. St. Luca School of Art & Architecture, Brussels, Belgium December 17. 2013: I see You” Project: Artmaking and Collaboration Across National Borders by Jack McWhorter and Koon Hwee Kan. NAFSA, St. Louis Conference. May 25. 2012: Travel-Study to China in Perspective: Planning and Course Design, Mid-America College Art Association Conference, Detroit, MI. Oct. 4. New Optics: Painting As A Visualization System, Beijing Normal University, School of Fine Arts. Beijing, China. March 21 Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 17 I See You: Sharing Content Across Geographical, Lingual, and Visual Boundaries. Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, China. Video Conference Moulton Hall, KSU. March 7. 2011: Master Seminar, Utopic Dimensions in Artistic Work, Lecture & Critique, Sint-Lukas Brussels University College of Art and Design, Brussels, Belgium. May 27. Using Science As Factual Beginnings in Making Paintings. GC de Bosuil Gallery, Brussels, Belgium. (Gallery Talk in conjunction with painting exhibition.) May 28 2007: ‘Evolution(s) Opening the Doors of Learning Through Science & Art ”, In Proceedings at 2nd International Conference on the Arts in Society, held in conjunction with Documenta 12, University of Kassel, Germany. 2005: Direction and Discovery: A Science/Art Project, Lecture, Akron Art Museum. ‘Pieces of My Mind’ Recent Work by Patricia Zinsmeister Parker. Catalogue Essay, Myers School of Art Gallery, University of Akron. Interactive Multimedia, Sketchbook Journals, in proceedings at National Art Education Association, Boston, MA. Horbrook, S., Kessler, L., Baran, J., & McWhorter, J. The Role of the Arts in Effective Teaching and Learning, Panel Presentation: Institute for Education and the Arts, National Overture of Education and the Arts in Ohio. Columbus. 2002: Morph Diagrams: Drawing into Painting, Professional Improvement Leave. Kent State. 2001: Hierarchy, Christine Gorboach (painter) and Gary Lee Nelson (composer), exhibition program guide, Kent State Stark. 2000: A Global Heritage: Walking Tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Guang Ming China Delegation, New York City. McWhorter, J. & Dorff, P. Identity in the Visual Arts and Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Course. In proceedings at the American Psychological Association, New York, New York. Betz, B. & McWhorter, J. (The demonstration of an Instructional CD-ROM developed by the authors was included in the presentation.) Scholarship Beyond Your Discipline: Interdisciplinary Collaborations, Celebration of Scholarship & Distinguished Scholar Awards, multimedia presentation. McWhorter, J. & Betz, B., Kent State University. May 11. Interactive Media:‘Contemporary China’, Kent State Stark Faculty Colloquium. March 10. 1999: ‘Power of If’ Science & Art Collaborations ”, In proceedings at Global Arts Beyond 2000, International Conference for Higher Education in the Arts, Auckland, New Zealand. 1998: Voices From the Field: Impact of School Partnerships, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona. McWhorter, J., & Jevec, K., October 21 - 23. The Images that Hiroshima Makes Us Paint: Illustrations from Japanese and American Children’s Books’, In proceedings at Institut International Charles Perrault. Paris, France. Horvath, V. & McWhorter, J., July 25. (Published; The New Review of Children’s Literature, Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 18 Volume 6, 2000) http://homepage.mac.com/jackmcwhorter/Hiroshima_Startpage.html ‘Paintings, Drawings, Projects’, Interactive CD-ROM Faculty Colloquium: Kent State Stark Campus Colloquium Series. March 13. Power of If2: Communication as Central Metaphor, Gallery Talk, Canton Museum of Art, February 2. 1997: Canton Museum of Art Stark County High School Art Exhibition, gallery talk, Three Frames: What is the Jury Process? Artists Lessons: Successes and Failures, What to Improve? New School of Athens: Performing Knowledge, Instruction, and Assessment, Ohio Comprehensive Arts Model/Stark County Arts Leandership Team, presented at Stark County Education Service Center. 1996: The Arts as a Transformational Force in Education AURCO Journal, Association for University Regional Campuses of Ohio, Volume 3; Number 1.,Grutzmacher, P. and McWhorter, J. ‘Ways of Knowing’: Making New Knowledge by Imagining the Unseen, Making the Invisible Visible, Making the Unseen Visible, Imaging the Unseen. Lecture, The Cultural Center for the Arts, Canton. Project sponsored by Ohio Arts Council & The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc. The Power of If, McWhorter, J. and Little, G. The Ohio Journal of Science, April Program Abstracts. Ice Box Cave/Metaphors of an Enclosed System, Stark County Schools, Kent State University, Fine Arts Theatre, Canton, Ohio. The Power of If: Ways of Knowing, Interactive Multimedia, Second Annual Celebration of Scholarship, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. Power of If -Ways of Knowing; Interactive Media, Canton Museum of Art. McWhorter, J., Bauman, B., and Hawley, J. Project sponsored by Ohio Arts Council and The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc. Video: The Cultural Center for the Arts: Children’s Arts Connection -Produced in collaboration with the Cultural Center for the Arts. Canton, Ohio. Funded by a Community Development Block Grant. 15 minutes. The Power of If: Ways of Knowing, Interactive Multimedia, Second Annual Celebration of Scholarship, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. Interactive Multimedia: Power of If ‘Ways of Knowing’ Imagining the Unseen, Project sponsored by Ohio Arts Council, The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc., Stark County Teacher Technical Center. Power of If -Ways of Knowing; Interactive Media, Canton Museum of Art. Co-produced with Julie Bauman and Jeannie Hawley. Project sponsored by Ohio Arts Council and The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc. 1996: Artist in Schools “Futuring’, workshop presentation, Stark/Summit Counties Gifted & Talented Associates. Spiral in a Spiral, Canton Museum of Art & The Education Enhancement Partnership Board of Advisors, Canton Museum of Art, Canton, Ohio. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 19 Report on Summer Arts Institutes, Communications Consortium, Saxton House, The Education Enhancement Partnership. Interpretive Strategies ‘Power of If’, docent training, Canton Museum of Art, Ohio. New Structures ‘Report on Council for Human Development Arts & Aesthetics’, Stark County Schools Curriculum Directors Annual Meeting, Canton, Ohio. Artist in Schools-Power of If, Gifted/Talented Coordinators, Stark County Schools, North Canton, Ohio. 1995: The Function of Metaphor in Knowing: Guiding Metaphors in Art & Science, symposium, Three Meadow Mountain Symposium/Virginia Tech, Newburg, Virginia. Video: Gender and Society - Interviews and exploring issues of fairness, changing roles of women, and sex roles established by culture. McWhorter, J., Carrol, V. and Little, G. Celebration of Scholarhip, Kent State Stark Campus. N. Canton, Ohio. 14 Minutes. Iconic Images, Lecture, Thomas More College, Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky. Stylistic Turnovers, Lecture, Cincinnati Art Academy, Cincinnati, Ohio. Parent Teacher Organization Amherst School, Jackson Local School District, remarks to support funding request by classroom teachers for visiting artists. Power of If, Stark County Schools Gifted/Talented Coordinators, Pleasant View School for the Performing Arts, Canton, Ohio Power of If, remarks, in support of hiring art specialists, Louisville School District Administrators & Teacher Inservice, Louisville, Ohio. Ohio Department of Education's Arts Education Regional Summer Institutes for Teams of Educators, University of Akron, Artists in Schools-Power of If, Ohio Arts Council, Columbus, Ohio. Power of If ‘Ways of Knowing’, Art and Education Departments, Malone College, Canton, Ohio. Power of If ‘Ways of Knowing’, Pleasant View School for the Performing Arts, Canton, Ohio. Science/Art Connections, Science Education Enhancing the Development of Skills (SEEDS) , Massillon City Schools Staff Development, Massillon, Ohio. First light: Summer Institute for Stark County Teachers, Ohio Leadership Conference, Ohio Department of Education, Columbus, Ohio. 1994: Breaking Boundaries: The Transformative Process in Educators, Students and Communities. In pro ceedings at The American Education Research Association, conference, New Orleans, Louisiana. ‘Ubu Roi: The Science of Imaginary Solutions’. Catalogue essay, The Canton Museum of Art. The Arts as a Transformational force in Education, faculty colloquium, Kent State Stark. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 20 The Power of If: creating works of art that explore the ways of knowing science, Stark County Schools Staff Development, Zoar, Ohio. Community Art Collaborations; Discovery/Rediscovery & Ubu Roi, Managing for the Future Task Force, Ohio Board of Regents at Stark Technical College. Summer Institute: Video Impressions, The Eduction Enhancement Partnership Board of Directors, August 15. Kent Stark CampusThemes; Ages of Discovery, Nuclear Genie and Violence in America, Ohio Board of Regents at Kent State University Stark Campus. Community Art Collaborations: Ubu Roi & Discovery/Rediscovery, Stark Campus Board of Advisors, Kent State Stark Campus. 1993: ‘Re-designing Studio Based Learning in Stark County, Planning, Evaluation, and Growth Process’, In proceedings at Ohio Partnership for the Visual Arts: Regional Institute for Educators, The Ohio State University, Columbus. Exhibition Project Report, Second Annual Stakeholder’s Meeting, The Education Enhancement Partnership, November 18. 1992: Interactive Media on CD-ROM: A Report on the Council of Human Development, The Arts and Aesthetics Narrative explores The Status of Arts Education in Stark County, Council’s Philosophical Foundation, Goals & New Structures. Written and Produced by Jack McWhorter in collaboration with The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc. Technical Assistance by Community Television Consortium of Stark County. Funded by a grant from Warner Cable. 15 Minutes. ‘Discovery/Rediscovery’, Canton Art Institute. Catalogue essay, The Canton Museum of Art. Discovery/Rediscovery: Concept to Completion, Canton Art Museum, September 16. 1990: ‘Hidden Meanings’, Catalogue essay, The Canton Museum of Art. Artists in Schools & Community Outreach Projects 2015: 61st Scholastic Art Awards Exhibition and Awards Presentation, Campus Center and Fine Arts Building, Kent State Stark. (Scholastic Advisory Committee & McWhorter, J. ) Jan. 20Feb. 4 2014: 60th Scholastic Art Awards Exhibition and Awards Presentation, Campus Center and Fine Arts Building, Kent State Stark. (Scholastic Advisory Committee & McWhorter, J. ) Jan. 13Feb.5 2013: CAREER ARTS DAY for Stark County high school juniors and seniors. February 8. 59th Scholastic Art Awards Exhibition and Awards Presentation, Campus Center and Fine Arts Building, Kent State Stark. (Scholastic Advisory Committee & McWhorter, J. ) Jan. 21Feb.2 2012: 58th Scholastic Art Awards Exhibition and Awards Presentation, Campus Center and Fine Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 21 Arts Building, Kent State Stark. (Scholastic Advisory Committee & McWhorter, J. ) Jan. 19Feb.2 2011: 57th Scholastic Art Awards Exhibition and Awards Presentation, Campus Center and Fine Arts Building, Kent State Stark. (Scholastic Advisory Committee & McWhorter, J. ) Jan. 18Feb.3 2010: 56th Annual Scholastic Art Awards, Exhibition and Awards Presentation, Campus Center and Fine Arts Building, Kent State Stark. Jan. 19 - Feb. 4. Over one hundred student works were forwarded to New York City for national adjudication. (Scholastic Advisory Committee & McWhorter, J.) 2009: Painting: 48x60 inches on canvas for Art, Written by Yazmina Reza , Directed by Phil Robb, Kathleen Howland Theatre, Canton. November 20-28. Hospice of Tuscarawas & Stark County, Exhibition, Fine Arts Building, October 27- November 10. ‘Minds Matter’ Art Show and Benefit Auction, National Alliance on Mental Illness -Stark County Exhibition Advisor, Psychology/Sociology Club. Kent Stark Fine Arts Gallery, October 3 - 8. Third Annual Earth Day, facilitated coloring page design in flyers distributed to schools, as well as in Kidsville, a publication by the Repository, which is distributed in schools. April 19. IluminArts, Beyond Tradition: Haiku Animation, Timken Regional High School, Canton City Schools, March 28. 55th Annual Scholastic Art Awards, Exhibition and Awards Presentation, Campus Center and Fine Arts Building, Kent State Stark. Jan. 14 - Feb. 6. Over one hundred student works were forwarded to New York City for national adjudication. (Scholastic Advisory Committee & McWhorter, J.) 2008: Drawings & Interactive Media, Shape of Time Animation, Swast, A. & McWhorter, J , morph animation project with Faircrest Middle School and Canton Museum of Art’s Kimono Exhibition, Canton, Oh. (funded by Arts in Stark Grant) 54th Annual Scholastic Art Awards, Exhibition and Awards Presentation, Campus Center and Fine Arts Building, Kent State Stark. Jan. 18 - Feb. 9. (Scholastic Advisory Committee & McWhorter, J.) Lehman Middle School Project, exhibition & reception, in collaboration with art teacher Dottie Wade, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. 2007: 53rd Annual Scholastic Art Awards, Exhibition and Awards Presentation, Campus Center and Fine Arts Building, Kent State Stark. Jan. 17 - Feb. 10. Over one hundred student works were forwarded to New York City for national adjudication. (Scholastic Advisory Committee & McWhorter, J.) Lehman Middle School, exhibition & reception, in collaboration with art teacher Dottie Wade, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. 2006: 52nd Annual Scholastic Art Awards, Exhibition and Awards Presentation, Campus Center and Fine Arts Building, Kent State Stark. Jan. 17 - Feb. 10. (Scholastic Advisory Committee & McWhorter, J.) Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 22 2005: 51st Annual Scholastic Art Awards, Exhibition and Awards Presentation, Campus Center and Fine Arts Building, Kent State Stark. Jan. 17 - Feb. 10. (Scholastic Advisory Committee & McWhorter, J.) 2004: ‘Exact Geometrical Drawing, Two Dimensional to Theorem of Pythagoras ’ Drawing Workshop and Digitization Project, Spring Garden Waldorf School, Copley, Ohio, March 21-25. 50th Annual Scholastic Art Awards, Exhibition and Awards Presentation, Campus Center and Fine Arts Building, Kent State Stark. Jan. 17 - Feb. 10. (Scholastic Advisory Committee & McWhorter, J.) 2003: 49th Annual Scholastic Art Awards, Exhibition and Awards Presentation, Campus Center and Fine Arts Building, Kent State Stark. Jan. 17 - Feb. 10. (Scholastic Advisory Committee & McWhorter, J.) 2001: 47th Annual Scholastic Art Awards, Exhibition and Awards Presentation, Campus Center and Fine Arts Building, Kent State Stark. Jan. 17 - Feb. 10. (Scholastic Advisory Committee & McWhorter, J.) 2000-02: The Twinning Program is a collaboration of two projects; Partnership 2000 in Western Galilee, Israel and New Millennium Kids, Stark County, Ohio. Together these programs have recruited 28 teachers from eight different districts and 4 artists two from Kent State Stark (McWhorter & Carroll), one from Ohio Opera Theatre, one from Canton Symphony, to partici pate in projects communicating through distance learning labs at each location and e-mail and fax communications. Several Kent art students and summer art institute participants contributed to visual art and creative writing projects. 1999: Visiting Artist with three Kent Stark Students, North Lincoln School, Alliance School District, November 12. 1998: Morgan School: Alliance City School District, coordinator and co-presenter with Virginia Carroll, Sessions with Dr Carroll began with storytelling & place descriptions that led to paintings by student/ parent teams. Their images were then arranged into a collage and printed as a 84" x 96" inkjet print and mounted on foam-core. January 10 & 31 Power of If'2 Sixteen month project integrating art and science curriculum in Stark County Schools The focus of the project was to help teachers develop their ability to invent teaching strategies that use arts processes. Sixty Seven teachers from twenty-three schools representing ten school districts participated and contributed projects in the culminating exhibition at the Canton Museum of Art. In collaboration with Kent Stark Faculty; Virginia Carroll, Brian Betz, Pat Grutzmacher. Sponsored by grants from The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc and Ohio Arts Council. Pleasant View School for the Arts: Plain Local School District, Leonardo Da Vinci Day, co-coordinator and co-presenter with classroom teachers, Brian Matthews, Mellissa Blocker, Kathy Purdy, and Visual Artist Kevin Olds, October 22. 1997: Morphing to Animation: Distance Learning Project, 100 plus Glen Oak High School students in collaboration with 12 Kent Stark students. Students created images from email descriptions of objects, their drawings were then animated by morphing to 30 frames per second. Remote Sensing Through the Midi Studio, 100 plus Students at Morgan School for the Arts, Alliance, Ohio, explored the force and weight of mark making in drawings that described terrain observed through video projection from a Connectix camera and capture board mounted on a radio controlled vehicle. Funded by grants from The Education Enhancement Partnership Inc. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 23 Computer Imaging I, Distance Learning Project - a collaboration with 12 teams comprising 100 students from Glenoak High School and a Fourth Grade class from Pleasantview School for the Fine and Performing Arts. March. Art Student Christopher Young, Computer Imaging I, audio/video dubbing for Lehman Middle School’s Community Television Consortium Project. March Arts Focus Project, PleasantView School for the Fine & Performing Arts. McWhorter, J. & Art Student Jamie Hall, Fall/Spring 1996-97. Visual Arts Connection Project, Lathrop School, Canton City Schools. McWhorter, J. & Art Student John Rasalle Jr., Funded by the Cultural Center for the Arts, Fall/Spring semesters 1996-97 Visual Arts Connection Project, Lathrop, Summit, and Washington Schools, Canton City Schools. McWhorter, J. & Art Student Linda Lecki-Ewing’s, Funded by the Cultural Center for the Arts, Fall/Spring 1996-97 1996: Power of If Eighteen month project integrating art and science curriculum in the Stark County Schools. Canton Museum of Art. Over 1,000 students from 50 schools worked with teachers, scientists and artists to discover how the spark of creativity is essential for both art and science. Power of If asked participants to create works that investigate the ways of knowing science, reacting to ways scientists think and the questions they ask. McWhorter, J., Gruzmacher, P., Bernstein, P., Bagvandoss, P., Little, G, Drawing to Monotypes to Computer Generated Images Morgan: Tesselation Workshop, Morgan Magnate School for the Arts, Alliance, Oh. November 9. Visual Arts Connection Project, Belden School, Canton City Schools, McWhorter, J. & Art student Cheryl Muiel, Funded by the Cultural Center for the Arts, at Fall/Spring semesters 1995-96 Visual Arts Connection Project, Lathrop, Summit, and Washington Schools, Canton City Schools. McWhorter, J. & Art Student Linda Lecki-Ewing’s, Funded by the Cultural Center for the Arts, Fall/Spring 1995-96 Art student Deem, M. & McWhorter, J., interpretation of Clyde Singer’s mural painting ‘Downtown Canton’, funded by the Canton Museum of Art’s Fine Arts Associates. 1995: Painting, Drawing Monotypes Workshop, Uses of Enchantment: Loves of the Plants, with 200 plus students and teachers at Franklin Elementary School & Washington High School advanced placement art class, Massillon City School District, Three day workshop in preparation for collaborative mural installation. Funded by the Arts Connection Project, The Cultural Center for the Arts and Community Development Block Grant. Air & Dreams - exploring ways of knowing with 45 students and 12 teachers at Morgan School, Alliance City Schools, Three day workshop in preparation for visual art installation and Power of If Exhibition at the Canton Museum of Art. Arts Connection Project Art, Newman School, Tuslaw School District, McWhorter, J., Classroom teacher Kathy Brand, Art Student Marianne Betro, Fall/Spring semesters 1994-95 Cultural Enrichment program at Jackson Local School District’s Amherst School. McWhorter, J., Bischell, K. and Betro, M., a April 26 & May 24 Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 24 1994: Ubu Roi: A Project for Kinetic Sculpture, Performance Art and Music, examining personal history and cultural identity. The results of this 18 month collaboration between 28 artists, consultants, workshop presenters, 80 teachers and their students culminated in an exhibition at the Canton Museum of Art. Workshops Presented 2014: Painting Investigations, Cecily Kahn, Exhibition & Workshop, Painting Studio KSU Stark. November 6. 2013: Mr. Jiang Shiguo, Dean, College of Fine Arts and Design, Hebei Normal University, Organized Campus visit and Dean Jiang’s Painting Workshop at KSU Stark, Collaborative Project with Hebei Normal University. Shijiazhuang, China & KSU. Sept. 30 & Oct. 1, 2013 2005: Modern/Post Modern: Art & Technology, Bridge to Learning: Arts, Math, Science, Technology Education Teachers, Stark County Schools Professional Development. Kent State Stark. Sponsored by Education Enhancement Partnership, Ohio, Inc. 2003: Summer Arts Institute: Artist as Teacher/Teacher as Artist, June 11 - June 16. Kent State Stark. Curriculum & Instruction 50093 Arts Institute. Advanced Placement Life Drawing Workshop for North Canton & Perry High School Students, co-coordinator and co-presenter with Janet Baran. Fine Arts Faculty Computer Lab, Kent State Stark, Digital media workshop, (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Priemer, Macromedia Director, 3-D Studio Max & Avid Express) McWhorter, J. & Betz, B. 2002: Summer Art Institute, Making Brain Connections – Nine day studio based learning in the arts for Stark County teachers co-coordinator and co-presenter with Virginia Carroll, Amy Marie Sima, Kathy Jevec, Stephanie Roselli, Supported by a Grant from The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc Curriculum & Instruction 50093 Arts Institute. June 12-21. Fine Arts Faculty Computer Lab, Kent State Stark, Digital media workshop, (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Priemer, Macromedia Director, 3-D Studio Max & Avid Express) McWhorter, J. & Betz, B. 2001: Stark County Arts Professional Learning Workshop, Exploring the Elements and Principles of Art, Kent State University & Stark County Education Partnership, Inc., November 6. (Curriculum & Instruction 50093 Arts Institute.) Arts in the Classroom, Summer Art Institute: Curriculum Based Action Research, Five day studio based learning in the arts for Stark County teachers co-coordinator and co-presenter with Dr Virginia Carroll Sponsored by The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc and Kent State Stark. June 11-15. Arts Professional Development Project, The Artful Writing Journey expanding notions of art interacting with language. Presentation by Carroll, V., McWhorter, J. Curriculum Based Action Research, workshop for K-12 teachers and participants of Summer Art Institute. Sponsored by The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc and Kent State Stark. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 25 Improving Student Achievement – In, By and Through the Arts, The Descriptive Review asked teachers to look together at pieces of student work, to discuss what they see in the work, and to bring multiple perspectives to an analysis of the work in order to improve the quality of the work designed for and produced by students. Sponsored by The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc. and Kent State Stark. North Canton City Schools Art Department Professional Growth Workshop, 7 hour studio art workshop. Assessment of studio work and judging the aesthetics of artwork, improving questioning skills to be used with students of all levels, classroom management of studio, management of students using more than one media at a time. 2000: ‘Integrating Technology in the Curriculum’ Learning Technology Services, the Faculty Professional Development Center, and Academic Computing, Moulton Hall, Kent State University. Fine Arts Faculty Computer Lab, Kent State Stark, Digital media workshop, (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Priemer, Macromedia Director, 3-D Studio Max & Avid Express) McWhorter, J. & Betz, B. Power of If: Planning Workshop for Integration of Summer Art Institute, Kent State Stark, funded by Jennings Pro Arts, July 17 & 18. 1999: Visiting Artist/Educator at North Lincoln School, Alliance, Ohio. Curriculum Based Action Research, Professional Development for Stark County Teachers, Kent State Stark. (McWhorter, J., Rosellli, S., Jevec, K.) C&I 50093 3 credit hours. "A" Is for Arts, Language of and with the Arts, Professional In-service Day, Stark County Educators, Fine Arts Building, Kent State Stark. , in collaboration with Marilyn Stocker, Ohio Watercolor Society & Kathy Jevec, Sponsored by The Education Enhancement Partnership of Ohio. Power of If (5): Summer Arts Institute, co-coordinator and co-presenter with visiting artists Shawn Womack and Dr Virginia Carroll Sponsored by The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc and Kent State Stark, Nine day studio based learning for Stark County School Teachers. June 21 - 30. 1998: Power of If 4: Arts & Leadership, Summer Arts Institute, co-coordinator and co-presenter with visiting artists Dr. Barbara Carlisle, Michael Urich, Shawn Womack, Dr. Virginia Carroll, and Greg Little, Sponsored by The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc. and Kent State Stark, Nine day studio based learning for Stark County School Teachers. June 10 - 19. 1997: Art & Technology: An Exploration, co- coordinator and presenter, McWhorter, J., Little, G., & Betz, B., Stark County Schools Education Service Center and Kent State Stark. October 10. Power of If 3 Arts in the Classroom, Summer Arts Institute, co-coordinator and co-presenter with Dr. Barbra Carlisle, Michael Urich, and Shawn Womack, Sponsored by The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc. and Kent State University, Nine day studio based learning for Stark County School Teachers. June 11 - 20. Adobe Photoshop Training, Coordinator and co- presenters, McWhorter, J., Little, G., & Betz, B., (follow-up sessions to the October 10, Common Inservice Day), Stark County Schools Education Service Center. December 4 & 10. Power of If Spring Workshop, Coordinator and co-presenters, McWhorter, J., Carlisle, B., & Betz, B., Kent State Stark, Sponsored by The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 26 1996: Power of If 2 Arts in the Classroom, Summer Arts Institute, co-coordinator and co-presenter with Dr. Barbra Carlisle, Michael Urich, and Shawn Womack, Sponsored by The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc. and Kent State University, Nine day studio based learning for Stark County School Teachers. Artist in Education Project ‘Curriculum Framework’ workshop presentation, Morgan School for the Arts, Alliance, Ohio. Seeing & Knowing: Photo/Drawing/Journaling Workshop, sponsored by The Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife, Hiram House, Moreland Hills, Ohio. Artist in Schools “Futuring’, workshop presentation, Stark/Summit Counties Gifted & Talented Associates. 1995: Project Management Committee of the Education Enhancement Partnership, co-coordinator and copresenter with Dr. Barbara Carlisle, Saxton House, Canton, Ohio. October 12. Power of If/Fall Workshop, coordinator and co-presenter with Michael Urich, Kent State Stark, sponsored by The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc. Power of If: Arts in the Classroom, Summer Institute for Arts, coordinator, co-presenter with Dr. Barbra Carlisle, Michael Urich, Shawn Womack, Sponsored by The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc. and Kent State Stark, Nine day studio based learning for Stark County School Teachers. June 11-23. Power of If: Imaging Sound for the Musical Learner, coordinator, presenters; John Russo, Assistant Conductor, Canton Symphony Orchestra and Lisa Boyer, Education Director, Canton Symphony, The Cultural Center for the Arts, Canton, Ohio. Power of If: Exploring Connections that open both ways to Art & Science, Coordinator, presenters, Visiting Artists; Sandy Knell Tamny, Kevin Olds, Carol Grape, Kent State Stark. Power of If: Sky Lab and Technical Support, Coordinator, presenters, Nancy Varian and Julie Bauman, Stark County School Administrators, Kent State University Stark Campus and Stark County Schools Teacher Technical Center. Power of If Artist in Schools Project, In-service for 15 teachers at Morgan School for the Arts, Alliance City Schools, March 21. Workshop: Image & Idea collection for Air & Dreams Mural Project, Morgan School for the Fine and Performing Arts. Alliance, Ohio. Participation included 45 students and 12 teachers. May 13. Ice Box Cave/Metaphors of an Enclosed System, Stark County Schools, Kent State University, Fine Arts Theatre, Canton, Ohio. 1994: Power of If: Uniting the Worlds of Science and Art, Coordinator, and co-presenter with Gregory Little, Dr. Penny Bernstein, Dr. P. Bagavandoss, and Dr. Andrew Burns, Kent State Stark. Adornment: As Art and Culture by Willis “Bing” Davis, A multicultural art project designed to enhance the understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity,, Kent State Stark. Coordinator. March 28. First Light: Arts in the Classroom, Summer Institute for the Arts, co-coordinator and co-presenter with Dr. Patricia Grutzmacher, Dr. Barbra Carlisle, and Shawn Womack, Nine day studio based Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 27 learning for Stark County School Teachers. June 15 - 24. Drawing from Found Sounds: Separating the Spatial Cues from One Another, presenter, Stark County Gifted/Talented Problem Solving Seminar. Canton, Ohio. 1993: Ubu Roi: Exploring the Mystery of Motion through Body Kinesthetics, coordinator and co-presenter with Carter McAdams and Gregory Little, Kent State Stark, Ubu Roi: The Musical Learner, co-coordinator, presenters - Dr. Patricia Grutzmacher and Dr. Linda Walker, Kent State Stark Campus. Ubu Roi: Visual Spatial Through Kinetic Sculpture and Digital Vision, coordinator and co-presenter with Tom Webb and Greg Little, Kent State Stark. Ymoja: Swimming in the Absence of Water, Summer Institute for the Arts, co-coordinator and copresenter with Dr. Patricia Grutzmacher, Dr. Barbra Carlisle, and Shawn Womack, Ten day studio based learning, for Stark County School Teachers, sponsored by Kent State Stark and The Education Enhancement Partnership, Inc. 1992: Discovery/Rediscovery: Exploring Issues through artists books, coordinator and co- presenter with Carol Grape and Kevin Olds, Kent State Stark. Discovery/Rediscovery: Exploring Issues through Artists Books, co-coordinator and presenter with Carol Grape and Kevin Olds, Staff Development Workshop, Plain Local Schools. February 17. 1988: Staff Development Workshop, Osnaburg Schools, East Canton, OH. Staff Development Workshop, Tuslaw Schools, North Lawarence, OH. 1987: Creative Spaces Project, The United Way of Central Stark County. Arts Connection, The Urban League of Canton and The Cultural Center for the Arts. 1986: OASIS, The M. O’Neil Company, Akron, OH. Exhibitions Curated & Adjudicated: 2015: Unorganized Territories: Sculpture by Mark Schatz, Exhibition & Lecture, Main Hall Gallery April 15 - May 4 Point of Reference: A Collection of Work by Caleb Adcock, Sara Benton, Burt Blackwood, Peggy Corlew, Ashley Doggett, Kelsey Goessman, Corrina Joyner, Mika Mollenkopt, Maxwell Parker, Jill Schumann, Sophia Stevenson, Johanna Torres and Laura Whitfield. Exhibition & Gallery Talk, Main Hall Art Gallery, March 10 - April 6 Entropic Melodies: Prints by Bridget O'Donnell, Exhibition & Lecture, Main Hall Gallery. February 12 – 28 Juror: Governors Exhibition, Dover, Ohio. March 7 Awards Judge, Ohio Collage Society 9th Members Exhibition, Massilllon Museum, Massillon, Oh. January 23. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 28 Member, Selection Committee, NFL Eleven Moment Review, Arts In Stark. January 13. 2014: Recent Investigations: Paintings by Cecily Kahn, Exhibition, Main Hall Gal lery, November 5 – 30 TrendFACTORY: STARK Prints by Leslie Mutchler , Exhibition, Main Hall Gallery, October 3 – 27 Wood, Fire and Ash Ceramics (Faculty, Students and Visiting Artist’s from School of Art Kent State University Ceramic Program utilizing ), Main Hall Gallery, Exhibition & Lecture. September 2-27 Annual Student Juried Exhibition. Juror Robert Thurmer, Cleveland State University Gallery Director (co-curator with Carey McDougall) April 10 –May 4. Stephanie Craig and Todd Leech Sculpture. CoLab, Main Hall Gallery, exhibition & lecture, March 10 - April 6. Jason Urban Prints. Streaming Fields, Main Hall Gallery, Exhibition & Lecture, Feb. 12-28. 2014. 2013: Danielle Mysliwiec Paintings. Recent Paintings. Exhibition & Lecture, Main Hall Gallery, Nov. 5 – 30. Chad Hansen Drawings. Out of the Land of Nod, Main Hall Gallery, Exhibition & Lecture, Oct. 3-27, Jessica Todd Ceramics. Home: Installation and Body Art, Main Hall Gallery, Exhibition & Lecture, Aug. 30-Sept. 19. Juror: 71st Annual May Show, NC Gallery, North Canton Ohio. May 18. Juror with Robert Thurmer. Fresh Art Q, Summit Art Space, Akron, OH. March 1. 2012: Erica Raby & Group - Installations, February 6 - 28 Views from the Periphery. Ceramics by Amy Krusinski Sinbondit October 3- 27 Constructed Spaces: Paintings by George Schroeder” 9/4 – 9/22 Sarah Fairchild: Fluorescence, Main Hall Gallery. March. 7-31 39th Annual Faculty Exhibition, Main Hall Gallery. Exhibition of drawings, prints, sculpture, paintings. digital media, ceramics and photography by studio art faculty at KSU at Stark. Mar. 7-31. Artists & Teachers, Main Hall Gallery, Exhibition features visual art of middle school & high school art teachers who submitted student art work to the Scholastic Art Awards project. Jan. 10-27 2011: Wounds of War: Drawings & Assemblages by Fredlee Votaw. An exhibit of collages, drawings and paintings based on Iraq and holocaust images. Collaborating event related to the theme of the theare production Plumfield, Iraq. Nov. 3-30. Internal Powers: Paintings by Nancy Seibert, This installation focuses on works of art related to the seasons of summer and autumn. A sensitivity to the all-encompassing sweep of the seasons forms Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 29 the foundation of Seibert’s work. Main Hall Gallery. Sept. 1 -23 STEEL- a welded sculpture exhibition by Terrance Klausman. Fine Arts Gallery. Working with steel for over twenty years as a welder. Klausman is inspired by Minimalism and exhibited refined forms rich in color and texture. Aug.29- Sept. 16. NEW WORLD: Places + Forms Sculpture, Drawing & Installation. Main Hall Gallery. Kate Budd and Beth Lindenberger make forms based on combining real and unreal objects such as organic/ plant/ human forms to create new objects. Donna Webb’s work builds on ideas from a current mural project in Kent. Matt Kolodziej exhibited black and white drawings that relate to mapping. Main Hall Gallery. April 7-May 6 Typographic Works: Matthew Tullis & Jeff Jensen. In their Alternative Typestyles Tullis and Jensen combine their passion for salvaged, natural, and antique materials with their back ground in graphic design and typography. Mar. 2 – April 2 Printmaking Expedition Project. Main Hall Gallery. The prints for the show are all out of the PEP col lection from Zygote. Co-curators Sullivan, E. & McWhorter, J. Feb. 9-27 Foundations Exhibition: Faculty Choice. Main Hall Gallery. Selection of best practice art work from studio program at KSU at Stark. Co-curators- McWhorter, J & McDougall, C. Dec.1- Feb. 4. 2010: Awards Juror, Best in Show review for the 2010 Canton Luminaries Photography Competition The Joseph Saxton Gallery of Photography, Canton, OH. June 29. Sustainability: Art Across the Disciplines, Featuring Photographs of Water by KSU Stark Students, (Co-curated by Penny Bernstein, Mitch McKenney, Jack McWhorter.) Main Hall Gallery, KSU Stark. April 7 - May 10 An Installation of these water photos were exhibited at the Great Lakes Science Cen ter. An exhibit put together by the American Museum of Natural Histoy http://www.glsc.org/water_exhibition/ 2010 Faculty Exhibition, The Gallery at Main Hall, Kent State Stark, (McWhorter, J. & McDougall, C.,) March 3 – April 3 ‘Contemporary Responses to the Harlem Renaissance: Black & White Photography by Cherina Jones’ (Collaboration with the Black History Month Committee) February 9-27 4th Annual Artist & Teacher: High School & Middle School Art Teachers (Medina, Portage, Stark, Summit, Tuscarawas, Wayne Counties, January 19 – February 4 2009: ‘Digital Cloth’, Images that make you go hmmm’, by Vincent Quevedo, Lecture & Exhibition, October 9-23 ‘Micro/Macro’, Paintings by Emily Vigil, Lecture & Exhibition, September 7-30 ‘Drawing Without Paper’, Aaron Hubbard, Scott Phillips, Andrew Seigferth, April 13 - May 10 Juror, Firestone High School Portfolio Exhibition & Showcase, March 16. ‘Mental Spaces’, Lectures & Exhibition by international visiting artists Johan Teirlinck and Maria Swinnen. The Gallery at Main Hall, Kent State Stark. March 3 - April 3 ‘3rd Annual Artists & Teachers’: Paintings, Drawings & Ceramics by Middle School & High School Art Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 30 Teachers, Exhibition, The Gallery at Main Hall, Kent State Stark. January 12 - 29. 2008: The 2008 Faculty Show, The Gallery at Main Hall, Kent State Stark, November 7 - December 5. ‘Directions to My House’ paintings by Patricia Zinsmeister Parker, Exhibition and Lecture, The Gallery at Main Hall, Kent State Stark, October 3-31. Kaleidoscope 2008: All Media Works, The Gallery at Main Hall, Kent State Stark, Sept. 1-26 Juror, Sensory Feast, Regional Juried Exhibition, 2nd April Gallerie, Canton, Oh. July 24. Juror, Diversity Artistic Awards, Kent State Stark, April 14. Juror Canton Museum of Art's Stark County High School Show, April 4. Student Juried Exhibition, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. (McWhorter, J. & McDougall, C.,) 2007: Clare Murray ‘Shelf Life’ Exhibition and Lecture, The Gallery at Main Hall, Kent State Stark. Thomas Wachunas ‘Confessions- Mixed Media Assemblages ,Exhibition and Lecture, The Gallery at Main Hall. Faculty Exhibition, The Gallery at Main Hall, Kent State Stark. (McWhorter, J. & McDougall, C.,) Soil, Dust and Rock: Paintings by Sherri Hornbrook, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark, October 10 - November 3. Student Invitational, The Gallery at Main Hall, Kent State Stark. (McWhorter, J. & McDougall, C.,) Drawings 2007: Invitational, Exhibition and Lectures, The Gallery at Main Hall, Kent State Stark. Student Juried Exhibition, The Gallery at Main Hall, Kent State Stark. (McWhorter, J. & McDougall, C.,) 2006: Tension & Balance This exhibition explores the legacy of Modern and Postmodern Abstraction in the work of six artists, Jerry Domokur, Mike Grable, Rob Hawkins, Frank Regan, George Reuter and Nancy Richards-Davis, Exhibition and Lecture, The Gallery at Main Hall, Kent State Stark. Seeing through a Leaf : An Exploration of Bringing the Outdoors In By Brandi Adamski, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. (McWhorter, J. & McDougall, C., ) Artist & Teacher: High School Art Teachers, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Faculty Choice: Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. (McWhorter, J. & McDougall, C.,) Drawings 2006: Regional Artists, The Gallery at Main Hall, Kent State Star. (McWhorter, J. & McDougall, C, “Drums in the Forest: Native American Art from the Massillon Museum of Art,” The Gallery at Main Hall, Kent State Stark, “November 3-30. The exhibit includes artifacts, ranging in date from 11,000 B.C.E. to the early 20th century, of native peoples from the Great Lakes, Ohio, and other regions east of the Mississippi. (Lindner, M, Norton-Simth, T. & McWhorter, J.,) 2005: Surrealist Time: Pastels by Fran Lehnert, Exhibition and Lecture, The Gallery at Main Hall. Energy: Paintings by Tom Lehnert, Exhibition and Lecture, The Gallery at Main Hall, Kent State Stark. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 31 Mark Snyder: In Black and White, Printmaking Exhibition and Lecture, The Gallery at Main Hall, Fall. (Miltner, R. & McWhorter, J.) Annual Faculty Exhibition, The Gallery at Main Hall, Kent State Stark. (McWhorter, J. & McDougall, C.) Inside Out: Paintings by Giovanna Melidona, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery. 51st Annual Scholastic Art Awards, Exhibition and Awards Presentation, Campus Center and Fine Arts Building, Kent State Stark. (McWhorter, J. & Scholastic Advisory Committee) New Work: Prints, Drawings & Paintings by Julie Friedman, Exhibition and Lecture, Gallery at Main Hall, Kent State Stark. Recent Paintings & Drawings by Philip Buntin, Exhibition and Lecture, Gallery at Main Hall, Kent State Stark. (McDougall, C. McWhorter, J.) Image & Text: An Art & Poetry Collaboration, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent Sate Stark. (Miltner, R, Friedman, J. & McWhorter, J.) Student Juried Exhibition, Student Exhibition, Gallery at Main Hall, Kent State Stark. (McWhorter, J. & McDougall, C.) Elias Jengo, Fulbright Artist in Residence: Exhibition and Lecture, The Gallery at Main Hall, Spring. 2004: Skin Maps: by Jennifer Graven, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery. Darice Polo: Form and Memory, Exhibition and Lecture, The Gallery at Main Hall. 50th Annual Scholastic Art Awards, Exhibition and Awards Presentation, Campus Center and Fine Arts Building, Kent State Stark. (McWhorter, J. & Scholastic Advisory Committee) Recent Paintings by Matthew Kolodziej, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Personal Guardians: Ceramics Sculpture by Beth Lindenberger, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Faculty Choice: Student Exhibition, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. (McWhorter, J., McDougall, C.) Compositions with Figures: Twentieth-Century American Painters in the Canton Museum of Art, Exhibition in the McMillan Gallery, Canton Museum of Art, (Lindner, Molly, Jack McWhorter, February 6 - 29. Drawing Now 2004: Carey McDougall, Chuck Basham, Earl Iselin, Jack McWhorter, Julie Fried man,Judy Krew, Kim Eggleston-Kraus, Micha Kraus, Nancy Hart, Philip Buntin, Rebecca Williams, Sebastian Birch Exhibition and Lectures, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. 2003: Paintings by John Rasile, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery. Keith Thomas: BFA Senior Show, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Student Juried Exhibition, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 32 49th Annual Scholastic Art Awards, Exhibition and Awards Presentation, Campus Center and Fine Arts Building, Kent State Stark. (McWhorter, J. & Scholastic Advisory Committee) Frames of Reference – Drawings by Carrie Schweitzer & John Lovell, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery. Drawings that explore broad divisions, drawing classified as either subjective or objective. Judge, Regional Competition, Ohio Governors Youth Art Exhibition, Dover, Ohio. March 8. Seconds from Yesterday, Photography by Heather Protz, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery. Pho tography digitally manipulated and conserved on archival papers. “A Body of Related Work” sculpture, paintings, drawings, mixed media by School of Art, Kent Campus undergraduate students. (McWhorter, J. & Kessler, C.,) Student Juried Exhibition, Fine Arts Gallery. 2002: Shared Theme: Can We Turn Our Rage Into Poetry?, Exhibition and Lecture A memorial tribute exhibition open to Kent Stark students and faculty working in all media. Artists were invited to submit two works that express their memories, impressions, interpretations and concepts of the September 11 attack or hopes for rebuilding the future. Paintings on Paper – Water Colors by Bette Elliot, Exhibition and Lecture. Water colors that pose several questions; “when the artist within is asked why? I always answer Because.” Kent Stark Faculty Art Exhibition, Fine Arts Gallery. Student Juried Exhibition, Fine Arts Gallery. (McWhorter, J. & Eggleston, K.) Italian Landscapes by Giovanni Jackson, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. The paintings collected under the rubric of Italian Landscapes are distilled from memories that go back to the artist’s childhood in Italy. The Sites of Ghana by Kwesi, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. The many different life styles and people who live in Ghana, West Africa. Illustrated through the eyes of an African American photographer named Kwesi. (Bernstein, P. & McWhorter, J.) Recent Works by Micah Kraus, Exhibition of Prints and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Intaglio prints. (McWhorter, J. & Eggleston, K.) Judge, Regional Competition, Ohio Governors Youth Art Exhibition, Dover, Ohio. March 9. Student Juried Exhibition, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Mixed-media, drawings, paintings, sculpture and computer imaging from students in the studio art program. 2001: Hierarchy by Christine Gorbach (painter) and Gary Lee Nelson (composer) combine new technology with traditional visual, musical, linguistic, mathematical, and scientific concepts. Exhibition and Performance, Fine Arts Gallery & Theatre Kent State Stark. Music on the Bones by Maria Mangubi, Exhibition and Lecture, , Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Multiple-plate etchings derive from her Russian heritage and explore an unusual form of historical record. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 33 Paintings, Drawing, Projects by Kent Stark Art Faculty, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Student Juried Art Exhibition, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Summer Investigation: Chad Kessler, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. 47th Annual Scholastic Art Awards, Exhibition and Awards Presentation, Campus Center and Fine Arts Building, Kent State Stark. (McWhorter, J. & Scholastic Advisory Committee) “New Work: Textiles” by Janice Lessman-Moss and nine of her graduate students, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. In the Minds Eye, Pastel Drawings by Fran Lehnert, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. 100% Energy, Paintings by Thom Lehnert, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Judge, Regional Competition, Ohio Governors Youth Art Exhibition, Dover, Ohio. March 10. Student Juried Exhibition, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. “New Work” Paintings, Drawings, Photography by Chris Sirgo, Alison Miltner. 2000: “India: Of Time and Faces Photography by Jennifer Swartzentruber, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. (Friesen, B. & McWhorter, J.) Whisper, Mumble And Shout, Paintings by Sherri Hornbrook, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Kent Stark Faculty Exhibition, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Student Juried Exhibition, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Robots & Image Machines by Patrick Lichty, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Martin Ball: Recent Paintings, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Clay Sculptural Vessels, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Forms derived from plant and animal forms integrated into the man-made environment. Student Juried Exhibition, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Constructed Narratives: The Poetics of Juxtaposition and Found Objects, Exhibition and Lectures, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. The nature of multi-media and power of juxtaposition were explored and invited such questions as “is it art”, “what does it say” and “how do objects and materials convey meaning”. 1999: Faculty Choice: Works in Progress , Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Ways of Knowing,Exhibition, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 34 Clay Sculptures by Donna Webb and Joseph Blue Sky, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark, Spring. The Grid: Paintings and Projects by Enid Williams, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Juried Student Exhibition, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. 1998: Faculty Exhibition, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Recent Paintings by Paul Yanko, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Invitational Drawing Exhibition, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Student Choice Exhibition, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Student Juried Show, Fine Arts Upper and Lower Galleries, Kent State Stark. Eden & Medici Series: Contemporary Quilts/Ceramics, by Jane Reeves and John Reeves, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Animal Imagery: Ceramic Sculpture by Millie d’ Angelo, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. 1997: Archbishop Hoban High School Student Exhibition & Choral Performance, Fine Arts Gallery & Theatre, Kent State Stark. Pastel Paintings by William Quinn, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Love Makes A Family: Living in Lesbian and Gay Families, sponsored by Family Diversity Projects, Amherst MA, Kent State Stark Library. Neural Connections: Ginny Carrol, Russ Hurd, Greg Little, Penny Bernstein, Pat Grutzmacher, Brooke Horvath, Bathi Kasturiarachi, John Harkness, Thomas Norton-Smith and Jack McWhorter. Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Clay Sculptures by Beth Lindenberger, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. The Ready-Made Hero by Earl Iselin, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Inner Visions by Julie Friedman, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Star. Juror - The Canton Museum of Art 's Seventh Annual Stark County High Schools' Art Exhibition. 1996: Material Remedies by Karen Dunphy , Exhibition and Lectures, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. October 25- November 15. “Rebinding” Psyche, Spirit, Soul, Exhibition and Lectures, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Recent Projects, Drawings, and Sculptures by Brinsley Tyrrell, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 35 Water Colors by Fred Worrell, Wood by Ward, Exhibition and Lectures, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Paintings/Fibre by Claire Murray, Exhibition and Lecture, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Selection Committee & Reader, ‘Border Breakers’ grant awards to Stark County Schools, sponsored by The Education Enhancement Partnership, Saxton House, Canton, Ohio. 1995: ‘Ways of Knowing’ by Kent Stark Faculty; P. Bagavandoss, Penny Bernstein, Virginia Carrol, Kim Finer, Patricia Grutzmacher, Brooke Horvath, Robert Miltner, Jack McWhorter, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. ‘Returning to Paint’, an exhibition of paintings and works on paper by Sherri Hornbrook, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark Campus. Visiting Artist Lecture & Performance: Fashioning Life and Death, Athena Tacha & Sarah Schuster Fine Arts Studio, Kent State Stark. Academic Affairs Office Series II - Exhibition of Water Colors by Mary Titus, Kent State Stark. Academic Affairs Office Series I - Exhibition of Photographs by Chris Daugherty, Kent State Stark. Uniting the Worlds of Art & Science: Carlisle, McWhorter, Prusack, Urich, Womack, Exhibitions and Lectures. 1994: Sculpture by Marsha Deem & Works on Paper by Jack McWhorter, Exhibition, Fine Arts Gallery, Kent State Stark. Kent State Stark In Collaboration with Community Television Consortium, Video Competition, Canton Museum of Art, Fry Gallery, May 15 - June 30, 1994 1993: Juror, Christkindl, Canton Museum of Art, November 12. 1992: Discovery/Rediscovery: The Accessibility of Change, Sixteen month project connecting art and mythology in the Stark County Schools. Canton Museum of Art. Sept. 15 - Oct. 28. The Map Room: Installation by Kevin Olds. Canton Museum of Art. Sept. 15 - Oct. 28. The Chosen: Steel Sculpture by Sandi Knell Tamni, Canton Museum of Art. Sept. 15-Oct. 28. The Evolution of the Industrial City: Photography by Chris Daughtery & text by Gary Gappert, Canton Museum of Art. Sept. 15 - Oct. 28. A Contemporary Response: Installations by Carol Grape, Judith Beckman, Katherine Kadish, Barbra Vogel, Margaret McAdams, Dorothy Linde and Claire Heldman. Canton Museum of Art. Sept. 15 Oct. 28. Juror, Akron Art Exposition, Akron, Ohio. July. 1991: ‘Fifteen Ohio Quilts’ Fine Arts Lower Level Gallery, Kent State Stark, October 7-25. 1987: Guest critic, Ohio Wesleyan University, Odyssey of the Mind, Delaware, Ohio. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 36 1986: Guest critic, University of Arizona,Odyssey of the Mind, Flagstaff, Arizona. 1985: Guest critic, University of Akron, Akron, Odyssey of the Mind, Ohio. Juror: 2nd Annual Congressional Art Competition & Exhibition, Congressional Arts Caucus, Cultural Center for the Arts & Corridor Gallery of the Capitol, Washington D.C. 1984: Guest critic, University of Maryland, Odyssey of the Mind Paintings in Public & Private Collections Susan & Terry Yingling, Akron, Ohio Thomas J. Dillon, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio Susan & Chris Williams, Phoenix, Arizona Charles & Eleanor, Kuder, Jackson, Ohio Joe & Gail Martino, Canton, Ohio Francis Smet, Meerbeek, Belgium Kurtis and Amanda Falvo, City of Greene, Ohio Kathryn Evans, Akron, Ohio Northside, Akron, Ohio College of Nursing, University of Akron Greggory & Sarah Rossi, Akron Derek and Jen Haake, Akron Karina Slabbaert-Degrave, Kortenberg, Belgium Dr. Margaret Wyman, Florida UZ Gasthuisberg, Catholic University of Leuvain, Belgium Johan Tierlink, Meerbeck, Belgium Cynthia Meadows, Chevy Chase, Maryland Frank Regan, Akron, Ohio Marybeth Sorento, Syracuse, New York Dr. Ann Waters, Kent, Ohio Gary Tullis, Akron, Ohio Doug McCann, North Canton, Ohio Siberling Naturealm, Summit County, Ohio Alan Maxwell, Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania Benjamin Portnoy, Eilat, Israel Case Design, Rocky River, Ohio Christopher & Kimberly Conidi, Parkersburg, West Virginia Cultural Center for the Arts, Canton, Ohio Dance Theater, City of Green, Ohio Theatre 8:15, City of Green, Ohio David Dauer, Framingham, Massachusetts Debra Obrien, Colorado Springs, Colorado Denise Bryant, Columbus, Georgia Design Union, Cleveland, Ohio Dr. James T. Bilbo & Rebecca W. Bilbo, Fort Mitchell, Kentucky Dr. Jessica Lang & Christopher Lang, Dayton, Ohio Elizabeth & Earl Iselin, Akron, Ohio Horace Mann Community Center, Canton, Ohio Jill Hoy, Deer Isle, Maine John & Alicia Pieper, Canton Ohio Kenneth Davis, New York City, New York Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 37 Canton Country Day, Canton, Ohio School of Art, Kent State University Kent State University Stark Campus Linda Morris, Columbus, Ohio Lynn Hurtuk, Poland, Ohio Marcia Bircher, Akron, Ohio Margorie & Kevin Hluk, St. Cloud, Minnesota Maria Swinnen, Genk, Belgium Marta & William Hermann, Baltimore, Maryland McGreggor School, Canton, Ohio Michael & Carol D’Inocennt, Villa Hills, Kentucky Michael Milliagan, Columbus, Ohio Morgan School for the Arts, Alliance, Ohio Michael Owen, Akron, Ohio Ohio Arts Council, Columbus, Ohio Ohio Department of Natural Resources- Division of Wildlife, Portage Lakes, Ohio Paul Ludic, New York City, New York Rebecca Williams, San Francisco, California Republic Steel Corporation, Local 1200- Canton, School of Art, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio Schwartz, Kelm, Warrens, & Rubenstein, Columbus, Ohio Shiela Tabakoff, Charlotte, North Carolina SiSan Associates, North Canton, Ohio St. Paul’s Social Action, Canton, Ohio Thomas & Beth Lindenberger, Akron, Ohio Thurman Munson Community Center, Canton, Ohio United Way of Central Stark County, Canton, Ohio Victoria Epley, Boulder, Colorado Wood Hawk Country Club, Pepper Pike, Ohio Awards “Distinguished Educator for Art Education” Ohio Art Education Association, March 1, 2013. Summer Arts Institute nominated as Ohio’s BEST Practices, State Board of Education of Ohio. 1998. School Partnership Project, Power of If, Nominated for the Governor’s Awards for the Arts in Ohio. 1996. Meritorious Service as Community Teacher of the Year and Curator for Outstanding Shows, Awarded by the Board of Trustees and Staff of the Canton Museum of Art. 1994 Award of Recognition for Distinguished Teaching, Kent State Stark Campus, 1993. Mortar Board Laurels Chapter Kent State University, Award for serving as a role model in the areas of service, scholarship and leadership. 1992 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Painting, School of Art, Kent State University, 1976-79 Blossom/School of Art Scholarship, summers 1975, 76, & 77 School of Art Undergraduate Scholarship, Kent State University, 1974-75 Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 38 Exhibitions/Artist in Schools & Community Projects Reproduced, Cited, and/or Reviewed in Publications Swinnen, Maria, Tussen Wetenschap en kunst, (Between Science and Art), De Lijsterbes, November 2008, p. 11. De Bosuil Tentoonstelling: Symmetry Breaking, by Eddy Frans, De Link, October-November 2008, Overijse, Belgium, p. 12. Wachunas, Tom, Kent Stark Exhibit Is Revealing Look At Artists in Training, Observer-Reporter, April 24, 2008. Scholastic Exhibition, Traditional, Newer Methods Showcased in Prestigious Exhibit, Tom Wachunas, Observer-Reporter, January 31, 2008. Pustay, Erin, Towpath YMCA Mural Project, Massillon Independent, May 16, 2006. Shinn, Dorothy, When Medium Frames Message, Akron Beacon Journal, July 28, 2005. Painting exhibition review, On the Wall, by Kurt Kleidon, Akron Art & Leisure, August, 2005. Paintings reproduced, Educating Our Youth, Community Links, Taylor Communications. April/May 2005 Painting reproduced, Academy Graphic Communication, Inc, 52 Weeks 52 Works, 2003, Cleveland, Ohio. CADE project cited in Research and Graduate Studies News Fall 2001 Volume3 Number 7 Science “Versus” Art, Kent State University. Painting, featured in McWhorter’s The Signal Tree Unveiled, Regional Report, Kent State University Regional Campuses. Vol. 19 No. 4, July 1996 School-College Partnership projects, Linking America’s Schools and Colleges - Guide to Partnerships & National Directory, by Franklin P. Wilbur and Leo M. Lambert; produced in support from the American Association for Higher Education, published by Anker Publishing Company, Inc. 1996 Community arts project featured in Science Explained Via Art, Kinetics, Spring, 1996, Volume 6; No.2 Power of If Exhibition and Artist in Schools Process, interview by Carla Walker. WKSU Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. March 1996 Exhibition cited in Teachers, Students Come Together at Museum for Opening of New Exhibit, by Lee Horrisberger, Canton Repository. March 25, 1996 Ubu Roi & Power of If Projects cited in The Right to View, to Edit, to Study, by Barbra Drennan, paper presentation at the Ninth Annual National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, The School of the Visual Arts, New York City. October, 1995 Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 39 Discovery/Rediscovery, artist in school project cited in Collecting Research Data From Communtiy - Art Education Collaborations for Use in Action Reserch, by Frederick Lee Votaw, Kent State University, doctoral dissertation, 1995 Painting reproduced in Art Review Breaking Away From Old Limits, by Dorothy Shinn, Akron Beacon Journal. December 3, 1995 Artist in School project cited in Morgan School Tapped as Pilot Site for State Fine Arts Project, by Nancy Whitaker, Alliance Review. June 14, 1995 Thematic learning enriches courses in Tying it all Together, by Ruth E. Sternberg, The Canton Repository. Nov. 20, 1994 Ubu Roi Project cited in The Scope of the Partnership in Stark County by Joseph Rochford, The Stark County Education Report Card. 1994 First Light Artist in Schools project cited in Teachers Find Artists, Creativity in Selves by Ruth E. Sternberg, The Repository. June 1994 Artist in Schools project (Ubu Roi: Science of Imaginary Solutions) cited in Cultural Center Impresses U.S. Arts Leader, Jane Alexander, by Dan Kane, The Canton Repository. July 18, 1994 Artist in Schools project reviewed in Ubu Roi Mixing Arts into School Subjects Creates Exhibit of Energy, Rhythm, by Ruth E. Sternberg, The Repository. July 18, 1994. Artist in Schools project reviewed in Ubu Roi mixes arts, philosophy, by Mike Hudak, Free Press, May 29, 1994. Artist in Education project reproduced and cited in Learning Through Arts, by Dan Kane, The Repository. May 29, 1994. Mixing Arts into school subjects creates exhibit of energy, rhythm, by Ruth Sternberg, Canton Repository. May 13, 1994 Painting reproduced and cited in Kent State University Show Illustrates High Caliber of Its Art Grads, by Dorothy Shinn, The Akron Beacon Journal. April 10, 1994 Ubu Roi Exhibition reviewed in This Art Does Not Stay in the Lines, by Dorothy Shinn, The Akron Beacon Journal. May 1994. Ubu Roi Project cited in Stark’s Arts Activity Earns National Attention, Regional Report, Kent State University Regional Campuses. Vol. 17, No.1, Fall 1993 Discovery/Rediscovery & Ubu Roi cited in Towards a Renaissance in (Arts) Education in Stark County, The Stark County Education Report Card. March 1993 Painting cited and reproduced in Bolder is Better in Show this Big, by Dorothy Shinn, The Akron Beacon Journal. Nov. 21, 1993. Ubu Roi project mentioned in A Day in the Life of the Partnership by Michael Ream, Special Supplement Edition to The Canton Repository. Nov. 2, 1993 Distinguished Teaching Award cited in Ensign , McWhorter Honored at Stark, Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 40 Regional Report, Kent State University Regional Campuses; Vol. 16, No. 8. Summer 1993 Discovery/Rediscovery project cited in Kent Stark Professor to Curate Columbus Exhibition, Regional Report, Kent State University Regional Campuses. Vol. 15; No. 6 February, 1992 Artist in Education project cited in Discovery/Rediscovery and DBAE, by Bill Mease, Communiqué, The Ohio Partnership for the Visual Arts: Regional Institute for Educators. 1992 Installation views reproduced and exhibition reviewed in Discovery/Rediscovery Artistic Explorations Canton Art Institute by Dan Kane, The Canton Repository Ticket. September 11, 1992 Exhibition reviewed in Warning from Youths, The Canton Repository. June 17, 1992 Installation view reproduced and exhibition reviewed in Canton Exhibit Helps Its Viewers Rediscover America, by Dorothy Shinn , The Beacon Journal. October 11, 1992 Kent State Stark Collaboration cited in Children’s Arts Connection Students Design Mural for Sears Building, by Jeanne Tufuoh, ARTIFACTS, January 1991. Installation view reproduced and exhibition reviewed in 5 Abstract Artists With Messages, by Dorothy Shinn, The Akron Beacon Journal. May 6, 1990 Exhibition reviewed in Art Institute Features Abstract Art Exhibit, The Tribune, May 1, 1990. Exhibition reviewed in Hidden Meaning: Five Artists, by Sherry D`Atri, Artifacts. May, 1990 Exhibition reviewed in Hidden Meanings: Five Abstract Artists, Sherry D’ ATri, Louisville Herold, April 18, 1990. Paintings in Ward/Nasse exhibition reviewed in Many Happy Returns, by Joseph Merkel, Art Speak, NYC, New York, May 16, 1990. Paintings reproduced and exhibition reviewed in Big Scale, by Dan Kane, The Repository. June 16, 1989. Painting reproduced and exhibition reviewed by Sherry D`Atri, Compositions With Figures, Artifacts. June, 1989 Installation of Drawing Project, Dreams Come True, by Kristan Kurian, Canton Cultural Center for the Arts, Free Press, June 25, 1989. Painting Exhibiton: Composition with Figures, Alliance Review, June 5, 1989. Painting reproduced and exhibition reviewed in Contrast as Statement at Ward-Nasse, by J. Taylor Basker, in Art Speak. May 1, 1988 Residency Project cited in Children Learn from Artist, by Lee Nelson, The Repository. April 17, 1988 Painting reproduced and exhibition reviewed in Multi-Solo at Ward- Nasse, Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 41 by Peter Janney, Manhattan Arts. March, 1987 Painting cited in review of exhibition in Review at Ward-Nasse, Artspeak. September 1, 1986 Painting reproduced and work cited in Combat Art of the Vietnam War, by Joseph F. Anzenberger, McFarland & Company. 1986 Painting cited in May Show’s Media are Breaking the Molds, by Helen Cullinan, The Plain Dealer. June 11, 1985 Painting reviewed in El Salvadore Photographs/Jack McWhorter: Wall Paintings, by Jane Farver, Dialogue An Art Journal. May/ June 1984 Painting reproduced and exhibition reviewed in Landscape 84, by Owen Findsen, The Cincinnati Enquirer. May 27, 1984 Painting reproduced in Visions, by Cynthia Fowler, The Futurist. December 1984 ilus. Pgs. 70-71. Paintings reproduced and exhibition reviewed in Center Dedicated to Peace, by Rebecca Clover, The Canton Repository. October 23, 1983 Conceptual Structures, Exhibition Review, Megan Harding, Daily Kent Stater, July 12, 1982. Works Reproduced, Cited, and/or Reviewed in Publications (continued) Artist in Education project cited in Focus on Kids, by Kathy Driscoll, The Canton Repository. August 2, 1981 Paintings reproduced and exhibition reviewed in Creating an Urban Art Gallery, by Debbie Blake, The Repertoire. April 11, 1980 Professional Updating: (Teaching & Arts Advocacy) 2015 Linking Social Media, Online Training, Lynda.Com, Summer 2011 May 17: Graduation Planning System, training, Kent State University at Tuscarwas Campus. February 23: Independent Contractor Form - Training Session 2008 July 31: 21st Century Skills Showcase:WVIZ/PBS Ideastream, in conjunction with Cleveland State University, The Greater Cleveland Educational Development Center and the Martha Holden Jennings Foundation Summer 2007: Podcasting for iTunes U @ KSU, Faculty Workshop, Moulton Hall, September 2006: National Online Registration System for the 2006-2007 program year. Online ORS Affiliate Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Summer 2005: Apple iLife 05: iDVD, GarageBand, & iWEB, Online Training, Missing Manual Series, with Daivd Pogue, J.D. Biersdorf, Erica Sadun, Derrick Story. Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 42 May 2004: Dreamweaver MX 2004, Online Training, Understanding Code View, Macromedia Application Development Center. (Kymberlee Weil and Lynda Weinman) December 2004: Macromedia Flash MX 2004, Online Training, Flashforwad- ActionScripting, Macromedia Application Development Center. Flashforward is an international educational Macromedia Flash conference with Lynda Weinman. Learning Technology and The Way We Work, American Association For Higher Education, National Conference on Higher Education, Washington, D.C. 1997 Aesthetic Education at Lincoln Center, Ongoing Inquiry, conference, The Julliard School Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, with Howard Gardner, Maxine Greene, and Donna Plasket, New York City. 1996 A Close Look at Outcome-Based Education, conference, Ohio Arts Council, with Dr. William Spady, High Success Network, Columbus, Ohio. 1993 Managing Change In The Arts, conference, Ohio Arts Council, with Mary Hayes, Executive Director, New York State Council on the Arts. Columbus, Ohio. 1992 A School For All Intelligences, symposium, State of the Art Models in Studio Based Education, with Dr. Barbara Carlisle, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. 1992 Project Zero and Arts Propel, Creating Process-Portfolios, conference, with Dr. Susan Weimmer, Ohio Arts Council/ The Cultural Center for the Arts, Ohio. 1991 Association for American Cultures, American University, Washington D.C. 1988 Open Dialogue III, Minority Objectives in Cultural Arts Programming, conference, Association for American Cultures, American University, Washington, DC. 1988 Acts of Criticism, Description, Interpretation, Evaluation, Theory, symposium, with Dr. Terry Barrett, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 1988 Cultural Arts Programming: Money, A New Priority- Finding It, Getting It, Maximizing It. conference, National Endowment for the Arts, Washington DC. 1984 International Schools Services, Perspectives on non-European Cultures, conference, United States Department of State Office of Overseas Schools. Athens, Greece. 1982 Jack McWhorter Curriculum Vitae 43