From: AAAI Technical Report WS-98-09. Compilation copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Mixed Depth Representations Susan in the B2 System 1Susan M. Haller3~ W. McRoy 1’2, and Syed S. Ali 1Department of Mathematical Sciences 2Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI 53201 3Computer Science and Engineering Department University of Wisconsin-Parkside Kenosha, WI 53141 Introduction This paper gives an overview of our tutoring system, B2. It describes the natural language and knowledge representation components of B2, and our approach to the representation of questions and requests. The domain that we have developed most thoroughly helps medical students learn a statistical model for medical diagnosis. Manyof the examples will be taken from this domain. According to B2’s plans for tutoring, the system does this by generating story problems that describe a scenario and then asking the student about conclusions that might be drawn. B2 also supports requests to explain its reasoning and questions about facts. The B2 Architecture The B2 system consists of seven components (see Figure 1). In the diagram, solid, directed arrows indicate the direction of information flow between components. The system gets the user’s input using a graphical user interface that supports both natural language interaction and mouse inputs. The Parser component of the Parser/Generator performs the first level of processing on the user input using its grammar and the domain information from the Knowledge Representation Component. The Parser interprets the user’s inputs to form propositional representations of surface-level utterances for the Discourse Analyzer. The Generator produces natural language outputs from the text messages (propositional descriptions of text) that it receives from the Discourse Planner. The system as a whole is controlled by a module called the Discourse Analyzer. The Discourse Analyzer determines an appropriate response to the user’s actions on the basis of a modelof the discourse and a model of the domain, stored in the knowledge representation component. The Analyzer invokes the Discourse Planner to select the content of the response and to structure it. The Analyzer relies on a component called the Mediator to interact with the Bayesian network processor. This Mediator processes domain level information, such as ranking the effectiveness of alternative diagnostic tests. The Mediator also handles the information interchange between the propositional information that is used by the Analyzer and the probabilistic data that is used by the Bayesian network processor. All phases of this process are recorded in the knowledgerepresentation component, resulting in a complete history of the discourse. Thus, the knowledgerepresentation component serves as a central "blackboard" for all other components. During the initialization of the system, there is a one-time transfer of information from a file that contains a specification of the Bayesian network both to the Bayesian network processor and to the Knowledge Representation Component. The Mediator converts the specification into a propositional representation that captures the connectivity of the original Bayesian network. The KnowledgeRepresentation Blackboard B2 represents both domain knowledge and discourse knowledge in a uniform framework as a propositional semantic network. A propositional semantic network is a framework for representing the concepts of a cognitive agent who is capable of using language (hence the term semantic). The information is represented as a graph composed of nodes and labeled directed arcs. In a propositional semantic network, the propositions are represented by the nodes, rather than the arcs; arcs represent only non-conceptual binary relations between nodes. The particular systems that are being used for B2 are SNePS and ANALOG (Ali 1994a; 1994b; Shapiro & Group 1992) which provide facilities for building and finding node as well as for reasoning TextMessaBes Parser/Generator Character Stream DomainKnowledge Access DiscourseKRAccess s .... Knowledge Representation Component GUI Gut Actions Discourse Analyzer DiscourseAction KRUpdates Discourse Planner Bayesian Net KRUpdates Bayesian Net Bayesian Net StatisticalInformation Bayesian Net Hugin Queriesto Bayesian Net Mediator Figure 1: The B2 architecture and truth-maintenance. These systems satisfy the following additional constraints: 1. Each node represents a unique concept. 2. Each concept represented in the network is represented by a unique node. 3. The knowledge represented about each concept is represented by the structure of the entire network connected to the node that represents that concept. These constraints allow efficient inference whenprocessing natural language. For example, such networks can represent complex descriptions (common in the medical domain), and can support the resolution of ellipsis and anaphora, as well as general reasoning tasks such as subsumption (Ali 1994a; 1994b; Maida & Shapiro 1982; Shapiro & Rapaport 1987; 1992). Wecharacterize a knowledgerepresentation as uniform when it allows the representation of different kinds of knowledge in the same knowledge base using the same inference processes. The knowledge representation componentof B2 is uniform because it provides a representation of the discourse knowledge,domain knowledge, and probabilistic knowledge (from the Bayesian net). This supports intertask communication and cooperation for interactive processing of tutorial dialogs. The rule in Figure 2 is a good example of how the uniform representation of information in the semantic network allows us to relate domain information (a medical case) to discourse planning information (a plan to describe it). This network represents text plan for describing a medical case to the user. Text plans are represented as rules in the knowledge representation. Rules are general statements about objects in the domain; they are represented by using case frames I that have FORhLLor EXISTSarcs to nodes that represent variables that are bound by these quantifier arcs. In Figure 2, node M13is a rule with three universally quantified variables (at the end of the FORALL arcs), an antecedent (at the end of the ANTarc), and a consequent (at the end of the CQarc). This meansthat if an instance of the antecedent is believed, then a suitably instantiated instance of the consequent is believed. M13states that if Vl (which is at the end of the CASE-NUHBER arc) is the case number of a case, and V2 and V3 (which are at the end of CASE-INFO arcs) are two pieces of case informa2tion, then a plan to describe the case will conjoin the two pieces of case information. Node P1 represents the concept that something is a memberof the 1Case frames are conventionally agreed upon sets of arcs emanating from a node that are used to express a proposition. For example, to express that A isa B we use the MEMBER-CLASS case frame which is a node with a MEMBER arc and a CLASS.arc (Shapiro et al. 1994) provides a dictionary of standard case frames. Additional case frames can be defined as needed. 2 "Conjoin"is a technical term from Rhetorical Structure Theory (Mann & Thompson1986); it refers to co-ordinate conjunctionof clauses. 41 class case and P2 represents the concept that the case concept has a case number and case information. For more details about the knowledgerepresentation, see (McRoy,Haller, & All 1997). terances such as Why?or What about HIDA? (Hailer 1996) 3 It also allows the system to recover from misunderstandings, should they occur (McRoy1995; McRoy& Hirst 1995). Wewill consider each of these levels in turn, starting with the utterance level, shownat the bottom of Figure 3. The Utterance Level For all inputs, the parser produces a representation of of its surface content, which the analyzer will assert as part of an occurrence of an event of type SAY.The content of the user’s utterance is always represented by what she said literally. In the case of requests, the student may request a story problem directly, as an imperative sentence Tell me a story or indirectly, as a declarative sentence that expresses a desire I want you to tell me a story. The complete representation of the imperative sentence Tell me a story is shown in Figure 4. Figure 2: A rule stating that if V1 is the case number of a case, and V2 and V3 are two pieces of case information, then a plan for generating a description of the case will present the two pieces of information in a coordinating conjunction. ac|i The Representation of the Discourse The discourse modelhas five levels of representation, shown in Figure 3. These levels capture what the student and the system have each said, as well as how their utterances extend the ongoing discourse. Unlike many systems, B2’s model of discourse will include a representation of questions and requests, as well as statements of fact. (Systems that do not represent questions and requests typically give these utterances a procedural semantics, interpreting them as operations to be performed.) Having an explicit representation of questions and requests simplifies the interpretation of context-dependent ut- DE "a" "lelr’ Figure 4: Node B3 represents an utterance whose form is imperative, and whose content (M4) is the proposition that the hearer (B1) will tell a story (B2) to the speaker (BS). interpretation of exchanges exchanges (pairsofinterpretations) For the system’s utterances, the utterance level representation corresponds to a text generation event (this contains much more fine-grained information about the system’s utterance, such as mode and tense.) The content of the system’s utterance is the text message that is sent to the language generator. system’s interpretation of each utterance sequence of utterances utterance level 3HIDAstands for radio-nuclide hepatobilary imaging, a diagonistictest. Figure 3: Five Levels of Representation 42 Sequence of Utterances The second level corresponds to the sequence of utterances. (This level is comparable to the linguistic structure in the tripartite model of (Grosz Sidner 1986)). In the semantic network, we represent the sequencing of utterances explicitly, with asserted propositions that use the BEFORE-AFTER case frame. The order in which utterances occurred (system and user) can be determined by traversing these structures. This representation is discussed in detail in (McRoy,Haller,& Ali 1997). The Interpretation Level In the third level, we represent the system’s interpretation of each utterance. Each utterance event (from level 1) will have an associated system interpretation, which is represented using the INTERPRETATION_OF-INTERPRETATIONcase frame. For example, consider the interpretation of the utterance Tell me a story (as well as I want you to tell me a story.), shown in Figure 5. (Every utterance has one or more interpretations; at any time, only one is believed and a justification-based truth maintenance system is used to track changes in belief.) The Exchange Interpretation and Exchange Levels The fourth and fifth levels of representation in our discourse model are exchanges and interpretations of exchanges, respectively. A conversational exchange is a pair of interpreted events that fit one of the conventional structures for dialog (e.g. QUESTIONANSWER). Figure 6 gives the network representation of a conversational exchangeand its interpretation. Node Ml13 represents the exchange in which the system has asked a question and the user has answered it. Using the MEMBER-CLASS case frame, propositional node Ml15 asserts that the node Ml13 is an exchange. Propositional node Ml12 represents the system’s interpretation of this exchange: that the user has accepted the system’s question (i.e. that the user has understood the question and requires no further clarification). Finally, propositional node MII6 represents the system’s belief that node Ml12 is the interpretation of the exchange represented by node MII3. Interaction among the Levels A major advantage of the network representation is the knowledge sharing between these five levels. We term this knowledge sharing associativity. This occurs because the representation is uniform and every concept is represented by a unique node (see Section ). As a result, we can retrieve and make use of information that is represented in the network implicitly, by the arcs that connect propositional nodes. For example, if the system needed to explain whythe user had said HIDA,it could follow the arcs from the node representing the utterance that User said HIDA to the system’s interpretation of that utterance, node M108, to determine that ¯ The user’s utterance was understood as the answer within an exchange (node gl13), and ¯ The user’s answer indicated her acceptance and understanding of the discourse, up to that point MII2. "describe" This same representation could be used to explain why the system believed that the user had understood the system’s question. This associativity in the networkis vital if the interaction starts to fail. .~: Figure 5: Node M31is a proposition that the interpretation of Tell me a story (which is glossed in this figure) is M22. Node M22is the proposition that the user requested that the system describe a case to the user. (Describing a case is a domain-specific action; the pronouns from the utterance level have been interpreted according to the context.) Summary The goal of the B2 project is to give students an opportunity to practice their decision making skills. Wegive students the opportunity to ask the system to explain what factors were most influential to its decision and why. 43 INTERPRETATION-OF EVENT2 OBJECTI ACTION ® Figure 6: Node Ml15 represents the proposition that node Ml13 is an exchange comprised of the events M99and M108.M108is the proposition that The user answered "HIDAis the best test to rule in Gallstones". Additionally, node Ml16 represents the proposition that the interpretation of Ml13 is event M112. Ml12 is the proposition that the user has accepted M96. (M96is the question that the system asked in event M99.) References The natural language processing and knowledge representation components of B2 are general purpose. It builds a five-level model of the discourse, that represents what was literally said, what was meant, and how each utterance and its interpretation relates tO previous ones. This is necessary because students’ utterances may be short and ambiguous, requiring extensive reasoning about the domain or the discourse model to fully resolve. Wehave shown how our mixed-depth representations encode syntactic and conceptual information in the same structure. This allows us to defer any extensive reasoning until needed, rather than when parsing. Weuse the same representation framework to produce a detailed representation of requests and to produce a representation of questions. The representations use the same knowledge representation framework that is used to reason about discourse processing and domain information--so that the system can reason with (and about) the utterances. Ali, S. S. 1994a. A Logical Language for Natural LanguageProcessing. In Proceedings o] the lOth Biennial CanadianArtificial Intelligence Conference, 187-196. Ali, S. S. 1994b. A "Natural Logic" for Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Representation. 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