From: AAAI Technical Report WS-93-05. Compilation copyright © 1993, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Knowledge.Based Process Specification Language A Specification andValidationTechnique for Knowledge-Based Systems by G.B.Prabhat andP. Srinivasan SundramInformation Systems (A Division of Sundram FastenersLimited) 98-A, III Floor, Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai, Madras600 004. Tel: (+91)-44-844350 Fax: (+91)-44-844699 138 Abstract TM. In This paperis the third in a series of papersto be presentedon the KITSMethodology this paper, wefocus on the verification and validation issues of Knowledge-Based Systemswith particular reference to Knowledge-Based ProcessSpecification Language,a shell-independent techniquewehad developedfor the formal specification and subsequentvalidation of KnowledgeBasedProcesses. Introduction As a professional organization involved in the development of Knowledge-Based intelligent systems for clients from various Industry sectors, weobservedthe needfor a shell-independent, standard schemefor specifying and validating Knowledge-Based Systems.Weobservedthat specifying Knowledge-Based Systemsusing conventionalspecification techniqueslike Structured English and Flowchartswasinadequate.Therefore, as part of the KITSMethodology- the methodologyweuse to developour brand of intelligent systems, namelyKnowiedge-integrated Information TechnologySolutions (KITSTM) - wehave developeda tool-independent formalism to specify and subsequentlyvalidate Knowledge-Based Processes. Knowledge-integratedInformation TechnologySolutions The term Knowledge-integrated Information TechnologySolutions (KITS) indicates Integrated Knowledge-Based Systemarchitecture as shownin Figure 1. The KITSarchitecture integrates frontier technologies like Knowledge-Based Systemsand Hypertextwith conventional ones like DatabaseManagement Systems, Procedural Computing,Spreadsheetsand Graphics. Since Knowledge-Based Systemsform a major part of the KITSarchitecture, Verification and Validation are vital issues that are addressedin the KITSMethodology. KITS Methodology- An Overview TheKITSMethodology is a comprehensive approachto building KITS. It is built on the basic premisethat existing modelsfor project management like the Waterfall Modeland techniques like DataFlowModellingare inadequatefor the professional management of building intelligent ¯ Information systems. TheKITSMethodologyblends the tenets of the Waterfall Modeland the Prototyping paradigmproviding a uniqueapproachto building intelligent Information Systems. Accordingto the KITSMethodology,an application basedon the KITSarchitecture is built in four phases,viz., Project Inception, Application Design,Prototypingand Project Completionas shownin Figure 2. Project Inception Project Inception consists in evaluating the problemthrougha feasibility studyemploying special methodsfor domainevaluation. Apart from evaluating the domain,one of the major problemsassociatedwith building intelligent systemsof this type whichincorporateexpert knowledge is determiningthe complexityof the project in termsof time, peopleand cost. Project Inception helps tackle these issues. Theend productsof Project Inception are the Functional 139 KnowledgeBased Systems Procedural Computing Hypertext Graphics DBMS Spreadsheets Figure 1. The KITSArchitecture. ProjectInception I KITSMethodology ApplicationDesign Prototyping ProjectCompletion Figure 2. The KITS Methodology. End-user Training KITSMethodology ProjectInception FeasiblityStudy ApplicationDesign Functional Specifications Prototyping ProjectCompletion Figure 3. The KITS Methodology- Project Inception. 140 Specifications and the Project Plan documents.Thefunctional specifications of the systemare captured using an Information Flow Diagram(IFDTM) basedon a technique called Information Flow Modelling[Prabhatet al, 1991].Figure 3 sumsup the activity in Project Inception. Application Design Application Designis the processof producinga logical and physical designof the KITS architecture. Theprimary input to this phaseIs the Information FlowDiagramproducedIn the Functional Specifications of the system.This abstract Information FlowDiagramis brokendowninto manyStepsto fundamental levels of detail. Thedetails of the elementsof the Final Step IFD are documented in the Information Flow Components Dictionary (IFCD~). Thelogical view in the IFD TM) using a technique nowmappedonto a physical view in the SystemsArchitecture Diagram(SAD called SystemsArchitecture Specifications. Thedetails of the elementsin the SADare then documented in a SystemsArchitecture Components Dictionary (SACD~).The Application Design phaseconcludeswith a prescription of testing strategies as shownin Figure 4. Prototyplng PrototypingIs the processof building a microcosmic version of the ultimate system.It begins with Knowledge Acquisition wherethe domainknowledgeis acquired from the expert in the form of rules, heuristics, proceduresand facts. Theknowledge acquiredfrom the expert is documented in a shell-independentformalism called the Structured English Representationof Knowledge [Prabhat et al, 1992]. The output document at the end of this sub-phaseis the KnowledgeDocument.The KnowledgeBaseis then designed and specified. The prototype Is implemented and validated for conformance to its functional specifications. TheTest Reportis generatedat the end of this sub-phase.Wehave developedstructured methodologiesfor each of thesesteps detailed in Figure 5. Project Completion Project Completionphaseconvertsthe prototype systemto the full-scale KITSarchitecture. It begins with the necessaryredesignof the prototype and scaling up the prototype Knowledge Baseto contain the completeknowledge.Theprototype is then ported to the delivery platform (if, different from the development platform) and integrated with data sourcesand sinks suchas databases,spreadsheets,etc, Validation Testing is conductedto ensurethat the systemconforms to the customer’s requirements. TheUser Manualis producedin the Documentation phase. This concludes the deploymentof the system. ChangeManagement modulesassist in the maintenance of the systemthereafter, Figure 6 summarizes the activity in this phase. 141 ProjectInception InformationFlowModelling ApplicationDesign SystemArchitectureSpecifications Prototyping TestingStrategies KITSMethodology Project Completion Figure 4. The KITS Methodology - Application Design. ProjectInception I ApplicationDesign Knowledge Acquisition Prototyping Knowledge BaseDesign& Specifications Project Completion PrototypeImplementation & Testing KITSMethodology Figure 5. The KITS Methodology - Prototyping. ProjectInception Scaling up of Knowledge Base I ApplicationDesign KITS Methodology Portingto DeliveryPlatform Prototyping DataSourcesIntegration Project Completion ValidationTesting Documentation ChangeManagementModules Figure 6. The KITS Methodology - Project Completion. 142 Verification andValidation - TheContext In the KITSMethodology, Verification and Validation are carried out during the phasesof Prototyping and Project Completion.In order to ensurethat all Knowledge-Based Processesin the KITSarchitecture conformto their functional requirements,they haveto be specified and documented in an unambiguous and tool-independent formalism. In the KITS Methodology,the specification schemeemployedis called Know/edge-Based ProcessSpecification Language (KPSLTM). This languageis the common denominatorof the constructs and facilities found in most commercialKnowledge-Based Systemshells. Howeverno commercialshell’s representation languagehas been used. Knowledge-Based Process Specification Language At the end of Application Designand during the phaseof Prototyping, the Knowledge Engineer encounters various Knowledge-Based Processes. A Knowledge-Based Process is one that requires reasoningand inferencing basedon expert knowledge.Theseprocessesand their interrelationships are codified in a diagramcalled the Information FlowDiagram(IFD). An IFDis a pictorial representationof the logical functionality of the KITSarchitecture. As an example,let us consider a fictitious diagnostic Knowledge-Based System.The systemis required to diagnosethe cause of a problemin a machineand suggest someremedial action. TheIFD for this systemis shownin Figure 7. TheKnowledge-Based Process"Start DiagnosisActivity" gets the "symptom"of the problemfrom the machineoperator and performs someInitialisation activities. It then passesthe "symptom" to the Knowledge-Based Process"Find Causeof Problem"which locates the "cause" of the problemand passesit to the Knowledge-Based Process"SuggestRemedy for Problem". This process prescribes a "remedy"and passes it the Knowledge-Based Process:’End DiagnosisActivity" which performs somewinding up activity and returns the "remedy"to the operator. EachKnowledge-Based Processtaps domainexpertise from its associatedKnowledge Repository. All Knowledge-Based Processesin the IFD are nowspecified using KPSLconstructs. A few general KPSLconstructs are describedbelow. Followingthat is the KPSLspecification for the diagnostic Knowledge-Based System. KPSLConstructs Thesyntax usedto describe the KPSLconstructs is given below: Symbol Meaning <> replacewith appropriateliteral [] select from amongalternate choices I separatorfor alternate choices 143 <symptom> ~ <cause> Start Diagnosis I I <symptom> Initialization Knowledge Repository R1 Machine Operator I Fault Cause Knowledge Repository KR2 I / / /End / Diagnosis~ Activity /Suggest Remedy~ forProblem ~ f ,f I KR4 I ~ / Knowledge End Diagnosis Repository I IFau’tRe° y Knowledge Repository KR3 Legend: I I I Knowledge-Based Process Knowledge Repository / / HumanI/O Element Figure 7. The Information Flow Diagramfor the diagnostic Knowledge-Based System. 144 I {} I iteration Operators Arithmetic Operators * % + Relational Operators < > = Logical Operators AND OR mod div <= >= , <> NOT Predicates Predicatesare usedto test various conditions during the processof execution. TheKPSL predicates are ¯ DEFINED( <Attribute> ) - ReturnsTRUE if <Attribute> is defined, Otherwise,returns FALSE. ¯ NOOFVALUES( <Attribute> ) - Returnsthe numberof values that the attribute currently has. This is applicablefor attributes that can take morethan one value. Problem-Solving Constructs Theexpressive powerof KPSLcomesfrom the set of languagestatementsthat describe the problem-solving process. Someof themare explained below: 1. DETERMINE Syntax: DETERMINE <Attribute> BY [ FORWARD CHAININGI BACKWARD CHAININGON <Attribute> ] USING<KnowledgeRepository> Description: Establish a value for the attribute by forwardor backward chaining using the given KnowledgeRepository. 2. ATTEMPT TO DETERMINE Syntax: A’I-I’EMPT TODETERMINE <Attribute> = { <Value>} BY [ FORWARD CHAININGI BACKWARD CHAININGON <Attribute> ] USING<KnowledgeRepository> Description: By forward or backwardchaining on the given Knowledge Repository, attempt to establish that the attribute takesthe givenvalue(s). In this case,establishingthat the attribute takes the given value is of primaryimportance. 3. INITIALIZE Syntax: INITIALIZE BY [ FORWARD CHAININGI BACKWARD CHAININGON <Attribute> USING<KnowledgeRepository> 145 ] Description: This is a startup mechanism to initialize 4. FIRE the valuesof various attributes. RULES Syntax: FIRE RULESBY [ FORWARD CHAININGI BACKWARD-CHAINING ON <Attribute> ] USING<KnowledgeRepository> Description: , Loadthe given knowledge repository and fire the rules in forward or backward chaining mode. 5. WINDUP Syntax: WINDUPBY [ FORWARD CHAININGI BACKWARD CHAININGON <Attribute> ] USING<KnowledgeRepository> Description: This is a shutdownmechanism to perform winding up operations. 6. SET CURRENTGOAL AS Syntax: SET CURRENT GOALAS <Attribute> Description: This is a meansof reordering the sequencein which goals will be tried. KPSLSpecification for the Diagnostic Knowledge-Based System Process Name Start Diagnosis Activity ProcessSpecification INITIALIZE BY FORWARD.CHAINING ONInitialization Knowledge Repository Process Name Locate Causeof Problem Process Specification ’ A’FFEMPTTO DETERMINE CauseOfProblem= "Insufficient lubrication" BY BACKWARD CHAININGONCauseOfProblemUSINGFault Cause Knowledge Repository IF NOTDEFINED(CauseOfProblem) THENATTEMPTTO DETERMINE CauseOfProblem = "inadequate power supply" BY BACKWARD CHAININGONCauseOfProblemUSINGFault CauseKnowledge Repository ENDIF IF NOTDEFINED(CauseOfProblem) THEN DETERMINECauseOfProblem BY BACKWARD CHAININGON CauseOfProblem USING Fault CauseKnowledgeRepository ENDIF 146 Process Name Suggest Remedyfor Problem ProcessSpecification DETERMINERemedyOfProblem BY FORWARD CHAININGON Fault Remedy Knowledge Repository * Process Name EndDiagnosisActivity ProcessSpecification WINDUPBY FORWARD CHAININGONEnd Diagnosis Knowledge Repository After these Knowledge-Based Processes have been implementedusing a Knowledge-Based shell or a language,they can be verified and validated by ensuring that they conformto their KPSL specifications. Knowledge-Based ProcessSpecification Language - Advantages The advantagesof KPSLare many: ¯ Thespecification results in effective Verification and Validation of Knowledge-Based components. ¯ It is a structured language;therefore ambiguities in specifying Knowledge-Based Processes are significantly reducedresulting in moreaccuratevalidation. ¯ Thespecification is English-like; therefore comprehensibilityof processesis enhanced. ¯ KPSLis shell-independent. A set of Knowledge-Based Processesspecified using KPSLcan be implementedin morethan one Knowledge-Based tool. This helps in easy portability betweenshells. TheKPSLspecification forms the common groundfrom which all physical implementations arise. This implies that evenif the tool is changed,the specification remainsunaffected. References 1. [Prabhat et al, 1991] - Prabhat G.B., Ramachandran N., NagendraPrasadG., "KnowledgeFlow Modelling and Beyond: Towardsa DevelopmentMethodologyfor Knowledge-Based Systems", Proceedingsof the AAAI-91Workshop on Standardsin Expert System,July 1991, pp 11-34. 2. [Prabhatet al, 1992]- PrabhatG.B., Rajmohan S., AnandhiI., SrinlvasanP., "Structured English Representationof Knowledge- A Mediating KnowledgeRepresentationFormalism", Proceedingsof the AAAI-92Workshopon KnowledgeRepresentationAspects of KnowledgeAcquisition, July 1992, pp 129-146. Trademarks KITS, KITS Methodology,IFD, IFCD, SAD,SACD,KPSLare trademarks of SundramInformation Systems,India. 147