From: AAAI Technical Report WS-98-02. Compilation copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved. A Framework for Mobile Robot Concurrent Path Planning &: Execution in Incomplete &= Uncertain Environments John S. Zelek Engineering Systems & Computing, School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, N1G 2Wl, Canada e-marl: www: Abstract Sensor-based discovery path planning is problematic because the path needs to be continually recomputedas new information is discovered. A process-based clientserver approach is presented that permits concurrent sensor-based mapand localization-correction updates as well as concurrent path computationand execution. Laplace’sequation is constantly solved (i.e., a harmonic function) by using an iteration kernel convolved with an occupancy-grid representation of the current free space. The path produced (i.e., by steepest gradient descent on the harmonic function) is optimal in the sense of minimizingthe distance to the goal as well as a hitting probability. This helps alleviate the influence of uncertainty on path planning. Aninitial heuristic estimate provides the path planner with instantaneous response(i.e., reactive), but with somedeliberationit able to produce optimal paths. In addition, the computation time for generating the path is insignificant provided that the harmonic function has converged. On a regular grid, the computationof the harmonicfunction is linear in the total numberof grid elements. A quad-tree representation is used to minimizethe computation time by reducing the numberof grid elements and minimallyrepresenting large spaces void of obstacles and goals. Introduction Sensor-based discover path planning is the guidance of an agent - a robot - without a complete a priori map, by discovering and negotiating with the environment so as to reach a goal location while avoiding all encountered obstacles. A robot must not only be able to create and execute plans, but must be willing to interrupt or abandon a plan when circumstances demand it. In traditional AI planning, a smart planning phase constructs a plan which is carried out in a mechanical fashion by a dumb executive phase. The use of plans regularly involves rearrangement, interpolation, disambiguation, and substitution of map information. Real situations are characteristically complex, uncertain, and immediate. These situations require that the planning and the execution phases function in parMlel, as opposed to the serial ordering found in traditional AI planning. Path planning can be categorized as either being static or dynamic, depending on the mode of available information (Hwang& Ahuja 1992). st atic path pl anning strategy is used when all the information about the obstacles is knowna priori. Most path planning methods are static. Dynamicpath planning is also referred to as being discovery and on-line planning (Halperin, Kavraki, & Latombe 1997). In this problem space, the workspace is initially unknownor partially known. As the robot moves, it acquires new partial information via its sensors. The motion plan is generated using partial information that is available and is updated as new information is acquired. Typically this requires an initial planning sequence and subsequent re-planning as new information is acquired. A path planning framework has been proposed and implemented as part of the SPOTTmobile robot control architecture (Zelek 1996). Within SPOTT’sframework there are two concurrently executing planning modules. Planning is defined along a natural division: (1) local, high resolution, and quick response, versus (2) global, low resolution, and slower response. The local planning module executes a path based on what is currently known about the environment as encoded in an occupancygrid (Elfes 1987). A potential field technique using harmonic functions is used, which are guaranteed to have no spurious local minima (Connolly & Grupen 1993). A harmonic function is the solution to Laplace’s equation. Any path - determined by performing gradient descent - has the desirable property that if there is a path to the goal, the path will arrive there (Doyle Snell 1984). In addition, the steepest descent gradient path is also optimal in the sense that it is the minimumprobability of hitting obstacles while minimizing the traversed distance to a goal location (Doyle & Snell 1984). This optimality condition permits modeling uncertainty with an error tolerance (i.e., obstacle’s position and size, robot’s position) provided that the robot is frequently localized and obstacle positions and size are validated via sensor information. The computation of the harmonic function is expensive, being linear in the numberof grid points. The presented technique is a complete algorithm (i.e., also referred to as exact algorithm): guaranteed to find a path between two configurations if it exists. A complete algo- rithm usually requires exponential time in the number of degrees-of-freedom (Halperin, Kavraki, & Latombe 1997). The approach is confined to a 2D workspace, with the emphasis being on obtaining real-time 1 performance in this dimensional space with future prospects of adaptation to higher dimensionalities. A client-server process model is used to concurrently compute the potential field (i.e., compute the potential paths to the goal) and execute the path. The global planning module uses a search algorithm (i.e., Dijkstra’s algorithm) on a graph structure representation of the map. The role of the global planning module is to provide global information to the local path planner. This is necessary because the spatial extent of the local path planner is limited due to its computational requirements increasing proportionally with the number of grid elements. A typical operational scenario within SPOTT(Zelek 1996) can be presented in the following manner. The goal specification is given as input by the user. If an a priori CADmap exists, it is loaded into the map database. The role of the control programs (i.e., behavioral controller) is to provide the local path planner (i.e., potential field) with the necessary sensor-based information for computation, such as obstacle configurations, current robot position, subgoals if necessary, in addition to performing reactive control. The behavioral controller continually computes mapping and localization information by processing sensor data. As the path is being computed, another module is responsible for concurrently performing steepest gradient descent on the potential function in order to determine the local trajectory for the robot. Background A type of heuristic algorithm for performing dynamic path planning is the potential field technique (Khatib 1986). This technique offers speedup in performance but cannot offer any performance guarantee. In addition, these algorithms typically get stuck in local minima. Techniques have been devised for escaping these local minima such as the randomized path planner (Barraquand & Latombe 1991) which escapes a local minimumby executing random walks at a cost of computational efficiency. A complete algorithm for performing dynamic path planning is the D* algorithm (Stentz 1995). D* (i.e., dynamic A*) performs the A* algorithm initially on the entire workspace. As new information is discovered, the algorithm incrementally repairs the necessary components of the path. This algorithm computes the shortest distance path to the goal with the information given at any particular time. One problem with the D* algorithm is that no allowances are made for uncertainty in the sensed obstacles and position of the robot. 1Real-time is defined as responding to environmental stimuli faster than events change in the environment. An approach that approximates being a complete algorithm is probabilistic planning (Barraquand et al. to appear). Probabilistic planning is generally used for multi-link manipulators and when the configuration space has more than five degrees of freedom. In this approach, the first step is to efficiently sample the configuration space at random and retain the free configurations as milestones. The next step checks if each milestone can be circumvented by a collision free path, producing a probabilistic roadmap. A harmonic function can be computed using the milestones as grid elements. It is argued in this paper that a quad-tree representation can permit the use of a complete approach without resorting to probabilistic techniques even if it is just for 2Dplanning. Local Path Planning SPOTT’slocal path planner is based on a potential field method using harmonic functions, which are guaranteed to have no spurious local minima (Connolly & Grupen 1993). A harmonic function on a domain f~ C R’* is function which satisfies Laplace’s equation: V2¢= Z~_I (~2¢ -- 0 (1) The value of ¢ is given on a closed domainf~ in the configuration space C. A harmonic function satisfies the MaximumPrinciple 2 and Uniqueness Principle a (Doyle & Snell 1984). The MaximumPrinciple guarantees that there are no local minima in the harmonic function. Iterative applications of a finite difference operator are used to compute the harmonic function because it is sufficient to only consider the exact solution at a finite numberof mesh points 4. In addition, gradients for path computation are solicited during the iterative computation without concern for obstacle collision 5. Linear interpolation is used to approximate gradients whenthe position of the robot is in between mesh points. The obstacles and grid boundary form boundary conditions (i.e., Dirichlet boundaryconditions are used) and in the free space the harmonic function is computed using an iteration kernel, which is formed by taking advantage of the harmonic function’s inherent averaging property, where a point is the average of its neighboring points. A five-point iteration kernel (Hornbeck 1975) for solving Laplace’s equation is given as follows: 1 U i÷l,j Ui,j = -~( "Jr Vi-l,j J¢- Ui,jq-1 + Ui,j-1) (2) 2A harmonic function f(x,y) defined on f~ takes on its maximumvalue Mand its minimumvalue m on the boundary. aIf f(x, y) and g(x, y) are harmonicfunctions on f~ such that f(x, y) = g(x, forall boundary points, then f(x, y) = g(x, y) for all x, y. 4As opposedto finite element methodswhich computean approximationof an exact solution by continuous piecewise polynomial functions. 5Obstacles are not in the free space and are not valid positions for the robot. A more accurate nine-point iteration kernel can also be used (van de Vooren & Vliegenthart 1967): 1 tr~,~ = ~(U~+l,j + g~_l,~+ U~,j+l+U~,~-~) +N(U~+Id+I+ Ui-l,~+l + Ui-l,~-i + Ui+~,~-l) (3) The computation of the harmonic function can be formulated with two different types of boundary conditions. The Dirichlet boundary condition 8 is where u is given at each point of the boundary. The Neumann eu the normal compoboundary condition is where ?-~, nent of the gradient of u, is given at each point of the boundary. In order to have flow, there has to be a source and a sink. Thus, the boundary of the mesh is modeled as a source, and the boundary of the goal model is modeled as a sink. The boundaries of the obstacles are modeled according to the type of boundary condition chosen: Dirichlet or Neumann. The path determined by performing steepest gradient descent on a harmonic function using Dirichlet boundary conditions - is also optimal in the sense that it is the minimumprobability of hitting obstacles while minimizing the traversed distance to a goal location (Doyle Snell 1984). Neumannboundary conditions cause such a path to graze obstacle boundaries. This optimality condition permits modeling uncertainty with an error tolerance (i.e., obstacle’s position and size, robot’s position) provided that the robot is frequently localized using sensor data. The robot is modeled as a point but all obstacles are compensated for the size of the robot in addition to an uncertainty tolerance 7. The computation of the harmonic function is performed over an occupancy grid representation of the local map. The computation of the harmonic function is executed as a separate process from the path executioner. In order to reduce the numberof iterations to be linear in the the number of grid points, "Methods-of-Relaxation" (Ames 1992) techniques such as Gauss-Seidel iteration with Successive Over-Relaxation, combined with the "Alternating Direction" (ADI) method were used. A local windowis used for computingthe potential field to further limit the computation time, and because of the rapid decay of the harmonic function, especially in in narrow corridors s. A global path planner (discussed later) provides information about goals outside the local bounds. The process computing the iteration kernels and servicing requests from the executioner and sensor updates uses the following algorithm: 2. If the goal is outside the boundsof the potential field, project the goal onto the border. 3. Loop2: (a) Computean averaging iteration kernel over the entire grid space. (b) Poll to see if a newrobotpositionestimateis available. If so, correct the accumulatederror. (c) Poll to see if any newlysensed data is available. If so, update the map. (d) Updatethe robot’s position basedon the odometersensor. (e) Poll to see if the execution process modulerequests a newsteering direction for the robot. If so, computeit by calculating the steepest descent gradient vector at the current estimate of the robot’s position. (f) If the robot is near the edge of the border of the potential field window,movethe windowso that the robot is at the center andgo to Loop1, else go to Loop2. This computation has the desirable property that map features can be added or subtracted dynamically (i.e., as they are sensed) alongside with the correction of the robot’s position. In addition, these events are independent of the computation and the execution of the path. Pot~mt~l FieldContour Display 2 4 6 10 XaXI= 12 14 16 18 Figure 1: Equal-potential contours, of a computation converging towards the harmonic functionsolution. A pathexecuted at this instance shows some irregularitiesfrom a smooth curve.Afterconvergence, the pathis smooth, albeit at theresolution of thediscretization. 1. Loop1: Loadinitial mapif available. 8This inherently makes all applicable boundary points into sources (i.e., in terms of sources and sinks for modeling liquid flow). 7This mayappear to be heuristic, but it is based on not permitting the robot’s position error to grow beyonda certain fixed limit (i.e., by re-localizing). SOna thirty-two bit computer, the harmonic function can only be accurately represented whenthe length-to-width ratio for a narrowcorridor is less than 7.1 to 1 (Zelek 1996). Another approach to speed up performance is to provide an initial guess to the solution, namelythe heuristic potential field (Khatib 1986). This makes the local path planner an iterative-refinement anytime approach (Zilberstein 1996) where after a short period after map change, response is reactive but not optimal or guaranteed; and after convergence is achieved, response is optimal (see Figure 1). Achieving fast convergence will not necessarily be possible or realistic if the path planning is done in more dimensions than two. A possible approach to take in this scenario is to extend the approach to include probabilistic planning (Barraquand et al. to appear). There is no need to compute the harmonic function at a fine grid sampling over the local windowespecially in large open spaces that are void of any obstacle or goal models. The most efficient irregular grid sampling to implement on a computer is the quad-tree representation. Pyramids and quad-trees are a popular data structure in both graphics and image processing (Pavlidis 1982) and are best used when the dimensions of the matrix can be recursively evenly subdivided until one grid point represents the entire image. Approximately 33%more nodes are required to represent the image but usually the algorithm will be a lot faster, especially if there are large open spaces. Quad-trees have also been previously used for path planning (Chen, Szczerba, Uhran 1997). Most approaches have usually applied the A* search strategy to find the shortest distance between two points but application of A* in a quad-tree representation does not necessarily produce the shortest distance path. This problem was overcome by making a slight modification to the quad-tree representation by using a framed-quad-tree representation (Chen, Szczerba, & Uhran 1997). Computing the harmonic function with a quad-tree representation bears some resemblance to the multi-grid methods (Ames 1992) for computing solutions to differential equations with the slight difference that in this approach there is no need to compute all of the grid locations at their highest resolution. To take into account the irregular grid spacing in the quad configuration, the iteration kernel is redeveloped from basic principles (i.e., Taylor series expansionresulting in forward and difference equations) and can be rewritten as follows (given that hr is the distance from Ui,j to Ui+ld, h~ is the distance from Uij to Ui-ld, kd is the distance from Ui,j to Ui,j-1, and k~ is the distance from Ui,j to Ui5+1) (see Figure 2a): Uid = kdkt(htUi+l,~+h,~Ui_ld)+h,.htlktUi,i+l+kdUi,i_l) (4) kdk~(h,.+hz)+h,~ht(kt+kd) An alternative method of deriving the iteration kernel for non-uniform grid sampling is to analyze the grid network as a resistor network (Doyle & Snell 1984) and to also draw this interpretation into the language of a random walker on a collection of grid points. The distances between grid points are resistor values and the voltage to the circuit is applied across the obstacle and goal locations. The interpretation of the voltage in terms of a random walker is (Doyle & Snell 1984): Whena unit voltage is applied betweena (i.e, obstacles) and b (i.e., goal(s)), makingva = 1 Vb =0, the volta ge v~ at any point x represents the probability that a walker starting from x will return to a before reaching b. Steepest gradient descent on the collection of voltage points corresponds to minimizing the hitting probabil- ity. An interpretation of the current in terms of a randomwalk can be given as follows (Doyle & Snell 1984): Whena unit current flows into a andout of b, the current i~ flowing throughthe branchconnecting x to y is equal to the expected numberof times that a walker, starting at a and walking until he(she) reaches b, will movealong the branch from x to y. Figure 2a illustrates the resistor circuit equivalent used to derive Equation 4. The equation was derived by applying Kirchoff’s Current Law9. Figure 2b illustrates that this method can be applied to any irregular grid configuration; for example, the sampled configuration space used in probabilistic planning (Barraquand et al. to appear). For any irregular grid sampling, the iteration kernel can be rewritten as shown in Equation 5, where Un are neighboring points to Ui,j, Rn distance away. Z:n=d n------d (5) ~ ~n=d R,,~ R,, ~ A..,n=--d U1 Un+l Ui,j Figure 2: Resistor Circuit Equivalent. (a) The resistor circuit equivalent usedto deriveEquation 4. (b) This method canbeappliedto anyirregulargrid sampling by applying Kirchoff’sCurrent Lawandequating resistorvalueswith the corresponding distancevalues(seeEquation 5). Again, linear interpolation is used to approximate gradients when the position of the robot is in between grid points. This introduces some error in the minimal hitting path but the benefit in significantly less computations provides adequate justification for this trade-off. In addition, the introduced error has minimal effect in increasing the chance of collision because the error is in the large grid locations which are void of obstacles and goals (see Figure 3). The quad-tree representation for a particular configuration (see Figure 3) resulted in thirty-six-fold savings in computational time in achieving convergence. 9Kirchoff’s Current Lawsays that the total currentflowing into any point other than the points wherethe voltage is appliedacross(i.e., a or b) is 0. Current(i.e., I) is calculated as ~ where ~ and 1~ are the voltages on either Rij side of the resistor Rij. Potential FieldContour Display 2 4 6 8 10 X axis 12 14 16 18 Figure 5: Floor Plan as Graph. The graph shows a partial section of the CAD mapin Figure4. Figure3: Path for Quad Representation. The quad interpolated path(dotted) differs slightly fromthepathproduced on a regular-spaced grid. Global Path Planning Theglobalplanning moduleperforms search(i.e.,deliberation) usingDijkstra’s algorithm (Aho,Hopcroft, & Ullman1983)througha graphstructureof nodes and arcs(seeFigure4 and 5). Thisis onlypossible if a CAD map is available a priori.Automating the creationof the graphmap fromthe CAD map and the creation of a CAD mapfromsensordataareboth leftasfuture research endeavors. Initially itis assumed thatalldoorsareopenuntilthisassumption is refuted by sensordata.A graphabstraction of the CAD map is obtainedby assigning nodesto roomsand hallway portions andedgesto theaccess ways(i.e.,doors) betweennodes.The globalgraphplannerdetermines a pathbasedon startandstopnodesdefined by thecurrentlocation anddesired destination of therobot.If thecurrent goalis outside theextent ofthelocalpath planner, then the global path planner projects the goal onto the local map’s border as follows: :i:i:i i:i~iiiiiiiiiii Figure 4: CADmap of the first floor of the School of Engineering.Theaccompanying graphmapis in Figure 5. 45 Let pg = (Xg, yg) define the position of the goal in an anchored x-y spatial coordinate system (i.e., SPOTT’sexperiments used cm. as a unit of measure). Let pr = (xr, yr) define the current position of the robot. The local mapis a collection of grids (i.e., nodes) but the references into this grid are always continuous rather than discrete. For example, the gradient at a particular position is calculated by interpolating amongstthe neighboring grid elements. Let nr be the node in the global map where the robot is located (i.e., pr) and ng be the nodewherethe goal is located (i.e., pg). Let bpf = ((xl,yl), (x2,y2)) define the top-left and bottom-right points designating the spatial extent of the potential field. Bydefinition, initially p, is in the center of the region defined by bp/. The global path produced by the global path planner is given in the following form: < n,.,e~,nj, ...,nm-l,et-l,n,~,ez,ng >. The following isthe algorithm (see Figure 6) for projecting the global goal onto the border of the potential field: 1. If pg is within bp/, and n# is the same as n~ then do nothing. 2. If Pa is within n~ and pg is not within bp/, then the goal is projected onto the portion of the side of bp/ that is entirely contained within nr. 3. Let e~ be the first edgewithin the global path (i.e., moving fromn~ towards ng) that is not completelywithin bp/. Let p~ be the intersection of bp/with the line connecting the center of the edge ea with the center of the node(i.e., n~) last traversed before reaching that edge. The goal is projected onto the portion of the side of bp/that contains both the node nk and the point p~. In each of the three cases there are situations where the goal will not be reachable. In the third case, the goal will not be reachable if a doorwayis closed or a node is blocked by an obstacle. In this case, the global path planner replans the global path. In the first two cases, the goal may not be reachable within the spatial extent of the potential field due to newly discovered obstacles, but the goal may actually be physically reachable. The easiest wayto deal with this situation is to makethe size 1) harmonic function (i.e., for path planning). The results are encouraging for continued use of the described client-server process model for real-time motion control of a mobile robot. Actual deployment of this technique requires satisfying the assumption that adequate perceptual routines are available (i.e., based on sonar, range, and vision sensors) or developed. The presented technique also appears adaptable for use in path planning using the probabilistic planning methodology by using the sampled configuration space as grid elements. 3) 2) Future Issues Future work includes addressing the representation of movingobstacles and goals, sensor fusion, as well as an extension to a multi-dimensional configuration space. An occupancy grid representation simplifies the sensor fusion problem (Elfes 1987) at the expense of limiting accuracy to the grid’s resolution. With the foresight of potentially including map building capabilities into the SPOTTarchitecture (i.e., the architecture in which the presented path planning method has been tested), an equivalent vector representation of the occupancy grid is maintained and cross-referenced (at the expense of complicating sensor fusion). In addition, the associated vectors (i.e., typically range line segments) may not directly correspond to physical objects. Addressing the issue of sensor fusion within the given framework (if detailed mapbuilding functionality is required) may be difficult because fusing data together will typically take away computation time from the main processing loop in which the harmonic function is computed. A similar problem may hold for updating moving grid elements. Typically a collection of grid elements will move together as a rigid body. In order to limit the affect of updating movingobstacles has on the iterative computation, certain courses of action such as limiting the refresh rate of moving obstacles and how manyobstacles can move are possible avenues of exploration. This assumes that adequate perceptual capabilities are present so as to update and predict obstacle (mid potentially goals for tracking) trajectories. [] nr~nl, ngln2, gtobai path - nl,n3,n4,n5,n; Figure 6: Projecting Global Goal onto Local Limits. Thethree cases as presentedby the algorithmin the text are presented.Theshadedarea corresponds to the extent of the local path planner: 6pf. Thethick line corresponds to the projectionof the goalonto the local path planner’sborders. Thethin lines representwall features. In (1), the goal and robotare in the same nodeandbpf. In (2), the robot andgoal are in the samenodebut not the same6pf. (3) is the most generalcase. of the potential field such that the node is completely within the potential field’s spatial extent. Discussion Experiments were performed using a Nomadics 200 mobile robot. The map was updated with sonar (and laser) range lines at a regular frequency. The sonar range lines were produced by fusing sonar data points and removing outliers (Mackenzie & Dudek 1994). It was found that the sensing range of the sensors (i.e., approximately 5 m) permitted the robot to move at speeds up to 50 cm/sec. By this time the harmonic function had converged and the path was optimal. In addition, it was found that in highly structured environments (e.g., narrow hallways) it is computationally advantageous to use just behavioral rules for navigation (e.g., moveforwards and stay centered in the hallway) as opposed to requiring the full computational power of the local path planner. Typically if an obstacle is discovered in a narrow hallway, the hallway is blocked from passage and a new global path needs to be recomputed, thus negating the need for the local path planner (i.e., the obstacle cannot be circumvented anyways, the hallway is blocked). The technique provides a viable method for concurrently computing and executing the path for a mobile robot, as well as mappingand localizing the robot via sensor information at the same time. A significant reduction in required computational time was achieved by using the quad-tree representation for computing the References Aho, A. V.; Hopcroft, J. E.; and Ullman, J. D. 1983. Data Structures and Algorithms. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Ames, W. F. 1992. Numerical Methods for Partial Di~erential Equations. AcademicPress Inc. Barraquand, J., and Latombe, J.-C. 1991. Robot motion planning: A distributed representation approach. International Journal of Robotics Research10:628-649. 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