Elections 2012 - A Jewish Perspective Medicaid Tax Policy C Republican Justice EGRESSIVE APITAL GAINS President Lobbyists ELECTIONS Welfare Legislation Tax Cuts Justice War Liberal Billionaires 1% Lobbyists Income Redistribution 9.9.9 Socialism R Labor Law Politics Election Senate Wages Wall Street School Choice 99% Deductions K Street Poverty Military UNDOCUMENTED Welfare FreeTrade 2012 A JEWISH PERSPECTIVE Deficits Illegal Alien Deductions Wall Street Subsidy Medicaid Social Security Nation-Building State’s Rights Regulation W AGES Forced Vaccination Border Border Bureaucracy Immigration Poverty Capitalism Vouchers R Defense Loopholes K Street Politics TAX Law War Military Trade Equality Pork War Conservative 1% Fair Tax Unions Government Constitution Economy Fair Tax Subsidy Equality Finance Reform Nation-Building B”H Social Security Separation of Church & State Environment Medicaid Progressive Capitalist Moderate EGRESSIVE Unemployment Benefits Entitlements Health CareUndocumented The Healthcare Debate: The Mandate and Jewish Law Elections 2012 - A Jewish Perspective The Healthcare Debate: The Mandate and Jewish Law Student’sIntroducƟon NowherearethelinesbetweentheparƟesdrawnmoresharply thanontheissueofhealthcare.TheHealthCareReformAct– “Obamacare”–waspassedonstrictpartylinesintheHouseand theSenate.OpposiƟontothelawsparkedadeeppopularrevolt that resulted in one of the greatest Congressional elecƟon swingsinAmericanhistory.AndwhiletheSupremeCourtruling on the issue may clarify for a Ɵme the consƟtuƟonal issues involved, the policy issues sƟll remain without eīecƟve consensus. ThisclassaskssomebasicquesƟons.Whoseresponsibilityisour healthcare?AreothersresponsibleformeandamIresponsible for others? Is health care insurance a contradicƟon to trust in GͲd?Doesacommunityhavearighttorequireitsmembersto buyhealthinsurance?Whatistheroleofourownfreechoicein solvinghealthcareproblems? 2 Elections 2012 - A Jewish Perspective OpeningquesƟon: Who is most responsible for paying for my healthcare ͲͲ the government,myemployer,ormyself? Ranktheirlevelofresponsibility:Įrst,secondorthird. SecƟonI ObligaƟontoseekhealing 1a. IfyouwilltrulylistentothevoiceofGͲdyourGͲd,do that which is upright in His eyes, listen to His commandmentsandguardallHislaws,thenIwillnotaŋict you with any of the sickness with which I aŋicted Egypt, becauseIamGͲd,yourHealer. Exodus15:26 1b. Ifheshouldgetupfromhissickbedandwalkabout outside,evenwithacane,thenhemustpayhimfortheidle Ɵmeandtomakesureheishealed. Exodus21:19 Make sure he is healed—As the Aramaic translaƟon reads this:“Andheshallpaythedoctor’sfee.” CommentaryofRashi,adloc 2a. TheSchoolofRabbiIshmaeltaught:Makesureheis 3 Elections 2012 - A Jewish Perspective healed (verapo yerapei) – From this doubling of the verb, we learn that divine permission has been given to the doctortoheal. BabaKama85a 2b. DivinepermissionhasbeengivenͲͲOnemightraise thequesƟonthatthiscouldhavebeenlearned,withoutthe doubling, as the simple meaning of ‘healing’. The answer would be that the simple meaning covers only an injury causedbyanotherhuman,butthatwewouldsƟllnothave permissions to heal illnesses and injuries coming from heaven, for it would seem as if we were contradicƟng the decree of the King. This doubling, therefore, teaches that thisisnotso. Tosafotadloc 3a. ButforyourownlifebloodIwillrequireareckoning. Genesis9:5 3b. Alllivesaremine. Ezekiel18:4 3c. Aperson’slifeis not his or her ownpossession,but thepossessionoftheblessedHolyOne. RidvazonRambam,HilchotSanhedrin18:6 4 Elections 2012 - A Jewish Perspective 3d. Itisforbiddentostrikeone’sfellow.Evenifhegives permission to strike him, no person has any such authority overhisownbodyastoallowittobestruck. R.SchneurZalmanofLiadi,HilchotNizkeiGufVanefesh,Chap.4 4a. Chamira sakanta me’isura ͲͲ– Physical danger is a graverissuethanmereprohibiƟon. Chulin10a 4b. AŌer Rabbah had let blood, they chopped up a footstoolforĮrewoodtowarmhim.AbbayesaidtoRabbah: “But is the master not violaƟng the prohibiƟon of bal tashchit?!” Rabbah answered: “Bal tashchit applies even more to my body[thantothefootstool].” Shabbat129a 4c. It is a posiƟve Torah command to remove any stumblingblockthatposes a danger to life, tobe watchful of it and be extremely careful of it, as it is said: Be very carefulandguardyourlife(nafshecha)…[Deuteronomy4:9] Rambam,HilchotRotseachUshemiratHanefesh11:3 5 Elections 2012 - A Jewish Perspective ClassQuesƟon: Whoisbeingaddressedbythesecommandsof:Guard your life (lenafshoteichem) very carefully andBe very careful and guard your life (nafshecha)? Who is being given the responsibility to do this – the individual,thecommunity,orboth? 5a. A scholar is forbidden to liveinany town that does not have these ten things: a court, a charity fund, a synagogue,abathhouse,alatrine,adoctor,abloodͲleƩer, ascribe,akosherbutcherandateacherofchildren. Sanhedrin17b 5b. Since maintaining a healthy and sound body is among the ways of GͲd Ͳ for one cannot understand or haveanyknowledgeoftheCreator,ifheisillͲtherefore,he must avoid that which harms the body and accustom himself to that which is healthful and helps the body becomestronger. Maimonides,HilchotDe’ot4:1 ClassQuesƟon: Have these readings changed your mind or reinforced your earlierthoughts? 6 Elections 2012 - A Jewish Perspective SecƟonII MyBrothersKeeper ClassQuesƟon: Are we obligated to heal others or help them care for their health? 6a. Youshouldnotwatchyourbrother’soxorsheepstray andturnablindeye—returnthemtoyourbrother.Butifyour brother is not near to you or if you do not know him, you shouldbringitintoyourhouseanditshouldremainwithyou unƟlyourbrotherseeksitoutandthenreturnittohim. Deuteronomy22:1Ͳ2 6b. Andthenreturnittohim—Evenhehimselfyoushould return. Sifrei,KiTeitsei223 7a. Donotstandidlybyyourneighbor’sblood. LeviƟcus19:16 7b. Donotstandidlybyyourneighbor’sblood—andwatch himdiewhenyouareabletosavehim. CommentaryofRashi,adloc 7 Elections 2012 - A Jewish Perspective 8a. From where do we know that if one sees one’s fellowdrowninginariverorawildbeastravaginghimor bandits coming to aƩack him that he is obliged to save him?Scripturestates:Donotstandidlybyyourneighbor’s bloodbutrathersavehimfromdeath. Butisitindeedfromherethatthislawisderived?Surely not! The law is derived from a verse in this other place: The Torah clearly states that a lost object must be returned to its owner, but from where do we know that wemustreturnalostbodyi.e.thatifthelifeofafellow Jew is in danger, there is an obligaƟon to save him? Scripturestates:Andthenreturnittohim. Now,ifthisverseteachesthatonemustsavehisfellow’s life, then why would the verse Do not stand idly by your neighbor’sbloodbeteachingthesamething? If wehadlearned this law fromthere, then I wouldhave said that obligaƟon is only when he himself can save his fellow’s life, but if he could only save his life by hiring a rescuer,thenIwouldsaythatoneisnotrequiredtodoso. Therefore,thisverseDonotstandidlybyyourneighbor’s bloodcomestoteachusthathemustevenhiresomeone torescuesomeoneindanger. Sanhedrin73a 8b. TheverseAndthenreturnittohimteachesusthat onemustreturnhisbodytohim. 8 Elections 2012 - A Jewish Perspective TheverseDonotstandidlybyyourneighbor’sbloodmeans don’t stand by yourself but pursue every possibility so that yourneighbor’sbloodnotbelost. CommentaryofRashi,adloc ClassQuesƟon: WhoisresponsibleforpayingformyhealthcareͲͲthesociety, myemployer,ormyself? Foreach,rankitslevelofobligaƟon:Įrst,secondorthird. 9. Onewhoseeshisfellowdrowningintheseaorbeing setuponbygangstersͲͲifhecansavehimpersonallyorby hiringotherstosavehim,thenheisobligatedtogotothe trouble to hire people to save him. He may aŌerwards require reimbursement for his expenses if [the one saved] has the money. If not, he should nonetheless not refrain from saving; if he does refrain, he is guilty of violaƟng the prohibiƟonof“Donotstandidlybyyourneighbor’sblood.” RabbiSchneurZalmanofLiadi,HilchotNizkeiGufVanefesh7 ClassQuesƟon: Does the mitzvah that obliges us to save another oblige us as individuals or only as a group? Is the responsibility to help othersprimarilyapersonalobligaƟonorisitprimarilysocietal? 9 Elections 2012 - A Jewish Perspective 10. [HalachaspeciĮesthatifthereisonlyonedoctor,he is required to heal those who cannot pay and rather than expendpublicchariƟes,wemaylegallycompelthedoctorto healwithoutpay.]However,ifthereismorethanonedoctor in a place, then it is impossible to cast the burden of providingmedicalcarewithoutfeeononedoctormorethan onanother... Accordingly, the right thing to do is either for the congregaƟon to pay the fee from tsedaka funds or to take up a collecƟon for the required amount or for the congregaƟon and its bet din to set up a rotaƟon during whicheachdoctorwillcoverforfreeaccordingtotheneed, each in his turn. And when the congregaƟon has greater ability,thebestwayisforittosetupasetmonthlywagefor a doctor who will take on at no charge the poor of the congregaƟonwhowillcomewithdocumentaƟonidenƟfying himassomeonewhoisunabletopay. And how good and Įne are those sickͲcare funds in their widely varying sorts which we have here in our Holy Land. They symbolize in a united way the three great traits by which our people are disƟnguished and by which we are idenƟĮed:compassion,humilityandpracƟcalbenevolence. RabbiEliezerWaldenberg,TzitzEliezer19:1 10 Elections 2012 - A Jewish Perspective ClassQuesƟon: WhoisresponsibleforpayingformyhealthcareͲͲthesociety, myemployer,ormyself? Foreach,ranktheirlevelofobligaƟon:Įrst,secondorthird. SecƟonIII MyLife,MyChoice? ClassquesƟon: Should we be responsible for someone who was negligent about his own healthcare? What about someone who says, “I wanttodie,don’ttrytosaveme?” 11a. Ifyouseeyourneighbor’sdonkeycollapsingunderits burdenshouldyouhesitatetohelphim?!Youmustcertainly helpalongwithhim! Exodus23:5 11b. Ifyourneighborgoesandsitsdownandsaystoyou, “It’s you who are commanded to help,” then you may unload the donkey or not, as you wish. For Scripture says, “Alongwithhim.” MechiltadeRabbiShimonbarYochai23:5 11 Elections 2012 - A Jewish Perspective 11c. It would seem that if someone were to aƩempt suicide and someone else would be able to rescue him, he mightnotbeboundbytheprohibiƟonof“Donotstandidly byyourneighbor’sblood;”andhowmuchthelesswouldhe be bound by the posiƟve command of returning a lost object. MinchatChinuch,KometzMincha,Mitzva237 12a. Itisforbiddentostrikeone’sfellow.Evenifhegives permission to strike him, no person has any such authority overhisownbodytohaveitstruck. R.SchneurZalmanofLiadi,HilchotNizkeiGufVanefesh,Chap.4 12b. EvenifapaƟentbroughtillnessuponhimselfthrough negligence,theSabbathmustbedesecratedonhisbehalf. Fred Rosner, “Rabbi Moshe Feinstein’s InŇuence on Medical Halacha,”TheJournalofHalacha,No.20,p.49 13. IfasƟngyrichmanstarveshimself,eventhoughwe shouldfeelnocharityobligaƟontowardshimandweallow himtogoaboutinhisfoolishness,itseemstomethatifhe becomesillfromhishunger,wedofeedhimandforcehim topay. Rabbi Yechiel Michel Epstein, Aruch Hashulchan, Yoreh Deah, HilchotTsedaka253 12 Elections 2012 - A Jewish Perspective ClassQuesƟon: WhoisresponsibleforpayingformyhealthcareͲͲthesociety, myemployer,ormyself? Foreach,ranktheirlevelofobligaƟon:Įrst,secondorthird. 14. IfIamnotformyself,thenwhowillbeforme?Butif Iamformyselfonly,thenwhatkindofapersonamI?Andif notnow,when? Avot1:14 SecƟonIV Insurance 15a. CastyourburdensonGͲd;Hewillsustainyou;Hewill neverallowtherighteoustostumble. Psalms55: 15b. If one does not trust in GͲd, then one is trusƟng in somethingelse.Andonewhotrustsinsomethingotherthan GͲdremovesGͲd’sprotecƟvegovernancefromhimself,and isabandonedtothethinginwhichheputhistrust. RabbiBachyaibnPakuda,DuƟesoftheHeart,TheGateofTrust, beginning 13 Elections 2012 - A Jewish Perspective 15c. Doesinsuranceinallitsformsnotrepresentalackof trustinGͲd?TheprophetJeremiahsaid:“Cursedistheman whoputshistrustinman,makingŇeshhismight,andpulls backhisheartfromGͲd.”Ifso,whenIplacemytrustinthe insurance company, perhaps this is a lack of faith in the blessedHolyOne? Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger, Miyam Hahalacha, 85, “The RelaƟon ofHalachatoInsurance” Class QuesƟon: Areweallowedtohaveinsurancealtogether?Ifweliveourlife anƟcipaƟngtheworst,isthatnotalackoftrustinGͲdthatgoes a long way to opening the possibility for evil to happen, GͲd forbid? 16. GͲdwillblessyou[Deut.15:18]–Youmightthinkthis would be so even if one were to sit and do nothing. Thereforethetextadds,…inallthatyoudo[ibid.]. Sifrei,adloc 17. Donkey drivers can say that whenever someone’s donkeydies,allwillcollecƟvelybuyhimanewdonkey. ToseŌa,BabaMetsi’a11:25 14 Elections 2012 - A Jewish Perspective 18a. Apersonshouldneverconsecrateordevoteallofhis possessions. He who does the reverse acts contrary to the intenƟon of Scripture…Such an act is not piety but folly, since he forfeits all his valuables and makes himself dependentuponotherpeoplewhomayshownopitytohim. Maimonides,HilchotArachin8:13 18b. Amanshouldalwaysexerthimselfandshouldsooner endurehardshipthanthrowhimselfasadependentonthe community. The sages admonished: “Makeyour Shabbata weekdayratherthanbecomedependent.”Evenonewhois learned and honored should, if impoverished work at various trades, even very lowly ones, rather than accept dependency. Maimonides,HilchotMatnotAniyim10:18 19. RegardingthequesƟonofwhetherthereisanyworry that it is forbidden to take out an insurance policy, as it might consƟtute (GͲd forbid) a lack of faith in GͲd… In my humble opinion, there is not a bit of lack of faith in GͲd in this,foritislikeanyotherbusinessmaƩerinwhichaperson isnotonlyallowedbutrequiredtoengageincommerceand work for his livelihood and it is forbidden for him to say, “EvenifIdonothing,GͲdwillsustainmeinsomeway.” RabbiMosheFeinstein,IggrotMoshe,OrachChayim,2:111 15 Elections 2012 - A Jewish Perspective Discussion: Seeing that provision for the future through a Įnancial instrument is allowed under Jewish law, can a case be made thatanindividualshouldbuyhealthinsurance? ClassQuesƟon: What do you think provides a more powerful reason for purchasing insurance: (1) the community’s right to protect itself,sinceitisonthehookfortheperson’streatmentevenif he is negligent; or (2) a person’s selfͲinterest in protecƟng himselffromalifeƟmeofpayingoīmedicaldebt? 20. A community can restrict, enact laws, and make agreementsastheyseeĮt.ThesehavethestrengthofTorah laws.TheycanĮneandpunishanyonethatviolatesanyof theircollecƟveagreements… RabbiShlomobenAderet,Responsa4:185 16