R1 SUPPLEMENT 5100-91-1 EFFECTIVE 6/12/91 5180 Page 1 of 4 FSM 5100 - FIRE MANAGEMENT R-1 SUPPLEMENT 5100-91-1 EFFECTIVE 6/12/91 CHAPTER 5180 - FIRE REPORTS 5182 - INDIVIDUAL FIRE REPORTS Make a complete report on form R1-5180-4, Fireman's Report, before leaving the fire. Send a copy to the Ranger within 48 hours. Complete notes are required covering reasons for any delays or difficulty experienced in finding or suppressing the fire. These should also describe the methods used to overcome the difficulty. The Fireman's Report, R1-5180-4, then becomes the basis for each form FS-5100-29, Individual Fire Report, and should be filed with the Forest copy of this report. Prepare forms FS-5100-29 for all nonstatistical fires that are or may later become repayment fires. Do not send copies of these reports to the Regional Office except as part of a trespass report submitted to the Regional Office for action. Complete and enter reports for individual fires to the Fort Collins Computer through the Data General System currently as they are suppressed and declared out, with all reports entered no later than the tenth day of the following month. This means fires declared out on the 30th would have 10 calendar days to be entered, while fires out on the 1st would have 40 days to be entered. Form 5100-29 is due in the Regional Office 10 days after the fire is declared out. Refer to FSH 5109.14, Handbook on Individual Fire Report, form FS-5100-29, for additional information on statistical and nonstatistical fire reports. Monthly Fire Report (Report FS-5100-C). Form R1-FS-5180-1, Supervisor's Monthly Fire Report, must reach the Regional Forester no later than the second of each month. The first report will be due May 2 and the final report on November 2. Each Forest will devise its own method for obtaining necessary information for monthly reports from District Rangers. Cumulative and current month statistics will show numbers of fires and acres burned. Statistics will be reported for wildfires and prescribed fires occurring in approved fire management areas. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5100-91-1 EFFECTIVE 6/12/91 5180 Page 2 of 4 5183 - RECURRING FIRE REPORTS 5183.1 - Annual Regional Fire Report (Report FS-5100-D). The annual Forest fire report is due in RO Aviation and Fire Management no later than November 15. The narrative should include items 1 to 7 of the parent text applicable to the Forest supplemented with additional information such as charts, photographs, or diagrams illustrating significant conditions, trends, developments, results obtained, and problems. Also include any new or unusual use of fire teams, crews, smokejumpers, machinery, aircraft, or other items or developments of significance. The Forest report should also include information on numbers of trespass cases, settlements, and amount of civil and criminal dollars collected. 5. Form FS-5100-8, Personnel Employed on Fire Control Activities Item 1. Regular appointed personnel: Entries should include those persons with full-time or WAE appointments. a. Include only those positions approved for 20 pay periods or more. b. Exclude those shown in item 1a; however, be sure they are full-time or WAE, such as Forest and District Dispatchers, Fire Management Officers, Prevention Aids, and Packers. c. Entries here are not based on approved fire control positions. Include any full-time or WAE employees in other functions (Range, Timber, Engineering, Job Corps, etc.). d. All others used on line or off-line suppression work. Exclude those entered in items 1a, b, and c. e. Total of 1a+b+c+d. Item 2. Seasonal or short-term employees. a. Count only those positions listed under the average worst organization that do not qualify in items 1a through d (IR crews, firefighters, liaison officers, helitack crews, aerial observers). b. Include those short-term summer employees employed on other functions. c. Include only those FFF positions approved under the worst probable organization if filled. Do not include approved supplemental protection positions. d. Total of 2a+b+c. R1 SUPPLEMENT 5100-91-1 EFFECTIVE 6/12/91 5180 Page 3 of 4 Item 3. Include only casuals employed on fire suppression (Indian and Job Corps crews, pickups, also others recruited due to fire danger or crew shortage). The using Forest will report in this category. Item 4. Self-explanatory. Item 5. Self-explanatory. Overhead from other Forests or out-of-Region will not be entered, as they will be carried by their Forest. 6. Form FS-5100-9, Land Ownership Protection Report. Acreages in all categories will be broken down by State. All areas protected by the Forest Service are considered within Forest Service protection boundaries including lands of other agencies not in proximity to NF boundaries if such protection was assumed through an agreement. The reverse is also true, and NF land whose protection was transferred to another agency by agreement is not within FS protection boundaries. There is a direct tie from this report to the Land Areas of the National Forest System report provided by your lands section. The figures reported on Form 5100-9 must be such that when all acres you protect for other agencies or States are subtracted, and all acres other agencies protect on your forest are added, the net National Forest acres for your Forest agrees with the net acreage for your Forest shown on the Land Areas of the National Forest System report. It helps to use the figure reported by your lands section for the current fiscal year as the basis for Form 5100-9 and the starting figure for column 6. It is then adjusted as the instructions for column 6 indicate. It should be obtained each year, because it changes with land exchanges, purchases and donations. Column 1 - Fee Basis. Enter the classified forest acres that the reporting Forest totally protects (detection, prevention, presuppression and suppression) as provided in a formal agreement. Payment is usually on a rate per acre basis. This includes affidavit land and other State and Private land protected for the State for which a payment (other than suppression cost reimbursement) is received. It includes State and Private land within a fire protection district for which the Forest Service is the recognized protection agency. Column 2 - Offset Basis. Enter acres of classified forest State and Private land protected for the State under a trade arrangement in which the State protects acres for you in return, and a bill is not exchanged because the services balance. Such arrangement must be under formal agreement. Land you protect as a result of the block exchanges with the State should be shown here. Column 3 - Reimbursement Suppression Costs Only. Enter acres of classified forest State and Private land for which you have assigned suppression responsibility, and for which you are reimbursed actual suppression costs only. Reporting forest does not provided total protection. Eastern Montana - show classified forest State and Private forest land not covered by a formal agreement or not protected under an affidavit. Also show classified forest State and R1 SUPPLEMENT 5100-91-1 EFFECTIVE 6/12/91 5180 Page 4 of 4 Private land that is under county protection, but which is within your Forest protection boundary and for which you have suppression responsibilities under an agreement with the county. Show railroad right-of-way land. Column 4 - Without Reimbursement. Include only classified forest State and Private forest land that you have a legal responsibility to protect and for which no reimbursement for protection or suppression is received. Column 5 - Other Federal Land. Show Federal land you protect for other Federal agencies under a formal agreement. BLM land protected as a result of the FS/BLM protection exchange should be shown including that assigned to the State. The acres of BLM land reassigned should be identified by a footnote on the bottom of the form. Column 6 - National Forest Land. Include all National Forest Land you protect. This includes land on the reporting forest and land the reporting forest protects for another forest. If a portion of the reporting forest is protected by another forest, the reporting forest must reduce the acres it shows by this amount. Note by footnote on the bottom of form FS-5100-9 the acres of any National Forest Land protected by another forest, and identify the forest. Column 7 - Total. Show the total of columns 1-6. This is the total land protected by the reporting forest, and it includes State and Private land, the land of the reporting forest, land the reporting forest protects for other forests and land protected for other federal agencies. Column 8 - State and Private land Protected by the State and the Forest Service. Show land jointly protected by the State and the Forest Service under formal mutual assistance agreements. Report State and Private land in Mutual Assistance Zones with the State. Column 9 - National Forest Land Protected by Others. Report National Forest Land protected by the State or by another agency. Do not show land protected by another forest. National Forest land protected by the BLM or the State as a result of the protection exchange with the BLM or the block offset program with the State should be reported.