PRE-formance™ PRE-formance™ Giving you the convenience of a pre-fabricated product, plus the flexibility to accommodate job site requirements. Contractors are continually looking for ways to improve job site efficiency and properly align skilled resources to meet tight commercial construction project deadlines. PRE-formance™ delivers the preengineered and pre-assembled combination of mounting method, outlet box, plaster ring, devices and leads to simplify branch wiring installation. Certifications and Compliances: tø6--JTUFEBOED6--JTUFE t 6-'JMF/P& BASIC ASSEMBLIES tø"WBJMBCMFXJUIUIFNPTUQPQVMBSESBXOBOEXFMEFECPYFTXJUIHSPVOE screw and pigtail lead already installed t1BUFOUFE6OJ.PVOU™ cover combines plaster ring and mounting method t4UBOEBSEQSFGBCSJDBUFEBTTFNCMJFTXJUINPVOUJOHCSBDLFUTCPYFT mud rings, ground screw and pigtail leads t.PTUQPQVMBSDPOGJHVSBUJPOTBWBJMBCMFGSPNTUPDL CUSTOM ASSEMBLIES tø$BGFUFSJBTUZMFTFMFDUJPOPGPVSFYUFOTJWFMJOFPGNPVOUJOHCSBDLFUT boxes, plaster rings, wiring devices and other associated branch wiring accessories t"TTFNCMFEUPPSEFSQSFGBCSJDBUFEQSPEVDUTGPSCPUI"$.$BOE&.5 applications t$BOCFPSEFSFEXJUIXJSJOHEFWJDFTXJUIQJHUBJMMFBETBOEQVTIJO DPOOFDUPST"$.$PS&.5DPOOFDUPSTJOTUBMMFEDBCMFXIJQTBUUBDIFE per customer application t"TTFNCMFEGSPNTUPDLDPNQPOFOUTUPNFFUUJHIUKPCSFRVJSFNFOUT PRE-formance™ COMPLETE ASSEMBLIES tø5IFNPTUDPNQMFUFUVSOLFZTPMVUJPOGPSDPNNFSDJBMDPOTUSVDUJPO projects; the process begins with your architectural and electrical engineering drawings and delivers a total pre-fabricated branch wiring system: custom produced, labeled, packaged by room and floor and delivered to your exact location t5IFJEFBMTPMVUJPOGPSDPNNFSDJBMCVJMEJOHTXJUISFQFUJUJWFJOTUBMMBUJPOT such as hotels, condominiums, commercial and retail offices, hospitals and apartments t+PCTQFDJGJDDVTUPNJ[FEESBXJOHTBOEMBCFMTTJNQMJGZNBUFSJBMIBOEMJOH and speed installation t%FEJDBUFEQSPKFDUNBOBHFNFOUBOEFOHJOFFSJOHFYQFSUJTFUISPVHI every step of the project t*OOPWBUJWF13&GPSNBODFQSPEVDUTBSFEFTJHOFEby contractors for contractors, and provide ease of wiring and job site flexibility to get the job done right and on time t*ODMVEFTGMFYJCMFQSPEVDUTEFTJHOFEXJUIQSFGBCSJDBUJPOQSPEVDUJWJUZ safety and job site speed in mind t$POUSBDUPSTDBOSFBMJ[FUPMBCPSTBWJOHTPWFSUSBEJUJPOBMiTUJDL build” wiring methods for greatly improved job site efficiency 242 US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Hotel džĂŵƉůĞ Simple Description Duplex GFI Split Duplex Duplex + Data Split Duplex + Data Duplex + (2)Data Cooktop Dishwasher HVAC Switch 3-Way (2)Switches Wall Light Ceiling Light Downlight HomeRunner Box 33 2 1BR ADA 1BR 4 6 0 2 0 2 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 4 6 0 2 0 2 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 5 6 33 2 Cable Summary 1BR ADA 1BR 12-2 12-3 8-3 504 58 16 522 58 18 Simple Description Duplex GFI Split Duplex Duplex + Data Split Duplex + Data Duplex + (2)Data Cooktop Dishwasher HVAC Switch 3-Way (2)Switches Wall Light Ceiling Light Downlight HomeRunner Box 1 3 10 ADA STAN K ADA STU K CONF SUITE 3 3 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 3 0 1 1 0 5 1 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 4 0 1 1 1 7 3 6 5 0 2 1 2 1 1 0 2 2 1 1 2 8 10 ADA STAN K ADA STU K CONF SUITE 378 87 0 522 87 32 612 116 33 19 72 40 180 STAN K STU K STU QQ TOTAL 3 4 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 1 496 986 116 206 105 225 160 161 107 458 20 161 180 205 951 180 4 6 4 19 72 40 STAN K STU K STU QQ TOTAL 306 29 0 486 116 31 378 58 31 81666 14761 Catalog Number Catalog Description PF16BO 40S75C20DTRW 16" open bracket w/ 4" square x 1-1/2" box w/ 3/4" mud ring and 20A comm. grade white tamper resistant receptacle (Decora Style) PF16BO 40S75S20GTRW 16" open bracket w/ 4" square x 1-1/2" box w/ 3/4" mud ring and 20A spec. grade white GFI tamper resistant receptacle PF16BO 40S75C20DTRSWW 16" open bracket w/ 4" square x 1-1/2" box w/ 3/4" mud ring and 20A comm. grade white tamper resistant split wired receptacle (Decora Style) PF3MM 40S75C20DTRW 436N75 452 16" multi-mount bracket w/ 4" square x 1-1/2" box w/ 3/4" mud ring and 20A comm. grade white tamper resistant receptacle and w/ 4" square x 1-1/2" box w/ 3/4" mud ring (Decora Style) PF3MM 40S75C20DTRSWW 436N75 4516" multi-mount bracket w/ 4" square x 1-1/2" box w/ 3/4" mud ring and 20A comm. grade white tamper resistant split wired receptacle and w/ 4" square x 1-1/2" box w/ 3/4" mud ring (Decora Style) PF3MM 40S75C20DTRW 436N75 452 4 16" multi-mount bracket w/ 4" square x 1-1/2" box w/ 3/4" mud ring and 20A comm. grade white tamper resistant receptacle and w/ (2)4" square x 1-1/2" box w/ 3/4" mud ring (Decora Style) PF16BO 40S275C50SV 16" open bracket w/ 4" square x 1-1/2" box w/ 3/4" two gang mud ring and NEMA 14-50R receptacle PF16BO 40S75C220SW 16" open bracket w/ 4" square x 1-1/2" box w/ 3/4" mud ring and 208V-20A comm. grade white receptacle 12-3 Whip 12-3 MC Whip PF4DS 40S75C20SPW 4" double sided bracket w/ 4" square x 1-1/2" box w/ 3/4" mud ring and 20A comm. grade white single pole switch PF4DS 40S75C203WW 4" double sided bracket w/ 4" square x 1-1/2" box w/ 3/4" mud ring and 20A comm. grade white 3-way (Decora Style) PF4DS 50S275C20SPSPW 4" double sided bracket w/ 4-11/16" square x 1-1/2" box w/ 3/4" two gang mud ring and (2) 20A comm. grade white single pole switch (Decora Style) PF16BO 4S75 16" open bracket w/ 4" square x 1-1/2" box w/ 3/4" mud ring TP367PF Telescoping ceiling bracket w/ 4" x 1-1/2" octagon box 12-2 Whip 12-2 MC Whip HR080803 8" x 8" HomeRunner Box - 8" H x 8" W x 3" D w/ HRC0808S Surface Mount Cover Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog PRE-formance™ Basic Assemblies BOXES WITH PRE-INSTALLED GROUND SCREW & PIGTAIL Boxes with pre-installed ground screw and pigtail provide a simple, SFBEJMZBWBJMBCMFXBZUPNFFUHSPVOEJOHBOECPOEJOHSFRVJSFNFOUT GPSNFUBMCPYFT*ODMVEFTUIFwPS1116wTRVBSFCPYXJUIHSPVOE screw and lead installed*. Certifications and Compliances: tø6--JTUFEBOED6--JTUFE t 6-'JMF/P& Cat. # Description Pre-fabricated Box, Cover, Ground Screw & Lead Assembly Capacity Cu. In. Unit Qty. Wt. Lbs. Per 100 %12” and 4”,08FMEFE#PYXJUI(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE w4RVBSF12” and 4”,08FMEFE#PYXJUI(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE w4RVBSF.$*#PYXJUI(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE w4RVBSF.$*#PYXJUI(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE %0DUBHPO#PY 12”,0XJUI(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE %0DUBHPO#PY4”,0XJUI(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE %0DUBHPO#PY12” and 4”,0XJUI(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 0DUBHPO.$*$BCMF0VUMFU#PY44FU12”#SBDLFUXJUI(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE %0DUBHPO#PYGPS"$.$4#SBDLFUXJUI(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE %%SBXO#PY12” and 4”$PODFOUSJD,0XJUI(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE %8FMEFE#PYXJUI7.4#SBDLFUXJUI(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE w4RVBSF.$*#PYXJUI'#SBDLFUXJUI(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 41116” 218”%FFQ8FMEFE#PYXJUI(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 41116” 112”%FFQ8FMEFE#PYXJUI(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 41116” 218”%FFQ%SBXO#PYXJUI(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 21.0 22.0 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 15.5 22.0 44.0 29.5 42.0 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 84 72 91 92 64 64 64 82 100 84 96 92 115 99 104 For Conduit TP403PF TP404PF TP431PF TP454PF TP288PF TP290PF TP292PF TP338PF TP367PF TP438PF TP451PF TP456PF TP521PF TP523PF TP556PF 4UBOEBSEHSPVOEQJHUBJMJTHSPVOETDSFXXJUIwJOTVMBUFE/PDPQQFSXJSF PRE-formance™ US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog PRE-formance™ Basic Assemblies UNI-MOUNT™ ASSEMBLIES 6OJ.PVOU"TTFNCMJFTDPNCJOFUIFQBUFOUFE6OJ.PVOUDPWFS NPVOUJOHNFUIPEBOENVESJOHBMMJOPOF UPBwTRVBSFCPYXJUI ground screw and lead installed to simplify ordering, receiving and improve job site speed. Certifications and Compliances: tø6--JTUFEBOED6--JTUFE t 6-'JMF/P& Uni-Mount Features: Pre-fabricated Box Features: tø6OJ.PVOUQSPWJEFTBTFDVSFCPYTVQQPSUBOEGFBUVSFTBCVJMUJO plaster ring t$BOCFGJFMEBTTFNCMFEXJUIPVUMFUCPYGPSQPXFSBQQMJDBUJPOTPS used without a box for low voltage applications t1SFGBCSJDBUFE6OJ.PVOUJTBWBJMBCMFXJUINPTUQPQVMBSPVUMFU boxes with a choice of 12”, 58” or 4” raised cover and includes ground screw and lead t3JHJECSBDLFUEFTJHOFMJNJOBUFTUIFOFFEGPSGBSTJEFTVQQPSU t(VJEFUBCTFOTVSFBMJHONFOUPOTUVET TP404 11/2” Deep – Welded 22.0” Cubic Capacity Cat. # TP403 21/8” Deep – Welded 30.3” Cubic Capacity tø6OJ.PVOUDPNCJOFTUIFGFBUVSFTPGBNPVOUJOHEFWJDFQMBUF with those of a box support, giving you one universal plate for all of your needs; specifically designed for use with metal or wood studs t/FXBOEJNQSPWFE6OJ.PVOUJODPSQPSBUFT four small holes on the left side (support side) of the bracket; these holes allow for the attachment of box mounting brackets to allow for use of both sides of the stud t 5IFIPMFTBSFTUSBUFHJDBMMZMPDBUFEUPBDDFQU UIF#-JOF##CSBDLFUBEEJUJPOBMMZ the viewing hole has been significantly enlarged (and is now diamond shaped) to make it even easier to find mark lines on the stud TP414 11/2” Deep – Drawn 21.0” Cubic Capacity TP434 21/8” Deep – Welded 30.3” Cubic Capacity TP436 21/8” Deep – Welded 30.3” Cubic Capacity Description Pre-fabricated Box, Cover, Ground Screw & Lead Assembly Capacity Cu. In. Unit Qty. Wt. Lbs. Per 100 112w%FFQ8FMEFE#PY12w3BJTFE4JOHMF(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 112w%FFQ%SBXO#PY12w3BJTFE4JOHMF(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 112w%FFQ8FMEFE#PY58w3BJTFE4JOHMF(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 112w%FFQ%SBXO#PY58w3BJTFE4JOHMF(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 112w%FFQ8FMEFE#PY4w3BJTFE4JOHMF(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 112w%FFQ%SBXO#PY4w3BJTFE4JOHMF(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 112w%FFQ8FMEFE#PY12w3BJTFE5XP(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 112w%FFQ%SBXO#PY12w3BJTFE5XP(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 112w%FFQ8FMEFE#PY58w3BJTFE5XP(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 112w%FFQ%SBXO#PY58w3BJTFE5XP(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 112w%FFQ8FMEFE#PY4w3BJTFE5XP(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 112w%FFQ%SBXO#PY4w3BJTFE5XP(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 218w%FFQ8FMEFE#PY12w3BJTFE4JOHMF(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 218w%FFQ%SBXO#PY12w3BJTFE4JOHMF(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 218w%FFQ8FMEFE#PY58w3BJTFE4JOHMF(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 218w%FFQ%SBXO#PY58w3BJTFE4JOHMF(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 218w%FFQ8FMEFE#PY58w3BJTFE4JOHMF(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 218w%FFQ8FMEFE#PY4w3BJTFE4JOHMF(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 218w%FFQ%SBXO#PY4w3BJTFE4JOHMF(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 218w%FFQ8FMEFE#PY12w3BJTFE5XP(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 218w%FFQ%SBXO#PY12w3BJTFE5XP(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 218w%FFQ8FMEFE#PY58w3BJTFE5XP(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 218w%FFQ%SBXO#PY58w3BJTFE5XP(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 218w%FFQ8FMEFE#PY4w3BJTFE5XP(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 218w%FFQ%SBXO#PY4w3BJTFE5XP(BOH6OJ.PVOU$PWFS(SPVOE4DSFXBOE-FBE 25.8 24.8 27.5 26.5 28.0 27.0 29.0 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 115 110 118 122 117 110 105 124 119 126 121 107 127 110 114 102 122 116 118 PRE-formance™ For Conduit TP30404PF TP30414PF TP31404PF TP31414PF TP32404PF TP32414PF TP35404PF TP35414PF TP36404PF TP36414PF TP37404PF TP37414PF TP30403PF TP30434PF TP31403PF TP31434PF TP31436PF TP32403PF TP32434PF TP35403PF TP35434PF TP36403PF TP36434PF TP37403PF TP37434PF 244 US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog PRE-formance™ Basic Assemblies UNI-MOUNT™ ASSEMBLIES (CONTINUED) Uni-Mount Assemblies combine the patented Uni-Mount cover (mounting method and mud ring, all in one) to a 4” square box with ground screw and lead installed to simplify ordering, receiving and improve job site speed. Description Pre-fabricated Box, Cover, Ground Screw & Lead Assembly Capacity Cu. In. Unit Qty. Wt. Lbs. Per 100 TP30454PF TP31454PF TP32454PF TP35454PF TP36454PF TP37454PF TP30431PF TP31431PF TP32431PF TP35431PF TP36431PF TP37431PF 11/2” 11/2” 11/2” 11/2” 11/2” 11/2” 21/8” 21/8” 21/8” 21/8” 21/8” 21/8” 24.8 25.3 26.5 27.0 29.0 30.0 34.1 34.6 35.8 36.3 38.3 39.3 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 114 117 121 109 123 125 134 137 141 129 143 145 Cat. # Description Pre-fabricated Open Back Box, Cover, Ground Screw & Lead Assembly Capacity Cu. In. Unit Qty. Wt. Lbs. Per 100 TP304DPF 21/8” Deep Welded Back Box, 1/ 2” Raised Single Gang Uni-Mount Cover, Ground Screw, Lead and Back Cover 24.8 25 114 TP314DPF 2 /8” Deep Welded Back Box, / 8” Raised Single Gang Uni-Mount Cover, Ground Screw, Lead and Back Cover 25.3 25 117 TP324DPF 21/8” Deep Welded Back Box, 3/ 4” Raised Single Gang Uni-Mount Cover, Ground Screw, Lead and Back Cover 26.5 25 121 TP354DPF 21/8” Deep Welded Back Box, 1/ 2” Raised Two Gang Uni-Mount Cover, Ground Screw, Lead and Back Cover 27.0 25 109 TP364DPF 2 /8” Deep Welded Back Box, / 8” Raised Two Gang Uni-Mount Cover, Ground Screw, Lead and Back Cover 29.0 25 123 TP374DPF 21/8” Deep Welded Back Box, 3/ 4” Raised Two Gang Uni-Mount Cover, Ground Screw, Lead and Back Cover 30.0 25 125 Cat. # For AC/MC Cable Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Welded Welded Welded Welded Welded Welded Welded Welded Welded Welded Welded Welded Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Assembled Assembled Assembled Assembled Assembled Assembled Assembled Assembled Assembled Assembled Assembled Assembled to to to to to to to to to to to to /2” /8” 3 /4” 1 /2” 5 /8” 3 /4” 1 /2” 5 /8” 3 /4” 1 /2” 5 /8” 3 /4” 1 5 Raised Raised Raised Raised Raised Raised Raised Raised Raised Raised Raised Raised Single Gang Uni-Mount Cover Single Gang Uni-Mount Cover Single Gang Uni-Mount Cover Two Gang Uni-Mount Cover Two Gang Uni-Mount Cover Two Gang Uni-Mount Cover Single Gang Uni-Mount Cover Single Gang Uni-Mount Cover Single Gang Uni-Mount Cover Two Gang Uni-Mount Cover Two Gang Uni-Mount Cover Two Gang Uni-Mount Cover For Conduit 1 1 5 5 Additional Uni-Mount/box configurations available. Consult factory for details. Remove the ‘PF’ in catalog number for boxes without ground screw and lead. For stranded wire, replace ‘PF’ with ‘PFA’. PRE-formance™ US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 201 Commercial Products Catalog 245 PRE-formance™ Single Sided, Double Sided, Floor Mount, Telescoping Slider, Multi-mount, Open Bracket & T-bar Assemblies SINGLE SIDED ASSEMBLIES Single Sided Direct Mount Assemblies – all catalog numbers contain a single sided direct mount bracket (for 21/ 2” and 31/ 2” studs), 4” square steel box, mud ring and 8” insulated solid ground wire with ground screw. Description Pre-fabricated Box, Cover, Ground Screw & Lead Assembly Cat. # PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 4D58 4D75 4DAR* 4S58 4S75 4D258 4D275 4S258 4S275 BB423 BB423 BB423 BB423 BB423 BB423 BB423 BB423 BB423 Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Sided Sided Sided Sided Sided Sided Sided Sided Sided Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, TP403 TP403 TP403 TP404 TP404 TP403 TP403 TP404 TP404 21/8” 21/8” 21/8” 11/2” 11/2” 21/8” 21/8” 11/2” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box with with with with with with with with with Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, /8” Raised 1G Mud Ring /4” Raised 1G Mud Ring Adjustable 1G Mud Ring 5 /8” Raised 1G Mud Ring 3 /4” Raised 1G Mud Ring 5 /8” Raised 2G Mud Ring 3 /4” Raised 2G Mud Ring 5 /8” Raised 2G Mud Ring 3 /4” Raised 2G Mud Ring 5 3 UL and cUL Listed UL File No. E-324733 4” and 6” far side supports are available. Replace ‘PFH3’ (for 21/ 2” and 31/ 2” studs) with ‘PFH4’ (4”) (BB44) or ‘PFH6’ (6”) (BB46). Refer to the PRE-formance catalog numbering system at the end of this section for additional assembly options and configurations. *Not UL Listed. All components are third party certified. DOUBLE SIDED ASSEMBLIES Double Sided Direct Mount Assemblies – all catalog numbers contain a double sided direct mount bracket (for 21/ 2” and 31/ 2” studs), 4” square steel box, mud ring and 8” insulated solid ground wire with ground screw. Description Pre-fabricated Box, Cover, Ground Screw & Lead Assembly Cat. # PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS 4D58 4D75 4DAR* 4S58 4S75 4D258 4D275 4S258 4S275 BB73 BB73 BB73 BB73 BB73 BB73 BB73 BB73 BB73 Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Sided Sided Sided Sided Sided Sided Sided Sided Sided Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, TP403 TP403 TP403 TP404 TP404 TP403 TP403 TP404 TP404 21/8” 21/8” 21/8” 11/2” 11/2” 21/8” 21/8” 11/2” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box with with with with with with with with with Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, /8” Raised 1G Mud Ring /4” Raised 1G Mud Ring Adjustable 1G Mud Ring 5 /8” Raised 1G Mud Ring 3 /4” Raised 1G Mud Ring 5 /8” Raised 2G Mud Ring 3 /4” Raised 2G Mud Ring 5 /8” Raised 2G Mud Ring 3 /4” Raised 2G Mud Ring 5 3 UL and cUL Listed UL File No. E-324733 4” and 6” far side supports are available. Replace ‘PF3DS’ (for 21/ 2” and 31/ 2” studs) with ‘PF4DS’ (4”) (BB74) or ‘PF6DS’ (6”) (BB76). Refer to the PRE-formance catalog numbering system at the end of this section for additional assembly options and configurations. *Not UL Listed. All components are third party certified. FLOOR MOUNT ASSEMBLIES Floor Mount Assemblies – all catalog numbers contain an 18” floor mount bracket, 4” square steel box, mud ring and 8” insulated solid ground wire with ground screw. Description Pre-fabricated Box, Cover, Ground Screw & Lead Assembly PRE-formance™ Cat. # PF18FM PF18FM PF18FM PF18FM PF18FM PF18FM PF18FM PF18FM PF18FM 4D58 4D75 4DAR* 4S58 4S75 4D258 4D275 4S258 4S275 BBF18 BBF18 BBF18 BBF18 BBF18 BBF18 BBF18 BBF18 BBF18 Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Mount Mount Mount Mount Mount Mount Mount Mount Mount Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, TP403 TP403 TP403 TP404 TP404 TP403 TP403 TP404 TP404 21/8” 21/8” 21/8” 11/2” 11/2” 21/8” 21/8” 11/2” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box with with with with with with with with with Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, /8” Raised 1G Mud Ring /4” Raised 1G Mud Ring Adjustable 1G Mud Ring 5 /8” Raised 1G Mud Ring 3 /4” Raised 1G Mud Ring 5 /8” Raised 2G Mud Ring 3 /4” Raised 2G Mud Ring 5 /8” Raised 2G Mud Ring 3 /4” Raised 2G Mud Ring 5 3 Refer to the PRE-formance catalog numbering system at the end of this section for additional assembly options and configurations. *Not UL Listed. All components are third party certified. UL and cUL Listed UL File No. E-324733 246 US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 201 Commercial Products Catalog PRE-formance™ Single Sided, Double Sided, Floor Mount, Telescoping Slider, Multi-mount, Open Bracket & T-bar Assemblies TELESCOPING SLIDER ASSEMBLIES Telescoping Slider Assemblies – all catalog numbers contain an 11-18” telescoping slider bracket, 4” square steel box, mud ring and 8” insulated solid ground wire with ground screw. Description Pre-fabricated Box, Cover, Ground Screw & Lead Assembly Cat. # PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS 4D58 4D75 4DAR 4S58 4S75 4D258 4D275 4D2AR 4S258 4S275 BB216TS BB216TS BB216TS BB216TS BB216TS BB216TS BB216TS BB216TS BB216TS BB216TS Telescoping Telescoping Telescoping Telescoping Telescoping Telescoping Telescoping Telescoping Telescoping Telescoping Slider Slider Slider Slider Slider Slider Slider Slider Slider Slider Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, Bracket, TP403 TP403 TP403 TP404 TP404 TP403 TP403 TP403 TP404 TP404 21/8” 21/8” 21/8” 11/2” 11/2” 21/8” 21/8” 21/8” 11/2” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box with with with with with with with with with with UL and cUL Listed Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, Pigtail, /8” Raised 1G Mud Ring 3 /4” Raised 1G Mud Ring 5 UL File No. E-324733 Adjustable 1G Mud Ring 5 /8” Raised 1G Mud Ring 3 /4” Raised 1G Mud Ring 5 /8” Raised 2G Mud Ring 3 /4” Raised 2G Mud Ring Adjustable 2G Mud Ring 5 /8” Raised 2G Mud Ring 3 /4” Raised 2G Mud Ring 15” - 26” Telescoping Slider Assemblies are available. Replace ‘PF16TS’ (BB216TS) with ‘PF24TS’ (BB224TS). Refer to the PRE-formance catalog numbering system at the end of this section for additional assembly options and configurations. MULTI-MOUNT ASSEMBLIES Multi-mount Assemblies – all catalog numbers contain a 16” stud spanning multiple mount bracket. Each position may contain a 4” square steel box, mud ring and 8” insulated solid ground wire with ground screw. UL and cUL Listed UL File No. E-324733 Description Pre-fabricated Box, Cover, Ground Screw & Lead Assembly Cat. # PF3MM PF3MM PF3MM PF3MM 4D58 X X 4D75 X X 4D258 X X 4D275 X X PF3MM 4D58 5DN58 X PF3MM 4D75 5DN75 X PF3MM 4D258 5DN58 X PF3MM 4D275 5DN75 X BB816 Multiple Box Bracket, 1st Position TP403 21/8” Deep Box with Pigtail, 5/8” BB816 Multiple Box Bracket, 1st Position TP403 21/8” Deep Box with Pigtail, 3/4” BB816 Multiple Box Bracket, 1st Position TP403 21/8” Deep Box with Pigtail, 5/8” BB816 Multiple Box Bracket, 1st Position TP403 21/8” Deep Box with Pigtail, 3/4” BB816 Multiple Box Bracket, 1st Position TP403 21/8” Deep Box with Pigtail, 5/8” Square 21/8“ Deep Box, 5/8” Raised 1G Mud Ring, No Pigtail, 3rd Position Open BB816 Multiple Box Bracket, 1st Position TP403 21/8” Deep Box with Pigtail, 3/4” Square 21/ 8“ Deep Box, 3/4” Raised 1G Mud Ring, No Pigtail, 3rd Position Open BB816 Multiple Box Bracket, 1st Position TP403 21/8” Deep Box with Pigtail, 5/8” Square 21/8“ Deep Box, 5/8” Raised 1G Mud Ring, No Pigtail, 3rd Position Open BB816 Multiple Box Bracket, 1st Position TP403 21/8” Deep Box with Pigtail, 3/4” Square 21/8“ Deep Box, 3/4” Raised 1G Mud Ring, No Pigtail, 3rd Position Open Raised Raised Raised Raised Raised 1G 1G 2G 2G 1G Mud Mud Mud Mud Mud Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring, 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd and 3rd Positions Open and 3rd Positions Open and 3rd Positions Open and 3rd Positions Open Position TP525 411/16” Raised 1G Mud Ring, 2nd Position TP525 411/16” Raised 2G Mud Ring, 2nd Position TP525 411/16” Raised 2G Mud Ring, 2nd Position TP525 411/16” Refer to the PRE-formance catalog numbering system at the end of this section for additional assembly options and configurations. PRE-formance™ US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 201 Commercial Products Catalog 247 PRE-formance™ Single Sided, Double Sided, Floor Mount, Telescoping Slider, Multi-mount, Open Bracket & T-bar Assemblies OPEN BRACKET ASSEMBLIES Open Bracket Assemblies – all catalog numbers contain a 16” stud spanning open bracket. Each position may contain a 4” square steel box, mud ring and 8” insulated solid ground wire with ground screw. UL and cUL Listed UL File No. E-324733 Description Pre-fabricated Box, Cover, Ground Screw & Lead Assembly Cat. # PF16BO PF16BO PF16BO PF16BO 4D58 X X 4D75 X X 4D258 X X 4D275 X X PF16BO 4D58 5DN58 X PF16BO 4D75 5DN75 X PF16BO 4D258 5DN58 X PF16BO 4D275 5DN75 X BB716 Open Bracket, 1st Position TP403 21/8” Deep Box with Pigtail, 5/8” BB716 Open Bracket, 1st Position TP403 21/8” Deep Box with Pigtail, 3/4” BB716 Open Bracket, 1st Position TP403 21/8” Deep Box with Pigtail, 5/8” BB716 Open Bracket, 1st Position TP403 21/8” Deep Box with Pigtail, 3/4” BB716 Open Bracket, 1st Position TP403 21/8” Deep Box with Pigtail, 5/8” 21/8“ Deep Box, 5/8” Raised 1G Mud Ring, No Pigtail, 3rd Position Open BB716 Open Bracket, 1st Position TP403 21/8” Deep Box with Pigtail, 3/4” 21/8“ Deep Box, 3/4” Raised 1G Mud Ring, No Pigtail, 3rd Position Open BB716 Open Bracket, 1st Position TP403 21/8” Deep Box with Pigtail, 5/8” 21/8“ Deep Box, 5/8” Raised 1G Mud Ring, No Pigtail, 3rd Position Open BB716 Open Bracket, 1st Position TP403 21/8” Deep Box with Pigtail, 3/4” 21/8“ Deep Box, 3/4” Raised 1G Mud Ring, No Pigtail, 3rd Position Open Raised Raised Raised Raised Raised 1G 1G 2G 2G 1G Mud Mud Mud Mud Mud Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring, 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd and 3rd Positions Open and 3rd Positions Open and 3rd Positions Open and 3rd Positions Open Position TP525 411/16” Square Raised 1G Mud Ring, 2nd Position TP525 411/16” Square Raised 2G Mud Ring, 2nd position TP525 411/16” Square Raised 2G Mud Ring, 2nd Position TP525 411/16” Square Refer to the PRE-formance catalog numbering system at the end of this section for additional assembly options and configurations. T-BAR ASSEMBLIES T-bar Assemblies – all catalog numbers contain a BA50 T-bar fastener and a 4” square or octagon box. Cat. # 4SN 4DN 278N 292N UL and cUL Listed BA50 BA50 BA50 BA50 UL File No. E-324733 Bar Bar Bar Bar Hanger, Hanger, Hanger, Hanger, TP404 TP403 TP278 TP292 1 /2” 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 1 Deep Deep Deep Deep Box Box Octagon Box Octagon Box PRE-formance™ PFBH24 PFBH24 PFBH24 PFBH24 Description Pre-fabricated Box, Cover, Ground Screw & Lead Assembly 248 US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 201 Commercial Products Catalog PRE-formance™ Uni-Mount™ Assemblies with Wiring Devices PRE-formance Uni-Mount Assemblies – all catalog numbers contain a Uni-Mount cover (TP31000 - TP37000), 4” square back box, an 8” insulated solid box ground wire and one or two pre-wired Eaton’s Wiring Devices with leads, push-in connectors and device protect plates. All assemblies are shown with ivory colored devices. At the end of the catalog number, replace the ‘V’ with ‘W’ for white colored device. Other device colors and types are available. Consult factory for details. UL and cUL Listed UL File No. E-324733 Commonly Ordered Catalog Examples: See Uni-Mount Assembly catalog numbering system at the end of the Uni-Mount Assembly pages for more information on how to construct catalog numbers for almost any customer application. Duplex Receptacle Commercial Grade Receptacle Industrial Grade Receptacle Hospital Grade Receptacle Cat. # Assembly with CR20V Commercial Grade 20A Duplex Receptacle Installed Cat. # Assembly with 5362V Industrial Grade 20A Duplex Receptacle Installed Cat. # Assembly with 8300V Hospital Grade 20A Duplex Receptacle Installed 4” Square Steel Back Box TP314D H20DV TP314S H20DV TP324D H20DV TP324S H20DV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 TP364D H20DDV TP364S H20DDV TP374D H20DDV TP374S H20DDV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 Uni-Mount Single 20A Duplex Receptacle TP314D C20DV TP314S C20DV TP324D C20DV TP324S C20DV TP314D I20DV TP314S I20DV TP324D I20DV TP324S I20DV /8” /8” /4” 3 /4” Single Single Single Single /8” /8” /4” 3 /4” Two Two Two Two 5 3 Gang Gang Gang Gang Double 20A Duplex Receptacle TP364D C20DDV TP364S C20DDV TP374D C20DDV TP374S C20DDV GFCI Receptacle TP364D I20DDV TP364S I20DDV TP374D I20DDV TP374S I20DDV Specification Grade GFCI Receptacle Hospital Grade GFCI Receptacle Cat. # Assembly with VGF20 Specification Grade 20A GFCI Receptacle Installed Cat. # Assembly with VGFH20V Hospital Grade 20A GFCI Receptacle Installed 4” Square Steel Back Box 5 3 Gang Gang Gang Gang Uni-Mount Single 20A GFCI Receptacle TP314D S20GV TP314S S20GV TP324D S20GV TP324S S20GV TP314D H20GV TP314S H20GV TP324D H20GV TP324S H20GV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 /8” /8” /4” 3 /4” Single Single Single Single 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 /8” /8” /4” 3 /4” Two Two Two Two 5 3 Gang Gang Gang Gang Double 20A GFCI Receptacle TP364D H20GGV TP364S H20GGV TP374D H20GGV TP374S H20GGV US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 5 3 Gang Gang Gang Gang Copyright© 201 Commercial Products Catalog PRE-formance™ TP364D S20GGV TP364S S20GGV TP374D S20GGV TP374S S20GGV 249 PRE-formance™ Uni-Mount™ Assemblies with Wiring Devices Commonly Ordered Catalog Examples: See Uni-Mount Assembly catalog numbering system at the end of the Uni-Mount Assembly pages for more information on how to construct catalog numbers for almost any customer application. Single Pole Switch Commercial Grade Single Pole Switch Industrial Grade Single Pole Switch Cat. # Assembly with CS120V Commercial Grade 20A Single Pole Switch Installed Cat. # Assembly with AH1221V Industrial Grade 20A Single Pole Switch Installed 4” Square Steel Back Box Uni-Mount Single 20A Single Pole Switch TP314D C20SPV TP314S C20SPV TP324D C20SPV TP324S C20SPV TP314D I20SPV TP314S I20SPV TP324D I20SPV TP324S I20SPV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 /8” /8” /4” 3 /4” Single Single Single Single 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 /8” /8” /4” 3 /4” Two Two Two Two 5 3 Gang Gang Gang Gang Double 20A Single Pole Switch Three Way Switch TP364D C20SPSPV TP364S C20SPSPV TP374D C20SPSPV TP374S C20SPSPV TP364D I20SPSPV TP364S I20SPSPV TP374D I20SPSPV TP374S I20SPSPV Commercial Grade Three Way Switch Industrial Grade Three Way Switch Cat. # Assembly with CS320V Commercial Grade 20A Three Way Switch Installed Cat. # Assembly with AH1223V Industrial Grade 20A Three Way Switch Installed 4” Square Steel Back Box 5 3 Gang Gang Gang Gang Uni-Mount Single 20A Three Way Switch TP314D C203WV TP314S C203WV TP324D C203WV TP324S C203WV TP314D I203WV TP314S I203WV TP324D I203WV TP324S I203WV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 /8” /8” /4” 3 /4” Single Single Single Single 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 /8” /8” /4” 3 /4” Two Two Two Two 5 3 Gang Gang Gang Gang Double 20A Three Way Switch TP364D C203W3WV TP364S C203W3WV TP374D C203W3WV TP374S C203W3WV TP364D I203W3WV TP364S I203W3WV TP374D I203W3WV TP374S I203W3WV 5 3 PRE-formance™ t0UIFSCPYUZQFTEFWJDFDPMPSTNVESJOHEFQUITCSBDLFUTBOEBTTFNCMZDPOGJHVSBUJPOTBSFBWBJMBCMF$POTVMUGBDUPSZGPSEFUBJMT t5PDIBOHFUIFDPMPSPGEFWJDFGSPNJWPSZBTTIPXO UPXIJUFTVCTUJUVUFA7JWPSZ XJUIA8XIJUF 'PSFYBNQMF51%$%7CFDPNFT51%$%8 t"MMSFDFQUBDMFTBSFTIJQQFETUBOEBSEHSPVOEVQ"EETVGGJY%/GPSHSPVOEEPXO t"MMBTTFNCMJFTTIJQQFETUBOEBSEXJUINFUBMEFWJDFQSPUFDUQMBUFT t1SFJOTUBMMFEDPOOFDUPSTBWBJMBCMFPOBMMBTTFNCMZUZQFT$POTVMUGBDUPSZGPSEFUBJMT 250 US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 201 Commercial Products Catalog Gang Gang Gang Gang PRE-formance™ Uni-Mount™ Assemblies with Wiring Devices PRE-formance™ Catalog Numbering System for Uni-Mount™ Assemblies with Wiring Devices: Part number example TP31403 C20DV TP 31 403 (SPACE) C 20 D V Receptacle Ground Orientation Series TP Uni-Mount™ BLANK Up DN Down Uni-Mount Style 30 TP30000 1G ½ Raised Uni-Mount Cover Device Color 31 TP31000 1G 5/8 Raised Uni-Mount Cover V Ivory 32 TP32000 1G ¾ Raised Uni-Mount Cover W White 35 TP35000 2G ½ Raised Uni-Mount Cover R Red 36 TP36000 2G /8 Raised Uni-Mount Cover LA Light Almond 37 TP35000 2G ¾ Raised Uni-Mount Cover 5 Tamper Resistant BLANK Non-Tamper Resistant DN Tamper Resistant Box Style 403 TP403 4 SQ 21/8 Deep Box ½ & ¾ KO 404 TP404 4 SQ 11/2 Deep Box ½ & ¾ KO 432 TP432 4 SQ 21/8 Deep Box ¾ KO 436 TP436 4 SQ 21/8 Deep Box 1 KO 431 TP431 4 SQ 21/8 Deep Box ½ & ¾ KO with AC/MC Clamps in each end 454 TP454 4 SQ 1 / Deep Box ½ & ¾ KO with AC/MC Clamps in each end Device Type 1 2 Device Amperage Box Ground Wire BLANK 15 15A 20 20A Solid Stranded Device Grade N None C Commercial S Specification I Industrial H Hospital Duplex Receptacle DU Duplex Receptacle/USB SP Single Pole G GFCI 3W Three Way Switch DD Two Duplex Receptacles/USB DD Two Duplex Receptacles SPSP Two Single Pole Switches 3W3W Two Three Way Switches GG Two GFCI Receptacles PRE-formance™ A D Standard Eaton’s Wiring Devices Used in PRE-formance Assemblies Eaton’s Crouse-Hinds Series Wiring Device Nomenclature (without Color Suffix) Eaton’s Wiring Devices Catalog Number Used (Shown without Color Suffix) Description C20D I20D H20D S20G H20G C20SP I20SP C203W I203W CR20 5362 8300 VGF20 VGFH20 CS120 AH1221 CS320 AH1223 Commercial Grade 20A Duplex Receptacle Industrial Grade 20A Duplex Receptacle Hospital Grade 20A Duplex Receptacle Specification Grade 20A GFCI Receptacle Hospital Grade 20A GFCI Receptacle Commercial Grade 20A Single Pole Switch Industrial Grade 20A Single Pole Switch Commercial Grade 20A Three Way Switch Industrial Grade 20A Three Way Switch US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 201 Commercial Products Catalog 251 PRE-formance™ Single Sided Assemblies with Wiring Devices PRE-formance Single Sided Assembles – all catalog numbers contain a single sided bracket (BB4-23 for 31/ 2” and 21/ 2” studs), a 4” square box, an 8” insulated solid box ground wire and one or two pre-wired Eaton’s Wiring Devices with leads, push-in connectors and device protect plates. All assemblies are shown with ivory colored devices. At the end of the catalog number, replace the ‘V’ with ‘W’ for white colored device. Other device colors and types are available. Consult factory for details. Double sided direct mount assemblies are also available. Substitute ‘PFH3’ in the catalog number with ‘PF3DS’ (BB73 double sided bracket). 4” and 6” far side supports are available. Replace ‘PFH3’ (for 21/ 2” and 31/ 2” studs) with ‘PFH4’ (4”) (BB44) or ‘PFH6’ (6”) (BB46). UL and cUL Listed UL File No. E-324733 Commonly Ordered Catalog Examples: See assembly catalog numbering system at the end of this section for more information on how to construct catalog numbers for almost any customer application. Duplex Receptacle Commercial Grade Receptacle Industrial Grade Receptacle Hospital Grade Receptacle Cat. # Assembly with CR20V Commercial Grade 20A Duplex Receptacle Installed Cat. # Assembly with 5362V Industrial Grade 20A Duplex Receptacle Installed Cat. # Assembly with 8300V Hospital Grade 20A Duplex Receptacle Installed 4” Square Steel Back Box 4D58I20DV 4S58I20DV 4D75I20DV 4S75I20DV PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 4D58H20DV 4S58H20DV 4D75H20DV 4S75H20DV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 4D258I20DDV 4S258I20DDV 4D275I20DDV 4S275I20DDV PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 4D258H20DDV 4S258H20DDV 4D275H20DDV 4S275H20DDV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 Mud Ring Single 20A Duplex Receptacle PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 4D58C20DV 4S58C20DV 4D75C20DV 4S75C20DV PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 /8” /8” 3 /4” 3 /4” Single Single Single Single /8” /8” 3 /4” 3 /4” Two Two Two Two 5 Gang Gang Gang Gang Double 20A Duplex Receptacle PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 GFCI Receptacle 4D258C20DDV 4S258C20DDV 4D275C20DDV 4S275C20DDV PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 5 Specification Grade GFCI Receptacle Hospital Grade GFCI Receptacle Cat. # Assembly with VGF20 Specification Grade 20A GFCI Receptacle Installed Cat. # Assembly with VGFH20V Hospital Grade 20A GFCI Receptacle Installed 4” Square Steel Back Box PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 4D58H20GV 4S58H20GV 4D75H20GV 4S75H20GV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 4D258H20GGV 4S258H20GGV 4D275H20GGV 4S275H20GGV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 Mud Ring Single 20A GFCI Receptacle PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 4D58S20GV 4S58S20GV 4D75S20GV 4S75S20GV /8” /8” /4” 3 /4” Single Single Single Single /8” /8” /4” 3 /4” Two Two Two Two 5 3 Gang Gang Gang Gang PRE-formance™ Double 20A GFCI Receptacle PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 252 4D258S20GGV 4S258S20GGV 4D275S20GGV 4S275S20GGV US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 201 Commercial Products Catalog 5 3 Gang Gang Gang Gang Gang Gang Gang Gang PRE-formance™ Single Sided Assemblies with Wiring Devices Commonly Ordered Catalog Examples: See assembly catalog numbering system at the end of this section for more information on how to construct catalog numbers for almost any customer application. Single Pole Switch Commercial Grade Single Pole Switch Industrial Grade Single Pole Switch Cat. # Assembly with CS120V Commercial Grade 20A Single Pole Switch Installed Cat. # Assembly with AH1221V Industrial Grade 20A Single Pole Switch Installed 4” Square Steel Back Box Mud Ring Single 20A Single Pole Switch PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 4D58C20SPV 4S58C20SPV 4D75C20SPV 4S75C20SPV PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 4D58I20SPV 4S58I20SPV 4D75I20SPV 4S75I20SPV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 /8” /8” 3 /4” 3 /4” Single Single Single Single 4D258I20SPSPV 4S258I20SPSPV 4D275I20SPSPV 4S275I20SPSPV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 /8” /8” 3 /4” 3 /4” Two Two Two Two 5 Gang Gang Gang Gang Double 20A Single Pole Switch PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 Three Way Switch 4D258C20SPSPV 4S258C20SPSPV 4D275C20SPSPV 4S275C20SPSPV PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 5 Commercial Grade Three Way Switch Industrial Grade Three Way Switch Cat. # Assembly with CS320V Commercial Grade 20A Three Way Switch Installed Cat. # Assembly with AH1223V Industrial Grade 20A Three Way Switch Installed 4” Square Steel Back Box PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 4D58I203WV 4S58I203WV 4D75I203WV 4S75I203WV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 4D258I203W3WV 4S258I203W3WV 4D275I203W3WV 4S275I203W3WV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 Gang Gang Gang Gang Mud Ring Single 20A Three Way Switch PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 4D58C203WV 4S58C203WV 4D75C203WV 4S75C203WV /8” /8” 3 /4” 3 /4” Single Single Single Single /8” /8” 3 /4” 3 /4” Two Two Two Two 5 Gang Gang Gang Gang Double 20A Three Way Switch PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 4D258C203W3WV 4S258C203W3WV 4D275C203W3WV 4S275C203W3WV PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 PFH3 5 Gang Gang Gang Gang t0UIFSCPYUZQFTEFWJDFDPMPSTNVESJOHEFQUITCSBDLFUTBOEBTTFNCMZDPOGJHVSBUJPOTBSFBWBJMBCMF$POTVMUGBDUPSZGPSEFUBJMT t5PDIBOHFUIFDPMPSPGEFWJDFGSPNJWPSZBTTIPXO UPXIJUFTVCTUJUVUFA7JWPSZ XJUIA8XIJUF 'PSFYBNQMF1')%$%7CFDPNFT1')%$%8 t"MMSFDFQUBDMFTBSFTIJQQFETUBOEBSEHSPVOEVQ"EETVGGJY%/GPSHSPVOEEPXO t"MMBTTFNCMJFTTIJQQFETUBOEBSEXJUINFUBMEFWJDFQSPUFDUQMBUFT t1SFJOTUBMMFEDPOOFDUPSTBWBJMBCMFPOBMMBTTFNCMZUZQFT$POTVMUGBDUPSZGPSEFUBJMT PRE-formance™ US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 201 Commercial Products Catalog 253 PRE-formance™ Double Sided Assemblies with Wiring Devices PRE-formance Double Sided Assembles – all catalog numbers contain a double sided bracket (BB73-23 for 31/ 2” and 21/ 2” studs), a 4” square box, an 8” insulated solid box ground wire and one or two pre-wired Eaton’s Wiring Devices with leads, push-in connectors and device protect plates. All assemblies are shown with ivory colored devices. At the end of the catalog number, replace the ‘V’ with ‘W’ for white colored device. Other device colors and types are available. Consult factory for details. 4” and 6” far side supports are available. Replace ‘PF3DS’ (for 21/ 2” and 31/ 2” studs) with ‘PF4DS’ (4”) (BB74) or ‘PF6DS’ (6”) (BB76). UL and cUL Listed UL File No. E-324733 Commonly Ordered Catalog Examples: See assembly catalog numbering system at the end of this section for more information on how to construct catalog numbers for almost any customer application. Duplex Receptacle Commercial Grade Receptacle Industrial Grade Receptacle Hospital Grade Receptacle Cat. # Assembly with CR20V Commercial Grade 20A Duplex Receptacle Installed Cat. # Assembly with 5362V Industrial Grade 20A Duplex Receptacle Installed Cat. # Assembly with 8300V Hospital Grade 20A Duplex Receptacle Installed 4” Square Steel Back Box 4D58I20DV 4S58I20DV 4D75I20DV 4S75I20DV PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS 4D58H20DV 4S58H20DV 4D75H20DV 4S75H20DV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 4D258I20DDV 4S258I20DDV 4D275I20DDV 4S275I20DDV PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS 4D258H20DDV 4S258H20DDV 4D275H20DDV 4S275H20DDV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 Mud Ring Single 20A Duplex Receptacle PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS 4D58C20DV 4S58C20DV 4D75C20DV 4S75C20DV PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS /8” /8” /4” 3 /4” Single Single Single Single /8” /8” 3 /4” 3 /4” Two Two Two Two 5 3 Gang Gang Gang Gang Double 20A Duplex Receptacle PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS GFCI Receptacle 4D258C20DDV 4S258C20DDV 4D275C20DDV 4S275C20DDV PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS 5 Specification Grade GFCI Receptacle Hospital Grade GFCI Receptacle Cat. # Assembly with VGF20 Specification Grade 20A GFCI Receptacle Installed Cat. # Assembly with VGFH20V Hospital Grade 20A GFCI Receptacle Installed 4” Square Steel Back Box PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS 4D58H20GV 4S58H20GV 4D75H20GV 4S75H20GV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS 4D258H20GGV 4S258H20GGV 4D275H20GGV 4S275H20GGV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 Gang Gang Gang Gang Mud Ring Single 20A GFCI Receptacle PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS 4D58S20GV 4S58S20GV 4D75S20GV 4S75S20GV /8” /8” /4” 3 /4” Single Single Single Single /8” /8” 3 /4” 3 /4” Two Two Two Two 5 3 Gang Gang Gang Gang PRE-formance™ Double 20A GFCI Receptacle PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS 254 4D258S20GGV 4S258S20GGV 4D275S20GGV 4S275S20GGV US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 201 Commercial Products Catalog 5 Gang Gang Gang Gang PRE-formance™ Double Sided Assemblies with Wiring Devices Commonly Ordered Catalog Examples: See assembly catalog numbering system at the end of this section for more information on how to construct catalog numbers for almost any customer application. Single Pole Switch Commercial Grade Single Pole Switch Industrial Grade Single Pole Switch Cat. # Assembly with CS120V Commercial Grade 20A Single Pole Switch Installed Cat. # Assembly with AH1221V Industrial Grade 20A Single Pole Switch Installed 4” Square Steel Back Box Mud Ring Single 20A Single Pole Switch PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS 4D58C20SPV 4S58C20SPV 4D75C20SPV 4S75C20SPV PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS 4D58I20SPV 4S58I20SPV 4D75I20SPV 4S75I20SPV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 /8” /8” 3 /4” 3 /4” Single Single Single Single 4D258I20SPSPV 4S258I20SPSPV 4D275I20SPSPV 4S275I20SPSPV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 /8” /8” /4” 3 /4” Two Two Two Two 5 Gang Gang Gang Gang Double 20A Single Pole Switch PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS Three Way Switch 4D258C20SPSPV 4S258C20SPSPV 4D275C20SPSPV 4S275C20SPSPV PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS 5 3 Commercial Grade Three Way Switch Industrial Grade Three Way Switch Cat. # Assembly with CS320V Commercial Grade 20A Three Way Switch Installed Cat. # Assembly with AH1223V Industrial Grade 20A Three Way Switch Installed 4” Square Steel Back Box PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS 4D58I203WV 4S58I203WV 4D75I203WV 4S75I203WV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS 4D258I203W3WV 4S258I203W3WV 4D275I203W3WV 4S275I203W3WV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 Gang Gang Gang Gang Mud Ring Single 20A Three Way Switch PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS 4D58C203WV 4S58C203WV 4D75C203WV 4S75C203WV /8” /8” 3 /4” 3 /4” Single Single Single Single /8” /8” 3 /4” 3 /4” Two Two Two Two 5 Gang Gang Gang Gang Double 20A Three Way Switch PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS PF3DS 4D258C203W3WV 4S258C203W3WV 4D275C203W3WV 4S275C203W3WV 5 Gang Gang Gang Gang t0UIFSCPYUZQFTEFWJDFDPMPSTNVESJOHEFQUITCSBDLFUTBOEBTTFNCMZDPOGJHVSBUJPOTBSFBWBJMBCMF$POTVMUGBDUPSZGPSEFUBJMT t5PDIBOHFUIFDPMPSPGEFWJDFGSPNJWPSZBTTIPXO UPXIJUFTVCTUJUVUFA7JWPSZ XJUIA8XIJUF 'PSFYBNQMF1'%4%$%7CFDPNFT1'%4%$%8 t"MMSFDFQUBDMFTBSFTIJQQFETUBOEBSEHSPVOEVQ"EETVGGJY%/GPSHSPVOEEPXO t"MMBTTFNCMJFTTIJQQFETUBOEBSEXJUINFUBMEFWJDFQSPUFDUQMBUFT t1SFJOTUBMMFEDPOOFDUPSTBWBJMBCMFPOBMMBTTFNCMZUZQFT$POTVMUGBDUPSZGPSEFUBJMT PRE-formance™ US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 201 Commercial Products Catalog 255 PRE-formance™ Floor Mount Assemblies with Wiring Devices PRE-formance Floor Mount Assemblies – all catalog numbers contain a floor mount bracket (BBF18) which positions device at 18” on center, a 4” square box, an 8” insulated solid box ground wire with ground screw and one or two pre-wired Eaton’s Wiring Devices with leads, push-in connectors and device protect plates. All assemblies are shown with ivory colored devices. At the end of the catalog number, replace the ‘V’ with ‘W’ for white colored device. Other device colors and types are available. Consult factory for details. UL and cUL Listed UL File No. E-324733 Commonly Ordered Catalog Examples: See assembly catalog numbering system at the end of this section for more information on how to construct catalog numbers for almost any customer application. Single Receptacle Commercial Grade Receptacle Industrial Grade Receptacle Hospital Grade Receptacle Cat. # Assembly with CR20V Commercial Grade 20A Duplex Receptacle Installed Cat. # Assembly with 5362V Industrial Grade 20A Duplex Receptacle Installed Cat. # Assembly with 8300V Hospital Grade 20A Duplex Receptacle Installed 4” Square Steel Back Box 4D58I20DV 4S58I20DV 4D75I20DV 4S75I20DV PF18FM PF18FM PF18FM PF18FM 4D58H20DV 4S58H20DV 4D75H20DV 4S75H20DV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 4D258I20DDV 4S258I20DDV 4D275I20DDV 4S275I20DDV PF18FM PF18FM PF18FM PF18FM 4D258H20DDV 4S258H20DDV 4D275H20DDV 4S275H20DDV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 Mud Ring Single 20A Duplex Receptacle PF18FM PF18FM PF18FM PF18FM 4D58C20DV 4S58C20DV 4D75C20DV 4S75C20DV PF18FM PF18FM PF18FM PF18FM /8” /8” /4” 3 /4” Single Single Single Single /8” /8” /4” 3 /4” Two Two Two Two 5 3 Gang Gang Gang Gang Double 20A Duplex Receptacle PF18FM PF18FM PF18FM PF18FM 4D258C20DDV 4S258C20DDV 4D275C20DDV 4S275C20DDV PF18FM PF18FM PF18FM PF18FM 5 3 PRE-formance™ t0UIFSCPYUZQFTEFWJDFDPMPSTNVESJOHEFQUITCSBDLFUTBOEBTTFNCMZDPOGJHVSBUJPOTBSFBWBJMBCMF$POTVMUGBDUPSZGPSEFUBJMT t5PDIBOHFUIFDPMPSPGEFWJDFGSPNJWPSZBTTIPXO UPXIJUFTVCTUJUVUFA7JWPSZ XJUIA8XIJUF 'PSFYBNQMF1''.%$%7CFDPNFT1''.%$%8 t"MMSFDFQUBDMFTBSFTIJQQFETUBOEBSEHSPVOEVQ"EETVGGJY%/GPSHSPVOEEPXO t"MMBTTFNCMJFTTIJQQFETUBOEBSEXJUINFUBMEFWJDFQSPUFDUQMBUFT t1SFJOTUBMMFEDPOOFDUPSTBWBJMBCMFPOBMMBTTFNCMZUZQFT$POTVMUGBDUPSZGPSEFUBJMT 256 US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 201 Commercial Products Catalog Gang Gang Gang Gang PRE-formance™ Telescoping Slider Assemblies with Wiring Devices PRE-formance Telescoping Slider Assemblies – all catalog numbers contain a telescoping slider bracket (BB216TS 11” - 18”), a 4” square traditional closed back box, an 8” insulated stranded box ground wire with ground screw and one or two pre-wired Eaton’s Wiring Devices with leads, push-in connectors and device protect plates. UL and cUL Listed UL File No. E-324733 Commonly Ordered Catalog Examples: See assembly catalog numbering system at the end of this section for more information on how to construct catalog numbers for almost any customer application. Duplex Receptacles Commercial Grade Receptacle Industrial Grade Receptacle Hospital Grade Receptacle Cat. # Assembly with CR20V Commercial Grade 20A Duplex Receptacle Installed Cat. # Assembly with 5362V Industrial Grade 20A Duplex Receptacle Installed Cat. # Assembly with 8300V Hospital Grade 20A Duplex Receptacle Installed 4” Square Steel Box 4DA58I20DV 4SA58I20DV 4DA75I20DV 4SA75I20DV PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS 4DA58H20DV 4SA58H20DV 4DA75H20DV 4SA75H20DV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 4DA258I20DDV 4SA258I20DDV 4DA275I20DDV 4SA275I20DDV PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS 4DA258H20DDV 4SA258H20DDV 4DA275H20DDV 4SA275H20DDV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 Mud Ring Single 20A Duplex Receptacle PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS 4DA58C20DV 4SA58C20DV 4DA75C20DV 4SA75C20DV PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS /8” /8” /4” 3 /4” Single Single Single Single /8” /8” 3 /4” 3 /4” Two Two Two Two 5 3 Gang Gang Gang Gang Double 20A Duplex Receptacle PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS GFCI Receptacles 4DA258C20DDV 4SA258C20DDV 4DA275C20DDV 4SA275C20DDV PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS Specification Grade GFCI Receptacle Hospital Grade GFCI Receptacle Cat. # Assembly with VGF20 Specification Grade 20A GFCI Receptacle Installed Cat. # Assembly with VGFH20V Hospital Grade 20A GFCI Receptacle Installed 4” Square Steel Box PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS 4DA58H20GV 4SA58H20GV 4DA75H20GV 4SA75H20GV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS 4DA258H20GGV 4SA258H20GGV 4DA275H20GGV 4SA275H20GGV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 5 Gang Gang Gang Gang Mud Ring Single 20A GFCI Receptacle PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS 4DA58S20GV 4SA58S20GV 4DA75S20GV 4SA75S20GV Single Single Single Single /8” /8” /4” 3 /4” Two Two Two Two 3 Gang Gang Gang Gang PRE-formance™ /8” /8” /4” 3 /4” 5 Double 20A GFCI Receptacle PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS 4DA258S20GGV 4SA258S20GGV 4DA275S20GGV 4SA275S20GGV US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 5 3 Copyright© 201 Commercial Products Catalog Gang Gang Gang Gang 257 PRE-formance™ Telescoping Slider Assemblies with Wiring Devices Commonly Ordered Catalog Examples: See assembly catalog numbering system at the end of this section for more information on how to construct catalog numbers for almost any customer application. Single Pole Switch Commercial Grade Single Pole Switch Industrial Grade Single Pole Switch Cat. # Assembly with CS120V Commercial Grade 20A Single Pole Switch Installed Cat. # Assembly with AH1221V Industrial Grade 20A Single Pole Switch Installed 4” Square Steel Box PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS 4DA58I20SPV 4SA58I20SPV 4DA75I20SPV 4SA75I20SPV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS 4DA258I20SPSPV 4SA258I20SPSPV 4DA275I20SPSPV 4SA275I20SPSPV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 Mud Ring Single 20A Single Pole Switch PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS 4DA58C20SPV 4SA58C20SPV 4DA75C20SPV 4SA75C20SPV /8” /8” 3 /4” 3 /4” Single Single Single Single /8” /8” 3 /4” 3 /4” Two Two Two Two 5 Gang Gang Gang Gang Double 20A Single Pole Switch PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS Three Way Switch 4DA258C20SPSPV 4SA258C20SPSPV 4DA275C20SPSPV 4SA275C20SPSPV 5 Commercial Grade Three Way Switch Industrial Grade Three Way Switch Cat. # Assembly with CS320V Commercial Grade 20A Three Way Switch Installed Cat. # Assembly with AH1223V Industrial Grade 20A Three Way Switch Installed 4” Square Steel Box PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS 4DA58I203WV 4SA58I203WV 4DA75I203WV 4SA75I203WV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS 4DA258I203W3WV 4SA258I203W3WV 4DA275I203W3WV 4SA275I203W3WV 21/8” 11/2” 21/8” 11/2” Deep Deep Deep Deep 5 Gang Gang Gang Gang Mud Ring Single 20A Three Way Switch PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS 4DA58C203WV 4SA58C203WV 4DA75C203WV 4SA75C203WV /8” /8” 3 /4” 3 /4” Single Single Single Single /8” /8” 3 /4” 3 /4” Two Two Two Two 5 Gang Gang Gang Gang Double 20A Three Way Switch PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS PF16TS 4DA258C203W3WV 4SA258C203W3WV 4DA275C203W3WV 4SA275C203W3WV 5 PRE-formance™ t0UIFSCPYUZQFTEFWJDFDPMPSTNVESJOHEFQUITCSBDLFUTBOEBTTFNCMZDPOGJHVSBUJPOTBSFBWBJMBCMF$POTVMUGBDUPSZGPSEFUBJMT t5PDIBOHFUIFDPMPSPGEFWJDFGSPNJWPSZBTTIPXO UPXIJUFTVCTUJUVUFA7JWPSZ XJUIA8XIJUF 'PSFYBNQMF1'54%"$%7CFDPNFT1'54%"$%8 t"MMSFDFQUBDMFTBSFTIJQQFETUBOEBSEHSPVOEVQ"EETVGGJY%/GPSHSPVOEEPXO t"MMBTTFNCMJFTTIJQQFETUBOEBSEXJUINFUBMEFWJDFQSPUFDUQMBUFT t1SFJOTUBMMFEDPOOFDUPSTBWBJMBCMFPOBMMBTTFNCMZUZQFT$POTVMUGBDUPSZGPSEFUBJMT t5FMFTDPQJOH4MJEFS#SBDLFU"TTFNCMJFTBSFTIJQQFEXJUIUSBEJUJPOBMDMPTFECBDLCPYHSPVOETDSFXBOETUSBOEFEMFBETPOCPYBOEEFWJDFT t%FWJDFMFBETBOEQVTIJODPOOFDUPSTBSFMFGUJOTJEFUIFCPYBOEXJMMOPUCFQVMMFEPVUPGLOPDLPVUTQSJPSUPTIJQNFOUVOMFTTTQFDJGJFECZDVTUPNFS 258 US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 201 Commercial Products Catalog Gang Gang Gang Gang PRE-formance™ Multi-mount Assemblies with Wiring Devices PRE-formance Multi-mount Assemblies – all catalog numbers contain a multiple mount bracket (available in either 16” stud spanning or 24” stud spanning). Each position may contain an outlet box, an 8” insulated solid box ground wire with ground screw and one or two pre-wired Eaton’s Wiring Devices with leads, push-in connectors and device protect plates. UL and cUL Listed UL File No. E-324733 Commonly Ordered Catalog Examples: See assembly catalog numbering system at the end of this section for more information on how to construct catalog numbers for almost any customer application. PF3MM 4D58C20DV 5D58 X t 3MM bracket – BB816 3-hole multiple mount bracket for 16” stud spacing t 4MM bracket (not shown) – BB824 4-hole multiple mount bracket for 24” stud spacing PF16BO 4D58C20DV X 4D258C20DDV t 16BO bracket – BB716 open mount bracket for 16” stud spacing t 24BO bracket (not shown) – BB724 open mount bracket for 24” stud spacing Commonly Ordered Catalog Numbers Description Assembly – BB816 Multiple Box Bracket; 4” Square Back Box with Ground Screw, Lead and Back Cover; TP489 5/ 8” Raised 1G Mud Ring; Pre-wired CR20V 20A Commercial Duplex Receptacle, Ivory with Leads, Push-in Connectors and Protect Plate (Not Shown); 2nd Position TP525 411/ 16” Box; TP579 411/ 16” 5/ 8” Raised 1G Mud Ring; No Ground Wire PF16BO 4D58C20DV X 4D58C20DDV Assembly – BB716 Open Bracket; 4” Square Back Box with Ground Screw, Lead and Back Cover; TP489 5/ 8” Raised 1G Mud Ring; Pre-wired CR20V 20A Commercial Duplex Receptacle, Ivory with Leads, Push-in Connectors and Protect Plate; 2nd Position Open; 3rd Position 4” Square Back Box with Ground Screw, Lead and Back Cover; TP499 5/ 8” Raised 2G Mud Ring; Two Pre-wired CR20V 20A Commercial Duplex Receptacles, Ivory with Leads, Push-in Connectors and Protect Plates t0UIFSCPYUZQFTEFWJDFDPMPSTNVESJOHEFQUITCSBDLFUTBOEBTTFNCMZDPOGJHVSBUJPOTBSFBWBJMBCMF$POTVMUGBDUPSZGPSEFUBJMT t5PDIBOHFUIFDPMPSPGEFWJDFGSPNJWPSZBTTIPXO UPXIJUFTVCTUJUVUFA7JWPSZ XJUIA8XIJUF t"MMSFDFQUBDMFTBSFTIJQQFETUBOEBSEHSPVOEVQ"EETVGGJY%/GPSHSPVOEEPXO t"MMBTTFNCMJFTTIJQQFETUBOEBSEXJUINFUBMEFWJDFQSPUFDUQMBUFT t1SFJOTUBMMFEDPOOFDUPSTBWBJMBCMFPOBMMBTTFNCMZUZQFT$POTVMUGBDUPSZGPSEFUBJMT US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 201 Commercial Products Catalog 259 PRE-formance™ PF3MM 4D58C20DV 5DN58 X PRE-formance™ Catalog Numbering System for Additional Assembly Configurations PRE-formance™ Catalog Numbering System for Additional Assembly Configurations: Part number example PF16TS 4D75C20DUTRV PF 16TS (SPACE) 4D 75 C 20 DU TR V X X Series PF Position 3 Open* PRE-formance™ (Only for use with Multi/ Open Mount Brackets) Bracket Style H3 BB423 Single Sided Bracket for 21/2” and 31/2” Studs H4 BB44 Single Sided for 4” Studs H6 BB46 Single Sided for 6” Studs 3DS BB73 Double Sided Bracket for 21/2” and 35/8” Studs 4DS BB74 Double Sided for 4” Studs 6DS BB76 Double Sided for 6” Studs 16TS BB216TS Telescoping Slider Bracket for 16” Stud Spacing 24TS BB224TS Telescoping Slider Bracket for 16” Stud Spacing 18FM BBF18 Floor Mount Bracket 18” on Center 3MM BB816 3-hole Multiple Mount Bracket for 24” Stud Spacing 4MM BB824 4-hole Multiple Mount Bracket for 24” Stud Spacing 16BO BB716 Open Mount Bracket for 16” Stud Spacing 24BO BB724 Open Mount Bracket for 24” Stud Spacing BH24 BA50 T-bar (for 11/2” Deep Boxes) Position 2 Open* (Only for use with Multi/Open Mount Brackets) Receptacle Ground Orientation PRE-formance™ Up DN Down Device Color Box Ground Wire BLANK Solid A Stranded N None V Ivory W White R Red LA Light Almond Tamper-resistant BLANK Non-tamper-resistant TR Tamper-resistant Device Type Box Style 260 BLANK D Duplex Receptacle DU Duplex Receptacle/USB SP Single Pole G GFCI 3W Three Way Switch 4D TP403 4” Square 21/8” Deep Box 1/2” and 3/4” KO DD Two Duplex Receptacles/USB 432 TP432 4” Square 21/8” Deep Box 3/4” KO DD Two Duplex Receptacles 436 TP436 4” Square 21/8” Deep Box 1” KO Device Amperage SPSP Two Single Pole Switches 4S TP404 4” Square 11/2” Deep Box 1/2” and 3/4” KO 15 15A 3W3W Two Three Way Switches 20 20A 431 TP431 4” Square 21/8” Deep Box 1/2” and 3/4” KO with AC/MC Clamps in Each End GG Two GFCI Receptacles 50D TP50D 411/16” Welded 21/8” Deep Open Back Box 1/2” and 3/4” KO 560 TP560 411/16” Drawn 21/8” Deep Box 1” KO 562 TP562 411/16” Drawn 21/8” Deep Box 11/4” KO 278 TP278 4” 11/2” Deep Octagon Box 1/2” and 3/4” KO 292 TP292 4” 21/8” Deep Octagon Box 1/2” and 3/4” KO US: 1-866-764-5454 Device Grade C Commercial / ” Raised One Gang S Specification / ” Raised One Gang I Industrial /4” Raised One Gang H Hospital Mud Ring Depth and Gang 50 12 58 5 8 75 3 100 1” Raised One Gang 125 11/4” Raised One Gang AR Adjustable One Gang 250 12 258 5 8 275 34 2100 1” Raised Two Gang 2125 11/4” Raised Two Gang CAN: 1-800-265-0502 / ” Raised One Gang / ” Raised Two Gang / ” Raised Two Gang *Position 2 and 3 are only added for Multi-mount or Open Mount Assemblies. Insert a space, replace “X” and repeat Steps 3-11 for additional boxes on assembly. If 1st or 2nd positions are blank, then insert “X” and use Steps 3-11 in position where box is required. Copyright© 201 Commercial Products Catalog PRE-formance™ Complete The most complete turnkey solution for commercial construction projects – the ideal solution for commercial buildings with repetitive installations, such as hotels, condominiums, commercial and retail offices, hospitals and apartments. 13&GPSNBODF$PNQMFUFEFMJWFST t5PUBMQSFGBCSJDBUFECSBODIXJSJOHTZTUFNDVTUPNQSPEVDFEXJUI Eaton’s Crouse-Hinds Series components, labeled, packaged by room and floor, delivered to your exact location t-PXFSUPUBMDPTUPGPXOFSTIJQ t 4JNQMJGJFENBUFSJBMNBOBHFNFOUJNQSPWFENBUFSJBMIBOEMJOHBOE job site safety t'MFYJCJMJUZUPBMMPXTLJMMTFUBMMPDBUJPOUPNBUDIKPCSFRVJSFNFOUT t&MJNJOBUJPOPGKPCTJUFNBUFSJBMiQJMFTwBOEJOFGGJDJFOUTFBSDIJOHGPS pieces and parts at the job site t&MJNJOBUJPOPGKPCTJUFiFOHJOFFSJOHw t3FEVDUJPOPGPWFSBHFTBOETDSBQJODMVEJOHFYQFOTJWFXJSFBOE cable tUPMBCPSTBWJOHTPWFSUSBEJUJPOBMiTUJDLCVJMEwXJSJOH methods for greatly improved job site efficiency Hotels, Resorts & Conference Centers Educational Facilities Military Installations Condominiums US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 201 Commercial Products Catalog PRE-formance™ Assisted Living Centers & Medical Facilities 261 PRE-formance™ Complete From customized take-off and proposal, through kick-off meetings, mock-ups and status meetings, the focus is on delivering the custom solution that will drive job site productivity and help make your job a better job – faster, easier, safer and more profitable. Customized Solution Using Unique/Patented Products: t 1BUFOUFE6OJ.PVOU™ combination mounting and device plate t )PNF3VOOFS™ 8 x 8 or 12 x 12 box with patented clamping system; flush or surface mount cover available t2VJDL-PL™ Pro snap-in fittings listed for use with AC/MC, FMC or MCI-A t$VTUPNJ[FEIPNFSVOTBOEMBCFMJOHQSPWJEFTFBTZDJSDVJU identification during construction and for future maintenance requirements Detailed Proposal: t *ODMVEFTDPNQMFUFUSBOTQBSFODZBTUPXIBUJTJODMVEFEBOE everything needed for project approval submittals Hotel džĂŵƉůĞ Simple Description Duplex GFI Split Duplex Duplex + Data Split Duplex + Data Duplex + (2)Data Cooktop Dishwasher HVAC Switch 3-Way (2)Switches Wall Light Ceiling Light Downlight HomeRunner Box 33 2 1BR ADA 1BR 4 6 0 2 0 2 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 4 6 0 2 0 2 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 5 6 33 2 Cable Summary 1BR ADA 1BR 12-2 12-3 8-3 504 58 16 522 58 18 1 3 10 ADA STAN K ADA STU K CONF SUITE 3 3 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 3 0 1 1 0 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 4 0 1 1 1 6 5 0 2 1 2 1 1 0 2 2 1 1 2 5 7 8 1 3 10 ADA STAN K ADA STU K CONF SUITE 378 87 0 522 87 32 612 116 33 19 72 40 180 STAN K STU K STU QQ TOTAL 3 4 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 1 496 986 116 206 105 225 160 161 107 458 20 161 180 205 951 180 4 6 4 19 72 40 STAN K STU K STU QQ TOTAL 306 29 0 486 116 31 378 58 31 81666 14761 PRE-formance™ Project Take-off Summary Quotation Take-off Drawings Provided with Device Highlights and Quantity 262 US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 201 Commercial Products Catalog PRE-formance™ Complete Dedicated Project Management: t %FEJDBUFEGBDUPSZQSPKFDUNBOBHFNFOUBOEMPDBMTBMFT support and expertise t $VTUPNJ[FEQSPKFDUNBOBHFNFOUJODMVEFT - Gantt charts - Secure shared project folders - Conference calls and site visits PREͲformanceProjectCompleteFlowchart(750&Above)AssembliesperRelease ID TaskName Duration Start PREͲformanceCompleteProjectSequence Submittal/ProcurementProcess POAgreementReceived ProjectKICKOFFMeeting CreationofShopDrawing(s) ReceiptofSignoffDocumentation Request/ReceiptofAUTOCADDWGFilesfromContractor ProjectFollowͲupMeeting ShopDrawing(s)ͲREVISIONS/CORRECTIONS(OPTIONAL) ContractorFINALAPPROVAL/ProjectRelease MaterialOrdering SPAProcessEngineering EngineerProductionDocuments ProcurementofMaterial MockupProcess(OPTIONAL) ContractorIDMockupUnit(s) ProcurementofMaterial Production Ship/TransitofMaterial ContractorConfirmReceiptofMaterialOnsite PREͲformanceTeam(PM/Engineer)SiteVisit PossibleFieldModifications Production ScheduleProjectReleaseforProduction Production Ship/TransitofMaterial ContractorConfirmReceiptofMaterialOnsite 60days 10days 0days 0days 5days 5days 5days 0days 5days 0days 17days 5days 2days 10days 25days 0days 10days 5days 3days 0days 2days 5days 8days 0days 5days 3days 0days Wed1/1/14 Tue3/25/14 Wed1/1/14 Tue1/14/14 Wed1/1/14 Wed1/1/14 Wed1/1/14 Wed1/1/14 Wed1/1/14 Tue1/7/14 Wed1/1/14 Tue1/7/14 Wed1/1/14 Tue1/7/14 Tue1/7/14 Tue1/7/14 Wed1/8/14 Tue1/14/14 Tue1/14/14 Tue1/14/14 Wed1/15/14 Thu2/6/14 Wed1/15/14 Tue1/21/14 Wed1/22/14 Thu1/23/14 Fri1/24/14 Thu2/6/14 Thu2/6/14 Thu3/13/14 Thu2/6/14 Thu2/6/14 Fri2/7/14 Thu2/20/14 Fri2/21/14 Thu2/27/14 Fri2/28/14 Tue3/4/14 Tue3/4/14 Tue3/4/14 Wed3/5/14 Thu3/6/14 Fri3/7/14 Thu3/13/14 Thu3/13/14 Tue3/25/14 Thu3/13/14 Thu3/13/14 Fri3/14/14 Thu3/20/14 Fri3/21/14 Tue3/25/14 Tue3/25/14 Tue3/25/14 Finish Predecess 27 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Project:DRAFT_PREͲformancePro Date:Thu4/3/14 January2014 February2014 March2014 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 3 6 9 April2014 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 2 5 8 PREͲformanceComple Submittal/ProcurementProcess 1/1 1/1 3 3 4 4 3,4,6,7,5 8 9 CreationofShopDrawing(s) ReceiptofSignoffDocumentation Request/ReceiptofAUTOCADDWGFilesfromContractor ProjectFollowͲupMeeting ShopDrawing(s)ͲREVISIONS/CORRECTIONS(OPTIONAL) 1/14 MaterialOrdering SPAProcessEngineering EngineerProductionDocuments ProcurementofMaterial 10 12 13 MockupProcess(OPTIONAL) 2/6 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 ProcurementofMaterial Production Ship/TransitofMaterial 3/4 PREͲformanceTeam(PM/Engineer)SiteVisit PossibleFieldModifications Production 3/13 Production Ship/TransitofMater 3/25 22 24 25 26 Task ProjectSummary InactiveMilestone ManualSummaryRollup Deadline Split ExternalTasks InactiveSummary ManualSummary Baseline Milestone ExternalMilestone ManualTask StartͲonly Progress Summary InactiveTask DurationͲonly FinishͲonly Slippage Page1 Customized Packaging/Labeling: t $VTUPNJ[FEQBDLBHJOHBOEMBCFMJOHUPTJNQMJGZKPCTJUF receiving and handling through job-specific cartons labeled by project floor, unit or area t &SHPOPNJDBMMZEFTJHOFECPYFTIFMQFMJNJOBUFUIF OFFEGPSTQFDJBMFRVJQNFOUBOEIFMQSFEVDFNBUFSJBM handling risks PRE-formance™ US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog PRE-formance™ Complete Customized Labels and Drawings: t $VTUPNJ[FEMBCFMTBOEESBXJOHTJNQSPWFKPCTJUFMBZPVUBOE provide comprehensive point-to-point connection data for faster JOTUBMMBUJPOBOEFMJNJOBUJPOPGiGJFMEFOHJOFFSJOHw Project Close-out Meetings: t 1SPKFDUDMPTFPVUNFFUJOHTUPSFWJFXQVODIMJTUJUFNTJGBOZ BOE share lessons learned PRE-formance™ PRE-formance™ Complete Features: t 4JNQMFFBTZUPJOTUBMM6--JTUFETPMVUJPOJEFBMGPSDPNNFSDJBM construction projects and improves job site efficiency t .PEFMFECZBSDIJUFDUTBOEEFTJHOFECZFOHJOFFSTUPNFFUFYBDU QSPKFDUSFRVJSFNFOUT t %FEJDBUFEGBDUPSZQSPKFDUNBOBHFNFOUBOEMPDBMTBMFTFYQFSUJTF and support t 1SPEVDUGMFYJCJMJUZBMMPXTGPSBEKVTUNFOUPOTJUFJGSFRVJSFE t 3FBMMPDBUFTMBCPSFMJNJOBUFTTDSBQBOENBUFSJBMQJMFTSFEVDFT spot buying and consolidates material ordering and receiving t )FMQTJNQSPWFKPCQFSGPSNBODFBOEQSPGJUBCJMJUZ 264 US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog HomeRunner™ Boxes Commercial Construction Screw Cover Junction Box with Patented Clamps Applications: )PNF3VOOFS™+VODUJPO#PYFTBSFEFTJHOFETQFDJGJDBMMZGPS commercial construction applications to provide a spacious, flexible junction box for terminating home runs and other electrical wiring. *UTQBUFOUFEDMBNQJOHEFTJHOBOEGMFYJCJMJUZNBLFJUUIFNPTU convenient, labor savings junction box available. Features: tø%FTJHOFEBOEBQQSPWFEGPSVTFXJUI"$.$.$*"/.PS&.5 t1BUFOUFEDMBNQJOHGFBUVSFFMJNJOBUFTUIFOFFEGPSGJFMEQVODIJOH drilling of knockouts and installation of connectors t4UBOEBSETVSGBDFPSGMVTIDPWFSPQUJPOToFMJNJOBUFTUIFOFFEGPS custom covers t.VMUJQMFNPVOUJOHIPMFTBOELOPDLPVUTGPSJOTUBMMBUJPOGMFYJCJMJUZ t0QUJPOBMTUVECSBDLFUGPSEJSFDUNPVOUJOHUPTUFFMPSXPPETUVET t,JDLTUBOEGBSTJEFTVQQPSUBWBJMBCMFXJUI)3 t"WBJMBCMFJOUXPTJ[FTUPNBUDIDVTUPNFSSFRVJSFNFOUTBOE preferences t 5IJSEQBSUZDFSUJGJFEGPS64BOE$BOBEB Call-out Features: 1BUFOUFEDMBNQJOHTZTUFNoQSPWJEFTNBYJNVNGMFYJCJMJUZBOE NBYJNVNHSJQUIJSEQBSUZDFSUJGJFEGPSVTFXJUI"$.$.$*"PS non-metallic sheathed cable 8FMEFETUFFMDPOTUSVDUJPOoQSPWJEFTTUSPOHEFQFOEBCMFTFSWJDF and large cubic capacity for ease of wiring $PNCJOBUJPOFDDFOUSJDLOPDLPVUToPOTJEFTGPSRVJDLBOEFBTZ access, combination KOs in the back of the box are ideal for applications where joist spacing is too tight for side entry 5FSNJOBMDVQXBTIFSBOEGMBOHFEOVUoRVJDLFBTZTFSWJDFHSPVOE termination or attachment of grounding bus bar 5XPDPWFSPQUJPOToTRVBSFGPSTVSGBDFNPVOUFEBQQMJDBUJPOTPS PWFSTJ[FEGPSGMVTINPVOUBQQMJDBUJPOT &YUFOTJWFNPVOUJOHGMFYJCJMJUZoQSFESJMMFEIPMFTJOTJEFBOECBDL for direct mounting or for mounting bracket (purchased separately) 'BSTJEFTVQQPSUoTDSFXTPORVJDLMZBOEFBTJMZBOEJTQFSGPSBUFE which allows for adjustment in dual thickness, fire rated walls; TIJQQFETUBOEBSEXJUIwYwYwNPEFMT 1 6 2 4 5 7 Certifications and Compliances: tø'PS64BOE$BOBEB$4"'JMF/P tø$FSUJGJFEUP6-BOE6-#BOE$4"$/P/P . tø&ODMPTVSFBOEDPWFSoQSFHBMWBOJ[FETUFFM t)BSEXBSFo[JODQMBUFETUFFM Cu. Vol. Unit Qty. Wt. Lbs. Per 100 UP UP 177 5 400 (270) 14 AWG, (240) 12 AWG, (216) 10 AWG UP UP 544 5 800 - - - 5 5 5 5 20 100 160 270 Cat. # Description Dimensions Knockouts Wire Fill Built-in Clamps HR080803 8” x 8” Box )Y8Y% (10) 1 2” and 4” eccentric, (7) 4” and 1” eccentric (86) 14 AWG, (76) 12 AWG, (68) 10 AWG HR121204 12” x 12” Box )Y8Y% HRC0808S HRC0808F HRC1212S HRC1212F HRSB1 4VSGBDF.PVOU$PWFS 'MVTI.PVOU$PWFS 4VSGBDF.PVOU$PWFS 'MVTI.PVOU$PWFS Stud Bracket )Y8Y% )Y8Y% )Y8Y% )Y8Y% (9) (8) (6) (6) - 2”, 2”- 4” eccentric, 4”- 1” eccentric, 1”- 11 4” eccentric 1 1 US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog 265 PRE-formance™ Standard Materials: