eammetceal Por4ducteo4t Pole Snap Beans e9,0 111 1 Nov.: ) - __, --- \ Extension Bulletin 783 FEDERAL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE - June 1960 ' OREGON STATE COLLEGE 4 CORVALLIS Cooperative Extension work in Agriculture and Home Economics, F. E. Price. director. Oregon State College and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. eammeireca pIedactaft P I eogrefted Page Summary of production Weed control Disease control Insect control summary Details of production Soils and soil preparation Varieties Seed treatment Planting Supporting and training 3 4 5 7 10 10 10 10 11 14 Cultivation and weed control Irrigation Insect control Disease control Blossom drop and malformed pods 14 Harvesting and yields 17 Tables 15 15 16 16 18 This bulletin was prepared by A. A. Duncan, extension vegetable production specialist, in cooperation with R. W. Every, extension entomology specialist, and I. C. MacSwan, extension plant pathology specialist, Oregon State College. This publication supersedes Oregon State College Extension Circular 434 and Extension Bulletin 705 (July 1950) by A. G. B. Bouquet. inap Beans la 61490(4 Summate/ Prodactioa Scientific name: Phaseolus vulgaris Varieties: FM-1, FM-1-K, FM-1-P (early types), Asgrow 231 (late type). Method of seeding and amount of seed per acre : Planter set to drop 15 seeds per yard of row when germination is 80%. Speed of seeding 1.5 to 2 mph. Rough handling reduces germination of bean seed. Plant 1" to 11" deep on loam soils and 11" to 2" deep on sandy soils. Plant 25 to 30 pounds of seed per acre depending upon the size of seed. Seed treatment : Plant only seed treated with fungicide (Arasan SF, Spergon or captan) and insecticide (aldrin, dieldrin, or lindane), to re- to field capacity are better than light sprinklings. Fertilization: Nitrogen (N) :: 100- 120 pounds per acre (50-70 at seeding and 50 pounds through irrigation system or sidedressed during growing sea- son beginning at first bloom). Phos- phorus (P205): 60-180 pounds per acre in bands at time of seeding. Potash (K20) : 40-60 pounds per acre in bands at time of seeding. No Potash required on many river-bottom soils. Example : 600-800 pounds of 8-24-8 per acre in bands at time of seeding. Bands 2" on either side and 3-4" below the level of the seed. Followed by 50 pounds of N in a split application with the irrigation water, or side-dressed, duce seed loss from rots and insects. after beans begin flowering. Nutrients removed by 10-ton crop : (approximatenot to be used Spacing: Between rows, 4Y to 5'. Between plants, 3". Time of planting: Late April to as guide to fertilization practices) June. N P,05 K20 Time of harvest : About 65 to 70 days to first harvest (early types); varies with temperature. Pods 100 35 90 Irrigation: Whenever soil moisture in upper 2' declines to 60% available. Thorough irrigations that wet the soil Foliage (returned) 80 10 60 Total 45 150 3 180 Weed Control Control of weeds which emerge Control of perennial grasses when beans emerge Chemical : Eptam. Chemical: Dinitro amine. Spray mixture : For nutgrass, 2 Spray mixture : 1 to 2 gallons of 3pounds per gallon formulation (3 to 6 pounds active) in 30 or more gallons of water per acre. quarts of 6-pounds per gallon formula- tion (3 pounds active) in 30 or more gallons of water per acre. For quack grass, 4 quarts of 6-pounds per gallon formulation (6 pounds active) in 30 or more gallons of water per acre. Time of application : Immediately after planting if possible or at least before beans break through the soil. Time of application : Before plant- ing. Spray Eptam and work it thor- Cost may be reduced by using a band application over the row, sprayed on at oughly into the soil by discing twice. Seed may be planted immediately. time of seeding. Caution : Do not use on lima beans. Caution : Spray only one time. Control of weeds after beans have emerged Control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds Chemical: Dinitro amine. Chemical : Vegedex. Spray mixture : 2 quarts of pounds per gallon Spray mixture : 2 to 6 quarts of 3pounds per gallon formulation (4 to 41- pounds active) in 30 or more gallons water per acre. 4- formulation (2 pounds active) in 30 or more gallons of water per acre. (Use 3 to 6 quarts if grass problem is severe.) Time of application : Immediately Time of application : When most the beans have emerged to the "crook stage," that is, after the bean of after planting. seedling has broken through the ground and before the stem has become erect. Caution : Spray only one time. Chemical combination : Vegedex Caution: Check the air temperature with a reliable thermometer. If the air temperature is 85°, or is expected to reach or exceed 85° within 24 hours following the application, then delay plus dinitro amine. Spray mixture : quarts of 4formulation (2 pounds active) of Vegedex plus 2 to 4 quarts of 3-pounds per gallon formulation (4 to 3 pounds active) of dinitro 2 pounds per gallon treatment. amine in 30 or more gallons of water per acre. 4 Disease Control has been a Problem, the spray or dust applications should be started as soon as wet weather occurs. Some growers may profitably wait until the disease makes its first appearance, before applying fungicides. During wet weather apply a fungicide every seven days, especially to the lower half of the vines. Sprays: Use Ziram 11- pounds per Bean-sclerotinia disease (white mold) Cause : Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, a fungus. This organism lives during winter months as sclerotia, attached to old bean stems or directly in the soil. Sclerotia are moved about on plant materials, farm implements, irrigation water and on seed. Infection occurs 100 gallons of water or Terraclor most frequently under cool, moist (PCNB) 3 pounds actual per acre. weather conditions. Other host plants Terraclor may be combined with diinclude lettuce, carrots, parsnips, cabbage, and other crucifers and cucurbits. nitro amine and applied after seeding. Apply fungicides at the rate of 150- Symptoms : Young infected plants 200 gallons of spray per acre. show water-soaked spots on the stems Dusts : Use Ziram 3 pounds active or leaves. Older plants develop similar per acre (30 pounds of 10% dust) or spots anywhere on stems, petioles, Terraclor 20% dust at the rate of 25 leaves, or pods. These spots are a white creamy mat-like fungus growth. Most pounds per acre. Residues: Ziramif applied within infections occur near the ground. The fungus may also invade the pith of the 4 days of harvest, wash beans to remain stem. Infected leaves turn yellow move residue. Terraclordo not apply and wilt. Imbedded in the external fun- after the first bloom. Do not feed the gus treated vines to livestock. growth are compact sclerotia. These are at first white in color and later darken until they are black and Root rot hardened. Cause : Fusarium sp., fungi. Species of Fusarium live in the soil indefinitely, Control : (1) Provide adequate aeration between rows and within rows by increased planting distance. (2) Deep plowing to bury sclerotia is beneficial. Rotate crops where land permits for at least one year to escape sclerotia infection. This is of little value in concentrated bean areas due to widespread probably for many years. They are spread on infected bean straw and by soil water. Symptoms : The plants are stunted and the leaves are yellowish and often drop early. Around the ground level and below, the main root may show a red discoloration later turning black and decaying. The infection seldom grows into tissue above the ground level: Small side roots are killed and dispersion of spores through the air. Varieties that do not produce excessive foliage near the ground level, (open base types) such as FM-1 variety, tend to escape early season infections. In a severe white mold season, FM-1 may become infected. (5) Apply fungicides. In fields where white mold above them secondary roots are developed which may also become infected and die. These secondary roots help to ,5 maintain the plant and assist in crop Symptoms : Initial symptoms ap- development. pear on lower surface of leaves as Control : Plant in well-drained soil. Practice a long rotation with grass or years. Shallow cultivation may be help- small, white, raised spots. Later symptoms on pods and leaves as rust colored spots and spores. Control : (1) Cut down and disc known. Despite the widespread prevalence of the soil organisms, reason- pleted. (2) Dip or spray stakes, wire, and other equipment with lime-sulfur ably good crops are usually produced. at the rate of 1 gallon per 10 gallons of water. (3) Dust with sulfur (225 mesh Seed rot and seedling blight Cause : Pythium and Rhizoctonia sp., fungi. Both seed rot and seedling blight result from fungi which persist or finer). Start dusting as soon as the first leaves begin to form. Continue dusting at one-week intervals until the first blossoms appear. Five to seven applications may be necessary. (It is not advisable to dust after any pods grain crops intervening for 5 or 6 ful. A good control measure is not vines as soon as last picking is com- indefinitely in the soil. Symptoms : Seed decay or a rotting and damping-off of the young seedling plants. Wilting and death of the seedlings follow. Control : Treat seed as described in text. Bean rust Cause : Uromyces phaseoli typica, a fungus. var. have formed since some canneries have experienced difficulties when using products bearing sulfur.) The critical time to dust with sulfur is early in the season to prevent the white spore stage. At this time the plant needs protection only from an occasional spore, but once the brown spore stage has started, the plant needs constant protection against thousands (millions) of spores. A mechanical harvester for pole snap beans is under development. This is an experimental model. INSECT CONTROL SUMMARY Control . Description and damage Pests Bean aphid Aphis fabae Scop. Black plant louse which colon- izes on leaves and pods. May occur early in season but most common found in late summer. Tolerance To (Dosages refer to actual amount of toxicant per acre) Dibrom-2 lbs. Malathion-1.75 lbs. Diazinon-0.5 lb. spray 1.-1 Laphygma exigua (Hbn.) Full grown larva li inches long, greenish with a broad, dark, latend band, edged with a narrow white line. Larvae tend to defoliate pigweed and later migrate 4 daysWashington an 0.75 Oregon only 1 day 7 (lays 0.8 7 daysDo not feed* 0 3 days - TEPP-0.4 lb. as spray Beet armyworm N.R.f lbs. dust 1.2 lbs. as dust ' (Interval between last application and harvest) 8 Trithion-0.75 lb. as spray 1 Restrictions ppm. lb. as dust Parathion-0.5 lb. Phosdrin-0.5 lb. Nicotine sulfate-1 lb. 0.25 2 DDT-2 lbs. 7 Malathion-1.75 lbs. 7 daysDo not feed* 8 1 day DDT-2 lbs. 7 7 daysDo not feed* 15 days 1 . 1 day 3 days to beans. Painted-lady or thistle butterfly Vanessa cardui (L.) Spiny caterpillars, dull brown to black with pale yellow stripe on each side. Caterpillars feed mostly on thistle, but will some- . times move to beans. Small white centipede-like ani- Parathion-5 lbs. or soil fumi- mal. gant. Nitidulid beetle Small, black beetle which infests Dibrom-2 lbs. Meligethes nigrescens blossoms. May cause blossom drop. Economic level averages Garden sy mphyl id Stephens 6 beetles per blossom. N.R.f N.R.f . DDT-2 lbs. 7 I\ tethoxychlor-2 lbs. 14 4 daysWashington and Oregon only 7 daysDo not feed* 3 daysDo not feed treated vines to livestock. , Malathion-1.75 lbs. Diazinon-0.5 lb. as spray 8 0.75 I day 0 3 (lays 7 days 1.4 lbs. as dust TEPP-0.4 lb. as spray 1 lb. as dust INSECT CONTROL SUM MARY-(Continued) Control Description and damage Pests Pea leaf weevil Sitona lincata (L.) grayish - brown Adults small, weevils about inch long. May appear on beans in late summer in Willamette Valley. To date Tolerance (Dosages refer to actual amount of toxicant per acre) PPnl- Malathion-1.75 lbs. 8 Methoxychlor-2 lbs. 14 Western spotted cucumber beetle Yellowish-green, Hiabrotica undecintpunctata Mann. seedlings, foliage and pods. beetle common to western Oregon. Adults attack and feed on 7 Methoxychlor-2 lbs. 14 Sevint.-2 lbs. 10 TEPP--0.4 lb. as spray Brown, jointed larvae of click Kill young weaken older ones. beetles. Limonius spp. plants, 3 days. Do not feed stock. DDT-2 lbs. For light infestations: Malathion-1.75 lbs. Wireworms 1 day treated vines to live- not serious on beans. black-spotted Restrictions (Interval between last application and harvest) 1 lb. as dust Preplanting soil treatment of : Aldrin-2 to 3 lbs. Dieldrin-2 to 3 lbs. 7 daysDo not feedt 3 daysDo not feed treated vines to live- stock No time limitation Do not feed* 8 0 1 day 3 days 0 0 No restrictions if used as : DDT-20 lbs. For light infestations: Aldrin, Dieldrin, or lindane seed treatments with Thiram directed 7 will provide crop protection. (See Seed-corn maggot.) Seed-corn maggot White larvae of fly, similar to the Hylemya cilicrura (Rond.) cabbage maggot. Attack germinating seeds and may destroy planting. Generally abundant during cool wet weather. Seed treatments: Aldrin . Dieldrin Lindane 0 0 Seed treatment only: Do not use treated seed for food or feed* oz. (75% W.P.) plus Thi- ram li oz. (75% W.P.) per 100 lbs. of seed. Pre planting soil treatment of: Aldrin-2 to 3 lbs. Dieldrin-2 to 3 lbs. will reduce or prevent damage N.R.'f 0 No restrictions if used as preplanting treatment INSECT CONTROL SUM MARY ( Concluded) Control Pests Gray Garden Slug Spider Mites Tetranych us spit. (Dosages refer to actual amount of toxicant per acre) Description and damage Small molluscs, common to western Oregon. Most destructive to crops in early spring. Tiny spider-like animals, located on undersides of foliage. Feed on plant juices and cause yel- lowing and browning of leaves. Not usually a problem in western Oregon. 3% metaldehyde-calcium arsenate bait. 10 lbs. Repeat applications frequently. Avoid baiting during periods of heavy rainfall, Tolerance PPm N.R. - Restrictions (Interval between last application and harvest) Spread baits lightly on ground around plants. Avoid contamination of crop. See also "Oregon In- sect Control Handbook." Kelthane*-0.6 lb. as spray 5 7 daysDo not feed* Trithion-0.75 lb. as spray 0.8 7 clavsDo not feed* 0.75 7 days 8 1 1 15 days 1.5 lbs. as dust 1.2 lbs. as dust Diazinon*-0.5 lb. as spray 1.4 lbs. as dust Malathion-1.75 lbs. Parathion-0.5 lb. Do not feed crop or crop residue to dairy, poultry, or meat a timals. clay f No recommendation. Pesticide has Federal registration hut data on effectiveness under Oregon conditions has not been determined by Oregon State College. ptodacteept et-aied Soils and Soil Preparation Land for growing snap beans should be well drained, relatively easy to work, fertile, and suitable for irrigation. Any friable land of good tilth that is naturally fertile or that has been built up to a good state of fertility will grow good yields of beans. Sandy loam and silt loam soils are preferred. Beans are produced to a large extent on river bottom soils and almost always under irrigation. A major exception to the river is the Stayton area in southern Marion County. Here the bottom soils soils are more gravelly. Occasionally bean yards are to be found on heavy Willamette soil and some of these have been known to produce good yields. Soil impoverished by continuous crop- ping can be detected by the meager growth of vines, the dropping of blossoms, and the low yield of pods. Soil tests help to determine fertilizer needs. Varieties A variety of beans suitable for the open market and for manufacture should : (1) be productive, (2) have correct shape, color, and length in order to satisfy the trade, (3) have good texture and flavor, and (4) be stringless and low in side-wall fibre. Of the tall-growing or pole types used for canning and freezing, Blue Lake is the most widely produced. There are sev- eral varieties and derivatives of the original Blue Lake varying in season, growth habit, yield, and degree of stringlessness. In general this type is characterized by having 5 to 6-inch long, straight pods that are round in cross section, dark green, and stringless. Seed Treatment Before planting bean seeds, protect them from maggot injury by coating them with a thin slurry, or paste, that wettable powders especially prepared for slurry seed treating. By following the recommendations given here, less than one ounce of chemical per acre will reach the soil. This amount of insecticide in the soil contains an insecticide and a fungicide. The beans retain the coating after they are planted, and maggots that attack them are killed by contact with the insecticide. The fungicide is necessary to protect the beans from pre-emergence attack from diseases. Aldrin, dieldrin, or lindane are suitable insecticides. A finely ground, solvent-free wettable does not give off-flavor to beans. Preparing the slurry The stock supply of slurry is prepared by mixing the insecticide and the fungicide with water. To prepare slurry in an amount sufficient to treat powder of 75% strength should be used. A lower strength might not be 50 pounds of seed, ounce (4 level effective. The recommended fungicides teaspoonfuls) of the insecticide, 11 are arasan SF, spergon, or captan. The fungicides are available as dusts or as ounces (9 level tablespoonfuls) of the fungicide, and 8 fluid ounces (1 cup10 ful) of water should be mixed and stirred thoroughly. It should stand about 10 minutes before using. Treating the seed Seed and slurry are mixed in a con- manufacturer of the machine furnishes directions for using it. A clean cement mixer may be used as a substitute for a slurry-treating ma- chine. The same proportions indicated in the reference to slurry-treating matainer for slurry treatment. In treat- chines are used, measuring out 1 pint ing small quantity of seed, a smooth of slurry for each 100 pounds of seed. container that can be closed tightly The mixer should not turn longer than and rolled and tumbled, such as a fruit is necessary to coat the seed, in order to jar or friction-top can should be used. avoid damage to the seed. The container is only half filled with seed in each operation. Several oper- Handling treated seed Moist seed will not feed properly ations, with a new batch of seed each through the planter. The seed is dried time, may be necessary. One teaspoonful of slurry per pound at least 1 hour before planting. It is of seed should be used. In treating the not necessary to plant the seed the same first batch of seed, the amount of slurry day it is treated, but it may be set is increased about 10% to compensate aside for several days. After it has for the slurry that will stick to the in- dried, the seed is placed in bags made side of the container. The slurry should of heavy paper or closely woven cloth ; be sprinkled over the seed, the con- such bags keep the powder from sifttainer closed, then rolled and tumbled ing out. until the seed is smoothly coated. The treated seed should not be left in the Custom treating In some states seedsmen or others container, but put in a cloth sack to dry. If as much as 1,000 pounds of bean who wish to do custom treating of seed seed each season is being treated, the are required to obtain a license. Local purchase of a slurry-treating machine agricultural authorities should be asked will be helpful. It regulates the flow of about licensing before doing any cusseed and slurry causing the seed to re- tom treating. If treated seed is offered for sale, ceive a uniform coating. Six ounces of the insecticide mixed with LI pounds each bag must carry a label giving the of the fungicide, and 1 gallon of water, name of the insecticide used and stat- ing that the seed is unfit for food or will coat about 900 pounds of bean seed when used in the machine. The feed purposes. Planting mosaic and other seed-borne diseases. The present varieties of Blue Lake are undesirable plants and pods. Flat pods resistant to the usual strain of common are undesirable, but complete elimina- mosaic virus. Pole beans are grown tion of plants that produce flat pods is with the rows usually 4V to 5' apart not possible because of current season and for this method of seeding about mutations. It is especially important 25 to 30 pounds of seed per acre are that the seed be free from common sufficient. A combination fertilizer disThe seed should come from fields that have been thoroughly roved for 11 - "=r Even though machines have been developed for many operations, much costly labor is still required in pole bean production. In this bean yard, holes for the heavy end posts are dug mechanically then "trued up" by hand so as to be in perfect alignment with the bean row. Stakes are pressed into the soil at 20 foot intervals down the bean row. The wire at the top and the heavy twine at the bottom are securely fastened to the end posts. A web of string is wound mechanically between the wire and the twine. At the end of the growing season string, twine, and vines are left in the field. Top wires are lifted and rolled onto spools by machine. Stakes and end posts are pulled and stacked for winter storage. c NIP tributor and bean planter is used. The seed should be planted 1" to h,'" deep on heavy soils and 14" to 2" deep on light soils. Where moisture is available shallow planting is preferred for quick the time when it is desirable to begin harvest, location and soil. Ordinarily a period of 70 days elapses between seed- ing and first harvest, but this varies with weather conditions and the varie- ties or strains used. For the home or market garden beans may be planted The date of planting of pole beans varies from the latter part of April to up to the middle of July to provide a the first part of June, depending upon fall crop. emergence. Supporting and Training Pole beans are supported and trained wires are sometimes placed every 30' by means of end posts, support posts, for additional support. The bean plant wire, and string. "Temporary yards" then climbs the string between the two are used in the overflow and river-bot- wires. In some cases the support string tom areas, in which case the support is tied to the upper wire and at the posts in the rows, and many of the bottom to the bean plant itself. Some "trellis yards" are similar to posts supporting the cross wires are hop yards, in that the wires are raised removed at the end of each season. The top wires and end posts may remain in to an overhead position in order to perthe field. The field has a few posts left mit machine work in the field. Ordito hold up the cross wires which in turn narily, fewer but heavier posts and These fields remain this way until after heavier wire are used than for the other bean yards. The posts in "semiperma- ready for seeding. year, but the wire is removed after In "permanent yards" all or part of the equipment remains in the field the year around. the crop is harvested. have the row wires attached to them. the soil is thoroughly prepared and nent yards" remain in the ground all In "staked yards" stakes are used for the actual support of the bean The difference in the cost per acre between these different yards is small. Those of the trellis type are the most expensive, having a relatively high in- vestment and depreciation cost per acre. Other types require a lower inthe bean row. These posts are con- vestment per acre but obviously renected by two wires, one at the top quire more labor since the stakes are (often No. 12 galvanized) and one at entirely removed and then returned the bottom (No. 14 galvanized or each spring. Yields are little affected heavy twine). No. 8 galvanized cross by the type of yard used. plants. In the other kind of temporary yard, posts are placed at intervals down Cultivation an d Weed Control Cultivation between the rows should be only enough to control weeds dur- and machine cultivation totaled 4.3% soils to permit better water penetration. ing chemical weed control methods, i.e., of the total cost of producing pole ing the growing season and in some beans. The cost can be reduced by usdinitro amine for the broadleaf weeds, Vegedex for annual grasses, and In a survey of pole bean production costs, in the Willamette Valley, hand 14 Eptam for perennial grasses. The manufacturer's instructions on the labels should always be followed. For to applications of 2,4-D. Mild to severe injuries to beans have been reported where fields, roadsides, and further information the local county rights-of-way adjacent to the bean extension agent can be contacted. plantings were treated with volatile Bean plants are unusually sensitive forms of 2,4-D. lrriga tion Irrigation of a bean field is necessary for a period of approximately 60 days. Some fields are irrigated by the furrow system, but this is only true where the contour of the land permits this method. From 12" to 15" of water per acre are usually applied to pole beans during the growing season. Mois- ture stakes may be used to determine when and how long to Thorough irrigations that wet the soil to field capacity are better than light sprinklings. Irrigation is important to provide water throughout the growing season and to carry water-soluble fertilizer into the soil. Recent research has shown that yields are increased if the available soil moisture level is maintained at 65% or above. irrigate. Insect Control There are several insects which do ical level of infestation has been esticonsiderable damage to snap beans. The mated to be six nitidulid beetles per 11-spotted beetle may inflict some early injuries by chewing the tender leaves of the young plants soon after they come through the ground. Later on, this insect eats the leaves and pods. Injury to pods is sometimes quite serious. Black aphids are sometimes very injurious to pole beans. Corrective measures should be taken as soon as black aphids are detected. Red spider mites are sometimes present in bean fields. Bindweed and other blossom. Examine several blossoms to determine the average count. Symphylids are small, white animals similar in appearance to garden centipedes. They have caused considerable damage to beans in the past and seem to be increasing in numbers and in areas affected. Their underground habits make them difficult to control. Currently available fumigants or parathion should be used in badly infested fields. The yield response to thorough symphylid control may be greater than the response to fertilizer. See also Seed Treatment and Blossom Drop. Further details concerning perennials are a source of red spider mite infestation and should be eliminated where adjacent to a bean field. The larvae of thrips cause injury to beans because their feeding causes the base of young pods to curl. Insecticides insect control are available from county extension agents. Special consideration should be given to the time interval between application of the insecticide and recommended for the control of 11spotted beetle and nitidulid beetle will also control thrips. Nitidulids, small black beetles, frequently infest bean blossoms and may cause the blossoms to drop. The crit- harvesting the crop so as to comply with the provisions of Amendment (Miller Bill). 15 the Miller Disease Control frequently cause intervals if rust appears on the new Virus diseases severe losses in beans. Common mosaic is seedborne and the use of disease-free foliage before any bean pods begin to form. Dusting should begin as soon as seed is essential for its control. Bean the first white rust pustules are found yellow mosaic is not seedborne but is on the leaves of young plants. White mold (Sclerotinia) may cause introduced from other crops by aphids. Beans should not be planted near severe crop losses in the Willamette plantings of clover, alfalfa, field peas, Valley, especially in wet growing seaor gladiolus because these crops may sons. The fungus which survives as serve as reservoirs or sources of virus sclerotia (hard black fungus bodies i" contamination. Bean varieties may be to 1" long) in the soil may attack the resistant to common mosaic but sus- young plant stems directly or produce mushroom-like growths which liberate ceptible to yellow mosaic. Bean rust is common in bean-grow- spores to cause infection of all aboveing areas when weather conditions are ground parts of the bean plant. Many favorable for the development of the of the infections occur through blosdisease. It is a fungus disease which som petals sticking to leaves, stems and can infect most varieties of snap bean. pods. Water soaked spots appear soon While some varieties have proved after infection, followed by the develsomewhat resistant to this disease, the opment of a white creamy mat-like funcurrent varieties of beans grown com- gus growth. Rotting of the stem at mercially may be seriously affected. ground level (a common symptom) is Control of bean rust in commercial followed by yellowing of the leaves and acreages will depend on: (1) cutting death of the plant. Wider row spacing down and disking vines as soon as the (5' to 6') to provide good air drainage, son; (3) dusting with sulfur at weekly tend to escape early season infections. last picking is made to prevent the deep plowing to bury sclerotia, and formation of the overwintering stage; crop rotation are the best preventive (2) dipping or spraying stakes, rolls measures. Spraying or dusting with of wire, and other equipment with Ziram or Terraclor (PCNB) will give lime sulfur (1 gallon per 10 gallons practical control of the disease. Varieof water) to kill over-wintering spores ties that produce few leaves near the if rust was serious the previous sea- ground level, such as FM-1 variety, Blossom Drop and Malformed Pods reserve of soil moisture and good leaf growth they seem to be troubled less with blossom drop than othewise. Some snap bean pods are "polliwog" shaped instead of being straight, wellfilled, and uniform from stem to spur. production or germination and growth In most misshapen pods only half or of the pollen. If the plants have a good one-third of the pod is filled with seed. It is generally recognized that polli- nation of beans may be seriously affected by high temperature (90° or above). Bean blossoms drop off because of imperfect pollination due to the influence of warm weather on the 16 Normal pods have 5 or 6 seeds. Incom- plete fertilization of the bean flower is one cause of malformed pods. Where summer temperatures are high it has been found that pods with only one or two beans in them result from flowers pollinated by pollen grains low in starch. Such pollen is tions are heavy. An average of 6 to 8 beetles per blossom seems to be the maximum safe level of infestation. The insects show up every year usually between mid-July and mid-August, but in some seasons are not sufficiently abundant to warrant special control measures. The number of beetles in 25 frequently sterile. Where there is to 50 blossoms should be counted to ample nutrition provided for the bean crop by sufficient soil fertilization and determine the average infestation. Con- water, the plants are vigorous and grow well and there is less flower drop and fewer malformed pods. High tem- peratures may be a limiting factor. The nitidulid or black pollen beetle can cause blossom drop when infesta- trol of heavy migrations has not been possible. Medium infestations (8 or so per blossom) can be reduced by any of the insecticides used for aphids or Diabrotica (11-spotted beetle) control (i.e., DDT, rnethoxychlor, malathion, Diazinon). Harvesting and Yields The quality and market value of branches. The average for a good snap beans are largely dependent upon picker is about 300 pounds per day. the time of picking and the development of the pods. It is important to pick beans before the pods or seeds This, of course, varies widely with the individual and with the concentration of pods ready for harvest. The following are the bean pod di- become large. It is necessary to pick bean pods mensions in fractions of an inch for carefully so as to pick those that the various field grades: No. 1 grade, have reached sufficient development, 144/64 to 21/64; No. 2 grade, 21, 22, but to leave on the vines those pods 23/64; No. 3 grade, 24, 25, 26/64; which are not yet large enough to be and No. 4 grade, 27/64. The percentharvested. In this way the percentage ages of grades in a field will vary conof lower grades of beans may be re- siderably with the season, variety, soil duced to a minimum. In instructing fertility, moisture conditions, supervispickers, careful and clean picking ion of pickers, and the availability of should be emphasized to insure high labor to harvest the crop. quality and a better grade. It is cusYields of beans vary largely with tomary for one picker to pick one side of the row rather than attempt to pick two sides at one time, for in this man- the potential productiveness of the soil, grower skill, and management of the crop. No great differences in yield of ner the beans can be picked more currently used varieties have been dem- thoroughly and there is less pulling of the vines to find the pods. Beans are usually grasped by bunches and pulled from the plant with an upward motion. Care and skill must be used to prevent onstrated. In a survey of pole beans (Blue Lake) in the Willamette Valley,, yields per acre were found to vary from about four tons to over twelve tons per acre. The average is eight tons damage to the racemes or fruiting per acre. 17 Production Costs by Operations POLE BEAN MANAGEMENT STUDY* MARION COUNTY, OREGON, 1958 Record Number (5 farms) Tons per acre Average price per ton over 20 over 20 under 20 over 20 13.6 9.8 10.4 10.1 $ 109 $ 116 $ 104 23 8 $ 28 I Costs per acre Seed bed preparation and planting $ Hand cultivation Machine cultivation Yard preparation and clean-up 12 92 30 58 9 127 45 34 Irrigation Dusting and spraying Cover crop 14 I - 10.2 $ 99 $ 100 $ 33 $ 24 3 7 48 10 14 20 67 39 32 8 87 39 43 4 3 75 56 45 9 6 7 $ 232 $ 191 $ 271 $ 245 735 126 536 574 94 598 73 586 117 $ 861 $ 609 $ 703 $ 668 $ 729 55 42 47 49 41 $1,015 98 $ 100 Other harvest TOTAL COSTS PER ACRE $1,205 $ 883 $ 941 $ 988 Costs per ton Cost per ton Picking cost per ton $ $ $ $ TOTAL HARVEST COST PER TON under 20 $ 289 Picking Harvest total Overhead, and land charge $ 36 12 21 Fertilizing. Pre-harvest total 3 3 1 Acreage 4 2 Item $ 88 54 $ 63 91 55 62 91 57 56 $ 68 131 $ 67 59 $ 72 *Study was conducted by Don Rasmussen, Marion County Extension Agen , Manning H Becker, Extension Farm Management Specialist, and 5 pole bean producers in Marion Cou sty, Oregon. The computations were made by Hugh Dickerson, Extension Agent-at-Large. Cross wires stapled to stake tips Will give added support. 18 .14-akdkaa4.0. ..Vhe ma he .. g a Irrigation pipe must be supported above the beans on the stakes and wires. Grades and Grading RELATIONSHIP OF POD SIEVE-SIZE TO GRADES OF RAW SNAP BEANS Canner's grade Sieve size Pod thickness (inch) 1 1 less than 14.5/64 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 cull 6 7 and over 14.5/64 to 18.5/64 18.5/64 to 21.0/64 21.0/64 to 24.0/64 24.0/64 to 27.0/64 27.0/64 over 27.0/64 RELATIONSHIP OF PERCENT SEED TO THE GRADES OF RAW SNAP BEANS % Seed Grade 0-10 Fancy Extra Standard 11 -- 18 19 -- 25 Standard PROCEDURE TO DETERMINE PERCENT SEED OF RAW SNAP BEANS Collect a small representative sample of raw beans. Weigh the beans. Remove seeds from pods. Weigh seeds and pods separately on a triple beam balance to within a tenth of a gram. Calculate percent seed by dividing weight of seed by weight of original sam- ple and multiply by 100. Percent seed weight of seed x 100 weight of sample 19 ALL GREEN AND WAX BEANS: TOTAL HARVEST (THOUSANDS OF ACRES) Acreage for processing U. S. total Crop year Fresh mkt. 197.8 192.2 188.4 185.9 184.2 161.4 151.0 152.8 152.4 136.0 132.4 128.2 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 Freez- For Proc- ing canning essing N.Y. Pa. Mich. Wisc. Md. Fla. Tex. Ore.. 19.0 23.5 25.2 4.0 2.6 6.8 10.6 7.6 6.0 8.6 7.2 2.7 4.9 10.6 9.7 7.0 8.0 7.5 9.9 4.7 9.7 8.3 11.0 13.0 10.3 9.5 7.1 5.8 7.1 119.4 102.9 105.8 118.3 116.2 104.4 106.4 126.4 121.2 120.5 114.9 149.0 153.9 134.5 137.8 151.6 151.0 10.5 10.6 10.8 10.7 34.5 31.6 32.0 33.3 34.8 24.4 26.0 28.5 32.8 35.5 29.6 33.4 37.3 34.0 3.9 3.7 4.1 5.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 5.1 6.1 5.8 6.5 6.6 13.0 12.0 12.0 12.8 13.7 16.0 15.1 16.6 19.3 7.0 21.7 6.4 6.3 6.3 7.0 8.0 6.3 7.1 6.7 7.5 10.0 9.4 7.9 12.7 12.3 18.7 13.6 11.2 8.9 12.5 8.2 9.8 10.1 9.4 10.0 4.9 6.6 6.6 7.4 6.6 7.6 9.4 Years for which data are not available. ALL GREEN AND WAX BEANS YIELD PER ACRE (TONS) Yield per acre for processing U. S. average Crop year 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 Fresh Freez- For Proc- mkt. ing canning essing N.Y. Pa. Mich. Wisc. Md. Fla. Tex. Ore. 1.66 1.4 1.4 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.5 2.3 0.6 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.3 7.0 7.0 8.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 8.1 1.8 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.8 1.9 1.1 1.0 1.4 1.7 1.4 1.9 1.7 2.0 2.4 2.0 1.3 1.4 1.7 1.7 1.2 1.8 1.6 1.9 1.5 1.6 1.1 7.9 7.2 7.6 7.8 7.3 8.1 2.0 8.3 1.42 * 1.50 * 1.55 1.50 1.60 1.55 1.70 1.70 1.80 1.70 1.85 1.75 * * 1.81 * * * * * 2.38 2.33 2.59 2.56 2.80 2.21 2.25 2.42 2.31 2.30 Years for which data are not available. 2.09 2.18 2.27 2.09 2.14 2.25 2.27 2.46 2.37 2.40 2.2 2.1 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.3 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.3 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.7 1.7 1.8 8.0 ALL GREEN AND WAX BEANS: TOTAL PRODUCTION (THOUSANDS OF TONS) Production for processing U. S. total Crop year Fresh Freez- For Proc- mkt. ing canning essing N.Y. Pa. Mich. Wisc. Md. Fla. Tex. Ore. 173.1 26.6 7.5 10.6 13.6 2642 45.4 41.5 46.8 51.3 59.0 56.8 44.4 66.8 10.6 22.1 9.6 18.0 19.2 11.6 14.3 18.2 16.5 16.2 15.0 8.8 32.9 9.2 4.9 6.6 8.1 8.6 9.0 12.6 10.8 9.0 12.2 11.6 13.3 4.1 193.0 10.6 10.2 11.0 16.8 10.6 7.2 11.2 10.8 32.9 34.3 54.1 53.5 59.0 51.7 318.0 316.9 312.2 302.4 316.4 265.2 271.0 270.4 284.3 241.5 252.9 225.5 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 * * * * * * 82.1 73.7 83.0 85.1 96.7 264.3 232.0 255.6 273.8 269.1 263.8 273.5 240.5 319.4 346.4 305.7 338.6 358.9 365.8 67.1 54.4 10.1 9.4 12.6 15.2 6.9 13.0 9.9 11.2 21.8 23.3 25.6 19.6 28.2 29.0 30.4 21.6 20.9 14.7 17.2 10.5 32.3 23.9 21.0 15.1 14.1 21.9 17.0 15.1 4.0 5.5 14.8 16.5 11.9 9.6 8.2 18.4 55.1 71.4 81.9 77.4 87.5 88.8 *Years for which data are not available. ALL GREEN AND WAX BEANS: SEASON AVERAGE PRICE RECEIVED BY GROWERS (DOLLARS PER TON) Price per ton for processing U. S. average Fresh Crop year 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 mkt. 144.00 162.67 146.80 150.60 162.60 184.60 181.60 163.40 158.20 183.20 181.00 157.80 Freezing 128.50 118.30 126.90 123.20 122.20 * Years for which data are not available. For Proc- canning essing 116.70 108.90 116.40 116.60 107.50 103.73 122.22 111.70 106.40 113.50 121.20 124.70 119.50 111.10 119.00 118.20 111.40 N.Y. 108.10 136.70 119.60 118.60 121.60 125.60 128.30 121.40 110.60 125.00 111.60 105.00 Pa. Mich. Wisc. Md. Fla. 96.80 103.10 101.70 95.20 111.10 124.20 134.50 127.80 122.40 121.80 126.30 110.40 108.30 110.30 119.60 106.70 109.00 114.20 115.00 111.80 105.30 108.00 111.60 101.40 104.80 122.50 110.50 114.80 114.50 114.40 114.20 114.30 108.00 105.10 106.40 91.20 83.10 104.00 90.10 86.60 99.40 98.60 112.90 109.00 98.30 105.60 104.20 102.50 102.40 103.70 109.00 100.40 102.60 114.80 135.90 108.80 95.00 115.90 127.90 118.20 Tex. Ore. 72.50 80.00 76.00 80.00 90.00 82.00 85.00 90.00 82.00 82.00 85.00 92.50 129.70 131.70 134.30 125.70 124.70 121.50 131.10 133.10 126.30 128.20 131.80 129.20 Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the advice and assistance of the personnel of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station listed below : W. A. Frazier, H. J. Mack, J. R. Baggett, and G. Crabtree, Horticulture Department H. H. Crowell and H. E. Morrison, Entomology Department E. K. Vaughan, Botany and Plant Pathology Department 22 41SIATE co, OM %..4r,Its sop4,4 .f.1* f`' COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK In Agriculture and Home Economics State of Oregon DEP4 R ° Oregon State College and the U. S. Department of Agriculture Cooperating Oregon State College, Corvallis Dear Friend: We are glad to be of service in providing this material in answer to your request. As- you may know, the Cooperative Extension Service is an educational agency of Oregon State College at Corvallis, cooperating with the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the local governing bodies of all counties in the state and a few cities. The purpose of the Extension Service is to make available to the people of the state the latest information on agriculture and home economics and to help them make use of such information in the improvement of incomes and family living. Extension serves men, women, andthrough 4-H club workboys and girls. If you are not already acquainted with your County Extension Agents, we hope you will call on them at your first opportunity. They are the local representatives of Oregon State College. They will welcome an opportunity to be of service to you, through an office or telephone call, or, if the problem requires it, through a personal visit to your farm or home. If our local representatives do not have the information you desire, they may obtain the help and advice of our staff of specialists in various fields of agriculture and home economics at the Campus. In this way, the services of your State College are made available regardless of where you may live in the state. This is a public service and no charge is made to Oregon residents. Sincerely yours, Dean and Director