On commutative and non-commutative quantum stochastic diffusion flows Abstract

Journal of Applied Mathematics & Bioinformatics, vol.5, no.3, 2015, 97-112
ISSN: 1792-6602 (print), 1792-6939 (online)
Scienpress Ltd, 2015
On commutative and non-commutative
quantum stochastic diffusion flows
Panagiotis N. Koumantos 1, Oliver R. Katsikas 2,
Evagelia S. Athanasiadou 3 and Panaiotis K. Pavlakos 4
In this work we develop quantum stochastic solution flows of stochastic diffusion
evolution equations of the form
 Lx = F ( x(t )), t > 0
x(0) = x0
Department of Mathematics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
Panepistimiopolis GR-15784 Athens, Greece.
Department of Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
Panepistimiopolis GR-15783 Athens, Greece.
E-mail: pnkoumantos@gmail.com, pkoumant@phys.uoa.gr
Department of Mathematics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
Panepistimiopolis GR-15784 Athens, Greece.
E-mail: oliverkatsikas@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
Panepistimiopolis GR-15784 Athens, Greece.
E-mail: eathan@math.uoa.gr
Department of Mathematics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
Panepistimiopolis GR-15784 Athens, Greece.
E-mail: ppavlakos@math.uoa.gr
Article Info: Received : November 10, 2014. Revised : February 12, 2015.
Published online : September 15, 2015.
On commutative and non-commutative quantum stochastic diffusion flows
on a suitable von Neumann ( W ∗ -, Clifford) algebra C of operators with a finite
(probability) regular trace. By L := d / dt + A it is denoted a linear operator such
that − A (the Hamiltonian operator of a Quantum Mechanical or a Quantum Field
System) is a non-negative and self-adjoint linear operator and the infinitesimal
generator of the corresponding analytic semigroup acting on L2 -commutative
(Bose-Einstein) of functions or on an L2 -non-commutative (Fermion-Dirac) of
operators (possible unbounded operators) Hilbert space H . By F we mean a
given H -valued quantum stochastic process. Our results apply on a Fock space
generated by Hilbert space K with conjugation J , in a Quantum Mechanical or
Quantum Field System, including interactions involving quantized Bose-Einstein
and Fermion-Dirac fields (specifically spin ½ Dirac particles) with an external
field via a cutoff Yukawa-type interaction.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 34K30; 47D03; 47D06; 47L30; 81T05;
Keywords: Diffusion evolution equation; one-parameter analytic semi-groups;
quantum stochastic flows; quantum mechanics; quantum field theory
1 Introduction
This paper is devoted to quantum stochastic diffusion evolution equations of
the form
 Lx = F ( x(t )), t > 0
x(0) = x0
on a suitable Hilbert space H defined by a suitable von Neumann ( W ∗ -, Clifford)
algebra C endowed with a probability regular trace.
The subject has roots in the interactions of elementary particles namely
Bosons (photons, mesons, H4, mesotrons, pions) and Fermions (neutrons,
P.N. Koumantos, O.R. Katsikas, E.S. Athanasiadou and P.K. Pavlakos
neutrinos, protons, electrons) have been studied from a variety of points of view
(cf. [1], [2]).
In particular in their famous papers Carathéodory [3] and Einstein [4],
investigated a foundation of Thermodynamics which has consequences for a better
consideration of modern quantum fields models for the interactions of elementary
Besides, Oppenheimer and Schwinger [5] examined an effort to take into
account the relation of the source to the mesotron field than either Blabha’s
classical methods or the a priori postulation of isobars afforded.
Moreover, Yukawa, Sakata and Taketani in a series of papers [6], [7] and [8]
following previous ideas of Heisenberg and Fermi studied the emission of light
particles, i.e. a neutrino and an electron, after the transition of a “heavy” particle
from neutron state to photon state. Years later, Glimm [9], Glimm and Jaffe [10]
continue the investigations of Yukawa-type interacting coupling spaces.
On the other hand, Accardi, Anillesh and Volterra [11], Arnold and Sparber
[12], Canizo, Lopez and Nieto [13], Lindsay [14], Lindsay and Wills [15],
Lindsay and Parthasarathy [16], Sparber, Carrillo, Dolbeault and Markowich [17],
considered a class of quantum evolution equations, quantum dynamical
semigroups for diffusion models and studied a non-commutative generalization of
a stochastic quantum differential equation (of Feynman-Kac type) deriving
stochastic quantum flows.
In the present work we obtain quantum stochastic diffusion flows in a
commutative case (Bose-Einstein interaction) and in a non-commutative case
(Fermi-Dirac interaction).
We study
(SDE) in the infinite dimensional case, where L := d / dt + A
denotes a linear operator such that − A is a non-negative self-adjoint linear
operator (the Hamiltonian operator) acting on a Hilbert space H such that − A is
the infinitesimal generator of an analytic semigroup e − tA , t ∈R + and F is a given
quantum stochastic process taking values in H .
On commutative and non-commutative quantum stochastic diffusion flows
2 Function spaces and flows
In what follows H will denote a general (complex) Hilbert space with norm
|| ⋅ || . Let − A be a non-negative self-adjoint operator acting on the Hilbert space
H and let e −tA , t ∈R + := [0, ∞) be the analytic semigroup acting on H with
infinitesimal generator − A .
As it is well-known we may assume that there exist positive real numbers
M , δ such that
|| e − tA || ≤ Me −δ t , for all t ∈R + .
Let C b (R + , H ) the Banach space of bounded continuous functions
u : R + → H endowed with supremum norm
| u | := || u (t ) || : t ∈ R +
and let C (R + , H ) be the Fréchet space of continuous functions u : R + → H .
By a flow (dynamical system, nonlinear semigroup) on a complete metric
space X we mean a family U = U (t ) , t ∈ R + of functions U (t ) : X → X ,
enjoying the following properties;
for every t ∈ R + , U (t ) is continuous from X into X
for each x ∈ X the function t  U (t ) x is continuous
U (0) = i (identity on X )
U (t + s ) x = U (t )U ( s ) x , whenever t , s ∈ R + and x ∈ X
We recall that the function t  U (t ) x is called the trajectory of x ∈ X .
In practice flows arise from autonomous differential equations for which there
are theorems concerning existence uniqueness and continuity of solutions.
P.N. Koumantos, O.R. Katsikas, E.S. Athanasiadou and P.K. Pavlakos
3 Main results
3.1 The linear case
We start with the linear initial value problem
 d
 + A x(t ) = f (t ), t > 0
 dt
x(0) = x0
where f is a given H -valued function on R + , x0 ∈ H .
A function u : R + → D( A) is called a classical solution on R + of (3.1) if it is
strongly differentiable for every t ∈ R + and satisfies (3.1) for every t in R + .
On the other hand a function u in C (R + , H ) given by
u (t ) = e −tAu 0 + ∫ e −(t − s ) A f ( s )ds
is called the mild solution of (3.1) on R + , with initial data u (0) = u 0 in H .
Theorem 3.1. Let f be in the Fréchet space C (R + , H ) . Then there exists exactly
one mild solution u of (3.2) in C (R + , H ) and if f ∈ C b (R + , H ) then also
u ∈ Cb (R + , H ) .
Proof. Let t in R + . By hypothesis the function f : [0, t ] → H is bounded and
continuous. Hence the Bochner integral
−(t − s ) A
f ( s ) ds = ∫ e − sA f (t − s ) ds
is well-defined for every t ≥ 0 , since:
|| e − sA f (t − s ) || ds ≤ M 0 ∫ e −δs || f (t − s ) || ds ≤ M 0 | f |t
= M 0 | f |t δ −1 (1 − e −δt )
where | f |t := sup{ || f ( s ) ||, s ∈ [0, t ]}.
On commutative and non-commutative quantum stochastic diffusion flows
Then the function
t  u (t ) := e −tAu 0 + ∫ e − sA f (t − s )ds
is the unique continuous mild solution of (3.1) (see also [18]).
Finally if f ∈ C b (R + , H ) then also u ∈ C b (R + , H ) since
|| u (t ) || = e − tAu0 + ∫ e − sA f (t − s )ds
≤ e − tAu0 +
− sA
f (t − s )ds
≤ M 0 || u 0 || + ∫ e − sA f (t − s ) ds
≤ M 0 || u 0 || + M 0 | f | δ −1
3.2 The non-linear case
We consider the non-linear initial value problem
 d
 + A x(t ) = F ( x(t )), t > 0
 dt
x(0) = x0
where F is a given H -valued function on H , x0 ∈ H .
A function u : R + → D( A) is called a classical solution on R + of (3.5) if it is
strongly differentiable for every t ∈ R + and satisfies (3.5) for every t in R + .
Moreover a solution u in C (R + , H ) of the integral equation
x(t ) = e −tAu 0 + ∫ e −(t − s ) A F ( x( s ))ds
will be called a mild solution of (3.5) on R + , with initial data u (0) = u 0 in H .
P.N. Koumantos, O.R. Katsikas, E.S. Athanasiadou and P.K. Pavlakos
Let Φ be the corresponding Nemytskii operator of the non-linear operator
F : H → H appearing in eq. (3.5), i.e. for every y : R + → H , Φy is defined by
the formula:
Φy(t ) := F ( y(t )) , t ∈ R +
Now we state the following condition concerning the Nemytskii operator
Condition (Φ ) : Φy ∈ C b (R + , H ) provided that y ∈ C b (R + , H ) and there exists a
real-valued function γ ∈ C b (R + , R + ) such that:
Φy1 (t ) − Φy2 (t ) ≤ γ (t ) y1 (t ) − y2 (t ) , for all y1 , y2 ∈ C b (R + , H ) and
t ∈ R+ .
Theorem 3.2. Let condition (Φ ) holds. Then for any given u 0 ∈ H there exists
exactly one mild solution u := u (0, u 0 ) in C b (R + , H ) of (3.5) satisfying
u (0) = u 0 . Moreover assuming that every mild solution is a classical solution of
(3.5), there exists exactly one solution flow U (t ) on H with trajectories
t  U (t ) x in C b (R + , H ) , x ∈ H .
Proof. Let u 0 ∈ H . Considering the Hamerstein-type operator
which to any
Π : Cb (R + , H ) → Cb (R + , H )
y ∈ C b (R + , H ) associates (according to condition (Φ ) and to
Theorem 3.1) the unique mild solution
Πy(t ) := e −tAu 0 + ∫ e − sAΦy(t − s )ds , t ∈ R +
in C b (R + , H ) of the linear initial value problem:
 d
 + A x(t ) = Φy(t )
 dt
x(0) = u 0
On commutative and non-commutative quantum stochastic diffusion flows
Now let y1 , y2 ∈ C b (R + , H ) and t ∈ R + .
Then applying (2.2) and condition (Φ ) we see that:
Πy2 (t ) − Πy1 (t ) =
Φy2 (t − s )ds − ∫ e − sAΦy1 (t − s )ds
− sA
e − sA (Φy2 (t − s ) − Φy1 (t − s )) ds
≤ M 0 ∫ e −δ s Φy2 (t − s ) − Φy1 (t − s ) ds
≤ M 0 | γ | ∫ e −δ s y2 (t − s ) − y1 (t − s ) ds
≤ M0 | γ | ∫
e −δ s || y2 (t − s ) − y1 (t − s ) || ds
≤ M 0 | γ | δ −1 | y2 − y1 |
Applying (3.11) and induction we deduce
Π y2 (t ) − Π y1 (t )
| γ | δ −1
| y2 − y1 | , for all n ∈ N .
From (3.12) and for n large enough we conclude that Π is a contraction operator
on Cb (R + , H ) and has a unique fixed point u := u (0, u 0 ) satisfying
u (t ) := e −tAu 0 + ∫ e − sAΦu (t − s )ds , t ∈ R +
Therefore the function u : R + → H is the unique mild solution of (3.5) in
C b (R + , H ) with u (0) = u 0 (see also [18]).
Then setting
U (t )u 0 := u (t )
whenever t ∈ R + and u 0 ∈ H and assuming that u is a classical solution of (3.5)
we must infer that U (t ) , t ∈ R + , is the unique solution flow on H , with
trajectories t  U (t )u 0 in C b (R + , H ) .
We have first to justify that U (t ) satisfies conditions (2.10) and (2.11).
P.N. Koumantos, O.R. Katsikas, E.S. Athanasiadou and P.K. Pavlakos
Let t ∈ R + .
Let also a sequence (u 0( n ) ) in H such that:
im u 0( n ) = u 0
n →∞
Moreover we consider the corresponding solutions
u n (0, u 0( n ) ) := u n , for every n ∈ N , and u (0, u 0 ) := u ,
such that:
u n (t ) = e −tAu 0( n ) + ∫ e − sAΦu n (t − s )ds , t ∈ R +
u (t ) = e −tAu 0 + ∫ e − sAΦu (t − s )ds , t ∈ R +
Then combining condition (Φ ) , (3.16) and (3.17) we have:
|| U (t )u 0( n ) − U (t )u 0 || = || u n (t ) − u (t ) ||
= e −tA (u 0( n ) − u 0 ) + ∫ e − sA (Φu n (t − s ) − Φu (t − s )) ds
≤ e − tA (u0( n ) − u0 ) + ∫
e − sA (Φun (t − s ) − Φu (t − s )) ds
≤ M 0 u 0( n ) − u 0 + M 0 ∫ e −δs Φu n (t − s ) − Φu (t − s ) ds
= M 0 u 0( n ) − u 0 + M 0 ∫ e −δ ( t − s ) Φu n ( s ) − Φu ( s ) ds
≤ M 0 u 0( n ) − u 0 + M 0 | γ | ∫
u n ( s ) − u ( s ) ds
Thus from (3.18) and making use of Gronwall inequality we get:
|| U (t )u 0( n ) − U (t )u 0 || = || u n (t ) − u (t ) ||
≤ M0 u
− u0 e
∫ 0 M 0 |γ |ds
≤ M 0 u 0( n ) − u 0 e tM 0 |γ |
Consequently by (3.15) and (3.19) it follows
On commutative and non-commutative quantum stochastic diffusion flows
imU (t )u 0( n ) = U (t )u 0 .
n →∞
Next let u 0 ∈ H . Consider also a sequence (t n ) and t ∈ R + such that
im t n = t
n →∞
and let t 0 ∈ R + with
| t n | = t n ≤ t 0 , ∀n ∈ N .
We also put
t1 := max{ t , t 0 } .
Then by (3.12), (3.15) and (3.23) we deduce
|| U (t n )u 0 − U (t )u 0 || = || u (t n ) − u (t ) ||
= e −tn Au 0 + ∫ e − sAΦu (t n − s )ds − e −tAu 0 − ∫ e − sAΦu (t − s )ds
≤ e −tn Au 0 − e −tAu 0 + ∫ e − sA (Φu (t n − s ) − Φu (t − s ))ds
≤ e −tn Au 0 − e −tAu 0 + ∫
e − sA (Φu (t n − s ) − Φu (t − s )) ds
≤ e −tn Au 0 − e −tAu 0 + M 0 ∫
Φu (t n − s ) − Φu (t − s ) ds
≤ e −tn Au 0 − e −tAu 0 + M 0 | γ | ∫
u (t n − s ) − u (t − s ) ds
for every n ∈ N .
Thus by (3.21), (3.24) and the Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem it
follows that:
imU (t n )u 0 = U (t )u 0
n →∞
Finally, by standard arguments, we have U (0)u 0 = u 0 and
U (t1 )U (t 2 )u 0 = U (t1 + t 2 )u 0 , for all t1 , t 2 ∈ R + ,
and the proof of the theorem is complete.
P.N. Koumantos, O.R. Katsikas, E.S. Athanasiadou and P.K. Pavlakos
4 Applications
4.1 Bose-Einstein case
Let E be the complexification Hilbert space of a real Hilbert space E ′ and let
∧ s (E ) denote the Hilbert space of symmetric tensors over E .
Then there exists an isomorphism of ∧ s (E ) (via a unitary operator) onto the
Hilbert space L2 ( E ′, B( E ′), d 2 c ) , with
d 2c (Γ) = (2π t )
|| x||2
dλk ( x)
where Γ = P −1 (Θ) , Θ is a Borel set in the image PE ′ of a k -dimensional
orthogonal projection P on E ′ and (R k , B(R k ), λk ) is the Borel-Lebesgue
measure in PE ′ (cf. [19]).
Therefore we can take the case
H := L2 ( E ′, B( E ′), d 2 c ) = ∧ s ( E ) .
4.2 Fermion (Fermion-Dirac) case
It is well-known that the Banach lattices Lp ( X , S, µ ) , 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ when
( X , S, µ ) is a measure space can be extended in a non-commutative algebraic
We start recalling briefly some well-known facts concerning a noncommutative integration theory in which, instead of integrating functions on a
measurable space with respect to a given measure, one integrates (possibly
unbounded) operators “affiliated” with a von Neumann algebra V with respect to
a “gage” (or a “trace”) on V . We shall restrict on “probability gages” since these
gages are relevant for the study of Fermions.
On commutative and non-commutative quantum stochastic diffusion flows
Let E be a complex Hilbert space (the Fermion one-particle space) and let
∧ na (E ) denote the Hilbert space of antisymmetric tensors of rank n over E ,
whenever n = 1,2,  and let ∧ 0a ( E ) be the complex numbers C .
We shall denote by ∧ a (E ) the (Fermion-Dirac) Fock space, that is the
Hilbert space direct sum
⊕ ∞n = 0 ∧ na ( E )
and ω will denote the complex number (“bare vacuum” or no-particle state)
1 ∈ ∧ 0a ( E ) .
For every x in E , the creation operator C x is the bounded linear operator on
∧ a (E ) with norm || C x || = || x || such that:
C x (u ) = (n + 1) 2 Pa ( x ⊗ u )
whenever u ∈ ∧ na (E ) , where Pa denotes the antisymmetrization projection.
The annihilation operator, Ax , x ∈ E is defined to be the adjoint of C x , that
is Ax := C x∗ .
Now let J be a conjugation on E . We recall that a function J : E → E is said
to be a conjugation on E if J is antilinear ( J (ax + by) = a J ( x) + b J ( y) ,
whenever x, y ∈ E and for all complex numbers a and b ), J is antiunitary
( < J ( x), J ( y) > = < y, x > , whenever x, y ∈ E , where < , > denotes the inner
product on E ) and J has period two ( J 2 = I ).
We also denote by C the von Neumann algebra generated by all operators
(the “Fermion-Dirac fields”) Bx , x ∈ E on ∧ a (E ) defined by the formula:
Bx = C x + AJ ( x)
We note that C is the weakly closed Clifford algebra over E relative to the
conjugation J .
P.N. Koumantos, O.R. Katsikas, E.S. Athanasiadou and P.K. Pavlakos
A regular probability gage space is a triple ( K , V,τ ) , where K is a complex
Hilbert space, V is a von Neumann algebra of linear operators on K and τ is a
faithful, central, normal trace (state) on V , i.e. τ is a linear functional from V
into C such that:
(τ 1 ) τ is a state, i.e. τ ( I ) = 1 , T ∈ V , T ≥ 0 implies τ (T ) ≥ 0
(τ 2 ) τ is completely additive, namely, if O is any set of mutually orthogonal
projections in V with upper bound Y then τ (Y) =
∑τ ( P )
(τ 3 ) τ is regular or faithful, i.e. if T ∈ V , T ≥ 0 , τ (T ) = 0 implies T = 0
(τ 4 ) τ is central, i.e. τ (TS ) = τ ( ST ) , whenever T , S ∈ V .
(∧ a ( E ), C ,τ ) is a regular probability gage space, where τ : C → C , and
τ (u ) := < uω , ω > for every ω ∈ C
(cf. Segal [20])
For any closed linear operator T on E we put
| T | := T ∗T
For 1 ≤ p < ∞ , Lp ( E , C ,τ ) is defined to be the completion of C with respect
to the norm T  || T || p = τ | T | p
. L∞ ( E , C ,τ ) is defined to be the Banach
space C with respect to its operator norm. It has been shown that the Banach
space Lp ( E , C ,τ ) , 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ are spaces of linear (possible unbounded) operators
on E (cf. Segal [20]).
In particular the function u  uω extends to a unitary operator from
L2 ( E , C ,τ ) onto ∧ a (E ) (cf. [21]).
Now we can take the case
H := L2 ( E , C ,τ ) = ∧ a ( E )
On commutative and non-commutative quantum stochastic diffusion flows
since L2 ( E , C ,τ ) can be regarded as an ordered Hilbert space of operators on E .
Next let S be a four-dimensional complex spin space with positive definite
inner product ( , ) and let K be the Hilbert space of S -valued functions on R 3
|| ψ ||2K = ∫ 3 (ψ ( x),ψ ( x)) dλ3 ( x) < ∞ .
Then we can also take H the Hilbert state space ∧ a ( Z ) over the Hilbert
space Z of a free spin ½ Dirac particle with an external field via a cutoff
Yukawa-type interaction such that
Z = K+ ⊕ K+
where K + is the irreducible part of K when the infinitesimal generator of time
translation is positive on K + .
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