Current Science,January20, 1985, Vol. 54, No.2 57 COLONY FISSION IN A SOCIAL WASP RAGHAVENDRA GADAGKAR and N.V. JOSHI* I Centrefor Ecological Sciencesand * Centrefor Theoretical Studies, : Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore560012, India. ..ABSTRACT A colony of Ropalidia cyathiformis with elevenadult femalesexperienceda period of high levelsof aggressionand continuouslydecreasingbrood culminating in about half the adults leaving the parent nestto found a new colony nearby.The group that stayedback at the parent nest which we call the Loyalists and the group that left which we call the Rebelswere rather evenlymatched in numbersand agedistribution. The Loyalists were relatively more dominant compared to the Rebels and the latter appeared to have behavedin a highly coordinated mannerevenbeforethe actual colony fission. The fission resulted in an immediate increasein brood production in both the parent and the new nests thereby increasing the genetic fitness of both groups. We argue first that this phenomenonis a reflection of reproductive competition and second that it provides strong circumstantial evidencefor kin recognition and communication. INTRODUCTION P RIMITIVELYeusocial insects are of special interest from the point of view of social evolution because,while they exhibit sterility and the extremedegreesof altruism characteristic of the highly eusocialantsand honeybees,theyalso showa remarkabledegreeof flexibility. The role of an individual in a colony is not fixed but appearsto be determined by the socialenvironment it finds itself in. Groups of females(foundresses)come together, relegate reproduction to the most dominant individual and the rest remain subordinate and sterile, working to feed and care for the offspring of the dominant female1-3. If the dominant female dies or is removed, however, one of the subordinate femalesceasesto work, and beginsto lay eggsand therebybecomesthe queen4-7. Sinceat leastsome of the subordinate femalesare potentially capable of becomingqueenssucha situation might be expectedto foster a great deal of reproductive competition among nest mates. Ropalidia,a genusrepresentingsucha primitive level of social evolution is abundantly distributed in India 8-12.Here there appears to be scope for even greater levels of reproductive competition. On the one hand colonies are perennialand long lived and musttherefore often outlive their queensproviding opportunities for queen replacements. On the other hand new coloniesare initiated throughout the year12.As a result, femalesemerging at anytime must have a finite chanceof becoming queens. During observations of two species,R. marginata and R. cyathiformis we noticed several behaviour patterns suggestive of reproductive competition. On one occasion, an individual becamevery aggressiveand challengedthe queen by biting, nibbling and chasingher. In this case both the queenand her challengerwere missing the following day and the next most dominant female beganto lay eggs4.We imagine however that suchchallengersmust occasionallysucceed in themselvesbecomingreplacementqueens.On severaloccasionswe have seensingle femalesgo off on their own to start newnests.Most of such nestsinitiated by a lone founderesshowever fail after a short while. It appears therefore that emergingfemaleshavetwo reproductive options before them, (i) to leave the parent nest and initiate newnestson their own so that immediate egglaying is possible although the risk of failure is probably high, (ii) to stay on at the parent nest and challengethe queen;here the probability of succeedingin becomingthe next queenis prob- 58 Current Science,January 20, 1985, Vol. 54, No.2-..~ ably small but there is little chanceof immediate nestfailure; a certain amount of inclusivefitness on account of caring for siblings and other close relatives must therefore often be guaranteed. Jeanne13has classified the sub-family polistinae into 2 behaviouralcategoriesnamelythose where new colonies are founded by one or more queenswithout the aid of a swarmof workersand those where new colonies are founded by a swarm of workers accompanying one or more queens.R. cyathiformis is believedto belong to the first group13. During longterm observations of a colony of R. cyathiformis however,we once sawa female behave in a manner most remark-of able for a non-swarming species.She left her parental nest to initiate a nest but did so along with about half the adults on the parent nestwho continued to remain subordinate and work for the new nest.The new nest subsequentlybecame as large as the parent nestand produced several progeny. In this paper we analysethe behaviour of thesewaspsbefore and after the colony fission and interpret their behaviour in the context of reproductive competition, in an attempt to understand the causesand consequencesof the colony fissionas well as its probable mechanism. MATERIALS AND METHODS b = probability that animal i is on the nest and animal j is away from the nest c = probability that animal i is away from the nestwhile animalj is on the nest d = probability that both animals i andj are away from the nest was chosenbecauseit givesa value ranging from -I to + I irrespectiveof the actualtime budgets. A value of + I therefore means that the two animals synchronised their behaviour to the maximum extent possible within the constraints their time-activity budgetswhile -I indicates the maximum possible avoidance. A value of zero is equivalent to i andj choosingto stay on the nest or be away from it independentof each other. The frequencies of the dominant and subordinate behaviours were computed from the 'all occurrencesof rare behaviours' data. A nest map showing the location of brood in different stagesof developmentwas maintained on every other day. Observationswere made between 19 February and 21 June 1980for a total period of 225 hr during which 282 instantaneousscanning sessionsin addition to ad libitum observations were performed between5 a.m and 5 p.m. The data were analysed on the DEC 1090computer The study was conducted on a colony of R. cyathiformis that had built a neston a metallic pole in the grounds of the Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore. All adults weremarked with spots of coloured paint for individual recognition. Behavioural data were recorded using, the methods of instantaneousscanningand' All occurrencesof rare behaviours'14.(For further details seeGadagkar and Joshi15,16). The data fr?m th~ scanswer~usedto ass~ssthe e~tent to WhIChd~ffe~entarnm.alscoordmated with eachother theIr tl,mesOf~l~g on and av:-ay from the ?est. :ule ~ ~SSOClatloncoefficl~~t betweenarnmalsI and) gIven by the formula. Y j"= ~ !/ ad+bc facility at the Indian Institute of Science. History of the colony and social organisation beforefission A colony of R. cyathiformis that had built a nest of 3 combs on a metallic pole at the Indian Institute of Sciencehas beenthe focus of intensive study. Having shown that the three combs really belongedto a single colony18,we made a detailed study of the social organization of this species16, 19.Although the latter study included 8 colonies most of the animals studiedbelongedto the same colony with three combs which was describedearlier18and is also the focus of the where a = probability that both animals i and j are on the nest presentstudy.The behaviourof individual wasps comprising this colony with referenceto social RESULTS Current Science,January 20, 1985, Vol. 54, No.2 59 organization has been described at length 16. Briefly, we have constructed time activity budso . gets lor d.. d m IVI . .d II ua y I fi entl d e . I amma d s an d wit raise d antennae an ' raise d .' WIngs, Loyalist/ codeNO.16 Rebel being away .'. from the nest we have shown .17 that the ammals belonged to three distinct behavioural clusters namely Sitters, Fighters and Foragers. Sitters spend a large proportion of their time sitting and grooming, Fighters spend a large proportion of their time sitting with raised antennae as well as show a high frequency of dominance behaviour while Foragers are characterised by a large proportion of time being spent away from the nest. A detailed discussion of the description and interpretation of such a behavioural caste differentiation is given elsewherel6. colony the caste of fission 72 oya1st Loyalist Loyalist Loyalist 23 24 Loyalist Loyalist Sitter Sitter Rebel Forager 58 Rebel Rebel Forager Fighter 37 19 7 12 19 22 I" Rebel Rebel da ys at 6 16 21 time 58 24 10 5 3 Forager Forager 17 8 col!Jny fission. After the colony fission however, the brood on both the new nest as well as the parent nest increased quite rapidly (figure I). We believe that the colony fission itself was the cause for the sudden increase in brood levels both because of the dramatic change in brood levels immediately following the colony fission and also The In Behavioural F1"ghter Forager Forager Sitter L (iv) walking, (v) being in the cells of the nest and (vi) " ge -Animal " sIttIng A b su jected these time activity budgets to multivariate statistical analyses such as principal components I . d h h. I I I . U .2 ana YSlSan lerarc Ica custer ana ysls. sIng data on proportions of time spent in (i) sitting and ( "' ) grooming ., . h' (ii). sitting with raised antennae III Table1 Casteandagecompositionofloyalistsandrebels because other factors such as a change in fission This colony had II adult female wasps and no males on 29 May 1980. On 30 May 1980,5 female wasps left the parent nest to initiate a new nest about a meter away. Henceforth we will refer to ~ ~ 6 the group that stayed back at the parent nest as Loyalists. It is significant that the two groups ~ ~' 5 were rather evenly matched in numbers and age composition. The 6 Loyalists were 72, 58, 24, I 0, ~ ~ I, 5 and 3 days old respectively at the time of fission while the 5 Rebels were 58, 37, 19, 17 and 8 days :g § 3 respectively (table I). The Loyalists consisted of one Fighter, 2 Foragers and 3 Sitters while the Rebels had one Fighter and 4 Foragers (table 1). The Fighter among the Loyalists (animal No.2) was the queen before the colony fission and continued to be the queen after the fission. The 8 ~ 2 ;i '0 10 Fighter among the Rebels (animal No. 17) became the queen on the newly initiated colony. 70 t- 0 jM Y J 1 ~UN 1 JUL TIME Figure 1. Total brood (eggs+ larvae+ pupae) on the threecombs of the parent nestuntil 30 May, the day of Brood levels on colony fission (shown by arrow). After the fission, total brood on both parent nest and new nest put the parent nest had declined over time and reached its lowest point on 30 May, the day of together (solid line) and brood on new nest alone (broken line) are shown. The total brood (Eggs + larvae + pupae) 60 CurrentScience.January20.1985.Vol.54, No.2 .. environmentalconditions can easilybe ruled out. Severalother colonies of R. cyathiformis in the vicinity did not show any such pattern of decrease..AFTER m brood levels till 30 May 1980followed by a suddenincrease. It appearstherefore that the colony fission increasedthe geneticfitnessof both the queens. The inclusive fitness of the remaining animals in both groupsalso musthave increasedas long as they were at leastmarginally related to the queens. .BEFORE ~ ~ DominanceBehaviour ;;i D 1.0 ~ Rebels were subordinate to all the Loyalists. Nevertheless,mean frequenciesper animal per hourofdominanceandsubordinatebehaviour1b within each group reveal interesting patterns ~ 0 ~ [ 0," (Figure 2). Among both Loyalists and Rebels, dominanceas well as subordinate behaviourwas relatively high before and declined after colony fission. Before colony fission the Loyalists showed a greater frequency of dominance behaviour than the Rebelswhile with subordinate behaviour the pattern was reversed.When these 0,2 domInance behaviour dependIng ..y on frequencies towards whom are they are L roken directed (figure 3), we seethat a high level of dominance behaviour was shown by the Loyalists towards the Rebels and 'others' while low frequencies "--:,ere s~own by th~ Rebelstow~rds Loyalists and others. No domm~ncebehaviourwas recorded betweenone Loyailst and another or between one Rebel and another. Here 'others' r~fers to wasps.that were presentbefore colony ~ssl0nb~t ~ad disappearedby th.eda~ of .the spilt ~rmrttlng therefore ~o classificationInto Loyailsts.or Rebels.One m~ghtthus argue that the Loyailsts were t~e domInant group and the Rebels the subordInate group. C d. d oor mate behaVlour .greater patterns As an index of coordination within eachgroup before the split, we calculatedYule's association coefficientsbetweenpairs of wasps.We askedthe question whether wasps within a group were . ~ I [ 0 REBELS L L DOM.lNANCESUBORDINATE BEHAVIOUR BEHAVIOUR Figure2. MeanFrequencies of dominancebehaviour and up, I 1 i .J I LOYALISTS ~ ~ b FISSION 2.0 There was no clear cut dominancehierarchy3 therefore on this colony not possible at about tothe saytime for example of the split. if allItthe is ... FISSION subordinate b L I . behaviour oya lsts ( upper panne before (shaded bars) and per animal per hour shown I) an d R e bel sower (I panne I) after (open bars) the colony fission. l:oordinated amongthemselves;for instance,did they synchronisetheir trips away from the nest? The Rebelshad a meanassociationcoefficient of 0.69 with 5 pairs of wasps having a value of + I. Whenthe pairs werechosensuchthat waspi was a Loyalist and waspj was a Rebelthe mean associationcoefficientwas -0.26 with 4 pairs of waspshaving a value of -I. The mean association coefficientof 0.69 amongRebelswasfound by Monte Carlo calculations to be significantly than zero (P < 0.01) (standard devi.. atlon = 0,10) suggesting that the Rebels synchronisedamongthemselvestheir times of being on or away from the nest. Similarly the value of -0.26 for Rebel Loyalist pairs was found to be significantly less than zero (P < 0.05) (standard Current Science,January 20, 1985, Vol. 54, No.2 0.61/ 61 ANIMAl. /HOUR avoided 1 'I ally ~ ~ members of the other left the parent an act that increased the ,:: i' \ Rebels group nest to initiate and the inclusive the and eventu- one of its own, fitness Loyalists. of both Strassmann2O studied a North American Social wasp Po/isles exc/amans where subordinate workers had the choice of staying with the queens' main nests or f joining worker-initiated showed that ~ In our study "V~ matched "V~ and be by classified the day of intothe Loyalists fissIon and or Rebels, = O.ll} suggesting avoided each that the Loyalists other, the following lines. sion of First to we interpret seen before reproductive mates. Second, aggression the low level high levels efficiency situation Rebel remained high we believe that highly level the of aggres- the high we suggest competition decreasing rearing .led to evidence In Polistes wasps, have demonstrated is no nest-mates There evidence on the other hand, components of the recognitio~ relationship. from bee workers and in the the largely coordinated for that a led thereby nest. to the Such a emergence of a subordinate .but within allowed to however for bees genetic sy::em Smith have for ability sisters. itself, same hive nition kind It is thus once have may have been more the eleven wasps because several eggs allowed fission on differential to believe than one genetic had colony to of R. be of a habitu- that there line among of the fission. simultaneously in the can in the If kin recogit must at the time in this been colony reasons females bees sisters $tudied, that is not dependent We do have before full and if the of sisters. in the that we have be e was I sisters half full However, between clear that between full and classes is involved ation, laying not full they to both cyathiformis its to distinguish between habituate to been showed can distinguish habituate non In honey the environmental"and Getz h f w b d theIr of genetic separated. newly cues ymeanso b t or I t dIstinguIsh distinguish of recog- ' insects. group21 recognition half nest level an im- fission. of individual nest-mates. testing as a reflection was responsible In short was along speculative) among that reproductive of brood results fission the fission of aggression, group our competition before of the we suggest level of brood. high RebelsI played of colony . (though the colony have and half sisters raised in the same hive. . h ' h 10 t ese experIments eac expenmenta interpret interesting, a ' later well DISCUSSION like is growing th they honey would the that in a process that resembles imprinting emerged, wasps learn certain chemical rom , ' that were present before colony fissIon therefore but had dIsappeared could not must nition in social Gamboa and his of dominance behaviourjanimaljhr shown by Loyalists and Rebels towards e~ch other and towards 'others', Here 'oth~rs' We of individuals Besides in the process elrna up of the frequency f 3. Break Rebels evenly h role There deviation of IC communication portant refer to anImals worker fitness appear to have behaved in, a highly coordinat~d manner even before the fissIon. These two facts 10 our opinion suggest that individual recognition and Figure andI rather number age composition. nes r i were roo '5oc. ~ of the study inclusive the two groups in terms their nests as in the case of our behaviour patterns increased both the queens and workers. 0;-" and satellite This is been past 16,18,We 62 CurrentScience, January 20, 1985,Vol.54,No.2 - therefore believe that our results are highly suggestiveof recognition of differentgeneticlines within a colony. Communication by chemicalmeanshas been establishedby Jeanne23in a situation somewhat similar to our own. Polybiine waspsstudied by Jeanne23initiate newnestsby swarming,that is, t e massemigration 0 one or more queensan a number of workers to found a new colony. Swarming is also seenwhen a nestis abandoned and all the wasps move on to a new nest site. Jeanne23 showed that swarming wasps of Polybia sericea apply a chemical substanceby dragging their gastersover twigs and leavesand that these scent marks are later used by the swarm to orient itself. Although R. cyathiformis is classifiedamong the non-swarming Vespids13 h work was supported in part by a grant from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (Principal Investigator, R. Gadagkar). 11 December 1984 1 P d. L Ph . 2. West,M. J., Science,1967,157,1584. 3. Gadagkar,R., CurroSci.,1980;49, m. 4. Gadagkar,R.; (Unpublishedobservations.) 5. Litte, M., Beh.Ecol.Sociobiol.,1977,2,229. 6. Litte, M., Z. Tierpsychol., 1979,50, 282. 7. Litte, M., Sm.iths. Contr.Zool., 1981,No.327. 8. Vecht,J.Van Der.,Zool. Verhand. Leiden.,1962, 57, 1. 9. Gupta,V. K. and Das,B. P., Entomon.,1977,~, 209. .. '. f . t ' IS I . bl pOSSI th t e th a. I d 5 e R b e 1 e h w~sps ~a~ Z I 1948 .ari,.,YSIO.OO., 10. ave Gadgll, 43,482. 21 1 ". M. and Mahabal, A. S., Curro SCI., 1974, used a comm~mcatory. mec~amsm similar to that of swarming Polybla serlcea. The conclusionsdrawn in this paperregarding the causes(reproductive competitionand aggression) and mechanisms(kin recognitionand communication) of colony fission are admittedly speculative.This is especiallybecauseonly one instance of colony fission has beenstudied. But colony fissionis an unpredictable eventand even when a colony under study splits the departing dlt t 1 b ' ld t b It a u smayno a ways UI anes near y. may on the other hand be possible that colonies ...e 11. Gadagkar,R., Gadgil,M. and Mahabal,A. S., Proc.Symp.Ecol.Anim.Pop.Zool. Surv. India, 1982,Pt. 4, p. 49. 12. Gadagkar,R., Gadgil, M., Joshi, N. V. and Mahabal,A. S., Proc. IndianAcad. Sci. (Anim. Sci.),1982,91,539. 13. Jeanne, R. L., Ann. Rev.Entomol.,1980,25,371. 14. Altmann,J., Behaviour, 1974,49, 227. 15. Gadagkar,R. and Joshi,N. V., Anim.Beh.,1983, 31,26. .. 16. Gadagkar,R.andJoshi,N.V.,Z.Tlerpsychol., 198464 15 17 D G'h tt' V . J I Q t .t t . e, .., n uanlalvee thoogy I (e. d ) P. closure. Ropalidia is an ideal systemto exploit colony fission towards answering questions regarding evolution of sociality as well as communication and individual recognition. Its primitive level of sociality coupled with the occurrence of small and open, yet sometimes polygynous nestsand the presenceof suchcom. as co1ony fi sslon . wh.ICh Increases .Boulder P1ex strategies 18. Gadagkar,R. and Joshi,N. V., J. Zool., 1982, 198,27. 19. Gadagkar,R. andJoshi,N. V., In: TheBiologyof the Social insects.(eds)M. D. Breed,C. D. MichenerandH. E. Evans.Proc.IX Congressof the InternationalUnion for the study of Social Insects, Colorado, USA, Westview Press, ' 1982,187.... grown In large enclosures may undergo fission and produce daughter colonies within the en- th fit e f ness 0 b th 0 . groups IS h per W. Colgan John Wiley and sons New York 1978, p. 115. " 20. aps unpar- alleled. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Madhav Gadgil and V. Nanjundiah for reviewing the manuscript and H. Sharat Chandra, C. D. Michener and Mary Jane West Eberhard for many helpful discussions. This Strassmann, J.. E., In. Natural selection and social beh aVlour, . (ed s) R ..exan D AI d er and D .. W Tinkle, Chiron Press,1981,p. 45. 21. Pfennig,D. W., Gamboa,G. J., Reeve,H. K., Reeve,J. S. and Ferguson,I. D., Beh. Ecol. Sociobiol.,1983,13,299. 22. Getz,W. W. and Smith,K. B., Nature(London), 1983,302,147. 23. Jeanne,R. L., Anim.Beh.,1981,29,102.