Journal of Applied Mathematics & Bioinformatics, vol.3, no.3, 2013, 153-172 ISSN: 1792-6602 (print), 1792-6939 (online) Scienpress Ltd, 2013 On characterizing some mixtures of probability distributions Ali A.A-Rahman 1 Abstract The concept of recurrence relations is used to characterize mixtures of two exponential families, two 1st type Ouyang's distributions and two 2nd type Ouyang's distributions. Our results are used to deduce conclusions concerning some mixtures of some well known distributions like Burr, Pareto, Power Weibull, 1sttype Pearsonian and Ferguson's distributions. Furthermore, some characterizations related to some recently distributions like, mixtures of two exponentiated Weibull, exponentiated Pareto and generalized exponential distributions are derived from our results. In addition, some well-known results follow from our results as special cases. Mathematics Subject Classification: 62E10 Keywords: Mixtures of distributions; truncated moments; failure rate; reversed failure rate; recurrence relations; exponentiated Burr; exponentiated Weibull; generalized exponential; Ouyang's distribuyions and Ferguson's distributions 1 Institute of Statistical Studies and Research, Cairo University, Egypt. Article Info: Received : May 30, 2013. Revised : July 19, 2013 Published online : September 15, 2013 154 On characterizing some mixtures of probability distributions 1 Introduction Theory of characterizations is a very vital and interesting branch of science which plays an important role in many fields such as mathematical statistics, reliability, statistical inference, theory of mixtures and actuarial science. It concerns with the characteristic properties of the probability distributions so that it helps researchers to distinguish them and in most cases determine distributions uniquely. Some excellent references are Azlarov and Volodin [21], Kagan, Linnik and Rao [2] and Galambos and Kotz [15], among others. Several ideas and concepts have been used to identify different types of the probability distributions. In many practical situations, researchers may have reasons to assume the knowledge of the expected value of the random variable under study. This has motivated several authors and scientists to characterize distributions using the concept of conditional expectations. Gupta [19], Ouyang [16], Talwalker [20] and Elbatal et al.[13] have used the concept of right truncated moments to characterize various types of distributions like Weibull, gamma, beta, exponential, Burr, Pareto and Power distributions. Actually characterizations via right truncated moments are very important in practice since, in some situations some measuring devices may be unable to record values greater than time t. On the other hand, there are some measuring devices which may not be able (or fail) to record values smaller than time t. This has encouraged several authors to deal with the problem of characterizing distributions by means of left truncated moments, see, e.g., Gl๐ฬ nzel [22],Gupta [19], Ahmed [4], Dimaki and Xekalaki [7] and Fakhry [18]. The idea of recurrence relations is another important concept that has been used many times to characterize different types of distributions. In fact, a recurrence relation is a relation in which the function of interest , ๐๐ , is defined in terms of a smaller value of n. Recurrence relations may be used to minimize the number of steps required to obtain a general form for the function under consideration. Furthermore, recurrence relations together with some initial Ali A.A-Rahman 155 conditions define functions uniquely. This has motivated several authors to use this concept in characterizing distributions see, e.g., Khan et. al. [3], Lin [11], Fakhry [18], Ahmad [1], and Al-Hussaini et. al. [10] . In this paper, we are interested in characterizing mixtures of some classes of probability distributions using the concepts of differential equations, recurrence relations and truncated moments of some function โ(๐) of the random variable ๐. 2 Main Results Mixtures of probability distributidons play a vital role in statistics, reliability, life testing, fisheries research, economics, medicine and psychology, among others. Some excellent references are Everitt and Hand [5], Titterington et al.[9], Lindsay [6], Maclachlan and Peel [12] and B๐ฬ hning [8]. The following Theorem characterizes a mixture of two exponential families using the concept of right truncated moment. Theorem 2.1 Let X be a continuous random variable with density function f (⋅) , cdf F (⋅) , failure rate ๐(โ) and reversed failure rate µ(โ) such that ๐น(โ) has non vanishing first order derivative on (๐ผ, ๐ฝ) so that in particular 0 ≤ ๐น(๐ฅ) ≤ 1 for all ๐ฅ.Assume that โ(โ) is a differentiable function defined on (๐ผ, ๐ฝ) such that: (a) ๐ธ(โ๐ (๐)) < ∞ for every natural number k . (b) h′( x) ≠ 0, ∀x ∈ (α , β ) . (c) lim+ h( x) = h(α ) x →α (d) lim− h( x) = ∞ x→β Then the following statements are equivalent: (2.1) 2 ๏ฃฎ ๏ฃซ h( x) − h(α ) ๏ฃถ๏ฃน ๏ฃท๏ฃท๏ฃบ , ∀x ∈ (α , β ) . ๐น(๐ฅ) = ∑ ρ i ๏ฃฏ1 − exp− ๏ฃฌ๏ฃฌ θi i =1 ๏ฃธ๏ฃป๏ฃบ ๏ฃญ ๏ฃฐ๏ฃฏ 156 On characterizing some mixtures of probability distributions 2 ∑ρ Where ρ1 and ρ 2 are positive real numbers such that i =1 i =1 θ1θ 2 ๏ฃซ F ′( x) ๏ฃถ′ F ′( x) + (θ1 + θ 2 ) + F ( x) = 1 , ∀ x ∈ (α , β ) . ๏ฃฌ ๏ฃท h′( x) ๏ฃญ h′( x) ๏ฃธ h′( x) (2.2) (2.3) = mk E (h k ( X ) | X < y ) µ ( y) k µ ( y) h ( y ) + kθ1θ 2 [h ( y )]k −1 + k (θ1 + θ 2 ) mk −1 ′ ω ( y) h ( y) = − [h (α )]k −1 ๏ฃฎ F ′(α ) ๏ฃน − k ( k − 1) θ1θ 2 mk − 2 + h(α ) − kθ1θ 2 ๏ฃฏ F ( y) ๏ฃฐ h′(α ) ๏ฃป๏ฃบ Proof. 1 ⇒ 2 We have from (2.1) the following results: (a) F ′( x) 2 ρi h( x) − h(α ) ] = ∑ exp − [ θi h′( x) i =1 θi 2 ๏ฃซ F ′( x) ๏ฃถ′ ρi h( x) − h(α ) ′ (b) ๏ฃฌ = − h x exp − [ ] ( ) ∑ ๏ฃท 2 θi i =1 θ i ๏ฃญ h′( x) ๏ฃธ Therefore, θ1θ 2 ๏ฃซ F ′( x) ๏ฃถ′ F ′( x) + (θ1 + θ 2 ) + F ( x) ๏ฃฌ ๏ฃท h′( x) ๏ฃญ h′( x) ๏ฃธ h′( x) 2 2 ρ ρ h( x) − h(α ) h( x) − h(α ) = −θ1θ 2 ∑ 2i exp − [ ] + (θ1 + θ 2 ) ∑ i exp − [ ] θ θ i 1= i 1 i i 2 h( x) − h(α ) i =1 θi + ∑ ρi [1 − exp − [ θi θi ]= 1 2⇒3 We have, by definition: y y (2.4) ๐๐ = ๐ธ(โ๐ (๐)|๐ < ๐ฆ) = ∫h α k ( x)dF ( x) F ( y) = โ๐ (๐ฆ) − k ∫ h k −1 ( x)h ′( x) F ( x)dx α F ( y) Ali A.A-Rahman 157 y ๐ฝ = ๐ ∫ h k −1 ( x)h ′( x) F ( x)dx . Let α Eliminating F(x), using equation (2.2), we have: y ๐ฝ = k∫ h y k −1 α ( x)h′( x)dx − k (θ1 + θ 2 ) ∫ h α ๏ฃซ F ′( x) ๏ฃถ′ ( x) F ′( x)dx − kθ1θ 2 ∫ h k −1 ( x) ๏ฃฌ ๏ฃท dx ๏ฃญ h′( x) ๏ฃธ α y k −1 Integrating by parts and making use of the definition of ๐๐ , one gets: ′ ๏ฃซ F ′( x) ๏ฃถ J = h ( y ) − h (α ) − k (θ1 + θ 2 )mk −1 F ( y ) − kθ1θ 2 ∫ h ( x) ๏ฃฌ ๏ฃท dx ๏ฃญ h′( x) ๏ฃธ α F ′( y ) = h k ( y ) − h k (α ) − k (θ1 + θ 2 )mk −1 F ( y ) − kθ1θ 2 h k −1 ( y ) h′( y ) y k k −1 k F ′(α ) + k (k − 1)θ1θ 2 ∫ h k − 2 ( x) F ′( x)dx ′ h (α ) α y + kθ1θ 2 h k −1 (α ) = h k ( y ) − k (θ1 + θ 2 )mk −1 F ( y ) − kθ1θ 2 h k −1 ( y ) F ′( y ) h′( y ) ๏ฃฎ F ′(α ) ๏ฃน . + k (k − 1)θ1θ 2 mk − 2 F ( y ) − h k −1 (α ) ๏ฃฏ h(α ) − kθ1θ 2 h′(α ) ๏ฃป๏ฃบ ๏ฃฐ Substituting these results in equation (2.4), recalling that: (a) ω ( y ) = F ′( y ) 1 − F ( y) (b) µ ( y ) = F ′( y ) F ( y) One gets: µ ( y) k µ ( y ) k −1 mk = h ( y ) + kθ1θ 2 h ( y ) + k (θ1 + θ 2 ) mk −1 − h′( y ) ω ( y) − k ( k − 1) θ1θ 2 mk − 2 + h k −1 (α ) F ′(α ) [h(α ) − kθ1θ 2 ]. F ( y) h′(α ) 3⇒1 Equation (2.3) can be written in integral form as follows: y k k k −1 ∫ h ( x)dF ( x) =−[1 − F ( y)]h ( y) + kθ1θ2 h ( y) α F ′( y ) + k (θ1 + θ 2 ) ∫ h k −1 ( x)dF ( x) ′ h ( y) α y ๏ฃฎ ๏ฃน F ′(α ) − k (k − 1)θ1θ 2 ∫ h k − 2 dF ( x) − h k −1 (α ) ๏ฃฏ kθ1θ 2 − h(α ) ๏ฃบ h′(α ) ๏ฃฐ ๏ฃป α y 158 On characterizing some mixtures of probability distributions Differentiating both sides of the last equation with respect to y, adding to both sides the term " −h k ( y ) F ′( y ) ", cancelling out the term " k (k − 1)θ1θ 2 h k − 2 ( y ) F ′( y ) " from the right side and dividing the result by " kh′( y )h k −1 ( y ) ", one gets: θ 1θ 2 ๏ฃซ F ′( y ) ๏ฃถ ′ F ′( y ) ๏ฃท๏ฃท + (θ 1 + θ 2 ) ๏ฃฌ๏ฃฌ + F ( y) = 1 . h ′( y ) ๏ฃญ h ′( y ) ๏ฃธ h ′( y ) (2.5) This is a non linear differential equation of the second order with variable coefficient. To solve it put ′( y) = F ๐ง = โ(๐ฆ) − โ(๐ผ), then dF ( y ) dF ( z ) dz = = h′ ( y ) F ′( z ) dy dz dy ′ ๏ฃซ F ′( y ) ๏ฃถ d F ′( y ) dF ′( z ) dF ′( z ) dz ๏ฃฌ๏ฃฌ ๏ฃท๏ฃท = = = = h ′( y ) F ′′( z ) . dy dz dy ๏ฃญ h ′( y ) ๏ฃธ dy h ′( y ) Substituting these results in equation (2.5), we get: (2.6) Set θ 1θ 2 F ′′( z ) + (θ 1 + θ 2 )F ′( z ) + F ( z ) = 1 ๐น(๐ง) = 1 − ๐บ(๐ง), equation (2.6) becomes: θ 1θ 2 G ′′( z ) + (θ 1 + θ 2 )G ′( z ) + G ( z ) = 0 . The solution of this differential equation is known to be (see, Ross [17]): 2 z i =1 θi G ( z ) = ∑ ρ i exp− Therefore 2 ๏ฃฎ ๏ฃซ h( y ) − h(α ) ๏ฃถ๏ฃน ๏ฃท๏ฃท๏ฃบ . F ( y ) = ∑ ρ i ๏ฃฏ1 − exp− ๏ฃฌ๏ฃฌ θi i =1 ๏ฃฏ๏ฃฐ ๏ฃธ๏ฃบ๏ฃป ๏ฃญ The fact that lim− F ( x) = 1 and the conditions imposed on the function โ(๐ฅ) imply x→β that: ρ 1 + ρ 2 = 1 , while the fact that 0 ≤ ๐น(๐ฅ) ≤ 1 implies that 0 ≤ ρ i ≤ 1, for i ∈ {1,2} . Ali A.A-Rahman 159 Remarks 2.1 (1) If we set โ(๐) = ๐ ๐ , ๐ > 0 , ๐ผ = 0 , ๐ฝ = ∞ , we obtain characterizations concerning a mixture of two Weibull distributions with respective parameters ๐, ๐1 and ๐ , ๐2 . For ๐ = 1 , the results reduce to that of a mixture of two exponential distributions. For ๐ = 1 , ๐ = 1 and ๐1 = ๐2 = ๐ , result (2.3) reduces to that of Talwalker [20], concerning the exponential distribution, namely, ๐ธ(๐|๐ < ๐ฆ) = −(1−๐น(๐ฆ) ๐น(๐ฆ) distribution with parameter θ. ๐ฆ + ๐ , iff ๐ follows the exponential (2) If we set โ(๐) = ln (1 + ๐ ๐ ), ๐ > 0, ๐๐ = ๐ , k i ∉ {0,1}, ๐ ∈ {1,2}, ๐ผ =0 and 1 ๐ ๐ฝ = ∞ , we obtain characterizations concerning a mixture of two Burr distributions with respective parameters ๐, ๐1 and ๐, ๐2 . For ๐ = 1, we have characterizations concerning a mixture of two Pareto distributions. For ๐1 = ๐2 = ๐, we have characterizations concerning Burr distribution. ๐ฝ−๐ 1 (3) If we set โ(๐) = −๐๐ ๏ฟฝ๐ฝ−๐ผ ๏ฟฝ , ๐๐ = ๐ , ๐ ∈ {1,2}, we obtain characterizations st ๐ concerning a mixture of two 1 type Pearsonian distributions with respective parameters ๐ฝ, ๐ผ, ๐1 and ๐ฝ, ๐ผ, ๐2 .For ๐ฝ = 1, ๐ผ = 0, we have results concerning a mixture of two beta distributions with respective parameters 1, ๐1 and1, ๐2 . Now, we use the concept of right truncated moments to identify a mixture of two 2nd type Ouyang's distributions [16] with parameters ๐, ๐1 and ๐, ๐2 . Theorem 2.2 Let X be a continuous random variable with density function ๐(โ),cdf ๐น(โ), failure rate ๐(โ) and reversed failure rate function µ(โ) such that F ′( x) > 0 for all ๐ฅ ∈ (α, β) so that in particular 0 ≤ ๐น(๐ฅ) ≤ 1 for all x. Assume that โ(โ) is a differentiable function defined on (๐ผ, ๐ฝ) such that: (a) ๐ธ(โ๐ (๐)) < ∞ for every natural number ๐. (b) h′ ( x ) ≠ 0 ∀x ∈ (α , β ) 160 On characterizing some mixtures of probability distributions (c) lim+ h( x) = 1 − d . x →α (d) lim− h( x) = −d . x→β Then the following statements are equivalent: ) (2.7) F ( x= 2 ∑ρ i =1 ๏ฃฎ1 − ( h( x) + d )ci ๏ฃน , ∀๐ฅ ∈ (๐ผ, ๐ฝ), ๏ฃป i ๏ฃฐ where d and ๐๐ are parameters such that c i ∉ {0,−1}. (2.8) ′ F ′( x) [h( x) + d ]2 ๏ฃซ F ′( x) ๏ฃถ ( c1 + c2 − 1) − + F ( x) = 1 h( x ) + d ] [ ๏ฃฌ ๏ฃท c1c2 h′( x) ๏ฃญ h′( x) ๏ฃธ c1c2 h′( x) = (2.9) mk E (h k ( X ) | X < y ) ๏ฃฎ µ ( y) k 2 µ ( y ) k −1 = δ ๏ฃฏ −c1c2 h ( y ) + k ๏ฃฎ๏ฃฐ h ( y ) + d ๏ฃน๏ฃป h ( y) ′ ω h y y ( ) ( ) ๏ฃฐ − kd ( c1 + c2 + 2k − 1) mk −1 − k ( k − 1) d 2 mk − 2 + F ′ (α ) ๏ฃน h k −1 (α ) [c1c2 h (α ) − k ]๏ฃบ F ( y) h′ ( α ) ๏ฃป where δ −1 = c1c2 + k (c1 + c2 + k ). Proof. 1⇒ 2 From equation (2.7), we have the following results: 2 (a) F ′( x) = −h ′( x)∑ ρ i c i [h( x) + d ] Ci −1 , and i =1 ′ ๏ฃซ F ′( x) ๏ฃถ ๏ฃท๏ฃท = −h ′( x)∑ ρ i c i (c i − 1)[h( x) + d ] ci − 2 , therefore (b) ๏ฃฌ๏ฃฌ ′ ( ) h x ๏ฃญ ๏ฃธ ′ [h( x) + d ]2 ๏ฃซ F ′( x) ๏ฃถ ( c1 + c2 − 1) F ′( x) h( x ) + d ] − + F ( x) [ ๏ฃฌ ๏ฃท c1c2 h′( x) ๏ฃญ h′( x) ๏ฃธ c1c2 h′( x) 2 =∑ ρi ci cc 2 (c1 + c2 − ci )(h( x) + d )ci + ∑ ρi [1 − (h( x) + d )ci ] = 1 =i 1 = i 1 1 2 Ali A.A-Rahman 161 2⇒3 By definition we have y mk = ∫ (2.10) α y h k ( x)dF ( x) [h( x)] k −1 h ′( x) F ( x)dx = h k ( y) − k ∫ F ( y) F ( y) α Making use of equation (2.8) to eliminate F(x), the second part of equation (2.10) becomes: k (c1 + c2 − 1) [h( x)]k −1 h′( x) J = k∫ dx + [h( x) + d ][h( x)]k −1 F ′( x)dx ∫ F ( y) c1c2 F ( y ) α α ′ y k k −1 ๏ฃซ F ′( x ) ๏ฃถ 2 [h( x) + d ] [h( x)] ๏ฃฌ − ๏ฃท dx c1c2 F ( y ) α∫ ๏ฃญ h′( x) ๏ฃธ y y Integrating by parts and using the definition of ๐๐ as well as the assumptions imposed on the function โ(โ), one gets: h k ( y ) − h k (α ) (c1 + c2 − 1)k J= [mk + dmk −1 ] + F ( y) (c1c2 ) ′ y k k −1 ๏ฃซ F ′( x ) ๏ฃถ 2 − [h( x) + d ] [h( x)] ๏ฃฌ ๏ฃท dx c1c2 F ( y ) α∫ ๏ฃญ h′( x) ๏ฃธ (2.11) ′ y k 2 k −1 ๏ฃซ F ′( x ) ๏ฃถ ๏ฃท๏ฃท dx . [h( x) + d ] [h( x)] ๏ฃฌ๏ฃฌ Q= c1 c 2 F ( y ) α∫ ๏ฃญ h ′( x) ๏ฃธ Let Integrating by parts, taking into consideration, the definition of ๐๐ and the conditions imposed on the function โ(โ), one gets: (2.12) Q= k k µ ( y) F ′(α ) [h( y ) + d ]2 [h( y )]k −1 [h(α )]k −1 − h′( y ) c1c2 F ( y ) c1c2 h′(α ) − k (k − 1) 2k [mk + dmk −1 ] − [mk + 2dmk −1 + d 2 mk − 2 ] c1c2 c1c2 Substituting these results in equation (2.10) and collecting similar terms, we get: k (c + c + k ) µ ( y) k 1 − F ( y) k − mk = h ( y) + mk [h ( y ) + d ]2 [h ( y )]k −1 − 1 2 F ( y) c1c2 h′( y ) c1c2 kd k (k − 1)d 2 F ′(α ) [h(α )]k −1 − mk − 2 + [c1c2 h(α ) − k ]. ( c1 + c2 + 2k − 1) mk −1 − c1c2 c1c2 F ( y )c1c2 h′(α ) 162 On characterizing some mixtures of probability distributions Solving the last equation for ๐๐ , we get ๏ฃฑ µ ( y) k 2 µ ( y ) k −1 mk = δ ๏ฃฒ−c1c2 h ( y ) + k [ h( y ) + d ] h ( y) − kd ( c1 + c2 + 2k − 1) mk −1 ω ( y) h′( y ) ๏ฃณ [h(α )]k −1 F ′(α ) ๏ฃผ − k ( k − 1) d 2 mk − 2 + [c1c2 h(α ) − k ]๏ฃฝ , F ( y) h′(α ) ๏ฃพ where δ −1 = c1c2 + k (c1 + c2 + k ). 3⇒1 Equation (2.9) can be written in integral form as follows: y (2.13) [c1c2 + k (c1 + c2 + k )]∫ h k ( x)dF ( x) = α − c1c2 (1 − F ( y ))h k ( y ) + k[h( y ) + d ]2 [h( y )]( k −1) F ′( y ) h′( y ) y − kd [c1 + c2 + 2k − 1]∫ [h( x)]k −1 dF ( x) α y − k (k − 1)d 2 ∫ [h( x)]k − 2 dF ( x) + c1c2 h k (α ) − k[h(α )]k −1 α F ′(α ) . h′(α ) Differentiating equation (2.13) with respect to y, cancelling out the terms “ c1c2 h k ( y ) F ′( y ) ” from both sides, removing the term “ k (k − 1)d 2 [h( y )]k − 2 F ′( y ) ” from the right side and collecting similar terms together then dividing the result by “ kc1c2 h′( y ) [ h( y ) ] k −1 (2.14) ”, one gets: ′ [h( y ) + d ]2 ๏ฃซ F ′( y ) ๏ฃถ ( c1 + c2 − 1) F ′( y ) − h( y ) + d ] + F ( y) = 1 [ ๏ฃฌ ๏ฃท c1c2 h′( y ) ๏ฃญ h′( y ) ๏ฃธ c1c2 h′( y ) To solve this equation, set ๐ง = โ(๐ฆ) + ๐, then ′( y) = F and dF ( y ) dF ( z ) dz = = h′ ( y ) F ′( z ) dy dz dy ′ ๏ฃซ F ′( y ) ๏ฃถ d F ′( y ) dF ′( z ) dF ′( z ) dz ๏ฃฌ๏ฃฌ ๏ฃท๏ฃท = = = = h ′( y ) F ′′( z ) . dy dz dy ๏ฃญ h ′( y ) ๏ฃธ dy h ′( y ) Substituting these results into equation (2.14), we get: Ali A.A-Rahman 163 c + c −1 z2 F ′′( z ) − 1 2 zF ′( z ) + F ( z ) = 1. c1c2 c1c2 (2.15) Set ๐ง = ๐ ๐ฅ , then ′( z) F = dF ( z ) dF ( x) dx F ′( x) = = dz dx dz z = F ′′( z ) dF ′( z ) d F ′( x) 1 d F ′( x) F ′′( x) − F ′( x) = = F ′( x) − 2 = . dz dz z z dz z z2 Substituting these results in equation (2.15), we get: F ′′( x) c1 + c2 1. F ′( x) + F ( x) = − c1c2 c1c2 Putting F ( x) = 1 − G ( x) , the last equation becomes: G′′( x) ๏ฃฎ 1 1 ๏ฃน − ๏ฃฏ + ๏ฃบ G′( x) + G ( x) = 0 c1c2 ๏ฃฐ c1 c2 ๏ฃป Therefore = G ( x) ρ1 exp(c1 x) + ρ 2 exp(c2 x) . Hence, F ( y )= 2 ∑ρ i =1 i ๏ฃฎ๏ฃฐ1 − [h( y ) + d ]ci ๏ฃน๏ฃป. The fact that lim− F ( y ) = 1 as well as the conditions imposed on the function โ(๐ฆ) y→β give ρ 1 + ρ 2 = 1 , while the fact that 0 ≤ F ( x) ≤ 1 implies that 0 ≤ ρ i ≤ 1 for ๐ ∈ {1,2}. This completes the proof. Remarks 2.2 (1) If we set โ(๐) = ๐ ๐ , ๐ = 1, ๐๐ = −๐๐ , where ๐ and ๐๐ are positive parameters such that bi ∉ {0,1} , ๐ ∈ {1,2} , ๐ผ = 0 and ๐ฝ = ∞ , we obtain characterizations concerning a mixture of two Burr distributions with respective parameters ๐, ๐1 and ๐, ๐2 . For ๐ = 1, we obtain characterizations concerning a mixture of two Pareto distributions. For๐1 = ๐2 = ๐, we have characterizations concerning Burr distribution with parameters ๐, ๐. 164 On characterizing some mixtures of probability distributions −๐ ๐ฝ (2) If we set โ(๐) = ๐ฝ−๐ผ , ๐ = ๐ฝ−๐ผ , ๐๐ = ๐๐ > 0 , characterizations ๐ ∈ {1,2} , we have concerning a mixture of two first type Pearsonian distributions with respective parameters β, α, ๐1 and β, α, ๐2 . For ๐ฝ = 1 and ๐ผ = 0 , we have characterizations concerning a mixture of two beta distributions with respective parameters 1,๐1 and 1, ๐2 . 1 (3) If we set โ(๐) = ๐๐ฅ๐ − ๐ ๐ , ๐ = 0, ๐๐ = ๐ , ๐ผ = 0 and ๐ฝ = ∞ where ๐ and ๐๐ ๐ are positive parameters , we obtain characterizations concerning a mixture of two Weibull distributions with respective positive parameters ๐ , ๐1 and ๐ , ๐2 . For = 2 , we have a mixture of two Rayleigh distributions with respective parameters Ouyang's ๐1 and ๐2 , For ๐1 = ๐2 = ๐, ๐ = 1 , result (2.9) reduces to result [16] 1 ๐ ๐ธ ๏ฟฝ๐ −๐ ๏ฟฝ๐ < ๐ฆ๏ฟฝ = ๐+1 (๐ concerning −๐ฆ๐ ๐ Weibull distribution, namely, + 1) , iff ๐ follows the Weibull distribution with positive parameters ๐ and θ. For ๐ = 1, we have characterizations concerning a mixture of two exponential distributions with respective parameters ๐1 and ๐2 . If in addition, we have ๐1 = ๐2 = ๐, result (2.9), reduces to Talwalker's result [20]. (4) If we set โ(๐) = ๐1 = ๐2 = ๐(๐) ๐(๐) ๐(๐ผ)+๐(๐)⁄[๐(๐)−1] 1−๐(๐) ๐(๐)⁄[๐(๐)−1] , ๐ = ๐(๐ผ)+๐(๐)⁄[๐(๐)−1] and , where ๐(โ) and ๐(โ) are finite real valued functions of n and ๐(๐ฅ) is a differentiable function defined on (๐ผ, ๐ฝ) such that lim+ Z ( x) = Z (α ) and x →α lim− Z ( x) = x→β − g ( n) , we obtain characterizations m( n) − 1 concerning a class of distribution defined by Talwalker [20]. The following Theorem characterizes a mixture of two 1st type Ouyang's distributions with respective parameters ๐, ๐1 and ๐, ๐2 . Ali A.A-Rahman 165 Theorem 2.3 Let ๐ be a continuous random variable with density function ๐(โ), cdf ๐น(โ), failure rate function ๐(โ) and reversed failure rate function µ(โ) such that ๐น(๐ฅ) is a twice differentiable function on (๐ผ, ๐ฝ) with F ′( x) ๏ฆ 0 for all x so that in particular 0 ≤ ๐น(๐ฅ) ≤ 1. Assume that โ(โ) is a differentiable function defined on (๐ผ, ๐ฝ) such that: (a) ๐ธ(โ๐ (๐)) < ∞ for every natural number k. (b) h′( x) ≠ 0 , ∀x ∈ (α , β ) . (c) lim+ h( x) = d . x →α (d) lim− h( x) = d − 1 . x→β Then the following statements are equivalent: (2.19) F ( x) = 2 ∑ ρ [d − h( x)] ci i =1 i , ∀๐ฅ ∈ (๐ผ, ๐ฝ), where ๐ and ๐๐ are parameters such that c i ∉ {0,−1} for i ∈ {1,2} . (2.20) [d − h ( x )]2 ๏ฃซ F ′( x) ๏ฃถ′ ( c1 + c2 − 1) F ′( x) + + F ( x) = 0 ๏ฃฎ๏ฃฐ d − h ( x ) ๏ฃน๏ฃป ๏ฃฌ ๏ฃท c1c2 h′( x) ๏ฃญ h′( x) ๏ฃธ c1c2 h′( x) (2.21) mk E ( h k ( X ) |X > y ) = 2 k ๏ฃฎ๏ฃฐ d − h ( y ) ๏ฃน๏ฃป ω ( y ) ω ( y) k ๏ฃด๏ฃฑ [h ( y )]k −1 − k ( k − 1) d 2 mk − 2 h ( y) − =δ ๏ฃฒ−c1c2 ′ h ( y) µ ( y) ๏ฃณ๏ฃด + kd ( c1 + c2 + 2k − 1) mk −1 + [h ( β )]k −1 F ′ ( β ) ๏ฃผ๏ฃด [c1c2 h ( β ) + k ]๏ฃฝ , 1 − F ( y) h′ ( β ) ๏ฃพ๏ฃด where δ −1 = c1c2 + k (c1 + c2 + k ). Proof. 1⇒ 2 It easy to see that (using (2.19)): 2 F ′( x) = −h ′( x)∑ ρ i c i [d − h( x)] ci −1 i =1 166 On characterizing some mixtures of probability distributions ′ 2 ๏ฃซ F ′( x) ๏ฃถ ๏ฃฌ๏ฃฌ ๏ฃท๏ฃท = h ′( x)∑ ρ i c i (c i − 1)[d − h( x)] ci − 2 . i =1 ๏ฃญ h ′( x) ๏ฃธ and Therefore ′ F ′( x) [d − h( x)]2 ๏ฃซ F ′( x) ๏ฃถ (c1 + c2 − 1) + +F [d − h( x)] ๏ฃฌ ๏ฃท c1c2 h′( x) ๏ฃญ h′( x) ๏ฃธ c1c2 h′( x) ๏ฃฑ ci − c1 − c2 ๏ฃผ 2 c ๏ฃฝ + ∑ ρi [d − h( x)] i= 0 c c =i 1 = ๏ฃณ ๏ฃพ i1 1 2 = 2 ∑ ρi ci [d − h( x)]c ๏ฃฒ i 2⇒3 β h k ( x)dF ( x) 1 − F ( y) y By definition we have: mk = ∫ F ′( y ) and Integrating by parts, recalling that lim− F ( x) = 1 , [1 − F ( y ) ] ω ( y ) = x→β F ( y ) µ ( y ) = F ′( y ) , one gets: β [h( x)]k −1 h′( x) F ( x)dx hk (β ) ω ( y) k (2.22) . = − mk h ( y) − k ∫ 1 − F ( y) µ ( y) 1 − F ( y) y β Let J = ∫ [h( x)]k −1 h′( x) F ( x)dx. y Eliminating ๐น(๐ฅ), using equation (2.20), one gets: ′ β c1 + c2 − 1 [d − h( x)]2 [h( x)]k −1 ๏ฃซ F ′( x) ๏ฃถ −∫ − J= dx [d − h( x)][h( x)]k −1 F ′( x)dx ๏ฃฌ ′ ๏ฃท ∫ c1c2 c1c2 y ๏ฃญ h ( x) ๏ฃธ y β Integrating by parts, recalling that lim− [d − h( x)] 2 = 1 and lim− F ( x) = 1 , one gets: x→β x→β = J F ′( y ) [h( β )]k −1 F ′( β ) + [d − h( y )]2 [h( y )]k −1 c1c2 h′( β ) c1c2 h′( y ) β β c + c +1 k −1 + [d − h( x)]2 [h( x)]k − 2 F ′( x)dx − 1 2 [d − h( x)][h( x)]k −1 F ′( x)dx ∫ ∫ c1c2 y c1c2 y Substituting this result in equation (2.22), making use of the definition of ๐๐ and performing some elementary computation, one gets: Ali A.A-Rahman 167 F ′( y ) hk (β ) ω ( y) k k mk = h ( y) − [h( y )]k −1[d − h( y )]2 − h′( y ) 1 − F ( y) µ ( y) c1c1[1 − F ( y )] − k (c1 + c2 + 1) k (k − 1) 2 [d mk − 2 − 2dmk −1 + mk ] + [dmk −1 − mk ] c1c2 c1c2 k[h( β )]k −1 F ′( β ) + c1c2 [1 − F ( y )] h′( β ) Solving the last equation for ๐๐ , we get: mk = δ {−c1c2 ω ( y) k k[d − h( y )]2 ω ( y ) h ( y) − [h( y )]k −1 + kd (c1 + c2 + 2k − 1)mk −1 µ ( y) h′( y ) −k ( k − 1) d 2 mk − 2 + F ′( β ) ๏ฃผ [h( β )]k −1 [c1c2 h( β ) + k ]๏ฃฝ , h′( β ) ๏ฃพ 1 − F ( y) where δ −1 = c1c2 + k (c1 + c2 + k ). 3⇒1 Multiplying both sides of equation (2.21) by ๐ฟ −1 then writing it in integral form as follows: β [c1c2 + k (c1 + c2 + k )]∫ h k ( x)dF ( x) y β F ′( y ) = −c1c2 F ( y )h ( y ) − k[h( y )] [d − h( y )] + kd (c1 + c2 + 2k − 1) ∫ [h( x)]k −1 dF ( x) h′( y ) y k −1 k β − k (k − 1)d 2 ∫ [h( x)] k −2 y 2 dF ( x) + [h( β )]k −1[c1c2 h( β ) + k F ′( β ) ]. h′( β ) Differentiating both sides of the last equation with respect to y, cancelling out the term “ −c1c2 h k ( y ) F ′( y ) ” from both sides and dividing the result by “ −k[h( y )]k − 2 ”, one gets: ( c1 + c2 + k ) h2 ( y ) F ′ ( y ) 2 = c1c2 h ( y ) h′ ( y ) F ( y ) + ( k − 1) ๏ฃฎ๏ฃฐ d − h ( y ) ๏ฃน๏ฃป F ′ ( y ) ๏ฃซ F ′ ( y ) ๏ฃถ′ − 2h ( y ) ๏ฃฎ๏ฃฐ d − h ( y ) ๏ฃน๏ฃป F ′ ( y ) + h ( y ) ๏ฃฎ๏ฃฐ d − [h ( y ) ๏ฃน๏ฃป ๏ฃฌ๏ฃฌ ๏ฃท๏ฃท ๏ฃญ h′ ( y ) ๏ฃธ + d ( c1 + c2 + 2k − 1) h ( y ) F ′ ( y ) − ( k − 1) d 2 F ′( y ) 2 168 On characterizing some mixtures of probability distributions Collecting similar terms, removing the term “ (k − 1)d 2 F ′( y ) ” from the right side and dividing the result by “ c1c2 h′( y )h( y ) ”, one gets: (2.23) F ′( y ) [d − h( y )]2 ๏ฃซ F ′( y ) ๏ฃถ′ (c1 + c2 − 1) + + F ( y) = [d − h( y )] 0 ๏ฃฌ ๏ฃท c1c2 h′( y ) ๏ฃญ h′( y ) ๏ฃธ c1c2 h′( y ) This is a homogenous second order differential equation with variable coefficient. z ln[d − h ( y )]. Then To solve it set= = F ′( y ) −h′( y ) dF ( y ) dz dF ( z ) = = F ′( z ), dy dy dz d − h( y ) dF ′( z ) + h′( y ) F ′( z ) d − h( y ) ] [ ′ ๏ฃซ F ′( y ) ๏ฃถ d F ′( y ) d ๏ฃซ − F ′( z ) ๏ฃถ dy = ๏ฃฌ ′ ๏ฃท = ๏ฃฌ ๏ฃท= − 2 ๏ฃญ h ( y ) ๏ฃธ dy h′( y ) dy ๏ฃญ d − h( y ) ๏ฃธ [ d − h( y ) ] dz dF ′( z ) + h′( y ) F ′( z ) [ d − h( y ) ] h′( y ) dy dz = − = [ F ′′( z ) − F ′( z )]. 2 [d − h( y )] [d − h( y )]2 Substituting these results in equation (2.23), one gets: F ′′( z ) ๏ฃซ 1 1 ๏ฃถ − ๏ฃฌ + ๏ฃท F ′( z ) + F ( z ) = 0 c1c2 ๏ฃญ c1 c2 ๏ฃธ Therefore = F ( z ) ρ1exp (c1 z ) + ρ 2 exp (c2 z ) Hence, F ( y ) = ρ1[d − h( y )]c1 + ρ 2 [d − h( y )]c2 . The fact that lim− F ( y ) = 1 and the assumption that lim− h( y ) = d − 1 show that y→β y→β ๐1 + ๐2 = 1, while the fact that 0 ≤ ๐น(๐ฅ) ≤ 1 implies that 0 ≤ ๐๐ ≤ 1 , ∈ {1,2} . This completes the proof. Remarks 2.3 −๐ −๐ (1) If we set โ(๐) = ๐−๐ , ๐ = ๐−๐ , ๐ผ = ๐ , ๐ฝ = ๐ , ๐๐ = ๐๐ > 0 , ๐ ∈ {1,2} , we have characterizations concerning a mixture of two Ferguson' distributions of Ali A.A-Rahman 169 the first type with respective parameters ๐, ๐, ๐1 and ๐, ๐, ๐2 . For ๐ = 0 and ๐ = 1 we have characterizations concerning a mixture of two Power distributions with parameters ๐1 and ๐2 . For ๐ = 0, ๐ = 1 and ๐1 = ๐2 = ๐, we obtain characterizations concerning a Power distribution with parameter ๐, if , in addition, we set ๐ = 1 , we obtain results concerning the uniform distribution. r−b (2) If we set โ(๐) = − ๏ฟฝr−X๏ฟฝ , ๐ = 0 , ๐ผ = −∞, ๐ฝ = ๐, ๐๐ = ๐๐ > 0, ๐ ∈ {1,2} , we obtain characterizations concerning a mixture of two Ferguson's distributions of the second type with respective parameters ๐, ๐, ๐1 and ๐, ๐, ๐2 . (3) If we set โ(๐) = −exp(๐ − ๐) , ๐ = 0 , ๐ผ = −∞ , 1 ๐ฝ = ๐ and ๐๐ = ๐ > ๐ 0, ๐ ∈ {1,2} , we obtain characterizations concerning a mixture of two Ferguson's distributions of the third type. ๐ ๐ (4) If we set โ(๐) = ๐๐ฅ๐ − ๏ฟฝ๐ ๏ฟฝ , ๐ = 1, ๐๐ = ๐๐ , ๐ ∈ {1,2}, where ๐ and ๐๐ are positive parameters, α=0 and β=∞ , we obtain characterizations concerning a mixture of two exponentiated Weibull distributions with respective positive parameters ๐, ๐, ๐1 and ๐, ๐, ๐2 . For ๐1 = ๐2 = ๐, we have results concerning the exponentiated Weibull distribution. For ๐ = 1, we obtain characterizations concerning the Weibull distribution with parameters ๐, ๐. If in addition ๐ = 1, we have characterizations concerning the exponential distribution with parameter ๐. ๐ ๐ (5) If we set โ(๐) = ๏ฟฝ๐๏ฟฝ , ๐ = 1, ๐๐ = θi , ๐ ∈ {1,2}, ๐ผ = ๐ and ๐ฝ = ∞ , we obtain characterizations concerning a mixture of two exponentiated Pareto distributions of the first type with respective parameters ๐, ๐, ๐1 and ๐, ๐, ๐2 . For ๐1 = ๐2 = ๐, we have characterizations concerning exponentiated Pareto distribution of the first type with parameters ๐, ๐. (6) If we set โ(๐) = [1 + ๐]−๐ , ๐ > 0, ๐ = 1, ๐๐ = ๐๐ , ∈ {1,2}, ๐ผ = 0 and ๐ฝ = ∞, we obtain characterizations concerning a mixture of two exponentiated Pareto 170 On characterizing some mixtures of probability distributions distributions of the second type with respective parameters ๐, ๐1 and ๐, ๐2 . For ๐1 = ๐2 = ๐ , we have characterizations concerning the second type exponentiated Pareto distribution. (7) If we set โ(๐) = ๐ −๐พ๐ , ๐พ > 0,๐ = 1, ๐๐ = ๐๐ , ๐๐{1,2}, ๐ผ = 0 ๐๐๐ ๐ฝ = ∞, we obtain characterizations concerning a mixture of two generalized exponential distributions with respective positive parameters ๐พ, ๐1 and ๐พ, ๐2 . For ๐1 = ๐2 = ๐ , we have characterizations concerning the generalized exponential distribution with parameters ๐พ and θ. If in addition, we set, θ=1, we obtain characterizations concerning the ordinary exponential distribution with parameter ๐พ. −๐(๐) −๐(๐)⁄[1−๐(๐)] (8) If we set โ(๐) = ๐(๐ฝ)−๐(๐)⁄[1−๐(๐)] , ๐ = ๐(๐ฝ)−๐(๐)⁄[1−๐(๐)] , ๐1 = ๐2 = differentiable function defined on (๐ผ, ๐ฝ) such that lim+ Z ( x) = g ( n) and 1 − m( n) ๐(๐) 1−๐(๐) , where ๐(โ) and ๐(โ) are finite real valued functions of n and ๐(๐ฅ) is a x →α lim Z ( x) = Z ( β ) , we obtain characterizations concerning a class of x→β − distributions defined by Talwalker [20]. References [1] A.A. Ahmad, Recurrence relations for single and product moments of record values from Burr type XII distribution and a characterization, J. Applied Statistical Science, 7, (1998), 7-15. [2] A. Kagan, K. Linnik and C. Rao, Characterization Problems In Mathematical Statistics, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1973. [3] A. Khan, M. Yaqub and S. Parvez, Recurrence Relations between moments of order statistics, Naval Res. Logist. Quart., 30, (1983), 419-441. 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