Technical Data Effective January 19, 2015 PD216 – Power Dimmer Catalog# Prepared by Project Date Comments Type Overview The PD216 Power Dimmers are system accessories for Greengate lighting control systems. It allows dimming control of 2 or 3-wire loads via 0-10V control signals. Each module includes a backbox, heatsink and temperature sensor to monitor operating temperature. Features 2 or 3-wire dimmer with 0-10V control input Economical, space-saving design for control of one or two, 2 or 3-wire loads Convection cooled, requires no fans Automatic 50/60 Hz frequency detection Overtemp protected Technical Data PD216 – Power Dimmer January 2015 Specifications Size & Weight Wiring Diagrams 11.75”H X 8.3”W X 4.12”D Approximately 5 pounds 120V or 277V, 50/60 Hz 120V or 277V, 50/60 Hz 2 X 1920W @ 120 VAC, 2 x 4500W @ 277 VAC Max Connected Load 16A For indoor use only Electrical Data Output Operating Environment PD216-AN10-120 PD216-AN10-277 2 Circuit 20A Power Dimmer 2 Cir Breaker Breakers should be on the same phase. Line H1 Dimmer Output 1 Load 1 upto 1920W Neutral Neutral Bus To Breaker Panel Neutral Bus upto 1920W Dimmer Output 2 Description/Operation Load 2 H2 Breakers should be on the same phase. Line Breaker The PD216 Power Dimmers dim 2 or 3-wire loads in response to a 0-10V control signal. This enables Greengate 0-10V dimming panels to control 2 or 3-wire load types directly without the need for architectural dimming panels. The PD216 control input wires directly to the panel 0-10V dimming outputs that would typically drive dimming ballasts. The Load should be run through relay in the lighting control panel to turn OFF. PD216-AN10-120 Installation PD216-AN10-3W-120 PD216-AN10-3W-277 2 Circuit 20A 3wire control Power Dimmer PD216-AN10-277 system accessory will require mounting and wiring at the site. 2This Circuit 20A Power Dimmer Breaker H1 Dimmer Output 1 Breaker Breakers should be on the same phase. Line H1 Dimmer Output 1 Load 1 upto 1920W Neutral Neutral Bus Load 1 upto 1920W Dimmer Output 2 Breakers should be on the same phase. Line Orange (Dimmed Hot) Black (Switched Hot) White (Neutral) Load 2 LED1 LED2 NETWORK ALL OFF 50-022510-02 54-022510- ADDRESS LED3 ALL ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Reset J1 RS-232 Load 2 H2 To Breaker Panel Neutral Bus upto 1920W upto 1920W Dimmer Output 2 Orange (Dimmed Hot) Black (Switched Hot) White (Neutral) Neutral Neutral Bus To Breaker Panel Neutral Bus Breakers should be on the same phase. Line SW1 SW1 SW2 SW3 Breakers should be on the same phase. H1 H2 Line J2 Breaker +NET-NET The Load should be run through relay in the lighting control panel to turn OFF. U5 PCI-NET The Load should be run through relay in the lighting control panel to turn OFF. CAN-RX CAN-TX LED4 LED5 U2 J3 PCI-NET Breaker U1 U6 L1 L2 L3 L4 J4 J5 U7 TB1 C20 PS1 U8 LED6 RSC STAT U9 J6 SR1 L1 PCI-NET TERM S1 RESET PICS U11 U10 SC1 C29 REG1 REG2 REG3 LED7 U12 SWIN STAT U16 U15 U13 U16 U15 U14 U13 U17 U14 U17 U18 C40 C47 U19 U19 ANALOG INPUTS AN AN AN AN 1 2 3 4 TB3 TB4 DIMMING OUTPUTS TB5 SWITCH IN VIO GRY VIO GRY VIO GRY IN 2 2 ANALOG COM Violet terminal to violet pigtail of IDM 3 3 4 4 IN LS IN IN LS 1 +24 2 1 3 +24 4 2 TP1 Gray terminal to gray pigtail of of IDM TB3 AN AN AN AN 1 2 3 4 ANALOG COM DIMMING OUTPUTS TB4 TB5 U20 SWITCH INPUTS TB6 VIO GRY VIO GRY VIO GRY VIO GRY IN 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 IN LS IN IN LS IN IN LS IN IN LS 1 +24 2 1 3 +24 4 2 TP1 5 +24 6 3 7 +24 8 4 2 Circuit 20A 8 PCI-NET SW3 LOAD C20 K3 U9 J6 SR1 L1 PCI-NET TERM Q4 REG2 REG3 SWIN STAT SR2 POWER U16 U15 U16 U15 U14 U13 U17 C48 U14 U17 L2 U18 C40 C47 U19 BR1 U19 ANALOG INPUTS TB3 TB4 DIMMING OUTPUTS TB5 SWITCH IN TB3 DIMMING OUTPUTS TB4 TB5 U20 SWITCH INPUTS TB6 TB2 LSO TEST C49 J7 J8 LOCAL AN AN AN AN 1 2 3 4 2 ANALOG COM VIO GRY VIO GRY VIO GRY IN 2 2 3 3 4 4 IN LS IN IN LS 1 +24 2 1 3 +24 4 2 TP1 Violet terminal Gray terminal to to violet pigtail gray pigtail of of of IDM IDM AN AN AN AN 1 2 3 4 ANALOG COM VIO GRY VIO GRY VIO GRY VIO GRY IN 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 LOAD LED7 U12 C39 IN LS IN IN LS IN IN LS IN IN LS 1 +24 2 1 3 +24 4 2 TP1 5 +24 6 3 7 +24 8 4 +24 GND REMOTE TB7 K4 U3 C29 REG1 LED7 LED9 U4 STATUS RESET PICS SC1 SW4 S1 U11 U10 TB4 LED6 MOV4 U8 LED5 PS1 RSC STAT U13 LOAD MOV3 Q3 TB1 U2 +NET-NET J5 Violet 1 Violet 2 GND to Gray N Channel 1 L1 L2 L3 L4 U7 Di O LINE U6 J4 TB2 Q2 LED3 U1 PCI-NET U5 + TB3 LED5 U2 J3 SW2 U1 50-022110-01 J2 Match violet terminal wire from the CK4A dimming channel to the + terminal on the PD216. LINE LED4 C CAN-TX LINE RS-232 SW1 SW2 SW3 H1 CAN-RX MOV1 Reset K1 7 MOV2 5 6 K2 4 Q1 2 3 SW1 1 SW1 TB1 50-022510-02 54-022510- ADDRESS LED3 ALL ON J1 LED1 LED2 PCI 2005 X4 SRC LED1 NETWORK ALL OFF - + Channel 2 - Match gray terminal wire from CK4A dimming channels to the - terminal on the PD216. Di O Technical Data PD216 – Power Dimmer January 2015 Wiring Diagrams 50-022510-02 54-022510- ADDRESS 8 LED5 U5 TB1 LINE LED3 U1 PCI-NET SW2 U2 J3 Q2 50-022110-01 U1 U6 LOAD CAN-TX LED4 C CAN-RX TB2 RS-232 SW1 SW2 SW3 H1 J2 PCI-NET TB3 Reset MOV1 7 MOV2 5 6 K1 4 K2 2 3 Q1 1 SW1 SW1 LED3 ALL ON J1 LED1 LED2 PCI 2005 X4 SRC LED1 NETWORK ALL OFF SW3 LOAD C20 U2 PS1 LED6 SR1 L1 TB4 K3 PCI-NET TERM LINE RSC STAT MOV4 U8 U9 J6 LED5 +NET-NET J5 U7 LINE Q3 MOV3 L1 L2 L3 L4 J4 TB1 Q4 REG1 REG2 LOAD LED7 U12 SWIN STAT SR2 POWER U16 U15 U13 K4 U4 REG3 U3 C29 LED7 LED9 STATUS RESET PICS SC1 SW4 S1 U11 U10 U16 U15 U14 U13 U17 C48 U14 U17 L2 U18 C40 C47 U19 BR1 U19 ANALOG INPUTS TB3 TB4 DIMMING OUTPUTS TB5 SWITCH IN TB3 DIMMING OUTPUTS TB4 TB5 U20 SWITCH INPUTS TB6 TB2 LSO TEST TB7 C49 J7 J8 LOCAL AN AN AN AN 1 2 3 4 VIO GRY VIO GRY VIO GRY IN 2 2 ANALOG COM Violet terminal to violet pigtail of IDM 3 3 4 4 IN LS IN IN LS 1 +24 2 1 3 +24 4 2 TP1 Gray terminal to gray pigtail of of IDM AN AN AN AN 1 2 3 4 ANALOG COM VIO GRY VIO GRY VIO GRY VIO GRY IN 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 C39 IN LS IN IN LS IN IN LS IN IN LS 1 +24 2 1 3 +24 4 2 TP1 5 +24 6 3 7 +24 8 4 +24 GND REMOTE 2 Circuit 20A Power Dimmer Breaker Match violet terminal wire from the CK4A dimming channel to the + terminal on the PD216. + H1 Dimmer Output 1 Violet 1 Violet 2 GND to Gray Neutral Bus Channel 1 - + Channel 2 - Match gray terminal wire from CK4A dimming channels to the - terminal on the PD216. Breakers should be on the same phase. Line Load 1 upto 1920W Neutral To Breaker Panel Neutral Bus upto 1920W Dimmer Output 2 H2 Load 2 Breakers should be on the same phase. Line Breaker The Load should be run through relay in the lighting control panel to turn OFF. 3 Technical Data PD216 – Power Dimmer January 2015 Ordering This is an accessory for Greengate Lighting Control Systems. It is not an integral part of the system. There is no factory assembly needed. Cat # Description PD216-AN10-120 PD216-AN10-3WB-120 PD216-AN10-277 PD216-AN10-3WB-277 2 2 2 2 Circuit Circuit Circuit Circuit 20A 20A 20A 20A 120V 120V 277V 277V Power Dimmer 3-wire control Power Dimmer Power dimmer 3-wire control Power Dimmer Eaton 1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United States Eaton’s Cooper Controls Business 203 Cooper Circle Peachtree City, GA 30269 © 2014 Eaton All Rights Reserved Printed in USA Publication No. ACC141054 January 19, 2015 Eaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.