From: AAAI Technical Report WS-93-07. Compilation copyright © 1993, AAAI ( All rights reserved. An AI based frameworkfor collaborative design N. E. Branki Computer Studies Departmem GlasgowCaledonian University Cowcaddcns Road Glasgow G4 0BA Scotland Abstract: Designhas increasingly becomea collaborative endeavourcarded out by several individuals with diverse kind of expertise .The individuals mayoccupyinstitutional roles in interaction with each other. Designproblemsare multifaceted, solving themrequire the contribution of several individuals, and the general approachhas beento breakdesign tasks into units which representsindividualtasks and are intrinsically co-operative. Researchin Artificial intelligence and especiallyintelligent agentsmayassist in collaborative design. Agentscontain knowledge about the players, tasks, and applications. This paper commences by discussing group workand its different aspects, researches technologicalissues relevant to collaboration, and developsan AI based frameworkfor collaborativedesign. 1. Background: Acommon practice in design is the splitting of a task into its components parts, allowingthe different participants to addressthemseparately. Forinstance, a part for an engineeris to calculate the structure of the proposedlayout, whereasa facilities manager’spart is to devise and measurethe spaceutilisation. In co-operativesettings players do not only share informationbut also share applications. Earlier workby (Clarke et al 1991) showedhowa co-operative dialogue between individual and an application can be enabled. This wasachievedby construction user interfaces whichincorporatedconsiderablelevel of knowledge in relation to the individual and the application. Theinterface is user conceptualisedemployingindividual’s knowledge, individual’s tasks, the task domain,and the style of interaction requiredby the individuals. The interface is extendedto support co-operativeworkfor design groups. It will incorporateco35 operativesupport handlers, that, for example,assist in choosingthe best application and the best interaction technique. 2. Group Work Groupworkinvolves a group of individuals workingon task to achieve a common goal. Individuals are members of a design and client teamswith an overall objective to agree a design. Groupshaveadvantagesover individuals performinga task. Collectively, individuals are morelikely to include a broaderrange, and perhapsmoreappropriaterange, of skills and knowledgepertaining to the task. Eachpersonbrings to the grouphis or her experience. Groupworkinvolves muchof collaboration, co-operation, co-ordination, and communication ( Brankiet al 1992). 2.1 Collaboration Collaboration occurs whentwo or moreplayers mayhave common,overlapping, or individual goals. Theperiod of workingtogether mayinvolve the developmentof a design artefact ( hence co-operation) or mayinvolve discussions whichadvanceindividual goals¯ Collaboration does not require continuousco-operation, or continuouscommunication. Periodsof individualworkmaystill be of benefit to the collaborativeefforts. Otheraspects of collaborationinclude closer collaboration, that is the physicalproximity whicha highly accurate predicator for collaboration; focus activity whichrefers to occasions whenindividuals plan to workclosely on a shared task. Collaborationalso demandsthat individuals share, exchangeand maintain informationfor four reasons ( Olsen1989); tasks decomposition,gathering relevant expertise, poolingofdiff’erent expertise and building shared goals¯ For a design based groupactivity, several tasks bear deadlines and their allocation to groupmembers to take themon is necessary; and also because: ¯ different tasks requirea specialisedexpertise, different designspecialists are assembledto handledifferent aspects of the problem. ¯ individual membershave limited perspectives or opinions on problems.Byconveninggroups a larger set of ideas, wisdom,and judgementcan be pooled. Theyare morelikely to agree to a decisionor a plan if they haveparticipatedin or just observedthe processthat led to it. Newcomers to a group workcan be exposedto learn a range of perspectives by observing and/or participating in groupworkingon problems. 2.2 Co-operation Co-operationis best describedas those periods of collaboration whereparticipants are developingan artefact. Co-operationbrings a synergythat can realise particular benefits. Fruitful interchangebetween humanis based uponachieving such synergy. Thehypothesis is to makea computertruly cooperate whichmightbring similar benefits and one of the key requirementis that "ifa cooperativemachineis to be fully developedit mustsupportthe interactive updatingof the shared knowledgebase ( Clarke et al 1993). Co-operationis not a fixed pattern ofbehaviour,but it is changing,adaptiveprocess directed to future results. Notall tasks will enableco-operativebehaviourto be realised. For instance, tasks whichrequire a single correct answer(i.e. mathematicalproblems)tend to providelittle scope for co-operation. However,a situation wheremorethan one alternative is sought provide a problemsolving environmentwhichfavours co-operative behaviour. Empirical evidenceto support this position has beenprovidedby two experiments.Firstly, it has been confirmedthat the superiority of the groupover the individual will be highest for tasks which afford a widerangeof possible solutions ( Thorndike1938). It has also beenfoundthat pairs weresuperior to individuals whenworkingon problemsrequiring someoriginality or insight, but not on moreroutine arithmetic problems( Husband1940). Co-operation, with its agreed common goals and behavioural norms, provide a secure environmentfor makingimaginativeleaps. The potential advantagesof co-operative behaviour within the designprocesshavebeenindicated by several researchers. In ’creative thinking’ face to face groupmembers"spark off’ ideas against each other by an assembledeffect so that finally the quality of ideas is higher than the individual couldhaveachieved(Broadbent1973). 2.3 Communication A major feature of group workis the need to communicate.Communication concerns the transfer of informationbetweencollaborators. Referenceto an act of communication is made to an event involvingthe choice of an available medium for the transfer of information. Designis a communicative activity in whichindividuals are called uponto decipher one another’sworld. For instance, the early synthesisingof conceptsolutions maytake place in the context of"decipherisation" within a design team ( Schon1983). Andwhenindividuals are a communicativeand co-operative situation they maybecomeawareof the social needs and effectiveutilisation of the resourcesat their disposal. Communication can also be twofold. Theinitial one focuseson, for instance, the client(s) building uponthe contents of a brief, elaboratinguponthe description and the constraints for the benefits of the designer(s). Theclient(s) is the majorsourceof information.In the final one, the designer(s) will submitcompleteddesign for approvaland criticism. Thedesigner(s) and the client(s) will considerthe designoptions and successivedesignswill be refined until solution becomesacceptable. 2.4 Co-ordination Co-ordinationrefers to the necessity in ordering the passageof informationamongst collaborators, due to the reliance of one uponthe process performedby another. Co-ordinationis also seen as a bodyof principals about howactivity can be co-ordinated,that is, howgroup memberscan worktogether harmoniously. Co-ordination mayhave four components : goals (i.e. designproposals),activities (i.e. designing,ordering, construction), actors (i.e. designand client teams), inter-dependenciesof action in order to achievegoals Maloneet al 1990). 37 3. Technological Support to Collaborative Design: Research Issues 3.1 Computer-Supported Co-operative Work (CSCW) CSCW is an endeavourto understandthe nature and requirements of co-operative workwith the objective of designingcomputer-based technologiesfor co-operative worksettings ( Bannonet al 1989). CSCW is probably a novel idea in supporting co-operative workfor design groups. The emphasisis to understandco-operativeworkas a distinct formof a work,and to support it with the appropriate technology. CSCW research has taken two views for the developmentof shared applications to facilitate co-operativework.Thefirst one is the" purposebuilt" applications such as generic tools for sharing ( Crowleyet al, 1990). Thesecondview is the clean separation betweenapplication and windowsystem functionality. This is possible with the facility offered by modem window systems. Window systems have been extended by adding "pseudo-servers" betweenthe existing workstationsoftware(servers) and the applications (clients) (Lawerset al, In sum, CSCW is a research field involvedin exploring a widerange of issues concerningcooperative workarrangementsand its support via informationtechnology.Studies in areas such as Computer-AidedDesign, Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), Computer-Aided SoftwareEngineering(CASE),etc.,are all relevant to the CSCW field to the extend that they study the use of computersto support co-operative workin different domains. Within CSCW technology, shared windowsystems allow the provision of multi-user interfaces to existing applications withoutmodificationto the application. However,they are based on the assumptionthat multi-user interfaces can be modelledas a collection of multiple single interfaces. Sharedwindowsystemsdo not allow for different roles, experience, and preferences amonggroup members.They are strictly WYSIWIS (What-You-See-Is-What-ISee) the informationpresentedto one user is exactly the sameas to the other. 3.2 Multimedia in a Human-ComputerDialogue In communicating design intentions, or informationis conveyedin morethan one form. Designersuse different types of mediawhichare essential in the reasoningprocess and are related in common use. Withintegrated office packages, a numberof designers see advantages in being providedwith the ability to movebetweendifferent media.So for example,it is advantageous for a user to halt an animation,’cut’ a still frame,’paste’ in sometext, and forward the wholeto someother user, whomight then choose to performsomegeometrical operation such as changingthe perspective. Alternatively, the messagecan consist of an animatedsequence,whichthe recipient mightchooseto replay selectively. Multimediacan be viewedfrom two perspectives: the technological and the user-centred. The former concentrates on whento use media and in what combinationto achieve the maximum effect ( McCartney 1990). Thelatter focuseson the possibilities offered by the technology the user. Oneof the current areas of research in multimedia,is finding the appropriatenessof different media,maintainingits consistency,and resolving mediaconflict, (Alty et al 1991)explores someof these areas. Knowledge based techniques have also been applied to multimediasuch 38 as workon relating different media,adaptiveinterfaces with the explicit representationand use of the real-worldexpertise, dialogue-likeinteraction, personalisationand design for usability (especiallyfor non-expert). Anotheraspect of multimediais integration of different mediabecausetranslation between themis not alwayspossible. A systemthat provides integration allows changein one mediato be reflected in the other one. Onetype of output can serve both as input and output. For instance changesin a residential mapby meansof a newhousingdevelopmentresults in a revision to a graph, hencepredicting for examplepopulation growthand newtransport demands.In another example,mapscould easily be extracted from imagesby means illustrating roads, existing development,and projecting newones. Multimediaintegration systemrequires a strategy for providingeasy and powerfulaccess to informationof all types of media. It does not changethe differences betweenmediaby making themaccessible to all users with equal ease. Suchsystemneeds an interface management systemthat is consistent, flexible, and couldsmooththe transition betweendifferent media:the "seamless"integration of media. Multimediaintegration systemwasproposedby ( Brankiet al 1992b)to use existing designapplications. Aknowledgebase approachto mediaintegration wouldprobablyresult in an intelligent media systemproviding sensible default options, by incorporating knowledgeabout the most appropriatemediafor various situations. Considerationsof multimediaare difficult with reference to links betweenmediaand hypermediainevitably becomesa consideration. Oneof the mainadvantages of hypermedia over multimediadatabases is that the technologyallows a user to browsea complexdatabase withoutthe needto return to the indexlevel and formulatea retrieval query everytime a new piece of informationis sought. Currenthypermedialsystemsdo havea numberof limitations with the most significant being that the links whicha user pursuesare typically specified in advanceby somescript writer. Thereis desirable needfor a moredynamicinterface. This facility ultimately requires that the systemcreates and/or destroyslinks at run-time, either in responseto someutility whichis invokedby the user, or by performingknowledge-based inferencing. 3.3 Intelligent Front-Ends(IFE) In co-operativesettings individuals do not only share informationbut also share applications. Animportantissue is the construction of user interfaces whichincorporates a considerable level of knowledge in relation to the user(s) and the application(s). Bydoingso, a operative dialoguecan be enabled. Suchinterface is defined as one whichhelps users overcometheir incompleteunderstandingof the computersystemand, in this support, employsknowledge of the user, the user’s tasks, the task domainand the style of interaction required by the users (Sharrat 1991). For examplea shared drawingapplication wouldrequire a WYSIWIS modeof interaction, whereas a spreadsheet needs a command of interaction whichwouldenable users to viewthe samedata in different format. Theissue here is to considerthe types of sharedinformationthat are cognitivelyfamiliar to users. Theintention is not to modifyexisting applicationswhichcarries the risk of negatingtheir powerand flexibility but to extendtheir functionality by constructing other components. 3g Toachievethese goals, an Intelligent Front-End(IFE)wasconceivedas an intricate synthesis of human-computer techniques, knowledgemanipulation, data modelmanipulation, user handlingand the user interface to the possible application¯ In essence,the IFEis a generalised software environmentwhichdefines the mappingfrom any user’s conceptual modelof a domainto the data and control requirementsof any targeted application .The IFEis extended to support co-operative workfor design groups¯ Thesystemincorporates intelligent support, i.e. co-operativesupporthandlersthat, for example,presentthe informationin a different variety of media¯ 3.4 Co-operative Support Handlers: Co-operative support handlers are componentsof the IFE and incorporate knowledgeabout the individualsandthe applications.Theyparticipate fully, or partially, in a designsession whereindividuals co-operate and communicate via individual workstations¯ Their roles maybe of different forms: ¯ they assist the individualsin carryingout tasks; they simplyaid the individualsin decomposing the tasks into one or moresub-tasks; ¯ they create fromthe informationsuppliedby the individuals(s) and the supporthandlers, the description requiredby the application; ¯ they orchestratean applicationagainst the selectedtask andfeeds it with its required information, ¯ they initiate a designsession, acknowledge latecomers; ¯ they solve the questions on design session such as whohas control of the application; ¯ they haveknowledge of different individuals profiles and respondsin the appropriate manner to ensurethat the designsessionis tailored to their profiles, ¯ they present informationin different types of media;they are responsiblefor choosingthe best representationto the individuals and interact with themin a waythat maybe different to the waythey interact with applications; ¯ they supportcriticism of the shared information(representation) of design; such actions stimulate and improvereflection; ¯ they providesupportin conflict resolutions (whenconflicts are detected) by explainingthe courseof actions; the resolutions do not haveto be basedon designprinciples; they assist in generatingalternative answersthat mightcontradict those principles and providea basis for reasoningaboutthemthat mightbe used in another situation; the mainissue here is that design has a uniquenessof beingconflictual and uncertain. 4. Frameworkfor Collaborative Design Theframework takes into considerationthe use of existing softwareapplications in design. Tworeasonsinfluencedsucha decision¯Firstly, it is not realistic to take into considerationthe effort and cost spent in mostcurrent software systems¯ Secondly,while there are many situations whereapplication designedfromthe outset to take multi-user interaction into account, it is also appropriatethe case that providingthe designgroups,with only these, meansthose groupswill be deprivedaccess to manyof their pre-existing tools¯ In remoteworking,there are different levels for whatis being shared. Designgroupsmay: 4O ¯ share the sameview of the sameapplication such as a shared drawingsurface ¯ share the sameapplication and the sameinformationbut it maybe presentedin a different media ¯ share the samedata, but manipulatedby different applications and hencehavea different viewof the samedata (Figure 1) illustrates a framework for shared applications. Thedialogue handleris responsible, at the user end, for sharing. Theframeworkneeds to knowthe informationpresented at each workstation.It enables, and facilitates user preferences. Themainintention is to developan architecture for mediausagein a collaborative design system in what (G-reenberg1991) calls personalisable groupware.Anarchitecture whose behaviourcan be tailored to matchthe needs of groupparticipation, (i.e. each member of groupmayobservea different behaviour)and the particular needs of the groupas.a whole(i.e. each groupmayobserve a different collective behaviour). G-reenbergillustrates the first point, by an exampleof twoarchitects (one senior, one junior) in a real time meetingconsultinga client over blueprints displayedover a shared computeraided design (CAD)package. Dependinguponpersonal needs and tastes, each participant mayrequire a slightly or evencompletelydifferent style of interface. Thesenior architect may havecompleteaccess to the control of the CAD package, while the apprentice architect may only be able to observe the drawing.TheCAD-ware client maystill be able to gesture and sketch aroundthe existing drawingthrougha very simplegraphicspencil¯ Illustrating, the second point, about group differences, the samegroupwaremaybe used by a group of contractors to implementthe blueprint. In this case, the contractors mayonly be able to illustrate that part of the drawingthat they are responsiblefor, perhapsto indicate deviations they had taken from the design. TheFramework is an extension of the IFE system. The IFE includes co-operative group working,that is, users workingas a groupand using applicationsto assist themin their task. Theintention is developingsuch framework,is to be able to conceptionaliseor personalise it to the needsof individual withinthe group. In recent years the developmentof powerfulconcurrent computersand other hardware environmentshas provokedresearch interest in concurrencyand distribution in AI (Fennell et al 1977). Anewsubfield of AI, called Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI)has emerged whichconcernedwith the co-operative solution of problemsby a decentralised and loosely coupledcollection of agents(Daviset ai 1983).. Theagents are able to workin parallel, that the overall completiontime maybe substantially reduced¯Theapproachesto DAIpoint to a promisingfuture for real-time systemsfor co-operativeworkin whichthose special requirements will be accommodated. Real-time systems have already been developedwhich haveshownthat DAItechniquesare potentially of great value to applications in real-time problemsolving ( Nil 1988). The types of mediacommunicated within the frameworkmaybe static or dynamicin the form of text and/or speech(verbal), graphicalimagesand/oranimation(graphical), still pictures and/or video(pictorial), alarms/bleepsand/ormusic(audio)¯ As design tasks are complex,information used maybe very complextoo. Theuse of multiblackboardshelps reduce the informationcomplexity.Sucharchitecture dispatches informationover several blackboardarchitecture, each blackboardcontains relatively small amountof information. This makesthe systemmoresufficient. Finally, managingmulti- blackboardsis easier than managinga big single one, because the management can be spread over several blackboardhandlers ( Dai et al 1990). 4.1 The Blackboard (BB) A blackboard is a wayoforganising large amountsof data or knowledgein a mannerwhich allows different agents to act uponthe data, almost concurrently. Theanalogywith a traditional blackboardis very strong in that the methodof communication between participants in the problemsolvingexercise is via the blackboard. TheBBacts as a communication centre for its clients. It stores the informationrepresenting the current state of the problemas input by the user or inferred by the supporthandler. Blackboardclients are divided into twocategories: those at the individuals-end(dialogue handler and user support handlers) concernedwith extracting fromthe individuals the input and the target definitions, and those at the back-endconcernedwith creating the input and instructions to drive the application program(s).Theclients within these twocategories exchangeinformation by meansof separate communicationareas on the blackboard termed the individuals and the targets areas. Thetwoclasses exchangeinformationby meansof the mainproblemdefinition area. Themainproblemdefinition area contains the definition of both the descriptionof the problemand the specification of the requiredtargets. Clients can also explicitly ask the blackboardfor informationor to keeptheminformedof new informationposted to any particular area. This avoids clients havingto tell the blackboardand also serves as a mechanism wherebytwo or moreclients can create a blackboardas a communication channel betweenthem. For example,the user dialogue area is used to pass informationbetweenthe dialogue and the support handler in order to validate input and provideessential feedback. 4.2 Dialogue Handler (DH) The DHis a communicationswitch and a protocol converter sitting betweena communication mediaand the blackboard. TheDAis responsible for mappingthe data generated by the communication mediain the format required by the blackboardand conversely, to mapthe commands emanatingfrom the blackboard to semantically equivalent to the communication media. It also decides on howbest to present the communication mediato the individual. 4.3 User Handler (UII) TheUHtracks the individual’s progress and ensures the systemrespondsin an appropriate manner.Its function is to set, and, updatethe appropriateuser conceptualisation(individual type and level of expertise). This ensuresthe subsequentdesign session is tailored to the individual’s skill level and that the appropriatelevel of guidanceand feedbackor help can be givenby the support during the session. 42 Applioetione I Dedgn Smmion 1 Handler Dialogue ~_ f Handler ~. DeeignHandlarMeeting Ueer Support I BlackboardHandlerI ~ User "~ ( Task "~ Handler J ~ Handler J U S E R ( Dialogue ~ Handler ~ RI.J,./rA, J’,.~.n/ ~ i TM ....... f / ~Applicetione~______~ ~ Handler ~__~ 2 ¯ (User Support Handler~ ( HDna~er ~ Applioatione 1 DesignHandler8eeeion 1 DesignHandlerMeeting 1 Figure 1. Framework for Collaborative Design 4.4 User Support Handlers (SH) TheUSHassist the individualsin carryingout tasks; they simplyaid themin decomposing the tasks into oneor moresubtasks.Theyare responsiblefor choosingthe best representationto the individualsandinteract withthemin a waythat maybe differentto the waythey interact withapplications.Theysupportcriticism of the sharedinformation (representation)of design (Brankiet al 1993);suchactions stimulateandimproverefection. Theyassist in accessing information, playersexternalisedesignideas anddesignrelies heavilyonthe ability to recall ideas. TheUSHaid in associatingideas whichis an importantpart in designthinking. They assist in choosingthe best suited applicationandthe best interactiontechnique.Theysupport the expressionof designactions; the expressionis useful for a number of tasks suchas explanation,learning,andredesign.Theyprovidesupportin conflict resolutions(when conflicts are detected)byexplainingthe courseof actions, the resolutionsdonot haveto be basedondesignprinciples. Theyassist in generatingalternativeanswersthat mightcontradict those principlesandprovidea basis for reasoningaboutthemthat mightbe usedin another situation( the mainissue hereis that designhas a uniqueness of beingconflictualand uncertain).Theycontrolthe dialogue,collect andvalidateentries, makewhateverinferences are appropriateandstore themon the blackboard. 43 4.5 Data Handler (DH) TheDHcreates fromthe informationsupplied by the individuals and the SH, the description requiredby the application(s). 4.6 Task Handler (TH) TheTHchoosesthe relevant application with whichto implementthe task. 4.7 Applications Handler (AH) TheAHorchestrates an application programagainst the selected task and feeds it with its required information. 4.8 Design Session Handler (DSH) Therole of the DSHis to initiate and terminate a session, acknowledge latecomers, support multiple groupsessions. 4.9 Design Meeting Handler (DMH) TheDMA resolves the questions on session control policies such as whohas control of the application, wholikes control, and howit is passedto other individuals. 4.10 Blackboard Handler (BBH) Withgroups, Blackboardsare coupledin the systemand are capableof runningconcurrently. The multi-blackboard frameworkis provided for communicationchannels amongblackboards. Ifa single blackboardis used, within a DesignSession, it then maybecomea bottleneck. ASupporthandler mayneed to exchangeinformationin order to co-operate. The role of the BBHis to conveyinformationfrom one individual workstation to the other. Thepassing of information is done via the blackboard. TheBBAalso performs information transformation required by the user support handlersand applications. Theinformationpresentedto one player is either the sameas the others or in a different formatdependingon the individual’s choice, as it couldbe inferred by a user supporthandler. 5. Summary Designis not acted uponby one individual but by manymore.Individuals interact and their interaction is greater, if not best, in Individualsreasoningprocesses. Theframeworkproposedis an extension to other workdone on Intelligent Front Ends. The workof Clarke has been influential. 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