COST Receiving Site Locations Australia Darwin Teaching areas: Dates not available: Housing: All majors December through late February and mid June through late July, short-term stays of 6-9 weeks only Host family Geelong Teaching Areas: Dates not available: Housing: Elementary December through early February Host family Bahamas New Providence Teaching Areas: Dates not available: Housing: Elementary, Secondary, Physical Ed, Special Ed May through July Apartments, Student Apartments, and Guests houses China Hangzhou Teaching Areas: Dates not available: Housing: Elementary & Secondary June through August and mid-December through mid-February Host family and college campus hotel Costa Rica Escazu Teaching Areas: Dates not available: Housing: Elementary, Secondary, and Physical Ed Mid December through Mid January and Mid June through Mid August Host family and Apartments Heredia Teaching Areas: Dates not available: Housing: Elementary, Secondary, Special Education, Counseling, and Physical Ed Early December through End of January and First 3 weeks of July Host family and Apartments Monteverde Teaching Areas: Dates not available: Housing: Elementary; Environmental Ed, Secondary Science, English, and Math Mid December through Mid January and Mid June through Mid August Host family Ecuador Quito Teaching Areas: Dates not available: Housing: All Areas December 20 – January 10, March 20 – April 10 & before September 1st. Host Family France Teaching Areas: Dates not available: Housing: Arts and Social Studies Summer Host Family, studio or boarding house Germany Berlin Teaching areas: Dates not available: Housing: Elementary Mid December through Mid January and Late May through Late August Host Family Cologne Teaching areas: Dates not available: Housing: Secondary (Social Studies, English/Language Arts/ French, German, Art) Mid December through Early January and Late June through Early September International dorm Greece Thessaloniki Teaching areas: Dates not available: Housing: Elementary and Secondary Mid December through Mid January and Greek Easter Apartments and Host family India Delhi Teaching Areas: Dates not available: Housing: K-8 Spring and Summer Semester Host Families Jaipur Teaching Areas: Dates not available: Housing: All Areas except Special Educaiton and Phuysical Education April – early August Hostels, dorms or host family Ireland Various locations Teaching areas: Dates not available: Housing: All areas Early June through Late August and Mid December through Early January Bed & breakfast or Apartments Mexico Guadalajara (2 campuses) Teaching areas: Elementary, Middle School, Secondary, Physical Ed & Special Ed Dates not available: Mid December through Mid January and Mid June through Mid August Housing: Host family Merida, Yucatan Teaching areas: Dates not available: Housing: Elementary, Secondary, Physical Ed, and Art Mid December through Mid January and Mid June through Mid August Host family and apartments Mexico City Teaching areas: Dates not available: Housing: Elementary, Middle School, High School – all areas Mid December through Mid January and Mid June through Mid August Host family or boarding houses Queretaro Teaching areas: Dates not available: Housing: All subjects Mid December through Mid January and Mid June through Mid August Host family and apartments The Netherlands Rotterdam Teaching areas: Dates not available: Housing: Nieuwegein Near Utrecht Teaching areas: Dates not available: Housing: Secondary Only Mid December through Mid January and Mid April through Mid September Host family Secondary (grades 7-9) Geography, History, Mathematics, Physics/Chemistry (combined). Biology, PE, Art, Music (grades 10-12) Science and Society, Social Studies June through August Bed and Breakfast; apartment. Possible Host Families New Zealand Auckland Teaching areas: Dates not available: Housing: All areas December through early February Host family Christchurch and nelson (South Island) Teaching Area: Elementary, Spec Ed, Physical Educaiton and Secondary Dates not available: Mid December through late January Housing: Host Family Puerto Rico Teaching areas: Dates not available: Housing: Elementary, Middle and Secondary Summer Semster Host family South Africa Knysna Teaching areas: Dates not available: Housing: Elementary, Middle and Secondary Summer Host family Port Elizabeth Teaching areas: Dates not available: Housing: Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Late June through Mid July and Early December through Late January Apartments Spain Teaching areas: Dates not available: Housing: Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Spring 2014, Summer 2014 Host families, Apartments Taiwan Teaching areas: Dates not available: Housing: Revised: June 19, 2014 Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Summer Semester Local Apartments