Matthew A. Pfeiffer 328C Merrill Hall Kent, Ohio 44240 1-(815)-441-2249 Education Kent State University, Kent, Ohio Ph.D. Candidate (Spring 2018) The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa B.A. Sociology B.A. Psychology Summer 2013 Research Interests Social Psychology Neurosociology Theory Construction Status, Power, and Trust Identity Theory Quantitative Methods Graduate Position Director of Operations Sept. 2014 to Present Kent Electrophysiological Neuroscience Laboratory (KENL) Supervise the day-to-day functioning of the lab Collaborate with professors, graduate students, and undergraduates Aid in managing and training a team of research assistants Aid in scheduling and the recruitment of participants Ensure the supply of all necessary items Research Experience Research Assistant, Kent, Ohio Graduate Research Assistant Group Processes Research Lab Department of Sociology Kent State University, Kent, Ohio Sept. 2013 to Present Dr. William Kalkhoff Dr. Richard Serpe Research Assistant, Iowa City, Iowa Undergraduate Research Assistant Center for the Study of Group Processes Department of Sociology The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Sept. 2007 to Aug. 2013 Dr. Michael J. Lovaglia Publications Forthcoming: Kalkhoff, Will, Richard T. Serpe, Joshua Pollock, Brennan Miller, and Matthew Pfeiffer. “Neural Processing of Identity-Relevant Feedback: An Electroencephalographic Study.” Forthcoming in Advances in Identity Theory and Research, vol. 2, edited by J.E. Stets and R.T. Serpe Peer Reviewed: Pfeiffer, Matthew A. 2015. “The Power of Structure in Exchange.” Teaching activity published in TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association. ( Current Research Neurodynamics of Status June 2015 to Present Trained other research assistants to set up and run the experiment Aided in the creation and revision of the protocol for running the experiment Enhancing Social Cognition June 2015 to Present Aided in the creation and revision of the protocol for running the experiment Aided in the collection of data Personality, Status, and Identity (Master’s Thesis) Aug. 2014 to Present Set up for and ran participants Trained other research assistants to set up and run the experiment Aided in the creation and revision of the protocol for running the experiment Aided in the collection of data Relational Cohesion and Commitment in Exchange Feb. 2014 to Present Attended Electroencephalography (E.E.G.) Training Aided in the creation and revision of the protocol for running the experiment Set up for and ran participants Trained other research assistants to set up and run the experiment Aided in the collection of data Effect of Academic Progress on Athletic Experience Sept. 2007 to Present Presented at Southwest Social Science Association April 2014 Presented at the Midwest Sociological Society March 2012 Presented at the Iowa Sociological Association April 2012 Presented at the Midwest Sociological Society March 2011 Developed codebooks for locating, calculating, and entering data Developed a database for entering and analyzing data Aided in the collection and analysis of over 7 years of data Calculated the Student-Athlete Performance Rate Managed a team of researchers committed to the collection of data Prior Contributions to Research Decreasing Racial Inequality in Task Groups Sept. 2013 to Aug. 2014 Coded transcriptions of participants Aided in the refinement of a coding scheme for entering data Aided in the cleaning of the data Power of Identity over Information Use June 2013 to Aug. 2013 Aided in the revision of the protocol for running the experiment Set up for and ran participants Trained other undergraduate research assistants to set up and run the experiment Age as a Status Characteristic in Purely Social Groups Aug. 2012 to Aug. 2013 Revised the protocols for running the experiment and entering data Set up for and ran participants Trained other undergraduate research assistants to set up and run the experiment Created a database for entering data Collected and entered data Gendered Task Study Aug. 2011 to Present Helped develop a coding scheme for analyzing videos and entering data Created a codebook and checklist for analyzing videos and entering data Coded videos of participants Created a database for entering data Collected and entered data Trained other undergraduate research assistants to code videos and enter data Effects of Collaboration on Group Dynamics Sept. 2010 to Aug. 2013 Revised the protocol for running the experiment Set up for and ran participants Collected, entered, and analyzed data Trained other undergraduate research assistants to set up and run the experiment Anticipated Mutual Perception June 2009 to Dec. 2010 Set up for and ran participants Collected, entered, and analyzed data Trained other undergraduate research assistants to set up and run the experiment Teaching Experience Teaching Assistant Introduction to Sociology Kent State University, Kent, Ohio Jan. 2014 to Present Dr. William Kalkhoff Guest Lecture Introduction to Sociology “Introduction to Neurosociology” Kent State University, Kent, Ohio March 3, 2015 Dr. William Kalkhoff Teaching Assistant Introduction to Sociology Kent State University, Kent, Ohio Sept. 2013 to May 2014 Dr. Carla Goar Guest Lecture Introduction to Sociology “Status Characteristics Theory” Kent State University, Kent, Ohio Oct. 29, 2013 March 12, 2014 Dr. Carla Goar Guest Lecture Introduction to Sociology “Research Methods” Kent State University, Kent, Ohio Jan. 22, 2014 Dr. Carla Goar Teaching Assistant Capstone Course in Sociology The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Sept. 2011 to Aug. 2013 Dr. Michael J. Lovaglia American Sociological Assoc. Member Southwest Social Science Assoc. Member Midwest Sociological Society Member Aug. 2011 to Present April 2014 to Present March 2011 to March 2013 SSSA Sessions presided over: Social Psychology Globalization April 2015 Other Experiences Graduate Student Senate Sociology Club (U of I) Sociology Club President (U of I) Undergraduate Research Assistant (U of I) Sept. 2014 to Present Sept. 2010 to Aug. 2013 Sept. 2010 to May 2011 Sept. 2007 to Aug. 2013 Honors & Awards Co-outstanding Senior in Sociology (U of I) Troop 902 Academic Scholarship Eagle Scout Spring 2011 Spring 2004 Spring 2003 Professional Associations