3O, I OREGOJ TJ T: no,.i7 3 Extension Circular 367 ,1II' BRARY JpHiZ1194. LIST OF AVAILABLE MIMEOGRAPHED EXPERIMENT STATION CIRCULARS OF INFORMATION AND EXTENSION CIRCULARS Issued by Agricultural Experiment Station and Federal Cooperative Extension Service of the Oregon State System of Higher Education Oregon State College Corvallis Federal Cooperative Extension Service Oregon State College Corvallis Cooperative Extension \Vork in Agricutture and Home Economics Wm. A. Schoenfeld, Director Oregon State College and United States Department of Agriculture, Cooperating Printed and distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914 OQOr' ST,Vi 0v3c1 ho. 3G 7 Q, 3 Extension Circular 367 DOCtJJ' April 1941 LIST OF AVAILABLE MIOGRAPHED EXPERINT STATION CIRCULARS OF INFORMATION AND EXTENSION CIRCULARS Issued by Agricultural Experiment Station and Federal Cooperative Extension service of the Oregon State System of Higher Education Oregon State College Corvallis AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Extension Circulars EC-347 EC-353 Carlot shipments of fruits and vegetables in Oregon by points of origin) 1925-35. Agricultural income in Oregon - sources and trends. Carlot unloads of fruits arid vegetables from Oregon in 66 markets, 1925-35. Dried Fruit shipments from Oregon by water 1927-36. Growing and marketing tomatoes. Production and marketing of onions. Crop and market information broadcast by Radio KOAC. Production and income statistics for certain specialty farm products in Oregon - 1936. Production and income statistics for certain specialty farm products in Oregon - 1937. 4-H club rural electrification project. A low-head turbine for farm hydro-electric development. Production and income statistics for specialty farm. Sveet corn growing and marketing. Growing and marketing green peas. Production and income statistics for pecia1ty farm products, Oregon, EC-357 A special assembly of agricultural statistics, State of Oregon. EC-299 EC-300 EC-301 EC-305 EC-311 EC-312 EC-317 EC-31 EC-319 EC-330 EC-332 EC-334 EC---344 1939. Experiment Station Circulars of Information Two years ending April 1, 1931. SCI-65 Cost of raing dairy heifers in Oregon. SCI-129 (Frog. Rpt. No. 3.) Cost arid carrying capacities of farm pastures in Oregon (for the year (Frog. Rpt. No. 1.) 1934). L?FRARY P AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS (Continued) SCI-151 SCI-152 SCI-154 SCI-155 SCI-156 SCI-157 SCI-161 SCI-163 SCI-164 SCI-169 SCI-206 SCI-21). SCI-230 Statistical data regarding farm labor in Oregon, published in cooperation with the Federal Emergency Relief Adin. in connection with a plan of cooperative rural research work, May 1936. Employment of berry pickers in the Greshaxn berry district, preliminary information, published in cooperation with the FERA in connection with a plan of cooperative rural research work, June 1936. Summary and analysis of applicants for rural rehabilitation in fourteen counties, published in cooperation with the FERA in connection with a plan of cooperative rural research work, from data from the records of the State Relief Committee and the Rural Rehabilitation Corporation of Oregon, June 1936. Mobility and migration of' rural relief households in six Oregon counties, published in cooperation with the FERA in connection with a plan of cooperative rural research work, June 1936. Age, sex, residence and occuation of rural relief population in six counties in Oregon, published in cooperation with the FERA in connection with a plan of cooperative rural research work, July 1936. Preliminary information concerning immigration into rural districts in Oregon, Jan. 1933-.June 1936, published in cooperation with the FERA in connection with a plan of cooperative rural research, August 1936. Relative average prices received by farmers in Oregon by districts and counties, 1926-35. Cost and returns of agricultural research in Oregon. (Excerpts from the Biennial Report of the Experiment Station.) Preliminary data concerning an immigrant family survey in Oregon, January 1930 to November 1936. Oregon lands, handbook of statistics (for use of county agents and others interested in the land problems of Oregon). Pear production and market data. Examples of research and technical services of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station in marketing Oregon farm products. Report of special agricultural investigations. CROP PESTS .AND DISEASES Extension Circulars EC-273 EC-289 EC-306 EC-310 EC-326 EC-327 EC-352 EC-.359 Bean and pea weevils. Potato flea beetle control. Brown rot, a cause of blossom blight and fruit rot. Zinc treatments for little leaf. How to combat grasshoppers. Method for determining pea weevil infestation. Fumigation against insects. Walnut bligit control in Oregon. Experiment Station Circulars of Information SCISCI-9 Stem rot of legumes (S1erotinia trifoliorum). Save Oregon's apple & pear crop from the million dollar bandit. 3 CROP PESTS ND DISEASES (Continued) SCI-20 SCI-26 SCI-29 SCI-33 SCI-39 SCI-59 SCI-61 SCI-66 SCI-71 SCI-74 SCI-84 SCI-86 SCI-88 SCI-89 SCI-90 SC 1-96 SCI-97 SCI-99 SCI-lol SCI-103 SCI-107 Sd-log Sc Sc Sc SC 1-112 1-123 1-131 1-132 SCI-133 SCI-134 SC 1-13 8 SCI-139 SCI-lI4iD SCI-142 Sc 1-143 SCI-144 SC 1-145 SCI-146 Sc 1-147 SCI-148 Sc 1-149 Sc 1-162 Sc 1-166 SCI-171 SCI-173 The effect of land plaster applied as a dust to seed corn. Hot water treatment of Narcissus bulbs. The status of insecticides for codling moth control in Oregon. Tentative suggestions on the control of hop downy mildew. Combating fleas. The garden slug and its control. Stinking smut causes heavy losses to wheat growers. Acid mercury dip for seed potatoes. Yellow rust of red raspberry. The Columbia Basin foot rot of winter wheat. Suggestions for the control of tomato mosaic and streak. Standard corrosive sublimate treatment for potatoes. Control measures for Botrytis diseases of tulips and lilies; sprays suggested for field trial. Calcium arsenate for codling moth control. Treatment of pea seed in relation to germination and plant growth. The Cyclamen mite as a pest of strawberries in Oregon. Prune worms in the Milton-Freewater district. Keys to aid in the identification of the more important foot rots of winter grains in the Pacific Northwest. Slime-flux of ornamental hardwood trees. The use of calcium cyanantid in hop downy mildew control; in the solution of the "dormant hill" problem and as a fertilizer for hops. Control of potato virus diseases. Seed potato treatment. Fire blight (pear blight) of pears, apples, etc. Powdery mildew of grapes. Onion mildew. Blossom end rot of tomato. Crown gall of roses. Verticillium wilt of shrub and tree nursery stock. Firethorn scab. The Chrysanthemum n4dge. The Cyclamen mite. A synopsis of some of the more important insect enemies of coniferous nursery stock in Oregon. The European earwig controlled by poison bait. Gladiolus corm treatment for thrips and disease control. The insect pests of the rose. Control measures for aphids. Control of the pear thrips on prunes in Oregon. The spittle bug on strawberries. The blackberry mite. Gooseberry and currant diseases. Spittle bug on strawberries. Suggestions for the control of the pea weevil, 1937, prepared by the Pacific Northwest Cooperative Pea Weevil Control Project Committee, March 1937. (Replaces Dusting seed wheat to control seed-borne smut in Oregon. Cir. of Inf. 85). 4 CROP PESTS AND DISEASES (Continued) SCI-175 SCI-177 SCI-178 SCI-188 SCI-200 SCI-202 SCI-204 SCI-207 SCI-208 SCI-210 SCI-221 Suggestions relative to Ascochyta blight control. Dwarf disease of Loganberry. Suggestions for controlling pea diseases in the eastern Oregon pea canning area. The curly top disease of vegetables in the Pacific Northwest. (Revision of Cir. of Inf. 67.) Grower use of calcium cyanamid as a crown treatment of hop downy mildew. Control of the alfalfa weevil in southwestern Oregon. Suggestions for the control of the pea weevil in 1938. questions and answers about the cherry fruit fly. Berckman blight. Preliminary recommendations for the control of the root and crown disease of Cypress. Suggestions for Gladiolus disease control in Oregon plantings. Suggestions for the control of the pea weevil in Oregon for 1939. Bacterial gummosis of cherry. Bacterial wilt and ring rot of potato. Foot rots and root rots of small grains in Oregon. Leaf reddening in oats in Oregon. Peach leaf curl. Principles of disease control applicable to bulbous Iris. SC 1-222 Leaf- and cane-spot ol' cane fruits. SCI-180 SCI-iSi SC 1-182 SCI-183 SCI-185 SCI-186 SCI-187 SCI-224 Anthraenose of black raspberry (black caps) in Oregon. SCI-225 Tentative program for the control of cherry leaf-spot, Syneta beetle and SCI-226 SCI-227 SCI-228 SCI-23]. SCI-232 SCI-234 SCI-235 SCI-236 'ruit-f]r in 1941. The onion maggot. Potato flea beetle control. Insect pests of holly. The control of the filbert moth. Preliminary results of methyl bromide fumigation for satin moth. Turf diseases and their control. Preliminary report on DN dusts in relation to their effect on nursery stock when used for the control of the common red spider. A rosin-potash spreader for spraying hops for downy mildew control. DAIRYING Extension Circulars EC-253 EC-286 EC-315 EC-3l6 EC-336 EC-346 Radio Series No. 1--The dairy research program of the Oregon State Agricultural Experiment Station. Emergency maintenance rations for dairy cattle. The making of legume and grass silages in silos and stacks. Average composition and cost of digestible nutrients in feedstuffs grown and fed in Oregon. 50 cents charge. List of publications relating to dairy husbandry. Feeding dairy cattle. 5 DAIRYING (Continued) Experiment Station Circul'rs of Information SC 1-42 SCI-57 SCI-65 SCI-127 SCI-129 SC 1-158 SCI-159 501-216 The effect of feeding some succulent feeds on the quality of milk and butter produced. Irrigated pastures for dairy cattle - 1930 results. Cost of raising dairy heifers in Oregon. Two years ending April 1, 1931. (Prog. Rpt. No. 3). The flavor and odor of milk, cream and butter. Cost and carrying capacities of farm pastures in Oregon (for the year 1934). (Prog. Rpt. No. 1). Feeding apples to dairy cows. The value of corn silage in alfalfa hay and grain rations for dairy cows. Acidophilus milk as a treatment for scours in calves. FARM CROPS Extension Circulars EC-285 EC-315 EC-316 EC-317 EC-322 EC-340 EC-355 Sweet potatoes. The making of legume and grass silages in silos and stacks. Average composition and cost of digestible nutrients in feedstuffs grown and fed in Oregon. 50 cents charge. Crop and market information broadcast by Radio KOAC. Feeding cull potatoes to hogs. Choosing hybrid seed corn for Oregon. Hybrid corn for Oregon. Experiment Station Circulars of Information SCI-8 SCI-20 SCI-33 SCI-61 501-66 SCI-74 SC 1-86 SCI-99 SCI-l03 SCI-107 SCI-108 SCI-146 501-153 SCI-l59 SCI-l73 SCI-l79 Stem rot of legumes (Scierotinia trifoliorum). The effect of land plaster applied as a dust to seed corn. Tentative suggestions on the control of hop downy mildew. Stinking smut causes heavy losses to wheat growers. Acid mercury dip for seed potatoes. The Columbia Basin foot rot of winter wheat. Standard corrosive sublimate treatment for potatoes. Keys to aid in the identification of the more important foot rots of winter grains in the Pacific Northwest. The use of calcium cyanamid in hop downy mildew control; in the solution of the "dormant hill" problem and as a fertilizer for hops. Control of potato virus diseases. Seed potato treatment. Control measures for aphids. Soil, nutrient and irrigation requirements of fiber flax. The value of corn silege in alfalfa hay and grain rations for dairy cows. Dusting seed wheat to control seed-borne smut in Oregon. (Replaces Cir. of Inf. 85.) Progress Report - corn improvnent project yield trials with hybrid field corn, 1937. FARM CROPS (Continued) SCI-181 SCI-.182 SCI-].99 SCI-203 SCI-204 SCI-207 SCI-208 SCI-218 SCI-227 SCI-236 Grower use of calcium cyanamid as a crown treatment of hop downy mildew. Control of the alfalfa weevil in southwestern Oregon. Yield trials with hybrid field corn - 1938. Crested wheat grass practices on wheat farms in four eastern Oregon counties. Bacterial wilt and ring rot of potato. Foot rots arid root rots of small grains in Oregon. Leaf reddening in oats in Oregon. Surplus wheat for fattening cattle in eastern Oregon. Potato flea beetle control. A rosin-potash spreader for spraying hops for downy mildew control. HORTICULTURE Tree Fruits Extension Circulars EC-237 EC-301 Directions for the preservation of green plants and fruits. Carlot unloads of fruits arid vegetables from Oregon in 66 markets, EC-305 EC-306 EC-338 EC-350 Dried fruit shipuents from Oregon by water, 1927-36. Brown rot, a cause of blossom blight and fruit rot. Miscellaneous nut crops. Pruning suggestions for fruit trees. Pollination requirements of nuts in the Pacific Northwest. 1925-35. EC-362 Experiment Station Circulars of Information SCI-9 SC 1-22 501-23 SCI-29 SCI-89 SCI-95 SCI-97 SCI-112 SC 1-146 SCI-147 SCI-158 CI-165 SCI-185 801-191 SC 1-201 SCI-202 SCI-206 SCI-21C SCI 220 Save Oregon's apple and pear crop from the million dollar bandit. The harvesting, storing and ripening of pears for canning purposes. Observations on the harvesting and storing of' apples from Hood River Valley. The status of insecticides for codling moth control in Oregon. Calcium arsenate for codling moth control. Varieties of fruits for planting. Prune worms in the Milton-Freewater district. Fire blight (pear blight) of pears, apples, etc. Control measures for aphids. Control of the pear thrips on prunes in Oregon. Feeding apples to dairy cows, Pollination and setting of fruits. Questions and answers about the cherry fruit fly. Fruit planting problems: Varieties, climate, soils, pollination. Drying and bleaching walnuts. Bacterial gummosis of cherry. Pear production and market data. Peach leaf curl. Feeding value of cu].). dried prunes for fattening pigs. 7 HORTICULTURE (Continued) Tree Fruits (Continued) SCI-225 SCI-231 Tentative program for the control of cherry leaf-spot, Syneta beetle and fruit-fly in 194:L. The control of the filbert moth. Small Fruits Extension Circulars Plan for raspberry plant certification. EC-29 EC-307 EC-328 Plan for producing high-grade strawberry planting stock. After harvest care of strawberry plants. Regulations for strawberry plant certification. Suggestions for training Boysenberries and Youngberries. EC-349 EC-356 Experiment Station Circulars of Inoz,ation SCI-79 Yellow rust of red raspberry. The Narcissa strawberry. SCI-95 SCI-96 Varieties of fruits for planting. The Cyclainen mite as a pest of strawberries in Oregon. SCI-123 Powdery mildew of grapes. SCI-71 SCI-128 SCI-140 SCI-148 SCI.-149 SCI-150 SCI-162 SCI-165 ScI-l66 SCI-177 SCI-l9]. SCI-222 SCI-2.24 Propagation of grapes. The Cyclainen mite. The spittle bug on strawberries. The blackberry mite. Grape growing in Oregon. Gooseberry and currant diseases. Pollination and setting of fruits. Spittle bug on strawberries. Dwarf disease of Loganberry. Fruit planting problems: Varieties, climate, soils, pollination. Leaf- and cane-spot of cane fruits. Anthracnose of black raspberry (black caps) in Oregon. Ornamental Plants Extension Circulars EC-329 EC-354 Gladiolus culture. Landscape architecture. Ecperimerit Station Cjrculars of Informatiofl SCI-26 SCI-77 SCI-88 Hot water treatment o. Narcissus bulbs. Digest of books, bulletins, circulars and articles useful to northwest lily growers. Control measures for Botry-tis diseases of tulips and lilies; sprays suggested for field trial. HORTICULTUPE (Continued) Ornamental Plants (Continued) SCI-].O1 Slime-flux of ornamental hardwood trees. SCI-125 SCI-126 Propagation ol' roses. SCI-1140 The Cyclanten mite. Holly propagation. SCI-133 Crown gall of roses. SCI-134 Verticillium wilt of shrub and tree nursery stock. SCI-138 Firethorn scab. SCI-139 The Chrysanthemum midge. SCI-142 A synopsis of some of the more important insect enemies of coniferous nursery stock in Oregon. SCI-144 Gladiolus corm treatment for thrips and disease control. SCI-145 The insect pests of the rose. SC 1-186 Berckman b1it. Preliminary recommendations for the control of the root and crown disease of Cypress. SCI-188 Suggestions for Gladiolus disease control in Oregon plantings. SCI-190 Madonna lilies. SCI-221 Principles of disease control applicable to bulbous Iris. SCI-228 Insect pests of holly. SCI-232 Preliminary results of methyl bromide fumigation for satin moth. SCI-235 Preliminary report on DN dusts in relation to their effect on nursery stock when used for the control of the common red spider. SCI-187 LIVESTOCK Extension Circulars EC-271 EC-315 Cost studies of the range sheep industry. The making of legume and grass si].ages in siloe and stacks. Average composition and cost of digestible nutrients in feedstuffs grown and fed in Oregon. 50 cents charge. Feeding cull potatoes to hogs. Feed and care of the brood sow. Feeding calves for veal. EC-316 EC-322 EC-324 EC-335 Experiment Station Circulars of Information SC 1-106 tame lambs. SCI-135 Lamb fattening trials, 1935, Eastern Oregon Experiment Station, Union. SCI-216 Acidophilus milk as a treatment for scours in calves. SC 1-217 Pulpy kidney disease in Oregon lambs. SCI-218 Surplus wheat for fattening cattle in eastern Oregon. SC 1-220 Feeding value of cull dried prunes for fattening pigs. POULTRY Extension Circular EC-314 Turkey chat. Experiment Station Circulgrs of SCI-41 SCI-70 SCI-B2 SCI-105 Information Pedigree system used by Poultry department. Fowl pox and its control. Individual broody or hospital coops. Leghorn capons. SOIL AND SOIL WATERS Extension Circulars EC-4 EC-275 EC-291 EC-337 EC-348 Measurement of water. Growing vegetable plants in the manure-heated hotbed. Applying formaldehyde to vegetable greenhouse soils. Farm water systems. Application of superphosphate Experiment Station Cjrculars of Information SCI-57 SCI-103 Irrigated pastures for dairy cattle - 1930 results. The use of calcium cyanamid in hop downy mildew control; in the solution of the 'dormant hill" problem and as a fertilizer for hops. SCI-153 Soil, nutrient and irrigation requirements of fiber flax. SCI-l69 Oregon lands, handbook of statistics (for use of county agents and others interested in the land problems of Oregon). SCI-223 The minor elements in Oregon soil fertility arid plant nutrition. VEGETABLE CROPS Extension Circulars EC-242 EC-246 EC-247 EC-252 EC-256 EC-257 EC-258 EC-275 EC-277 EC-279 EC-282 EC-2a3 Cantaloupes and muskinelons. Growing cucumbers for pickles. Greenhouse vegetablescucumbers. Globe artichokes. Rhubarb growing and forcing. Growing arid forcing Witlock chicory or French endive. Construction and operation o' the cold frame in vegetable growing. Growing vegetable plants in the manure-heated hotbed. Growing squash and pumpkins. Brussels sprouts. A monthly schedule of operations in growing vegetables for home use on the general farm. Crop requirements and planting directions for the home vegetable garden. VETABLE CROPS (Continued) EC-255 EC-287 EC-29]. EC-294 EC-295 EC-305 EC-311 EC-312 EC-3l3 EC-323 EC-.339 EC-341 EC-342 EC-343 EC-344 EC-345 EC-347 EC-358 EC-360 EC-361 Sweet potatoes. Horseradish growing. Applying formaldehyde to vegetable greenhouse soils. Garlic culture and marketii'g. Small greenhouses for growing vegetable plants and crops. Greenhouse vegetablestomatoes. Growing and marketing tomatoes. Production and marketing of onions. Growing late cabbage. Asparagus. Vegetable storage. Growing snap beans for market and manufacture. Growing early vegetable plants under glass. The flue-heated hotbed in growing early vegetable plants. Sweet corn growing and marketing. Growing cannery beets. Growing and marketing green peas. Lettuce growing and preparation for market. Cauliflower - Growing and preparation for market. Spinach growing and preparation for market. Experiment Station Circulars of Information SCI-59 SCI-72 SCI-75 SCI-84 SCI-90 The garden slug and its control. The use of Ethylene gas in ripening tomatoes. Forcing rhubarb. Suggestions for the control of tomato mosaic and streak. Treatment of pea seed in relation to germination and plant growth. SC 1-91 The Pritchard tomato. SC 1-93 Bermuda onions. SCI-115 Suckered and unsuckered sweet corn. SCI-13l Onion mildew. SCI-.l32 Blossom end rot of tomato. SCI-137 Principles of plant propagation. SCI-168 Hybrid sweet corn strains and varieties. SCI-171 Suggestions for the control of the pea weevil, 1937 - prepared by the Pacific Northwest Cooperative Pea Weevil. Control Project Committee, March 1937. 501-175 Suggestions relative to Ascochyta blight control. SCI-178 Suggestions for controlling pea diseases in the eastern Oregon pea canning area. SCI-180 The curly top disease of vegetables in the Pacific Northwe,st. (Revision of Cii-. of Inf. 67.) SCI-183 Suggestions for the control of the pea weevil in l93. SCI-14 Progress report, Corn improvement project yield trials with hybrid sweet corn, 1937. SCI-200 Suggestions for the control of the pea weevil in Oregon for 1939. SCI-226 The onion maggot. SCI-233 Onion yellow dwarf. 11 REED ERADICATION Experiment Station Circulars of Information SCI-3 SC 1-4 SCI-197 SCI-219 A new treathent for moss in lawns. Weed-killer formula. Poison oak eradication by the can method. Controlling lawn weeds with Sinox-ammonium sulfate solution. FOOD INDUSTRIES Experiment Station Circulars of Information SCI-22 SCI-23 SCI-201 SCI-209 The harvesting, storing and ripening of pears for canning purposes. Observations on the harvesting and storing of apples from Hood River VaU ey. Drying and bleaching walnuts. Preservation of cherries with sulphur dioxide. MISCELLA.NEOUS Extension Circulars EC-237 EC-284 EC-290 EC-331 EC-333 EC-351 Directions for the preservation of green plants and fruits. House ants. (Brief of USDA Farmers An improved method of making sugar beet syrup. Bulletin 1ft241 with adaptations for Oregon.) A score card for community booths at county and local fairs. A concrete septic tank for the farm. O.S.C. farm building plan service. Eçperiment Station Cir culars o SCI-39 SCI-l37 SCI-189 SCI-193 SCI-198 SCI-205 Information Combating fleas. Principles of plant propagation. The bedbug - a troublesome household pest. The ascorbic acid (vitamin C) metabolism of college students. Home preparation of Maraschino cherries. Yellow jackets.