Station Circular of Information No. 206 September 1939 PEAR PRODUCTION AND MARKET DATA Production, ice and dietribution etatiatice of the pear .nduatry prepared by the Oregon State College Agricultural periment Station and tension Service by L. R. Breithaupt and N. W. Wilc AGRICDITIJRAL EXPERIMENT STATION Oregon State Agricultural College vii. A. Schoenfeld, Director Corvallie, Oregon OREGON PEAR ACREAGE BY VARIETIES, 1935 Bartlett dt Anjou Boso All others Ohart. 1 0 2 6 4 Thousand acres 8 10 This canpilation of pear production and market data has been prepared especially fran the viewpoint of the Oregon pear industry and explains much concerning the quantities, varieties, and grades of pears produced in Oregon and elsewhere, It also explains much of the where, when, how, and why of marketing pears. This bulletin is intended as a summariza-. tion of existing data that may be of service to those growers and handlers of pears who wish to have before them the best available picture of the state and national situation ithen planning their production and marketing programs. Certainly, the full value of this material will not be realized unless the growers and handlers of pears give studious consideration to the infonuation contained. It is hoped, however, that this publication will enable the growers and handlers to master in a few hours data which it has taken the authors months to assemble, and that, despite the 11ii tations of the available data, it may be of service to the industry. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Circular of Inforsation No. Oregon State Agricultural College ?bn. A. Schoenfeld, Director Corvallis, Oregon September 206 1939 PEAR PRODUCTION AND MARKET DATA By L. K. Breithaupt and K. W. Wilcox / CONTENTS General Pear Data Acreage and production ............................ 2 - 18 Shipeenta and ilEloads ............................. 19 - 25 Exports - fresh and canned ........................ 26 - 32 Fresh pear marketing season ....................... 33 Cold storage holdings ............................. 34 - 35 Bartlette Acreage and production ............................ 36 - 40 Canned pears and export,s .......................... 44 47 Ihied pears and exports ........................... 47 Auction sales - dratestic and foreign .............. 40 - 44 Export foi,n certificates .......................... 48 Cold storage movement ............................. 49 ......................... 42,45,46 Prices: Fresh and canned late Varieties Acreage and production ............................ 50 - 56,66 Shimente and exports ............................. 57 - 63 Auction sales and prices .......................... 64 - 80 Factors affecting price ........................... 81 - 88 This ci2cular deala with statistics relating to acreage, production and marketof pears. The material deals particularly with the pear industry of Oregon, Washington, and California, although much nation-wide and world pear data are presented. The information is arranged to give special emphasie to pear statistics relating to Oregon, since the publication is intended for use an a reference by ing Oregon growers and handlers of pears. The project outline £ allowed in this study was set up at a conference of Federal and state agencies at Portland, Oregon, on November 10, 1937. In addition to the Oregon State College Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service, the United States Department of Agriculture was represented at this conference by the Bureau of Agricultural Econcmics, Agricultural Adjustment Administration and the Farm Credit Administration. The states of Calif ornia and Washington were represented by the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of California and the Agricultural Experiment Station of Washington State College. At this conference a general outline of basic statistical information to be gathered jointly was prepared. Subsequently the various agencies collaborated in assembling a large volimie of such data fron which the tables and charts in this circular were oondensed. Source of data footnotes under the tables indicate the inpor.. tent extent of this valuable cooperation, for which the authors, on behalf of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service, wish to express hearty appreciation. L. R. Breitbaupt is Extension Econoniat in Statistica, News and Outlook at Oregon State CoUege K. I. Wilcox is Research Assistant in the Oregon State Agricultural Experiment Station. -1- .- Table 1 hegon Tear 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 : 1.,*Pj be : : 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 ; : : : : 1931 1932 : : : 1933 1934 1935 : 1936 // 1937 1938 Pear production in the United State., 1919-1938 ,/ Pacifiot Other : United tPaci.fic Coast : : per cent of states : States :as - fl :Waahingtofl:CalifOruia: Coast - -, -, bushels buahela A. -. buhe1a bushels bub.els 961 840 1,729 1,606 4,625 4,250 7,115 6,696 7,776 10,612 24,891 17,308 1,020 1,343 1,530 1,447 1,710 1,875 2,240 2,728 1,947 2,484 3,584 6,125 5,625 5,542 7,542 6,479 9,706 4,958 10,654 7,362 9,788 8,491 11,437 20,362 17,245 18,724 20,227 2,560 2,250 3,060 2,870 8,626 7,584 9,417 10,180 6,521 7,862 24,966 18,371 24,035 21,600 67.3 65.3 11,334 24,109 19,434 7,491 3,400 3,600 2,016 3,696 3,322 4,700 7,544 26,978 72.0 2,000 2,944 2,819 3,834 9,084 9,917 9,209 14,918 16,913 16,702 10,165 4,052 4,674 4,528 5,200 9,709 16,863 6,792 5,400 5,600 6,465 9,792 9,334 11,083 2,626 3.375 3,760 3,550 4,399 Inc udas both harvested J Prelim1nary end 7,917 9,883 8,936 11,736 14,786 11,850 16,173 47.8 38.7 56.6 47.7 57.3 47.7 58.0 59.2 64.5 25,083 59.5 7,061 23,974 70.5 6,824 10,573 23,526 15,367 9,932 25,299 18,952 18,484 8,004 11,064 21,937 9,904 26,956 29,548 31,841 27,436 71.0 61.5 60.7 70.3 62.6 68.9 usharVested production. Noreen of Source of data: 1919-1937 United States Department of Agriculture, of California fron official Agricultural Econonios. 1936 conpiled by University Unit.d States and state crop reports. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension S.r,ioe. Pear production in the United States baa more than doubled during * th. peat 20 peare, th. increase being accoonted for in the three Paeific** * Coast states, hich now produce approximateIy two-thirds of the total * * production. Tan Perth C.ntrsl states, principally Nidiigen, (Niio, and * h.1s of pear. during the * Uliaoi., produced an avsrege at 3,168,000 * 1834-1938 5-year p.riodj 9 North Atlantic states, pr ip.Ily New Tork ** $ and Pennsylvania, produced an average of 1,980,000 bushels; 8 South At* lantic stat.. produced an avergs at 1,214,000 bushels. Although the ** * data for all 'oth.y states5 ocod,l.d show no definite trend in poduo- * 4nation of production data by states * tiod during the pUt 20 years, die- * increase in the Central states and s * and rigians indicates s * * * slims in the North Atlantic rsgman. -2- * * 1938 eg' greateet pear produotton, that o 1938 was alwcmt 6 tens. the 1919'20'2J.'22'23'24'25'26'27'28'29'30'31'32'33'34'35'36'yl'38 art 2 OREGON PNAR PROtECTION, 1919 twenty years previous. The trend has been sharply upward since 1919 althcugbprcdncticm relativel,y saa3.1 crop. were harvested in the early- thirties. 0 1 2 3 4 M111jo bu8hel JW.ljcn REGIONAL TRID OF PEAR PRODUCTION BY PERIOI buahel 15 10 5 0 1929-1933 1924-1928 1919-1923 1934-,].938 Pear p decti increased rspidb Lu the three Pacific Coast states fr 1919 to 193, bt deereassd .1ightiy- Lu thi other states. PEAR PRCTION AND TRRE N(flI3 IN PRINCIPAL STATES (iart 4 New York ,- Michigan Michigan Oregon All other states Washington California Trees Product ion (Average (1935) 1934-1938) Oregon, Washington and California each had a larger share of United States average pear production for the years 1934-1938 than of trees in 1935. (Together they had 68 per cent of production on the average conpared to 50 per cent of the trees in 1935.) -4- Table 2.- Bartlett and late pear production as per cent of total n Oregon, Washington, and California, averages 1926-1935, annual 1936-1938 Year : Bartlett pears Per cent Average 1926-J930 Oregon Washington : California Total : : Late 44 78 89 56 22 78 Avera2e 131-193 eare Per cent AU pears Pa cent U 22 100 100 100 100 53 100 26 15 24 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 8 Oregon 8 Washington : California : Total : 47 74 85 76 19% Oregon Washington : 45 74 88 : 75 55 26 12 23 31 69 100 30 10 73 _ 27 100 100 100 64 28 16 29 100 100 100 100 : California Total i2l 8 Oregon Washington : California : Total : Oregon Washington : : California Total : : 70 90 36 72 84 71 f Prelininary. Source of data: United States Gepartaient of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Econanics, 1925-1937. 1938 fran official United States state crop repor. Canpiled by College of Agriculture, University ofa California. Arranged for publication by the Oregon Agricultural perimerit Station and tension Service. PEAR PRODUCTION IN PACINIC COAST STATES, AVERAGE 1936-1938 Oregon chart 5 Washington California 2.5 5.0 7.5 MilJ.ion bushel -5- 10.0 12.5 Econonice Agricultural Arranged repOrts. by publication for Service. teneion and St*tion Ezperinent Agricultural Oregon by conpil.d 1938 1925-1937. crop stat. and States United official fron California of University United data: of Source of Bureau Agriculture, of Department States 1,750 951 1,449 1,340 1,524 1,135 850 : : . : z i : : : Tahl.e Tear 1925 1926 1930 1929 1928 192? 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1937 1936 / pears Lozia. f'resh in consumed usually the of exclusively almost Consists_ of vari.tias dessert' ' or winter' and "fall so-called 6,362 1,577 1,118 1,680 5059 4,665 3,931 4,000 738 164l 1,6 11,73? 1.2,812 15,575 13,425 14,289 9,333 8,376 8,609 4,135 4,095 4,206 14,814 11,194 12,775 9,181. 1,951 1,530 1,546 1,400 1,450 1,178 1,323 1,200 1,417 1,252 2,812 2,432 2,080 3,726 3,476 3,634 3,047 2,707 4,1. 3,111 4,620 2,915 3,398 2,669 1,800 1,669 1,400 6,055 8,009 7,684 8,442 7,830 3,448 2,687 2,723 1,580 3,082 1,(3 1,183 9,917 7,16? 8,538 6,751 7,667 2,09$ bushels 4,663 11,884 6,792 bushels 1283 9,913 bushels 1,925 1,343 l425 bushels 11,231 12,768 12,496 635 973 436 518 68? 800 750 879 833 959 386 1,472 1,052 1,040 1,005 1,127 2,9( 750 1,700 1,525 1,475 1,254 1.823 buahela Pacific Bartletta bushels : : bushels 1/ varieties Late states by production Coast Pacific Peare: .- 3 buaSLe Pacific ; 1925-1937 groups, varietal. and Table 4 . - Bearing and non-bearing pear tree8 by regions, 1910, 1920, 1925, 1930 end 1935 Oregon, Washington, and : California: Number : Per cent of U. S. total: 11 trees 3,786 15.8 6,476 33,3 10,187 43.9 11,100 52.2 9,715 50.0 20,189 84.2 14,224 68.7 20,700 13,011 56.1 23,198 10,17]. 21,273. 9,721 50.0 19,436 / 8,021 50.0 8,377 50.2 / 8,022 50.0 16,042 8,318 49.8 16,695 LI.]. other states: Number : Per cent of U. S. total: Total U. S. : Oregon, Washington, and : California: Number Per cent of U. S. total: 23,9'75 47.8 Bearing trees 1,975 13.0 3,900 26.6 13,196 87,0 10,748 73.4 34,648 A.].]. other states: Number : Per cent of U. S. total: Total U. S. : Oregon, Washington, and California: Number : Per cent of U. S. total: All other states: Number : Per cent of U. S. total: Total U. S. : 15.].71 1/ 1! Non-bearing trees 1,812 20.6 2,576 42.6 j 6,992 79.4 8,804 3,476 / 6,052 ],f / 57.4 _1/ 3,080 58.9 1,338 48.8 2,148 41.1 5,228 1,403 51.2 2,741 Census of 1925 did not classify trees as bearing and non-bearing. Source of data: Bureau of Census. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Yxperiment Station end Extension Service fron United States Depart,aent of Agriculture Tearbooks and census of 1910. * In 1935, see-half of the pear trees in the United * States re in Oregon, Washington, and California, con* pared iith lees than one-sixth in 1910. The trend of * peat 25 jeare aq be expected to continue * tiES, judging fron the ner of young pear * trees in these state. and in the reat of the country. relative -7- for s * * * * * * PKAIt PROWCTION I Million bushel ORE3OM, 1925-1938 Chart 6 ,' ,'lat, pears 2 ,,i,,,i Bartlett pears CI I I '26 '27 '22 '29 '30 '31 '32 t33 34 '35 '36 '37 '38 Predection ef pear. a. aatsria11 In Oregon amos 1925, d tr.nd wax, waited in lat. pears than In Bart3.tta. with the 1925 ( is stat, In ioh preiotiea St 1st. pears te .xc..ds that St rt1.ts. TahI. 3 gives ceaperabi. Inf.xmation tsr California and Waahiagt.n.) PIA Milliea TillS 1N ThE U!FED STATES B! RB)IONS 1910, 1920, 1925, 1930 and 1935 trees I All tree. 20 Bearing trees Non..bering trees \ 15 10 5 ill oth.r statsS II I ,C__ _,,7ch.rt7 and California 0 ____________________ 1910 1920 1930 1910 1920 1930 1910 1920 1930 The general upward trend in pear tree nnebers in Pacific Coast state. was in sharp contrast to that of the rest of the country until 1935. In recant years there has been a general upt.rend in bearIng tree. and a doec United trend in non-bearing trees. (The nunber of bearing pear trees In the States reached an all tin. high in 1935, although th. total nunber of trees and non-bearing trees was the lowe.t since 1910. This is sho,ni in more detail in table 4 .) -8- chart8 YAIIIMA DISTRICT HOOD RIVER- WHITE SALMON DIST IT IC 1 d -_ DISTRICT ,MEDEOQO NORTH COAST DISTRICT SACRAMENTO VALLEYFOOTHILL DISTRICT SANTA CLARA VALLEy DISTRICT DISTRIBUTION - OF PEAR TREES ONTH PACIFIC COAST 1935 I TTi,*... EQch dot -ep.-.sents 5,000 t,ee, 04r1, I/S CENSUS OAGIICVLTURE NCR. 3235CR -9- LA * P 6]. 286 : : Oregon Agricultural 2,692 320 3,012 2,7CQ 523 3.225 5.295 4,013 1.282 3,670 2,123 5.793 : Middle : 2,329 312 2,641 1,923 434 2.357 2,443 676 3,119 3,560 1,442 5,002 612 107 719 594 164 758 249 973 160 1,042 882 1,000 266 266 1,506 465 1,971 3J 1,741 724 2,326 880 1,154 589 674 203 877 620 300 920 905 23 652 832 507 1,339 269 64 333 305 116 421 339 1C hAl 16,694 2,740 19,434 2l,70 5,227 16,043 or publication by 8,377 1.358 9,715 8,CQO 3,080 11.100 6.02 2099 6.h16 14,647 8r804 23,975 15,173. Total United States 1,000 trees 3,900 2.576 3,787 729 1,975 l,2 : 43.7 312 Arranged 634 175 809 667 273 940 1,183 850 1,045 936 1,9$1 United States Department of Ccaimerce, Bureau of Census. cperinent Station and Ectension Service. 225 : 28) 7]. : :_ 212 : : 116 336 220 395 : : 98 Born-ce of data: 1935 Bearing Non-bearing Total Bearing Non-bearing Total 2Q Bearing Non-bearing Total i22 29'7 : New : East West : West East : North : North : South : South : South ;Uountaia: Pacific: : : g2and:Atlantic: Central: Central :ktlantic: Central: Central: 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 trees trees trees trees trees trees trees trees trees Bearing and non-bearing trees in the United States by geographic divisions, 1910, 1920, 1930 and 1935 : Pears: Bearing Non-bearing Total Table 5 .- PACIFIC , a I, I 'Pt I / rEIL / EE \ \ 1. \ i 1 I -1-- AUT -H r-i 1 J I!! )tcq' -c"r Ghazt 9 ' EACT -. --.. \ J( I Y --? 1910, 920, 930, 935 BY GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS BEARING AND NON-BEARING PEAR TREES IN THE UNITED STATES acres (1,345,612 trees) of Table 6 .- Tear of aanting for 18,898 Oregcn pears, 1935 ?,,F Variety : 195 : 1931- Bartlett : 1927- : 1920- 1910- :1909 oa:Tota1 : acres acres acres acres acres acres acres 131 1,056 1,454 1,224 3,005 1,167 1,804 1,263 8,133 730 944 3,093 6,752 2,846 18,898 Boac : : d'Anjou : Other varisties Total U 160 949 282 99 22 263 2,447 523 1,121 399 3,497 19j 776 478 3,069 630 5,547 475 2149 Pacific Northwest Fruit Ba.rated in12 counties by- the Special r/ to and Isisy 3urv.y made in 1935 and 1936. Tree nunthere were converted in acres unin the canversion factor, 91.2 trees per acre,indetermined these 18 counties the survey. Census of 1935 reported 1,576,200 trees and 1,592,003 ti-sea in the state. trees planted in C3y 6 counties were snuserated in 1936 shoeing W 1935 were not enatei-ated on 1935. The 12 coantisa ernuerated in schedules showing uuber of tress planted in 1935. States Departzent of Agriculture, Bureau Source of data: UnitedArranged for pub]4.oation by Oregon Agriof Agrieniturul Iaenoaica. culturil periaent Station and tenaion Service. (1,345,612 trees) in Oregon, by age Table 7 .- 18,898 acres of pearsDistribution shows percentage each group and variety. age group is of total acreage for the variety / :Total Year of planting : : Psi- cent Bartlett; 2 Boec all or: 1935 :1931-1934z1927-3.930:1920-,].926:1910-1919:1909 :bef ore :agea Variety : 2 d'Anjou Other wa-: : rieties Total: : 1 1 Per Per cent Per cent 1.3 15 17 18 17 20 13 13 19 19 cent 5 24 17 9 16 Per Per Per cent 37 15 16 U 100 100 100 22 15 100 100 cent 38 33 36 36 cent Not sante as census data, although varif Data not for entire state. ety and age distribution of census data uld probably be very similar. f Less than 1 per cent. Source of data: United States Departuent of Agriculture, Bureau Agriculof Agricultural Econanios. Arranged for p1ication by Oregon per1nent Station and rtenaion Service. tural Table 8.- Year of.planting for 21,126 acres (1,878,170 trees) of Washington pears, 1936 11 Year Variety Bartlett Boac d'Anjou Nelis Other varieties Total of planting 1910- :1909 or:Tota]. : 1936 : 1931- : 1927- : 19201934 1930 : 1926 : 1919 ;bef ore :1936 Acres ACres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 24]. : 3 : 3.20 : : : 2 33 379 1,349 69 622 53 62 2,155 3,535 488 739 183 153 5,098 5,312 532 622 631 273 7,370 3,133 101 799 562 127 4,722 1,018 21 130 142 91 1,4( 34,588 1,214 3,032 1,573 71 21,12 / As enumerated in 32 counties by the Special Pacific Northwest Fruit and Berry Survey of 1936. Tree numbers were converted to acres using the conversion factor, 88.9 treea per acre, determined in the survey. Census of 1935 reported 2,028,216 trees in these same counties and 2,044,325 in the state. Source of data: of United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau Arranged or publication by Oregon Agriperinent Station and Extension Service. Agricultural Sconcmiics. cultural Table 9 .- 21,126 acres of pears (1,878,170 trees) in Washington by age group and variety. J.atribution shows percentage each age group in of total acreage for the variety / Year of planting :Tota3. Variety : 1935 :1931-J.934:1927-1930:1920-1926:1910-1919 :1909 or: all bef ore :ages Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent 2 9 44 22 8 26 7 2 d'Anjou:4 24 40 24 36 6 21 4 100 100 100 Other va-; rieties ; Total : 9 10 2]. 38 24 33 18 22 12 7 100 100 Bartlett : Bosc : 2 2 2]. Per cent Data not for entire state. Not same as census data, although vaciand age distribution of census data would probably be very aizilar. Less than 1 per cent. Source of data; United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Econonics Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experinent Station and Extension Service. Table 10.- lear of planting for 59,542 acres of California pears, 19% Variety 1936 : 1935 : / Year of planting 1930-: 1925-: 1920-: 1915-:1914 or:Total : : 1929 Acres Ac 1.934 Bartlett Acres Acre5 159 435 2 3 3]. - 20 36 12 213 28 577 : : Boec d'Anjou : Nelis Ccmice Hardy : : Other varieties: Total : 1919 :bef ore :1936 pres Acres Ac 6,00'7 8,303 10,896 8,660 17,387 49,84? 96 1,334 224 126 460 395 582 89 152 104 138 94 208 430 513 313. 343 1,812 189 262 170 935 115 179 192 2,774 .221 836 497 937 548 2.258 0B 23]. 672 459 5,278 11,054 13,530 10,O4 18,844 59,542 2 6 1 : 1924 Acres 55 / Data given only in acres and no conversion factor available for conversion of acres to tree numbers. Original data, given to one decimal place, rounded to nearest hole number. Source of data: United States Dapartaent of Agriculture, Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural periment Station and tenaion Service. Table U.-. 59,542 acres of California pears by age group and variety. Distribution ShowS percentage each age group is of total acreage for the variety / Total Year of planting : Variety : 1936 Per cent Bartlett / Boec : d'Anjou : Conice Hardy Other / : : 1935 : 1930-: 19251934 Per Per cent cent 1 2 / / : 1929 Per cent 1920.-: 1915-:].9].4 or: a].]. 1924 1920 :before ages Per Per Per Per : : cent cent cent cent 22 35 18 28 28 17 17 26 17 18 35 18 30 8 7 100 100 100 100 100 100 20 14 17 24 2.00 32 100 2 2 1 1. 10 30 1 9 18 2/ : 17 30 24 24 19 34 8 9 16 12 12 1 : varieties Total 1 : 23 7 15 19 21 ita not for entire state. Not the same as census data, although variety and age distribution of census data would probably be very sImilar. / Less than 1 per cent. Source of data: United Stat.s Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Adjustment Athathistration. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. -14- Table 12.- Pear trees in Oregon by year of planting Baker Benton Doaglas 30 2,923 14,471 Joseiine 59)4 Linn 1heur Polk Ume.tilla 1,687 308 399 155 63 1,056 1,998 Union Wasoo Washington Yamhill L327 6i 191 8,479 280 1,051 71 292 122 10,819 8,015 4,632 18 5,991 469 154 1,053 3,213 2.630 1,3142 238 530 633 9,387 7.308 25 6,366 21,318 11,304 492 122 5,397 313 3,063 1,9140 / 2 1,570 4,627 6,997 630 78 9,887 175 69 1,993 972 20.005 1,00', 2,438 34,011 5,718 7,016 l.-3 140 11,172 59,714 27,190 8,492 597 23,016 1,380 3,879 6,675 16,577 32.fô3 Total 31 Claokamas Hood River Jackson LanCW I.rion zltnome.h W Total Grand total 115 :13,l5Li. 2,465 93,160 51,186 16i 1,879 107 5,249 106 75 18 :18,717 llj9,258 :1&,717 174,269 1,779 99,268 111,253 4,262 2,357 !66 219,585 2L8,956 1,886 8i,i4 82,712 8,351 7,210 1,526 182,849 220,257 3147,144 1143,579 12,722 9,709 3.085 10,320 4,158 3,1468 1409,379 17)4,259 1480,726 202,687 14,1401 327,773 714,393 36,222 25,388 8,670 1,153,847 1,345,612 As enumerated in the Special Pacific Northwest Fruit and Berry Survey made in 1935 and 1936. These 12 counties enumerated in 1935 on schedules which did not carry a oolumn for trees less than 1 year old. / 1935 total is number estited to have been planted in 1935, based on number planted in 6 counties enumerated in 1936. 1936. 6 counties enumerated in W/ These 1935 total is for 6 counties. Does not include total numbers estimated to have been planted in the other 12 counties in 1935. Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Eoonomica. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. Table 13.- Pear acreage and tree numbers In principal coumtriea of the world Acreage United States Geraazr- France Japan Csechoslsw.d.a Poland : : : 4/ : : Runary Yugoslavia 3witer1 Australia Demeark bigland & Wales Union of So. Africa : : : Spain : Norway : Latyta New Zealand Uruguay Eatomia Bulgaria Scotland North Ireland Others 4/ World total 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/ ( 2/ 49/ Qiosen Canada Luxe.burg , 2/ : 2/ 2/ 2/ 2// 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/ : 9/ : 2/ : 8J : 2/ : : : 2/ 4920 311,600 400,000 123,000 98,900 80,000 52,150 133,100 58,850 49,270 20,580 18,530 17,118 14,425 1.4,270 12,600 6,110 5,960 4,340 2,300 3,160 1,650 1,950 1,430 301 69 29 213.388 2,050,000 Total tree. : 19,436,000 4/ 4/ 23,000,000 2/ 5,600,000 3,650,000 1,481,000 4,092,000 3,449,000 1,235,000 1,297,000 // / / 9/ 2/ ]J W/ 2/ 2/ / / / / 2/ 4/ 2/ 2/ 2// 30,000000 8,612,000 6,918,000 1,CQ7,000 1,010,000 999,000 605,000 428,000 2,291,000 304,000 161,000 221,000 125,000 136,000 100,000 18,000 4,000. 2,000 8.799,000 125,000,000 matlmatecl at 4s trees to acre. / 1935 (b basis of tree nunbore Spain should be 32,729 acres (at 70 trees per acre). 2/ Estimated at 70 trees to the acre. 4/ Rough appro3thlaticai. 2/ 1936. / 1928. / 1932. 9/ 1929. 9/ 1934. / Estimated at 60 trees to 7/ 1931. the acre. / 1933. / 1930. / Rough estimate; consideration is given to the pear producing countries not listed. Figures are made odd in order to make the total add to round numbers. ]/ Unofficial estimate 1938 by Foreign Agricultural Service. Presumably included sg 'others" in body of the table. 4' Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Ecoiaaics, "Statistical Report of the Deciduous Fruit Export Season 1936-37.' Argentine data fran January 1939 issue of "FOreign Agriculture". Arranged for publication by (hegon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. -a.&- Tab). 14.- Pear production in principal countries of the world Country- Average 1926-1930 Average 1931-1935 1,000 bushels 1,000 bushels 23,190 25,003 23,750 5,218 4,229 47,862 Inited States Jerinany 9/ - Jzechoslovald.a : ?rance 9/ gland 3,136 3,959 44,541 1,173 6,380 6,751 : rance j/ : & Wales Japan / : : witzer].and Italy 2/ : tustralia : Spain : rugoslavia lustria 9/ : Netherlands / Canada Chosen Llexico -_ 1,620 3,078 3,156 3,756 : : Union of So. Africa Greece : 9/ 9/ : Luxemburg : New Zealand : Chile :2/12/ Norvray Othera : / : World total : 9/ 4/ 9/ 9/ 348 500 448 158 231 - 12 46.674 150,000 1935 1936 1,000 bushels 1,000 bushels 25,299 27,436 18,437 32,255 2,733 4,929 3,763 5,971 31,277 69,110 687 1,310 7,366 6,705 2,935 5,075 7,500 8,946 1,935 9/ 2,100 1,393 3,525 3,217 3,248 9,281 / 5,000 1,960 1,865 26,956 17,412 4,776 4,518 85,369 1,234 1934 4.46 613 335 9/ 9/ / 1/ 600 673 164 230 20 88 26.444 17Q,000 : 21 / 1,000 bushels 449 335 554 : : 797 7,127 3,340 8,200 1,910 2,808 3,255 5,320 1,485 J' 589 9/ 9/ 9/ 287 700 9] 961 220 240 9/ 35 9/ 105 24,826 210.000 476 669 268 650 570 115 225 25 239 33,096 150,000 - 1,750 3,520 970 421 600 2/ 2/ 500 - 85 -_ - 1,000 bushels 29,822 20,260 3,765 2,870 393 - / 2,029 1,702 1,173 o/ : -Argentina 795 northern hemisphere countries, i.e., the crop blossoms and is harvested 7 Crop years forCrops in southern hemisphere countries blossom in the years shown but the year shown. are harvested after January 1 of the following year - for example, the 1934-35 pear crop hemisphere countries. in Australia i placed with the 1934 crop of the northern Preliminary. 9/ Probaiy mostly perry pears. No official figures prior to 1933. Dessert pears, estimated at LiD per cent of the total dessert apple and pear figure. Perry pears, estimated at 4o per cent of the total cider apple and perry pear figure. 9// Total / 4-year average. crop. 1/ Includes quinoes and pomegranatee.Rough approximation. / Fruit / 3-year average. 3JJ 9/ Estimated front exports. / See note 8. Estimate. crop probably 10 per cent larger. sold at auction. Total /Estimated in order to get a rough world total since many persons seem to wish to have suoh a figure. In making up this estimate, the productiont of Such countries as U.S.S.R., China, Estonia, Bulgaria, Sweden, Argentina, Chile, and cther8 was considered. The estimate has been carried out in odd nuiiüers in order to make the world total add up In round nuithers. /1'Forei1 Agriculture, January 1939.' 1938 production estimate 2,698,000 bushels. Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Econmnics, "Statistical Report of the Deciduous Fruit Sbcport Season, 1936-37," except for Argentina as indicated in footnote 15. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agriculturaj. icperiment Station and ctension Service. -17- ACREAGE M PROUJCTION OF PEARS IN VARIOUS COUNTRIRS OF THE WOULD C$echa81oyaj Unart 10 Japan states /7\Il United States (V lensany Can iii "" Othe, countries Acreage (Table 13.) All other Production (Average 1931-35) The United States ranks first in pear acreage but second to France in production. (Approximately 92 per cent of the production in France is of perry or cider pears, and only 8 per cent of deaert varieties. Cider pears also form a large share of Geruan production. Although the pear acreage in Australia, in South Africa and in Argentina appears relatively asall and these are not shown separately on the chart, production in these countries, however, is largely of dessert varieties much of ich enters into orld trade.) See tables 13 and 14 for more detailed inf ornation. Table 3.5.- Cash farm incowe fraa pears by states, average 1936-1938 J State : Average 1936-1938 1,000 doUara 3 Maine N. H. Vt. Mass. R. I. Coun. N. I. N. J. Pa. thio Bid. El. Rich. Iowa Total 5 1 46 8 19 920 36 265 258 95 197 701 36 - : : : : State : Average l9%-.1938 1,000 do]lare No. : Nebr. : Mans. : Cal. : Id. Va. :1. Va. : N. C. 8. C. :Ga. :Fla. : My. : Tenn. Ala. : 94 14 48 7 32 129 16 81 31 93 32 74 66 106 - : : State ; : Average : 1936.1938 1,000 dollare Eisa. : Ark. La. Okia. : Tex. Idaho : 0010. : N. Max. : ArIa. :Utah :Nev. 83 67 33 29 ].64 38 170 24 5 65 3 : Wash. 3,435 : calif. 5.200 34,944 : Ore. 2,23.5 / Calendar year. Source of data: United States I*parta.nt of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Econmica, estimates of cash fans incoues. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural periment Station and tension Service. -18- Table 16.- Oregon carlot movement of peare to nurket by ocunties, 1923-1937 near beginning s : Benton s z 3.rion :L1taoeah*Ye*ii11 :ood River Lane Lfnn Cars Care Care 20 10 17 16 24 14 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 19 33 9 8 14 14 33 5 2 26 7 2 4 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 7 2 2 34 20 13 - - 20 14 - , July 1923 1924 1925 1936 193? : : 4 : 6 2 : - : 1 - Waaco 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 * * 13 ; 18 : 8 : 22 6 17 5 - 6 - - 1 5 3 17 10 5 4 - 9 6 2 - 6 - - - 466 - 494 - - 1 2 - - 348 978 3 1 5 - 1 1 1,369 2 Douglaa 2 6 1 16 5 - 80 68 50 2,004 1,174 f 1,777 / 48 28 60 2,188 2,718 / 2,155 2,279 2,692 2,862 8 / 2,462 - - 5 2 4 1 22 13 1 : 1 1 94 29 9 Jackson :Joeeiine; ata1 2 3 2 3 12 16 4 782 138 215 : 6 6'70 10 2 9 : 5 18 : 530 312 554 457 761 2,113 2,365 / 3,648 / 3,498 4,016 88 81 121 95 64 32 67 : 326 152 286 3 - 5 Cars 9 72. 4 Car. 5 9 4 1 $ Cars - :Uiiatifla: Union 43 4 12 : $ Care 1 4 / s / . 83 80 61 70 27 60 64 10 13 2,575 1483 2,225 2,909 2,948 4,437 4,211 5,123 2,824 3,574 2,833 2,709 3,786 3,800 3,904 Data inolude oarlots to cannery, but do not inoloas boat arately in equivalent carload.. lneludes a few udsoellansons ear., in no year .xo..ding U e.xu. Score, of data: Unit.d States D.psrtnt of Agrienlbue, 1923-1935, oil.d by the offie. of Agrieultural Statistioiaa, Portland, Oregon. 1936 aM 1937 by Oregon Agrisultaral Exporinont Station. Arranged for publication by 0r.g Agricultural Experint Station and Extemision Service. -a9- 8 7 73 54 5 3 2 228 7 331 128 Sept. pears 1 10 103 115 187 Oct. 305 . 463 210 212 35 378 126 217 30 - 5 6 4 253 62 165 22 Ca 228 40 164 20 4 Cars 145 27 1(17 10 1 52 10 4]. 3. Cars Carl Feb. :1.zoh:At1 198 19'7 1 Cars Jim. 16,493 5,162 3,413 6,405 4 11 23 93 2 532 19 454 284 Cars Total and ****** **** California in the early season and Washington and Oregon later, account for the * * bulk of the car].ot shiplents of pears in the United Statea. New tork, fl.liuoia and * * Michigan are the principal other states *ich ship pearl in carlots. Truck and local. * * * distrhUtion is important, particularlY fron eastern producing districts. * Extension Service. Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural. concmic8, carlot shillasnts of fruits and vegetables. Arranged for publication by Oregon igriculturel. Experinent Station 777 90 2 241 4O 2 1 35 Cars Cars : by states of origin by months, average. 1933-34 to 1937-38 22 13 53. 933 1,858 1,443 497 578 1,136 6 15 18 41 1 62 2EL keg. of :1,999 2,544 1,126 : :3 : : : : : : : ehiF5flt5 24 38 24 United States 2,144 4,273 4,884 2,698 Other California Texas Colorado Washington Oregon Michigan Delaware Maryland Alabaea UUnois Ohio Nawrork ' : Table 17.- Carlot Table 18.- State New York Ohio flhinois Michigan Delaware Maryland Alabama Texas Colorado Oregon Washington California Other states Total Averages, Carlot shipnents of pears, by- state of origin. 1926-27 to 1935-36, and annual 1935 to 1937 : : : : : : : : : Year beginning July Average : Average 1935 1926-1930 : 1931-1935 : 1936 Cars Cars Cars Cars 1,751 89 479 /12 1,029 24 520 272 250 25 485 200 382 22 28 539 66 29 93 7 13 21 51 166 2 4 2 8 16 73 39 22 139 145 617 - 3,145 4,541 : 3,931 4,785 10,969 7,02.3 3,786 5,475 / 4,795 306 23,672 91 16,903 74 102 : / 15,183 JI',720 : : 3,82]. 5,658 3/ 6,956 : 1937 Cars 4.1 304 15 699 141 21 24 3,919 5,859 7,186 52 18,220 / California data for 1930-31 to 1932-33 include ahipasnts in month preceding and following the regular crop movement season. Shiente as shown in carlots include those by boat reduced to carlot basis. Shipments by truck not included. / Does not inc1uc 117 cars shipped in June 1936. 2/ Includes 388 cars 1' or emergency relief. Also 117 cars shipped in June 1936. / Preliminary. Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, l926-].934 "Agricultural Statistics, 1937." 1935, 1936 and 1937 fron carlot shipments of fruits and vegetables. Arranged I or publication by Oregon tension Service. Agricultural cperiment Station and * * * * * * * The carlot movement of pears fron the Pacific Coast in 1937 wee nearly as great as before the depression of 1932-1933, but carlot shipuents of pears Iron states east of the Rockies were at a relatively low level ccmpared with the movement Iron 1926 to 1930. At least a paxt of the decrease in carlot ahiranents can be attributed to icoreasing distribution by truck. * * * * * * * ********* * ******************* *** -21- a a a a a a a a a a 3.0 5.0 10.0 9.8 1.0 5.6 - 3.6 28.4 4.6 9.4 1.2 6.4 .2 37.8 .4 5.4 41.0 - - 1.2 .4 8.2 .4 1,2 3.0 32.8 1.4 1.6 - 1.2 1.4 .8 8.8 1.8 .2 - 2.6 1.4 87.4 1.6 - 5.1. 37.4 1.4 8.2 7.6 15.4 4.2 96.0 6.8 5.0 221.6 - Cars 2 8 32 2 -3 5 13 2 3 6 1 2 -8 2 19 1 52 2 7 9 213. 7 201 3 18 43 ' - Cars 6 45 6 3 4 1 - 16 3.6 2 29 -6 - 13 2 97 2 8 -6 33 227 6 3.3 201 19 33 6 - Cars a :Ckuaha :Rooheater a aSan Francisco a a .4 27.0 .6 1.6 - a 1,095.5 31.6 - 5.0 1.4 1.0 6.0 1.2 1.2 .2 .2 .4 2.6 33.4 .2 23.0 .4 3.0 - - 93.6 45.0 1.4 98.0 5.2 4.2 .4 12.3 .6 - 8 2,512 2 28 - 2,778 -7 38 - - 3 2 4 -2 1 -3 8 -7 29 -2 165 22 - 83. 1 252 4 1 9 9 20 1,248 3 care 1 5 2 - 3.4 1 - 3 34 8 4 5 58 3. 145 94 - 4 1 1,305 11 33 3.2.6 25.h 940.2 2.8 2.6 4.2 13. care 7.4 uara - 15.6 .2 176.0 44.2 .4 89.6 4.0 5.8 .6 15.2 1.4 .8 a 2,927.2 a Total a a aYOua1ItoIfl1 : a a a a a a a a :Worcester aWaahialgton aT.rre Haute aloledo aSyracuse aTmpa a8pringfield, Maaa. :Spokane a8breveport aSioux City aSeattle a :8811 Antonio a a :S1t Lake City a : a aSt. Louis aSt. Paul : : :Richmond aProvidence : a a : a : :Peoria aPhiladelphia aPittaburgh :Portland, Me. aPortland, Ore. uara 43.6 8.2 31.0 :1,732.4 3.6 : a a a0klahona City :Norfolk aNew Orleans NOW York aNewark aNew Haven pears in 66 cities, averages 1927-1936, annual 19374938 Source of data: United States Departaaent of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Market Newe Service. Compiled by Economic Axaslyais Unit, Oenera3. Crone Section, Agricultural Adjusiment Administration. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and lOczezasion Service. Minneapolis Nashville Milwaukee Memphis Louisville Lexington Los Angeles Indianapolis Jacksonville Kansas City Houston a : a : a K]. Paso Evansville Ft. Worth grand Bapids Hartford a a a a a a Duluth Detroit Dayton Denver Des Moines Dallas : Colusabus 1.2 .4 5.6 38.8 a 345.8 a a : a 1.0 3.6 2.4 18.6 8.4 61.4 14.0 8.0 Cars Cleveland Cincinnati Chicago Bridgeport Buffalo a a Birmingham Boston a Baltimore a a Albany Atlanta a Ajoron City Table 19.- Un1oad of a Dallas : a a a : a : a a : a : 35.4 28.8 3.4 6.0 4.6 10.6 1.4 11.2 1.8 1.0 5.8 10.0 7.6 3.6 .2 1.0 10.6 6.2 84.2 10.0 .6 22.4 103.4 9.8 5.6 239.8 2.2 4.6 102.8 .4 2.0 6.4 47.8 4,2 - - 10.2 .8 2.0 9.8 40.2 .4 1.8 .4 7.6 11.8 .8 1.2 6.8 .2 10.0 4.6 46.0 14.0 - 5.8 128.2 33.4 24.8 .2 1.2 .8 25.6 2.2 87.4 1.2 1.6 - - 12 69 1 2 - 1 1 5 11 12 1 3 3 - 23 70 14 9 - 135 21 9 1 3 69 4 25 29 - : a - 20 89 1 1 - 15 1 8 - 2 17 39 29 1 2 - 154 19 12 -1 12 106 - - 1938 Cars : : : a a : a a a a : a a a a a a a Total :Worcester ayoungstom aToledo :Washington :Terre Haute aTampa aSyracuse 5.2 - _. 2.2 21.6 25.0 1.0 1.8 2.6 6.2 17.8 693.4 2,6 2.0 19.6 1.8 283.4 111.8 .4 86.0 8.8 4.4 .2 36.8 18.0 .6 4.6 .4 93.6 .8 17.2 7.6 :2,272.8 a a a a : a a aSpringfield, Mass.: aSpokane :San Francisco aSeattle :Shreveport aSioux City aSan Antonio aSt. Paul aSalt Lake City aRochester aNt. Louis aRjchmond aProvjdence aPhiladelphia aPittsburgh :Portland, Me. aPortland, Ore, aPeoria : a a zCaaaha City allorfolk :Ok.ah a a :Neir York a a 1,536.2 .8 15.0 - 77.2 .6 26.6 1.2 .4 1.4 14.8 .8 1.2 3.6 1.6 24.0 25.2 3.0 2.0 .4 138.6 .2 .6 193.4 60.6 1.8.0 2.0 430.4 .6 2.8 3.0 4.4 - 1,507 1 -7 11 - 3 1 4 30 1,375 1 1. -5 36 -6 -7 -4 - 2 - 16 22 - - 139 80 1 106 1 1 1938 Cars 1 9 1 392 3 1 12 12 a 4 3 5 236 84 2 133 4 1 1 8 29 1 16 - 371 3 3 - 1937 Cars Tear beginning July a Average a Average a :1927-1931:1932-1936 a Cars Cars a a :New Orleans City a Newark aNew Haven a a Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Econcaraics, Market News Service. Ccanpiled by Econcanic Analysis Unit, General Crops Section, Agricultural Adjustment Adaninistration. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Raperimaaent Staton and Extension Service. Nashville Minneapolis Milwaukee Memphis Louisville Kansas City Lexington Los Angeles Indianapolis Jacksonville Houston Hartford Grand Rapids a a a Bvansville Ft. Worth K]. Paso a Duluth Detroit a a a a Dayton Denver Des Moines : Columbus : a a a a a a a a a : 1937 Year beginning July a Average Average a :1927-1931:1932-1936: Cars P,A Cleveland Cincinnati Chicago Baltimore Biraingh Boston Bridgeport Buffalo Atlanta Akron Albanlr Cit7 Table 20.- Unloads of Washington pears in 66 cities, averages 1927-1936, annual 1937-1938 j 1 9.8 150.8 86.6 2.6 22.2 1.2 47.6 2.4 533.4 24.4 8.6 40.6 3.4 .4 .4 .8 3 2 27 15 17 8 237.2 11.8 6.8 83.4 61.0 2.6 1 82 269 261 13 15 124 95 84 2 13 11 - 3 67 6 - 32 28.6 .6 4 6 j .8 32 41 5 4 2 1. 1 - 15 114 29 14 176 .26 2 13 142 74 23 52 535 75 101 24 1 77 13 345 - 1938 20 94 509 3 2.6 30.0 1.2 4.2 - 19.4 15.4 101.2 8.0 3.0 29.4 102.6 834.2 75.0 195.4 22.2 3.0 1.0 24.4 17.2 191.6 13.0 3.0 - 1 3 92 10 - - 12.6 8.2 76.4 5.2 296.4 17.4 55.0 458.2 47.6 100.2 9.6 1.6 Oar. : City City : Total oungatCI*fl :WaahingtOn :Worcester :ByracuSe :Tampa ;Terr. Haute :Toledo .7.6 8 : 14.6 41.4 3.2 32.4 :7,859.6 : : : 30.8 19.0 3.6 20.2 .4 74 45.8 1 19.8 :2,948.8 5.4 * 4.0 54.4 2.0 8 143.2 S 216.0 30.0 : 7.4 : 63.2 4.4 17.0 79.6 49.0 ' 2.6 : 10.6 : 477.2 : Average Average 8 - 4,572.4 7.0 .2 5.0 31.2 15.2 14.0 2.2 10.8 .8 .2 5.2 266.6 .2 43.4 63.2 4,508 11 - 33 2 4 21 19 -7 52 3 13 128 3 82. 13 5 21 1 340 169 9 8 34 4,790 7_ - - 28 1 - 14 14 3 - 15 3 - 22 250 1 7 78 42 5 41 3 338 130 16 3 38 1 5 1,336 6 4 47 1,576 40 22.0 1,836.2 3.2 2.6 24.6 2.0 299.2 107.4 17.8 3.8 36.4 2.6 14.0 19 30 1938 15 18 8 21.8 6.6 1927-J.91932-.936t 1977 :Springfisld, Ha. $ :SpCk*flS :Sio :San Francisco :Seattle :Shreveport :Safl Antonio *Portland, Ore. :Providence :Ricbnond :Roohester :St. Louis :St. Paul , Lake City :PortJ.and, Me. :Peorit *Pbiladelphia :Pittsburgh ClkhC8U& City :Onaha iNew Maven sNew Orleans :New Tork :Noifo1k :Nerk : : 66 cities, average. 1927-1936, annual l9371938 1937 Cars in of Agricultural Econc*nics, Market New. Service. Source of data: United States D.partaent of Agriculture, Bureau Administration. Arranged for Crops Section, Agricultural Adjustment Compiod by Econonic Analysis Unit, General Station and Extension Service. publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 8 $ Cars 17.2 34.0 5.6 137.0 6.8 531.2 :127-l931l932-1936 Average California pears : Average Unloads Baltimore Birminghan Boston Bridgeport Buffalo Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Colnnbua Dallas Dayton Denver Des Moines Detroit DUluth El Paso Evanevifle Ft. Worth Grand Rapids Hartford Houston Indianapolis Jacksonville Eansas City Lexington Los Angeles Louisville Memphis Milwaukee Minneapolis Nashville Atlaztta A1baz Akron City Table 21.-. Table 22,- Truck receipts of pears in nine markets, carlot equiva- lents, 1933-34 to 1936-37 Year beginning July City 1933 1934 1935. Cars Cars Cars Cars 19 505 375 36 64 90 16 238 211 42 1 113 43 146 24 Atlanta Boston Chicago 76 66 Milwaukee New York Philadelphia Pittsburgh St. Louis KansasCity Total / V7 V 11 18 3/ 685 12 20 23 498 : 6 726 : 1936 52 37 254 2J 128 11 17 1 653 Includes 1 from Washington. 2 from Oregon. and J Not available. 4 from California via New York City. 3/ None reported. Source of data United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, truck reoeipts of fresh fruits and vegetables. Compiled by General Crops Section, Agricultural Adjustment Adminiatration Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. Table2.- Total truck receipts of pears in nine markets by months, oarlot equivalents, l933-3L to 1936-37 Month 1933-3L Cars July / 193L-35 / 1935-36 / Cars Car. Amguat : September October : November December : 39 235 227 112 30 8 : 8 6 April :/ 126 4 May : January February March z 5 3 78 148 13 208 1714 Cars 15 163 3/ 261 137 30 3 1 )/ 14 1 3 J 3/ 11 13 2 -- 3 -- -- 4/1 685 726 498 653 : Total 7 239 233 174 1936-37 - 6 2 / Not available for Philadelphia. Bone reported for Pittsburgh and Tsasas City. / Not available for Philadelphia. 3/ Includes 1 oar from Washington to Philadelphia via New York City. Includes 1 oarlot equivalent from California via New York City to Boston in l933-3L and 1 to Philadelphia in 1936-37. 3/ Includes 1 oar from Oregon via New York City. Source of data, United State. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economice, truck receipts of freah fruits and vegetable.. Coiled by General Crops Section, Agricultural A&justaent Administration. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Exteaion Service. -25- Table 24.- Overseas exports of fresh pears frme the United States by ports, averages 1926-27 to 1935-36, annual 1934-35 to 1936-37 ],/ Port New York Average : : Seattle : San Francisco Portland, Ore. Balttmore Others : : : : Total : , Average 1931-32 1935-36 1934-35 1935-36 Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels Bushels 621,367 196,695 70,327 78,964 2,496 1,544 971,393 366,776 462,295 551,187 483,891 4,558 2,654 1,871,361 309,864 408,336 665,044 335,120 312,290 282,093 253,754 738,872 346,431 43,218 1926-27 1930-31 : : - 1,718,364 1936-37 : 57l,C7 425,240 770,U3 5,596 2,126 2,086,392 - 1,664,368 ' Due to the maritime strike on the Pacific Coast during part or the l9b- season, an unusually large amount of pears ss exported through Canadian ports. These data do not include exports to Canada or Mexico by rail or shipeents of American pears fm Canadian ports. Boxes, half-boxes, barrels and baskets have been converted to bushels. Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, "Statistical Report of the Deciduous Fruit port Season 1936-37." Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural perinent Station and ctension Service. Thousand bushel FRESH PEAR EXPORTS BY PORTS, AVERAGE 1931-32 to 1935.-36 San Francisco Portland Seattle New York Qiartlk All others 4 Th. bulk of fresh pear exports m shipped fron West coast ports during the period 1931-32 to 193-36. (This situation continued in re exported from 1936-37. Hoaever, prior to 1931-32 most of the pears the port of New York according to table 24.) -26- Table 25.- Exports of fresh pears from United States by principal countries of destination, averages 1926-27 to 1935-36, annual 1935-36 to 1937-38 Country :Ave. 1926-27:Ave. 1931-32: to 1930-31 to 1935-36 1935-36 : 1936-37 : 1937-38 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 bushels bushels bushels bushels bushels 1,104.5 137.3 43.9 339.4 74.7 7.5 24.7 1,732.5 1,173.2 1,064.2 107.0 30.5 387.4 111.9 19.3 15.3 1,845.1 23.3 391.9 120.4 26.1 30.7 1,773.1 386.1 559.3 26.8 61.6 767.7 275.2 15.2 22.3 63.8 18.2 18.6 40.1 453.4 1,617.9 2,135.9 721.0 53.6 34.6 7,3 23.6 United Kingdom Netherlands Gennany : : France : Sweden : Finland iJ : Other Europe All Europe : : : 10.1 850.2 : : 542.7 Canada Cuba : Argentina : Brazil Palestine 33.8 36.1 93.5 : : Egypt : All other : Total : (bsnd total : 21.0 14.3 79.2 44.7 38.6 53.9 637.8 2,422.9 U6.0 8.3 104.6 41.3 50.9 61.4 852.6 2,625.7 1,196.9 136.9 59.2 372.5 153.3 27.9 62.2 2,008.9 357.7 30.3 6.7 91.9 26.7 81.2 90.8 685.3 2,694.2 ,/ Less than 50 bushels. Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, "Statistical Report of the Deciduous Fruit Export Season, 1937-38". Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. DESTINATION OF FRESH PEAR EXPORTS FRCV THE UNITED STATES 1937-38 Country United Kingdom Canada France Sweden Netherlands Chart 12 Brazil All others 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Thousand bushel Fresh pear exports to the United Kingdom were nearly as great as to all other countries combined, during the year 1937-38. (The United Kingdom has been the chief foreign pear market since 1926-27 according to data in table 25.) Table 26.- Exports of fresh pears by periods, United States 1922-1938 ,/ rear beginning July 1922 1923 1924 1925 : : : 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 : : : 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 : : : 1936 1937 1938 : : Septeaber 1 to July and August Total July 1 to June 30 Bushels Bushels June 30 Bushels 190,000 269,000 227,000 320,000 546,000 736,000 602,000 1,104,000 736,000 1,005,000 829,000 1,424,000 401,000 272,000 452,000 271,000 560,000 1,077,000 749,000 1,205,000 969,000 2,133,000 .1,478,000 1,021,000 1,657,000 1,240,000 2,693,000 270,000 560,000 304,000 642,000 375,000 1,144,000 1,840,000 1,916,000 1,364,000 2,108,000 1,414,000 2,400,000 2,220,000 2,006,000 2,483,000 661,000 543,000 789,000 1,965,000 2,170,000 / 2,623,000 2,626,000 2,713,000 J 3,412,000 : : f 0ritna1 data in pounds converted to bushels at 50 pounds per bushel and rounded to nearest thousand bushel. 2J Throui April 30, 1939. Source of data: United States Departhient of Cerce, Bureau of Foreign and Danestic Damterce. 1922-1936 conpiled by Coflege of Agriculture, University of California. 1937 and 1938 by Oregon State Agricultural Experiment Station. Arranged for publication by Oregon ).gricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. Million cases CAUNED PEAR SBIP?AENTS FRNI OREGON, WASHINGTON AND CALIFORNIA, 1921 - 1937 Export. 1921 1925 1929 -28- 1933 193'7 Table 2?.- Canned pear pack, carry-aver, ahipsents and exporter and Ca1J.Zornia, 1921 to 1937 Year : begin- ning June 1 Pack : : : : 3,266 2,642 4,124 4,221 4,175 514 402 167 293 934 : : : 3,652 3,088 4,377 5,536 893 873 429 273 : 1932. : 1936 1937 f 4,270 1,291 5,355 4,321 957 830 1,000 1,000 : 1,000 1,000 prices received by canners per case 1/ cases 2/ cases 2/ cases 2/ cases 2/cases 2/ Dollars 1,422 2,500 2,147 2,250 3,528 : : ; 1,000 206 50 408 142 51 : : 1932 1933 1934 1935 1,000 cases 1,216 2,450 1,739 2,108 3,477 : :F.0.B. : : cases/ 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 : : 1,000 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 :Carry-: : carry- Avail- : aver Shients :Percent:over from:áble for: into :age of :previous :shiw,ent: follow- :ports :Dceestic :shipeents: year :ing year; :exported : : : :Junel: egon, Washington, 50 807 565 59 5.34 5.21 4.67 5.40 5.44 408 1,064 142 51 514 894 1,196 1,680 1,028 1,111 1,003 1,334 3,780 3,050 4,291 4,514 5,109 402 167 293 934 893 1,409 1,236 1,821 1,163 1,595 1,969 1,647 2,177 2,417 2,621 42 43 46 4,545 3,961 4,806 5,809 873 429 273 1,291 957 2,004 2,174 2,767 3,015 2,710 45 5,562. 1,668 1,358 1,766 1,503 1,894 33 41 2.82 2.48 2.64 3.05 2.92 6,312 5,151 830 1,465 4,017 27 2.92 51 45 54 56 32 38 38 39 4.31 4.60 4.13 4.82 3.53 /l,200 /1,340 / 2,611 34 / 3.07 Prices are weighted average prices £ or sales of all grades and sizes of cane as : reported by Pacific Coast canners. Regular brokerage, cash discount, swell allowance, and label allowance are included. Special or other trade discounts and prepaid items, such an prepaid freight, are not included. To place the price data on approxizately unadvertised basis, a deduction of 20 cents per case was made £rctz the prices reported by canners packing nationally advertised brands. / Equivalent canes of 24 No. 2 cans. / F.stinate subject to revision. Source of data: Collegs of Agrioulturs, University of California, ocepiled £ rem canners' reoords. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural periment Station and. Extension Service. *********** ********** ************ *** Australia and Canada are ths abief oaspstitors of the Unitd * eStates In canned pear markets. Th.7 have .rs prsf.rsne. in tarLff* *rated to the Unit.d Ingdce, the market ich ha. ecn.istest3- lb.. * * asorbed aver 90 p.r eset of itM States canned psar export.. Lea- * *tralia oad 825,000 cease (45 pounds) cm the avsrsgs fron 1936 to * e2.938; and 523,000 cases of .d pears yr. sxpertsd in 1936, ths easet year for ick data ars avsil.ble. * * Canada's production of caimod pears averaged 587,000 ease. be.. tesen 1936 and 1938; and 238,000 cue. yr. exported In 1936 and * * IF4 * * * * * . * * * * * * a * * * * * * * * * * * -29- Table 28.- cports of Oregon, Washington and California canned pears fron Pacific Coast custuns districts, 1929-30 to 1936-37 ,,/ Tear :San Francisco: Seattle Total Cases Cases 227,879 373,231 235,766 1,056,344 1,634 2,419 275,378 285,786 364,580 236,065 477,886 391,399 1,420,882 239,608 1,205,421 295,664 1,554,850 247,700 1,422,925 472,030 1,632,775 966 358,782 276,497 1,317,481 T-- Poi-tl Cases Cases Cases 1929-30 1930-31 : 576,392 684,802 16,307 2,092 1931-32 1932-33 1934-35 1935-36 751,738 679,385 894,498 937,526 680,440 2,367 : : : : 1936-37 : 681,236 193-34 642 107 : 403,172 1,463,297 Original aurce ave data in net pounds. Converted to equivalent cases of 24 No. 2 cans at 50 pounds per case. / It is not known i,hether this included all exports of Pacific Coaat canned pears. However, since total exports of canned pears fron the United States exceeded exports frow Pacific Coast ports by- appriaate].y 20,000 cases 4nring the 1936-37 season, it is evident that only a fbinal .aount of Pacific Coast canned pears is exported through other port.. Source of data: Western Canner and Packer. Arranged for publi.cation by Oregon Agricultural &perident Station and Fxt.naion Service. CANNED PEARS AVAILABLE FOR SHIPMENT AND F.O.B. PNICES RECEIV) CANNERS. OREGON, WASHINGTON AND CALIFORNIA, 1921 - 1937 lrnion oflara per case cases loon Th. B! 1Q11 1937 oeet of canned pears availabis for *int increased ebarp].y b.tas.n 1921 and 1939. Price. declined aaterially fron 1921 to 1932, recovering 1ighi1y by 1937. -30- Table 29.- Exports of canned pears by countries of destination, quantity and value, United States, average 1929-1933, annual 1934 to 1937 Year beginning July Country United Kingdom Irish Free State France : : : Gex,nany : Belgium : Netherlands Denmark Norway : : Sden : Canada : Cuba Argentina British India Netherlands East India Philippines Average 1929-1933 Cases : 1934 Cases : 1935 Cases : 1936 Cases 1937 Cases : 1,267,544 16,115 7,398 3,139 1,731 1,345,769 20,309 4,070 2,157 3,137 1,553,835 20,298 5,686 2,193 1,679 1,229,180 25,231 11,226 7,442 723 2,242 4,859 10,504 4,581 458 1,930 2,594 1,524 6,680 305 1,099 4,022 2,657 2,879 556 3,385 3,238 1,825 3,930 540 876 3,121 6,646 13,814 0 3,426 16,273 13 3,767 16,724 2,1.14 2,538 1,085,263 20,093 6,418 2,844 1,812 2,17]. : 71]. : 3,161 10,878 0 2,806 3,531 976 2,746 1,356 3,199 1,363 4,079 2,434 3,446 2,596 Others Total exports 23,112 : 1,359,834 23,271 1,427,586 26,069 1,646,325 28,901 1,337,639 1,182,506 Value exports :$5,195,200 : : 2 3,089 31,58]. $5,276,000 $5,695,435 $4,772,888 $4,120,000 Unit value $3.82 $3.70 : *3.46 *3.57 $3.42 / Quantity given in terms of cases of 24 No. 2f cans which were converted by the United States Department of Agriculture from pounds at 50 pounds to the ease. Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Forei 1929-1936 compiled by Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Service. Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, University of California. 1937 from "Statistical Report of the Deciduous Fruit Export Season, 1937-38." Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and. Extension Service. ******** ************ ********* * The United Kingdom takes most of the canned pears* * exported from the United States. Small quantities are* * * widely distributed in other foreign markets. ***** ***************** ******* -31- : 1936-37 1937-38 2,626 2,694 1,338 1,183 1,431 1,215 1,568 1,428 1,646 259 235 199 190 241 608 626 841 569 756 150 216 241 1,000 bushels 3/ 263 366 804 735 558 * 170 199 140 210 162 210 167 1.64 1,000 bushels h/ :Conpot.s: Salad: 2 Total value of, : 5,048 4,821 4,279 4,616 5,038 4,362 5,336 2,800 2,074 3,573 2,700 5,389 1,723 1,774 1,906 2,942 1,000 bushels 17.1 19.3 21.4 15.9 21.1 18.7 16.3 2.16 1.71 1.83 1.93 1.93 1.85 1.87 4,867 5,031 4,SCO. 3,894 3,618 4,905 4,210 6,065 1,617 2,499 2,253 4,083 3,921 4,115 4,066 3,882 Source of data: United States 1partanent of 4griculture, Bureau of Agricultural Econasica. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. ( It Per cent 11.2 11.3 14.9 12.5 20.0 : 2.63 3.54 2.96 3.40 2.25 per be. Dollars 8.5 10.3 10.2 14.5 i ports in :Totalex- value of per cent fresh :otproduction orta Unit 2.20 2.49 2.72 2.87 dollars 1,000 .xport. Total: fresh: 2 : I It is aasse.d that a case (24 No. 2's) of canned pears equals a busbe.L of fresn pears. is assumed that a short ton of dried pears equal. 220 bushels of fresh pears. / Proportion of pears only; it is assumed one-ixtb of the canpote is pears. Proportion of pears only; it is assumed that 26 per cent of canned aix is pears. : : 1,657 1,240 2,693 : 1,814 2,400 2,220 2,013 2,483 1,CQ1 : : 1,478 : 1,322 1,053 1,653 1,094 1,487 1,077 1,518 829 1,424 987 769 736 : 1,000 bushels 1,000 bushels 1,000 bushels 1,005 2] 1/ Dried Canned i : Export volume in equivalent fresh fruit United States exports ix .11 fore., value p.r bushel of fresh exports, end total exports in per cent of produoticlt, 1922-1937 Fresh $ a : £ : : 1931-32 1932-33 1933-34 1934-35 1935-36 1926-27 1927-28 1928-29 1929-30 1930-31 1922-23 1923-24 1924-25 1925-26 Julyl beginning Season T&ble 30.- Pears New York auction sales of afl. varieties of Oregon, Waahthgton, and California pears, 1922 - 1937 Table 3]..- Crop 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 : : : : : 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 368,792 469,073 284,193 365,316 216,252 453,177 251,651 270,379 512,149 602,163 941,227 886,939 1,022,456 1,194,296 1,221,354 1,083,065 1,351,162 1,779,340 2,143,604 1,618,909 1,986,857 459,591 1,785,644 262711 1,462584 385,007 278,318 341,340 1,680,157 1,355,585 1,800,885 2,757,384 2,327,458 3,006,391 2,520,842 3,164,681 788,875 528,947 508,116 781,077 350,116 228,098 226,670 235,350 254,665 1,438,546 1,202,510 993,663 1,302,725 876588 2,439,152 2,219,487 1,749,280 2,046,191 1,912,330 735,344 725,090 315,775 293,608 1,048,243 926,338 2,099,362 1,945,036 650,49( /: / 1922-1925 data are in equivalent whole boxes which include 2 half boxes as equivalent to 1 whole box; data for other years probably inelude only whole boxes. / Equivalent whole boxes include 2 half boxes as equivalent to 1 whole bàx, except data for 1932-1937 inolude whole boxes only. Not oomplete crop year, only through 1y 20, 1938. Ore gon and California, 1922-1925 and 1937 comSoure. of data piled by College of Agriculture, University of California from daily Other data, i92t-l936, comissues of New York Daily fruit Reporter. piled by United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Division of Statistical and Historical Research, from daily auction reports. Washington, daily issues of New York Daily fruit Reporter, compiled by College of Agrioulture, University of California. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. * Ccinpared with the trend in sales of California and * * Washington pears at auction in New York, that market has* * * been Oregon pears rather free:Ly. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -33- Table 32._ Cold storage holdings ot pears in the United States by regions on October 1, 1930 to 1938 ,J :Pacifio Coast:North Eastern: Midwestern : All other Year states 3/ : states 4/ 2/ etates 5/ : : : O00 boxes 1930 750 338 51 2,884 563 901 382 423 345 146 170 86 111 146 28 40 22 48 : 1,260 1,412 1,739 1,565 1,959 1,997 2,523 2,229 2,147 2,477 225 285 309 70 24 : : 2,441 2,571 3,559 : : : 1936 1937 1938 States ].O00 boxes 1.000 boxes 1.Q00 boxes O00 boxes 1,745 : 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 United 27 U3 2,760 3,022 3,961 53 23 70 J Data include both baskets and boxes. Baskets are important only in the North Eastern states. Pears stored in baskets on October 1, were as foUows: 1930, 420,000; 193]., 153,000; 1932, 617,000; 1933, 249,000; 1934, 233,000; 1935, 242,000; 1936, 91,000; 1937, 111,000; and 1938, 200,000 baskets. / Includes Oregon, Washington and California. / Includes Maine, New Hampshire, Vernont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. /J Includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, 5/ Includes all states not mentioned above. and Wisconsin. Source o± data: United States Deparhuent of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Compiled by Economic Analysis Unit, General Crops Section, Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. Table 33.- Cold storage holdings of pears in the United States by montha average 1930-31 to 1935-36, annual 1935-36 to 1938-39 / :Ave. 1930-31: Month : to193536 : l9-36 boxes August 1 September 1 : : October 1 November 1 December 1 January 1 February 1 March 1 April 1 Mayl Junel : : : : : : : 220 733 474 703 23 491 25 1,897 2,477 2,231 1,583 1,020 l936-37 boxes boxes 1,469 2,376 2,156 1,588 1,103 244 107 : 2,233 2,760 1,924 1,325 837 434 250 121 48 20 430 211 74 13 :1537-38 boxes 244 1,514 3,022 2,592 1,742 1,146 660 344 146 73 18 : boxes 54 2,245 3,961 3,264 2,297 J 1,402 877 546 234 68 10 Täoxea plus baskets. / Cold storage holdings beginning Janus17 l, 1939 are preliminary and available only by major regions. Source of data: United States Departnent of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Compiled by Economic Analysis Unit, General Crops Section, Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. -34- Table 34.- Cold storage holdings of pears in Oregon, Waahington, and California by months, averge 1930-31 to 1935-36, annual 1936-37 to 1938-39 Ave. iu..2i2 Month : Angustl september 1 October 1 November 1 December 1 8 : 8 February 1 : Junel 2148 : 151 100 50 8 214. : 3 Aprill 1y1 25 581 358 Januaryl roh1 to l935-3ô ; 1.000 boxes 1936-37 1937-38 1,000 boX.. 1000 boxes Oregon 278 575 368 165 91 37 11 -- 19 112 988 1,238 855 6 3 173 69 23 1938-39 1,000 boxes -_ 102 1,615 1, 68 1,2814 1 Washington Aiguat September 1 Ootober 1 : 11 : 136 153 Noventhax- 1 : 1450 December 1 8 3214 Januaryl : 212 February 1 : 1314 8 76 Marohl Aprill : : )y1 28 6 JUflel 8 ngust 1 September 1 October 1 November 1 December 1 January 1 February 1 : : 163 520 - - 586 791 1,120 702 14 : 3214 .roh 1 8 : 8 36 : Junel 7214. I$Z4.7 5 141414. 192 98 38 1456 850 216 685 14314 Aprill : 1,114.9 7 2 - California - : 233 178 122 76 kyl 992 1,033 392 179 80 28 255 198 250 130 63 1143 145 93 15 10 33 - 145 710 781 507 287 1 * if Cold storage holdings begInning January 1, 1939, are preliminary and available only for njor regions. Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Boonomios. Compiled by Eoonomic Analysis Unit, General Crops Section, Agricultural Adjustment Lii.4 atration. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agrioultural ExperIment Station and Extension Service. -35- Table 35.- Bartlett pear production in Oregon, Washington, and California, 1925-1938 Ca.ifornia 1,000 bushels 11000 bushels 1,000 bushels Total 1,000 bushels 1925 1,023 2,098 6,792 9,913 1926 1,135 850 1,514 1,340 1,449 3,082 1,580 2,723 2,687 3,448 7,667 6,751 8,538 7,167 9,917 11,884 9,181 12,775 11,194 14,814 1,200 1,323 1,178 1,283 1,450 2,707 3,047 3,634 3,476 3,726 7,830 8,442 7,684 8,009 6,055 11,737 12,812 12,496 12,768 11,231 1,680 1,118 1,577 4,000 3,93]. 8,609 8,376 9,333 14,289 13,425 15,575 192'7 1928 1929 1930 : : 193]. : 1932 1933 1934 1935 : : 1936 1937 1938 J; 4,665 : / Preliminary. Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultmral Economic., 1925-1937. 1938 from official United States and state crop reports, compiled by University of California. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural cperint Station and Erteneion Service. BARTLETT PEAR ACREAGE AND PR01JCTION: Chart Washington / Ore,A\ California OREGON, WA.iDGT0N AND CALIFORNIA 15 / Waalthgto ,/''regon / Acreage California Production (Ave. (1936) 1936-1938) Oregon's share of Pacific Coast acreage and production is smaller than that of either Washington or California. Acreage and production are about proportionate In Oregon, while acreage in California is larger in relation to production and smaller in Washington. -36- Table 36.- Percentage of total Bartlett pear production produced in Oregon, Washington, and California, averages 1926-1935, annual 1936-1938 Average and : Oregon : annual : 1926-1930 1931-1935 : : 1936 1937 : : il :Oregon, Washington and : Washington : California : Per cent Per cent Per cent California Per cent 10 1]. 23 27 67 62 100 100 12 8 10 28 30 30 60 62 60 100 100 100 : 19382J : Includes some quantities unharvested. / Preliminary. Source of data: United States Deparinent of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Econanics, 1925-1937. 1938 fron official United States and state crop reports conpiled by CoUege of Agriculture, University of California. Arranged for publication by the Oregon Agricultural Experinent Station and Extension Service. Table 37.- Bartlett pear yield per tree by age group in principal districts of Oregon and Washington, 1935 crop District : 2-5 years : : 6-9 years Pounds Pounds : 17 : 3 89 62 14 16 71 69 Age group 10-16 17-26 :27 years: : : : years : All years and over :ages : Pounds Pounds Pounds 163 134 238 158 284 213 87 154 13]. 198 271 217 298 132 151 Pounds Oregon Hood Eiver County Jackson County Washington Dist. 3 (lakima) : Dint. 4 (Wenatchee): 184 / Trees 1 year old or lees excluded. Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economioe, Special Pacific Northwest Fruit and Berry Survey. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. -37- Table 38.- Bartlett pear acreage in Oregon and Washington by age groups, 1936 / District Hood River / Medford./ Other counties / Total Age group : 3. year: : 94 34 : : : 3 2 - 5 : 6 - 9: 10-16: 17-2627 485 182 38 497 472 485 307 367 550 13]. 1.056 1.454 1.224 193 28 21 242 1,033 202 134 years: All 56 20 2,04.4 905 3.005 777 466 1.263 2,443 446 244 794 83 141 1,459 3,876 2.798 8.133 Washington Takina / : Wenatchee-Okanogan /: Other counties 2/ : Total : 2,610 4,512 747 178 596 204 1,349 3,535 5,312 3,133 1,018 11,585 2,l( 902 34,589 Converted fron tree numbers at 71.2 trees per acre In Oregon and 88.9 trees per acre in Washington. Conversion factors determined in the survey. Skainania and fliolcitat counties in Washington are sometimes classed with Hood River county to form the Hood Rin-er-Underwood-!hite Salmon distriot. According to the Spooial Pacific Jortlaeet Fruit and Berry Survey of 1936, these counties had the following noreages of Bartlett pears by years of planting 1935, 16 acres; 1931-1934, 65 acres; 1927-1930, L6 acres; 1920-1926, 7 acres; 1910-1919, 63 acres; 1909 or before, 4 acres; total all ages, 201 acres. f Include. Jackson end Josephine counties. Josephine enumerated in 1935; no data on acreage planted in 1935. / Baker, Benton, Douglas, Linn, lheur, Polk, tiina.tilla, Union, Wasco, Washington, Yszthill, Clacksam., Lane, Ikrion, and b.althozzmb counties. The survey covered only the 18 counties listed above. Claokames, Hood River, Jackson, Lane, l&rion, iltaomsh enumerated In 1936, all others in 1935. No data on acreage planted in 1935 ties. JJ 26 scoured for counties enuserated in 1935. / Chelen, Douglas, Grant, and Okanogan counother counties enrated in the survey. 7 eoumties were net Yskism and Benton counties. enuneraed by the survey, but their total acreage of all pears, according to the 1935 census was less than 200 acre.. Source of data: United States Depariment of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Baperiment Station and tension Service. Table 39.- Bartlett pear trees In Oregon by years of planting V pecified year of planting County : 1935 Trees Baker Benton Douglas Josephine Linn Malheur Polk Umatilla Union Wasco Washington 25 4,284 17,449 7,474 449 85 5,222 152 710 206 829 14,023 50,908 222 9,060 50,365 15,950 5,210 398 2 1,570 3,309 3,660 568 28 55 18]. 7,357 280 1,042 70 1,342 228 417 363 8,629 7,251 27,215 3,126 2,513 26,527 1,386 35,400 33,298 3,796 2,088 _367 76,335 1,522 1,446 3,539 4,000 1,387 21,853 22,086 138,083 51,669 6,41.3 9,74]. 7,147 2,862 7,707 6,788 2,842 1,990 1,296 60,616 163,043 _ 68,722 10,210 103,843 54 6 : : 9,331 2,219 34,532 12,492 388 1,610 82 51,323 : 9,33]. 75,191 103,550 89,911 579,077 : / : / : : : / / / : : : / / : : / : Total : 2/ 21 Clackamas 3/: 98 Hood River 3/: 6,67]. : 2,413 Jackson 3/ 89 : Lane 3/ Grand total 102 102 8,083 4,052 1,605 Trees 2,923 ]4,167 484 1,546 232 287 154 26 893 1,854 1,274 23,868 : Yamhfl.1 Marion 3/ Multnomah Total Total : 193].- : 1927- : 2.920- : 1910- :1909 or : before 1930 : 1926 : 1919 ; 1934 Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees : 8 5,967 305 123 54]. 87,143 213,951 3 22,052. 9,233 94]. 102 66 1,342 2,437 434 942 15,380 26,371 1,310 21,199 _ 1.49,717 260,04]. 27,574 21,109 6,583 429.%0 As enumerated in the Special Pacific Northwest Fruit and Berry Surrey made in 1935 and 1936. / These 12 counties enumerated In 1935 on schedules hich did not carry a column for trees less than 1 year old. 3/ Enumerated in 1936. Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Thireau of Agricultural Econanics. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural ctension Service. Ebcperinent Station and * * * * * Jackson county leads all counties in Oregon in the number of pear trees, although Hood River county has a greater number of young trees. Douglas county ranks third and has a relatively large number of young pear trees. * * * * * Table 40.- Bartlett pear acreage in California by districts and years of planting, 1936 North Coast 331 Sacramento Valley-: Foothill : 1,021 Santa Clara Valley : 192 Other oounties / Total 147 : 1,691 1,190 1,659 2,906 1,686 3,562 11,334 1,622 3,011 4,309 3,939 10,098 24,000 647 978 1,005 1.103 6,778 1,191 2,491 10,897 1,292 2,059 1,688 17,387 6,366 14,1437 1,71+3 8,660 8.lO 49,850 -. -.-, --v-I Includes Butte, Colusa, Contra Costa, Eldorado, Glenn, Nevada, Placer, ramento, Soleno, Sutter, 1010, and Yuba oomtiea. Includes Alameda, Monterey, San Benito, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Lta Crus counties. All other counties reporting pears. Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Adjustment A3ministration, "California Fruit and Nut Acreage Survey of 1936." original source gives data in acreage. Arranged for publioation by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service PACIFIC COAST BARTLNIT PEARS: NEW YORK AUCTION SALES BY STATES OF ORIGIN AND SEASONS AVERAGE PRICES 1926-1937 Million bushel per bushel 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0 1926 '27 '28 '29 '30 '31 '32 '33 '34 '35 '36 '37 Auction sales of Pacific Coast Bartlett pears at New York have declined materially since 1926 although they have recovered slightly fron the lows of 1933 and 1935. Prices declined also, reaching a low in 1932 and recovering somewhat since that time. -40- Tab].e 41.- New York auction sales of Bartlett pears frcin Oregon, Washington and Calif ornia, Crop year 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 / : Oregon Boxes : : : : : : : : : : : : Washington 2/: Boxes California 1/: Total Boxes Boxes 44,320 92,515 47,805 190,745 96,668 104,143 942,919 975,969 040,986 1,038,984 1,032,689 1,273,195 981,974 1,235,642 78,666 103,574 146,594 132,413 187,542 135,830 58,175 88,813 40,855 126,575 1,417,186 1,248,966 1,241,639 1,041,141 1,376,151 1,631,682 1,410,715 1,477,043 1,214,409 1,690,268 98,214 186,405 63,946 52,984 58,159 69,340 37,300 14,455 11,200 15,980 1,105,634 963,350 770,349 912,893 769,389 1,273,188 1,187,055 848,750 977,077 843,528 102,587 109,410 14,940 17,260 844,425 834,004 961,952 960,674 41,965 : 1/ 1922-1937 106,48]. / 1922-1925 data are in equiveleiit wiiiie boxes, which include 2 half boxes as equivalent to 1 whole box; data for other years probably inelude only whole boxes. Equivalent whole boxes,whioh include 2 half boxes as equivalent to 1 whole box, exeept date, for 1932-1937 which olude whole boxes only. / Not complete crop year, only through ky 20. 1938. Source of data Oregon and California: 1922-1925 and 1937 Sonpiled by College of Agriculture, University of California, from, daily issues of New Yotk Daily Fruit Reporter; other data, 1926-1936, compiled by United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agiou1tua1 Eoonomios, Division of Statistical and Historical Research, from daily auction reports. Washington: Daily issues of New York Daily Fruit Reporter, compiled by College of Agriculture, University of California. Arranged for publication by- Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. 41- Table 42.- Auction eales of Bartlett pears fron Oregon, Washington, and California, 1957 California 1,410 13,686 35,358 1,250 4,438 680 65,157 215,124 327,499 48,254 78,297 70,149 52,539 832,952 219,964 83,119 49,111 33,839 2,O'76,004 Bs $ Baltimore Boston Chicago Cincinnati : 9,669 : Cleveland : Minneapolis : V V 105,677 Detroit New York Philadelphia Pittsburgh St. Louis 3,918 : V V : Total V V 1,091 19,295 V : St.Paul M Washington Oregon Market : 11 lJ Not available. Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Econonics. California Department of Agriculture and Market News Service cooperating. Oregon and Washington fron "Marketing Northwest Pears, 1937-38." Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural pezthnent Station and Extension Service. Table 43.- California Bartlett pear sales and prices in twelve aucti on markets, 1935, 1936, and 1937 1935 Market Sales Boxes Baltimore Boston Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Detroit Minneapolis New York Philadelphia Pittsburgh St. Louis St. Faul Total : 39,312 : 156,6(17 236,113 25,247 : 45,175 : 48,002 : 29,175 : : : 768,074 : : : : 172,719 43,730 22,660 17,822 :1,604,636 1936 : :Wtd.ave.: : : price Dollars per box : :Wtd.ave.: Sale8 Boxes 48,574 2.41 206,741. 2.32 280,509 2.32 38,384 2.21 64,698 2.27 75,480 2.29 45,058 2.41 843,659 2.37 220,166 2.31 68,029 2.25 39,625 2.34 33,231 2.28 2.34 1,964,154 : price Dollars per box : ;Wtd. cve. Sales Boxes 65,157 2.23 215,124 2.32 327,499 2.31 48,254 2.16 78,29'7 2.19 70,149 2.23 52,539 2.33 832,952 2.34 219,964 2.34 2.25 83,119 49,111 2.23 33,839 2.39 2.32 2,076,004 : price Dollars box 2.43 2./.4 2.43 2.4]. 2.45 2.39 2.44 2.49 2./,8 2.37 2.38 2.40 2.45 Source of data: California Department of Agriculture, Market News Service. Arranged for publication by 0reon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. -42- Table 44.- Weekly New York auction sales of Bartlett pears from Oregon, Washington and California, 1937 ,/ Week ending Saturday July : , 17 24 Aug. Oregon Boxes : : Oregon, Washington Washington : California: and California Boxes Boxes Boxes : : 3]. : 7 : 14 21 28 Sept. : 4 U : 18 25 2 9 16 Oct. : : : : : 23 30 Nov. , : 6 13 20 : : 27 Sept. 11 Oct. 30 Season's : total. Sept. U : 18 , 25 : Oct. 2 9 16 23 30 : 4,955 4,350 7,825 8,965 20,385 24,565 16,370 12,900 7,010 1,670 2,845 4,275 6,390 2,020 415 - 100,315 16,550 109,410 17.260 834,004 Per cent of total - 7.9 6.5 9.4 14.2 42.7 710 - 295,300 1,572 37,399 74,500 79,405 86,410 90,598 82,905 85,915 62,880 67,025 83,660 63,210 47,780 45,780 28,140 13,690 7,010 2,380 415 422,165 960.674 - 92.1 93.5 89.4 81.3 48.4 32.4 34.6 5.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.2 4.5 8.9 13.9 7.2 : 53.7 58.2 94.2 : 24.3 4.1 71.6 100.0 U.4 1.8 86.8 100.0 : Sept. UOct. 30 Season's total 1020 1,572 37,399 74,500 79,405 86,410 90,598 82,905 85,915 57,925 62,675 74,815 51,400 23,120 34,825 9,750 790 : J Sales in io1e boxe, only are Included in thin tabulation. half boxes are few. Sales in Sonroe of data, Compiled by University or California from New Yerk Daily Fruit R.porter and from sales and price, of California Bartlett pears at 12 auction amrkets during the 1937 season as prepared by General Crops Section, Agricultural Adjustment l.irl1,stration, United States Depsrtment of Agriculture. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. N Thousand TORE AUCTION SALES PACIPIC COAST BARTLETT PEARS B! WERES, 1937 Ohart 17 .A \.__. ./° 80 I California / 40 Wachiagton Oregon / 20 / 11111 rn,.__.-_ s-0, 31 17 45.- 14 a.i 0...). 28 11 25 9 Week ending Saturday 23 6 20 Bartlett pears sold for canning, Oregon, Washington, and California, 1929-1938 / wWashington 1929 1930 , : 1931 1932 1933 z ; 1935 1936 : f i California Bushels Bushels Bushels 777,000 698,000 1,701,000 1,891,000 2,208,000 liili,000 1,716,000 1,571,000 2,331,000 3,566,000 2,716,000 2,000,000 2,562,000 2,628,000 2,950,000 3,096,000 2,1314,000 2,9014,000 317,000 5148,000 l93L 1937 1938 j July Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. July Table o._ \ 825,000 929,000 875,000 585,000 61o,00o / Fresh fruit equivalent. 2,Q42,O00 1,5142,000 2,125,000 2,917,000 1,250,000 Pears produced in Oregon end Washington ihich were sold for canning. Pot comparable to canned pear pack in the respective states duo to interstate movement to canneries. 1y include a fw late varieties, but practically all Bsrtletts. / Sartletts only. Converted from tons at 148 pounds per bushel end rounded to nearest thousand bushel. / Preliminary. Source of data, Oregon end Washington abstracted from disposition check data compiled by Portland, Oregon, elf ice of Agricultural Statistician, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Department of Agriculture. California, "Western Canner and Packer, 1939 Yearbcok end. Statistical Nuaiber." Arranged for publication by Oregon Agrioultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. Table 46.- Prices paid to growers for California Bartlett pears used for canning, 1921-1938 / Price per Year : ton Dollars : 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 : Year : : : 65 70 35 55 : : 70 37 Price per ton Dollars 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 44 40 80 30 20 14 : : : ton Dollars 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 17 : : : : : : : Price per Year 35 32 26 / 25 J 13 4/ Eased upon data of California Pear Growers' Association and data gathered infonnally from canners. In'n a! Source of data: Compiled by University of California from data of California Pear Growers' Association and other sources. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. Table 47.- Canned pear pack, Oregon, Washington, California, and New York. Averages 1919-1933, annual 1934-1937 iJ Year beginning July : : : Oregon : : : : Washington : California : Pacific Coast : New York : 1,000 cases 1,000 cases 1,000 cases 1,000 cases 1,000 cases Average 1919-1923: 241 a! 288 Average 1924-1928: Average 1929-1933: 1,187 1,696 123 588 / 596 1,929 3,113 145 1,008 1,080 1,809 3,897 131 1,426 1,372 1,475 1,416 1,471 1,465 2,663 1,337 4/ 2,415 4/ 1,499 5,505 4,230 5,355 99 39 49 1934 1935 1936 1937 : : 4/ / 4,300 4/ In tenns of cases of 24 No. 2cans. Data in this table not always exactly the same as data in mimeographed outlook tables for California because of slight difference in conversion factors used in converting actual cases to equivalent cases of 24 No. 2 cane. a' Includes the following number of cases canned in Idaho: 1919, 2,000; 1920, 18,000; 1922, 5,000; 1923, 2,000. / Includes the following number of cases canned in Idaho: 1924, 2,000; : 1925, 1,000. 4/ Includes 233,332 cases of Northwest stock packed in California in 1935; 160,343 cases in 1936; and 104,119 cases in 1937. J Preliminary, Source of data: 1919-1921 for Oregon, Washington, and California from Federal Census of Manufaotures. Other data from annual reports of California, New York, and Pacific Northwest canners' associations. Compiled by College of Agriculture, University of California. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experinent Station and Extension Servioe. -45- Table 4g.- Ceamed pears: pakr quotation8 per dozen No. 2 oanz choice halves, unadvertised brands, 1926.-27 to 1937-58 Year July Dollars 2.75 2,15 2.65 2.65 2.25 2.50 2.15 2.65 5.00 2.25 2.1D 2.1.0 2.liO 2.50 2.10 5.15 2.05 2.50 2.55 1.75 : Dollars Dollars 1926-27 1927-28 1928-29 1929-30 1930-31 : 1951-32 1932-53 l933-31. : : 1.75 1.50 , 1.14.5 1.145 1.145 1935-36 1.75 1.65 1.85 1.65 1936-37 1.60 1.70 1.60 Dec. Jan. 1.60 / Feb. 2.35 2,60 2.50 2.90 1.90 2.25 2.65 2.50 2.90 1.90 1.70 1.50 1.50 1.85 1.70 1.65 1.65 : : : 19314-35 l97-38 1926-27 1927-28 1928-29 1929-30 1930-51 1931-32 1932-33 l933-3L. 19314-35 : : : : : : : : 1935-56 1936-37 1937-38 : ° Jme Dollar! Nov. Dollars Dollars 2.140 2.140 2.1D 3.10 2.05 3.00 2.05 2.60 2.50 2.90 2.00 1.d5 1.85 1.110 1.140 1.85 1.50 1.50 1.95 1.70 1.70 1.50 1.50 1.85 1.70 1.70 1.65 i.6 1. 1. 1.r. Apr. 2.25 2.65 2.50 2.90 1.85 2.20 2.65 2.50 2.75 1.85 2.20 2.65 2.60 2.60 1.85 2.20 2.65 2.65 2.35 1.85 1.65 1.50 1.50 1.80 1.70 1.60 1.55 1.55 1.140 1.145 1.50 1.80 1.65 1.55 1.10 1.55 1.80 1.60 1.65 1.15 1.60 1.75 1.65 1.59 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.70 1.59 1.70 i.60 i.6o i.6o 1/ nominal 1.50 1.85 1.85 1,70 1.70 1.140 $ 1.65 : 1.60 / Quotations were not reported. Source of data: Compiled by 8. W. Shear, Giannini Fo$mdation of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, University of from the California Fruit News. (These prices represent the lower quotations of the range.) Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Iperiment Station and tension Service. California1 Table 49.- Canned and dried pear production, 1921-22 to 1937-38 Production Canned Dried :pears 1/: pears :salad 2/: 1,000 Short 1,000 cases tons oases Exports : Season Ave. 1921-22 to 1925-26 Ave. 1926-27 to 1930-31 Ave. 1931-32 :Canned : : : 2,198 2,980 // 3,687 4,400 1,382 to 1935-36 : 4,185 4,270 5,580 6,100 8,100 3,500 2,128 3,022 3,688 4,476 1935-36 1936-37 1937-38 : : : : : 5,300 4,535 Dried pears Short tons : Canned :Canned: Dried pears 31:aalad :cciupotes 1,000 cases 1,000 cases Short tons /1,088 // Id W2,386 1,322 Id Id 3,399 3,780 3,675 2,789 1,458 1,646 1,338 1,183 684 809 766 652 6,749 7,236 4,493 6,489 / / Oregon, Washington and California production only. / Includes salad and cocktail. / 92.6 per cent of canned pear exports have gone to the United Kingdom since 1926-27. Id Not available. / Four-year average. / Three-year average. Source of data: United States Deparbnent of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Compiled by Foreign Agricultural Service fran official and trade sources. Exports of canned pears and salad fruit converted fran pounds to cases of 24 No. 2's at 50 pounds to the case; dried pears and salad fruit at 2,000 pounds to the short ton as reportei in "Statistical Report of Deciduous Fruit Export Season l937-38". Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. Table 50.- United States production and exports of dried pears, averages 1926-1935, annual. 1936 and 1937 Exports : : :Per cent of Year beginning:United States: Dried : Pears in : September 1 :production /: pears :dried fruit: Total :production :exported salad 2/ : Per cent Tons Tons Tons Tons Average 1926-1930 1931-1935 1936 1937 / : 4,420 5,580 2,292 3,399 1,119 : 8,100 3,500 3,675 2,789 1,614 : 854 753 3,146 4,518 71.1 4,428 4,403 54.7 125.8 81.0 pomd. of the fresh Estimated as one-sixth the dried fruit sompote exported. e pound of dried pears equal. approximately 5 ?ruit. Practically all dried pears are prøduoed in California. Source of data: Production figure. from trade source. a. ahoam in United States Depe.rthnt of Agriculture, Bureau of Aioultura1 Eoonomioe, "Statistical Report of the Deciduous Fruit Export Season, 1936-37." Export. compiled by College of Agriculture, University f Californiaj 1926-1929 estimated by S. W. Shear from tonnage of dried pears and dried fruit salad inspected for foreigu export by the Dried Fruit Azociation of California. 1930-1936 from United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreii end Domestic Commerce, Monthly Suiminrie, of Forei Commerce. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. -4'?- Shlpeenta of Bartlett pears fron Oregon, Washington and Ca].ifoxuia on .hich export form certificates were issued, by states; and by. months and grades for California only. 1935 and 1936 seasons Table 5]..- Year 1935 1936 : : Oregon Washington : California Total 1/ Beams Boxes 248,362 383,366 42,232 26,229 255,013 326,508 545,607 736,103 /: - July 95,907 August jseptemberl October 349,210 8,616 1,280 - 12,808 194,662 110,508 8,530 U. 3. No.2 U. S. conbined j U. S. No. 1 /: 1935 /z 1936 /: : Boxes Juee 1935 1936 : Boxes 158,499 171,685 55,968 127,465 40,546 27,358 Total / 255,013 326,508 J Total 255,013 326,508 No export form certificates were issued on Bartlett pears ober of either ymar. Original source gives these data for California only. United States Department of Agrioultur., Bureau of Source of data : Agricultural Eoonomios, Division of Fruits and 'Vegetables, export form oertifieates. Compiled by Eeonomie Analysis Unit, General Crops Section, Arranged for publication by Agricultural Mjustmsnt Administrat ion, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. * * * * * * of pears from Oregon upon mhich export The vol certificates were issued in 1935 aM 1936 was relative3,y* large compared mith California and far greater than on * * Washington pears. July and August were the principal months of issue and moat of the pears certified 'sere of * * *theu.S.No.lgrade. -48- Table 52.- Cold storage holdings of Bartlett pears by regions, by months average 1935-36 to 1938-39 Month : Pacific Coast :1.000 boxes .&ugustl September 1 October 1 November 1 December 1 Jarnisryl Februaryl 11rohl April]. 11.yl Junel : 175 1,1452 : 703 157 : 77 /: 23 : : North : : Eastern states 2J : : Midwestern: Ill other states 31 : states 14/ 1.000 boxes 1.000 boxes 1.000 boxes 2 20 States boxe 1 20 20 8 3 7 21 15 12 8 14 United : 18]. 1,499 785 189 6 6 15 3 1 6 10 4 1 14 26 18 1 2 3 - 3 3 : 2 $ 1 -- 2 1 - -- 8 2 1 / Includes Oregon, Washington, California. ( Includes 11ine, New Kempahire, Virginia, 11.seaohusetts, Rhode leland, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania. / Includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin. Includes all states not mentioned in footnotes 1, 2, and 3. / Cold storage holdings beginning January 1, 1939, are preliminary. Source of data: United State. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Compiled by Economic Analysis Unit, General Crops Section, Agricultural Adjusnt Administration. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Ser- vice. Table 53.- Bartlett pear.: Cold storage holdings in Oregon, Washington, and California, average 1935-36 to 1937-38 Oregon Month l000 boxes Amguitl September 1 October 1 6 Washington California 1.000 boxes -- 217 223 476 1,1443 720 99 101 868 : 69 12 251 104 : 47 3 146 J5nu1071 : 7 z 2 Februsryl 11roh]. Aprill Junel 1 s 1 - Pacific Coast O0O boxes November 1 December 1 : : / 368 1 - 20 16 12 3 1 1,000 boxes 185 96 28 18 13 4 1 1 1 Includes loose boxes converted to packed box basis; 1 loose box considered equivalent to seven-tenths of 1 packed box. if Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Compiled by Economic Analysis Unit, General Crops Section, Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station end Extension Service. Table 54.- Late pear production i.n Oregon, Washington and California, 1925-1938 : Year OreRcn ; 1925 l9. 1932 1933 1934 1935 a a a a : 1,823 1,425 1,400 1,546 1,530 1,951 518 436 973 959 833 879 750 2,9(2 635 1,127 1,005 1,040 1O52 1,472 1,254 1,475 1,525 2,080 2,432 ) 2,812 1,400 1,669 J 1,800 1,183 a 1938 750 800 : Coast 1,000 bushels 386 1,621 1,641 1,343 1,925 a Pacific 687 1,417 a : 1,000 bushels 1,252 : 1936 1937 California Washington 1,000 bushels 1,000 bushels a 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 : 2,669 3,398 2,915 4,620 3,181 4,101 4,206 4,095 4,135 1,7OC 736 4,663 5,059 6,362 958 / 1,750 prelbiiaiy. J Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau Agricultural Econczios, 1925-1937. 1938 canpiled by University of reports. Calif ornia fran official United Statas and state orup Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural perirnent Station and of tension Service. Million bushel 6 L&T1 P jcrxi xi ocu, WATCi(, AD CilxiClNIA, 1925-a931 chartl8 5 illL 1925 '26 '27 '28 '29 '30 '3]. ':32 5Q.. t33 34 35 i% t37 *38 Table Percentage of late pear production 1n respective Pacific Coast states 1925-1938 ]/ 55.- gon Year W&81gton : : Calif orni.a Pacific Coast Per cent Per cent Per cent Percent 48 23 29 100 1931-1935: 37 29 34 100 1936 1937 43 49 45 29 33 28 18 26 100 100 100 Average 1926-1930: Average : 1938&: 28 / Includes 5C5 quantities unhars-ested. a' Pliminary. Source of data: United States Departjnent of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Econcajics, 1925-a937. 1938 conpiled by Unive-sity of Calif orna frcai official United States and state crop reports. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and tension Service. Table 56.- d'Anjou and Boso pear yields per tree in principal districts of Oregon and Washington, 1935 crop Age group District 17-26 227 years, All years : years , years i years tand over, ages 1/ 2-5 8 i Pounds i 5-9 Pnunds : 10-15 Pounds Pounds Pounds Poundi d'Anjou * Oregon Hood River county Jackson county 120 59 217 183 391 182 37b 2 614 3 62 1L8 179 267 336 393 353 , 18 116 6]. 213 157 188 26 213 71 1145 * 175 123 120 153 121 269 78 * 8 8 287 g/ leo g' 191 Washington Diet. Diet. ii. (YJd.isa) (Wenatchee) 150 1147 Bose Oregon Hood River county Jackson county Washington Diet. Dist. 3 14 (y&dma) (Wenabchee) * 8 514 90 3 60 110 96 / Excluding trees 1 year old or less. / These averages do not bear the sane relation to one another as the data for individual age groups might indioate due to the difference in age distribution of trees in the 2 counties. Jackson county has a higher proportion of its plantings in the older age groups than has Hood River oo*mty, according to the Special Pacific Northwest Fruit and Berry Survey nade in 1935 and 1936. Source of data, United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. -51- ' .3, : Acres Total Califor- a 9,692 Takfma a 4,766 a 3.563 :14,710 a Per d'kajou : Beurre Boso Per a Winter Nelis Per a a a : a Per Conice a Per :Other late varietiee a : 24.3 3,451 29.5 6,884 100.0 15.1 100.0 11,705 100.0 306 1,039 4,143 60.2 4.4 1,408 20.5 1,426 12.2 7,673 65.5 2.733 2343 3,145 45.7 6,8 465 3,478 29.7 1,801 15.4 7.8 14.8 11.1 45.6 23.6 100.0 38.9 2,031 5,226 36.7 142 62 1,917 1,383 4/26.4 93 4/ 1.8 1,034 4/19.8 34.7 1,812 6,641 1,772 100.0 52 4! 2.9 370 303 884 30 4/ 1.7 14 4/ .8 '785 4/44.3 .6 13.3 5.6 4.6 10.9 100.0 4/ hI 4/ 4/ hI 357 603 4/34.0 236 726 /j,/ 5.4 5,031 36 4/ 2.0 24.1 1.2 75.8 81 1,602 .2 52.8 7.6 135 3 935 9.3 2.4 1,333 19.3 9.2 .4 165 .3 5.0 482 22 638 1.6 192 31 581 .9 30.1 9.5 45.7 3,035 1,094 6.4 43.1 440 764 2.5 20.9 295 17.5 Per cent Percent : Per cent Acres Per cant Acres Per cent Acres Per cent Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture. Capiled by Econonic Analysis Unit, General Crops census Section, Agricultural Adjustment i,1a,1*tration as follows: Oregon and Washington fron 1935 agricultural Northwest data, separated into varieties eccording to distribution of late pear varieties as shown in the SpecialArranged for Fruit and Berry Survey of 1935 and 1936k Calif ozuda fran the California Special Crop Survey of 1935. publication by Oregon Agricultural Fperiaaaent Station and t.nsion Service. : 20.6 5,5 16,2 21.4 36.3 100.0 varieties areas at Oregon and acreage ,[ Includes acreage in out1Lng areas of California. ( Includes acreage in out1icg acreage in outlying areas in the Underwood-Lite Salmon district located in the state of Washington. 3] Includes of Washington, but ixcludee the acreage in the Underwood-Waite Salmon district. 4/ Fstieated fron records of shipments for a nbsr of years. PeroentofaU Total Washing- a 7,826 ton f TbtalPaoitic Coast a32,228 Wanatchee-Okanogan a 2,502 0regoai/ ihite Salmon Total a 8,617 Ledford Hood River-Underwoad niaJ a a cent of acent of: acent of: :oent at: aoent at: :oent at: a Total :Paoifio: Total aPacific: TotalaPacifie: TotalaPacifio: TotalaPacitica Total a Pacific a Coast Coast a a Coast a a Coast a a Coast a Coast a a a total a total a total a a total a total a a total a : 5,628 Sacramento Valley- a a 3,049 Foothill a North Coast Santa Clara Valley state and mstrict Per Late pears Table 57.- Pacific Coast late pear acreage by major varieties and districts, 1935 0 I0 20 30 40 TREES THOU SA N 0 10 APPROXIMATE AGE I YEARS OFA 20 25 30 FALL AND WINTER PEAR PLANTINOR IN OREGON, 1935 35 40 6G. S. 2-30AAA. Table 58.- d'Mjou pear trees County Baker Bentcn Douglas Josephine * 1931-: 192T- i 19 S 1935 z 1931k 21 z / - ii 110 2' 24 '/ I1heur : Polk z U*intil3a $ : Waehington : sJ : 3/ Hood RiveiJi Muitnonik 3/: Total 6 - 11. 14 230 73 iI91-: 19O9ói : 1919 1926 50 - 1,186 2,1484 1,503 1 4 107 1,201 1,315 3,030 3 2 153 115 - 2,073 288 1,1423 3753 23 26 I Total - 1,201 1,208 2,647 9 3,733 8,271 1,522 7 167 214 - 14 3 1,1i28 38 56 2,151 3,521 238 LO - 200 304 112 6 89 1i9 5,773 47,142 47,978 lil,815 25,160 4,100 1,230 19,545 31,225 19,284 85,774 31,71i4 4 2 / : b.fore 2,1406 198 166 106 83 24 255 23 8 79,li.50 61,53 1135ê2 3,274 93 93 39.504 7.018 67,099 a 7,018 67,599 79,817 67,231 128,1i54 1i4,872 : Grand total 1 51 152 70 26 ------ 5) 3 a 7 76 3 2/ Union Waeoo Jackson 3/ Lane 3/ Marion 3/ s 1930 : Linn Clacksuns Oregon by years of planting S : Yanhill Total in 760 172,238 188,802 6,070 536 368.5S1 394,991 As ernzmerat.d in the Special Pacific Northwest Fruit and Berry Survey in 1935 and 1936. / These 12 oounties enumerated in 1935 on schedules which did not carry a coluun for trees less than 1 year old. 3/ Fnumerated in 1936. Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Econonios. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. **************************** *** * * * * * * * * The total number of d'Anjou pear tree, in Hood River as in Jackson * the .a county in Oregon is apronimate county, bat the number of young tre.. is far greater in * Hood River than in Jackson. Joeephine county ranks third * * in the number of diAnjou pear trees. In the W'fltte Valley Liian and Benton are the princi,pal d'Anjou pear pao..* ducing countiea, but the acreage is comparatively meafl.. * -54- Table 59.- Bose pear trees in Oregon by years of planting Coty Baker Benton Douglas 1910- - -- -- 1,322 1,771 300 :2/ 2 'a'! -- / 'a'! 276 -- -1,053 -- 'a'! 21.. 6 2/ z s Josephine Lion Jklheur : 1920- : 1931- : 1927 : Until1a : -108 -- Union : 14 ---69 Wsseo : Washington : : Polk : Yamhull ' : Total : Claokanns / 11,140 14 4,436 -5 -200 1,514 2 332 2 14 9 -- 193 173 6 58 3,035 76,623 2147 506 26 17 352 318 28 15 35.986 37,l 9214 120 136 15,122 32,555 9 : 767 2 14 2 53 5,701 29,912 16 506 lO,9ô14 1 3 - 1 - 1.208 31 -- : 14 1,505 -20 or: Total 3 661 2,870 140 : 767 : total 1 143 616 6214 : 1909 120 29 8 3,631 2 714 73 2,980 7,792 20 39 -- River /: Jaokson / : Lane./ 1rion Hood Multnomah Total Grand 2/ - / 239 8,451. 376 697 5147 27,528 32,141 179,9141 100 8914 7614 29 13 139 148,358 80,2214 33,8214 51,989 3,O914 314,063 210.063 218,517 L enumerated in the Speoial Paoifio Northwest Fruit end Berry 1935 and 1936. / These 12 oounties enumerated In 1935 on schedules hioh did not carry a ooluion for trees less than 1 year old. / Exumerated in 1936. Souroe of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of mede in Agricultural Economics. Arranged 1' or publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Exbension Service. * ** ***** *** * ** * * ** * * * * * * * ** * ** * ** Jackson county ranks first aa1g the counties of Oregon * * In Boac pear trees, both bearing and non-bearing. Hood Linn county and * * River county is second and Douglas third. * Bone other counties In the Willanette VaIJ.ey have a imail * * * acreage of Boac pears. * * * * *** * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * ** ** ** * ** -55- r 10 15 20 YEARS oc AGE 25 as a 'ithole declined In Oregcm, heavy- planting rapidly after 1928. ocoured fr l0 to 1914. Fra 1921 to 1929 aa the p.riod of hea'vieet plantinga of late peare 5 ially in California. 20 40 60 80 100 120 TREES THOUSANC 35 40 tOE -4O AAA the Pacific Coaet, eapecPlantidge in the three etates 30 AGE DISThIBTJTION OF PACIFIC COAST FALL M 1IINTER PEARS APPROXflATE NUIBER OF TREF STARDING IN 1936 Table 60.- Total shizaenta of Oregon, Washington, and California late pears by major varieties 1934-35 to 1936-37 / :Per cent all:Peroerit of Average V5.X'Leties variety Crap year Variety : 1934 : : Boxes d'iejou : Bosc Winter Pelts Canice Hardy Other Unknomi : : : : 1935 1936 Boxes Boxes 926,200 1,603,243 568,023 523,977 552,360 664,880 120,459 173,84]. 271,158 195,969 185,549 147,327 412,989 252,432 S 1934.].9%. 1934-1936 average Per cent Boxes 1,3497]. 1,292,138 858,840 729,400 262,596 416,316 267,250 650,257 648,880 185,632 294,48]. 200,042 37.0 18.6 18.6 5.3 : exported -93_ave Per cent 45.4 5.0 72.6 62.2 8.6 5.7 22.7 100.0 43.8 33.7 Tote]- a]-]. varieties : 3,046,004 3,552,333 3,891,373 3,496,570 rA1r shipments. Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture. Compiled from shippers' reports by General Crops Section, Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Expericent Station and Extension Servioa. Table 61.- Domestic and export shiients of Pacific Coast late pears by varieties and districts, 1936 season Varieties : Med!ord Domestic Export Boxes Per Boxes Per cent d'Anjou Beurre Booc Winter Ne].is Cc,nice Other late_var. A].]. late var. d'Anjou Beurre Boac Comice Other late var. All late var. River : Export Per Boxes cent cent : : : : : : 340,563 105,560 63,053 1,917 43.362 354.455 : Winter Nelis : : : : 17,469 112,879 53,500 31,232 177,290 392,378 Wenatchee : 54.9 115,683 45.1 97,764 100.0 51,052 19.1 266,860 80.9 2,633 100.0 849 742 98.3 1.7 32,750 42.0 383,285 52.0 185,048 - - - California Other late var. Al]. late var. Domestic Boxes Per 231,325 54.7 191,838 45.3 243,822 59.2 168,167 40.8 : 422,853 98.8 4,974 1.2 127,056 94.5 7,397 5.5 : 103,890 68.6 47,535 31.4 2,885 33.6 5,704 66.4 50,512 47.0 56,876 53.0 3,012 41.4 4,267 58.6 8.493 55.2 6,882 44.8 25,525 89.8 2,900 10.2 817.073 72.6 300,105 27.4 402,300 68.1 328,435 31.ç d'Anjou Beurre Bosc Conice : cent Yalcima Winter Nelis Hood S 48.5 103,707 51.5 100.0 24.8 8,000 75.2 30.7 1,920 69.3 55.6 26,151 44.4 57.0 139,778 43.0 - -- Pacific Coast 32.7 35,913 67.3 730,943 54.3 615,300 45.7 81.0 26,454 19.0 83.9,400 95.5 38,825 4.5 23.3 176,052 76.7 225,969 30.9 504,151 69.1 21.8 112,011 78.2 87,522 33.3 175,074 66.7 33.0 359,471 67.0 287,420 42.0 396,146 58.0 35.6 709,901 64.4 2,351,254 55.43,729,504 44.6 Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture. Compiled from shippers' reports by General Crops Section, Agricultural Adjustment .&dminia- tration. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. -57- Table 62.- Total ahipeenta of Oregon, Washington, and Califoreia late pears by major varieties and regions, average 1934-1936 / Total HOOd Takima: a].]. district :Wenatchee:California: River Medford 'Variety : : : Hardy Bose dtAnjou : : : Winter Nelia : Canice : All others Total all varieties Hardy : _- _ : district; district: - 352,963 402,559 113,764 85,271 : 3752 986,309 2/ Bn Be 825 41,022 200,060 5,452 1,283 60.078 800,052 321,868 294,465 64,924 38,583 158,311 95,467 237.296 889,046 16 86,978 285,932 366,223 103,569 365,006 5,130 2,785 22.806 499,296 district: total - 73.21 regions 294,481 650,256 1,292,138 648,880 185,631 42.183 3,496,570 Per cent of Pacific Coast : Bose d'Anjou Winter Ne].ia : : : Comice : 12.]. others : - 54.3 31.2 17,5 45.9 7.5 28.2 - 13.4 22.1 56.5 .5 14.1 22.9 15.9 28.2 .8 1.5 5.4 14.3 Total all varieties / Crop years. All shipasnta. / Less than 0.1 per cent. f 6.4 15.5 .8 .7 17.2 9.2 100.0 10.0 3.0 24.4 51.4 55.8 25.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Includes Underwood-White Salmon district Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture. Compiled from shippers' report. by- General Crop. Section, Agricultural Adjustment Arranged for publication by Oregon Agrioultural Experiment AA,.iy.i etration. Station and Extension Service. The d'Anjou variety ranka first anong the late pears * * * * produced in the Pacific Coast states, and approx1aatelr * one-half of the d' Anjou pears are produced in Oregon. Boss * * and Winter NelJ.s are approximately of equal importance in * * the 3 states, but in Oregon the Bose variety ranka second, * * Winter Nelis third and Comice fourth. Approximate] seven- * * tenths of the Bose pears of the Pacific Coast are produced ** * in Oregon, principally in the Medford area, but less than * * one-.fitth of the Winter Nelis pears of the Pacific Coast * * are produced in Oregon. Winter Nelia pears are produced * * heavily in the Takima district of Washington. ******************************** -58- Table 63.- Pacific Coast late pear shipxrta by l93Z-35 to 1936-37 / jor districts, flood Tak1 z Total : distriot :Ten&toh.. &C*13fornia& all River : diltriot : districts Boxes Box., Boxes Boxes Boxes & Esdford district Boxes / j4ts total l93Z-35 : Domestic Export Total : 2 571,535 228,898 188,520 83,069 237,362 435,713 217,281 77,826 800,1i33 271.59 b73.O7 2.107 1.005.0 5i8,322 1,763,020 437.178 1,262, 1935-36 Domestic Export Total : 821,660 2l1658 &l,033j18 373,315 262 217 b3j6 313,5Il 675,186 96&727 210,604 92.063 220,318 1,972,438 338.7Ij 1.579.895 3,667 3,2.133 1936-37 Dstic Export Total 817,073 308,105 1O2,300 355,070 383,265 195,0I8 188,105 :1,125,176 5),735 738,55 334,82 : Average Domestic Export Total , & 76,756 2.553 9 .309 321,379 : Export S Total 37.5 16.3 26.2 Ol,991 177.917 198.06l 1i99,296 800,052 3. 218,6i5 103.223 32l,88 387,006 1,965,776 50.0d) 1. 3. , 1934-35 to 1936-37 16.3 11.6 154 11.1 32.3 6.8 19.7 32.8 100.0 100.0 ].L4..3 22.9 9.2 25.Z 100.0 Peroontag. exported by 25.3 1,102.279 1934-35 to 1936-37 Percentage of Pacific Cotst, average Domestio 392,378 2,161,869 709,901 1, 139,778 35.6 jor regions, avers.g 62.2 52.1 1934-35 to 1936-3t 56.5 i3.8 f All sbipmeits. erwood.hit. Salmon distriot. / includes Source of data, United States Department of Agriculture. Compiled from shippers' reports by the General Crops Section, Agricultural Adjustment A..IisI .tration. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agrioultural Station and Extension Service. Exp.ritit nIsTRIrIOR C* OREGON, WA(DTON, A1D C1.L(IL LATE PEAR aIThENTS, AVAOE 1934-35 to 1936-37 Dc_ittC Oreg D8tic Cali.foxiiia 1936-31. Pacific Coett Orega1'8 late pear eh.esite, late pears heai3y. DeatiO parke-he1-f of the total late pear ehilaeflta frn 1934-35 to DO8tiC aaxkete take the largest share of shereaa California and Waabi.ngtOn export eta took over Datic Tab].. 64.- Late pear export ahl1nta, by aajor countries and continents of destination, 1935-36 to 1937-38 Crop year Destination 1936 1935 : Per cent of ort Average :total : 1935-1937 : abipsent. : 1937 Per cent BritiAi Isles Irene. 11am4 Other leroy. Palestine Other Asia Asia Egypt Other Africa Africa Brasil Canada Cuba 800,378 750,780 744,777 325,642 290,625 339,265 123,984 125,963 173,446 : 121,215 92,969 149,096 93.273 35.536 67.344 :1.351.154 1377,099 1.505.860 38,C]. 3,920 41,941 74,954 9.540 44,522 20,817 18,515 33,037 116,091 20,480 10,275 18,060 : : West. Reelephere . 36,899 560 37.459 : Other lest. Heats., . 21,965 27.O8 21,3 12.284 33.386 17,120 9,978 : _ 1.3 312,511 141,138 121,093 65.312 27,533 8.674 36,207 : I 44.1 18.3 8.1 7.0 3.8 81.3 765,31]. : 84.4% 3.0.312 .6 32,297 1.9 49,958 4.673 54,631 2.8 38,227 19,066 20,614 36,134 2.2 1.1 1.2 114,041 6.6 3,184 .2 119,652 6.9 1,735,176 100.0 _ 49,680 18,106 25,247 56,689 _18,676 113,524 _111,709_ .3 3.]. _ 2.1 . Possessions Unkn Total sU en- port sbinte : : 2,300 828 6,423 73.874 _200,696 :1,608,776 1,770,295 1,826,459 Source of data: United State. Dspartaent of Agriculture. Caapiled by Gsearal Crops Section, Agricultural Adjusent Adeiniatration, fron shipper.' reports. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural perint Station and ZEtension Service. *** * * ***** * * * * * * * Export narkets are inportant outlets for lat. pears * Apprate1.y four-.fifths of the late pears .xported fron * this eauntry go to European countries, principally to the * * ceuntrie. British I.]... and Trance. Western * rank second a. sai*ets for late pears fron the United * States. **************** ********* ****** -61- Tab].. 65.- d'Anjou and Beurre Boac pear shipment. fron Oregon, Washington, re issued, ort form certificates and California on iioh average 1935-36 and 1936-37 seasons by months Oregon Washington California Total s5 nu nunea nones d'Anjou * - : z 8,804 260 846]. 2 2 17625 4410 3.12 2.24 245.442 138,054 107.298 2 ; 2 Jan. Oregon Washington California : 96,089 Total. :lC!.265 : 235,320 19.918 456.728 9,088 88 Feb. Mar. Apr. 83,373 8,950 2.959 95.282 63,290 2,565 16,291 262 65.855 16.553 : : : - Total 31 799,048 420,672 8.384 - 1.24á.104 2 2 2 Sept. Lug. I*N - - 2 July 85,344 19,720 94,159 43,783 150,208 90,724 2CXL,490 Oct. Nov. Dec. 95,946 1,7CQ 6.741 57,946 38 21,54]. Bose Oregon Washington California Total : : : - 282,184 6,659 28.620 317.463 39,842 315 15.926 56.3 104.389 _58.924 _21.542 2 8 Jan. Oregon Washington California Total : : Feb. : 7,104 105 - - 7,209 2 2 Mar. - - : Apr. - 8 M- - Total 1L 504,565 8,81.9 565,6U No eari i,ere shipped under export form certificates during June of either year. Source of data; United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Econcanios, Division of fruits and Vegetables, export form Section, certificates. Conpiled by Econonic Analysis Unit, General Crops Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Arranged Z or publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. ************************* ********* * 1ipments * * * * * * September ias the peak month in each state for of d'Anjou and Boso pears under export form certificates during * * the 1935 and 1936 maiteting seasons. Movement of Boec pears virtually ceased after November and after January for d'Anjous. * For each variety, movement was heavier and longer sustained in * * Oregon than in either of the other states. ********** ************************ -62- Tabi. 66.- Total &zipuents of late pears fron Oregon, Washington, and California on which export form certificates ware issued, by varieties and months, average 1935-36 and 1936-37 seasons Variety : July Boxes Beurre osc d'Anjou dii Conice Other varieties LU. late varieties :102,464 365,0941,130,504_ 712,905 359,833 228,984 : : Beurre Hardy / Flemish Beauty J: : varieties Dec. Boxes : 9.964 /: : Feb. : Mar. - : Apr. 6 18,804 25,186 34,216 -21,478 4,976 7,210 Other varieties Nov. Boxes : : :105,266 8,239 48,261 Winter Nelia Boxes 1,835 2 356 Jan. Beurre Boac d'Anjou dii Canice Oct. Boxes 58,923 138,054 23,936 128,314 : Flemish Beauty Sept. 56,083 317,/.64 104,389 17,624 456,728 245,442 27,847 103,073 31,272 6,184 133,842 313,596 221,776 84,661 470 31,320 10,602 777 4,260 24,128 16,959 : Beurre Hardy ]/ Aug. Boxes :102,106 : Winter Nelis : :173,952 2 95,282 65,855 16,554 26.4 -'-- 5,d3Q 5,/.O0 57,930 21,541 107,298 13,798 84,512 320 322 : May 7,288 2,001 : Total 3/ 565,612 1,242,105 208,791 800,209 409,333 43,021 97,6).4 9.289 3.372.185 California only. ( Washington only. / July to June Inclusive. V export form certificate issued in June of either year. No Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Mcononics, Division of Fruits and iegetab1es, export form cer- tificates. Conpiled by Econc*nic Analysis Unit, General Crops Section, Agricultural Adjustment Am4nitration. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Maperlinent Station and Butension Service. ************* ************************ * More export form certificates were issued on dAnjou, Bose and * * * * * Nelis did not reach their peak until October. Movement of Hardy and * * Flemish Beauty virtually ceased after October and that of Bose and * * Cc*nice after November. Movement of d'Anjou and Winter Nelis contin-. * * uedfaixly strong until March, a few Winter Nelis moving as late as * *May. * * Coinice pears in September than In any other month on the average * during the 1935 and 1936 marIcatin seasons. August was the high * point for Hardy and Flemish Beauty, while certificates for Winter ************************************* -63- Pacific Coast late peals: New Toxic auction sales and uei4ited aTerage prices by states of origin 1926-1937 ab].e 67.- Washington Oregon Season 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1933. 1932 1933 1934 1935 Price DollarS per box Sales Boxes a a : : a a : 1936 a 1937 / a 2.72 3.77 2.78 2.97 2,12 554,182 606,839 465,528 460,180 733,675 3.00 1.85 2.36 2.40 2.20 281,135 193,848 215,585 227,051 245,509 2.52 1.51 1.91 2.11 1.78 645,427 757,870 2.70 1.95 293,187 282,646 2.04 1.75 760,134 841,398 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 2.95 3.69 2.90 3.30 2.45 1.68 1.83 a 335,964 245,226 226,267 395,739 112,256 : 214,807 112,780 2.32 2.07 a : : a a : a 1936 1937 / Price Dollars per box 208,039 301,335 243,887 216,105 368,458 213,618 440,804 315,677 431,252 a : 340,41]. California 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 Sales Boxes 3.41 4.34 3.52 3.64 2.47 440,946 503,472 801,962 a a 2.14 2.3.8 2.00 : Total Ore., Wash. and Calif. 1,149,815 925,129 1,544,101 1,319,698 1,488,755 3.06 4.06 3.20 3.44 2.32 1,171,281 1,045,913 907,380 1,082,970 1,091,440 2.73 1.75 2.12 2.26 2.08 1,153,42]. 2.46 1.91 1,153,296 / Up to July 1. Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Thireau. of Agricultural Econonics, Division of Statistical and Historivaj. Research. Ccupiled by General Crops Section, Agricultural Adjustment Anm{n4tra-. tion. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experinent Station and Extension Service. -64- Table 68.- Sales of late pears fran Oregon, Washington and Calif oxnia an the New York auction, 1922-1937 Crop : year : 1922 1923 1924 1925 : : 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 ; : : : : 1931 1932 1933 1934 : : : 135 : 1936 : 1937 / : Oregon 1/ : : Washington 2/: California :Oregon, Washington 21; and California J Boxes Boxes 326,827 362,592 239,873 272,80]. 168,447 262,432 154,983 166,236 251,377 245,385 242,079 312,178 746,651 870,409 636,935 751,215 433,483 498,589 794,633 754,526 834,914 323,761 204,536 296,197 237,463 21.4,765 368,458 213,618 438,518 314,444 424,734 1,125,702 916,743 1,529,348 1,306,433 1,474,413 552,276 602,474 465,001 455,132 722,918 280,776 190,798 212,215 224,150 238,685 332,912 239,160 223,314 389,832 107,199 1,165,964 1,032,432 900,530 1,069,114 1,068,802 632,757 615,680 300,835 276,348 203,818 92,334 1,137,410 984,362 Boxes Boxes j 1922-1925 data are in equivalent whole boxes which include 2 half boxós as equivalent to 1 whole box; data for other years probab1 include only whole boxes. / Data are in equivalent whole boxes, which Include 2 half boxes an equivalent to 1 whole box, except data for 1932-1937 whIch include whole boxes only. / Not canpiete market year, only through May 20, 1938. Source of data: Canpiled by University of California as follows: Oregon and California, 1922-1925 and 1937, fran New York Daily Fruit Reporter; 1926-1936 fran United States Departaient of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Econanice All Washington data fran New York Daily Fruit Reporter. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Fcper:bnent Station and tension Service. * ********** ********************* * The long-tine trend in the vcairte of sales of late * * pears on the New York auction has been favorable to Oregon * * producers. During recent years, more than one-half of the * * total sales of Pacific Coast late pears at that market have * * * been fran Oregon. *********** *********** ********** -65- Thousand bushel CIOON, bSHIMPrON &&LES LATh PILES 7 TORX AUCTION MARKET, 192-J.9Y7 AND CALIFORNIA ON ThE N dOO Chart 22 Oregon 600 400 200 Waahington a 1Q2L OR 1Q2 iot -F--. LATE PEA3 ACREAZ IN PACIFIC COAST STATES B! VARINTIES, 1935 VA dtAnJau Bose Chart 23 - Oregon Acres 2,000 4,000 6,000 a,00 Table 69.- Oregx1 late Crop year 1917 1918 1919 1920 : 192]. : : ; : : : 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 : : : / : Bose ; Nelis Dollars per box Ocinice pe box 2.64 3.70 4.30 4.89 3,27 4.63 5.46 5.92 2.22 2.99 2.79 364 2.03 3.42 3.58 4.24 4.19 3.37 3.48 5.22 3.83 4.17 4.72 4,23 3.23 2.58 3.14 4.27 3.69 3.82 2.89 2.99 3.88 3.75 3.66 4.70 3.82 3.94 2.66 3.46 4.40 3.76 2.15 2.99 3.69 3.19 2.88 2.27 3.14 4.06 3.30 3,27 1,95 2.76 2.60 2.20 3.04 1.72 1.94 2,27 2.34 3.14 1.95 2.41 1.86 470 Dollars 3.4]. lork by principal Winter: Dollars per box 4.0]. 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 V : dtAnjou : 1922 1923 1924 1925 pear auction prices at New varieties, 1917-1937 Dollars per box Hovel]. Dollars per box : Weighted average Do].J.ars per box 261 3.73 432 4.95 2.66 2.88 3.38 3.06 4.3]. 3.24 3.53 4.51 3.97 2.59 2.57 3.30 2,87 2.87 1.57 3.41 4.34 3.53 3.64 2.47 2.20 1.90 2,52 2.50 1.93 2.92 1.74 2.40 2.16 2.03 2.54 1.44 1.57 1.89 1.70 3.00 1.85 2.36 2.88 2.03 2.40 1.97 1.72 1.34 2.69 1.91 357 2.4]. 2.21 lavarageUotherpric;s are weighted averages. Data Dot available. Prices for 1937 are averages through May Source of data: 20, 1938. University of California. Compiled by S. W. Shear, Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, University of California as Lolloms: 1917-1925 data from Beabi1itation and Agricultural Repor' of Medford Irrigation District, Oregon. 19261936 data from United $tates Deparbent of Agriculture, Bureau of Agriculture]. Econcinios, Division of Statistical and Historical Research from auction reports. All 1937 data and Resell data in 1936 from daily issuev of ta. New York Daily Freit Reporter. Arranged for publication by Oregoc Agrioultnral Experiasut Station and Extension Service. G1nn1n1 Foundation of -67- flcl].are ONON D'ANJCXI AND BOSC PEAR PRICES (14 THE NEW TONE AUCTION, 1917.4937 per oun 6.00 4.50 3.00 1.50 Chart 24 0 1917 1919 1921 1923 1925 1927 1929 1931 1933 1935 1937 Prices of Oregon Boac and d'Anjou pears declined steadily fron a peak reached in 1920 until 1932. No substantial recovery occured fr 1933 to 1937. Bo8c pears ormndad a substantial peeisiue over dtAnjoas on the New York aixtion fron 1917 until about 1926 en d'Anjous brought a better price and have continued cc except in 1935. Table 70.- Washington late pears prices of four Season 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 : d'injou : : : : : : : Beurre Boec : Winter Ne].ia : du Conice Dollars Dollars Dollars per bc 3.76 4.64 3.33 3.56 2.48 3.22 4.25 3.18 3.04 ..73 2.24 2.26 2.08 1.66 2.56 3.47 2.69 3.26 1.87 3.05 1.75 2.44 1.34 1.60 1.84 1.66 1.78 1.10 1.49 1.55 1.30 2.36 1.08 1.54 1.56 1.36 2.34 1.85 1.9]. 1.53 1.33 1.54 1.78 Dollars per bon : : New York weighted average auction jor varieties, 1926-1937 2.14 2.33 1.90 per b 1.43 rbox 3.CXL Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Econonics, Division of Statistical and iliatorical Research. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Eperinent Station and tension Service. Table 71.- California late pear., Jew York delivered auotion prioes of ohief varietie., 1922-1937 / Crop : year z z 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 :Clair-* Mor-s Hardy: Boco :Anou :Coñoe: geau Nelia sEaeter:oeau :Barry Dol. Del. !ol. Del. 1,01. Del. Dol. Del. Dcl. : * ; : 3.03 : 3.62 4.16 3.43 ; 2.67 3.77 : 2.74 3.45 2.CQ 2.83 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 : 1.94 : 1.54 2.25 : 1.90 1936 2.24 1937 / : 2.10 4.09 3,59 4.44 4.15 2.85 3.04 3.94 3.38 2.96 3.24 4.a7 3.38 2.63 2.90 3.51 4.16 3.16 3.67 2.37 3.03 4.09 3.01 3.40 2.38 2.92 4.10 3.15 3.52 2.37 2.46 2.65 1.69 1.67 2.08 1.97 2.87 1.73 2.10 2.50 1.97 2.94 1.75 1.88 2.42 2.32 1.68 1.69 1.93 2.15 1.97 2.4]. 2.30 2.62 1.89 2.98 3.61 4.28 3.57 4.09 4.48 4.94 4.09 2.96 2.96 4.00 3.40 4.35 4.04 4.34 4.35 3.05 2.40 2.73 2.97 3.47 2.80 3.05 4.06 4.24 3.49 3.83 4.06 1.7]. 2.1]. 3.23 3.49 2.72 2.79 2.69 232 1.97 1.92 2.49 1.23 2.29 1.83 1.7]. 2.20 1.47 2.24 2.12 1.86 1.91 1.68 2.30 2.26 2.23 2.12 1.91 2.44 2.05 2.62 1.77 2.53 2.96 2.47 3.4.3 2.83 3.62 2.18 2.2.2 2.12 2.09 - 3.2]. 3.35 2.01 / Wehted average pr.ce on whale boxes in dollaxe per box. / Prices for 1937 are averages though May 20, 1938, only and blanks indicate a]inost no sales to that date for the indicated varieties. Sources of data: Conpiled by S. W. Shear, Ciannini ounaation of Agricultural Econcinica, University of Calif otnia, fron daily data fran New York Daily Fruit Reporter, 1922-1925, 1937, and f or Morceáu and Barty in 1933. The daily averages were ntóatly a sle'average of tae prices of extra fancy and fanr. 0therdatá, 1926-1936, ecmiled by the United States Department of Agriculture, Eurèau of Agricultural Econanics, Dision of Statistical and Historical Research, shiñgtón, D. C., fran daily weighted averages of all grades taken fran áuctioñ reports Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural perinent Station and tenaion Service. * Prices for pears on the New York auction have been low* * during recent years ccepared with prices 10 or 15 years * * ago. The recovery since the depression of 1932-1933 has * * not been very marked. * -69- Table 72.- Mi4-January quotations of Northwestern d'lnjou, Bose and Tinter Nelia pears, London, by grade. and size., 1937-1938 narketing season z z Grade $ E.nt.r d'*njou Dollars DoUaTh tra fancy 100 to 120 135 to 150 165 to 180 : 100 to 120 135 to 150 165 to 180 : : 2.56 2.50 4.00 3.75 - 3.88 2.38 - 2.50 3.75 : $ Nelia 238 3.75 2.38 - 2.44 2.19 - 2.25 3.63 - 3.75 3.50 - 3.63 Bose : 2.50 - 2.56 2.38 1.75 - 2,06 2.19 - 2.31 2.13 / These quotations nay or may not be representative of uaua]. price relationships between varieties, grades and sizes of winter pears at auótion on foreign market.. The data on pear price. at foreign auctions are too incomplete to make possible a o.wpiltion of comparable information for other marketing seasons and market. by grade. and sizes. 1 No quotation. Souro. of data Unitd States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, 'Ifark.tiug Northwest.rn Pear., 1937-38 Season.' Arranged for publication by Oregon Agrieultur.l perinent Station and Ectension Ssrvice. * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * Ectra fancy, 100 - 120. d'Anjon peers brought * prices on the London auction at mid-January * * hig * of the 1937-38 marketing season than enter Ilelie * * and Bce. pears, or d'lnjous of lesser grade * size. Source of data reference contains much * tional data relativs to foreign auction market, * sales and prices for pears. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -70- * -. * * * *-* * * * * * Tab].. 73.- Average net teturns fron New York auction sales of Oregon and Washington d'Anjou, Beurre Bosc and Winter Ne].is pears by grades, 1937-38 and 1938-39 Grades : U. S. No. 1 tra fancy Fancy Unclassified All grades : 1937-38 Sales :Net returns : Boxes Dollars - 1938-39 2/ Sales :Net returns Boxes Dollars Oregon d'Anjou 2,179 147,572 .53 .38 102,189 -.11 20,632 272,572 .37 - 146,505 147,456 55,026 : 348,987 .66 .66 .49 .55 Washington d'Anjou Extra fancy Fancy Unclassified : 103,316 : 36,952 All grades : 220,402 : .38 .29 .13 8O134 .2 114,857 58,149 38,803 205,809 .37 .20 .01 .26 Oregon Beurre Boec U. 8. No. 1 Extra fancy Fancy U. S. No. 2 Unclasàified All grades 214,882 29,858 30,359 : 2,448 : 7,690 : : 285,237 .40 .21 .07 : -.15 -.09 .33 315,453 19,962 26,272 .30 .23 .08 - - 720 362,137 -.24 .28 Washington Beurre Boec Extra fancy Fancy Unclassified All grades U. S. No. 1 Extra fancy Fancy : : : : U.S.No.2 Unclassified : 11]. grades : 13,754 6,865 4,545 5,164 42,347 16,059 -11 2.523 -.13 60.929 Oregon Winter Nelis -.09 -.21 10,863 27,813 49,890 385 1,431 90,382 .14 .30 .13 -.74 -.48 .1 6,717 22,053 16,497 -.02 -.1]. -.18 -.05 .13 .31 .21 - - 45.267 .25 Washington Winter Nelis Extra fancy Fancy Unclassified All grades : : : : 6,643. 3,213 24 9,77â -.28 -.27 18,335 5,349 -.24 -.34 -.59 -.28 23,684 -.26 - - / "Net returns to growers" in this ccmiputation means returns for bare fruit delivered to the packing house. / Season to May 1, 1939. Source of data: United States Deparbnent of Agriculture, General Crops Section, Agricultural Adjuatsient Administration. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. -71- Table 74.- Average net returns fraa Wow York auction sales of Oregon end Weshington d'njou, Beurve Bose and hinter Welts pears by sizes, 1937-38 end 1938-39 / 1937-38 , sizes t Sales Boxes 1938-39 iNet riturnsi ito groiers t Dollars : Sales t 27 et returns to grors Dollars Boxes Oregon d'.lnjou 2o,o59 .Lg, 180,Li97 .1i9 68,523 .86 , Ssai1er than 180, 1l,514 31i8,987 .15 .37 990 272,572 123,200 .26 131,09l .15 93,252 2,950 .32 7O,OLJ. 19 .08 220.Li02 .2-if 1,677 205,B0 .10 .26 58,633 208,598 18,006 285,237 .29 13,113 11,836 -.16 -.09 -.20 -.13 110 end le.rger to 120 All 157,136 180 sties ngton d'Anjou 110 and larger to 120 180 S11er than 180z All ais Oreg9n Beurre Bose 110 and larger 120 to 180 i , S1ler than 160, All sizes 71,726 278,111 l2L298 362,137 .314 .19 .33 .17 .31 Washington Beurre Boso 110 ant larger to 180 Sn*ller than 180, 120 215 ,_25,1614 All sizes 35,009 -.11 25,8145 .014 75 60,929 -.03 -.05 Oregon Whiter Wells 110 and larger 120 to 180 i , 3,538 55,718 193 z 13,514) -.02 195, : 17,586 90,382 -.21 .16 2,068 6,257 735 738 -.314 Soniler than All sizes .143 .30 5,565 36,053 / 3,6149 3/ .18 .27 .13 -- 145,267 Washington Winter Welts 110 and larger 120 to 180 193 : t Smaller than All * sizes 195, Q778 -.16 -.58 -.93 -.2 2,139 18,395 -.32 / 3,150 -.I6 / 23.L -.26 M"Net returns to growers" means returns for bare fruit delivered to the pacIng howse. / Through May 1, 1939. ,/ Grouped as "Smaller than 180" in 1938-39. General Souroe of data, United States Department of &grloulture, Arranged for publicaCrops Section, Agricultural Adjustment Administration. tion by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. -72- Table 75.- Oregon dAnjou pears: Average net return to groeere fr New lark auction sales by grades and eisa group., 1937-38 season 1] Grades anti : size group Percetge : : Average : Ave. net grO6 : groups : auction: charges fruit delir. Size : Al]. 6iZe: Average onarketiug: return for Sales by : and. Per cent Per cent Extra fancy 110 and larger , 69,758 120 to 180 : 73,089 aal1er than 180 : 3,658 Al]. sizes : 146,505 and larger 60,810 80,355 aaUer than 180 : 6,291 Al.). sizes : 147,456 120 to 180 : : 47.6 49.9 2.5 100.0 41.2 54.5 4.3 100.0 price : DolLars : to packing DoL1.& J.loLLar. 42.0 1.1 2.06 2.36 1.98 2.20 1.66 1.68 1.66 1.67 .40 .68 .32 .53 1?.4 23.0 1.8 1.90 2.17 1.82 2.05 1.66 1.68 1.66 1.67 .24 .49 .16 7.6 7.8 .4 1.41 1.50 1.02 1.45 1.56 1.57 1.53 1.56 -.15 -.07 -.51 -.11 45.0 51.7 3.3 100.0 1.88 1.64 1.66 1.63 .24 .49 20.0 20.9 42.2 .38 Unclassified D. and larger * 26,568 120 to 180 : 27,053 na11er than 180 : 1,405 All sizes All 55,026 48.3 49.2 2.5 100.0 15.8 adag no and larger : 157,136 120 to 180 : ].80,49'7 sa11er than 180 : 11,354 All sizes 348,987 45.0 51.7 3.3 100.0 2l5 1.78 2.02 1.65 .15 .37 W 'Net returns to growera in this fruit delivered to the packing conputation means the retuzuc for bare house. / The average marketing costa for the season are cputed fron the weekly marhating charges. 1or d'Anjou pears these consist of freight, refrigeration, packing (including box), loading and warehousing, storage, and texminal auction charges. ii]. charges except storage and auction charges are aasmaed to be the sane throughout the season, irrespective of tine and volume of sale or grade of pears. neight charge. amount to $.715 per box, refrigeration (Rule 247) $.09 per box, packing $.50 per box, loading and warehousing $05 per box, or a total of fixed charges of $1J55 per box. Storage charges are approximately $.20 for the season. They are assumed to begin on October 25 and increase by $.O]. per ek until March 12 then the full $20 is charged for the r1nrSr of the season. Auction charges are calculat.ed at 7 .per cent of the weekly average gross receipt per box. Source of data: Conpiled fros records of major shippers and packers by Zoononic Analysis Unit, General Crops Section, Agricultural Adjustment Administration for 1937 season. Arranged for pchlication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. -73- Table %.- Oregon Beurre Doec Pears: Average net returns to growers fron New York auction sales by grades nd size groups, 1937-38 season z Orade and rise group : : : Sales U. S. No. 1. : 41,397 110 and larger 160,128 120 to 180 Smaller than 180 : 13,357 : 214,882 Al]. sizes ill sizes U. S. No. 2 110 and larger 120 to 180 Smaller than 180 All sizes .35 75.4 1.59 1.59 1.58 1.59 28.1 69.2 2.7 100.0 3.0 7.2 .3 10.5 1.89 1.78 1.71 1.82 1.61 1.60 1.60 .28 .18 .11 .21 6,485 20,622 3,252 30,359 21.4 67.9 10.7 100.0 2.3 7.2 1.1 10.6 1.74 1.66 1.62 1.67 1.60 1.60 1.59 1.60 .14 .06 353 .1 1.62 1.63 1.62 1.62 -.25 -.11 .8 1.37 1.52 1.36 1.47 1.38 1.44 1.35 1.43 1.52 1.52 1.51 1.52 -.14 -.08 -.16 -.09 1.88 1.94 1.77 1.59 1.60 1.58 1.59 .29 .34 : 8,394 20,661 803 29,858 : : : : : : 4.7 : : : 1,650 2,448 14.4 67.4 18.2 100.0 : : 2,004 5,537 26.1 72.0 : : 1.9 7,690 100.0 .7 1.9 .1 2.7 58,633 : 208,598 Smaller than 180 : 18,0% : 285,237 AU sizes 20.6 73.1 6.3 100.0 20.6 73.1 6.3 100.0 Unclassified 110 and larger 120 to 180 Smaller than 180 All sizes : AU grades 110 and larger 120 to 3.80 : re- 1.94 2.82 1.83 1.99 14.5 56.2 Fanor 110 and larger 120 to 180 Smaller than 180 Al]. sizes : :Av. net : Average Percentage All siseweighted z Average :turn for Site groups : groups : auction onaxketing fruit decost. :Iivered to by and : price : i*ck. house 2/ grades : car box grades Per cent Per cant Dollars Dollars Dollars 19.3 74.5 6.2 100.0 Extra fsnci 110 and larger 120 to 180 Smaller than 180 : : 445 149 .6 .1 l.2 1.61. .43 .25 .40 .03 .07 .26 -.15 .19 .33 / Net returns to growera to this cusputation teens the returns for bare fruit delivered to the packing house. / The average maz*eticg charges for the season are conputed frc. the weekly refrigeration, ma*eting charges. For Beurre Boac pears these consist of freight, packing (tool. box), loading and tarshousing, ripening, storage and t.rsinal Al]. charges except storage and auction charges are ase.ed to auction charges be the same throughout the season, irrespective of tins and voluse of sale or (Rule grade of pears. Freight charges weouct to 8.715 per box, refrigeration 247) $09 per box, packing $.50 per box, loading and warchouaiflg $05 per box, Storage box. ripening $.03 per box, or a total of fixed charges of $l.385 par charges are approxmnately 8.20 for th. season. may am a.aed tob.gin on October 25 and increas. by $.. per week onto]. March 12 en the full $20 is charged for the r4'1 of the season. Auction charges are oalotilatsd at 7 per cent of the weekly average gros. receipt per box. $oc. of data: Conpdl.d fron records of major shippers and packers by 2oonc Analysis Unit, Geseral Crops Section, Agricultural tration, for the 1937 season. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agzl.cultmwl erinemt Station and Extension Ssryios. hIJ.t.t '- -.74- Table 77.-. Oregon Winter Nelis Pears: Average net returns to growers from New York auction sales by grades and size groups, 1937-38 season :.Peptage Grade and size group : : : Sales Boxes Extra fa 110 and larger 120 to 180 193 Smaller than 195 All sizes 110 and larger 120 to 180 193 Smaller than 195 All sizes : price : charges :to packing : per box: Per cent Per cent Dollars / Dollars :housell Dollars 2,009 31,272 7,105 : 9,504 : : 49,890 4.0 62.7 14.2 19.1 100.0 2.3 34.5 2.10 1.95 1.62 1.43 1.8]. l.7C 1.69 1.66 1.65 1.68 .1 7.6 1.7 2.6 12.0 2.22 2.00 1.66 1.37 1.82 1.70 1.65 1.67 1.65 1.68 .2 .1 .1 .4 1.03 1.00 .66 .88 1.63 1.63 1.61 1.62 -.63 -.95 -.74 .1 1.3 .1 1,431 9.3 78.3 7.7 4.7 100.0 .1 1.6 1.29 1.16 .93 1.21 1.15 1.64 1.63 1.62 1.63 1.63 -.35 -.47 -.69 -.42 -.48 3,538 55,718 13,540 17,586 90,382 3.9 61.6 15.0 19.5 100.0 3.9 61.6 15.0 19.5 100.0 2.13 2.00 1.66 1.45 1.85 1.70 1.70 1.68 1.66 1.69 -.02 -.21 : : : : All sizes 131 1.2 : : 6,876 1,532 2,324 10,863 63.3 14.1 21.4 100.0 : : -159 193 : All sizes : : Smaller than 195 Al]. sizes grades 4,709 5,548 27,813 : : 193 and : 1.70 1.69 1.66 1.65 1.62 193 Unclassified 110 and larger 120 to 180 : 2.25 2.17 1.75 1.54 1.98 : : Smaller than 195 by &rades 1.4 18.0 5.2 6.2 30.8 1,265 16,291 110 and larger 120 to 180 U. S. No. 2 110 and larger 120 to 180 : :Av. net re: Average : Size :All size :weighted : Average :turn for groups : groups : auction del. 4.5 58.6 16.9 20.0 100.0 : U.S. So. 1 Smaller than 195 : : : : : : 83 143 385 133 1,120 111 67 7.9 10.5 55.2 - - --- 41.2 21.6 37.2 100.0 .55 .42 .09 -.11 .30 .40 .26 -.04 -.22 .13 .52 .31 -.01 -.28 .14 -.60 Al]. grades 110 and larger 120 to 180 193 Smaller than 195 Al]. sizes : : : : .43 .30 .16 "Net returns to growers" in this computation means the returns ror bars Irnt delivered to the packing house. / The average marketing costs for the seeson are computed from the weekly marketing charges. For Winter Nelis pears these consist of freight, refrigeration, packing (incl. box), loading and warehousing, storage, and terminal auction charges. All charges except storage and auction charges are assisted to be the same throughout the season, irrespective of time and volume of sale or grade of pears. Freight charges amount to $.715 per box, refrigeration (Rule 247) p.09 per box, packing $.50 per box, loading and warehousing $.05 per box, or a total of fixed charges of $]..355 per box. Storage charges are approximately .20 for the season. They are assisted to begin on October 25 and increase by .0l per week until March 12 when the full .20 is charged for the remainder of the season. Auction charges are calculated at 7 per cent of the weekly average gross receipt per box. / Includes 2,907 boxes of special pack sold at an average price of l.79 per box. Source of data: Compiled from records of major shippers and packers by 1/ Economic Analysis Unit, General Crops Section, Agricultural Adjustment Administration, for 1937 season. Arranged f or publication by Oregon Agricultural Experi-. merit Station and Extension Service. -75- 1' 18 25 Jan. 1 8 15 27 Jan. 3 10 17 : : : : 21,985 26,470 24,125 38,720 48,380 44,165 19,720 48,805 56,700 55,785 41,610 27,447 36,807 34,548 36,269 37,619 53,348 35,186 65,668 66,870 67,044 52,370 39,395 50,566 52,363 63,313 68,235 1,792 7,560 7,700 16,291 2,372 720 : : : : : i Total 1,094,270 980 25 5,285 4 11 18 10,03.0 21,755 16,500 14,530 37,280 34,340 33,375 23,325 24,050 28,175 29,035 36,885 35,985 23,525 15,795 22,195 20,115 20,955 27.105 5 June : : : : 32 June 22 29 7 23 30 May .1.6 Apr. 2 9 26 12 19 5 26 Mar. 19 14 21 28 8 15 10 17 24 May 1 Apr. 3 6 13 20 27 liar. 28 23. 5 12 14 22 29 Feb. 24 31 Feb. 7 Jan. Jan. ,IeIc 204 1,128,695 1,O9 4,157 3,325 11,142 10,102 9,662 8,034 19,063 13,540 13,943 15,874 15,973 15,355 10,712 10,828 34.116 19,699 17,187 20,689 11,785 32,733 25.900 United States Depar-nent of Agriculture. Compiled from the New York Daily Fruit 8puroe of data Reporter by S. W. Shear, Giannini Foundation, University of California, 1935i 1936 by Boonomic Analysis Unit, General Crops Section, of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Arran,ged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Sperment Station end Ertension Service. 11 20 4 27 Dec. 20 3.3 Nov. 6 : 14,250 29,805 45,475 44,810 43,525 2 9 16 23 30 700 3,885 2,410 265 85 70 e8 3,525 : : : 18 25 Oct. U 4 28 Sept. 14 21 Aug. 13 Dec. 8 15 22 29 25 Nav.1 18 U Aug. 16 23 30 Sept. 6 13 20 27 Oct. Week eflQiflg Table 78.- New York auction sales of late pears frcn Oregon, 'Washington. and California, aU varieties by weeks, 1935 and 1936 Table 79.- d'Anjou pears; New Tork auction sales by state of origin by iueeka, 1935 aM 1936 season. California Oregon _1935; 1936: 1935; 1936: 1935: 1936; Season : Week eeding Aug. 30 Sept. Boxes 70 4:18:- 30]. 60 287 308 28: Sept.: 11; 25 2 9 16 23 30 8 Nov. 6 15 22 29 13 20 27 Dec. Jan. 4 11 18 25 : : : ; : ; ; : : ; : : Jan. 1 3 10 8 17 24 31 15 22 29 Feb. ; Oct. 11 18 25 Nov.1 Dec. 6 13 20 27 : : : : Feb. 7 5 14 12 19 26 : : 21 28 Mar, 6 13 Mar.: 20 : 2? Apr, 3 10 17 24 May 1 5 12 19 26 Apr. 2 9 16 23 30 : : : : ; ; : ; : - - Boxes : : : Boxes 14 21 Total : : 70 615 65 301 287 308 60 615 650 176 - 176 585 28 2,659 2,170 1,229 2,940 2,324 2,865 4,386 7,415 11,386 4,345 11,076 7.805 14,429 4,420 9,120 12,140 8,395 12,085 5,011 7,799 12,615 12,276 15,699 680 665 160 1,243 1,275 1,270 1,440 5,575 4,060 3,890 3,005 75 355 705 990 106 637 255 128 4,825 9,390 8,805 8,845 1,253 10,255 16,901 2,964 11,295 16,103 8,328 10,700 13,558 7,649 7,325 8,178 15,155 21,040 20,210 17,160 18,260 19,704 740 195 145 515 339 2,825 8,970 9,830 4,705 3,984 10,305 5,904 9,270 9,080 6,610 6,017 2,365 5,535 5,752 9,949 6,114 13,870 18,435 16,585 7,585 9,858 11,656 19,209 12,13]. 40 725 -- 7:-- May 8 15 22 Boxes Weshiton Pacific Coast 1936: 1935 1936 1935 Boxes Aug. 6 13 20 2? Oct. 4 Boxes : : : : : 35 ; 7,430 362 -180 108 838 - 22,143. 15,955 6,620 7,504 9,180 8,387 8,670 10,442 9,715 1O484 11,410 12,936 5,335 4,310 5,040 4,405 6,915 2,335 6,366 4,556 2,226 3,276 11,955 13,490 23,710 14,120 18,325 9,839 14,753 14,998 12,710 16,212 10,230 10,500 9,675 10,641 17,165 10,571 15,440 6,676 5,055 4,010 3,085 1,945 3,135 1,451 1,075 826 15,285 13,685 20,250 17,38 13,635 11,467 12,124 7,75]. 17,955 20,005 24,290 22,370 7,205 4,965 7,720 5,845 247 544 95 25,160 24,970 32,010 28,940 7,330 7,359 4,569 6,982 29,890 26,490 23,175 14,645 10,405 7,064 5,726 24,615 23,665 17,640 11,410 10,405 3,460 795 95 7,083 6,815 4,474 6,982 7,064 5,275 5,726 2,825 5,601 5,535 2,797 3,235 - 657 90 3,460 795 220 5,6(0. 2,797 657 - 5,722 351,560 2.87,415 176,970 151,823 535,960 344,960 Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture. Caupiled by the General Crops Section of the Agricultural Adjustment Mmthistration iron the New York DaU uit Reporter. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural periaent Station and tension Service. Table 80.- Winter Nelis pears: New York auction sales by state of origin by weeks, 1935 and 1936 seasons eeegenuing Bces : Boxes Sept. 18 Oct 23 Nov.l : 20 : 35 20 35 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 137 --90 : : 345 4: - - 27: : Dec. Dec. 6 13 11 18 25 20 27 Jan. : 1 3 10 17 24 31 8 15 22 29 : : : : : Feb. Feb. 7 5 14 21 28 12 19 26 : : : : Mar. Mar. 6 5 13 20 27 12 19 26 : : : : Apr. Apr. Mayl 2 9 16 23 30 8 May 7 15 22 29 14 21 28 3 10 17 24 June : : : : : : : : : June 5 4 : 12 1]. : Total -200 535 64 640 1,353 570 1,221 1,227 2,250 4,090 2,803 756 1,473 1,959 4,760 2,110 1,945 2,730 4,7(0. 720 1,705 720 1,045 871 1,460 1,781 3,CXLS 4,330 2,287 5,993 5,637 605 1,475 1,173 3,243 3,883 3'70 190 1,132 644 720 800 625 670 405 530 640 570 515 725 630 3,080 4,580 1,417 1,448 4,317 4,785 4,160 4,620 9,445 6,420 9,730 8,480 4,958 5,006 9,156 10,684 615 12,060 8,683 690 11,565 8,370 5,830 7,643 7,502 5,739 415 250 3,630 2,652 1,262 -145 1,676 -- -- 1,635 434 '730 718 -- 2,325 2,760 - 14,895 16,753 655 87,290 4,076 1,528 3,179 1,462 2,195 1,105 1,155 3,540 65 720 - 2,939 6,022 5,669 1,812 1,239 3,604 3,345 4,445 2,503 1,360 55 280 720 345 1,360 : Jan. 2,802 6,022 5,579 1,812 4,076 1,528 3,179 1,462 70 420 105 : 1,450 1,450 30 Nov. 2,025 2,720 1,795 2,290 203 418 3,230 1,530 1,595 1,340 1,110 - - 755 715 855 70 525 120 885 4,065 4,875 7,01.5 1,239 3,804 3,409 5,798 4,951 4,719 6,076 2,830 8,480 5,688 5,724 9,156 8,01.5 11,070 10,684 7,390 7,785 10,200 13,785 8,683 12,910 11,550 8,590 7,643 7,502 5,739 4,045 2,652 1,262 905 87,987 35,935 52,439 138,120 157,179 Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture Canpiled by General Crops Section of the Agricultural Adjustment Ainietration fra the New York Baily ñuit Reporter. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural periinent Station and ctension Service Table 81.- Beurre Boso pears: New York auction sales by state of origin by i,eeks, 1935 and 1936 seasons Weelc Boxes Sept. 6 13 20 27 Oct. 4 Sept.; 4: U: 12: 25 : Oct. 235 320 95 2 : 2,870 9 . 3,485 U 16 : 5,865 23 : 5,065 30 : 2,785 18 25 Nov.l Nor. 6 : 3,225 13 : 6,200 20 : 4,235 27 : 2,065 8 15 22 29 Dec. Dec. 4: 6 690 208 2,240 9,772 10,695 9,815 13,485 6,674 23,105 3,849 14,047 14,200 24,567 27,180 7,183 20,165 3,842 17,440 23,410 23,734 24,240 23,409 11,813 7,174 21,840 2,974 23,395 1,837 17,310 - 17,515 - 18,815 5,110 14,180 20,660 29,015 25,130 16,511 25,181 26,938 37,908 40,756 4,701 - 3,167 1,534 23,390 23,640 28,910 19,715 35,294 30,743 28,728 19,300 21,060 17,700 10,130 18,045 19,256 25,346 18,46]. 13,682 12,713 10,805 8 908 4,246 849 845 505 --- 1,280 340 735 1,677 7,080 8,780 4,320 2,885 1,810 13,682 12,713 10,805 8 908 4,006 100 185 7,180 8,965 : -- -- --- - --32:-: - -- - - 2 885 1,810 720 1,363 -- : - 1 8::: --- 15 22 : 29 : - Feb. Feb. 7 34 5 19 : 26 708 240 --- Mar. Total 1,362 2,923 6,667 6,402 1,310 9,330 25 Jan. 3 10 17 24 31 6 1,512 1,384 3,137 795 675 155 800 Jan. 28 646 235 320 785 16,368 18,493 24,626 17,677 11 2]. 646 1,512 1,384 2,929 -- 16,960 : 1,570 18 : 585 13 20 27 Mar. 990 -8: ! 5: 400 - -12:19 : --- - -- ;39,590 68,503 238,580 307,885 --- --- 763 720 76 --- 4,320 -- -- ----- --- -- -_ -- 33 -- 720 25,98]. 1,363 400 33 6,990 31,589 285,160 407,977 Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture. Cpi1ed by General Crops Section of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration fra the Hew York Daily Fruit Reporter. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Serv-ice. -79- Table 82.- du Conice peare: New tork auction ealea by etate o origin by weeka, 1935 and 1936 eeaaona weea ea .2! : 2 _____ _____ Aug. 28: 6 13 20 27 Oct. 4 U 18 25 Nov.1 8 15 22 29 Dec. 6 13 20 27 Jan. 3 10 17 24 31 Feb. 7 34 21 28 Mar. 6 13 20 27 Apr. 3 10 17 24 Mayl 95 95 Sept. Sept. 4: U: -4020 46 278 -2040 25 135 1,961 135 1,961 610 960 1,773 2,399 1,583 2,158 2,630 610 960 2,322 3,119 3,257 3,994 4,337 18: Oct. 2 9 16 23 30 Nov. : : : : 70 : 25 : 1,020 : 1,795 U9 549 720 623 1,1.40 135 1,498 1,507 1,051 338 180 U a 1,495 - - - - 32: * 19: & - - 6 13 20 1,360 27 a 990 Dec. a 4 1,360 : : 5,297 4,020 2,145 1,560 2,930 2,126 1,740 4,790 3,085 1,570 1,322 2,514 5,614 2,727 1,965 1,820 3,325 2,045 3,430 2,457 4,928 4,440 5,119 18 a 3,140 25 a Jan. a 1a 8a 15 a - 1,688 2,656 3,524 2,731 4,593 6,525 517 22 a 29 a Feb. 5a 720 2,760 750 491 181 392 26 Mar. 5: 12 a 19 a ir.26: 2: 9a l& a 23 a 30: Total 35 - - - - :13,020 39,050 32,530 45,683. - - 1,510 340 U9 8,. - - -3,020 2,515 3,505 2,550 6,283. 9,183. 3,1.35 4,252 4,640 5,614 2,727 6,285 6,225 1,570 1,965 1,820 3,325 2,795 3,430 6,751 2,457 5,445 4,440 5,319 491 2,760 183. 392 - 26 - - - 1,415 46,515 965 46 218 26 86,]I6 Sourc. of data: United Statue Deparent of Agriculture. .cpi1.d by General Crepe Section of the Agricultural Adjuatuent Ad.inlAtration frca the Fork Daily Fruit Reporter. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural perinent Station and tension Service. New Table 83.- Thd*i.te of New tork auction prices of pears and related data 1926-1930: 100 V Period :Auction:National: Production :U.S. car: prices; incone:United Statea:Wastern: Late: unloads :ports 1926-1930 : , .00 100 100 100 100 / 100 ,/ 100 1931-1935 : 74 70 108 106 119 67 135 1936 : 79 86 116 3.24 ].4i. 65 162 1937 : 71 92 327 12]. 153 56 167 86 137 14.4 193 57 1938 J 2/ Th. 1926-1930 average of price8 was $3.07; United States production 23,190,000 bushels; western production 15,270,000 bushelS; late pear production 3,301,000 bushels; United States car unloads 16,376 car].ots; exports 1,618,000 bushels The incone index is the DepartaLent of Ccnimerce index of "national inccae paid out." Converted fron 1929 base by dividing 95.8, the average fron 1926 to 1930. Based on mark.t season average July to June. J Al]. unloads of pears in 66 markets of the United States during the crop year. Includes truck and express. 1927-1930 = 3.00. ti Based on crop movement season. / Nat avaflable. Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Econonics; and Department of Cerce, Bureau of Census. Conpil.d and arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural xperinent Station and Extension Service. by ***************************** ****** * Auction prices for pears at New York appear to be affected * * by changes in the purchasing pawer of coaaners as reflected by *. * the index of national incc*ae, and by changes in the supp3 as * * reflected by pear production, donestic shipuents and unloads. * * It is noteworthy that carlot unloads of pears in the United State&Vr * have declined sbarpir frcu the 1926-1930 level, while exports have* * increased greatly. (During the 1926-1930 period the quantity of * * pears represented by donestic carlot unloads in 66 markets was * * approximately eight times as great as the quantity exported, * * ithersas in 1937 the ratio was approximately three to one.) * * * ** * * * ** ** * ** * * ** ** * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * 4,180 1,610 2.620 8.hlO 8.8 3.1 8.6 5,960 2,C?70 West North Central Mountain : 5820 67,540 100.0 15.850 - 42,360 100.0 19.9 9.9 3.8 6.2 8.0 2.6 8,3 8,9 28.8 24.1 61.2 7.7 Per cent i 13,819 3,792 8.839 26.150 229,257 12900 17,260 10,73]. 61.916 25841 8,597 27,478 100.0 20.1 10.7 2.9 6.8 ii,? 7.8 .7 4.0 69.9 47.6 14.5 10,208 2.1.52 84 1.449 919 14.2 24.0 100.0 9.0 .8 1,4 $44 _ 405 72 141 13.3 8.3 10,0 '796 4,860 1.482 7.138 21.2 20.0 17.9 6.7 : Carlot unloads of tease : Ponulation Per Thousand Per cent Carlots cent oms Experiment Station and Extension Service as Source of data: Compiled by Oregon Agricultural and wages from National Industrial Conference Board Total accountable income and salaries follows Statiaticsl Abstract of the United Bulletin of February 17, 1938. Population from Bureau of Census of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural United States Departaent States, 198M Carlot unloads fromAnalysis Agricultural Adjustment Unit, General Crops Section, Economics, as prepared by Economic and Extension Agricultural Experiment Station Arranged for publication by Oregon 1.1n4 Rtration. Service. Pacific Total Western states Tta1 United States 20.5 O $ 12,1.80 1Q.500 20.8 South Atlantic Ea8t South Central West South Central Total Southern states Total North Eastern states :39.630 15.260 19,CY7O 3,370 1,120 3.530 3,250 dollars Nflicn 9.9 4.1 6.8 7.9 Per Salaries ama uses 6,700 2,800 : 4.560 : _ 16.060 5,300 dollars tlflicn able Anoo Total accomt-s 25.930 $ $ carlot m1o.ds of nears and population oonpared by regions i,ith 1932-33 to 1936-3'7 average 28.2 22.6 58.7 New !ig1nii Middle Atlantic East NOrth Central Region Table 84 .-. 1937 ino IL6t 'SNOIOl I P&ONI aNY NOLLTIfl4OJ . Table 85.- .*rgentima: 1933 Country United Ltnjdon : Eraail : 7?ene. $ United States : Is]41 131. others 3/ Total Exports at pears fron Argentina by country of dstinatian, 1933-1937 : 193 - 20,793 3l,0 16,574 49,460 1,262 609 1935 Bones : / 1936 Bones 1937 2/ : Boxss 957 160,515 97,005 54,549 166,518 132,196 125,846 2,87]. 12,441 63,466 1,436 47,850 10,614 65,120 88,653 1.783 6.916 566 20.663 24,404 5,655 59.68]. 18314 55,159 73,559 1.80,266 414,250 564,804 C.átid fren triø tons to boxes on the basis of 43.5 boxes per ten. / PrelimInary. 3/ includes Netherlands, Spain, Osechoe1ova1da, tner1and, Ita]r, Africa (largely French), Germany, Paraguay, and all. others. Sourc. of data: United States Department of Agriculture. Conpiled by Foreign Agricultural Service fron ysarbooks of Argentine Qonera]. Bureau of Statistics, 1933 to 1936; and 'Buletin Informativo', Argentina Ilimietry of Agriculture, December 1937, for 1937. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension S.rvic.. Tab).i $6.- Argentina: Exports of pears fren Argentina by months, averags 1935-1937 / Bones January February March 47,93,7 197,011 70,963 May 16,733 me I Convértód frem metric tons on the basis of September October November 43.5 boxes per ton. 189 174 131 1937 Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture. Canpiled by Yorsign Agricultural Service as follows: January to May 193, National Bureau of Agricultural Ecnnios and Statistics, Argentine Ministry of Agriculture; June 1935 to dats, Argentine General Bureau of Statistics. sgon Agricultural Experiment Station and Arranged for publication by Extension Service. Table 87.- Argentina: Pear varieties grown in Eio Negro Valley, Variety Number of trees : Aryou &resnberg flonish Beauty 104,815 110,000 Variety : Passe Crassanne : Wilhian. 1935 j Number of trees 190,230 956,910 264.251 1.748.474 :_Qiars 2./ : Total (e of the objet pear gl'awlng regions; it contains over one-half the estinated number of pear trees in Argentina and ships about three-fourths of the pears shipped in that country. / Includes the following varieties: Alecon 19,149; Franco Russo 1,588 Manzonita 41,6UL 80667 AanMR 1,141; Angouleme 31,3693 Barry 14,791; Bonus Louise 3,296; 4,326; Clapp'a Favor 831; Conice 33,503; Cura Bose 3,1%; Die]. 17,206; Esperona 300; 0ar4 1,518; River 7,927; Malines 1,7013 heifer 910; Pacitham 14,172; Enter Bartlett 18,266; Winter Ne].is 24,911; and others ,mnmad 64,206 treeá. Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture. Cumpiled by Foreign Agricultural Service fron information supplied by Argentine Fruit Distributors, Linited. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service. * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Argentine pear industry has undergone rapid expansion * * during the last decade, but low prices in recent years have die* * couraged new plantings Production alrea4y excOed$ dumestic * * needs, and it is expected to increase further as young trees * cone into full bearing. The Ature of the industry is dependent ** * on the developaent of export outlets and more adequate refriger- * * ati m and storage facilities, according to an article by Paul 0. * * Nyhue, American Agricultural Attacne at Buenos Aixea, Argentina, * * appearing in the January, 1939 issue of "Foreign Agriculture," * * published by the United States Department of Agriculture. * * * * The Williams (Bartlett) variety is now the most important * * although acreage of se of the late varieties, notab]y Pease * * Crassaune, Aremberg and d'Anjou, is increasing at a more rapid * * rate than that of Wi] 1{.i * * * Dstic consumption in Argentina is to be near * * the limit, s1ririg it probable that furtherbelieved increase in produotion * * will be forced into export outlets. Chief countries of export are* * the United hingdum, Branil, France, the United States and Sweden. * * Exports cone 1arge1y during the Northern Hemisphere winter months * * of January, February and March, the article further' states. * *** ** * * * * * *** * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -$5 Table 8.- Fruit ocnaimapticn per capita in the United States, average 1919-1923 and 1929-1935 Fxui.t Oraz*gee Grapafruit Laona Average 1919-1923 : Poimds : 21 : 5 3 29 : Afleitrus iplee Grapes Peaches 72 32 : 2]. : 7 132 : 15 Pears Four deciduous fruits Average 1929-J.935 Pgund 24 BnnAA Total eight fruits : _ : : : 29 9 - 4 42 60 33 20 9 122 26 190 Source of data: December 1937 issue of "Better State Fruit". Conpiled by R. IL. Punier, WashingtonAgricultural College. Arranged for publication by Oregon periment Station and tensicn Service. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * Pear cocainptica per capita in the United * * * States appears to have increased aaterial.],y, * apple ccnauaptiofl per * contrast to th. trend of * in large increase * capita. There has been aduring * recent years, * citrus fruit coasiziption capita conausptiofl * * and sone increase in the perdoentrend in oons'lflp- * * of banai, offsetting the * * tion of the principal deciduouB fruits. -86- Table 89.- Cold storage holdings of late pears in the United States by regions, by months, average 1935-36 to 1938-39 Month boxes August]. September 1 October 1 Neweraber 1 Deceznler 3. 14 : : : : January 1 February 1 March]. : : May]. : : April]. June]. 352 1,918 1,952 1,357 863. : 522 293 332 43. 2 boxes boxes boxes boxes 4 2 13 4 20 392 23 333 178 347 105 52 62 49 30 20 58 13 7 39 20 16 10 1 - 7 34 20 21 12 8 3 - 2,110 2,206 1,573 1,017 612 353 3.62 3. 59 3.2 / Includes Oregon, Washington, and California. / Includes Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. / Includes fllinoi, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, 1Wmesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin. Includes all states not mentioned in footnotes 1, 2, and 3. / Cold storage holdings beginning January 1, 1939 are preliminary. Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Compiled by Economic inalysia Unit, General Crops Section, Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Arranged for publication by Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and Extenaion Service. * Oregon, Washington and Ca].iforaia houses store mosti * * of the late pears of the United States Iiioh axe held in * * cold storage. The peak of cold storage holdings of pears * * usually occurs in October. Stocks decrease rapidly altar * * Navnbecr. * -87- Table 90.- Late pears: Cold storage bo1dgs in Oregon, Washiigtcn, and California, average 1935-36 to 1937-38 by months, holdings on November 1 of each year, 1935-.a938 Month and ar: Ore cm 19351937-38 Average : to : 1,000 boxes Augustl September]. October 1 November 1 December 1 January 1 : Februaryl : March]. April]. May]. June]. : : : : : : : 1 cm : California 1,000 1,000 boxes boxes - - 63 659 869 630 46]. 269 139 60 16 34 690 - 611 363 189 106 50 14 3 - 14 230 253 181 151 101 74 53 37 22 2 and Pacific Coast 1,000 boxes 14 327 1,6 1,661 1,144 751 449 242 11]. 4]. 2 November 1 748 1935 732 380 254 1,629 1,256 2,100 149 1936 1937 : 622 1,238 72]. 141 : 1938 : 1,685 700 438 2,823 Bureau of Source of data: United States Department of Agriculture, General Conpiled by Econonic Analysis Unit, Agricultural Econcanics. Arranged for pubCrops Section, Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Experinent Station and Extension Service. lication by Oregon Agricultural * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .* * * * * * * * * * * * * Oregon ranked first Except during the early season, * ha1d.. Coast states in ool4 storage * among the 3 Pacific * inge of late pears during the 1935-36 to 1937-38 3-'year narked upward * period. Data as of November]. show a eempared with the * trend in Oregon cold storage holdings, * trend in Washington and California. * * * * * * * ******** **** ****** ** ***********