From: AAAI Technical Report WS-94-03. Compilation copyright © 1994, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
Efficient Algorithms for Discovering
Association Rules
Heikki Mannila
Hannu Toivonen*
A. Inkeri
University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science
P.O. Box 26 (Teollisuuskatu 23), FIN-00014 Helsinki, Finland
e-marl: {mannila, htoivone, verkamo)
Associationrules are statementsof the form"for 90 %of the rowsof the relation,
if the rowhas value 1 in the columnsin set W, then it has 1 also in columnB".
Agrawal,Imielinski, and Swamiintroduced the problemof mining association rules
fromlarge collections of data, and gave a methodbased on successivepasses over the
database. Wegive an improved algorithm for the problem. The methodis based
on careful combinatorial analysis of the information obtained in previous passes;
this makesit possible to eliminate unnecessary candidate rules. Experimentson
a university course enrollment database indicate that the methodoutperforms the
previous one by a factor of 5. Wealso showthat sampling is in general a very
efficient wayof finding such rules.
Keywords:association rules, covering sets, algorithms, sampling.
Data mining (database mining, knowledgediscovery in databases) has recently been recognizedas a promisingnewfield in the intersection of databases, artificial intelligence, and
machinelearning (see, e.g., [11]). The area can be loosely defined as finding interesting
rules or exceptions from large collections of data.
Recently, Agrawal, Imielinski, and Swamiintroduced a class of regularities, association
rules, and gave an algorithm for finding such rules from a database with binary data [1].
An association rule is an expression W=~ B, where Wis a set of attributes and B a
single attribute. The intuitive meaningof such a rule is that in the rows of the database
where the attributes in Whave value true, also the attribute B tends to have value
true. For instance, a rule might state that students taking courses CS101and CS120,
often also take the course CS130.This sort of information can be used, e.g., in assigning
classrooms for the courses. Applications of association rules include customer behavior
* Onleave fromNokiaResearchCenter.
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analysis for examplein a supermarket or banking environment, and telecommunications
alarm diagnosis and prediction.
In this paper we study the properties of association rule discovery in relations. We
give a newalgorithm for the problemthat outperformsthe methodin [1] by a factor of 5.
Thealgorithm is based on the samebasic idea of repeated passes over the database as the
methodin [1]. The difference is that our algorithm makescareful use of the combinatorial
information obtained from previous passes and in this wayavoids considering manyunnecessary sets in the process of finding the association rules. Ourexperimentaldata consists
of two databases, namely university course enrollment data and the fault management
database of a switching network. The empirical results showa good, solid performance
for our method. A sametype of improvementhas independently been suggested in [2].
Wealso study the theoretical properties of the problemof finding the association rules
that hold in a relation. Wegive a probabilistic analysis of two aspects of the problem,
showingthat samplingis an efficient wayof finding association rules, and that in random
relations almostall association rules are small. Wealso give a simpleinformation-theoretic
lower bound for finding one rule, and showthat an algorithm suggested by Lovelandin
[7] in a different frameworkactually meetsthis lower bound.
Therest of this paper is organizedas follows. Section 2 introduces the problemand the
notations. Section 3 describes our algorithmfor finding association rules. Theanalysis of
samplingis givenin Section 4. Empiricalresults and a comparisonto the results of [1] are
given in Section 5. Section 6 is a short conclusion. AppendixA contains the probabilistic
analyses of randomrelations and the lower boundresult. AppendixB gives an overview
of the implementation.
Werefer to [1] for references about related work.
First we introduce somebasic concepts, using the formalism presented in [1]. Let R =
{11, I2,..., I,~} be a set of attributes, also called items, over the binary domain{0, 1}.
The input r = {tl,... ,t,~} for the data miningmethodis a relation over the relation
schema{I1, I2,..., Ira}, i.e., a set of binary vectors of size rn. Eachrowcan be considered
as a set of propertiesor items(that is, t[i] = 1 ¢, I~ E t).
Let WC_R be a set of attributes and t E r a rowof the relation. If t[A] = 1 for all
A E W, we write t[W] = i. Anassociation rule over r is an expression W=~ B, where
WC_. R and B E R \ W. Given real numbers7 (confidence threshold) and a (support
threshold), wesay that r satisfies W=~ B with respect to 7 and a, if
I{ilt,[wB]= i}l _>an
I{ilti[wB] = i}t >
I{i l t,[w]=i}l -
That is, at least a fraction a of the rowsof r havel’s in all the attributes of WB,and at
least a fraction -y of the rowshaving a 1 in all attributes of Walso have a 1 in B. Given
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a set of attributes X, we say that X is coveringa (with respect to the database and the
given support threshold a), if
That is, at least a fraction a of the rows in the relation have l’s in all the attributes of
As an example, suppose support threshold a = 0:3 and confidence threshold 7 = 0.9,
and consider the example database
Now,three of four rows contain the set { AB}, so the support is I{i I ti[AB] = i } I/4 - 0.75;
supports of A, B, and C are 0.75, 1, and 0.25, correspondingly. Thus, {A}, {B}, and
{AB} have supports larger than the threshold a = 0.3 and are covering, but {C} is not.
Further on, the database satisfies {A}=~ B, as {AB} is covering, and the confidence 0.7s
is larger than 7 = 0.9. The database does not satisfy {B} =~ A because the confidence
0.75 is less than the threshold 7.
The coverage is monotonewith respect to contraction of the set: if X is covering and
B C X, then ti[B] = i for any i E {i I ti[X] = i}, and therefore B is also covering.
On the other hand, association rules do not have monotonicity properties with respect
to expansion or contraction of the left-hand side: if W=~ B holds, then WA=~ B does
not necessarily hold, and if WA=t, B holds, then W=~ B does not necessarily hold. In
the first case the rule WA=~ B does not necessarily have sufficient support, and in the
second case the rule W=~ B does not necessarily hold with sufficient confidence.
3. Finding
3.1 Basicalgorithm
The approach in [1] to finding association rules is to first find all covering attribute
sets X, and then separately test whether the rule X \ {B} =~ B holds with sufficient
confidence. 2 Wefollow this approach and concentrate on the algorithms that search for
covering subsets.
To knowif a subset X _ R is not covering, one has to read at least a fraction 1 - a of
the rows of the relation, that is, for small values of support threshold a almost all of the
relation has to be considered. During one pass through the database we can, of course,
check for several subsets whether they are covering or not. If the database is large, it is
important to make as few passes over the data as possible. The extreme method would
be to do just one pass and check for each of the 2m subsets of R whether they are covering
or not. This is infeasible for all but the smallest values of m.
1Agrawalet al. use the term large [1].
sit is easy to see that this approach is in a sense optimal: the problem of finding
of R can be reduced to the problem of finding all association rules that hold with
Namely, if we are given a relation r, we can find the covering sets by adding an
all l’s to r and then finding the association rules that have B on the right-hand
certainty 1.
AAAI-94 Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Databases
all covering subsets
a given confidence.
extra column B with
side and hold with
Page 183
The method of [1] makes multiple passes over the database. During a database pass,
new candidates for covering sets are generated, and support information is collected to
evaluate which of the candidates actually are covering. The candidates are derived from
the database tuples by extending previously found covering sets in the frontier. For
each database pass, the frontier consists of those covering sets that have not yet been
extended. Each set in the frontier is extended up to the point where the extension is no
longer expected to be covering. If such a candidate unexpectedly turns but to be covering,
it is included in the frontier for the next database pass. The expected support required for
this decision is derived from the frequency information of the items of the set. Originally
the frontier contains only the empty set.
An essential property of the method of [1] is that both candidate generation and
evaluation are performed during the database pass. The method of [1] further uses two
techniques to prune the candidate space during the database pass. These are briefly
described in Appendix B.
Wetake a slightly different approach. Our methodtries to use all available information
from previous passes to prune candidate sets between the database passes; the passes are
kept as simple as possible. The methodis as follows. Weproduce a set Ls as the collection
of all covering sets of size 8. The collection Cs+l will contain the candidates for Ls+l:
those sets of size s + 1 that can possibly be in L~+I, given the covering sets of L,.
C1 :- {{A} I A E R};
8 := 1;
while C~ ~ 0 do
database pass: let L~ be the elements of Cs that are covering;
candidate generation: compute C~+1from L~;
s := s + 1;
The implementation of the database pass on line 4 is simple: one just uses a counter
for each element of C,. In candidate generation we have to compute a collection Cs+l
that is certain to include all possible elements of L~+I, but which does not contain any
unnecessary elements. The crucial observation is the following. Recall that L~ denotes
the collection of all covering subsets X of R with IXI = s. If Y ¯ L~+~and e :> 0, then
Y includes (8 +8 e’) sets from Ls. This claim follows immediately from the fact that all
subsets of a covering set are covering. The same observation has been madeindependently
in [2].
Despite its triviality,
this observation is powerful. For example, if we knowthat
:L2 = {AB, BC, AC, AE, BE, AF, CG}, we can conclude that ABC and ABE are the
only possible membersof L3, since they are the only sets of size 3 whoseall subsets of
size 2 are included in L2. This further means that L4 must be empty.
In particular, if X ¯ L,+I, then X must contain s + 1 sets from L~. Thus a specification
for the computationof C~+1is to take all sets with this property:
{x R
I lxl = s
+ 1 and X includes
8 + 1 members of L,}
AAAI.94Workshopon KnowledgeDiscoveryin Databases
This is, in fact, the smallest possible candidate collection C~+Iin general. For any
La, there are relations such that the collection of covering sets of size s is La, and the
3collection of coverings sets of size s + 1 is C8+1,as specified above.
The computationof the collection Cs+l so that (1) holds is an interesting combinatorial
problem. A trivial solution would be to inspect all Subsets of size s + 1, but this is
obviously wasteful. Onepossibility is the following. First computea collection C~’+1by
forming pairwise unions of such covering sets of size 8 that have all but one attribute in
C~+1= {XUX’]X,X’ EL~,]XF’IX’]=s--1}.
Then C,+1 c C~’+1, and Cs+l can be computed by checking for each set in C~’+1 whether
the defining condition of C~+1holds. The time complexity is
further, [C’+1[ - O([L~I2), but this bound is very rough.
Analternative method is to form unions of sets from L, and LI:
C"+x= {X U X’ ] X E L.,X’E L,,X’ g X},
and then compute C,+1 by checking the inclusion condition. (Note that the work done in
generating C~+1does not depend on the size of the database, but only on the size of the
collection L,.)
Instead of computing C,+1 from L~, one can compute several families
C~+1,..., C,+~ for somee > 1 directly from L~.
The computational complexity of the algorithms can be analyzed in terms of the
quantities [L~[, ICal, [C~’I, and the size n of the database. The running time is linear in
n ~nd exponential in the size of the largest covering set. For reasons of space we omit
here the more detailed analysis. The database passes dominate the running time of the
methods, and for very large values of n the algorithms can be quite slow. However,in the
next section we shall see that by analyzing only small samples of the data~base we obtain
a good approximation of the covering sets.
of sampling
Wenowconsider the use of sampling in finding covering sets. Weshow that small samples
are usually quite goodfor finding covering sets.
Let r be the support of a given set X of attributes.
Consider a random sample
with replacement of size h from the relation. Then the number of rows in the sample
that contain X is a randomvariable x distributed according to B(h,r), i.e., binomial
distribution of h trials, each having success probability r.
The Chernoff bounds [3, 6] state that for all a we have
Pr[x > hr + a] < e
SResults on the possible relative sizes of Ls and Cs+l can be found in [4].
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That is, the probability that the estimated support is off by at least a is
Pr[x > h(r + a)] e- 2~*h*/h= e-2~2h,
i.e., boundedby a quantity exponential in h. For example, if a = 0.02, then for h = 3000
the probability is e-2"4 ~ 0.09. (Similar results could be even more easily obtained by
using the standard normal approximation.)
This meansthat sampling is a powerful wayof finding association rules. Evenfor fairly
low values of support threshold a, a sample consisting of 3000 rows gives an extremely
good approximation of the coverage of an attribute set. Therefore algorithms working in
main memoryare quite useful for the problem of finding association rules.
Appendix A contains an analysis of covering sets in random relations and a lower
boundresult for the problemof finding association rules.
To evaluate the efficiency of our methods, we compare the original algorithm in [1] to
our algorithm. Candidate generation is performed by extending sets in L, with other
sets in L~ to achieve (at most) e-extensions. Wecompare a less aggressive extending
strategy with e = 1 and a more aggressive strategy with e = s, where the size of the
candidate sets is doubled during each iteration step. (Werefer to our algorithm as offline candidate determination; the variants are noted in the following as OCD1
and OCD,.)
In addition to the original algorithm of [1] (noted in the following by AISoris), we also
implementeda minor modification of it that refrains from extending any set with an item
that is not a covering set by itself (noted in the following by AISmod). Details about the
implementations can be found in Appendix B.
Wehave used two datasets to evaluate the algorithms. The first is a course enrollment
database, including registration information of 4734 students (one tuple per student).
Each row contains the courses that a student has registered for, with a total of 127
possible courses. Onthe average, each row contains 4 courses. A simplified version of the
database includes only the students with at least 2 courses (to be interesting for generating
rules); this database consists of 2836 tuples, with an average of 6.5 items per tuple. The
figures and tables in this paper represent this latter course enrollment data.
The second database is a telephone companyfault managementdatabase, containing
some 30,000 records of switching network notifications. The total numberof attributes
is 210. The database is basically a string of events, and we mapit to relational form by
considering it in terms of overlapping windows. The experiments on this data support
the conclusions achieved with the course database.
The database sizes we have used are representative for sampling which would result
in very good approximations, as was concluded in Section 4.
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0.40 0.20
Support a
0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08
102 192
76 139 275 568
Table h Numberof covering sets.
Support a
0.40 0.20 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08
0 26 30 48 81 196
Table 2: Numberand maximal size of rules (7 = 0.7).
5.2 Results
Each algorithm finds, of course, the same covering sets and the same rules. The number
of covering sets found with different support thresholds is presented in Table 1. Corresp?ndingly, the numberof association rules is presented in Table 2; we used a confidence
threshold 7 of 0.7 during all the experiments. The tables show that the numberof covering
sets (and rules) increases very fast with a decreasing support threshold.
Figure la presents the total time (in seconds) as a function of the inverse of the support
threshold a; we prefer to use the inverse of a since it corresponds to the commonsense
idea of the "rarity" of the items.
Figure la shows clearly that OCDis much more time efficient than AIS. The time
requirement of OCDis typically 10-20 % of the time requirement of AIS, and the advantage of OCDincreases as we lower a. However, the difference between the algorithms is
notable even with a large a. The difference between the two variants of OCDis not large,
and the modification we implementedin AIS did not affect its performance significantly.
Whenwe look at the total time as a function of ILl, the numberof covering sets (presented
in Figure lb), we observe that both algorithms behave more or less linearly with respect
to ILl, but the time requirements of OCDincrease muchmore slowly.
As an abstract measure of the amount of database processing we examine the effective
volume of the candidates, denoted by V,,. It is the total volume of candidates that are
evaluated, weighted by the numberof database tuples that must be examined to evaluate
them. This measure is representative of the amount of processing needed during the
database passes, independent of implementation details.
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I 0
,,, ,’*’ -
4 6 8 I0
,,q~l _ i ’
100 200 300 400 500
of covering sets
Figure 1: Total time in seconds (a) as a function of the inverse of support and (b)
function of the number of covering sets.
4 6 8 10
Inverse of support (7
i .*""
100 200 300 400 500
Numberof covering sets
Figure 2: Effective volume of candidates (a) as a function of the inverse of support and
(b) as a function of the number of covering sets.
The principal reason for the performance difference of AIS and OCDcan be seen in
Figures 2a and b. They present the behavior of V,, as the support threshold (7 decreases
and ILl, the number of covering sets, increases.
The number of candidate sets (and
their volume) considered by OCDis always smaller than that of AIS and the difference
increases as more sets are found. These figures also explain why the more aggressively
extending variant OCD. does not perform better than the basic OCD,: even though a
more aggressive strategy can reduce the number of passes, it also results in so many more
candidates that the reduction in time is offset.
Table 3 presents the number of candidates considered by each method. The numbers
for AIS are much higher, as it may generate the same candidates over and over again
during the database pass. On the other hand, OCDonly generates any candidate once
(during the generation time) and checks that its subsets are covering before evaluating
it against the database. While the number of potential candidates generated by OCDis
much smaller than that for AIS, still fewer candidates need to be evaluated during the
database pass.
If sampling is not used or the samples are large, the data does not remain in the
Page 188
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in Databases
Support a
OCD1 128
625. 1084
AIS,,od 9106 38068 42983 48708 53359 66704 96992 120749
Table 3: Generated candidates.
i ¯
Iteration pass
Figure 3: Effective volumeof candidates during each iteration pass.
main memorybetween passes, but it has to be reloaded for each pass. Thus it would be
important to minimize the numberof data passes. Also, if we want to overlap the database
reads and the processing, the amount of processing performed during each database pass
should be small. Figure 3 presents a typical profile of V~ during the passes of one run
(with a = 0.1). While the area beneath the curve corresponds to the total volume, the
height of the curve at each point describes how muchprocessing is needed during that
pass. High peaks correspond to passes where the overlapping of I/O and processing may
be endangered if the database is large.
Since the confidence threshold 9’ affects only the numberof rules generated from the
covering sets, we have not varied it in our experiments. Onthe other hand, suitable values
for the support threshold a depend very muchon the database.
Association rules are a simple and natural class of database regularities, useful in various
analysis or prediction tasks. Wehave considered the problem of finding the association
rules that hold in a given relation. Following the workof [1], we have given an algorithm
that uses all existing information between database passes to avoid checking the coverage of redundant sets. The algorithm gives clear empirical improvement when compared
against the previous results, and it is simple to implement. See also [2] for similar resuits. The algorithm can be extended to handle nonbinary attributes by introducing new
A,4AI-94 Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Databases
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indicator variables and using their special properties in the candidate generation process.
Wehave also analyzed the theoretical properties of the problemof finding association
rules. Weshowedthat sampling is an efficient technique for finding rules of this type,
and that algorithms working in main memorycan give extremely good approximations.
In Appendix A we give some additional theoretical results: Wealso give a simple lower
bound for a special case of the problem, and note that an algorithm from the different
framework of [7] actually matches this bound. Wehave considered finding association
rules from sequential data in [8].
Several problems remain open. Someof the pruning ideas in [1] are probably quite
useful in certain situations; recognizing whento use such methodswould help in practice.
Analgorithmic problem is howto find out as efficiently as possible what candidate sets
occur in a given database row. Currently we simply check each candidate separately,
i.e., if AB and AC are two candidates, the A entry of each row is checked twice. On
certain stages of the search the candidates are heavily overlapping, and it could be useful
to utilize this information.
A general problem in data mining is how to choose the interesting rules amongthe
large collection of all rules. The use of support and confidence thresholds is one way
of pruning uninteresting rules, but some other methods are still needed. In the course
enrollment database manyof the discovered rules correspond to normal process in the
studies. This could be eliminated by considering a partial ordering amongcourses and by
saying that a rule W=~ B is not interesting if B is greater than all elements of Wwith
respect to this ordering.
[1] R. Agrawal, T. Imielinski, and A. Swami. Mining association rules between sets of
¯ items in large databases. In Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on
Management of Data (SIGMOD93), pages 207 - 216, May 1993.
[2]R. Agrawal and R. Srikant.
Fast algorithms for mining association rules in large
databases. In VLDB’94, Sept. 1994.
[3] N. Alon and J. It. Spencer. The Probabilistic
Method. John Wiley Inc., NewYork,
[4] B. Bollob~. Combinatorics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986.
[5] M. Ellis and B. Stroustrup.
The Annotated C++Reference Manual. Addison-Wesley,
[6] T. Hagerup and C. Rfib. A guided tour of Chernoff bounds. Information Processing
Letters, 33:305-308, 1989/90.
[7] D. W. Loveland. Finding critical
sets. Journal of Algorithms, 8:362 - 371, 1987.
[8] H. Mannila, H. Toivonen, and A. I. Verkamo.Association rules in sequential data.
Manuscript, 1994.
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[9] K. Mehlhorn. Data Structures and Algorithms, Volumes 1-3. Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
[10] S. Nhher. LEDAuser manual, version 3.0. Technical report, Max-Planck-Institut ffir
Informatik, Im Stadtwald, D-6600Saarbrficken, 1992.
[11] G. Piatetsky-Shapiro and W. J. Frawley, editors. KnowledgeDiscovery in Databases.
AAAIPress / The MITPress, Menlo Park, CA, 1991.
and a lower bound
In this appendix, we present some results describing the theoretical properties
problemof finding association rules.
Wefirst first show that in one model of randomrelations all covering sets are
Consider a randomrelation r = {tl,...,
t,~} over attributes R - {I1,/2,..., Ira};
that each entry ti[Aj] of the relation is 1 with probability q and 0 with probability
and assume that the entries are independent. Then the probability that ti[X] = i
where h - IX[. The number x of such rows is distributed according to B(n, qh),
can again use the Chernoff bounds to obtain
of the
1 - q,
is qh,
and we
Pr[x > an] = Pr[z > nqh + n(s - qh)] < e-2,~(,-qh)~.
This is furthermore bounded by e-~n, if a > 2qh. (For a = 0.01 and q = 0.5, this means
h > 8, and for a = 0.01 and q = 0.1 it meansh > 3.) Nowthe expected numberof covering
sets of size h is bounded by mhe-~. This is less than 0.5, provided an > h In m + In 2.
Thus a randomrelation typically has only very few covering sets. Of course, relations
occurring in practice are not random.
..Next we describe some lower bound observations. Note first that a relation with one
row consisting of all l’s satisfies all association rules. Thus the output of an algorithm
that produces all association rules holding in a relation can be of exponential size in the
numberof attributes in the relation.
Wenowgive an information-theoretic lower bound for finding one association rule in
a restricted model of computation. Weconsider a model of computation where the only
way of getting information from relation r is by asking questions of the form "is the set
X covering". This model is realistic in the case the relation r is large and stored using
a database system, and the model is also quite close to the one underlying the design of
the algorithm in [1].
Assumethe relation r has n attributes. In the worst case one needs at least
k log(n/k)
questions of the form "is the set X covering" to locate one maximalcovering set, where
k is the size of the covering set.
The proof of this claim / isX simple. Consider relations with exactly 1 maximalcovering
set of size k. There are (n/ different
possible answers to the problem of finding the
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maximalcovering set. Each question of the form "is the set X covering" provides at most
1 bit of information.
Loveland [7] has considered the problem of finding "critical sets". Given a function
f : P(R) ~ {0,1} that is downwards monotone (i.e.,
if f(X) = 1 and Y C X, then
f(Y) = 1), a set X is critical if f(X) = 1, but f(Z) = 0 for all supersets Z of X. Thus
maximalcovering sets are critical sets of the function f(X) = 1, if X is covering, and
f(X) = 0, otherwise. The lower bound above matches exactly the upper bound provided
by one of Loveland’s algorithms. The lower bound above can easily be extended to the
case where the task is to find k maximal covering sets. An interesting open problem is
whether Loveland’s algorithm can be extended to meet the generalized lower bound.
methods and implementations
The method of [1] uses two techniques to prune the candidate space during the database
pass. In the "remaining tuples optimization", the occurrences of each frontier set are
counted. A candidate is pruned by the optimization method, whenthere are less occurfences of the frontier set left than are needed for the candidate to be covering. Remember
that the total numberof occurrences of a frontier set has been evaluated in earlier passes.
In the "pruning function optimization", items are assigned weights based on their rarity,
and tuples are assigned weights from their items with synthesized functions. This method
prunes a candidate, if--based on its weight--it is so rare that it can not be covering. To
knowthe weight threshold for each set in the frontier, for each candidate set that is not
expected to be covering--and thus could be in the frontier in the next database pass--an
highest total weights of database rows containing the set are maintained. The lowest
of these values is then stored, and the weights of candidates are comparedagainst this
weight threshold of the corresponding frontier set. The success of this method depends
on’the distributional properties of items.
The implementations of the algorithms have been kept reasonably straightforward.
Attention was paid to the realization of the ideas rather than to optimizations of time
or space. Wewrote the algorithms in C++ [5], and used data structures from LEDA
library [10]. Implementations of both algorithms use the same basic data structures and
algorithms for representing and manipulating sets of attributes. This ensures that timing
comparisonsare fair. Attributes are represented by their namesas strings. Attribute sets
axe implementedas sorted sequences of strings, and collections of attribute sets, i.e. Ci
and Lj, as sorted sequences of attribute sets. The sorted sequences are implemented as
(2,4)-trees [9].
The above mentioned pruning methods of [1] require additional data structures. "Remaining tuples optimization" only needs a counter for each frontier set, plus checking of
the pruning condition when the support count for a candidate is being increased. For
"pruning function optimization ~, the weights of items are stored in a randomizedsearch
tree during the first database pass. The weight thresholds are stored in another randomized search tree each database pass, to be utilized in the next iteration. The candidates
are pruned by this method as soon as they are created. Wehave not implemented any
memorysaving techniques referred to in [1] that might decrease the precision of the pruning.
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