7/6/2015 Obstetric Ultrasound 2nd/3rd Trimesters Mary C. Frates, MD, FACR Fetal Lie (Vtx vs Breech) –Self explanatory Cervix/Cord/Placenta/Fluid Measurements (Biometry) Survey/ BPP ACR/AIUM/ACOG/SRU guidelines for Obstetric US Cervix - TA Cervix Normal > 3 cm, closed Shortened and closed (effaced) Dilated internal os (funneled) May be dynamic May need TVS Rx: cerclage/pessary/bedrest Cervical length changes with pressure/ bladder distention Daska long cervix full bladder.jpg Karinskas- normal TA cervix Normal TV Open Normal Normal Ambrosino TV cervix looks normal 31 wks.jpg 1 7/6/2015 Umbilical Cord 3 VC 2 Stevens 27w dilated entire Cx canal and open external os 11 mm.jpg Simmon feet in canal 18 arteries and one vein 2 VC one artery and one vein (same size) increased risk anomalies/IUGR Open Vellamentous Cord Inserts into the membranes Funic Presentation normal 3VC color.jpgPamphile 2 VC color.jpg Broderick funic presentation ruptured membs Cord presenting tranverse lie 2 VC 3 VC Vellamentous CI Placenta Location re: cervix Location re: uterine wall Staging- no real value Verdieu vellamentous CI decisions based on fetal status Masses 2 7/6/2015 Placenta Previa* Placenta Previa Relationship of placenta to internal os Established AFTER 16 weeks No previa (over 2 cm away) Low Lying (within 2 cm) Previa – overlying internal os 1/200 births *NIH Executive Summary on Fetal Imaging; Ob Gyn2014; 123:1070 Placenta Previa Placenta previa 27 wks Placenta Marginal previa TV.jpgAnger.jpg Previa If low lying or previa is found: followup at 32 weeks If still low lying or previa: follow-up at 36 wks Consider TVS with color to exclude vessels over the os Vasa Previa Ho vellamentous cord splits between ant and post placs Low-lying Vasa Previa Placenta Acreta Ho vellamentous cord splits between ant and post placs Abnormal placental attachment Typically at a scar Acreta-Increta-Percreta Myometrial depth Increased risk after C-section Increased risk with venous lakes, anterior previas 3 7/6/2015 Placenta Percreta Placenta Acreta Lateral Watson placenta acreta 22 wks Dinino lateral percreta 30wks.jpg 22 wks 30 wks Placenta Cyst Mass Placenta Cysts vs Tumors typically simple fetal surface near cord insertion if large, associated with IUGR chorioangioma solid anywhere typically benign if large, vascular shunting and fetal hydrops Abramson placental cysts IUGRLeitner chorioangioma 31 wks Amniotic Fluid Oligohydramnios Mild-moderate-severe Polyhydramnios Brumfield absent kidneys bladder severe oligo TRV.jpg Mild-moderate-severe Subjective vs AFI 4 Quadrant measurements Oligohydramnios Look for an explanation 4 7/6/2015 Measurements (Biometry) Know the rules! Baker severe poly trach atresia w fist Head Head Measurements: BPD Measurements Follow the rules! symmetrically positioned 3rd ventricle/ thalami falx down the middle, CSP anteriorly correct plane and correct endpoints small error pre-viable is not clinically largest possible, along skull base optimize the image Abdomen Femur significant error more important at extremes calvaria smooth and symmetric cursers: – recognize the large scale errors outer to inner leading edge to leading edge Mistakes Abdomen Diameter Measurements level of liver (largest intra-abdominal organ in fetus) stomach and intrahepatic umbilical vein Junction of left and right portal vein skin edge to skin edge Bennett bad head orbits included.jpg Correct 5 7/6/2015 Abdominal Measurements Mistake When struggling Round is best berrios 30wks bad ADmeasurements prone.jpg Keep AD measurements within 10 mm of each other This gives a pretty good estimate even without other landmarks Fetus is pronelandmarks obscured by spine Correct Measurements: Femur long axis of the bone (ossified portion) parallel to transducer epiphysis is excluded measure at junction of cartilage and bone berrios 30wks bad ADmeasurements prone.jpg NOT the longest echogenic point (the “distal femoral point”) which has no anatomic correlate) Correct Mistake Mistake Femur measurement 35wks depth too high.jpg MacDougall good measurements all of abdominal wall is not included Bad AC measurement 1.jpg EFW BW Image too tiny to see landmarks 3971 gms 4850 gms Vaginal delivery c/b shoulder dystocia Severe hypoxemia; baby died DOL 2 hypoxemia and acidosis 6 7/6/2015 2/3 trimester: Anatomy Measurements (Biometry) >90 % macrosomic > 4500 gms –C section (9,15) > 4000 gms in diabetic (8,14) < 10% IUGR 80% small/20% sick only < 5% are really IUGR Normal/ normal variants Chiari Malformation Lemon/Banana Hydrocephalus Hydranancephaly Holoprosencephaly Lateral Ventricle GI/GU Abdominal wall Cerebral Ventricles Head CNS Heart Thorax Abdomen plane must be level Off axis measurement will increase size always use the smallest technically accurate measurement all errors result in larger size ventricle Choroid Plexus Cysts Collins CP cyst 19wks. brea hydroecphalus.jpgAli borderline ventricle but dangling choroid 18w.jpg 7 7/6/2015 Chiari Malformation Lemon/ Banana Spine defect ** Need Sagittal Image Cardoso LS meningocele 18 wks PF.jpgbad measurement down.jpg Fluid in the Brain Holopros Hydranen Hydroceph Smith lumbar meningomyelocele Trv.avi Falx Cortex No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Hydranencephaly Holoprosencephaly Avignon holopros Falx No Cortex Yes Sutton hydranencephaly first survey 31wks.jpg Falx Yes Cortex No 8 7/6/2015 Hydrocephalus Heart 4 chamber Aorta and Pulmonary Outflow Tracts 3 Vessel View Clips are mandatory Color? Kosinski severe hydrocephalus, prob aqued stenosis.jpg Falx Yes Cortex Yes lazard nml heart 4 Ch 35w.jpg Normal 4 ch; nml Ao L side down Wilson; nml PA wilson Cine clip is critical Poynton hypoplastic LV 20 wks Ortiz vsd only seen on clip 9 7/6/2015 Heart 4 Chamber only is not enough Bouchartd AV canal Tris 21 Technique critical with Ao and PA Ao must be imaged in axial plane, with RV and septum on image Lesser Tet nml 4 chamber Ewing TGA 33 Thorax 3 vessel view Normal Guzman dillon TGA 3 vessel view missing one. Arevalo abnml 3VV TGA Diaphragmatic hernia CPAM/ sequestration Tracheal/bronchial atresia 3VV 10 7/6/2015 CPAM Conley huge CCAM fills entire R chest 21wks.avi Amiri L CDH chest CDH Tracheal Atresia Abdomen/ Kidneys 17 weeks Caliectasis/hydronephrosis Posterior urethral valves Multicystic dysplastic kidney Autosomal recessive polycystic kidneys Nastanski tracheal atresia Often Hydronephrosis affects fluid () Posterior Urethral Valves Reilly PUVs keyhole and ascites.jpg Davis R UVJ 36 w , Silva hydronephrosis hydroureter 38wks.avi 11 7/6/2015 Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney ARPCK oligo Vaughn MCDK sag 28wk.avi Deming ARPCK 3.JPG Wentworth ARPCK Duodenal Atresia Abdomen/ GI Stomach Dilated bowel loops Perforation/ Meconium Ileus Often affects fluid () Paige 18.5 wks missing LK called normal. Trisomy 21 Small Bowel Obstruction Meconium Peritonitis/ SBO More Distal Louis prox jejunal obstruction 32w.aviSharma SBO 37wks.avinormal. Garabedian high SBO and mec peritonitis.jpg. Proximal 12 7/6/2015 Gastroschisis Abdominal Wall Gastroschisis free floating loops of bowel defect to the right of CI ascites impossible Welch gastroschisis Vaughn gastrischisis 31w.avi Omphalocele membrane covered protrusion Cord inserts into mass ascites possible Omphalocele No membrane Normal CI Douglas cleft lip and TGA Pamphile omphal Trv.jpg Joyce omphalocele no liver.avi Douglas cleft lip nml coronal.jpg + Membrane CI into mass Brea bilat club feet extra piece chrom 14.avi. gregson 4gXX nml hand Suarez postaxial polydactyly 17wks mom has it. Diallo clenched hands Tris 18 13 7/6/2015 Nuchal cord Nucahl cord (Kosar) BPP: 2 2 2 2 AVF Movement Tone Valdez 8-8 BPP extremity movement.avi Breathing And…. 2/3 Trimester Measurements Survey Some abnormalities develop over time Don’t call something unevaluable without considering it might be abnormal Sayag sticking tongue out 30 wks3D yawning fetus 14