G30.71 O'r3cj :1 . ., LIST OF AVAILABLE 11IP1EOGRAPHED EXPERT:ENT STATIOI: CIRCULARS OF INFOEIATION COLLEc :r EXTENSION CIF.CULARS Extension Circular 464 October 1945 Issued by Agricultural Experiment Station and Federal Cooperative Extmsion Service of the Oregon State System of Higher Education Oregon State College Corvallis U Federal Cooperative Extension Service Oregon State College Corvallis Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics Wm. A. Schoenfeld, Director Oregon State College and United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating Printed and distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914 radio aflnoJncernentofffijsff iJIetifl shoffid not be made prior to 2L2 1945 ' 30. t o:coN STATE O'r3I td.4G4 c. 3 October 1945 Extension Circular 464 LIST OF AVAILABLE MIMEOGRAPHED EXPERIMENT STATION CIRCULARS OF INFORMATION AND EXTENSION CIRCULARS OLL.T CIFCTIO Issued by Agriciltural Experiment Station and Federal Cooperative Extension Service of the Oregon $tate System of Higher Education Oregon State College Corvallis AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Extension Circulars EC-299 Carlot shipments of fruits and vegetables in Oregon by points of origin. EC-300 EC-301 EC-305 EC-318 Agricultural income in Oregon - sources and trends. Carlot unloads of fruits and vegetables fran Oregon in 66 markets, 1925-35. Dried fruit 8hipments from Oregon by water 1927-36. Production and income statistics for certain specialty farm products in Oregon - 1936. Production and income statistics for certain specialty farm products in Oregon - 1937. 4-H club rural electrification project. A low-head turbine for farm hydro-e1ectric development. Production and income statistics for specialty farm. Sweet corn growing and marketing. Production and income statistics for specialty farm products, Oregon, 1939. A special assembly of agricultural statistics, State of Oregon. Small fruitsl940 - Production and income statistics for Oregon by counties. Forage seed crops - 1940 (Production and income statistics for Oregon by counties). OSC. farm building plan service. Listing farm building plans available. Father-son partnership agreements in farming. A victory slogan for Oregon farm families Grow our own - - - garden meat - poultry - milk for health, convenience, patriotism, conservation. Livestock, dairy, and poultry - Radio market reports. Preventing fire losses from spontaneous ignition of hay. Household equiment - its care and simple repair. Farm machinery repair check list. Oregon farmers - Do you need boys like this? Oregon farmers need farm volunteers for all summer work. Economic farm units in Oregon. The evaluation of farm land, 1925-35. EC-319 EC-330 EO-332 EC.-334 EC-344 EC-353 EC-357 EC.-371 EC-375 EC-376 EC-379 EC-38l EC-391 EC-412 EJ-416 EC-423 EC-438 EC-439 EC-443 EC-444 2 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS (Continued) Experiment Station Circulars of Information SCI.-151 SCI-152 SCI-154 SCI-l55 SCI-156 SCI-157 sci-16i SCI-163 SCI-164 SCI-169 SCI-211 SCL-230 SCI-281 SCI-286 SCI-289 SCI-306 SCI-313 SCI-317 SCI-337 SCI-338 SCI-340 SCI-341 Statistical data regarding farm labor in Oregon, published in cooperation with the Federal Emergency Relief Adm. in connection with a plan of cooperative rural research work, May 1936. Employment of berry pickers in the Gresham berry district, preliminary information, published in cooperation with the FERA in connection with a plan of cooperative rural research work, June 1936. Summary and analysis of applicants for rural rehabilitation in fourteen counties, published in cooperation with the FERA in connection with a plan of cooperative rural research work, from data from the records of the State Relief Committee and the Rural Rehabilitiation Corporation of Oregon, June 1936. Mobility and migration of rural relief households in six Oregon counties, published in cooperation with the FERA in connection with a plan of cooperative rural research work, June 1936. Age, sex, residence and occupation of rural relief population in six counties in Oregon, published in cooperation with the FERA in connection with a plan of cooperative rural research work, July 1936. Preliminary information concerning immigration into rural districts in Oregon, Jan. 1933-June 1936, published in cooperation with the FERA in connection with a plan of cooperative rural research, August 1936. Relative average prices received by farmers in Oregon by districts and counties, 1926-35. (Excerts from the Cost and returns of agricultural research in Oregon. Biennial Report of the Experiment Station.) Preliminary data concerning an immigrant family survey in Oregon, January 1930 to November 1936. Oregon lands, handbook of statistics (for use of county agents and others interested in the land problems of Oregon). Examples of research and technical services of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station in marketing Oregon farm products. Report of special agricultural investigations. Survey of farm trucks in Oregon. Progress report of special agricultural investigations authorized by the Oregon Legislature, 1941 Session (House Bill 534) Farm furnished living on Willainette Valley farms. Renting farm machinery. Considerations relating to state and federal regulation of fluid milk prices in Oregon. OPA dressed meat ceilings, subsidies to slaughterers and comparable live animal values. Harvest labor efficiency on cane fruits in Oregon. Harvest labor efficiency on strawberries in Oregon. Harvest labor efficiency on sour cherries in Oregon. Youth labor efficiency in harvesting sweet cherries, Willamette Valley, Oregon. SCI-342 SCI-353 SCI-355 SCI-356 Harvest labor efficiency on hops in Oregon. Progress report of special agricultural investigations authorized by the Oregon Legislature, 1943 Session (House Bills 413, 291, and 209). Three-section orchard roller. Tilting-bed implement trailer. 3 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Extension Circulars EC-333 EC-368 EC-402 EC-403 EC-404 EC-406 EC-446 EC-447 EC-449 EC-450 EC-455 EC-456 EC-458 concrete septic tank for the farm. Liquid manure tanks. Truck buck rake. Slide hay stacker. Overshot stacker. Two-way drag buck. Power buck rakes. A tractor-mounted post-hole auger. Tractor-mounted manure loader. An electric drag saw. Cattle guard (reinforced concrete). Cattle guard (wood construction). Rust preventive compounds. A CROP PESTS AND DISEASES Extension Circulars EC-327 EC-352 EC-382 EC-454 Method for determining pea weevil infestation. Fumigation against insects. Ptalnut blight control in Oregon. Zinc treatments for little leaf. Experiment Station Circulars of Information Combating fleas. Yellow rust of red raspberry. SC 1-101 Slime-flux of ornamental hardwood trees. SC I-lOS Seed potato treatnent. SCI-112 Fire blight (pear blight) of pears, apples, etc. SCI-132 Blossom end rot of tomato, SCI-133 Crown gall of roses. SCI-134 Verticillium wilt of shrub and tree nursery stock. SCI-138 Firethorn scab. SCI-139 The Chrysanthemum midge. SCI-140 The Cyciamen mite. SCI-142 A synopsis of some of the more important insect enemies of coniferous nursery stock in Oregon, SC 1-143 The European earwig controlled by poison bait. Gladiolus corm treatment for thrips and disease control. SCI-]. SCI-147 Control of the pear thrips on prunes in Oregon. SCI--]49 The blackberry mite. SCI-173 Dusting seed wheat to control seed-borne smut in Oregon. (Replaces Cir. of Inf. 85). Suggestions relative to Ascochyta blight control. SC 1-175 Dwarf disease of Loganberry. SCI-177 SCI-178 Suggestions for controlling pea diseases In the eastern Oregon pea canning area. SC 1-39 SCI-71 4 CROP PESTS AND DISEASES (Continued) Experiment Station Circulars of Information 501-186 SCI-187 SCI-188 SCI-200 SCI.-202 SCI-204 SCI-207 SCI-208 501-221 SCI-224 SCI-225 301-227 SCI-228 SCI-231 SCI-232 SCI-234 SC 1-235 SCI-236 SCI-237 SCI-243 SCI-244 SCI-245 501-254 301-256 SCI-258 501-259 SCI-260 SCI-262 501-266 SCI-267 SCI-270 SCI-276 SCI-278 SCI-290 SCI-291 SCI-293 SCI-294 301-295 SCI-296 301-300 SCI-305 SCI-307 SCI-312 SCI-316 Berckman blight, Preliminary recommendations for the control of the root and crown disease of Cypress. Suggestions for Gladiolus disease control in Oregon plantings. Suggestions for the control of the pea weevil in Oregon for 1939. Bacterial gumniosis of cherry. Bacterial wilt and ring rot of potato. Foot rots and root rots of small grains in Oregon. Leaf reddening in oats in Oregon. Principles of disease control applicable to bulbous Iris. Anthracnose of black raspberry (black caps) in Oregon. Tentative program for the control of cherry leaf-spot, Syneta beetle and fruit-fly in 1941. Potato flea beetle control. Insect pests of holly. The control of the filbert moth. Preliminary results of methyl bromide fumigation for satin moth. Turf diseases and their control. Preliminary report on DN dusts in relation to their effect on nursery stock when used for the control of the common red spider. A rosin-potash spreader for straying hops for downy mildew control. The hop red spider and dusting equipment for its control. Strawberry root-weevil control in Oregon. Bean and pea weevils. House ants. Brown-core root-rot of strawberries in Oregon. X-disease of peach in Oregon. The garden slug and its control. The insect pests of the rose. Potato leaf roll. Tapered boom-type weevil duster. Spittle bug on strawberries. Suggested substitutes for the poisoned bait spray for cherry fruit fly control. Sycamore leaf- and twig-blight (Anthracnose). Materials and sprays available for onion mildew spraying. The curly top disease of vegetables in the Pacific northwest. Late-blight of potato. Late-blight of tomato. Tentative suggestions for control in Oren. A progress report of investigations concerning the symphylid and its control Lecanium scale control on stone fruits. The onion maggot. Crown treatments for hop downy mildew control. Questions ahd answers about the cherry fruit fly. Stopping damping-off in vegetable seedlings. VVhat can be done to prevent diseases from reducing the yield and quality of vegetable seed in Oregon plantings. Control of corn earworm on sweet corn. Spraying for the control of the filbert worm and filbert blight in Oregon. 5 CROP PESTS AND DISEASES (Continued) Experiment Station Circulars of Information SCI-320 Leaf- and cane-spot of cane fruits. SCI-323 Powdery mildew of grape. SCI-324 Control of weevil in garden and field peas in 1944. SCI-327 Control of insect pests and diseases of prunes in western Oregon. SCI-331 Control of bean rust. SCI-332 Spray program for the control of diseases and insect pests of peaches in western Oregon. SCI-333 The control of the filbert moth. SCI-344 Life history and control of the Cotoneaster webworm (Cremona cotoneastri Ruack). Control of the oblique-banded leaf roller on cane berries in the Willamette SCI-352 Valley of Oregon. SCI-357 The control of the clover leaf weevil. SCI-358 Spray program for the control bf diseases and insect pests of sour cherry in Oregon. DAIRYING Extension Cireulars EC-286 EC-315 EC-316 EC-336 EC-346 EC-374 EC-436 EC-4Y7 EC-452 EC-453 Energency maintenance rations for dairy cattle. The making of legume and grass silages in silos and stacks. Average composition and coat of digestible nutrients in feedstuff a grown and fed in Oregon. 50 cents charge. List of publications relating to dairy husbandry. Feeding dairy cattle. Judging dairy cattle by classification and production. Bloat in dairy cattle. Cattle on farms: Oregon (Agricultural Statistics 1867-1944). (Oregon by Counties Preliminary Release). Brucellosis (Undulant fever) Some common questions and answers. Brucellosis (Undulant fever) Burcellosis vaccination. Experiment Station Circu]ars of Information SCI-iSS Feeding apples to dairy cows. SCI-2l6 Acidophilus milk as a treatment for scours in calves. SCI-251 Preparation and uses of cultured cream. SCI-252 Evolution of public regulation of the market milk industry in Oregon. SCI-288 The use of chlorine solution in clean milk production. SCI-310 Feeding grain to dairy cows on irrigated ladino clover and grass pasture. SCI-3].l Rotational grazing of irrigated pasture. SC 1-321 The reproductive performance of dairy cattle in Tillamook county and possible relationship to available feed (Progress Report). SCI-926 Austrian winter field peas for dairy cattle. FARM CROPS Extension Circulars EC-315 EC-316 EC-322 EC-340 EC-355 EC-370 EC-396 EC-430 EC-432 EC-441 The making of legume and grass silages in silos and stacks. Average composition and cost of digestible nutrients in feedstuffs grown and fed in Oregon. 50 cents charge. Feeding cull potatoes to hogs. Choosing hybrid seed corn for Oregon. Hybrid corn for Oregon. Sweet potatoes. Oregon corn hybrids and growers - 1942. Potatoes (Agricultural Statistics 1934-1943). Oregon by Counties Preliminary Release. Snap beans and other commercial truck crops (Agricultural Statistics 19341943). Oregon by Counties Preliminary e1ease. Oregon by Counties (Agricultural Statistics 1869-1944). YVheatt Oregon.,. Preliminary Release. Experiment Station Circulars of Information Sd-lOS Seed potato treatment, SCI-173 SCI-179 SCI-199 SCI-203 SCI-204 SCI-207 SCI-208 SCI-218 SCI-227 SCI-.236 SCI-239 SCI-241 SCI-249 SCI-265 SCI-268 SCI-271 SCI-272 SCI-283 SCI-329 SCI-330 SCI-345 SCI-35l SCI-354 SCI-36l (Replaces dr. Dusting seed wheat to control seed-borne smut in Oregon. of Inf. 85). Progress report - corn improvement project yield trials with hybrid field corn, 1937, Yield trials with hybrid field corn - 1938. Crested wheat grass practices on wheat farms in four eastern Oregon counties. Bacterial wilt and ring rot of potato. Foot rots and root rots of small grains in Oregon. Le&f reddening in oats in Oregon. Surplus wheat for fattening cattle in eastern Oregon. Potato flea beetle control. A rosin-potash spreader for spraying hops for downy mildew control. Agronomic studies with hops 1939 and 1940. Progress report - Corn breeding project, yield trials with hybrid field corn - 1940. The use of ethylene gas in ripening tomatoes. Yield trials with hybrid field corn - 1941. Legume and grass silage. Some elements of cost in wheat farming with special consideration of the cost of black and trashy- fallow. Flotation method of improving potato seed quality. Use of boron in controlling canker of table beets. Establishing red clover stands on "Red Hill" soils. The place of the homemade soil packer in obtaining stands of clovers and grasses. Potato harvesting methods in Oregon. Milt or soft roe preservation. Fiber flax varieties in Oregon. Yellow sweet corn hybrids for canning, freezing and fresh market. 7 HORTICULTURE Tree Fruits Extension Circulars EC-237 EC-301 EC-305 EC-338 EO-362 EC-425 Directions for the preservation of green plants and fruits. Carlot unloads of fruits and vegetables from Oregon in 66 markets, Dried fruit shipments from Oregon by water, 1927-36. Miscellaneous nut crops. Pollination requirements of nuts in the Pacific Northwest. Pruning suggestions for fruit trees. 1925-35. Experiment Station Circulars of Information SCI-112 Fire blight (pear blight) of pears, apples, etc. SC!-147 Control of the pear thrips on prunes in Oregon. SCI-158 Feeding apples to dairy cows. SCI-165 SCI-201 SCI-202 SCI-220 SCI-225 SCI-231 SCI-2g7 SCI-328 SCI-335 SCI-343 SCI-363 Pollination and setting of fruits. Drying and bleaching walnuts. Bacterial gummosis of cherry. Feeding value of cull dried prunes for fattening pigs. Tentative program for the control of cherry leaf-spot, Syneta beetle and fruit-fly in 1941, The control of the filbert moth. Pruning pears in the Rogue River valley. Tree fruits for the home orchard in western Oregon. A plan for improving Oregon-grown fruit nursery stock. Spray program for the control of diseases and insect pests of sweet cherries in western Oregon. Progress rerort on the use of boron in walnut and filbert orchards. Small Fruits Extension Circulars EC-356 EC-424 EC-427 EC-428 EC-431 EC-461 Suggestions for training Boysenberries and Youngberries. Red and black raspberries. (Agricultural Statistics 1936-1943) Oregon by Counties Preliminary Release. Loganberries and Boysenberries and Youngberries. (Agricultural Statistics 1936-1943) Oregon by Counties Preliminary Release. The blueberry in Oregon. (Agricultural Statistics Strawberries and miscellaneous small fruits. 1934-1943) Oregon by Counties Preliminary Release. Regulations for strawberry plant certification. Experiment Station Circulars of Information SCI-71 SCI-140 SCI-149 SCI-165 SCI-177 SCI-224 SC 1-263 SCI-269 Yellow rust of red raspberry. The Cyclaxnen mite. The blackberry mite. Pollination and setting of fruits. Dwarf disease of Loganberry. Anthracnose of black raspberry (black caps) in Oregon. The Brightmore strawberry. Two new varieties of blackberry: The Pacific and the Cascade. HORTICUL'flJRE (Continued) Ornamental Plants Extension Circulars EC-329 EC&354 Gladiolus culture. Landscape architecture. Experiment Station Circulars of Information Sd-b' SCI-133 SCI-134 SCI-137 SCI-l38 SCI-139 SC 1-140 SCI-142 SCI-144 SCI-l86 Sd-iS? SCI-188 SCI-].90 SC 1-221 SC 1-228 SCI-232 SC 1-235 SCI-259 SCI-314 SCI-339 SCI-360 Slime-flux of ornamental hardwood trees. Crown gall of roses. Verticillium wilt of shrub and tree nursery stock. Princip]es of plant propagation. Firethorn scab. The Chrysanthemum midge. The Cyclamen mite. A synopsis of some of the more important insect enemies of coniferous nursery stock in Oregon. Gladiolus corm treatment for thrips and disease control. Berckman blight. Preliminary recommendations for the control of the root and crown disease of Cypress. Suggestions for Gladiolus disease control in Oregon plantings. Madonna lilies. Principles of disease control applicable to bulbous Iris. Insect pests of holly. Preliminary results of methyl bromide fumigation for satin moth. Preliminary report on DN dusts in relation to their effect on nursery stock when used for the control of the common red spider. The insect pests of the rose. Control of bulb pests. Suggestions for growing Easter lily bulbs in the Pacific northwest. Control suggestions for rose diseases under Oregon conditions. LIVESTOCK Extension Circulars EC-3l5 EC-316 EC-322 EC-324 EC-335 EC-364 EC-.395 EC-400 EC-440 EC-445 The making of legume and grass silages in silos and stacks. Average composition and cost of digestible nutrients in feedstuffs grown 50 cents charge. and fed in Oregon. Feeding cull potatoes to hogs. Feed and care of the brood sow. Feeding calves for veal. Potatoes as livestock feed. A self-feeder for hogs. Portable hog house. (Agricultural Statistics 1867-1944) Sheep, lambs, and wool: Oregon. Oregon by Counties Preliminary Release. Owner-sampler herd record book. LIVESTOCK (Continued) Experiment Station Circulars of Informatiofl SCI-216 Acidophilus milk as a treatment for scours in calves. Pulpy kidney disease in Oregon lambs. Surplus wheat for fattening cattle in eastern Oregon. Feeding value of cull dried prunes for fa1ttening pigs. Saving Oregon's ewes and lambs (Pregnancy disease of ewes). SCI-24 Stomach and intestinal worms in Oregon sheep. SCI-3l1 Rotational grazing of irrigated pasture. SCI-217 SCI-218 SCI-220 SCI-277 POULTRY Extension Circulars 1C 38 EC-405 Blacking out the poultry house. Coccidjosis control. Experiment Station Circulars of Information SCI-299 War emergency mash rations for poultry. SOIL AND SOIL WATERS Extension Circulars EC-275 EC-337 EC-389 EC-415 Growing vegetable plants in the manure-heated hotbed. Farm water systems. Straw and stubble are fertilizers - use them. Composts for garden soils. Experiment Station Circulars of Information SCI.-169 SCI-223 SCI-238 SCI-247 SCI-325 Oregon lands, handbook of statistics (for use of county agents and others interested in the land problems of Oregon). The minor elements in Oregon soil fertility and plant nutrition. Soil, nutrient, and irrigation requirements of fiber flax. Culling wheat land in eastern Oregon. Maximum amount ct fertilizers recommended for use in following food production order 5 (FPO 5). VEGETABLE CROPS Extension (Dirculars EC-252 EC-256 EC-258 EC-275 EC-277 EC-308 Globe artichokes. Rhubarb growing and forcing. Construction and operation of the cold frame in vegetable growing. Growing vegetable plants in the manure-heated hotbed. Growing squash and pumpkins. Greenhouse vegetables--tomatoes. VEGETABLE CROPS (Continued) Extension Circulars EC-313 EC-323 EC-342 EC-343 EC-358 EC-361 EC-.363 E-364 EC-.369 EC-370 EC-377 EC-.384 EC-399 EC-401 EC-411 EC-418 EC-419 EC-421 EC.-422 EC-426 EC-429 EC-433 EC-434 EC-448 EC-.451 EC-459 EC-462 EC-463 Growing late cabbage. Asparagus. Growing early vegetable plants under glass. The flue-heated hotbed in growing early vegetable plants. Lettuce growing and preparation for market. Spinach growing and preparation for market. Growing carrots for canning and freezing. Potatoes as livestock feed. Miskmelons, cantaloupes, and miscellaneous melons. Sweet potatoes. A monthly schedule of suggested operations in growing vegetables. Starter solutions for tomato and other transplants. Garlic culture and marketing. Potato production in home gardens. Broccoli growing and marketing. Greenhouse management. Production and marketing of onions. Celery growing and marketing. Brussels sprouts. Production of smooth dry edible peas. Growing cucumbers for pickles. Growing greenhouse vegetablescucumbers. Growing snap beans for market and for manufacture. Sweet corn growing for market and manufacture. Growing green peas for market and manufacture. Small greenhouses for amateur gardeners. Cauliflower - growing and preparation for market. Growing cannery beets. Experiment Station Circulars of Information Bermuda onions. Principles of plant propagation. Suggestions relative to Ascochyta blight control. Suggestions for controlling pea diseases in the eastern Oregon pea canning area. SCI-l4 Progress report, Corn improvement project yield trials with hybrid sweet corn, 1937. SCI-200 Suggestions for the control of the pea weevil in Oregon for 1939. SCI-233 Onion yellow dwarf. SCI-334 Vegetable seed treatments recommended for Oregon for 1944. SCI-362 Problems in growing vegetables for canning and freezing. 501-93 SCI-137 SCI-175 SCI-17g 1EED ERADICATION Extension Circular EC-407 Equipment for field spraying for weed control. 11 WEED ERADICATION (Continued) Experiment Station Circulars of Information SCI-197 SCI-336 SCI-366 Poison oak eradication by the can method. Control of wild morning glory or bindweed by cu1turl methods. Controlling lawn weeds with chemicals. FOOD INDUSTRIES Extension Circulars EC-386 EC-39O Dehydration possibilities for Oregon fruits and vegetables. Food for health (Better family living for victory). Experiment Station Circulars of Information SCI-20l Drying and bleaching walnuts. SCI-274 Oregon' a food dehydration program. SCI-301 Freezing razor clams. SCI-302 Production of salmon egg oil. SCI-309 Construction and operation of a home electric food dehydrator. SCI-318 Benzoates as aids in kippered fish preservation. SCI-364 Testing for enzyme activity in commercial fruit and vegetable processing. SCI-365 Preservation of apple cider and fruit juices. MISCELLANEOUS Extension Circulars EC-237 EC-331 EC-365 EC-41'7 EC-442 EC-457 EC-460 Directions for the preservation of green plants and fruits. A score card for community booths at county and local fairs. Collecting, pressing, drying and mounting of plant material. Neighborhood leaders in Oregon, 1942-1943. (Summary of major activities) World famous Christmas carols. United Nations proposals for world security (Dumbarton Oaks). The kind of radio programs farm families want. eriment Station Circulars of Information SCI-39 SCI-1g9 SCI-193 SCI-l98 SCI-205 SCI-245 SCI-250 SCI-25 SCI-319 Combating fleas. The bedbug - a troublesome household pest. The ascorbic acid (vitamin C) metabolism of college students. Home preparation of Maraschino cherries. Yellow jackets. House ants. Progress report: Farm organization study Lower Powder River valley Baker County, Oregon, 1939 - Keating and Sparta Areas. Oregon mushrooms or toadstools. Nutritional status of rural youth in Marion County (vitamin C deficiency). 12 IVIISOELLANEOUS (Continued) eriment Station Circulars of Information SCI-346 Oregon's Agricultural Experiment Station. PERFORMS IN WAR AND PREPARED A Bieimial Report 1942-44. FOR PEACE. 501-347 Nutritional status of rural youth. II. Josephine County. SCI-348 Nutritional status of rural youth. III. Tiflamook County. (A Progress Report). Nutritional status of rural youth. IV. Sherman County. 501-349 (A Progress Report). SCI-350 Nutritional status of rural yaath. V. Maiheur County. (A Progress Report). So-called salmon poisoning in dogs. SCI.-359