CH920 Cellular Systems and Biomolecules

CH920 Cellular Systems and Biomolecules
This module aims to introduce you to basic cell biology and biochemistry. Since it is not
possible to communicate all the required information on this broad area in only 5 weeks
we aim to enable you to find out more when the need arises in later aspects of the
course. We will do this in the following ways:
1) Lectures
Traditional lectures will provide some essential information that provides a foundation for
future learning.
2) Tutorials
There will be three tutorials in which small groups of students will work together and with
the lecturer.
3) Group work
The group work is designed to enable you to study in more depth and at your own pace.
For this exercise small groups of students will study a research paper covering a topic
that will stretch your current knowledge. In a structured way you will plan strategies for
attaining the knowledge required to understand the paper and present it to others. The
final outcome of this learning will be delivered in the form of a poster presentation by the
whole group.
4) Practical Class
You will have two full days of practical work in a teaching laboratory where you will learn
a number of essential practical biochemical and molecular skills.
5) Personal Reading
We expect you to take individual responsibility for your learning by reading additional
material. As a starting point this involves reading the chapters in the course text,
(Molecular Biology of the Cell by Alberts et al) which support the lectures. You could
then move on to reading other chapters in this or other biochemistry textbooks. If original
research papers are mentioned in the lectures the next step would be for you to read
6) Exam
This will be in the form of a 20 minute viva with two examiners, consisting of 5 questions.
Lecturers: Dr. Miriam Gifford, Dr. Vardis Ntoukakis, Prof. Alison Rodger,
Dr. Jacqueline Monaghan
Practical: Dr. Graham Ladds
Module leader: Dr. Miriam Gifford (
• Molecular Biology of the Cell, Alberts, Johnson, Lewis, Raff, Roberts and Walther.
Published by Garland Science (Taylor and Francis Group); the student CD which
comes with Alberts is excellent
• Biochemistry, Voet and Voet. Published by Wiley.
Summary of assessed work and deadlines (with % of final module mark):
Multiple choice test on basic knowledge (5%)
 40 questions to be completed in 40 minutes
 you will get the full 5% when you pass the test (pass mark is 50%) no matter the
score (over 50%) and no matter if this is on the first or resit time
Thursday 3rd October 15:00-15:40
Resit = Friday 25th October 13:00-13:40
Tutorial participation mark (5%)
 5% will be awarded for full attendance and participation in the three tutorials
Fri 4th October, Thurs 17th October, Thurs 24th October
Group work, posters (20%)
 Up to 20% (marks from staff and peers)
Poster session on Friday 1st November 12:30-14:00 in the PG Hub side atrium
Practical writeup (20%)
 Up to 20%
Practical takes place on Thursday 10th and Friday 11th October (Gibbet Hill
teaching lab E109)
Writeup due in by 16:00 on Friday 1st November
Final oral exam (50%)
 Up to 50%
 A 20 minute oral viva, 5 questions taken from any of the lectures
You will be given a 20 minute slot on Thursday 31st October