Fiberglass Enclosures Pushbutton Series 5IF1VTICVUUPO4FSJFTPGGFSTBTPMVUJPOGPSBQQMJDBUJPOTSFRVJSJOH an enclosure with multiple pre-drilled openings for pushbuttons BWBJMBCMFJONNBOENNDPOGJHVSBUJPOT5IFOPUDIFELFZIPMF EFTJHOBOEUIFBCJMJUZUPPSEFSVQUPIPMFTNBLFTUIJTWFSTBUJMF series a perfect match for your general purpose electrical and control station applications. Available in a choice of two body designs, these enclosures are made of fiberglass-reinforced polyester and have a memory retaining polyurethane gasket and stainless steel screws for exceptional corrosion and chemical resistance. The Pushbutton Series will hold up under the most extreme conditions and provide protection in adverse conditions such as water, steam, vapor or chemicals. Features: tø-JGUPGGDPWFSEFTJHOXJUIGPVSDPWFSTDSFXT t.FNPSZSFUBJOJOHDPOUJOVPVTQPMZVSFUIBOFHBTLFU t$BQUJWFTUBJOMFTTTUFFMDPWFSTDSFXT t'VMMNFUBMHSPVOEJOHTUSBQ t/PUDIFELFZIPMFEFTJHO t$IFNJDBMSFTJTUBOUGJCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEQPMZFTUFS t4VCNFSTJCMFOPODPSSPTJWFEFTJHO t8BUFSUJHIUEVTUUJHIU t/PODPOEVDUJWFJNQBDUSFTJTUBOU67SFTJTUBOU t.BUFSJBMDVUTESJMMTQVODIFTBOETBXTXJUIFBTFBOEBDDVSBDZ t3PVOEFEFEHFTNJOJNBMQSPUSVTJPOTPSFYQPTFEQPDLFUBSFBTGPS assembly of dust and debris t4NPPUITVSGBDFOPDPMPSWBSJBUJPOTTXJSMTPSDPMPSQPDLFUTOP voids Certifications and Compliances: Holes YY YY YY YY YY YY YY 1 2 3 7 FPB31 FPB32 FPB33 FPB34 FPB35 FPB36 FPB37 Description Cat. # t .PVOUJOHGFFULJUGPSGJFMEJOTUBMMBUJPO ....................... FSJMTGFTKIT Inside HxWxD Cat. # 22mm Pushbutton Inside HxWxD YY YY YY YY YY YY YY FPB21 FPB22 FPB23 FPB24 FPB25 FPB26 FPB27 YY YY 9.73 x 7.73 x 3.98 9 9.73 x 7.73 x 3.98 YY YY YY Holes Cat. # 30mm Multi-hole Pushbutton Cat. # Mounting Plate* FPBM34 FPBM36 FPBM39 FMP0606 FMP0806 FMP1008 Fiberglass Inside HxWxD tø)PUDPNQSFTTJPONPMEFEGJCFSHMBTTSFJOGPSDFEUIFSNPTFUQPMZFTUFS t1PVSFEQPMZVSFUIBOFTFBNMFTTHBTLFUQSPWJEFTXBUFSUJHIU dusttight environmental seal t$BQUJWFTUBJOMFTTTUFFMTDSFXT tTUBJOMFTTTUFFMVTFEPOBMMFYUFSOBMIBSEXBSF t4UBJOMFTTTUFFMCFBEFEDPWFSSFUFOUJPODIBJOPOUIF'1#.TFSJFT Options: tø6-D6-5ZQFT91 t6-'JMF/P& t$4"4UE$'JMF5ZQFT91 t/&."4UBOEBSE5ZQFT91 t5FNQFSBUVSFSBOHF¡'UP¡'¡$UP¡$ t'MBNNBCJMJUZSBUJOH6-7 t/POGMBNFQSPQBHBUJOH Cat. # 30mm Pushbutton Standard Materials and Finishes: "WBJMBCMFJOBMVNJOVN4" GJCFSHMBTT'( DBSCPOTUFFM$ BOETUBJOMFTTTUFFM44 5PPSEFSBEEUIFTVGGJYUPUIFFOEPGUIFDBUBMPHOVNCFS US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog Fiberglass Enclosures Pushbutton Series Dimensional Drawings: 30mm L W J D B K C O N 2.25 M (57) A K B H I A A 2.25 SECTION A-A (57) .190 (5) 1.210 (31) .672 (17) B .190 (5) FRONT VIEW WITHOUT COVER SECTION B-B 22mm SECTION B-B W L J D B K O C N 1.56 (40) M B H A K 1.56 (40) I A SECTION A-A A 1.56 (40) .125 (3) .875 (22) B .468 (12) .190 (5) FRONT VIEW WITHOUT COVER OX2 Multi-hole W F HOLE DIA. 4 PLC'S. B O C J 2.25 (57) A K E H B N A A 1.210 (31) L SECTION A-A B P 2.25 M (57) Fiberglass SECTION B-B .190 (5) D US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog .672 (17) Fiberglass Enclosures Pushbutton Series 30mm Pushbutton Configuration Dimensions (in Inches (mm)): Cat. # FPB31 FPB32 FPB33 FPB34 FPB35 FPB36 FPB37 Weight (Lbs.) Overall H x W x D Inside A x B x C I J K L M N O YY YY YY YY 8.88 x 3.81 x 3.89 YY 11.13 x 3.81 x 3.89 (283 x 97 x 99) YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY (192) 9.81 (318) 2.38 2.38 2.38 7.13 (181) 9.37 (238) 12.37 (219) (387) (387) 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 3.31 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.39 (77) 1.92 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 22mm Pushbutton Configuration Dimensions (in Inches (mm)): Cat. # FPB21 FPB22 FPB23 FPB24 FPB25 FPB26 FPB27 Weight (Lbs.) Overall H x W x D Inside A x B x C I J K L M N O YY YY YY YY YY YY 8.88 x 3.81 x 3.89 YY 11.13 x 3.81 x 3.89 (283 x 97 x 99) 11.13 x 3.81 x 3.89 (283 x 97 x 99) YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY (192) 9.81 9.81 (318) 2.38 7.13 (181) 9.37 (238) 9.37 (238) 12.37 (219) (219) 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 3.31 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 Multi-hole Pushbutton Configuration Dimensions (in Inches (mm)): Cat. # FPBM34 FPBM36 FPBM39 Overall H x W x D Inside A x B x C Mounting E x F J K L M N O P Hole Dia. YY (191 x 191 x 121) YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY 9.73 x 7.73 x 3.98 YY Y Y Y Y Y Y (89) (191) (288) (87) (8) (8) (8) Weight (Lbs.) Fiberglass US: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright© 2015 Commercial Products Catalog 297