From: AAAI Technical Report WS-94-01. Compilation copyright © 1994, AAAI ( All rights reserved. A Comparison of Model-Based and Incremental Case-Based Approaches to Electronic Fault Diagnosis Barry Smyth Hitachi Dublin Laboratory 16 Westland Row Dublin 2 Ireland P~idraig Cunningham Department of ComputerScience Trinity College Dublin College Green Dublin 2 Ireland Padraig.Cunningham@ is neededduring the diagnostic process. It is interesting to note that backward-chaining systems have precisely this Abstract advantage in fault-diagnosis; the goal-directed reasoning CBRseems well suited to fault diagnosis because asks the user only for information that contributes to the diagnostic episodes naturally form cases and muchof hypothesis being examined. expert competence seems to be based on reuse of old In this paper we consider the problem of using CBRin solutions. However,in manydiagnosis problems it is electronic fault diagnosis and discuss the re-engineering of difficult to compile a complete case description in an existing model-based,goal-directed diagnosis systemas a advance, consequently the conventional one-shot case case-based system. Fault diagnosis seems a good candidate retrieval methodologywill not work. In this paper we for CBRbecause it is clear that muchof humanexpertise in introducea set of fault diagnosis problemsthat have this characteristic and we describe a model-basedgoal-driven fault diagnosis is experiencebased. Further, fault diagnosis systemthat producesfocusedquestions that request extra seems naturally case-based with each diagnostic episode information required for diagnosis. The central constituting a case. The problem that we have encountered contributionin this paper is a description of a CBR system is centred on the cost of gatheringa useful case description. that also has this characteristic of producing focused In our problem domain there can be up to a hundred questions in diagnosis. Wedescribe the information symptomsthat potentially impact on the diagnosis and theoretic mechanismthat allows the CBRsystem to do there is a cost associated with gathering most of these. For this and we present an evaluation of the CBRsystemand a this reason the naive solution of collecting these readings to comparisonof the two systems. makea case is not practicable. This contrasts sharply with the solution implemented in the existing model-based Introduction system (called NODAL)(Cunningham & Brady 1987), (Cunningham 1988). This system uses goal-directed The major attraction of CBR is its cognitive plausibility. It is clear that muchof humanexpert competenceis based on reasoning in the diagnosis and this has the advantage of only querying the user for symptoms that will contribute to the reuse of past solutions in solving new problems. the diagnosis. This parsimony dividend of backwardHowever, one restriction on the dominant CBR chaining systems has been recognised since the early days methodologyis that it tends to be one-shot, requiring that of MYCINand, in this paper, we will examine the target case description be available in advanceand that modifications to the CBRidea that can operate with the the problem can be solved with a small number of retrievals. This methodologycan be problematic for some same, or even less, information. First we shall introduce the diagnostic task, describe the diagnosis problems and in this paper we describe one such existing model-based system and explain how the goalsituation. The problemin the situation that we describe is directed reasoning dictates the number of symptoms that all informationis not available in advanceand there is requested fromthe user. This is covered in the next section. a cost associated with getting information. Consequently,it Next we examineother case-based diagnosis and explanation is important that the amountof information requested is systems and consider howthey tackle or avoid our problem. minimised. What is needed is a CBRmethodologythat is 1, incremental one that can indicate what extra information In the final section we describe our approachto incremental CBRfor this particular diagnosis problem and compare it with the existing model-based system (MBS). 1 Webelieve that there are two important waysthat a CBR systemcan be incremental. CBRcan be incremental in that it Goal-driven diagnosis builds its solutions using components taken from several cases (Smyth & Cunningham1992), (Redmond1990). Alternatively It has long been recognised that goal-directed reasoning, or it can be incrementalin the sense we mehere; that is that the backward rule-chaining, has specific advantages in target specification is composed during the CBRprocess. 48 diagnosis. In circumstanceswherethere is a cost associated designed to detect these. Fault diagnosis of these SMPS with determining the various symptomsassociated with the involves locating the faulty moduleand finding the faulty fault or illness the goal-driven reasoning can focus the user componentin that module. interaction and only request input that contributes to a diagnosis. This advantage is not restricted to simple ruleFramefor Ol based systems; model-basedsystems can adopt a goal-driven reasoning strategy and enjoy the same advantage. NODAL is such a systemfor electronic fault diagnosis. $la(uo: Fault diagnosis supplies in switching NODAL is a model-based system for fault diagnosis of switching mode power supplies (SMPS). The system implemented in KEEa hybrid expert systems development environment. The original motivation for its development was to produce a genetic diagnostic system for a class of electrical devices. NODAL has a generic reasoning mechanismand can be set up to work for a particular power supply by encoding the model of that power-supply in the system. The block diagram of one of the power-supplies used in testing the system is shownin Figure 1. /-- I s";l~ ’ eoyr~ ’ I~ O1 ~ Mode: Base: Emitter: Coll4mtor: Module: o± mode power ! - i I ~P"nffil~ Figure 1. The block diagramof the 24V/12V power-supply. The models in NODAL have a hierarchical structure. The top-level represents the blocks in the block diagram as frames, the main information on the frames being interconneetion information and also some information about the characteristics of the blocks. These blocks are interconnected by nodes and these nodes themselves are represented as frames. These node frames carry information used during the diagnosis. For more complex power° supplies these blocks were further divided into sub-modules. The detailed level of representation corresponds to detailed information available in schematics of the SMPS circuit. An exampleof the detail of the Local PowerSupply moduleof the 24W12V unit is shownin Figure 2 (a). The components are represented as frames that carry interconnectioninformationand details of the characteristics of the components. Again, the interconnecting nodes are also represented as frames. The frame for the Q1 transistor is shownin Figure 2 (b). NODAL was designed for use in a repair shop so the assumptionthat the circuit under examinationhas workedat some stage reduces the numberof fault categories to be considered. Componentfailure accounts for over 95%of faults on SMPSthat have failed in operation so NODAL is 49 l- (a) Unur LPS-I NODE-3 NOOE-2 LocoJPower Supply (b) Figure 2. Thedetail of the LocalPowerSupplymodulein the 24V/12circuit and the framefor the QI transistor in that circuit. Since NODAL is designed to operate in a repair shop the first input in the diagnosis is the results from the test equipment on which it was confirmed that the unit was faulty. This input is shownin Figure 3. These function tests are performedon the unit as a "olack box’, and measure outputs associated with test inputs. These tests will number between twenty and forty depending on the complexity of the circuit. However,because the internals of the unit are not.being examined, the amountof diagnostic information that they carry is limited. Thetest results are processed by the Function Test Rules (a shallow reasoning componentin NODAL) and a set of candidate faulty modulesis produced. Voltages & Function Signals Measured Resistances Test Restdts O..a.o. - [ Rules I ~ P’I~ Diagnosis ,ol ID" " ] ~_ Diagnosis o Figure 3. Datainput in NODAL and the related reasoning processes. In order to further isolate the fault it is necessary to perform some internal measurements on the unit. These measurements are taken at the nodes mentioned already. Measurements may involve estimating the goodness of a signal, or measuring voltages and resistances. This information is stored in the frames during the diagnosis. A typical circuit will have about 20 nodes at the modulelevel and approaching 100 nodes altogether. Consequently there is a large numberof measurementsthat can be taken during the diagnosis. The advantageof the goal-driven diagnosis is that it requests only measurementsthat contribute to its current hypothesis. In a typical session only about 20%of measurements are requested. This process will now be described in moredetail. Goal driven reasoning in NODAL The output of the shallow reasoning process in NODAL is a candidate set" of faulty modules. The model-based reasoning takes over at this stage with the objective of detecting the faulty module and the faulty component within that module. The behavioural component of the model is expressed as rules and the goal driven reasoning involves backwardchaining through these rules applied to the modelof the unit under test. A typical rule from the modulelevel reasoning is as follows:- Whatis the Whatis the Whatis the Whatis the VOLTAGE of VOLTAGE of VOLTAGE of VOLTAGE of NODE-2?23.4 LPS-I? 18.79 NODE-3?18.12 NODE-9?0 It lookslike thefaultis in CR2 Even by NODAL’s standards this dialogue is particularly short as the first moduleto be examinedproves to be the faulty one (for more example dialogues see (Cunningham 1988)). Nevertheless it serves to illustrate howthe goaldirected reasoning focuses the requesting of measurements IF from the operator. This brings our requirements on a CBR (MODULE? HAS A BADSIGNALONOUT-1 OR system for the same task into focus. Since there is a cost MODULE? HASA BAD SIGNALONOUT-2) ANDMODULE? HAS A GOOD SIGNALON IN-1 associated with determiningthe inputs to the diagnosis it is ANDMODULE? HASA GOODSIGNALON IN-2 important that the CBRsystem should not need to have all THENTHESTATUSOF MODULE? IS FAULTY the inputs in advance. It should be able to direct the The rule is expressed in the TellAndAskknowledge-base operator on what measurementsare important just as the query language of KEEas follows:goal-driven system does. IT-RULE-2-2 IF ((OWN.VALUETYPE?MODULE TWO-TWO) (OWN.VALUE SIGNAL(GET.VALUE ?MODULE OUT-1)?OS1) Existing (OWN.VALUE SIGNAL(GET.VALUE ?MODULE OUT-2)?OS2) ((EQUAL?OS1BAD) OR(EQUAL?OS2BAD)) (OWN,VALUE SIGNAL(GET.VALUE ?MODULE IN-l) ?1S1) (EQUAL?1S1 GOOO)AND (OWN.VALUE SIGNAL(GET.VALUE ?MODULE IN-2) ?1S2) (EQUAL?1S2 GOOD)) THEN(A STATUSOF ?MOOULE IS FAULTY))) A typical rule from the componentlevel reasoning is:(NPN.B.E.DOD.RULE (i~FIND’¢ (IN.CLASS?NPNSTD-NPN) DONT.ASK) (LISP (NOT(DIODE-BETWEEN-NOOES-P ’B-E-DIODE (UNIT.NAME(GET.VALUE?NPN’BASE)) (UNIT.NAME(qGET.VALUE ?NPN’EMITTER)))))) THEN(OWN.VALUE STATUS?NPNFAULTY))) This rule checks to see if there is the correct diode voltage drop betweenthe base and emitter of a transistor. Usingthe modelof the circuit, the goal-directed reasoning uses these heuristics to determine first the faulty module, then the faulty component. An example of a dialogue with NODAL will illustrate howthis worksin practice. The fault being analysed arises from removing the zener diode (CR2) in the Local Power Supply Module of the 24V/12V SMPS. This simulates that diode blowing open-circuit. At the point when the dialogue commencesthe system has already completed the shallow reasoning based on the function test rules and has established a candidate set of faulty modules. It then proceeds to try and prove one of these to be faulty (underlinedtext is input by the user):- diagnostic CBRsystems Despite this difficulty that we identify in the use of CBRin diagnosis there has been considerable interesting and successful research in the area. Somesystems that are worth highlighting are as follows:- The help desk application of Simoudisand Miller (Simoudis & Miller 1991) ¯ CASEY: a system for managingthe diagnosis of cardiac disease (Koton1988) ¯ PROTOS: a system for assisting in the diagnosis of audiologydisorders. (Porter et al 1990) ¯ The GEhelp desk application of Kriegsmann& Barletta (Kriegsmann&Barletta 1993) In the remainder of this section we will examinethese systems focusing on the aspects that are relevant to our problem. Simoudis & Miller’s Help Desk System. This help desk application is designed to assist product support engineers in diagnosing customer problems with the VMSoperating system. The system uses a two-phase case retrieval process of surface feature-based retrieval followed by model-basedvalidation. The surface features are inexpensive to obtain and include hardware and software system descriptions and data obtained from the core dump associated with the system failure. The first phase in the retrieval processreturns all cases fromthe case-basethat are similar according to these surface criteria. The model-based validation uses validation information from these cases to Setupfor Test Vector1 direct further inquiry into the target case. This validation process will determine whether the new problem is in fact Whatis the SIGNALof NODE-2? Good similar to any of those retrieved fromthe case-base. Whatis the SIGNALof NODE-3? Bad It appears that this strategy would not work in our situation because there is not an obvious set of surface It looks like the fault is in the LOCAL-POWER-SUPPLY features that wouldsignificantly reduce the case-base. Switchingto considering~thecircuit at a component level... 50 CASEY In CASEY, Koton integrates case-based and model-based reasoning techniques to produce an expert system for managingthe diagnosis of cardiac disease. Each case represents a single patient diagnosis and is composed of both descriptive features and solution features. The descriptive features correspondto the patient’s observed symptoms and test results, whereasthe solution features describethe diagnosisandsuggestedtherapy. Given some new patient description, CASEYwill attempt to identify the causality underlyingthe observed disorder andproposetherapy(the diagnosissolution) using a three-step process. First, CASEY will search for a case that is similar to the current patient diagnosis context. Second,it evaluates the significance of any differences betweenthe target andbase case. This evaluationis carried out using a set of evidenceprinciples and will reject a matchif these principlessuggestthat certain featuresof the base case cannotbe appliedto the target. Third, if noneof these differencesrule out the applicabilityof the case, then it adapts the solution of the base case to fit the target context. CASEY adapts a retrieved case using a set of causalrepair strategies to modifythe nodesor links in the casual explanationof the base case. Thesystemoffers the operator a templateon whichthe target specificationis to be entered.Theoperatoris free to leave blanksin this templateas the retrieval mechanism can operate with incompleteinformation. The system uses an inductively built decision tree to identify a group of candidatecases with contextually similar features to the target problem. For each candidate a score is computed using nearest-neighbourmethods.The score reflects the similarityof the candidateto the target. If the initial target specification is too general or sparse to result in the retrieval of a single best case or evena small subset of candidates the system allows the operator to specify additionalinformation to further focusthe retrieval process. Thedeterminationof whichadditional features to specifyis left to the operator. Incremental CBR in NODALcBa Ourobjective in this workis to explainhowthe desirable, goal-directed behaviour of the NODAL model-based diagnosissystemmightbe transferred to an equivalentCBR system, which we call NODALcnn.What we have developed is a CBRsystem that can begin operation withouta completetarget case descriptionand can generate queriesthat will help it to homein on a solution. Wehave implementedan information theoretic mechanismthat PROTOS identifies the maximally discriminantdiagnosticfeatures of PROTOS is a classification and learning system for the retrievedcases. Thus,rather that expectingthe operator operationin clinical audiology(Porter et al. ’90). PROTOSto chosethe next test to apply, the systemwill proposeone automatically.In addition the test chosenshouldmaximise implements a type of prototype based classification whereby surfacesfeatures of the case are usedto identify a the amountof newinformationgained, and henceensurethe set of candidatecategories. Thesystemuses prototypical mostrapid route to the desireddiagnosis. examplesof these categories in the remindingprocess. The highest ranking of these remindingsis selected and the Case Representation & Retrieval system initiates a dialogue with a humanexpert to Ourfirst objectivehas beento replace the first twostages determinewhetherit is a correct diagnosis.If the diagnosis diagnosis in the old system(see Figure3) with one CBR is incorrect the systemattemptsto adjust its links between of stage. Consequently the cases features are the information case features and categories in order to producea correct used in the diagnosis at this point, that is the functiontest diagnosis. The focus of the work on PROTOS has been on results and the module level signal information.Thecase conceptacquisition in a weaktheory domainrather than on also contains a case nameand the identity of the faulty the diagnosis itself. So, while PROTOS, does conduct a dialoguewith its operator, the motivationis different to moduleassociated with these symptoms(the solution). case structure is shownin Figure 4. It is in the what we have in mind. It is concerned with knowledge typical natureof the diagnosistask that the easefeaturesare sparse. acquisition while we want the dialogue to further the There is often a small numberof results to the function diagnosisitself. tests becauseoncea unit fails oneof the early tests it is not possible to proceedwith subsequenttests. In addition, a The GE Help Desk System large portionof the signal features are not examined as the Kriegsmann& Barletta view CBRas having a numberof diagnosis quickly concentratesin a specific part of the advantagesover moreconventionaltext-based or rule-based circuit. help-desk systems (Kriegsmann& Barletta 1993). Their Case Name Faulty Module Name | prototypesystemaimedat investigating the role of CBRin Module Function (Solution) Level Features Test Results providing help-desk functionality across a range of computerhardware, software, and networkingproblems. approx10 Io30 ayln’oz20 to 40 Theproblembeing addressedin this systemis similar to ~ ~ ours in that there is a cost associatedwith determiningthe casefeatures. Figure 4. Atypical casestructure in NODALo] R. 51 Wecan nowconsider what happens during a typical run of the CBRsystem. In this first scenario the unit fails one function test, 3-POS-OUTPUT-VOLTAGE, after which it is not possible to continue with further function tests. Cases matchingthese function test results are returned from the case-base. In this example these are cases with the signal features shownin Table 1. At this stage the unit under test has not been probed for this signal information so we want the system to ask some discriminating questions - this was the particular strength of the old NODALsystem. Table1. This chart showsthe modulelevel portion of several cases returnedduringthe diagnosis. Nodes G: ~3d 1 i lil Case Name 23,456789012345678 Input-Filter-1 B GB Local-PS-1 GIC B Driver&PS-1 GG G Control-Cct-1 G G GGBG BBGG G Clock-Gen-1 GG BGGG G Clock-Gen-2 GBGG G Clock-Gen-3 GG GB G Driver&PS-2 GG GB B Driver&PS-3 G G G G GGGG GBB Xfmr-1 [G G GGGG GBG Xfmr-2 OG GGGG G B Xfmr-3 GG Ou~ut-Rect-1 G G GGGG Output-Rect-2 O G! GGGG G G B:bad 1 1 1 1 1 Discriminating Wecan view the decision tree as an information source producing one of d messages from the set D. Let IDi I represent the numberof cases with diagnosis Dr. Then the expected information needed to generate the appropriate message,for somecase, using the tree is:. Io,I ,,, I(ID,I LID,I+...+ID, IJ) Consider the root decisionnodeof the tree (see Figm¢5). Assume this nodetests the feature FEFand this feature has possiblevaluesV--{VI ..... V.}. ThenV partitions (2 into groupsof cases,GI ..... G.; whereGi contains those cases that have value Vi for feature F. G F nV V G1 ~’~--~ B~B BG GB B GB .......... --] n Figure5. Theroot classification of the cases in C. The solution we have adopted is to use information theoretic criteria similar to those used in ID3 (Quinlan 1986) to determine the most discriminating feature to be measuredat each stage in the narrowingdownof this subset of cases. Selecting Dffi {DI,...,Da} the set of possible classes or diagnoses (7 in Table1) C={CI,...,Cc}the set of cases to classify (14 in Table 1) Fffi{Fb...,Ff} the set of descriptive features that will form the nodes of the decision tree. (17 in Table 1) Features This selection of discriminating features amounts to building a decision tree that will have leaf nodes corresponding to the different diagnoses D and the set of cases C will be located, or classified, on these nodes. It is important that the tree is in some sense minimal so the choice of whichfeature to test at any level of the tree is critical. In ID3 this is done by selecting features based on their information content or discriminatory power(Quinlan 1986). The process used in NODALcBR is similar to that in ID3 except that the semantics of the branching in the decision tree is slightly different because of the large number of unknowns in the case features. A brief explanation of howthe discrimination works is as follows:- 52 Let Gi contain IDij I cases with diagnosisDj, that is IDtj I instances of class Dj. Then the expected information required for the sub-tree of Gi is I(IDilI ..... IDidl). Wecall obtain the expected information for the tree with F as root by computingthe weighted average over all value branches of F as follows:i i E(ID, I+’"+ID.I) Ddl) ° I(ID’I E(F)-,-, I,[D,I+...+I .....ID’I) n (2) Theweightof the ith branchis the proportionof casesin C that belong to Gi. The information gained from using F, or the discriminatorypowerof F, is:DP(F) = I(ID,l ..... IO.l)- E(F) So, at each stage in the reduction of the set of cases, the most discriminating feature is selected using this criterion. The user is requested to determinethe value of this feature for the target case. Theretrieved cases that cannot matchon this feature are removedfrom the relrieved set. This process is repeated until the set reduces to one diagnosis or the target case proves to be dissimilar to all the retrieved cases. It is important to emphasisethat a discrimination tree for the set of cases is not being produced, instead local discriminations are determined at run-time. This technique information that will confirmthat the cases match. The importanceof this validationdependson the coverageof the case-base.It is not requiredwhencoverageis good. Whenwecomparedthe CBRsystem with the old system on a sampleset of faults on the DC/DC circuit we found Evaluation that is required only 83%of the user input that the MBR In this section wewill present a comparisonof the MBR systemdid. This informationis plotted on a case by case and CBRsystems and evaluate the strengths of the CBR basis in Figure6. Twoother smaller evaluationsare shown system.Returningto the exampleintroducedearlier, wecan on Figure7 (a) and (b). In these situations the number questions is reducedto 35%and 33%respectively. Froma continue with the dialogue generatedby NODALcBa:situation whereour initial aspiration wasto producea CBR Selectingfunction test failure cases: Retrieved14 systemthat wouldhave the informational parsimonyof a goal-drivensystem wefind that the CBRsystemis better > (INPUT-FILTER-1 LOCAL-PS-1 DRIVER&PS-1 CONTROL-CCT-1 CLOCK-GEN-1 CLOCK-GEN-2 CLOCK- than the old NODAL system. GEN-3DRIVER&PS-2 DRIVER&PS-3 XFMR-1XFMR-2 XFMR-30UTPUT-RECT-10UTPUT-RECT-1) has provedremarkablysuccessful; indeedit results in less questionsbeingaskedof the user that wasthe case with the original NODAL system. Whatis Whatis Whatis Whatis Whatis Whatis O.K..... the valuefor the valuefor the value for the valuefor the valuefor the valuefor Category 1 N2? G N3? G N10? G N7? G N8? G N5? B XFMR-2 i!iiii!iiiii~iii!iiiiiii~i~!i!!i!iiiii~iiiiii!iii ! XFMR-1 ililili!!’:W:’:’:’:’:::’:’:’:’:::~:’:’:’,’:’::l I | XFMR-3 Selecting candidatemodules’ Retrieved2 (CLOCK-GEN-1CLOCK-GEN-2) I; Jl : Output.Rectifle~- ! ! i ~ i "L:’.’.!!!~ " i ! Li[ i~!~!!ffff’l Neg.t Output-RectifierPoe-1 Validation: The fault is in CLOCK-GENERATOR if N6is B or N6is G ClockGenetarot-3 The 14 cases shownin Table 1 are returned and N2 is foundto be the first mostdiscriminatingcriteria. After 6 questions the faulty moduleis discovered. This compares with 7 questions in the model based reasoning of old NODAL:Setupfor Test Vector1 Clod~Generator-2 ,4aa ClockGenerator-1 Driver-andPower-Supply-2 Control-Clrcult-1 I Whatis Whatis Whatis Whatis Whatis Whatis Whatis Drlvor-andPower-Sul0ply-3 the SIGNALof NODE-2? Good the SIGNALof NODE-3? Good the SIGNALof NODE-10? G~d the SIGNALof NODE-8? Good the SIGNALof NODE-7? Good the SIGNALof NODE-5? Bad the SIGNALof NODE-6? Bad I Driver-and-~[i[![[,iii,ili![[i!i Power-Supply1 ! Local-PowerSupply-1 Input-Filter-1 ~ ~ I 1:3 NodalCBR ! ’, I I 15 10 S 0 It looks like the fault is in the CLOCK-GENERATOR Switchingto consideringthe circuit at a component Total Queries level.,. The CBRsystem performs better than the MBRsystem of the numbers of questionsgenerated becauseit only requires enoughinformation to uniquely Figure6. Acomparison by the MBR andCBR systemsin fault diagnosis. classify the case in the case-base.In comparison,the MBR systemrequires enoughinformationto verify a hypothesis in its knowledgebase. The CBRsystem has a further validation phase whereit informs the user of remaining 53 a portion of the NODALsystem. The important Category 2 { ;.i.;°;.i.~.;,;.;.;.;|;.;.i°i.i°;°i.ioi Generator-I .~. I I ’, jill ¯ , i ..... laNodal CBR component in this re-implementationis the information theoretic criteria usedto determinethe next questionto be askedof the operator. Anevaluation of the two systemshas shown that the CBRimplementation can operate with less informationthan the model-based system. This is because, for our purposes, the criteria of minimum informationis moreparsimoniousthan the knowledgebased heuristics in the MBRsystem. Webelieve that manydiagnosis problemshave these characteristicsandthis techniquecan improvethe usefulness of manycase-baseddiagnostic systems. References 0 S 10 15 Cunningham P.; BradyM. 1987. Qualitative reasoning in electronic fault diagnosis, in Proceedings of Tenth International Joint Conferenceon Artificial Intelligence, 443-445. ed. J. McDermott,MorganKaufmann, Milan Italy. Total Queries (a) CunninghamP. 1988. KnowledgeRepresentation in Electronic Fault Diagnosis.Ph. D. Thesis, Departmentof ComputerScience, Dublin University, Trinity College, Ireland. Category 3 FeedbackControl-1 Target +s~-R.~,.,. jii!i!j!iiiiiiiiii iiit Faults~.F.~,~.2 +SvI-Rectifier&-Feedback-3 Control-Circuit2 i!!!!i!!!iiiiiiiiii i!i/ ~}i!iiiii!iiiiiiii:: 0 $ Koton P. 1988. Reasoning about Evidence in Causal Explanations, in Proceedingsof Workshop on case-based reasoning (DARPA), 260-269,Clearwater, Florida, Morgan Kaufmann. I +5vt-Rectiflor&-Feedback- 1 KriegsmannM.; Barletta R. 1993. Building A Case-Based HelpDeskApplication.IEEEExpert, 8(6): 18-26. I=lNodalCBR I Porter B.W.; Bareiss R.; Holte R.C. 1990. Concept Learningand Heuristic Classification in a Weak-Theory Domain, Artificial Intelligence, 45: 229-263¯ I I 10 15 QuinlanJ.R. 1986. Induction of Decision Trees, Machine Learning,1(1): 81-106. Total Queries Redmond M. A. 1990. Distributed cases for case-based reasoning: Facilitating use of multiple cases, in Proceedingsof AAAI-90,AAAIPress/MITPress, 304-309. (b) Figure 7. Further comparisons of the numbersof questions generated by the MBRand CBRsystems. SimoudisE.; Miller J.S. 1991. TheApplicationof CBRto Help DeskApplications. In Proceedingsof the Case-Based Wehave described a class of diagnosis systemswhere Reasoning Workshop,25-36. WashingtonD.C., U.S.A., there is a potentially large amountof informationthat may MorganKaufmann. be usedin the diagnosisprocess. Thereis a cost associated P. 1992. Dtjh Vu: A Hierarchical with obtainingthis informationand a successful diagnosis SmythB.; Cunningham can be madeusinga portionof this information.It is part Case-BasedReasoning System for Software Design. In of the conventional wisdomin AI that backwardchaining Proceedings of European Conference on Artificial John Wiley,, systemsare goodat these types of problembecausethe goal Intelligence, 587-589, ed. BerndNeumann, Vienna Austria. directed reasoningproducesfocusedquestions, requesting only informationthat is relevant to the hypothesisbeing pursued.In the early part of this paper wehavedescribed NODAL, a model-basedsystemof this type. The main contribution of this paper has been the description of NODALcBR a case-based reimplementationof Conclusion 54