W-Series Junction Boxes Application & Selection Applications: Junction boxes, designed for hazardous and non-hazardous locations, are used in a variety of industries to perform the following functions: t"TBQVMMCPY t5PQSPWJEFFODMPTVSFTGPSTQMJDFTBOE taps t"TBNPVOUJOHCPYGPSNVMUJEFWJDF control stations t'PSIPVTJOHBQQBSBUVTJOTUSVNFOUTBOE other devices Considerations for Selection: Options and Accessories: "XJEFWBSJFUZPGPQUJPOTBOEBDDFTTPSJFT for special application are available for the WBSJPVTKVODUJPOCPYGBNJMJFT5IFTFDBO be selected once the type of junction box IBTCFFOEFUFSNJOFE5IFTFPQUJPOTBSF shown on the individual pages. Some of the options available include: t4QFDJBMDPWFST t)JOHFEDPWFST t.BUFSJBMTBOEGJOJTIFT t&RVJQNFOUNPVOUJOHQMBUFT t$POEVJUPSEFWJDFPQFOJOHT tCorro-free™FQPYZQPXEFSDPBUo JOGPSNBUJPOBWBJMBCMFVQPOSFRVFTU tø&OWJSPONFOUBMMPDBUJPOoUIFQIZTJDBM location of the junction box will call for proper construction of the box to meet /BUJPOBM&MFDUSJDBM$PEFSFRVJSFNFOUT and will affect the material and finish needed to meet weather and corrosive conditions, if present. t/VNCFSBOETJ[FPGDPOEVDUPSTo combined with the function to be performed (i.e. splicing, pull box), determines the amount of space OFFEFEBOEUIFSFGPSFUIFSFRVJSFE physical dimensions of the box. t$POEVJUMBZPVUoEFUFSNJOFTUIFOVNCFS size and location of the conduit openings in the box. It will also determine the UZQFPGNPVOUJOHSFRVJSFEJFGMVTIPS surface positioning of the box). t'MFYJCJMJUZSFRVJSFEoJGDIBOHFTJOUIF electrical system are anticipated, the box chosen should be easily adaptable, either by construction or size to the future system. Quick Selector Chart: Junction Box Environmental Capability/ Type Designation Size Range† L, W, D Inside Max. Conduit Opening Size Mtg. Cover Type Cover Material 8"# 3BJOUJHIU5ZQF %VTUUJHIU5ZQF YYUP 8x8x6 Surface Unflanged Steel 8+# 3BJOUJHIU5ZQF 8BUFSUJHIU5ZQF YYUP YY 6 Surface 'MBOHFE Steel 8+#' 3BJOUJHIU5ZQF 8BUFSUJHIU5ZQF YYUP YY 6 'MVTI &YUFSOBM'MBOHFE Recessed Sidewalk Steel $IFDLFSFE †Length and width are inside dimensions. Depth is inside dimension without cover. Drilled & Tapped Conduit Openings or Slip Holes: "MM84FSJFT$BTU*SPO+VODUJPO#PYFTNBZCFPSEFSFEXJUIESJMMFEBOEUBQQFEDPOEVJUPQFOJOHTPSTMJQIPMFToTVCKFDUUPNJOJNVNTQBDJOH limitations. 5PPSEFSBCPYGSPNUIFGBDUPSZXJUIDPOEVJUPQFOJOHTDPOTVMUGBDUPSZ W-Series Boxes www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog 283 WJBF Checkered Cover Sidewalk Junction Boxes Heavy Duty External Flanged for Flush Mounting Applications: 8+#'+VODUJPO#PYFTBSFQSJNBSJMZ EFTJHOFEGPSTVSGBDFNPVOUJOH5IFTF heavy duty boxes are installed in conduit systems to: t"DUBTQVMMCPYGPSDPOEVDUPST t1SPWJEFPQFOJOHTBOETQBDFGPSNBLJOH splices and taps in conductors t1SPWJEFGPSCSBODIDPOEVJUSVOT t1SPWJEFBDDFTTUPDPOEVDUPSTGPS maintenance and future system changes t&ODMPTFBOEQSPUFDUFMFDUSJDBMFRVJQNFOU Features: tø$PWFSTBSFTVJUBCMFGPSWFIJDVMBSUSBGGJD )MPBEJOH t/FPQSFOFHBTLFUDFNFOUFEUPDPWFS t8JEFSBOHFPGESJMMFEBOEUBQQFEDPOEVJU entrance sizes and locations permits extreme flexibility of use in conduit system t*OUFSOBMFRVJQNFOUNPVOUJOHQBET may be drilled and tapped for /wøø mounting screws t#MJOEUBQQFEJOUPJOUFSOBMNPVOUJOHQBET t.PVOUJOHTUSBQTBSFTUBOEBSEPOTNBMMFS sized boxes up to 8” x 8” x 6”; for larger sizes, consult factory Certifications and Compliances: tø8FBUIFSQSPPG t8BUFSUJHIU t/&." t/&." t$&$p $MBTT**%JWJTJPO(SPVQT&'( $MBTT*** &ODM t)7FIJDMF-PBE3BUJOH Cat. # WJBF040404 WJBF060404 WJBF060604 WJBF060606 WJBF080604 WJBF080804 WJBF080806 WJBF080808 WJBF100806 WJBF101008 WJBF120806 WJBF120808 WJBF121206 WJBF121208 WJBF121212 WJBF140806 WJBF141410 WJBF161206 WJBF161208 WJBF161606 WJBF180806 WJBF180808 WJBF181006 WJBF181206 WJBF181208 WJBF181210 WJBF241208 WJBF241212 WJBF241808 WJBF242412 WJBF242418 WJBF242424 WJBF362418 WJBF362424 Wall Thickness (In.) Length (In.) Width (In.) Depth (In.) / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 3 /8 3 /8 3 /8 3 /8 3 /8 3 /8 3 /8 3 /8 3 /8 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 36 36 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 8 8 4FMGDFSUJGZUP)WFIJDMFMPBESBUJOHFRVJWBMFOUUP MCTPODPWFSDFOUFS pD6-DFSUJGJFEGPSTJ[FTVQUPwYwYw W-Series Boxes Standard Materials: tø#PEZoJSPOBMMPZ t$PWFSBOENPVOUJOHTUSBQToIFBWZ gauge steel (checkered) t(BTLFUToOFPQSFOF t$PWFSTDSFXToTUBJOMFTTTUFFM Standard Finish: tø*SPOBMMPZBOEIFBWZHBVHFTUFFMoIPUEJQ galvanized Options: Description Suffix t 'BDUPSZJOTUBMMFENPVOUJOHQMBUF ........ MP t Drilled and tapped conduit holes and slip holes .................Consult Factory www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog WJB Junction Boxes Heavy Duty Flanged for Surface Mounting Applications: 8+#+VODUJPO#PYFTBSFQSJNBSJMZEFTJHOFE GPSTVSGBDFNPVOUJOH5IFTFIFBWZEVUZ boxes are installed in conduit systems to: t"DUBTQVMMCPYGPSDPOEVDUPST t1SPWJEFPQFOJOHTBOETQBDFGPSNBLJOH splices and taps in conductors t1SPWJEFGPSCSBODIDPOEVJUSVOT t1SPWJEFBDDFTTUPDPOEVDUPSTGPS maintenance and future system changes t&ODMPTFBOEQSPUFDUFMFDUSJDBMFRVJQNFOU Features: tø$PWFSTBSFTVJUBCMFGPSWFIJDVMBSUSBGGJD )MPBEJOH t/FPQSFOFDPWFSHBTLFU t8JEFSBOHFPGESJMMFEBOEUBQQFEDPOEVJU entrance sizes and locations permits extreme flexibility of use in conduit system t*OUFSOBMFRVJQNFOUNPVOUJOHQBET may be drilled and tapped for /w mounting screws t#MJOEUBQQFEJOUPJOUFSOBMNPVOUJOHQBET t.PVOUJOHTUSBQTBSFTUBOEBSEPOTNBMMFS sized boxes up to 8” x 8” x 6”; for larger sizes, consult factory Certifications and Compliances: tø8FBUIFSQSPPG t8BUFSUJHIU t/&." t/&." t$&$p $MBTT**(SPVQT&'( $MBTT*** &ODM Cat. # WJB040404 WJB060404 WJB060604 WJB060606 WJB080604 WJB080804 WJB080806 WJB080808 WJB100806 WJB101008 WJB120806 WJB120808 WJB121206 WJB121208 WJB121212 WJB140806 WJB141410 WJB161206 WJB161208 WJB161606 WJB180806 WJB180808 WJB181006 WJB181206 WJB181208 WJB181210 WJB241208 WJB241212 WJB241808 WJB242412 WJB242418 WJB242424 WJB362418 WJB362424 Wall Thickness (In.) Length (In.) Width (In.) Depth (In.) / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 3 /8 3 /8 3 /8 9 / 9 / 9 / 9 / 9 / 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 36 36 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 8 8 pD6-DFSUJGJFEGPSTJ[FTVQUPwYwYw Standard Materials: tø#PEZoJSPOBMMPZ t$PWFSBOENPVOUJOHTUSBQToIFBWZ gauge steel t(BTLFUToOFPQSFOF t$PWFSTDSFXToTUBJOMFTTTUFFM Standard Finish: W-Series Boxes tø*SPOBMMPZBOEIFBWZHBVHFTUFFMoIPU dip galvanized Options: Description Suffix t 'BDUPSZJOTUBMMFENPVOUJOHQMBUF ........ MP t Drilled and tapped conduit holes and slip holes .................Consult Factory www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog WAB Junction Boxes Heavy Duty Unflanged for Surface Mounting Applications: 8IFSFBIFBWZEVUZEVTUQSPPG XFBUIFSQSPPGFODMPTVSFJTEFTJSFE8"# +VODUJPO#PYFTBSFJOTUBMMFEJODPOEVJU systems to: t"DUBTQVMMCPYGPSDPOEVDUPST t1SPWJEFPQFOJOHTBOETQBDFGPSNBLJOH splices and taps in conductors t1SPWJEFGPSCSBODIDPOEVJUSVOT t1SPWJEFBDDFTTUPDPOEVDUPSTGPS maintenance and future system changes t&ODMPTFBOEQSPUFDUFMFDUSJDBMEFWJDFT Features: tø'MBUOFPQSFOFDPWFSHBTLFU t8JEFSBOHFPGESJMMFEBOEUBQQFEBOETMJQ hole conduit entrance sizes and locations permits extreme flexibility of use in conduit system t*OUFSOBMFRVJQNFOUNPVOUJOHQBET available blind tapped for / w mounting screws t#MJOEUBQQFEJOUPJOUFSOBMNPVOUJOHQBET t.PVOUJOHTUSBQTBSFTUBOEBSEPOTNBMMFS sized boxes up to 8” x 8” x 6”; for larger sizes, consult factory Cat. # WAB040402 WAB040403 WAB040404 WAB060604 WAB060606 WAB080606 WAB080804 WAB080806 Wall Thickness (In.) Length (In.) Width (In.) Depth (In.) /32 3 / / 3 / 9 /32 / / / 6 6 8 8 8 6 6 6 8 8 2 3 6 6 6 Certifications and Compliances: tø%VTUUJHIU t8FBUIFSQSPPG t/&." t/&." Standard Materials: tø#PEZoJSPOBMMPZ t$PWFSoIFBWZHBVHFTUFFM t (BTLFUToOFPQSFOF t$PWFSTDSFXToTUBJOMFTTTUFFM t .PVOUJOHTUSBQToTUFFM Standard Finish: tø*SPOBMMPZBOEIFBWZHBVHFTUFFMoIPUEJQ galvanized W-Series Boxes Options: Description Suffix t 'BDUPSZJOTUBMMFENPVOUJOHQMBUF ........ MP t Drilled and tapped conduit holes and slip holes .................Consult Factory 286 www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog W-Series Junction Boxes Drilling & Tapping Information DRILLED & TAPPED CONDUIT OPENINGS OR SLIP HOLES "MM84FSJFT$BTU*SPO+VODUJPO#PYFTNBZCFPSEFSFEXJUIESJMMFEBOEUBQQFEDPOEVJUPQFOJOHTPSTMJQIPMFToTVCKFDUUPNJOJNVNTQBDJOH MJNJUBUJPOTMJTUFEJO5BCMF 5PPSEFSBCPYGSPNUIFGBDUPSZXJUIDPOEVJUPQFOJOHT Option 1: Table 1 Send in a sketch of the box with openings specified (subject to spacing limitations TQFDJGJFEJO5BCMF OR Minimum spacing between centers of conduits Conduit Size 6” 5” 4” 31/2” 3” 21/2” 2” 11/2” 11/4” 1” 3 /2” 3 /” w /” /2” 2” 2/2” 3” 3/2” w w 6” /8 / /2 /8 6 6/ 6/8 7 7/ 8 8/8 /8 /2 /8 7/8 3/8 /8 6 6/ 6/8 7/ 3 /8 33/ /8 / /8 7/8 3/8 /8 7/8 3 /8 3/2 3/8 37/8 / /8 / 3 3/8 3/ 3/2 3/8 37/8 / /8 2 /8 23/ 3 3/8 3/ 3/8 37/8 2 /8 2/2 2/8 27/8 3 3/ 2 2/8 23/8 2/2 2/8 /8 2 2/ 23/8 / 7/8 2 /8 3/ Option 2: Step 1: Select one of the four standard BSSBOHFNFOUTJO5BCMFCBTFE on number and location of conduit entries. Step 2: 1JDLBTZNCPMGSPN5BCMFGPS each opening in the arrangement (see example). Step 3: 5BCMFMJTUTUIFNBYJNVNTJ[F and number of conduit openings by box size and the spacing EJNFOTJPOT6TF5BCMFUP verify the openings selected are permitted. 3 3 3 7 3 /4” /2” 1 /2 Table 2 Standard conduit arrangements Example – Catalog Number Logic: 1. 4FMFDUCPYSFRVJSFE8+# 2. User wants one /2” drilled and tapped IPMFJOUIFUPQPGUIFCPYUXPwESJMMFE and tapped holes on both sides and three /2” slip holes in the bottom of the box. 3. Select arrangement 3 because it allows up to three openings per side. 4. Next, the symbols for the openings are substituted and written in clockwise PSEFSTUBSUJOHXJUIMPDBUJPOiBw5IF catalog number is written in three QBSUTQBSUoCPYOVNCFSQBSUo BSSBOHFNFOUOVNCFSQBSUoTZNCPMT for the conduit openings. 5. 'PSUIJTFYBNQMFUIFCPYXPVMECF ordered as: WJB121208-3-0AO C0C 1A1A1A C0C Box Cat. # Arrangement # Symbols for Openings Table 3 Symbols for openings Conduit Size Drilled & Tapped Hole Slip Hole /2” 3 /” w /” /2” 2” 2/2” 3” 3/2” w w 6” None " # $ & ' ( ) J K . N ;FSP " # $ & ' ( ) + , . / ;FSP 4%JNFOTJPOGSPN8BMM UP)PMF$FOUFS-JOF W-Series Boxes www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog 287 W-Series Junction Boxes Drilling & Tapping Information DRILLED & TAPPED CONDUIT OPENINGS OR SLIP HOLES Table 4 Maximum Size and Number of Drilled and Tapped Conduit Openings Top and Bottom† W-Series Cat. # Sides Spacing Dimensions* 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 s t u v w x y / / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / /2 / /2 /2 / 2 2 2 2 2 / 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 3 3 3 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / /2 /2 2/2 2/2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 2 2 2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 3 / / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / / /2 /2 3 / /2 /2 2 2 2 /2 /2 2 2 2 3 3 /2 /2 2 2 2 2 /2 2/2 2/2 2/2 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / /2 /2 3 / 3 / 2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 3 3 / /2 2/2 2/2 3/2 / / 2/2 2/2 2/2 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 3 / /2 2 3 / /2 /2 2/2 3 / 3 / /2 /2 /2 / /8 2/ /8 2/ /8 2/ / 2/ 33/8 /8 2/ 33/8 2/ 33/8 / 2/ 2/ 2/ 33/8 /2 23/8 / 2/ 33/8 33/8 / 2/ 33/8 / 33/8 33/8 33/8 33/8 33/8 / 33/8 33/8 / 33/8 / /8 7 /8 7 /8 / / 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 /8 2/ 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3/2 3/2 3/2 /2 /2 6/2 /2 / /8 7 /8 7 /8 / / 7 /8 7 /8 3/8 3/8 3/8 7 /8 3/8 3/8 /8 /8 /8 3/8 3/8 /8 /8 /8 2/2 2/2 3/8 3/8 /8 /8 3 3 3 3 3 /8 3 3/2 /2 2 3 3 2 2 27/8 3 3 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 3 23/ 23/ 23/ 23/ 23/ 23/ /2 /2 /2 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 6 6 /2 /2 /2 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 2/2 2/2 2/2 3/ 3/ 2/2 3/ 2/2 23/ 23/ 3/ 3/ 2/2 2/2 2/2 /2 2 2/8 3/8 2/8 2/8 37/8 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 23/ 23/ 23/ 23/ 23/ 23/ 23/ 23/ 23/ 3/2 3/2 3/2 /2 /2 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 2/2 2/2 3/ / 23/ 23/ 23/ 23/ 23/ 3/ 23/ 3/2 2 3 3 2 2 23/ 23/ 23/ 3 3 3 7 7 W-Series Boxes 4QBDJOHEJNFOTJPOTBQQMZUPESJMMFEBOEUBQQFEIPMFT4QBDFIBTCFFOQSPWJEFEGPSBMPDLOVUBOECVTIJOHXIFOESJMMFEBOEUBQQFEIPMFTBSFSFRVJSFE p5PQBOECPUUPNBSFUIFMPOHFSEJNFOTJPOTPOFODMPTVSFTXIJDIBSFOPUTRVBSF 288 www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog W-Series Junction Boxes Drilling & Tapping Information DRILLED & TAPPED CONDUIT OPENINGS OR SLIP HOLES Table 4 (continued) Maximum Size and Number of Drilled and Tapped Conduit Openings Top and Bottom† Sides Spacing Dimensions* W-Series Cat. # 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 s t u v w x y 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 /2 2/2 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 2/2 2/2 3/2 3 / / /2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 6 /2 /2 2/2 2/2 2/2 3 / /2 /2 /2 2/2 2/2 2/2 /2 2/2 6 33/8 / 33/8 / / / / 6/2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 63/ 63/ 6/2 6/2 6/2 6/2 6/2 6/2 6/2 6/2 6/2 63/ 7/2 83/ 83/ 83/ 83/ 3 3 /2 3/8 /2 2/2 27/8 3 27/8 /2 /2 /2 6/2 6/2 6/2 63/ 3 /2 63/ 83/ /2 /2 6 6 6 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3/8 3/8 6 3/ 2/8 23/ 37/8 37/8 3/ 3/ 3/ 7/2 7/2 7/2 8 /2 8 /2 /2 /2 6 6 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 7/2 9 9 9 9 2/ 23/ /2 2 2/2 23/ 23/ 23/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 6 23/ 6 9 4QBDJOHEJNFOTJPOTBQQMZUPESJMMFEBOEUBQQFEIPMFT4QBDFIBTCFFOQSPWJEFEGPSBMPDLOVUBOECVTIJOHXIFOESJMMFEBOEUBQQFEIPMFTBSFSFRVJSFE p5PQBOECPUUPNBSFUIFMPOHFSEJNFOTJPOTPOFODMPTVSFTXIJDIBSFOPUTRVBSF W-Series Boxes www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog 289 HomeRunner™ Box Commercial Construction Screw Cover Junction Box with Patented Clamps Applications: HomeRunner™ Junction Boxes are designed specifically for commercial construction applications to provide a spacious, flexible junction box for terminating home runs and other electrical wiring. Its patented clamping design and flexibility make it the most convenient, labor savings junction box available. Features: tø%FTJHOFEBOEBQQSPWFEGPSVTFXJUI"$.$.$*"/.PS&.5 t1BUFOUFEDMBNQJOHGFBUVSFFMJNJOBUFTUIFOFFEGPSGJFMEQVODIJOH drilling of knockouts and installation of connectors t4UBOEBSETVSGBDFPSGMVTIDPWFSPQUJPOToFMJNJOBUFTUIFOFFEGPS custom covers t.VMUJQMFNPVOUJOHIPMFTBOELOPDLPVUTGPSJOTUBMMBUJPOGMFYJCJMJUZ t0QUJPOBMTUVECSBDLFUGPSEJSFDUNPVOUJOHUPTUFFMPSXPPETUVET t,JDLTUBOEGBSTJEFTVQQPSUBWBJMBCMFXJUI)3 t"WBJMBCMFJOUXPTJ[FTUPNBUDIDVTUPNFSSFRVJSFNFOUTBOE preferences t 5IJSEQBSUZDFSUJGJFEGPS64BOE$BOBEB Call-out Features: 1BUFOUFEDMBNQJOHTZTUFNoQSPWJEFTNBYJNVNGMFYJCJMJUZBOE NBYJNVNHSJQUIJSEQBSUZDFSUJGJFEGPSVTFXJUI"$.$.$*"PS OPONFUBMMJDTIFBUIFEDBCMF 8FMEFETUFFMDPOTUSVDUJPOoQSPWJEFTTUSPOHEFQFOEBCMFTFSWJDF and large cubic capacity for ease of wiring $PNCJOBUJPOFDDFOUSJDLOPDLPVUToPOTJEFTGPSRVJDLBOEFBTZ BDDFTTDPNCJOBUJPO,0TJOUIFCBDLPGUIFCPYBSFJEFBMGPS applications where joist spacing is too tight for side entry 5FSNJOBMDVQXBTIFSBOEGMBOHFEOVUoRVJDLFBTZTFSWJDFHSPVOE termination or attachment of grounding bus bar 5XPDPWFSPQUJPOToTRVBSFGPSTVSGBDFNPVOUFEBQQMJDBUJPOTPS PWFSTJ[FEGPSGMVTINPVOUBQQMJDBUJPOT &YUFOTJWFNPVOUJOHGMFYJCJMJUZoQSFESJMMFEIPMFTJOTJEFBOECBDL for direct mounting or for mounting bracket (purchased separately) 'BSTJEFTVQQPSUoTDSFXTPORVJDLMZBOEFBTJMZBOEJTQFSGPSBUFE which allows for adjustment in dual thickness, fire rated walls; TIJQQFETUBOEBSEXJUIwYwYwNPEFMT 1 6 2 4 5 7 Certifications and Compliances: tø'PS64BOE$BOBEB$4"'JMF/P tø$FSUJGJFEUP6-BOE6-#BOE$4"$/P/P . Standard Materials: HomeRunner™ tø&ODMPTVSFBOEDPWFSoQSFHBMWBOJ[FETUFFM t)BSEXBSFo[JODQMBUFETUFFM Cu. Vol. Unit Qty. Wt. Lbs. Per 100 UP UP 177 5 400 "8( "8( "8( UP UP 544 5 5 5 5 5 20 100 160 270 Cat. # Description Dimensions Knockouts Wire Fill Built-in Clamps HR080803 wYw#PY )Y8Y% (10) 1 2wBOE 4wFDDFOUSJD (7) 4wBOEwFDDFOUSJD "8( "8( "8( HR121204 wYw#PY )Y8Y% HRC0808S HRC0808F HRC1212S HRC1212F HRSB1 4VSGBDF.PVOU$PWFS 'MVTI.PVOU$PWFS 4VSGBDF.PVOU$PWFS 'MVTI.PVOU$PWFS 4UVE#SBDLFU )Y8Y% )Y8Y% )Y8Y% )Y8Y% 290 www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 (9) 1 2w 1 2w 4wFDDFOUSJD (6) 4wwFDDFOUSJD w1 4wFDDFOUSJD CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Fiberglass Enclosures Reliability you can count on for the most corrosive applications. Partnering with Eaton’s Crouse-Hinds Division and our dedicated team of industry experts can help you succeed. Since 1897, we have led the development of safer, more reliable ways to power the most challenging harsh and hazardous areas. We have been established as a leader in enclosures for hazardous, industrial and commercial applications. Enclosures are engineered and manufactured to perform through the most corrosive conditions needed by OEMs, MRO, wastewater treatment facilities and chemical plants. These exceptionally durable, corrosion-resistant enclosures can withstand extreme abuse and exposure to chemicals, water and extreme conditions. Enclosure knowledge and experience with: tø1SPEVDUTUIBUEFMJWFSTVQFSJPSQFSGPSNBODF t-PXNBJOUFOBODFDIPJDFTMJLFEVSBCMFOPONFUBMMJDFODMPTVSFT with features designed to provide optimum protection in the harshest environments t%FEJDBUFEBOEFYQFSUTBMFTTVQQPSUUPIFMQTFMFDUQSPEVDUTUIBU perform reliably and cost-effectively A commitment to safety and productivity: Eaton’s Crouse-Hinds Division is helping more industrial facility owners, operators and engineers succeed each day – safely and costeffectively. It’s part of our commitment to focus on industries where our experience, expertise and products can make the biggest impact. Quick Selection Guide: Product Series & Size Number of Sizes Materials Environmental Rating t'JCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEUIFSNPTFUQPMZFTUFS t1PVSFEQPMZVSFUIBOFTFBNMFTTHBTLFU t3FDFTTFEDBQUJWFTUBJOMFTTTUFFMTDSFXT tTUBJOMFTTTUFFMVTFEPOBMMFYUFSOBM hardware 11 6-D6CSA Std. C22.2 /&."5ZQFT391 t'JCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEUIFSNPTFUQPMZFTUFS wYwUPwYw t1PVSFEQPMZVSFUIBOFTFBNMFTTHBTLFU In-line and multi-hole t3FDFTTFEDBQUJWFTUBJOMFTTTUFFMTDSFXT DPOGJHVSBUJPOTNN tTUBJOMFTTTUFFMVTFEPOBMMFYUFSOBM and 22mm configurations hardware offered 21 6-D6CSA Std. C22.2 /&."5ZQFT91 t'JCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEUIFSNPTFUQPMZFTUFS t1PVSFEQPMZVSFUIBOFTFBNMFTTHBTLFU t3FDFTTFEDBQUJWFTUBJOMFTTTUFFMTDSFXT tTUBJOMFTTTUFFMVTFEPOBMMFYUFSOBM hardware 6-D6CSA Std. C22.2 /&."5ZQFT91 t'JCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEUIFSNPTFUQPMZFTUFS t1PVSFEQPMZVSFUIBOFTFBNMFTTHBTLFU t4UBJOMFTTTUFFMTDSFXT tTUBJOMFTTTUFFMVTFEPOBMMFYUFSOBM hardware 33 6-D6CSA Std. C22.2 /&."5ZQFT91 t'JCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEUIFSNPTFUQPMZFTUFS t1PVSFEQPMZVSFUIBOFTFBNMFTTHBTLFU t4UBJOMFTTTUFFMTDSFXT tTUBJOMFTTTUFFMVTFEPOBMMFYUFSOBM hardware 6-D6CSA Std. C22.2 /&."5ZQFT49 13 Small Line Series 3” x 3” to 17” x 3” Pushbutton Series Junction Box Series wYwUPwYw Raised Cover Series wYwUPwYw wYwUPwYw www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog 291 Fiberglass Advantage Series Fiberglass Enclosures Quick Selection Guide Number of Sizes Product Series & Size Materials Wall Mount Series/ 3R & 4X Series t'JCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEUIFSNPTFUQPMZFTUFS t1PVSFEQPMZVSFUIBOFTFBNMFTTHBTLFU t4UBJOMFTTTUFFMTDSFXT tTUBJOMFTTTUFFMVTFEPOBMMFYUFSOBM hardware 28 6-D6CSA Std. C22.2 (3R) – NEMA Types 1, 3R 9 o/&."5ZQFT3 9 t'JCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEUIFSNPTFUQPMZFTUFS t1PVSFEQPMZVSFUIBOFTFBNMFTTHBTLFU t4UBJOMFTTTUFFMTDSFXT tTUBJOMFTTTUFFMVTFEPOBMMFYUFSOBM hardware 7 6-D6CSA Std. C22.2 /&."5ZQFT39 t'JCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEUIFSNPTFUQPMZFTUFS t1PVSFEQPMZVSFUIBOFTFBNMFTTHBTLFU t4UBJOMFTTTUFFMTDSFXT tTUBJOMFTTTUFFMVTFEPOBMMFYUFSOBM hardware 6-D6CSA Std. C22.2 /&."5ZQFT39 t'JCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEUIFSNPTFUQPMZFTUFS t1PVSFEQPMZVSFUIBOFTFBNMFTTHBTLFU t3FDFTTFEDBQUJWFTUBJOMFTTTUFFMTDSFXT tTUBJOMFTTTUFFMVTFEPOBMMFYUFSOBM hardware 11 6-D6CSA Std. C22.2 /&."5ZQFT9 wYwUPwYw /&."3PS9 Wall Mount Series/ Large Series wYwUPwYw -BSHFBOEGSFFTUBOEJOH enclosures with double door options Disconnect & Circuit Breaking Series wYwUPwYw Industrial control system applications Xtra Deep Series wYwUPwYw Extra deep cover Environmental Rating Fiberglass Eaton’s Crouse-Hinds Division has a full line of Krydon® material enclosures. These solid, one-piece construction enclosures are made of a proprietary formulation of fiberglass-reinforced polyester that has high impact strength, is fire retardant, heat-resistant and withstands weathering. Krydon enclosures are: t4USPOHBOEEVSBCMFXIJMFQSPWJEJOHMPOHFSTFSWJDFMJGFGPSFRVJQNFOU t$MBTT*%JWJTJPO(SPVQT#$%SBUJOHPONBOZ,SZEPOQSPEVDUT t"WBJMBCMFJOBOFYQBOTJWFSBOHFPGQSPEVDUHSPVQT t"WBJMBCMFJOIVOESFETPGTJ[FTBOEPQUJPOT 292 www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Fiberglass Enclosures Small Line Series 5IF4NBMM-JOF4FSJFTPGGFSTBMJHIUXFJHIUDPNQBDUWFSTBUJMF TPMVUJPOGPSBQQMJDBUJPOTSFRVJSJOHUJHIUPSDPOGJOFETQBDFT5IF 4NBMM-JOF4FSJFTIPVTFTFWFSZUIJOHGSPNUFSNJOBMCMPDLTUPTNBMM positional control. Available in a choice of two body styles, these enclosures are made of fiberglass-reinforced polyester and have a memory retaining polyurethane gasket and stainless steel screws GPSFYDFQUJPOBMDPSSPTJPOBOEDIFNJDBMSFTJTUBODF5IF4NBMM-JOF Series will hold up under the most extreme conditions and provide protection in adverse environments such as water, steam, vapor or chemicals. Features: tø-JGUPGGDPWFSEFTJHOXJUIGPVSDPWFSTDSFXT t.FNPSZSFUBJOJOHDPOUJOVPVTQPMZVSFUIBOFHBTLFU t$BQUJWFTUBJOMFTTTUFFMDPWFSTDSFXT t$IFNJDBMSFTJTUBOUGJCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEQPMZFTUFS t4VCNFSTJCMFOPODPSSPTJWFEFTJHO t8BUFSUJHIUEVTUUJHIU t/PODPOEVDUJWFJNQBDUSFTJTUBOU67SFTJTUBOU t.BUFSJBMDVUTESJMMTQVODIFTBOETBXTXJUIFBTFBOEBDDVSBDZ t3PVOEFEFEHFTNJOJNBMQSPUSVTJPOTPSFYQPTFEQPDLFUBSFBTGPS assembly of dust and debris t4NPPUITVSGBDFOPDPMPSWBSJBUJPOTTXJSMTPSDPMPSQPDLFUTOP voids Standard Materials and Finishes: tø)PUDPNQSFTTJPONPMEFEGJCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEUIFSNPTFUQPMZFTUFS t1PVSFEQPMZVSFUIBOFTFBNMFTTHBTLFUQSPWJEFTXBUFSUJHIU dusttight environmental seal t$BQUJWFTUBJOMFTTTUFFMTDSFXT tTUBJOMFTTTUFFMVTFEPOBMMFYUFSOBMIBSEXBSF Certifications and Compliances: Options: tø6-D6-5ZQFT391 t6-'JMF/P& t$4"4UE$'JMF5ZQFT391 t/&."4UBOEBSE5ZQFT391 t5FNQFSBUVSFSBOHF¡'UP¡'¡$UP¡$ t'MBNNBCJMJUZSBUJOH6-7 t/POGMBNFQSPQBHBUJOH Inside HxWxD FSJBS FSJS* NPT Size Cat. # Four Cover Screws with a Beveled Cover Design Cat. # Four Cover Screws with a Flat Cover Design Cat. # Mounting Plate** FSJS070603 FSJS090603 FMP0706 FMP0906 FSJBS030302 FSJBS050302 FSJBS060404 FSJBS080302 FSJBS080404 FSJBS090302 FSJBS110404 FSJBS140302 FSJBS170302 Fiberglass YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY Description Cat. # t .PVOUJOHGFFULJUGPSGJFMEJOTUBMMBUJPO ....................... FSJMTGFTKIT 'MBUDPWFS "WBJMBCMFJOBMVNJOVN4" GJCFSHMBTT'( DBSCPOTUFFM$ BOETUBJOMFTTTUFFM44 5PPSEFSBEEUIFTVGGJYUPUIFFOEPGUIFDBUBMPHOVNCFS www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog 293 Fiberglass Enclosures Small Line Series Dimensional Drawings: F W B C J M H A D L E A K A N B SECTION A-A FRONT VIEW WITHOUT COVER SECTION B-B B FSJS Configuration Dimensions (in Inches (mm)): Cat. # FSJS070603 FSJS090603 Overall H x W x D Inside A x B x C Mounting E x F J K L M N YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y (137) (172) Weight (Lbs.) 3 3 FSJBS Configuration Dimensions (in Inches (mm)): Cat. # FSJBS030302 FSJBS050302 FSJBS060404 FSJBS080302 FSJBS080404 FSJBS090302 FSJBS110404 Fiberglass FSJBS140302 FSJBS170302 Overall H x W x D Inside A x B x C I J K L M N YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY 8.88 x 3.81 x 3.89 YY YY YY 11.13 x 3.81 x 3.89 (283 x 97 x 99) YY YY YY YY YY YY YY (137 x 77 x 73) YY YY YY (199 x 77 x 73) YY YY YY (222 x 77 x 73) YY YY YY YY YY YY (182) (192) 9.81 (318) 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.31 (178) 7.13 (181) 9.37 (238) 12.37 (98) 7.22 (183) (219) (387) 2.19 2.19 2.19 www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Weight (Lbs.) 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 Fiberglass Enclosures Pushbutton Series 5IF1VTICVUUPO4FSJFTPGGFSTBTPMVUJPOGPSBQQMJDBUJPOTSFRVJSJOH an enclosure with multiple pre-drilled openings for pushbuttons BWBJMBCMFJONNBOENNDPOGJHVSBUJPOT5IFOPUDIFELFZIPMF EFTJHOBOEUIFBCJMJUZUPPSEFSVQUPIPMFTNBLFTUIJTWFSTBUJMF series a perfect match for your general purpose electrical and control station applications. Available in a choice of two body designs, these enclosures are made of fiberglass-reinforced polyester and have a memory retaining polyurethane gasket and stainless steel screws for exceptional corrosion and chemical resistance. The Pushbutton Series will hold up under the most extreme conditions and provide protection in adverse conditions such as water, steam, vapor or chemicals. Features: tø-JGUPGGDPWFSEFTJHOXJUIGPVSDPWFSTDSFXT t.FNPSZSFUBJOJOHDPOUJOVPVTQPMZVSFUIBOFHBTLFU t$BQUJWFTUBJOMFTTTUFFMDPWFSTDSFXT t'VMMNFUBMHSPVOEJOHTUSBQ t/PUDIFELFZIPMFEFTJHO t$IFNJDBMSFTJTUBOUGJCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEQPMZFTUFS t4VCNFSTJCMFOPODPSSPTJWFEFTJHO t8BUFSUJHIUEVTUUJHIU t/PODPOEVDUJWFJNQBDUSFTJTUBOU67SFTJTUBOU t.BUFSJBMDVUTESJMMTQVODIFTBOETBXTXJUIFBTFBOEBDDVSBDZ t3PVOEFEFEHFTNJOJNBMQSPUSVTJPOTPSFYQPTFEQPDLFUBSFBTGPS assembly of dust and debris t4NPPUITVSGBDFOPDPMPSWBSJBUJPOTTXJSMTPSDPMPSQPDLFUTOP voids Certifications and Compliances: Holes YY YY YY YY YY YY YY 1 2 3 7 FPB31 FPB32 FPB33 FPB34 FPB35 FPB36 FPB37 Description Cat. # t .PVOUJOHGFFULJUGPSGJFMEJOTUBMMBUJPO ....................... FSJMTGFTKIT Inside HxWxD Cat. # 22mm Pushbutton Inside HxWxD YY YY YY YY YY YY YY FPB21 FPB22 FPB23 FPB24 FPB25 FPB26 FPB27 YY YY 9.73 x 7.73 x 3.98 9 9.73 x 7.73 x 3.98 YY YY YY Holes Cat. # 30mm Multi-hole Pushbutton Cat. # Mounting Plate* FPBM34 FPBM36 FPBM39 FMP0606 FMP0806 FMP1008 Fiberglass Inside HxWxD tø)PUDPNQSFTTJPONPMEFEGJCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEUIFSNPTFUQPMZFTUFS t1PVSFEQPMZVSFUIBOFTFBNMFTTHBTLFUQSPWJEFTXBUFSUJHIU dusttight environmental seal t$BQUJWFTUBJOMFTTTUFFMTDSFXT tTUBJOMFTTTUFFMVTFEPOBMMFYUFSOBMIBSEXBSF t4UBJOMFTTTUFFMCFBEFEDPWFSSFUFOUJPODIBJOPOUIF'1#.TFSJFT Options: tø6-D6-5ZQFT91 t6-'JMF/P& t$4"4UE$'JMF5ZQFT91 t/&."4UBOEBSE5ZQFT91 t5FNQFSBUVSFSBOHF¡'UP¡'¡$UP¡$ t'MBNNBCJMJUZSBUJOH6-7 t/POGMBNFQSPQBHBUJOH Cat. # 30mm Pushbutton Standard Materials and Finishes: "WBJMBCMFJOBMVNJOVN4" GJCFSHMBTT'( DBSCPOTUFFM$ BOETUBJOMFTTTUFFM44 5PPSEFSBEEUIFTVGGJYUPUIFFOEPGUIFDBUBMPHOVNCFS www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Fiberglass Enclosures Pushbutton Series Dimensional Drawings: 30mm L W J D B K C O N 2.25 M (57) A K B H I A A 2.25 SECTION A-A (57) .190 (5) 1.210 (31) .672 (17) B .190 (5) FRONT VIEW WITHOUT COVER SECTION B-B 22mm SECTION B-B W L J D B K O C N 1.56 (40) M B H A K 1.56 (40) I A SECTION A-A A 1.56 (40) .125 (3) .875 (22) B .468 (12) .190 (5) FRONT VIEW WITHOUT COVER OX2 Multi-hole W F HOLE DIA. 4 PLC'S. B O C J 2.25 (57) A K E H B N A A 1.210 (31) L SECTION A-A B P 2.25 M (57) Fiberglass SECTION B-B .190 (5) D www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog .672 (17) Fiberglass Enclosures Pushbutton Series 30mm Pushbutton Configuration Dimensions (in Inches (mm)): Cat. # FPB31 FPB32 FPB33 FPB34 FPB35 FPB36 FPB37 Weight (Lbs.) Overall H x W x D Inside A x B x C I J K L M N O YY YY YY YY 8.88 x 3.81 x 3.89 YY 11.13 x 3.81 x 3.89 (283 x 97 x 99) YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY (192) 9.81 (318) 2.38 2.38 2.38 7.13 (181) 9.37 (238) 12.37 (219) (387) (387) 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 3.31 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.39 (77) 1.92 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 22mm Pushbutton Configuration Dimensions (in Inches (mm)): Cat. # FPB21 FPB22 FPB23 FPB24 FPB25 FPB26 FPB27 Weight (Lbs.) Overall H x W x D Inside A x B x C I J K L M N O YY YY YY YY YY YY 8.88 x 3.81 x 3.89 YY 11.13 x 3.81 x 3.89 (283 x 97 x 99) 11.13 x 3.81 x 3.89 (283 x 97 x 99) YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY (192) 9.81 9.81 (318) 2.38 7.13 (181) 9.37 (238) 9.37 (238) 12.37 (219) (219) 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 3.31 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 Multi-hole Pushbutton Configuration Dimensions (in Inches (mm)): Cat. # FPBM34 FPBM36 FPBM39 Overall H x W x D Inside A x B x C Mounting E x F J K L M N O P Hole Dia. YY (191 x 191 x 121) YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY 9.73 x 7.73 x 3.98 YY Y Y Y Y Y Y (89) (191) (288) (87) (8) (8) (8) Weight (Lbs.) Fiberglass www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog 297 Fiberglass Enclosures Junction Box Series 5IF+VODUJPO#PY4FSJFTPGGFSTBOFYUFOTJWFTFMFDUJPOUPUIF JOEVTUSJBMBQQMJDBUJPOSFRVJSJOHBWBTUOVNCFSPGDPOGJHVSBUJPOTBOE TJ[FT5IF+VODUJPO#PY4FSJFTJTBWBJMBCMFJOEJGGFSFOUTJ[FT each offering a multitude of durable cover options with features such as stainless steel hinges, padlock covers and windows. These enclosures are made of fiberglass-reinforced polyester and have a poured polyurethane seamless gasket that provides a watertight and dusttight environmental seal for exceptional corrosion and chemical SFTJTUBODF5IFEVSBCMF+VODUJPO#PY4FSJFTXJMMIPMEVQVOEFSUIF most extreme applications and provide protection and reliability in the most adverse conditions. Features: tø.FNPSZSFUBJOJOHDPOUJOVPVTQPMZVSFUIBOFHBTLFU t$BQUJWFTUBJOMFTTTUFFMDPWFSTDSFXT t$IFNJDBMSFTJTUBOUGJCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEQPMZFTUFS t4VCNFSTJCMFOPODPSSPTJWFEFTJHO t8BUFSUJHIUEVTUUJHIU t/PODPOEVDUJWFJNQBDUSFTJTUBOU67SFTJTUBOU t.BUFSJBMDVUTESJMMTQVODIFTBOETBXTXJUIFBTFBOEBDDVSBDZ t3PVOEFEFEHFTNJOJNBMQSPUSVTJPOTPSFYQPTFEQPDLFUBSFBTGPS assembly of dust and debris t4NPPUITVSGBDFOPDPMPSWBSJBUJPOTTXJSMTPSDPMPSQPDLFUTOP voids t4UBJOMFTTTUFFMSFUFOUJPODIBJOPOTDSFXDPWFSTFSJFT t'VMMMFOHUITUBJOMFTTTUFFMIJOHFTPOUIFIJOHFDPWFSTFSJFT Certifications and Compliances: Fiberglass tø6-D6-5ZQFT91 t6-'JMF/P& t$4"4UE$'JMF5ZQFT91 t/&."4UBOEBSE5ZQFT91 t5FNQFSBUVSFSBOHF¡'UP¡'¡$UP¡$ t'MBNNBCJMJUZSBUJOH6-7 t8JOEPXGMBNNBCJMJUZ6-7 t/POGMBNFQSPQBHBUJOH Standard Materials and Finishes: tø)PUDPNQSFTTJPONPMEFEGJCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEUIFSNPTFUQPMZFTUFS t1PVSFEQPMZVSFUIBOFTFBNMFTTHBTLFUQSPWJEFTXBUFSUJHIU dusttight environmental seal t$BQUJWFTUBJOMFTTTUFFMTDSFXT tTUBJOMFTTTUFFMVTFEPOBMMFYUFSOBMIBSEXBSF t.PMEFEJONPVOUJOHGMBOHF t1BOFMNPVOUJOHDBQBCJMJUZGPSGJYFESFBSQBOFM t#PTTFTVUJMJ[FUISFBEFECSBTTJOTFSUTBDDFQUJOHTDSFXT Inside HxWxD Cat. # Four Cover Screws with Lift-off Cover Cat. # Two Cover Screws with Hinged Cover Cat. # Hinged Cover with Padlock Latch YY YY YY YY 9.73 x 7.73 x 3.98 YY YY YY YY YY YY YY FJS060404 FJS060604 FJS080604 FJS080804 FJS100804 FJS121005 FJS121206 FJS140707 FJS141206 FJS161406 FJS181608‡ FJS201608‡ FJHS060404 FJHS060604 FJHS080604 FJHS080804 FJHS100804† FJHS121005 FJHS121206 FJHS140707 FJHS141206 FJHS161406 FJHS181608‡ FJHS201608‡ FJHP060404 FJHP060604 FJHP080604 FJHP080804 FJHP100804 FJHP121005 FJHP121206 FJHP140707 FJHP141206 FJHP161406 FJHP181608‡ FJHP201608‡ Cat. # Hinged Cover with Window & Padlock Latch FJHPW060404 FJHPW060604 FJHPW080604 FJHPW080804 FJHPW100804 FJHPW121005 FJHPW140707 FJHPW141206 FJHPW161406 FJHPW181608‡ FJHPW201608‡ "WBJMBCMFJOBMVNJOVN4" GJCFSHMBTT'( DBSCPOTUFFM$ BOETUBJOMFTTTUFFM44 5PPSEFSBEEUIFTVGGJYUPUIFFOEPGUIFDBUBMPHOVNCFS p"WBJMBCMFXJUIUIFEFFQDPWFSPQUJPOoUPPSEFSQMFBTFBEEBA%UPUIFDBUBMPHOVNCFS'PSFYBNQMF'+%)4 q/PUBWBJMBCMFXJUIB1SBUJOH 298 www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Cat. # Mounting Plate* FMP0604 FMP0606 FMP0806 FMP0808 FMP1008 FMP1210 FMP1212 FMP1407 FMP1412 FMP1614 FMP1816 FMP2016 Fiberglass Enclosures Junction Box Series Dimensional Drawings: W F HOLE DIA. 4 PLC'S. B J D C B K N A A A E H SECTION A-A FRONT VIEW WITHOUT COVER M B SECTION B-B Configuration Dimensions (in Inches (mm)): Cat. # Overall H x W x D Inside A x B x C Window Area Mounting ExF J K L M N Hole Dia. Weight (Lbs.) FJS060404 FJHS060404 FJHP060404 FJHPW060404 YY (191 x 138 x 121) YY YY Y Y Y Y 7.39 (188) (8) FJS060604 FJHS060604 FJHP060604 FJHPW060604 YY (191 x 191 x 121) YY YY Y Y Y Y (191) (8) FJS080604 FJHS080604 FJHP080604 FJHPW080604 YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y (8) FJS080804 FJHS080804 FJHP080804 FJHPW080804 YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y 9.37 (238) (8) 1.71 FJS100804 FJHS100804 FJHP100804 FJHPW100804 YY YY 9.73 x 7.73 x 3.98 YY Y Y Y Y (89) (288) (8) FJDS100804* FJDHS100804* YY FJDHP100804* YY FJDHPW100804* YY YY Y Y Y Y (111) 11.37 (289) (8) FJS121005 FJHS121005 FJHP121005 FJHPW121005 YY YY Y Y Y Y (8) YY YY *Deep cover - center of cover raised 3”. Fiberglass www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog 299 Fiberglass Enclosures Junction Box Series Configuration Dimensions (in Inches (mm)): Overall H x W x D Inside A x B x C Window Area Mounting ExF J K L M N Hole Dia. Weight (Lbs.) FJS121206 FJHS121206 FJHP121206 YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y 13.38 (8) FJS140707 FJHS140707 YY FJHP140707 YY FJHPW140707 YY YY Y Y Y (381 x 127) (311) (133) (8) FJS141206 FJHS141206 YY FJHP141206 YY FJHPW141206 YY YY Y Y Y Y (137) (311) (393) (8) FJS161406 FJHS161406 YY FJHP161406 YY FJHPW161406 YY YY Y Y Y Y (311) (8) FJS181608 FJHS181608 FJHP181608 FJHPW181608 YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y 7.99 (8) FJS201608 FJHS201608 FJHP201608 FJHPW201608 YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y (8) Fiberglass Cat. # www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Fiberglass Enclosures Raised Cover Series 5IF3BJTFE$PWFS4FSJFTPGGFSTBTPMVUJPOGPSBQQMJDBUJPOTSFRVJSJOH an enclosure with a “raised” or “deeper” cover. The deeper cover is suitable for panel mounting and for use as an operator interface JOJOEVTUSJBMFRVJQNFOUDPOUSPMTUBUJPOTXIFOSFRVJSFE5IFEFFQFS cover allows every cubic inch of valuable internal enclosure space to be used. These enclosures are made of fiberglass-reinforced polyester and have a poured polyurethane seamless gasket that provides a watertight and dusttight environmental seal for exceptional corrosion and chemical resistance. The Raised Cover Series will hold up under the most extreme applications and provide protection and reliability in high end electronics applications, harsh corrosive environments and industrial applications, both indoors and out. Features: tø.FNPSZSFUBJOJOHDPOUJOVPVTQPMZVSFUIBOFHBTLFU t.PMEFEJONPVOUJOHGMBOHF t$BQUJWFTUBJOMFTTTUFFMDPWFSTDSFXT t$IFNJDBMSFTJTUBOUGJCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEQPMZFTUFS t4VCNFSTJCMFOPODPSSPTJWFEFTJHO t8BUFSUJHIUEVTUUJHIU t/PODPOEVDUJWFJNQBDUSFTJTUBOU67SFTJTUBOU t.BUFSJBMDVUTESJMMTQVODIFTBOETBXTXJUIFBTFBOEBDDVSBDZ t3PVOEFEFEHFTNJOJNBMQSPUSVTJPOTPSFYQPTFEQPDLFUBSFBTGPS assembly of dust and debris t4NPPUITVSGBDFOPDPMPSWBSJBUJPOTTXJSMTPSDPMPSQPDLFUTOP voids tø)PUDPNQSFTTJPONPMEFEGJCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEUIFSNPTFUQPMZFTUFS t1PVSFEQPMZVSFUIBOFTFBNMFTTHBTLFUQSPWJEFTXBUFSUJHIU dusttight environmental seal t$BQUJWFTUBJOMFTTTUFFMTDSFXT tTUBJOMFTTTUFFMVTFEPOBMMFYUFSOBMIBSEXBSF t.PMEFEJONPVOUJOHGMBOHF t1BOFMNPVOUJOHDBQBCJMJUZGPSGJYFESFBSQBOFM t#PTTFTVUJMJ[FUISFBEFECSBTTJOTFSUTBDDFQUJOHTDSFXT Certifications and Compliances: tø6-D6-5ZQFT91 t6-'JMF/P& t$4"4UE$'JMF5ZQFT91 t/&."4UBOEBSE5ZQFT91 t5FNQFSBUVSFSBOHF¡'UP¡'¡$UP¡$ t'MBNNBCJMJUZSBUJOH6-7 t/POGMBNFQSPQBHBUJOH Inside HxWxD Cat. # Four Cover Screws with Lift-off Cover Cat. # Two Cover Screws with Hinged Cover Cat. # Hinged Cover with Padlock Latch Cat. # Mounting Plate* FRCJS060406 FRCJS060606 FRCJS080606 FRCJS080805 FRCJS100806 FRCJS121006 FRCJHS060406 FRCJHS060606 FRCJHS080606 FRCJHS080805 FRCJHS100806 FRCJHS121006 FRCJS141208 FRCJS161408 FRCJS181610 FRCJS201610 FRCJHS141208 FRCJHS161408 FRCJHS181610 FRCJHS201610 FRCJHP060406 FRCJHP060606 FRCJHP080606 FRCJHP080805 FRCJHP100806 FRCJHP121006 FRCJHP121208 FRCJHP141208 FRCJHP161408 FRCJHP181610 FRCJHP201610 FMP0604 FMP0606 FMP0806 FMP0808 FMP1008 FMP1210 FMP1212 FMP1412 FMP1614 FMP1816 FMP2016 Fiberglass YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY Standard Materials and Finishes: "WBJMBCMFJOBMVNJOVN4" GJCFSHMBTT'( DBSCPOTUFFM$ BOETUBJOMFTTTUFFM44 5PPSEFSBEEUIFTVGGJYUPUIFFOEPGUIFDBUBMPHOVNCFS www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Fiberglass Enclosures Raised Cover Series Dimensional Drawings: W F HOLE DIA. 4 PLC'S. B L P D J C B N A A O A E H K SECTION A-A M B FRONT VIEW WITHOUT COVER SECTION B-B Configuration Dimensions (in Inches (mm)): Cat. # FRCJS060406 FRCJHS060406 FRCJHP060406 FRCJS060606 FRCJHS060606 FRCJHP060606 FRCJS080606 FRCJHS080606 FRCJHP080606 FRCJS080805 FRCJHS080805 FRCJHP080805 FRCJS100806 FRCJHS100806 FRCJHP100806 FRCJS121006 FRCJHS121006 FRCJHP121006 FRCJHP121208 Inside A x B x C Mounting ExF J K L M N O P Hole Dia. Weight (Lbs.) YY YY YY YY Y Y (189) (8) YY YY YY YY Y Y (191) (8) YY YY YY YY Y Y (238) (8) YY YY YY YY Y Y (138) 9.37 (238) 7.17 (182) 7.17 (182) (8) YY YY YY YY Y Y 11.38 (289) 7.38 (188) (8) YY YY YY YY Y Y 9.23 (8) YY YY YY YY Y Y 13.38 11.17 11.17 (8) YY YY YY YY Y Y (311) (392) (8) YY YY YY YY Y Y (311) (8) YY YY Y YY YY Y (387) (8) YY YY Y 9.87 YY YY Y 19.31 (391) (8) Fiberglass FRCJS141208 FRCJHS141208 FRCJHP141208 FRCJS161408 FRCJHS161408 FRCJHP161408 FRCJS181610 FRCJHS181610 FRCJHP181610 FRCJS201610 FRCJHS201610 FRCJHP201610 Overall H x W x D www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Fiberglass Enclosures Xtra Deep Series 5IF9USB%FFQ4FSJFTPGGFSTBTPMVUJPOGPSBQQMJDBUJPOTSFRVJSJOHBO FYUSBEFFQFODMPTVSF5IFEFFQEVSBCMFFODMPTVSFIBTOFBSMZFRVBM capacity in both the cover and the base, giving you ample room for your cover or mounting plate components. The fiberglass-reinforced polyester enclosure with flange mount base, stainless steel hardware and poured polyurethane seamless gasket provides exceptional corrosion and chemical resistance in a watertight and dusttight FOWJSPONFOUBMTFBM5IF9USB%FFQ4FSJFTXJMMIPMEVQVOEFSUIF most extreme applications and provide protection and reliability in high end electronics applications, harsh corrosive environments and industrial applications, both indoors and out. Features: tø.FNPSZSFUBJOJOHDPOUJOVPVTQPMZVSFUIBOFHBTLFU t*OUFHSBMNPVOUJOHGMBOHF t.PMEFEJOQBOFMNPVOUJOHJOTFSUT t$IFNJDBMSFTJTUBOUGJCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEQPMZFTUFS t/PODPSSPTJWFEFTJHO t'VMMMFOHUITUBJOMFTTTUFFMIJOHF t8BUFSUJHIUEVTUUJHIU t/PODPOEVDUJWFJNQBDUSFTJTUBOU67SFTJTUBOU t.BUFSJBMDVUTESJMMTQVODIFTBOETBXTXJUIFBTFBOEBDDVSBDZ t3PVOEFEFEHFTNJOJNBMQSPUSVTJPOTPSFYQPTFEQPDLFUBSFBTGPS assembly of dust and debris t4NPPUITVSGBDFOPDPMPSWBSJBUJPOTTXJSMTPSDPMPSQPDLFUTOP voids Certifications and Compliances: tø6-D6-5ZQFT9 t6-'JMF/P& t$4"4UE$'JMF5ZQFT9 t/&."4UBOEBSE5ZQFT9 t5FNQFSBUVSFSBOHF¡'UP¡'¡$UP¡$ t'MBNNBCJMJUZSBUJOH6-7 t/POGMBNFQSPQBHBUJOH Inside HxWxD Cat. # Padlockable Twist Latch Cat. # Mounting Plate* YY 7.73 x 7.73 x 9.18 YY YY YY YY YY YY YY FXDJ080608 FXDJ080808 FXDJ100808 FXDJ121010 FXDJ121212 FXDJ141212 FXDJ161412 FXDJ181617 FXDJ201617 FMP0806 FMP0808 FMP1008 FMP1210 FMP1212 FMP1412 FMP1614 FMP1816 FMP2016 Standard Materials and Finishes: tø)PUDPNQSFTTJPONPMEFEGJCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEUIFSNPTFUQPMZFTUFS t1PVSFEQPMZVSFUIBOFTFBNMFTTHBTLFUQSPWJEFTXBUFSUJHIU dusttight environmental seal tTUBJOMFTTTUFFMVTFEPOBMMFYUFSOBMIBSEXBSF t.PMEFEJONPVOUJOHGMBOHF t1BOFMNPVOUJOHDBQBCJMJUZGPSGJYFESFBSQBOFM t#PTTFTVUJMJ[FUISFBEFECSBTTJOTFSUTBDDFQUJOHTDSFXT "WBJMBCMFJOBMVNJOVN4" GJCFSHMBTT'( DBSCPOTUFFM$ BOETUBJOMFTTTUFFM44 5PPSEFSBEEUIF suffix to the end of the catalog number. Fiberglass www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Fiberglass Enclosures Xtra Deep Series Dimensional Drawings: Configuration Dimensions (in Inches (mm)): Overall H x W x D Inside A x B x C Mounting ExF J K L M N Hole Dia. Weight (Lbs.) FXDJ080608 YY YY YY YY Y Y 8.37 (213) 8.87 (8) FXDJ080808 YY YY 7.73 x 7.73 x 9.18 YY Y Y (219) (8) FXDJ100808 YY YY YY YY Y Y 7.39 (188) (8) FXDJ121010 YY YY YY YY Y Y (238) (329) (8) 8 FXDJ121212 YY YY YY YY Y Y (293) (8) 9 FXDJ141212 YY YY YY YY Y Y 11.23 (311) (378) (8) 12 FXDJ161412 YY YY YY YY Y Y 11.23 (311) (8) FXDJ181617 YY YY YY YY Y Y 18.91 (8) 22 FXDJ201617 YY YY YY YY Y Y (8) Fiberglass Cat. # www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Fiberglass Enclosures Advantage Series The Advantage Series is our most extensive selection of durable industrial non-metallic boxes. Available in a wide range of options, UIF"EWBOUBHF4FSJFTJTBWBJMBCMFJOPWFSWBSJPVTDPOGJHVSBUJPOT with options such as stainless steel hinges or stainless steel pull latches each with or without clear covers. These enclosures are made of fiberglass-reinforced polyester and have a poured polyurethane seamless gasket that provides a watertight and dusttight environmental seal for exceptional corrosion and chemical resistance. The resilient Advantage Series will provide high impact resistance in the most extreme conditions and provide protection and reliability in the most adverse applications. Features: tø.FNPSZSFUBJOJOHDPOUJOVPVTQPMZVSFUIBOFHBTLFU t/PQFOFUSBUJOHIBSEXBSF t$IFNJDBMSFTJTUBOUGJCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEQPMZFTUFS t/PODPSSPTJWFEFTJHO t8BUFSUJHIUEVTUUJHIU t/PODPOEVDUJWFJNQBDUSFTJTUBOU67SFTJTUBOU t.BUFSJBMDVUTESJMMTQVODIFTBOETBXTXJUIFBTFBOEBDDVSBDZ t3PVOEFEFEHFTNJOJNBMQSPUSVTJPOTPSFYQPTFEQPDLFUBSFBTGPS assembly of dust and debris t4NPPUITVSGBDFOPDPMPSWBSJBUJPOTTXJSMTPSDPMPSQPDLFUTOP voids Standard Materials and Finishes: tø)PUDPNQSFTTJPONPMEFEGJCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEUIFSNPTFUQPMZFTUFS t1PVSFEQPMZVSFUIBOFTFBNMFTTHBTLFUQSPWJEFTXBUFSUJHIU dusttight environmental seal tTUBJOMFTTTUFFMVTFEPOBMMFYUFSOBMIBSEXBSF t1BOFMNPVOUJOHDBQBCJMJUZGPSGJYFESFBSQBOFM t#PTTFTVUJMJ[FUISFBEFECSBTTJOTFSUTBDDFQUJOHTDSFXT Certifications and Compliances: Options: tø6-D6-5ZQFT49 t6-'JMF/P& t$4"4UE$'JMF5ZQFT49 t/&."4UBOEBSE5ZQFT49 t5FNQFSBUVSFSBOHF¡'UP¡'¡$UP¡$ t'MBNNBCJMJUZSBUJOH6-7 t/POGMBNFQSPQBHBUJOH t*1 Description Cat. # t .PVOUJOHGFFULJUGPSGJFMEJOTUBMMBUJPO .........................FAMTGFTKIT Inside HxWxD Cat. # Two Cover Screws with Hinged Cover Cat. # Hinged Cover with Padlock Latch YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY FAHS060604 FAHS080604 FAHS080804 FAHS100806 FAHS121006 FAHS141206 FAHS141208 FAHS161408 FAHS181610 FAHS201610 FAHP060604 FAHP080604 FAHP080804 FAHP100806 FAHP121006 FAHP141206 FAHP141208 FAHP161408 FAHP181610 FAHP201610 Cat. # Two Cover Screws with Clear Hinged Cover Cat. # Hinged Cover with Padlock Latch Cat. # Cover Panel with Mounting Hardware Cat. # Mounting Plate* FAHSCC060604 FAHSCC080604 FAHSCC080804 FAHSCC100806 FAHSCC121006 FAHSCC141206 FAHSCC141208 FAHSCC161408 FAHPCC060604 FAHPCC080604 FAHPCC080804 FAHPCC100806 FAHPCC121006 FAHPCC141206 FAHPCC141208 FAHPCC161408 FACP0606SA FACP0806SA FACP0808SA FACP1008SA FACP1210SA FACP1412SA FACP1412SA FACP1614SA FACP1816SA FACP2016SA FMP0606 FMP0806 FMP0808 FMP1008 FMP1210 FMP1412 FMP1412 FMP1614 FMP1816 FMP2016 www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Fiberglass "WBJMBCMFJOBMVNJOVN4" GJCFSHMBTT'( DBSCPOTUFFM$ BOETUBJOMFTTTUFFM44 5PPSEFSBEEUIFTVGGJYUPUIFFOEPGUIFDBUBMPHOVNCFS Fiberglass Enclosures Advantage Series Dimensional Drawings: Configuration Dimensions (in Inches (mm)): Fiberglass Cat. # Overall HxWxD Inside AxBxC Mounting PxR K L S T Opt. Mtg. Feet ExF N J M Weight (Lbs.) FAHS060604 ) FAHP060604 7.79 W (197.9) FAHSCC060604 % FAHPCC060604 YY Y YY Y Y Y FAHS080604 ) FAHP080604 7.79 W (197.9) FAHSCC080604 % FAHPCC080604 YY Y YY Y Y Y FAHS080804 ) FAHP080804 8 FAHSCC080804 % FAHPCC080804 YY Y YY Y Y Y FAHS100806 ) FAHP100806 8 FAHSCC100806 % FAHPCC100806 YY Y YY Y Y Y (329.3) FAHS121006 ) YY Y FAHP121006 8 YY Y FAHSCC121006 % FAHPCC121006 Y Y (379.7) FAHS141206 ) YY Y FAHP141206 8 YY Y FAHSCC141206 % FAHPCC141206 (311) Y Y FAHS141208 ) YY Y FAHP141208 8 YY Y FAHSCC141208 % FAHPCC141208 (311) (193.2) Y Y (218.2) FAHS161408 ) YY Y FAHP161408 8 YY Y FAHSCC161408 % FAHPCC161408 (311) (193.2) Y Y (218.2) FAHS181610 FAHP181610 ) 8 % YY Y YY Y Y Y FAHS201610 FAHP201610 ) 8 % YY Y YY Y Y Y www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Fiberglass Enclosures Wall Mount & Large Fiberglass Enclosure Series 5IF8BMM.PVOUBOE-BSHF'JCFSHMBTT&ODMPTVSF4FSJFT offers BTPMVUJPOGPSBQQMJDBUJPOTSFRVJSJOHBMBSHFFODMPTVSFFTQFDJBMMZ suited for indoor or outdoor use and to provide protection against falling dirt, rain, sleet, snow and windblown dust. The fiberglassreinforced polyester Wall Mount Series is available in NEMA 3R BOE9DPOGJHVSBUJPOTBOEUIFQPVSFEQPMZVSFUIBOFTFBNMFTT gasket provides a watertight and dusttight environmental seal for exceptional corrosion and chemical resistance. Features: tø.FNPSZSFUBJOJOHDPOUJOVPVTQPMZVSFUIBOFHBTLFU t-JHIUXFJHIU t*OUFHSBMNPVOUJOHGFFU t.PMEFEJOQBOFMNPVOUJOHJOTFSUT t4UBJOMFTTTUFFMGVMMMFOHUIDPOUJOVPVTIJOHF t#VJMUJOQBEMPDLIBTQ t$IFNJDBMSFTJTUBOUGJCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEQPMZFTUFS t8BUFSUJHIUEVTUUJHIU t/PODPOEVDUJWFJNQBDUSFTJTUBOU67SFTJTUBOU t3BJOTIJFMEQSPUFDUJPOBHBJOTUJODJEFOUBMXBUFSJOHSFTTGPS/&." 3R enclosures t.BUFSJBMDVUTESJMMTQVODIFTBOETBXTXJUIFBTFBOEBDDVSBDZ t3PVOEFEFEHFTNJOJNBMQSPUSVTJPOTPSFYQPTFEQPDLFUBSFBTGPS assembly of dust and debris t4NPPUITVSGBDFOPDPMPSWBSJBUJPOTTXJSMTPSDPMPSQPDLFUTOP voids Certifications and Compliances: 3R Series tø6-D6-5ZQFT3 t6-'JMF/P& t$4"4UE$'JMF5ZQFT3 t/&."4UBOEBSE5ZQFT3 t5FNQFSBUVSFSBOHF¡'UP¡'¡$UP¡$ t'MBNNBCJMJUZSBUJOH6-7 t/POGMBNFQSPQBHBUJOH Standard Materials and Finishes: tø)PUDPNQSFTTJPONPMEFEGJCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEQPMZFTUFSIBOEMBZ VQ'31 t1PVSFEQPMZVSFUIBOFTFBNMFTTHBTLFUQSPWJEFTXBUFSUJHIU dusttight environmental seal tTUBJOMFTTTUFFMVTFEPOBMMFYUFSOBMIBSEXBSF t#PTTFTVUJMJ[FUISFBEFECSBTTJOTFSUTBDDFQUJOHTDSFXT 4X Series tø6-D6-5ZQFT39 t6-'JMF/P& t$4"4UE$'JMF5ZQFT39 t/&."4UBOEBSE5ZQFT39 t5FNQFSBUVSFSBOHF¡'UP¡'¡$UP¡$ t'MBNNBCJMJUZSBUJOH6-7 t/POGMBNFQSPQBHBUJOH Large Fiberglass www.crouse-hinds.com Fiberglass tø6-D6-5ZQFT39 t6-'JMF/P& t$4"4UE$'JMF5ZQFT39 t/&."4UBOEBSE5ZQFT39 t*1*1 t5FNQFSBUVSFSBOHF¡'UP¡'¡$UP¡$ t'MBNNBCJMJUZSBUJOH6-7 t/POGMBNFQSPQBHBUJOH US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Fiberglass Enclosures Wall Mount & Large Fiberglass Enclosure Series Number of Latches: Inside HxWxD Cat. # Stainless Steel Hinged, Latched Down Cover Cat. # Mounting Plate* YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY F4WMSHL161007 F4WMSHL201612 F4WMSHL241206 F4WMSHL241210 F4WMSHL242008 F4WMSHL242410 F4WMSHL242412 F4WMSHL302006 F4WMSHL302008 F4WMSHL302010 F4WMSHL302012 F4WMSHL302407 F4WMSHL302410 F4WMSHL302412 F4WMSHL363008 F4WMSHL363010 F4WMSHL363012 FMPWM1610 FMPWM2016 FMPWM2412 FMPWM2412 FMPWM2420 FMPWM2424 FMPWM2424 FMPWM3020 FMPWM3020 FMPWM3020 FMPWM3020 FMPWM3024 FMPWM3024 FMPWM3024 FMPWM3630 FMPWM3630 FMPWM3630 Inside Enclosure Dimensions YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY F3WMSHL201606 F3WMSHL242410 F3WMSHL302008 F3WMSHL302010 F3WMSHL302410 F3WMSHL302412 F3WMSHL363008 F3WMSHL363010 F3WMSHL363012 F3WMSHL483612 F3WMSHL483616 FMPWM2016 FMPWM2424 FMPWM3020 FMPWM3020 FMPWM3024 FMPWM3024 FMPWM3630 FMPWM3630 FMPWM3630 FMPWM4836 FMPWM4836 YY YY YY YY YY YY YY F4LSHL483612 F4LSHL483616 F4LSHL603612 F4LSHL603616 F4LSHLDD364812 F4LSHLFS722525 F4LSHLFSDD724925 FMPWM4836 FMPWM4836 FMPWM6036 FMPWM6036 FMPWM3648 FMPWM7225 FMPWM7249 3R Stainless Steel Hinge 4X Stainless Steel Hinge 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 Fiberglass "WBJMBCMFJOBMVNJOVN4" GJCFSHMBTT'( DBSCPOTUFFM$ BOETUBJOMFTTTUFFM44 To order, add the suffix to the end of the catalog number. www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Fiberglass Enclosures Wall Mount & Large Fiberglass Enclosure Series Dimensional Drawings: W F D B N J C B H E A A M A K L SECTION A-A B SECTION B-B Wall Mount Series – NEMA 4X Configuration Dimensions (in Inches (mm)): Inside AxBxC Mounting ExF J K L Enclosure Opening M x N Weight (Lbs.) F4WMSHL161007 YY YY YY YY Y Y (198) (191) Y Y 12 F4WMSHL201612 YY YY YY YY Y Y (312) (387) Y Y F4WMSHL241206 YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y 21 F4WMSHL241210 YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y F4WMSHL242008 YY YY YY YY Y Y (387) Y Y 32 F4WMSHL242410 YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y F4WMSHL242412 YY YY YY YY Y Y (311) Y Y F4WMSHL302006 YY YY YY YY Y Y (387) Y Y F4WMSHL302008 YY YY YY YY Y Y 8.23 (387) Y Y F4WMSHL302010 YY YY YY YY Y Y (387) Y Y 39 F4WMSHL302012 YY YY YY YY Y Y 12.23 (311) (387) Y Y F4WMSHL302407 YY YY YY YY Y Y 7.12 (181) Y Y F4WMSHL302410 YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y F4WMSHL302412 YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y F4WMSHL363008 YY YY YY YY 38.13 x 23.88 Y (212) Y Y F4WMSHL363010 YY YY YY YY 38.13 x 23.88 Y Y Y 78 F4WMSHL363012 YY YY YY YY 38.13 x 23.88 Y Y Y 81 www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Fiberglass Overall HxWxD Cat. # Fiberglass Enclosures Wall Mount & Large Fiberglass Enclosure Series Wall Mount Series – NEMA 3R Configuration Dimensions (in Inches (mm)): Overall HxWxD Inside AxBxC Mounting ExF J K L Enclosure Opening M x N Weight (Lbs.) F3WMSHL201606 YY YY YY YY Y Y (387) Y Y 17 F3WMSHL242410 YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y F3WMSHL302008 YY YY YY YY Y Y 8.23 (387) Y Y F3WMSHL302010 YY YY YY YY Y Y (387) Y Y 39 F3WMSHL302410 YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y F3WMSHL302412 YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y F3WMSHL363008 YY YY YY YY 38.13 x 23.88 Y (212) Y Y F3WMSHL363010 YY YY YY YY 38.13 x 23.88 Y Y Y 78 F3WMSHL363012 YY YY YY YY 38.13 x 23.88 Y Y Y 81 Cat. # Dimensional Drawings: NEMA 3R Dimensional Drawing F3WMSHL483612 and F3WMSHL483616 Overall HxWxD Inside AxBxC Mounting ExF J K L Enclosure Opening M x N Weight (Lbs.) F3WMSHL483612 YY YY YY YY Y Y (311) Y Y F3WMSHL483616 YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y Fiberglass Cat. # 8BMM.PVOU4FSJFT/&."3DIBSUSFGMFDUTUIFEJNFOTJPOBMESBXJOHTGSPNUIFQSFWJPVTQBHF www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Fiberglass Enclosures Wall Mount & Large Fiberglass Enclosure Series Large Fiberglass Enclosure Series – Configuration Dimensions (in Inches (mm)): Overall HxWxD Inside AxBxC Mounting ExF J K L Enclosure Opening M x N Weight (Lbs.) F4LSHL483612* YY YY YY YY Y Y (311) Y Y F4LSHL483616* YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y F4LSHL603612* YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y 177 F4LSHL603616* YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y 198 F4SHLDD364812 YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y F4SHLFS722525 YY YY YY YY Y Y F4LSHLFSDD724925 YY YY YY YY Y Y Cat. # '-4)-'-4)-'-4)-BOE'-4)-SFGMFDUJWFPGUIFBCPWFDIBSU Wall Mount & Large Fiberglass Enclosures Series – Dimensional Drawings: F4LSHDD364812 F4LSHLFS722525 J F4LSHLFSDD724925 Fiberglass www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog 311 Fiberglass Enclosures Disconnect & Circuit Breaker Series 5IF%JTDPOOFDUBOE$JSDVJU#SFBLFS4FSJFT is used in larger industrial control systems and machine tool control panels where a disconnect is desirable in extreme environmental conditions. This durable NEMA 9SBUFEFODMPTVSFQSPWJEFTQSPUFDUJPOGSPNGBMMJOHEJSUSBJOTMFFU snow, windblown dust, splashing water and hose-directed water, and will be undamaged by the external formation of ice on the enclosure. The poured polyurethane seamless gasket and fiberglass-reinforced polyester enclosure provides exceptional corrosion and chemical resistance in adverse conditions. Features: tø*OUFHSBMNPVOUJOHGFFU t4UBJOMFTTTUFFMGVMMMFOHUIDPOUJOVPVTIJOHF t1BEMPDLBCMFJOPGGQPTJUJPO t-JHIUXFJHIU t.FNPSZSFUBJOJOHDPOUJOVPVTQPMZVSFUIBOFHBTLFU t.PMEFEJOQBOFMNPVOUJOHJOTFSUT t$IFNJDBMSFTJTUBOUGJCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEQPMZFTUFS t/PODPSSPTJWFEFTJHO t&OWJSPONFOUBMMZTFBMFE5ZQF9EJTDPOOFDUIBOEMF t8BUFSUJHIUEVTUUJHIU t/PODPOEVDUJWFJNQBDUSFTJTUBOU67SFTJTUBOU t.BUFSJBMDVUTESJMMTQVODIFTBOETBXTXJUIFBTFBOEBDDVSBDZ t3PVOEFEFEHFTNJOJNBMQSPUSVTJPOTPSFYQPTFEQPDLFUBSFBTGPS assembly of dust and debris t4NPPUITVSGBDFOPDPMPSWBSJBUJPOTTXJSMTPSDPMPSQPDLFUTOP voids Standard Materials and Finishes: tø)PUDPNQSFTTJPONPMEFEGJCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEUIFSNPTFUQPMZFTUFS t1PVSFEQPMZVSFUIBOFTFBNMFTTHBTLFU tTUBJOMFTTTUFFMVTFEPOBMMFYUFSOBMIBSEXBSF t1BOFMNPVOUJOHDBQBCJMJUZGPSGJYFESFBSQBOFM t#PTTFTVUJMJ[FUISFBEFECSBTTJOTFSUT Certifications and Compliances: tø6-D6-5ZQFT39 t6-'JMF/P& t$4"4UE$'JMF5ZQFT39 t/&."4UBOEBSE5ZQFT39 t5FNQFSBUVSFSBOHF¡'UP¡'¡$UP¡$ t'MBNNBCJMJUZSBUJOH6-7 t/POGMBNFQSPQBHBUJOH Inside HxWxD Cat. # Disconnect Cat. # Mounting Plate* YY YY YY YY YY FDC201608 FDC241212 FDC242412 FDC302412 FDC363012 FMPC2016 FMPC2412 FMPC2424 FMPC3024 FMPC3630 Fiberglass "WBJMBCMFJOBMVNJOVN4" GJCFSHMBTT'( DBSCPOTUFFM$ BOETUBJOMFTTTUFFM44 5PPSEFSBEEUIFTVGGJYUPUIFFOEPGUIFDBUBMPHOVNCFS 312 www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Fiberglass Enclosures Disconnect & Circuit Breaker Series Dimensional Drawings: W F B O J H E A M A K A B SECTION B-B N D C B L SECTION A-A Configuration Dimensions (in Inches (mm)): Overall HxWxD Inside AxBxC Mounting ExF J K L Enclosure Opening M x N O FDC201608 YY YY YY YY Y Y (387) Y Y (89) 23 FDC241212 YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y FDC242412 YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y FDC302412 YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y (311) FDC363012 YY YY YY YY 38.13 x 23.88 Y Y Y (311) 79 Cat. # Weight (Lbs.) *Disconnect, fuse block, breaker, yoke, switches or other internal components are not furnished with enclosure. Fiberglass www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog 313 Fiberglass Enclosures Accessories DRAIN & BREATHER VENT CHDVKIT4X (Drain Vent Kit 4X) CHDVKIT (Drain Vent Kit) CHDV (Drain Vent) ENCAPSULATED SCREWS LOUVER PLATE VENT CHENCAP2PK CHENCAP4PK CARRYING HANDLE CHLP1 CHLPKIT STAINLESS STEEL SCREWS CORROSION INHIBITOR CHSS2PK CHSS4PK CHCI21 Radius of Protection: 2 ft. Normal Life Span: 1 yr. Fiberglass www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 CHBVKIT4X (Breather Vent Kit 4X) Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog CHHANDLE Fiberglass Enclosures Accessories FIBERGLASS HOLE PLUG ASSEMBLY Cat. # Fits Hole Dia. Range 1 2” Dia. Hole 8” Dia. Hole 3 ” Dia. Hole ww ww ww 22mm Pushbutton 2” Conduit 3 ” Conduit NN1VTICVUUPO ww FPLG2KIT FPLG3KIT 1” Conduit 11” Conduit ww ww 112” Conduit 2” Conduit 212” Conduit 3” Conduit 312” Conduit w$POEVJU ww ww w w w w FPLG1KIT 1 FPLG4KIT FPLG5KIT FPLG6KIT FPLG7KIT FPLG8KIT ww 1.22” - 1.28” Fiberglass Enclosure Mounting Plate Options: BB BL BA BK OMIT CENTER HOLES WHEN "BK" IS LESS THAN 29" HOLE DIA. OMIT CENTER HOLES WHEN "BL" IS LESS THAN 31.25" BT End View (Flat) End View (Formed) Aluminum (SA) Back Panels Grade Aluminum 3003 H14 – No Finish Fiberglass (FG) Back Panels All FG Back Panels UL 94 V-0 Rated Stainless Steel (SS) Back Panels Stainless Steel Grade 304 Carbon Steel (C) Back Panels Carbon Steel Grade 1010 HRS – Painted White Enamel Mounting Plates for Disconnect & Circuit Breaker Dimensions: Only Available in Carbon Steel (Suffix C) BA BB BK BL Panel Thickness BT Panel Type Hole Dia. No. of Holes Weight (Lbs.) Carbon Steel (Suffix C) FMPC2016 13.38 (387) (2) 'PSNFE (8) 7.3 Y%JTDPOOFDU Enclosure FMPC2412 9.38 (238) (2) 'PSNFE (13) Y%JTDPOOFDU Enclosure FMPC2424 21.38 (2) 'PSNFE (13) Y%JTDPOOFDU Enclosure FMPC3024 21.38 (2) 'PSNFE (13) Y%JTDPOOFDU Enclosure FMPC3630 32.88 27.38 (2) 'PSNFE (13) Y%JTDPOOFDU Enclosure Fits Typical Enclosure Size Fiberglass www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Fiberglass Enclosures Accessories Mounting Plates for NEMA 3R, NEMA 4X & Large Fiberglass Enclosure Dimensions: Panel Type Hole Dia. No. of Holes Weight (Lbs.) Aluminum (Suffix SA) Weight (Lbs.) Carbon Steel (Suffix C) Cat. # BA BB BK BL BT (SA) BT (C) FMPWM1610SA FMPWM1610C (191) (2) (2.7) 'MBU (8) 3.3 FMPWM2016SA FMPWM2016C (387) (2) (2.7) 'MBU (13) FMPWM2412SA FMPWM2412C (229) (2) (2.7) 'MBU (13) 8.7 FMPWM2420SA FMPWM2420C (387) (3) (2.7) 'MBU (13) FMPWM2424SA FMPWM2424C (3) (2.7) 'MBU (13) FMPWM3020SA FMPWM3020C (387) (3) (2.7) 'MBU (13) FMPWM3024SA FMPWM3024C (3) (2.7) 'MBU (13) FMPWM3630SA FMPWM3630C (838) (3) (2.7) 'MBU (13) FMPWM3636SA FMPWM3636C (787) (838) (737) (787) (3) (2.7) 'PSNFE (13) FMPWM3648C (787) (737) (3) (2.7) 'MBU (13) 8 FMPWM4836SA FMPWM4836C (838) (3) (2.7) 'PSNFE (13) 8 FMPWM6036SA FMPWM6036C (838) (3) (2.7) 'PSNFE (13) 8 FMPWM7225C (3) (2.7) 'PSNFE (13) FMPWM7249C (3) (2.7) 'PSNFE (13) Mounting Plates for FSJ, FPB, FJ, FRCJ, FXDJ, FA Series Enclosures Dimensions: Fiberglass Cat. # FMP0604SA FMP0604FG FMP0604SS FMP0604C FMP0808SA FMP0808FG FMP0808SS FMP0808C FMP0906SA FMP0906FG FMP0906SS FMP0906C FMP1008SA FMP1008FG FMP1008SS FMP1008C FMP1210SA FMP1210FG FMP1210SS FMP1210C FMP1212SA FMP1212FG FMP1212SS FMP1212C Hole Dia. No. of Holes BL BT (SA) 2.88 (73) 'MBU (2) (3) (2) (2) 2 2 'MBU (2) (3) (2) (2) 'MBU (2) (3) (2) (2) /" /" 8.88 'MBU (2) (3) (2) (2) 8 8 19 21 'MBU (2) (3) (2) (2) 12 33 'MBU (2) (3) (2) (2) 18 37 38 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Panel Type Weight (oz.) Carbon Steel (Suffix C) BK US: 1-866-764-5454 BT (C) Weight (oz.) Stainless (Suffix SS) BB www.crouse-hinds.com BT (SS) Weight (oz.) Fiberglass (Suffix FG) BA 8.88 BT (FG) Weight (oz.) Alum. (Suffix SA) Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Fiberglass Enclosures Accessories Mounting Plates for FSJ, FPB, FJ, FRCJ, FXDJ, FA Series Enclosures Dimensions: Cat. # FMP0606SA FMP0606FG FMP0606SS FMP0606C FMP0706SA FMP0706FG FMP0706SS FMP0706C FMP0806SA FMP0806FG FMP0806SS FMP0806C FMP1407SA FMP1407FG FMP1407SS FMP1407C FMP1412SA FMP1412FG FMP1412SS FMP1412C FMP1614SA FMP1614FG FMP1614SS FMP1614C FMP1816SA FMP1816FG FMP1816SS FMP1816C FMP2016SA FMP2016FG FMP2016SS FMP2016C BT (SS) BT (C) Panel Type Hole Dia. No. of Holes Weight (oz.) Fiberglass (Suffix FG) Weight (oz.) Stainless (Suffix SS) Weight (oz.) Carbon Steel (Suffix C) BA BB BK BL BT (SA) 'MBU (2) (3) (2) (2) 3 3 8 8 (137) 'MBU (2) (3) (2) (2) /" /" 'MBU (2) (3) (2) (2) 12 12 (311) (133) 'MBU (2) (3) (2) (2) 32 12.88 'MBU (327) (311) (2) (3) (2) (2) 18 12.88 'MBU (378) (327) (311) (2) (3) (2) (2) 23 'MBU (378) (2) (3) (2) (2) 31 32 88 87 18.88 'MBU (378) (2) (3) (2) (2) 98 97 12.88 (327) BT (FG) Weight (oz.) Alum. (Suffix SA) Cover Panel Dimensions: A B C D Panel Thk. Panel Type Hole Dia. No. of Holes FACP0606SA (127) (127) (2) 'MBU FACP0806SA (179) (127) (2) 'MBU FACP0808SA (179) (179) (2) 'MBU FACP1008SA 9.71 7.71 (231) (2) 'MBU FACP1210SA (298) 11.12 (282) 9.12 (232) (2) 'MBU FACP1412SA 13.78 11.78 (299) (283) (2) 'MBU FACP1614SA 13.81 13.18 (2) 'MBU FACP1816SA 17.31 (389) (2) 'MBU FACP2016SA 19.13 (2) 'MBU Fiberglass Cat. # Note: Cover panel kit includes cover panel and mounting hardware. www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog 317 Fiberglass Enclosures Custom-built Solutions for Fast Delivery CUSTOM MODIFICATION OFFERING 1MFBTFDPOTVMUUIFGBDUPSZGPSBRVPUBUJPOPOUIFGPMMPXJOHDVTUPN modifications that we are pleased to offer to help meet the needs of our customers: t$VTUPNNPMEFEDPMPST t(BTLFUFEXJOEPXTGPSUIF'+'3$BOE8BMM.PVOU4FSJFT t$VTUPNTJ[FT t4QFDJBMIPMFQBUUFSOTGPSESJMMJOHBOEUBQQJOHDPOGJHVSBUJPOT t%FBEGSPOUBOETVCQBOFMT t4JMLTDSFFOJOHDBQBCJMJUJFT t5FSNJOBMLJUTBOE%*/SBJMTBWBJMBCMF CUSTOM-BUILT LIGHTING & POWER PANELBOARDS: Motor control, power distribution products and custom control panels designed and built to our customers’ unique needs and delivered when they are required. Overview: 'JCFSHMBTTQBOFMCPBSETSBUFEGPSPVUEPPS/&."3BOE9 environments. Gasketed Window FJ, FRC & Wall Mount Series Ratings: 120/208V 3 Phase, 4 Wire 20#®DJSDVJUCSFBLFSTTJOHMFPSUXPQPMF7"$UISFFQPMF 7"$ Trip ratings: t UPBNQTTJOHMFQPMF t UPBNQTUXPQPMF t UPBNQTUISFFQPMF 480Y/277V 3 Phase, 4 Wire &%#® DJSDVJUCSFBLFSTTJOHMFPSUXPQPMF7"$UISFFQPMF :7"$ Trip ratings: t UPBNQTTJOHMFQPMF t UPBNQTUXPQPMF t UPBNQTUISFFQPMF Certifications and Compliances: Fiberglass t/&."39 t6-4UBOEBSE t$4"4UBOEBSE$ 318 www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Fiberglass Enclosures Custom-built Solutions for Fast Delivery CUSTOM-BUILT HEAVY DUTY DISCONNECTS (CIRCUIT BREAKER, FUSIBLE & NON-FUSIBLE) Applications: t 'JCFSHMBTT)FBWZ%VUZ%JTDPOOFDUTBSFGPSVTFJOEJTDPOOFDUJOH motor, lighting and other circuits Certifications and Compliances: tø/&."&&."$39 t6-4UBOEBSE t$4"4UBOEBSE$ Electrical Ratings Ranges: tø5ISFFQPMF)[7"$ t4UBSUFSTo/&."TJ[FT t#SFBLFSToBNQSBUJOH t4XJUDIFToBNQ CUSTOM-BUILT CONTROL STATIONS Overview: The Pushbutton Series offers an enclosure solution where multiple QSFESJMMFEPQFOJOHTGPSNNQVTICVUUPOTBSFSFRVJSFE&ODMPTVSFT BSFBWBJMBCMFJOTJ[FTSBOHJOHGSPNwYwUPwYwXJUI OPUDIFELFZIPMFEFTJHOBOEUIFBCJMJUZUPPSEFSVQUPIPMFT making this solution a perfect choice for your control station applications. Certifications and Compliances: tø6-D6-5ZQFT91 t6-4UBOEBSE t$4"4UE$'JMF5ZQFT91 t/&."4UBOEBSE5ZQFT91 Electrical Ratings Ranges: tø1VTICVUUPOTUBUJPOTBOETFMFDUPSTXJUDIFToIFBWZEVUZ7"$ maximum t1JMPUMJHIUTTFMFDUPSTXJUDIFTQVTICVUUPOTo7"$ 7"$7%$ Fiberglass www.crouse-hinds.com US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog 319