BEHAVIOURAL -IN CASTES AND THEIR CORRELATES THE PRIMITIVELY MARGINATA (LEP.) K. Chandrashekara EUSOCIAL WASP, ROPALIDIA (HYMENOPTERA: VESPIDAE) and Raghavendra Gadagkar Centre for Ecological Sciences Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India INTRODUCTION Insects living in groups comprising of individuals from more than one generation, most of whom give up reproduction in favour of one or a few members of their group, but cooperate in rearing the resulting brood are termed eusocial (Michener, 1969; Wilson, 1911). In the highly eusocial insects such as all termites, most ants and .some bees and wasps the non-reproductives are morphologically distinct castes who have little or no reproductive opportunities. Such morphological differences often extend to subcastes among workers as well. This leads to efficient division of labour and a stable social organisation. Such morphologically distinct castes are however absent in most primitively eusocial bees and wasps. Here adult wasps or bees are considered totipotent because the social roles, including that of the egg layer, that members of a colony can undertake are flexible. In the absence of morphological castes why do certain individuals accept the role of workers and how are the division of labour and social organisation achieved? Pardi (1948) suggested that social interactions involving dominance behaviour results in the most dorr11nant -female becoming the queen who monopolises egg laying while the subordinates accept worker roles. This pattern seems to hold for most species of primitively eusoci'al wasps studied since (West-Eberhard, 1969; Jeanne, 1972). A recent study by Gadagkar and Joshi (1982, 1983) focussed on inter-individual behavioural variability among colony members of the primitively eusocial tropical wasp Ropalidia marginata. Constructing time-activity budgets for commonly occurring behaviours and using principal components analysis they identified three behavioural castes viz., Sitters. Fighters and Foragers. How is social organisation and division of labour achieved by behavioural caste differentiation? What is the pattern of task allocation among members of these castes? Is there any task specialization among members of the three castes? Th~sEt are some of the questions we have attempted to answer in this paper. We do This by exploring the behavioural, Social Insects ..An Indian Perspective (eds.) G.K Veeresh, A.A. V. Kumar and T. Shivashankar, Published by IUSSI-lndian Chapter, Bangalore (1990). 153 -" morphological and anatomical correlates of the behavioural castes in the primitively eusocial tropical wasp R. marginat~. Our results show that the extra-nidal task of foraging is primarily performed by the Foragers while most of the intra-nidal tasks are shared by Sitters and Fighters. Sitters and Fighters have better developed ovaries and hence may be treated as potential queens. We failed to discover any morphological correlates of the behavioural castes, reinforcing the idea of relative flexibility in social roles that adult wasps of a colony may adopt. MATERIALS AND METHODS The results presented here are based on observations conducted on 12 post-emergence colonies of R. marginata between January 1986 and May 1987. Seven of these colonies were located In Bangalore (13.00' N and 77"32' E) and five were in Mysore (12.25' Nand 76.50' E), India. i I 1. Sampling methods All adult wasps on a nest were marked with unique spots of quick- drying paint to enable individual identification. Quantitative data on behaviour was obtained by observing each colony for a period of 20 h over six days. Two sampling methods namely, "instantaneous scans" and "recording all occurrences of rare behaviours " (Altmann, 1974) were used in the study. Each observation se$sion comprised of 17 "instantaneous scans" and 24 "all occurrences" sessions of five min duration and thus amounted to 3 h and 20 min. Three such observation sessions beginning 0800 h, 1120 h and 1440 h on three successive days covered the entire period between 0800 hand 1800 h when wasps are most active. The cycle was repeated once again on the following three days to complete the observations. Data for each colony was th us based on a total of 102 "instantaneous scans" and 144 "all occurrences" sessions. Data on Colony 6 alone was however based on 51 scans and 72 "all occurrences" since the nest was attacked by the predatory hornet Vespa tropica and the observations could not be completed. The results presented in this paper are thus based on"230 h of observations on 12 natural colonies. Data from the instantaneous scans were used to construct ti~-activity budgets while those from the all occurences sessions were used to compute the frequency per hour at which a behaviour was performed_by each animal. In all colonies only one individ ual was ever seen laying eggs and she was designated as the queen. Data on nest contents and the numbers of males and females present on the nest was obtained by collecting the nests after completion of observations. All female wasps from each colony thus collected were measured and dissected under a binocular dissection microscope to obtain data on body size and ovarian condition. The dissected wasps were oven dried at 80.C to estimate dry weight and the non-structural fat content of each wasp following the method of Folch et al. (1957). 154 2. Variables used Twenty variables were used in this study. They are, the proportions of time spent in five common behaviours, (1) Sit and Groom, (2) Raise Antennae, (3) Walk, (4) In cells, (5) Absent from nest, and the frequencies per hour of 11 rare behaviours, (6) Dominance behaviour, (7) Subordinate behaviour, (8) Bring food, (9) Snatch (12) Bring building material, (13) building material, (15) Extend walls Total number of oocytes, (18) Wing Non-structural fat content (mg). food, (10) Lose food, (11) Feed larva, Snatch building material, (14) Lose of cells, (16) Build new cells; and (17) length, (19) Dry weight (mg) and (20) 3. Data Analysis The method of principal components analysis (Frey and Pimentel, 1978) was used as described by (Gadagkar and Joshi, 1983,1984) to analyse the Trme-activity budgets constructed from data on proportions of time spent in five common behaviours. The positions of wasps were plotted as points in the space of the first two principal components. These points fell into three distinct clusters as confirmed by the nearest centroid method (see Gadagkar and Joshi, 1983, 1984). Principal components analysis and identification of the clu~ters were performed separately for each colony. Using the method of Logistic regression analysis each of the 20 variables used in the study was modelled to test its influence on the probability of an animal being a Sitter, a Fighter or a Forager such that, In(p1/P3) = a1 + 131X In(p2/P3) = a2 + 132X where P1, P2 and P3 are the probabilities of being a Sitter, a Fighter or a Forager respectively (p1 + P2 + P3 = 1), a 1 an a2 are intercepts, 131and 132 are regression coefficients and X is the independent variable. The regression equations: P1 = P3 [exp(a1 + 131X)] P2 = P3 [exp(a2 + ~2X)] P3 = 1 -P1 -P2 were solved criterion: by an iterative L = k (0 i=1 procedure m P1) (0 P2) i=k+ 1 155 using the maximum n (0 P3) i=m+ 1 likelihood where L is the likelihood, 1 to k are Sitters, k+ 1 to m are Fighters and m+1 to n are Foragers (For further details see, Shanubhogue and Gore, 1987; Gadagkar, et at., submitted; Cox and Snell, 1989). This analysis was carried out by pooling all the data from 12 colonies. RESULTS Time-activity budgets constructed for all individually identified animals from 12 colonies of the tropical wasp R. marginata revealed that female wasps spend 69% .100% (mean :t S.D. = 94.61 :t 5.23) of their time in the five common behaviours, Sit and Groom, Raise Antennae, Walk, In Cells and Ab.sent from Nest (Variables 1-5 in the list of variables ). The manner in which each wasp allocated her time between these five behaviours was however highly variable (data not shown). In order to discern a pattern in differential allocation of time by individuals in the five common behaviours we subjected the time-activity budgets of wasps from each colony to principal components analysis. Our results show that the first two principal components together account for 97.9% -99.7% of the variance in the input data. In colony 1, which we use in this paper to illustrate the results of principal components analysis, the first two principal components accounted for 99.5% of the variance in the input data (Table 1). The position of each wasp is therefore plotted as amplitudes in the space of the first two principal components (Figure 1) and the points resolve into three distinct clusters. The boundaries of the three clusters were always confirmed by the nearest centroid criterion, so that each point was closer to its own centroid than to the centroid of any other cluster (Gadagkar and Joshi, 1983). The results were identical for all the 12 colonies with the wasps falling into three distinct clusters. Results Table 1. of Principal components -PC:t Sit and Groom analysis PC II -0.6985 0.5024 Raise Antennae 0.0406 -0.6741 Walk Q.0293 -0.1337 In Cells -0.0114 Absent from nest 0.7138 Eigen value 0.1457 Variance 96.67 Cum. Variance -0.0201 -0.5242 0.0042 2.77 99.44 156 Following Gadagkar and Joshi (1983) we constructed mean behavioural profiles for animals in each cluster. The cluster with the highest mean proportion of time spent in Sit and Groom was labelled Sitters, the cluster with the highest mean proportion of time spent in Raise antennae or the highest frequency of Dominance behaviour was labelled Fighters and similarly the cluster with the highest mean propor1ion of time spent in Absent from nest was labelled Foragers. :: 0.6 z L4J z ~0.4 ~ ~~:7 0 ~ ~,~ ~ 0 0 ~ 0.2 L;) 51 Fa FI z it: 0.. 0 -0.8 -0.4 0 PRINCIPAL 0.4 COMPONENT I Fig. 1. Behavioural castes of female wasps in colony 1 as identified by principal components analysis. Each open circle denotes a wasp, plotted as a point in the coordinate space of the first two principal components. The centroids of each cluster are indicated by closed circles. The cluster of Sitters, Fighters and Foragers are indicated by letters 51, FI and Fa respectively. By what other attributes can we characterize Sitters, Fighters and Foragers? In other words, are they different from each other, and if so, can we distinguish between them with respect to other variables used in the study? We use the method of logistic regression analysis to show patterns of task allocation among the three behavioural castes. Making pairwise comparisons between castes for each variable we found that Foragers brought food significantly more often than either Sitters or Fighters (p < 0.05) and Fighters did so significantly more often than Sitters (p < 0.05, Table 2). Fighters showed significantly higher frequencies of Dominance behaviour than either Sitters or Foragers (p < 0.05) and Sitte's did so significantly more often than Foragers (p< 0.05, Table 2). Sitters and Fighters showed significantly higher frequencies of Snatch food, Feed larva and Extend walls of cells than Foragers (p < 0.05, Table 2). These three variables however did not permit us to distinguish between Sitters and Fighters. 157 Q) 0) ~ (J -;;; (/IN .. ... "'" C\J CD CD r-.. Or-..I().-V V r-.. r-.. N"';"';"'; C\J CD . r-.. a> N V C\J I() r-.. C\J C')I()VC') 0> CD a> 0> 0 a> CD 0 ..-r-.. "0 C') 0 0> C\J I() C\J 0 0000 C\J 0> "0 0000 a>.C') 0> C') r-.. C\J 0 C') CD 0 0> r-.. I() CD 0 0 V 0 I() I() ..-V 0 CD 0> V 0 r-.. 0..- I r-.. C\J r-.. C') CD 0; ..0 0 /I 0 00 . Q. a> CD 0> V :,. 0 00 CD C\J CD CD r-.. a> r-.. ..-I() 0 0 0 C') 0; "": 0; ~ 0 00>r-..C') C\J..- CD a>a>CDV C')..CD..CD I() V a> . CD C\J 0> 0 0 0 CD r-.. 0 0 NOOO I ./I C') C\J 0 0> I 0 0 o>vr-..a> I() C\J CD CD C') V a> V 0 0> 0; "": '-: ~ O>C')VC\J I()a>OV 0 r-.. 0 N C\J r-.. I() V I 0> M"';..t (/I Q)~ 7n -;;; F 0 CDO>t-.O>O> a> CD CD I() C\J I C\J ..-a> I() r-.. ..-V..V "'" r-.. :::" .. C') I() 0>..V 0, C\J C\J 0 r-.. CD C\J 0 C\J I() V V a> I 0 CD 0> a> ..-0 .-C\J 0> 0> 0"'; 0 "": ~ CD I() C') CD 0, C\J V..- t-. I() ai ~ a>.-r-..CDC\J C') r-.. r-.. CD..- 0; ~ 0 I ...; C') 0> ..-a> .: 0> 0> v..~ C\JC\J..-00 a> C\J '7 V V r-.. "": ~ 0 0> °u 8 0; '-: ~ C\J IU ...CDO>C')OO -0 .,;:g~ > (/)Q) IU ~ (J N ~ N ...C')OC')O..- ~ If... u. °- .E -g C O)...Q) (/)-(/I ... -in >. ~ ~ (/I '0C!)C: (J I() 0> 0> 0> 0 r-.. "';0",""';"';0 I I V I() 0 0 (/I I() 7n ;;; vvO>o..C\J 0> 0 0 0000 ..- CD V I() 0> C\J a> I() r-.. CD 000 C\J N CD I() 0> CD /I Q. C\J CD C\J V a> ai 0 0 /I /I I() 0 0 0 c: 0) E . 0) ' 0' C\J C\J g ~ . . C\J g I 0 ';: 0',. 0000 C\J g 0 I V ~ 0 I N g] '0'" ..-a>..I I V ~ 0 '0'" Q) 1U °u Eo- 0- =Idj 7n0 (J ~ 0 'is ci5~ ~ '0 '0... F I.!J 8 Q) IU 'u o~ :e -Q)..- ci5i '0... "'(/1 (/I 'Q)1U F... (/I E W -;;; Q) c: ro 0 c: (/I Q) ...'5 0 > = O (/) Q) ... (/I .,; °in (/) 0> Q) '- _2 o~ O>~ ..Q ~u. -0 Q) (/) O(/) C\lQ) Q) (/) -(/) -fa ro ~(/) 2. (/) ro ,.) ---a> ro '- 0 (/I ~ 5~g;~ 0Q) ",?; .c .cO) 0~ u. -E Q) -.5 (/) -.-~ 0 ro ...W (/) 2. ~ "5 0 Q) (J ...c: Q) Q) --Q) 0 C\J " u. E --Q. "5 ~-.0 c: g; ~"6> '0 "iij;>. <1S E ~:) Q) 0) c: 0- S: criaio ~..- ~ = >-'" ...IU 0 W F U 8 )( .c~~ ;: IU > (/I -~ = '0 0 '0 0 0.,Q '0 Q) Q) 0 > ~ IU c: 158 -O.-~~ a> 0> CD (/) u. -~-c:.,..0) c: 0-= (,) ~... C:5 .c Q) IU 0_ c: oE -IU 0 0.0 0 CD .. Sitters and Fighters had the most well developed ovaries in comparison to Foragers (p < 0.05). Other variables nam~ly, Wing length, Dry weight and Fat content did not differ significantly between castes. DISCUSSION In the absence of morphologically distinct castes how is division of labour achieved in primitively eusocial insects? In an attempt to answer this question Gadagkar and Joshi (1983) constructed time-activity budgets ot wasps and an~lysed them using multivariate statistical techniques such as principal components analysis and cluster analysis and established the presence of three behavioural castes. Using the data on other behaviours such as -Bring food, Dominance behaviour and Egg laying, they named these clusters as Sitters, Fighters and Foragers. Since the colonies of R. marginata are perennial they argued that some individuals from among either Sitters or Fighters could become queens in future and that Foragers had very little chance of becoming queens. Our results are based on a larger data set and confirm these basic findings. The main objective of thjs study was to identify correlates of the behavioural castes and thereby understand how division of labour and socia! organisation are achieved in R. marginata. The results clearly suggest that division of labour and social organisation are built around behavioural caste differentiation. The risky task of foraging is performed by Foragers who also have the most poorly developed ovaries. Such individuals with poorly developed ovaries are out of reckoning to become queens in future. On the other hand Sitters and Fighters both share the intra-nidal tasks such as feeding larvae and nest building. In additton the Fighters seem to perform an important role of keeping the colony members active and working by being aggressive towards other members of a colony. It is in fact quite common to see long periods of inactivity being broken by some individuals showing dominance towards others who left the nest and quite often were seen to return with food (unpublished observations). Queen supercedure which is common in colonies of R. marginata' provides opportunities for other individuals to become queens. The individuals most likely to become queens in future are among the Sitters and Fighters since both have equally developed ovaries. Such potential queens however are not morphologically different from the rest. The lack of any morphological difference among queens and workers in primitively eusocial species leaves room for flexibility in social roles that the individuals can undertake. The lack of any morphological differences among the behavioural castes adds to this flexibility. 159 i SUMMARY In the absence of a morphologically distinct worker caste, the primitively eusocial wasps achieve division of labour by differential allocation of their time into various activities. Analysis of time-activity budgets using principal components analysis permitted us to classify all female wasps in a colony of Ropalidia marginata into three behavioural castes namely, Sitters, Fighters and Foragers. The method of logistic regression analysis was used to explore behavioural, morphological and anatomical correlates of these castes. Results of preliminary analysis show that Foragers perform most of the risky task of foraging and have the most poorly developed ovaries. Both Sitters and Fighters perform most of the intra-nidal tasks but the Fighters show most of the dominance behaviour. Queens are almost always among the Sitters. Both Sitters and Fighters have well developed ovaries and may be treated as hopeful queens. Indices of body size such as wing length and dry weight are not correlated with the behavioural caste of an animal. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank A. Shanubhouge and A.P. Gore for the computer used to perform logistic regression analysis. program REFERENCES Altmann, S.A.. 1974. Behaviour, 49 : 227-265. Cox, D.R. and Snell, E.J., 1970. The analysis of binary data, (London: Chapman and Hall). Folch, J., Lees, M. and Sloane Stanley, G.H., 1957. J. BioI. Chem. 226: 497-509. Frey, D.F. and Pimentel, R.A., 1978. Principal components analysis and factor analysis. In Quantitative Ethology (ed) P.W.Colgan (New York: John Wiley and Sons). Gadagkar, R. and Joshi, N. V., 1983. Anim. Behav. 31 : 26-31. Gadagkar, R. and Joshi, N. V., 1984. Tierpsychol., 64 : 15-32. Gadagkar, R., Vinutha, C., Ashok Shanubhogue and Gore A.P. Pre- imaginal biasing of caste in a primitively eusocial insect; submitted. 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