From: AAAI Technical Report S-9 -0 . Compilation copyright © 199

From: AAAI Technical Report WS-98-08. Compilation copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
Marko Balabanovic
Chumki Basu
Patrick Baudisch
Marie Bienkowski
Daniel Billsus
Guillaume Boissiere
AI Borchers
Jack Breese
Z. Chen
Duco Das
Joaquin Delgado
Chanda Dharap
Michael Fleming
Eugene Freuder
Natalie Glance
Dan Greening
Kristian Hammond
Nguyen Hien
Jon Herlocker
Sukumal Imudom
Henry Kautz
Joseph Konstan
Frank Linton
Manisha Mundhe
Raymond Mooney
Alexandros Moukas
Manisha Mundhe
Doug Oard
Tomas Olsson
Nagendra Prasad
Naren Ramakrishnan
John Riedl
Seth Rogers
Bart Selman
Sandip Sen
Ellen Spertus
Yasuyuki Sumi
Loren Terveen
Alexander Tuzhilin
Lyle Ungar
Richard Wallace
Pei Wang
<breese @MICROSOFT.corn>
<das @natlab>
<Natalie. .com>
July 26, 1988
Madison, Wisconson
Part of the 15th National Conferenceon Artificial Intelligence
Overthe past few years a newkind of application, the "recommender
system", has appeared, based on a synthesis of
ideas fromartificial intelligence, human-computer
interaction, sociology, information retrieval, and the technologyof
the WWW.
systems assist and augmentthe natural process of relying on friends, colleagues,
publications, and other sources to makethe choices that arise in everydaylife. Examplesof the kinds of questions that
could be answered by a recommendersystem include: Whatkind of car should I buy? What web-pageswould I find
most interesting? Whatpeople in mycompanywouldbe best assigned to a particular project team?
Someof the issues we will explore in this workshopare:
1. Identifying different types of recommendations.Techniquesfor generating recommendationsand learning user
profiles. Personalized versus non-personalized recommendations.
2. Whendoes collaborative filtering work, and whendoes it fail? Can we trust the recommendationsreceived from
remote, anonymoususers to be trustworthy and representative?
3. What happens whenrecommendersystems meet the "real world" -- how do you get a business model and a user
base. Whatis the current state of the art.
4. Social implications of recommendation
systems, and howthe technologyrelates to traditional publishers and editors.
5. Visualizing recommendationspaces.
The workshopwill include moderateddiscussions, panels, and breakout sessions. Wewill identify 3 to 4 major
themes based on the position statements we receive (see below), and will invite people to makebrief
presentations on the themesas part of the discussions. The workingnotes will contain only position statements and
selected supplementarymaterials. Demonstrationsof workingsystems will be given during breaks and/or a special
session of the workshop.
Attendance and Submission Requirements
Participate will be by invitation only, and will be limited to approximately30 people. If you wish to participate, submit
a position statement (1 to 2 pages) addressing an importantissue or describing an interesting lesson you have learned,
with a short summary
of your relevant research activities. Youmayoptionally include a copy of a paper (published or
unpublished)that you have written in the area. Please indicate on your statement if you maywant to present a demo,
and your expected system requirements.
Workshop Chair
Henry Kautz (AT&TLabs)
Organizing Committee
MarkoBalabanovic (Stanford),
Joseph Konstan (Minnesota),
Kristian J. Hammond
HaymHirsh (Rutgers),
Alexandros Moukas (MIT),
Bart Selman(Cornell),
Loren Terveen (AT&TLabs),