Introduction Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Application: HERS data analysis Conclusions Accommodating informative dropout and death: a joint modelling approach for longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Qiuju Li MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge, UK Joint work with Dr. Li Su Workshop on Flexible Models for Longitudinal and Survival Data with Applications in Biostatistics (Warwick, 27th-29th July, 2015) Qiuju Li Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Introduction Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Application: HERS data analysis Conclusions Outline 1 Introduction 2 Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data 3 Application: HERS data analysis 4 Conclusions Qiuju Li Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Introduction Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Application: HERS data analysis Conclusions Introduction longitudinal and semi-competing risks data, e.g., CD4 counts, dropout and HIV-related death in the HIV epidemiology research study (HERS). 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 25 20 15 10 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 visit (subject=100058) visit (subject=101059) death dropout & death 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 9 10 11 12 25 20 15 10 5 squart root of CD4 counts 12 visit (subject=100729) 0 25 5 10 15 20 Measurements dropout death 0 squart root of CD4 counts 5 squart root of CD4 counts 2 30 1 30 0 0 25 20 15 10 5 0 squart root of CD4 counts 30 dropout 30 complete data 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 visit (subject=100241) Qiuju Li Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Introduction Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Application: HERS data analysis Conclusions Some concepts mortal cohort; immortal cohort; (Aalen and Gunnes, 2010) longitudinal profile models: unconditional models, e.g., random-effects models f (Yi (t)); fully conditional models, e.g., f (Yi (t)|Si = s), s > t; partly conditional models, e,g., f (Yi (t)|Si > t) (Kurland and Heagerty, 2005; Kurland et al., 2009); GEE approaches; a likelihood-based joint modelling approach proposed subsequently. Qiuju Li Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Introduction Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Application: HERS data analysis Conclusions Notation scheduled repeated measurements of a longitudinal outcome Yi = (Yi 1 , . . . , YiM )′ , taken at visits 1, . . . , M, e.g., M = 12 for the HERS data; informative dropout and death dropout time denoted by Di , observed data Di∗ = min(Di , Si , Ci ), δiD = I (Di ≤ Si , Di ≤ Ci ); death time denoted by Si , observed data Si∗ = min(Si , Ci ), δiS = I (Si ≤ Ci ); Ci denotes non-informative censoring, e.g., end of study; covariates Xi , e.g., sex, treatment arm; Qiuju Li Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Introduction Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Application: HERS data analysis Conclusions Time-to-event processes Time-to-event data, time to dropout: last visit of follow-up; time to death: Ti time to death: τ 0 τ : the end of study. Qiuju Li Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Introduction Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Application: HERS data analysis Conclusions Time-to-event processes Discrete time-to-event data (mathematical attractiveness), time to dropout: last visit of follow-up; time to death: Ti time to death: 0 t1 tr −1 tr t(M−1) τ τ : the end of study. the discrete death time Si = r (Barrett et al, 2015, JRSSB). Qiuju Li Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Introduction Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Application: HERS data analysis Conclusions Joint models Joint models for the longitudinal and semi-competing risks data, T T Yij = xij β + zij bi + ǫij T T Pr (Di = r |Di ≥ r ) = 1 − Φ(xD,ir αD + γD,r WD,ir bi ) , T T Pr (Si = r |Si ≥ r ) = 1 − Φ(xS,ir αS + γS,r WS,ir bi ) Φ(·) standard normal cdf; β, αD , αS regression coefficients; γD,r , γS,r association effects; random effects bi ∼ N(0, Σb ); iid ǫij ∼ N(0, σ 2 ); WD,ir bi , WS,ir bi vectors of linear combinations of random effects, e.g., WD,ir bi = (bi 0 , bi 1 )T ; conditional independence assumption given random effects bi ; Qiuju Li Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Introduction Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Application: HERS data analysis Conclusions Likelihood function, Y Li (θ; yi , Di∗ , δiD , Si∗ , δiS ) i = YZ i ∞ f (longitudinal data|θ, bi )× −∞ Pr (dropout data|θ, bi ) × Pr (death data|θ, bi ) × f (bi |θ)dbi . Qiuju Li Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Introduction Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Application: HERS data analysis Conclusions Semi-competing risks data Four possible scenarios of the observed time-to-event data, (1) neither dropout nor death: Di∗ = d, Si∗ = s, (δiD , δiS ) = (0, 0); (2) dropout only: Di∗ = d, Si∗ = s, (δiD , δiS ) = (1, 0); (3) death only: Di∗ = d, Si∗ = s, (δiD , δiS ) = (0, 1); (4) both dropout and death: Di∗ = d, Si∗ = s, (δiD , δiS ) = (1, 1); Qiuju Li Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Introduction Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Application: HERS data analysis Conclusions For the scenario (1), the likelihood function of observed data {yi = (yi 1 , . . . , yini )′ , Di∗ = d, δiD = 0, Si∗ = s, δiS = 0}, Li (θ; yi , Di∗ , δiD , Si∗ , δiS ) Z ∞ d Y T T = φ(yi ; xi β + zi bi , σ 2 Ini ) Φ(xD,ir αD + γD,r WD,ir bi ) −∞ s Y k=1 T T Φ(xS,ir αS + γS,r WS,ir bi )φ(bi ; 0, Σb )dbi ℓ=1 T ) =Li 1 (·\bi )Φ(d+s) (Ads + Bds hi ; 0, Id+s + Bds Hi−1 Bds closed-form likelihood (skewed normal distribution, Arnold 2009); Li 1 (·\bi ), hi , Hi , Ads , Bds function/vectors/matrices free of bi ; φ(·; µ, Σ) and Φ(d+s) (·; µ, Σ) denote multivariate normal pdf/cdf. Qiuju Li Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Introduction Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Application: HERS data analysis Conclusions Marginal mean profile conditional on being alive Unconditional population mean profile for an immortal cohort E (Yij |xij ) = xijT β; Conditional mean profile given being alive for a mortal cohort, we can compute E (Yij |xij , Si ≥ j) = xijT β + zijT E (bi |Si ≥ j). Analogously, f (bi |Si ≥ j) is a multivariate skew-normal distribution, Pr Sj > (j − 1)|bi f (bi ) , f (bi |Si ≥ j) = f bi |Si > (j − 1) = Pr (Si > (j − 1)) closed form of its expectation can be obtained. Qiuju Li Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Introduction Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Application: HERS data analysis Conclusions Statistical inference 1 Maximum likelihood-based approach (exact likelihood); R software utilising nlminb or optim. 2 Bayesian approach; implemented using WinBUGS. Qiuju Li Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Introduction Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Application: HERS data analysis Conclusions HERS data description HIV epidemiology research study (HERS) (Smith et al., 1997) # of subjects: 850 (HIV positive at baseline) CD4 counts reviewed every 6 months up to 12 visits time-to-event data scenario (1): (δiD , δiS ) = (0, 0) scenario (2): (δiD , δiS ) = (1, 0) scenario (3): (δiD , δiS ) = (0, 1) scenario (4): (δiD , δiS ) = (1, 1) # of subjects 374 352 23 78 Objective: study the role of baseline patient characteristics (i.e., viral load, antiretroviral therapy (art), # of symptoms) on variation in longitudinal CD4 counts. Qiuju Li Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Introduction Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Application: HERS data analysis Conclusions Models proposed for the HERS data Yij = β0 + β1 visit + β2∼4 viral load + β5 symptoms + β6 art +β7∼9 visit*viral load + β10 visit ∗ symptoms + β11 visit ∗ art + bi 0 + bi 1 + ǫij Pr (D = r |D ≥ r ) = 1 − Φ(α i i D,i 0 + αD,i 1∼3 viral load + αD,i 4 symptoms +αD,i 5 art + αD,i 6 r + αD,i 7 r 2 + γD,0 bi 0 + γD,1 bi 1 ) Pr (Si = r |Si ≥ r ) = 1 − Φ(αS,i 0 + αS,i 1∼3 viral load + αS,i 4 symptoms +αS,i 5 art + αS,i 6 r + αS,i 7 r 2 + γS,0 bi 0 + γS,1 bi 1 ) Qiuju Li Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Introduction Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Application: HERS data analysis Conclusions WinBUGS results Longitudinal process (CD4 counts) Joint modelling (WinBUGS) intercept visit viral load [1] (0-500) viral load [2] (500-5k) viral load [3] (5k-30k) symptoms art at baseline visit*viral load [1] visit*viral load [2] visit*viral load [3] visit*symptoms visit*art γD,0 γD,1 γS,0 γS,1 mean 15.11 -0.87 10.00 6.61 2.94 -0.12 -4.66 0.47 0.44 0.28 -0.05 0.12 0.03 0.44 0.13 1.23 sd 0.71 0.13 0.79 0.72 0.82 0.20 0.43 0.14 0.13 0.14 0.03 0.06 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.17 Qiuju Li 2.5% 13.76 -1.11 8.42 5.14 1.28 -0.51 -5.51 0.21 0.19 0.02 -0.11 -0.01 0.02 0.35 0.10 0.93 97.5% 16.51 -0.62 11.56 7.97 4.54 0.28 -3.83 0.74 0.69 0.55 0.01 0.23 0.04 0.54 0.16 1.58 Linear mixed effects (LME) estimate 14.59 -0.57 10.52 6.98 3.21 -0.14 -4.76 0.23 0.22 0.15 -0.03 0.16 - sd 0.70 0.12 0.79 0.74 0.81 0.21 0.43 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.03 0.06 - Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Introduction Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Application: HERS data analysis Conclusions Marginal mean profiles 19 18 17 naive LME: E(Yij | xij)=xTij β joint model: E(Yij | xij)=xTij β E(Yij | xij, Si ≥ j) 16 square root of CD4 counts 20 Subjects: viral load [1], # of symptoms=1, antiretroviral therapy (art) at baseline; 0 1 2 3 4 5 Qiuju Li 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 visit Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Introduction Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Application: HERS data analysis Conclusions Conclusions 1 a likelihood-based approach to capture the partly conditional mean profiles, accommodating both informative dropout and death; 2 offer inference for both mortal and immortal cohort; 3 a new model for semi-competing risks data in the joint modelling framework; 4 approach demonstrated by an analysis of the HERS data. Qiuju Li Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Introduction Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Application: HERS data analysis Conclusions Key references 1 Aalen, Odd O., and Nina Gunnes. ”A dynamic approach for reconstructing missing longitudinal data using the linear increments model.” Biostatistics 11, no. 3 (2010): 453-472. 2 Arnold, Barry C. ”Flexible univariate and multivariate models based on hidden truncation.” Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 139, no. 11 (2009): 3741-3749. 3 Barrett, Jessica, Peter Diggle, Robin Henderson and David TaylorRobinson. ”Joint modelling of repeated measurements and timetoevent outcomes: flexible model specification and exact likelihood inference.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 77, no. 1 (2015): 131-148. 4 Kurland, Brenda F., and Patrick J. Heagerty. ”Directly parameterized regression conditioning on being alive: analysis of longitudinal data truncated by deaths.” Biostatistics 6, no. 2 (2005): 241-258. Qiuju Li Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Introduction Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data Application: HERS data analysis Conclusions Thank You! Authors: Qiuju Li & Li Su MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge, UK Qiuju Li Joint modelling of longitudinal and semi-competing risks data