From: Proceedings of the Eleventh International FLAIRS Conference. Copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved. The Giant: An Agent-based Approach to Knowledge Construction & Sharing Thomas R. Reichherzer,Alberto J. Cafias, KennethM. Ford, Patrick J. Hayes Institute for Human &MachineCognition TheUniversityof WestFlorida 11000University Parkway Pensacola, FL32514 Abstract Thepurposeof this paperis to report ona researchprojectof a software agent, called the Giant, to support knowledge construction and sharing amonglearners. The Giant is embeddedin an educational software tool used by students whencollaborating across classrooms, throughoutschools and countries, on a subject of study. Basedon propositions being shared amongthe students, it automatically draws tentative conclusionsand displays themto the user. At the user’s requestthe Giantpresentsexplanationsof its reasoning. It is anticipatedthat throughthe interactionwiththis software agent students will review and refine their own knowledge. Introduction Over the past three years, The University of West Florida and IBMLatin America have established a communications networkof K-12 schools, whichincludes not only the telecommunicationstechnology, but most importantly a pedagogical methodology,educational software tools, and curriculum material. This network enables students throughout schools in Latin Americato collaborate in the construction and sharing of modelsof their beliefs [Cafias et al. 1996]. The partnership, called Project Quorum,has provided specific tools that enable students to perform this collaboration. One of them, the Concept MapEditor (CMap), based on the idea of using concept mapsas a visual representation of concepts and their relationships as knownby an individual [Novak & Gowin 1984]. Concept maps follow the idea of assimilation theory [Ausubel et al. 1978] where meaningful learning, as opposed to rote learning, results from linking new information with relevant preexisting conceptsor propositions in the learner’s cognitive structure. CMap’sgraphical interface offers simple point-and-click commandsto construct concept maps. The system automatically derives propositions encoded in the concept Copyright©1998,American Associationfor Artificial Intelligence( All rights reserved. 136 Reichherzer maps. Optionally, the user can extract propositions manually. All propositions are local to the student’s workspace and cannot be seen by others. However,the system enables the user to publish propositions in what is called a "knowledge soup’--a collection of propositions madeby all students. The process of publishing propositions makesclaims of an individual visible to others, providinga basis for collaboration in the classroom. Students can see claims from their classmates that are related to their ownpropositions. (The system has somebuilt-in heuristics to decide about relatedness amongpropositions.) Furthermore, they can attach messages to propositions made by others, thereby intensifying collaboration in the classroom.At no time does the system reveal any information about ownership of propositions. Webelieve that this aspect of anonymitywill encouragepeople whoare less confident to share their ideas (see [Cafias et al. 1995] for a description of the knowledge sharing tools). The environmentis suitable for a software agent that interacts individually with the student, generating tentative conclusions about topics of study using the students" propositions and a simple set of rules. Theseclaims often represent different threads of thought than those followedby the student. Werefer to this agent as the Giant because it ’knows’a great deal, but its conclusions maybe unrealistic and its questions therefore silly but amusing. The Giant displays its ownclaims to the user and lets him/her decide on their correctness. Allowing the student to makethese decisions puts the learner into the position of a teacher to the Giant, forcing him/her to review both personal propositions, propositions from others, and the Giant’s claims. The system is not guaranteed to draw rational conclusions from the concept map(similar to what a humanbeing would do) or verifying the student’s propositions. Suchan intention is not pursuedin our study. Preprocessing TheGiant obtains propositions from both the student and the ’knowledgesoup.’ Propositions are simple sentences typically constructedfromtwo conceptsand a link between them. Ananalysis of the constituents of the sentences is essential for the reasoningprocessof the Giant. For that purpose weprovidedthe system with a grammar(see Figure 1 below)that closely describesthe structure of the sentences derived from the students’ concept maps. Our grammaris defined for the Spanishlanguage(most countries in Latin Americaspeak Spanish)with respect to the structure of sentencesfoundin conceptmaps. S ¯ NP NP VP VB VB VB VB DO IDO ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ NPVP [ArticleI Quantifier I Cardinal] Noun [Adjective] [ArticleI Quantifier I Cardinal] [Adjective] Noun [Quantifier I Cardinall VBDO [IDOl [Negation] Verb[Adverb] [Negation] [Adverb] Verb lModal I Auxiliaryl Verb[Adverb] Negation [Adverb] [Auxiliary I Modal] Verb NP Preposition NP Figurel:Grammar usedby the Giant when parsing propositions. Thegrammar also addressesthe fact that propositions in a concept mapmaynot always follow the grammarof a natural language.In Figure2 both propositions"plants someare green"and "plants for exampletrees" do not build correct English sentences. However,concept mapsdo not impose any restrictions on howto encodepropositions. Therefore, examples,similar to the onein Figure2, cannotbe avoided in a classroom setting. Preposition, and Noundenote the correspondingclasses of words. The symbolNegationrepresents the Spanishword for negatinga proposition. Usingthe grammar,weconstructed a parser that finds the structureof a propositionandidentifies the constituents. Theparser takes a propositionas a triplet T=(X,Y, Z) with Xas the left concept,Yas the link andZ as the right concept or the right conceptfollowedby anotherlink-concept sequence.Thelatter case occurs whenthe propositionextends over morethan two concepts and a link (see Figure 3). Eachpart of the triplet is parsedindividuallyusingtransition networks[Allen1987]. I are , ~ during y ~- -~ ----’--g---produce z Figure 3: Triplet structure of propositions Theparser uses a lexicon to performstemmingand tagging of the wordsin the proposition. Theresult of the parsing processis a table that containseverythingessential for the Giant’s reasoning. The table reveals information about keywords suchas quantifiers, adjectives, adverbs,andverbs foundin the link betweentwo concepts. Figure 4 showsan exampleof a table producedby the parsing process from the sentence"all steamboat captains havemoustaches." nouns in theleft concept /\ some are for example Figure2: Propositions in n conceptmap. The proposed grammardoes not match every possible proposition whichcan be written as a concept map. Our objective is to acquirenecessaryinformationfroma proposition for the reasoningprocessof the Giantandnot to correctly parse sentencesof a natural language.In our grammar, the non-terminalsymbolsArticle, Quantifier, Cardinal, Noun, Adjective, Adverb, Verb, Auxiliary, Modal, quantifier, cardinal appliedto theleft concept ac[jective in theleft concept modal/auxiliary verb linkingverb linking verb~infinitive form) adverb rightconcept proposition negated number of theleft concept voiceof theproposition partof speech of thefightconcept steamboat captains all ----have have --mustaches no plural active noun Figure 4: Result of,*parsing process. IntelligentAgents 137 TheGiant’s behavior and appearance As a motivational device for children, we have given the Giant a ’personality’ of a friendly and eager learner who tries to capture the student’s attention by displaying its own ’understanding’ of the world. This understanding is based on ideas from the student and the shared knowledgein the classroom. The limited knowledgeand the simple reasoning methodsutilized by the Giant often lead to less intelligent, sometimes conceptually wrong conclusions. Hence, the Giant appears as a silly, funny, and overall helpless being which sometimes’knows’ some surprising things about the world. Students mayprovide clarification to the Giant by telling it with which conclusions he or she agrees or disagrees. Conclusions which are not reasonable at all maybe refuted by sending the message’silly’ to the Giant. In somecases the Giant requests new concepts from the user in order to completepropositions (Figure 5 depicts such a request). UPlg~,u,ua ¯ Figure5: Questions fromthe Giant.Theentryfield stating"Cactu~es" wascompleted bythe student. Students maycontrol the Giant’s behavior by selecting from the two different settings in the system--the Giant’s actnvity and curiosity. Amongthese settings, students may choosetheir Giant to be active or lazy, curious or cautious. An active Giant is eager to produce as manypropositions as possible whereas an inactive Giant provides a small numberof propositions that reflect its less active status. The Giant appears curious about the student’s work whenit applies the entire set of rules to the propositions, yet does not insist on complete fulfillment of the premises of the rules. This behavior setting allows the Giant to derive conclusions that are not necessarily implied in the student’s propositions. As a result the Giant might explore new facts about the subject of study. However,in this state there is a good chance that the Giant derives silly statements. The cautious state tries to avoid this by executing rules only if they completelyfulfill the premises. The Giant’s curiosity and excitement of learning from the student, and its appreciation whenit receives confirma138 Reichherzer tion on its ownpropositions is underlined by facial expressions in the form of comical cartoon faces. The Giant has a general idea of howcertain wordsaffect concepts or their relationships. These words, called keywords, are used in the Giant’s reasoning process. Since the Giant does not have any commonsense knowledge or semantic understanding, it cannot draw the line between interesting or boring propositions. Instead, the Giant randomlyselects propositions from the student or the ’knowledge soup.’ This maycause it to sometimesappear ignorant or moodyand to neglect propositions that might be appealing to question. The Giant never intrudes upon the student. It works in the background producing its ownpropositions and waits for the student to call it. Whenaskedby the student, it presents an explanation of its reasoning. This is whenwe enter the interaction betweenstudent and Giant. The student has the choice either to supply information to the Giant or to send the Giant into the background. The Giant welcomes the student’s advice and uses it to ’clarify’ its knowledge about the subject of study. Suchbehavior is in contrast to the role of an authority that judges and corrects the student’s work. TheGiant’s reasoning For reasoning, the Giant uses a set of rules and the parsed propositions to produceconclusions. The effect of the rules is to generate propositions that are at a tangent to the student’s thread of thoughts and therefore mayhelp the student to enrich the concept mapby adding new concepts or linksto it. Wecan split the rules into three categories. The first category applies transitivity to propositions comingeither from the student or the ’knowledgesoup.’ The next category explores keywordsthat characterize the left concept or the action in the proposition. Suchkeywordsare cluantifiers, cardinals or adjectives associated with the left concept, adverbs associated with the verb in the link, or verbs that express causal dependencies amongthe concepts in the concept map. The last category of rules explore the structure of the student’s concept mapswhich mayreveal information about commonalities amongconcepts. Weuse the following notation to refer to the information in the table that the parser creates froma proposition p: leftCon(p) rightCon(p) linkVerblnf(p) linkVerb(p) voice(p) modAuxVerb(p) quanCardAdj(p) the left concept the right concept the linking verb (infinitive form) the linking verb the voice of the proposition the modal/ auxiliary verbs a quantifier, cardinal, or adjective adverb(p) negated(p) speechRCon(p) associatedwith the left concept adverb indicates if p contains the negating word’no’ part of speechof the right concept Givena propositionp, the followingthree rules matchif a keyword is foundor if the Giantis in a curiousstatus. [quanCardAdj(p)e Kewordlist then or status = curious] newProposition = there are leflCon(p) that linkVerbfp) [no(t)] ri&htCon(p) Transitivity SupposePl and P2 are two propositions either from the student or the ’knowledge soup.’ Thetwotransitivity rules [adverb~p) ¯ Kewo~list or status = curious] then newProposiflon = leflCon(p) linkVerb(p) not always rightCon(p arcff ffghtCon(Pl) ffi leflC°n(P2) linkVerblnffpI) ffi linkVerblnf(P2) voice(pI) ffi v°ice(P2) and and then newPropesition = leflCon(p i ) linkVerb(p2) rightCon(p 2) if rightCon(p I ) = leRC°n(P2) linkVerblnf(p I )" linkVerblnf(P2) and voice(p I) = v°ice(P2) and and [(linkVerbInf(Pl), linkVerblnf(P2)) ¢ gewordthen list or status = curious] newPropositlon = leftCon(pl) linkVerb(P2) rightCon(P2) In both rules, the right conceptof Pl has to matchthe left conceptof P2 andthe voices haveto be identical. Thedifference in the voice matters becausein a passive voice propositionthe active component is the right conceptwhile in an active voice propositionthe active component is the left concept. Hence,wecan only apply transitivity to propositionswith identical voice. Thefirst rule matchesall propositionsPl andP2 with the same root form of the linking verb. The second rule matchespropositionswith different root formsof the linking verbonly if the linkingverbsin their root formare in a keyword list or if the Giantis in a curiousstatus. For example, given the two propositions "fish are animals" and "animalsbreatheair" the Giantconcludesthat "fish breathe air." Keywords TheGiant has access to a list of words, or wordpairs known to the systemas keywordsthat signal the plausibility of a conclusion.Thelist is fixed; i.e. neither the Giant nor the user can delete or addinformationin the list. Later systemswill explorethe potentiality of adaptingthe list as the Giant’s reasoningproceeds. Theconstruction of the newsentence is influenced by certain wordsthat mayoccur in p. (For simplicity, weomit details of sentenceconstructionsince they are not relevant in the currentstudy.) if [iinkVerblnf(p) Kewordlist orstatus = c uffthen OUS] newProposition = the ability to linkVerblnflp) rightCon(p) requires something Acautious Giant uses the rules only if a conclusionis plausibledueto the existenceof a keywordin the proposition. For example,from"someplants haveleaves" the Giant mayconclude that "there are plants that have no leaves," or "the ability to haveleaves requires something," or "plants havenot alwaysleaves." Thelatter inferenceis an exampleof the Giant’s limited capabilities of sentence understandingandconstruction. Classification Theclassification rule uses the structure of a concept mapto performreasoning.It asserts the presenceof a classifier for a set of different conceptswhenthese concepts themselvesare linked with identical linking verb to a commonconcept.Theidentical linking verbsprovidea hint that an enumerationof facts mayhaveoccurred. Figure6 shows an exampleof a conceptmapto whichthe rule applies. have / some have x Figure 6: Search for classifier concepts This concept mapenumeratessomeparts of plants. A possibleclassifier for the concepts"roots" and"leaves"is "eatable." Thus, the concept mapmaybe extendedwith "roots andleaves are eatable." Theclassification rule concludes that "there is a common identifier for roots and leaves." Conditionsin the rule for anygiven propositions Pl and P2 are a common left concept, identical linking verbs, andidentical voicesof the twopropositions. IntelligentAgents 139 Results Summary The tables below show the performance of the system on two small school projects with concept mapsbuilt in classroom settings by sixth-grade students. In particular, we were interested in what kind of propositions and questions the Giant produces and howstudents interact with the Giant. The ’knowledgesoup’ contained propositions derived from all the concept maps. The domains for the two selected projects are "the nature of plants" and "automobiles." Table I and 2 present a subset of the student’s and the Giant’s propositions and consequentquestions or explanations by the Giant. Wehave developed a software agent for Project Quorum, called the Giant with workingversions in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. The Giant’s task is to draw conclusions from the student’s propositions and knowledge that is shared in the classroom, display them to the student, and ask for verification. Our tests have shownthat the Giant produces claims that mostly are interesting and smart but sometimesare boring and silly. Most important, however, is that the Giant’s claims can suggest newways of thinking which arise from other propositions. As a consequence, students are faced to analyze their ownor other peoples’ propositions, leading them to refine and broaden their own knowledge.Weanticipate that this process will result in richer and broader concept maps. Wehave introduced a relatively small set of inference rules with surprising results. The effort remains to enlarge significantly the set of rules that perform the automatic reasoning and to incorporate learning into the system that wouldenable the agent to test new facts against those discovered in previous sessions. Student’s propositions plants need sunlight plants need minerals someplants have leaves plants need water Giant’s questions Do you know which plants do not have leaves? Do you know when plants don’t have leaves? Giant’s propositions there are plants that don’t have leaves plants makephotosyntheses plants release water plants don’t always have leaves Giant’s explanations "plants have leaves and leaves make photosyntheses; thus, plants makephotosysnthesis’" References Allen, J. (1987). Natural LanguageProcessing. NewYork: The Benjamin/CummingsPublishing Company. Table 1: Test results of project "the nature of plants." Student’s propositions automobilesare vehicles automobiles need oil automobiles need gasoline automobiles have windows automobiles have wheels aut0_mob!!e,sproduce fumes Giant’s questions Do you know when automobiles do not produce fumes? Do you know automobiles that have not always wheels7 Giant’s propositions there are automobiles that have no wheels there are automobiles that do not produce fumes automobiles produce noise Giant’s explanations "automobiles have engines and engines produce noise, thus, automobiles produce noise" Table 2: Test results of project "automobiles." In both tests, the student was collaborating with the Giant actively, trying to answerall the Giant’s questions. Onaverage, the student refuted two out of ten questions with "silly" and supplied for three out of six questions newconcepts. 140 Reiehherzer Ausubel, D. P., Novak, J. D. Hanesian, H. (1978). Educational Psychology: A Cognitive View (24 ed.). NewYork: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Reprinted, 1986. NewYork: Warbel & Peck. Cafias, A. J., Ford, K., Hayes,P. J., Brennan,J., Reichherzer, T. (1995). KnowledgeConstruction and Sharing Quorum, Proceedings of AI-ED 95, Washington DC, pp. 218-225. Cafias, A. J., Ford, K., Hayes,P. J., Brennan, J., Reichherzer, T., Suri, N. (1996). An Environmentfor the Construction and Sharing of Knowledge,Proceedings of the Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium(FLAIRS96). Key West, pp. 238-242. Novak, J. D. & Gowin, D. B. (1984). Learning Howto Learn. NewYork: CambridgeUniversity Press.