IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 5, NO. 3, MARCH 2006 481 Transactions Letters BER Analysis of QAM on Fading Channels with Transmit Diversity M. Surendra Raju, Ramesh Annavajjala, Student Member, IEEE, and A. Chockalingam, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract— In this letter, we derive analytical expressions for the bit error rate (BER) of space-time block codes (STBC) from complex orthogonal designs (COD) using quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) on Rayleigh fading channels. We take a bit log-likelihood ratio (LLR) based approach to derive the BER expressions. The approach presented here can be used in the BER analysis of any STBC from COD with linear processing for any value of M in an M -QAM system. Here, we present the BER analysis and results for a 16-QAM system with i) (2-Tx, L-Rx) antennas using Alamouti code (rate-1 STBC), ii) (3-Tx, L-Rx) antennas using a rate-1/2 STBC, and iii) (5-Tx, L-Rx) antennas using a rate-7/11 STBC. In addition to being used in the BER analysis, the LLRs derived can also be used as soft inputs to decoders for various coded QAM schemes, including turbo coded QAM with space-time coding as in high speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) in 3G. Index Terms— Space-time block codes, transmit diversity, QAM, bit log-likelihood ratio. I. I NTRODUCTION T HE potential capacity gains achieved by using multiple antenna systems have led to considerable attention in the area of space-time coding [1]. Space-time block codes (STBC) from complex orthogonal designs (COD) are of interest as they can be used for complex constellations such as quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) to achieve higher data rates in wireless communication systems [2],[3]. Recent works have reported analytical expressions for the symbol error rate (SER) and the bit error rate (BER) of orthogonal STBCs. In [4], Shin and Lee derived expressions for the SER of orthogonal STBCs on Rayleigh fading channels. They derived the SER by converting the multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system model to an equivalent single input single output (SISO) model. Recently, Simon in [5], and Taricco and Biglieri in Manuscript received September 2, 2003; revised January 10, 2005; accepted October 13, 2005. The associate editor coordinating the review of this letter and approving it for publication was L. Vandendorpe. This work in part was presented in IEEE GLOBECOM’2003, San Francisco, December 2003. This work was supported in part by the Swarnajayanti Fellowship, Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, Government of India, under Project Ref: No.6/3/2002-S.F. M. Surendra Raju is with Ikanos Communications (India) Private Limited, Bangalore 560052, India (e-mail: Ramesh Annavajjala is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093 USA. (e-mail: A. Chockalingam is with the Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India (e-mail: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TWC.2006.03001. [6], have reported exact expressions for the pairwise error probability (PEP) as well as approximate expressions for the BER for space-time codes. In this letter, we derive analytical expressions for the BER for linear STBCs from COD using QAM on Rayleigh fading channels. We adopt a bit log-likelihood ratio (LLR) based approach, where we first derive expressions for the LLRs of the individual bits forming the QAM symbol, and then use these LLRs to obtain the BER expressions. We point out that this approach can be used in the BER analysis of any STBC from COD with linear processing for any value of M in an M -QAM system. Here, we present the BER analysis and results for a 16-QAM system with i) (2-Tx, LRx) antennas using the rate-1 Alamouti code, ii) (3-Tx, LRx) antennas using a rate-1/2 code, and iii) (5-Tx, L-Rx) antennas using a rate-7/11 code. Another major usefulness of this contribution is that the derived LLRs provide a soft metric for each bit in the mapping, which can be used as soft inputs to decoders for various coded QAM schemes with spacetime coding. Examples of such schemes include turbo coded QAM with transmit diversity in high speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) in 3G, and convolutionally coded QAM with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) in digital video broadcasting (DVB) and IEEE 802.11. II. S YSTEM M ODEL We consider a wireless communication system with Lt transmit and Lr receive antennas. We consider space-time block codes, where each codeword is a matrix with P rows and Lt columns, with complex valued symbols as its entries. Here, P is the number of time slots required to transmit one codeword. For some K information symbols, s1 , s2 , · · · , sK , which are selected from the 16-QAM constellation (see Fig. 1)1 , the entries of the codeword X = {xit , t = 1, 2, · · · , P ; i = 1, 2, · · · , Lt } are a linear combination of the information symbols sk , k = 1, 2, · · · , K, and their complex conjugates. At time slot t, t = 1, 2, · · · , P , the tth row of the codeword t X (i.e., x1t , x2t , · · · , xL t ) is transmitted simultaneously from Lt antennas. The symbol transmission rate, R, is defined as the number of information symbols transmitted per time slot, i.e., R = K/P . The channel fade coefficients are assumed to 1 Four bits, (r , r , r , r ) are mapped on to a complex symbol s 1 2 3 4 k = skI + jskQ . The horizontal/vertical line pieces in Fig. 1 denote that all bits under these lines take the value 1, and the rest take the value 0. c 2006 IEEE 1536-1276/06$20.00 482 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 5, NO. 3, MARCH 2006 III. B IT L OG -L IKELIHOOD R ATIOS We define the LLR for the bit ri , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, of symbol sk , k = 1, 2, · · · , K, as Pr ri = 1|Y, H LLRsk (ri ) = log Pr ri = 0|Y, H Pr ri = 1| sk , H . = log (5) Pr ri = 0| sk , H Assuming that all the symbols are equally likely and that the fading is independent of the transmitted symbols, using Bayes’ rule, we have sk |H, sk = α (1) fŝ |H,s k k α∈Si . LLRsk (ri ) = log sk |H, sk = β (0) fŝ |H,s k k β∈Si (6) 2 Since fŝ |H,s sk |H, sk = α = 1 2 exp −1 s − Δ α k k 2 k Fig. 1. 16-QAM Constellation. remain constant over P time slots. The received codeword, Y, can be written as Y = X H + N, (1) where Y = {ytj : t = 1, 2, · · · , P ; j = 1, 2, · · · , Lr } is a matrix of size P × Lr , whose entry ytj is the signal received at antenna j at time slot t; H = {hi,j } is the channel matrix of size Lt × Lr , whose entry hi,j is the complex channel coefficient from the transmit antenna i to the receive antenna j. The random variables |hi,j |’s are assumed to be i.i.d Rayleigh distributed with E(|hi,j |2 ) = Ω. N = {njt } is the noise matrix of size P ×Lr , whose entries are i.i.d complex Gaussian noise with zero mean and variance σ 2 . Let C(.) be a mapping from a K-tuple complex message vector s = (s1 , s2 , · · · , sK ) to the columnwise orthogonal P × Lt codeword X = C(s). Due to the columnwise orthogonality of the linear orthogonal space-time block codes considered, the Lt × Lt matrix C(s)H C(s) is given by K K H 2 2 (gk,1 |sk | ), · · · , (gk,Lt |sk | ) , C(s) C(s) = diag k=1 k=1 (2) where (.)H denotes the Hermitian operator, and G = {gm,n } is a matrix of size K × Lt whose entries can take nonnegative integer values (for example, for the Alamouti code [7] gm,n = 1, ∀ m, n). Assuming perfect knowledge of the channel coefficients at the receiver, the combined signal output for the symbol sk is given by sk = Δk sk + ζk , (3) where Δk = Lr gk,1 |h1,j |2 + gk,2 |h2,j |2 + · · · + gk,Lt |hLt ,j |2 , j=1 (4) and ζk is a complex Gaussian random variable with zero mean and variance Δk σ 2 . k πσ̂ k σ̂ k where σ̂k2 = Δk σ 2 , (6) can be written as −1 sk − Δk α2 (1) exp 2 σ̂k α∈Si . (7) −1 LLRsk (ri ) = log sk − Δk β2 (0) exp 2 σ̂k β∈Si Using the approximation log exp(−Xj ) ≈ − minj (Xj ), j LLRsk (ri ) can be approximated as2 2 1 s LLRsk (ri ) = − Δ β min k k 2 (0) σ̂k β∈Si 2 sk − Δk α . − min (1) (8) α∈Si Define k complex variables, zk , k = 1, 2, · · · , K, as zk = sk . Δk (9) Using (9) in (8) and normalizing by 4/σ̂k2 , LLRsk (ri ) is written as Δk LLRsk (ri ) = min zk − β2 − min zk − α2 . (1) 4 β∈Si(0) α∈Si (10) (1) (0) Note that the set partitions Si and Si are delimited by horizontal or vertical boundaries. As a consequence, two symbols in different sets closest to the received symbol always lie either on the same row (if the delimiting boundaries are vertical) or on the same column (if the delimiting boundaries are horizontal). Using the above fact, the LLRs for each of the bits forming the symbol, sk , are obtained as ⎧ | zkI | ≤ 2d zkI Δk , ⎨ −d zkI > 2d 2d(d − zkI )Δk , (11) LLRsk (r1 ) = ⎩ −2d(d + zkI )Δk , zkI < −2d ⎧ | zkQ | ≤ 2d zkQ Δk , ⎨ −d zkQ > 2d 2d(d − zkQ )Δk , LLRsk (r2 ) = ⎩ −2d(d + zkQ )Δk , zkQ < −2d (12) 2 As we will see in Sec. V, the analytical BER evaluated using this approximate LLR is almost the same as the BER evaluated through simulations without this approximation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 5, NO. 3, MARCH 2006 LLRsk (r3 ) = d(| zkI | − 2d)Δk (13) LLRsk (r4 ) = d(| zkQ | − 2d)Δk . (14) In the above equations, zkI and zkQ are the real and imaginary parts of zk , respectively, and 2d is the minimum distance between pairs of signal points. We note that, likewise, the LLR expressions for other values of M in M -QAM can be derived. For example, we have derived the bit LLR expressions for the 32-QAM constellation in Fig. 4 of [10] as well as the 64-QAM constellation in Fig. 4 of [11] and presented them in Table I. These LLR expressions can be used to derive the BER expressions for M -QAM as illustrated in the following section. IV. D ERIVATION OF BER In this section, we derive the probability of error for the bit ri , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, forming a 16-QAM symbol. The probability k , can be written as of error for bit r1 in symbol sk , Pb1 k k k Pb1 = Pb1|s Pr (skI = −d) + Pb1|s Pr (skI = −3d) kI =−d kI =−3d k k Pr (skI = d) + Pb1|s Pr (skI = 3d) , (15) + Pb1|s kI =d kI =3d where skI represents the real part of sk . Let us first consider k , which is given by Pb1|s kI =−d k Pb1|s kI =−d k = Pb1|s kI =−d,H (16) where the overline indicates averaging over the complex k can be written as random variables {hi,j }. Pb1|s kI =−d,H k Pb1|s = Pr LLRsk (r1 ) < 0 | skI = −d, H kI =−d,H √ d Δk ζkI ≥d =Q = Pr , (17) Δk σI where σI2 = σ 2 /2. Let us define Lt K 1 ξ= gk,i . (18) P i=1 k=1 4Eb R We then have σdI = 5No Lr ξ , where Eb is the energy per bit per transmit antenna and R is the rate of the STBC used. From the above, we can write 4Eb R Δk k . (19) Pb1|skI =−d,H = Q 5No Lr ξ k k To obtain Pb1|s , we need to uncondition Pb1|s kI =−d kI =−d,H w.r.t Δk , which is given by Δk = Lr gk,1 |h1,j |2 + gk,2 |h2,j |2 + · · · + gk,Lt |hLt ,j |2 j=1 = gk,1 Lr j=1 2 |h1,j | Lr + · · · + gk,Lt Lr 2 |hLt ,j | .(20) j=1 2 Let us define θn = j=1 |hn,j | , n = 1, 2, · · · , Lt . Since 2 |hi,j | are i.i.d exponential with mean Ω, the random variables θn are i.i.d Gamma random variables with density function 1 x xLr −1 , exp − (21) fθn (x) = Γ(Lr )ΩLr Ω 483 and the moment generating function (MGF) is given by L r 1 . (22) Mθn (s) = 1 + sΩ Since Δk = Lt n=1 MΔ k gk,n θn , its MGF, MΔk , is given by Lr Lt 1 = . (23) 1 + sΩgk,n n=1 Using the above and Craig’s formula [8], we can show that 4E R Δ b k k Pb1|s = Q kI =−d 5No Lr ξ L r π2 Lt 1 sin2 φ = dφ, (24) π φ=0 n=1 sin2 φ + μ1 gk,n γb R b and γb = ΩE where μ1 = 25L No . Similarly, the conditional rξ k error probability Pb1|skI =−3d,H is given by k Pb1|skI =−3d,H = Pr LLRsk (r1 ) < 0 | skI = −3d, H ζkI 36Eb R Δk (.25) = Pr ≥ 3d = Q Δk 5No Lr ξ k Unconditioning Pb1|s w.r.t Δk , it can be shown that kI =−3d,H k Pb1|s kI =−d = 1 = π Q π 2 φ=0 36Eb R Δk 5No Lr ξ L r Lt sin2 φ dφ, (26) sin2 φ + μ2 gk,n n=1 k = where μ2 = 185Lγrb ξR . It can further be shown that Pb1|s kI =−d k k k Pb1|skI =d and Pb1|skI =−3d = Pb1|skI =3d . Moreover, for the 16k k QAM constellation considered, it can be shown that Pb1 = Pb2 k k and Pb3 = Pb4 . With the above, the BER expressions for the bits r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 of the symbol sk can be written as 1 k k k (27) P1 + P2k Pb1 = Pb2 = 2 1 k k Pb3 (28) 2P1k + P2k − P3k , = Pb4 = 2 where Pjk , j = 1, 2, 3, are given by L r π Lt 1 2 sin2 φ k Pj = dφ, π φ=0 n=1 sin2 φ + μj gk,n (29) and μ1 = 2 γb R , 5Lr ξ μ2 = 18 γb R , 5Lr ξ μ3 = 10 γb R . (30) Lr ξ Note that for STBCs where gk,n = g, ∀k, n, the integral in (29) has a closed-form expression given by [9] Lr Lt L L −1 k r t Lr Lt − 1 + k 1 − λj 1 + λj k . , Pj = 2 2 k k=0 (31) 484 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 5, NO. 3, MARCH 2006 TABLE I B IT LLR EXPRESSIONS FOR THE 32-QAM CONSTELLATION IN F IG . 4 OF [10] AND THE 64-QAM CONSTELLATION IN F IG . 4 OF [11] IN R AYLEIGH FADING . F OR 32-QAM, THE MAPPING OF BITS ri ’ S TO BITS ij ’ S AND qj ’ S IN F IG . 4 OF [10] IS AS FOLLOWS : r1 = i1 , r2 = q1 , r3 = i2 , r4 = q2 , r5 = i3 . Bit r1 LLR LLRsk (r1 ) = r2 LLRsk (r2 ) = r3 LLRsk (r3 ) = r4 LLRsk (r4 ) = r5 LLRsk (r5 ) = r6 LLRsk (r6 ) = Expressions for 32-QAM −d zjI Δk , | zjI | ≤ 2d 2d(d − zjI )Δk , 2d < zjI ≤ 4d 3d(2d − zjI )Δk , 4d < zjI ≤ 6d 4d(3d − zjI )Δk , zjI > 6d −2d(d + zjI )Δk , −4d ≤ zjI < −2d −3d(2d + zjI )Δk , −6d ≤ zjI < −4d −4d(3d + zjI )Δk , zjI < −6d −d zjQ Δk , | zjQ | ≤ 2d 2d(d − zjQ )Δk , zjQ > 2d −2d(d + zjQ )Δk , zjQ < −2d 2d(−3d + | zjI |)Δk , d(−4d + | zjI |)Δk , 2d(−5d + | zjI |)Δk , d (| zjQ | − 2d) Δk | zjI | ≤ 2d 2d < | zjI | ≤ 6d 2d < | zjI | > 6d d(2d − | zjI |)Δk , d(−6d + | zjI |)Δk , | zjI | ≤ 4d | zjI | > 4d gμj where λj = 1+gμ . It is noted that, for STBCs including j rate-1 Alamouti code (C1 given in the next section) and rate1/2 STBC (C2 given in the next section), gk,n are constants (g = 1 for C1 and g = 2 for C2 ), and hence the closedform expression in (31) can be used to compute the BER for these STBCs. For STBCs where gk,n is not a constant (e.g., rate-7/11 STBC C3 given in the next section), (29) can be evaluated numerically and accurately using the GaussChebyshev Quadrature rule. The average BER for symbol sk , k = 1, 2, · · · , K, Pbk , is then given by Pbk 1 k k k k Pb1 + Pb2 . = + Pb3 + Pb4 4 Finally, the average BER of the system, Pb , is given by Pb = K 1 k Pb . K the following space time block codes: ⎛ s1 ⎜ −s2 ⎜ ⎜ −s3 ⎜ ⎜ −s4 s1 s2 , C2 = ⎜ C1 = ⎜ s∗1 −s∗2 s∗1 ⎜ ⎜ −s∗2 ⎜ ⎝ −s∗3 −s∗4 and (32) (33) k=1 The BER expressions for other values of M in M -QAM can be derived likewise. V. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONS We computed the BER performance of 16-QAM on Rayleigh fading channels as a function of average SNR for Expressions for 64-QAM −d zjI Δk , | zjI | ≤ 2d 2d(d − zjI )Δk , 2d < zjI ≤ 4d 3d(2d − ẑjI )Δk , 4d < zjI ≤ 6d 4d(3d − zjI Δk , zjI > 6d −2d(d + zjI )Δk , −4d ≤ zjI < −2d −3d(2d + zjI )Δk , −6d ≤ zjI < −4d −4d(3d + zjI )Δk , zjI < −6d −d zjQ Δk , | zjQ | ≤ 2d 2d(d − zjQ )Δk , 2d < zjQ ≤ 4d 3d(2d − zjQ )Δk , 4d < zjQ ≤ 6d 4d(3d − zjQ )Δk , zjQ > 6d −2d(d + zjQ )Δk , −4d ≤ zjQ < −2d −3d(2d + zjQ )Δk , −6d ≤ zjQ < −4d −4d(3d + zjQ )Δk , zjQ < −6d 2d(−3d + | zjI |)Δk , | zjI | ≤ 2d d(−4d + | zjI |)Δk , 2d < | zjI | ≤ 6d 2d(−5d + | zjI |)Δk , 2d < | zjI | > 6d 2d(−3d + | zjQ |)Δk , | zjQ | ≤ 2d d(−4d + | zjQ |)Δk , 2d < | zjQ | ≤ 6d 2d(−5d + | zjQ |)Δk , 2d < | zjQ | > 6d d(2d − | zjI |)Δk , | zjI | ≤ 4d d(−6d + | zjI |)Δk , | zjI | > 4d d(2d − | zjQ |)Δk , | zjQ | ≤ 4d d(−6d + | zjQ |)Δk , | zjQ | > 4d ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ C3 = ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ s1 −s∗2 s∗3 0 s∗4 0 0 0 s∗5 −s∗6 s7 s2 s∗1 0 s∗3 0 s∗4 0 −s∗5 0 −s∗7 −s6 s3 0 −s∗1 −s∗2 0 0 s∗4 −s∗6 s∗7 0 −s5 0 s3 s2 −s1 −s∗7 s∗6 s∗5 0 0 0 s4 s2 s1 s4 −s3 s∗2 s∗1 s∗4 −s∗3 s4 s5 s6 s7 −s∗1 −s∗2 −s∗3 s1 s2 s3 0 s3 −s4 s1 s2 s∗3 −s∗4 s∗1 s∗2 ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟, ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟. ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ C1 is the well known Alamouti code with parameters P = K = Lt = 2, R = 1, and C1H C1 is a 2×2 diagonal with matrix 2 the (i, i)th diagonal element, D(i, i), of the form k=1 sk 2 . C2 is a rate-1/2 STBC with parameters P = 8, K = 4, Lt = 3, R = 1/2, and C2H C2 is a 3×3 diagonal matrix with the (i, i)th IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 5, NO. 3, MARCH 2006 0 10 485 0 10 −1 10 −1 Average Probability of Bit Error Average Probability of Bit Error 10 −2 10 −3 10 Simulated BER using True LLR’s, 2Tx, 2Rx antennas Analytical BER using apprx. LLRs, 2Tx, 2 Rx antennas Simulated BER using True LLRs, 2Tx, 1 Rx antennas Analytical BER using apprx. LLRs, 2Tx, 1 Rx antennas −2 10 −3 10 −5 10 −4 10 No Diversity 5Tx, 1 Rx 5Tx, 2Rx 5Tx, 4Rx 5Tx, 10Rx −4 10 −6 0 5 10 Average SNR per bit (dB) 10 15 Fig. 2. Comparison of the analytical BER evaluated using approximate LLRs vs the simulated BER using the LLRs without approximation. 16-QAM with rate-1 STBC (Alamouti code) in Rayleigh fading. 2-Tx/2-Rx and 2-Tx/1-Rx antennas. 0 2 4 6 γb (dB) 8 10 12 14 Fig. 3. BER performance of 16-QAM with 5 transmit antennas and Lr = 1, 2, 4, 10 receive antennas using rate-7/11 STBC in Rayleigh fading. 0 10 D(1, 1) = D(2, 2) = D(3, 3) = D(4, 4) = 7 sk 2 ,(34) k=1 D(5, 5) = 3 k=1 ( 2 ) + 7 sk 2 . (35) −1 10 Average Probability of Bit Error 4 diagonal element, D(i, i), of the form k=1 (2 · sk 2 ). C3 is a rate-7/11 STBC with parameters P = 11, K = 7, Lt = 5, R = 7/11, and C3H C3 is a 5 × 5 diagonal matrix with the (i, i)th diagonal element, D(i, i), of the form −2 10 −3 10 −4 No diversity (1Tx, 1Rx) 2Tx, 2Rx, Alamouti code 3Tx, 2Rx Scheme (rate−1/2) 5Tx, 2Rx Scheme (rate−7/11) AWGN 10 k=3 In Fig. 2, we compare the analytical BER evaluated using the approximate LLRs derived versus the simulated BER using the LLRs without approximation for rate-1 STBC (Alamouti code) using 16-QAM for 2-Tx/2-Rx and 2-Tx/1-Rx antennas. It is observed that the analytically computed BER is almost the same as the simulated BER, indicating that the approximation to the LLRs results in insignificant difference between the analytically computed BER and the true BER. We would like to point out that the BER obtained using the approximate LLR expression is the same as that of the ‘traditional BER results for M -QAM’ (as published, for example, in the paper by Cho and Yoon [10]). The reason for this observation is that the decision statistic for each bit forming the QAM symbol with Gray coding and approximate LLR is the same as that of the conventional symbol-to-bit demapping approach. In other words, without the approximation, the average BER performance for M -QAM will be slightly better than the conventional symbol-to-bit demapping approach. In [12], it is shown that for all practical values of the bit SNR this improvement can be negligible. We further point out that [13] presents BER results for Gray-coded M -QAM by dividing the SER by the number of bits per symbol. However, this result is only approximate, as the exact BER analysis requires evaluating the number of bit errors occurring for each possible transmitted symbol. We also note that the approximate BER −5 10 −6 10 0 2 4 6 γ (dB) 8 10 12 14 b Fig. 4. BER performance of 16-QAM with different STBCs in Rayleigh fading; i) 2 Tx antennas using rate-1 STBC (Alamouti code), ii) 3 Tx antennas using rate-1/2 STBC, iii) 5 Tx antennas using rate-7/11 STBC. Number of receive antennas, Lr = 2. results in [13] match the exact BER only at large-enough SNR values. In Fig. 3, we present the analytical results of the average BER performance as a function of the average SNR, γb , for the rate-7/11 STBC, C3 . The number of receive antennas considered include Lr = 1, 2, 4, 10. Figure 4 presents the comparative BER performance of the different STBCs C1 , C2 and C3 when the number of receive antennas Lr = 2. The performance in AWGN is also shown for comparison. As we pointed out earlier, in addition to being used in the BER analysis, the derived LLRs for the individual bits in the QAM symbols can be used as soft inputs to the decoders in various coded QAM schemes. As an example, we employed the LLRs as soft inputs to the turbo decoder in a rate-1/3 turbo 486 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 5, NO. 3, MARCH 2006 0 R EFERENCES 10 −1 10 −2 Average Probability of Bit Error 10 −3 10 −4 10 −5 10 AWGN Fading (No Diversity) 2 Tx, 1 Rx −6 10 2 Tx, 2 Rx −7 10 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Average SNR per bit (dB) 5 5.5 Fig. 5. BER performance of rate-1/3 turbo coded 16-QAM with two transmit antennas and Lr = 1, 2 receive antennas using rate-1 STBC (Alamouti code) in Rayleigh fading. 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