re infecting The genetic relationship between infecting and re-infecting RSV strains t i iisolated l t d ffrom young children hild att coastal t lK Kenya Charles N. Agoti1, Clayton O. Onyango1,Graham F. Medley2, Patricia A. Cane3 and D. 12 J James N Nokes k 1,2 1 KEMRI-Wellcome 1.KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Programme Kilifi Kilifi, Kenya 2. 2 School of Life Sciences, Sciences University of Warwick, Coventry, UK 3. Health Protection Agency, Centre for Infections, Colindale, London, UK [ Address correspondence to:] INTRODUCTION METHODS/RESULTS DISCUSSION ¾Five of the 54 cases appeared to be persistent infections lasting for up to seven weeks (figure 3) Figure 1. Study design ¾Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is persistent in the human population and a cause of recurrent epidemics p ¾Of the 49 remaining cases, ¾Individuals get RSV re-infected repeatedly throughout life if ((Henderson et al, 1979)) and this is thought g to play a major j role in persistence (Medley and Nokes, 2009) ¾29 were off th the heterologous group while ¾ 20 were of the homologous group. group ¾Despite ¾D it implications i li ti tto th the effectiveness ff ti of future vaccines, the mechanism of RSV re-infection is poorly understood ¾Two genetically and antigenically distinct RSV groups exist ¾The homologous cases were of a heterologous genotype except four. Three of these four had amino acid changes within the sequenced region off th the G gene (figure 4A & i (fi 4B) Figure 2. Enrolment and outcomes ¾A and B, and 635 Children recruited at birth All followed up until @ experienced 3 RSV epidemics Nasal sample p taken whenever child had ARI & tested for RSV ¾within them multiple genotypes occur ¾All confirmed re-infections with the exception of two occurred in separate epidemics ¾Most differences in RSV strains occur in the attachment (G) protein which is CONCLUSION ¾targeted by neutralizing antibody responses 409 Infections identified by immunofluorescence 326 Primary y infections 83 Repeat infections The paired infections targeted for typing and sequencing ¾ under positive immune selection (Cane, (Cane 2007) ¾Characterizing in detail the genetic characteristics h t i ti off infecting i f ti and d re-infecting i f ti RSV strains can inform on the role of RSV strain diversity in repeat infections 12 Specimens not located in the archives 22 Specimens gave a negative RT-PCR result HYPOTHESIS 135 Infections typed into RSV A and B, and also q g sequenced in their G gene RSV repeat infections are with different genetic strains and persistence of this virus in host populations is due to the presence of genetically diverse strains that are continuously evolving ¾It appeared that most RSV repeat infections are with a genetically different d e e strain s a though oug not o necessarily of the alternative group level ¾Statistical analysis of the group and genotype re-infection re infection patterns is currently on-going ¾ h ¾These studies t di complement l t our investigations into the development of RSV strain specific immunity - See poster by Charles Sande Excluded from analysis 29 pairs for which only a single RT-PCR RT PCR result was positive or available ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS OBJECTIVES ¾To determine if infecting and re-infecting RSV strains are always genetically different ¾Tim Kinyanjui 54-paired p infections included in analysis y of the genetic g relationship between infecting and re-infecting RSV strains ¾Ch l SSande ¾Charles d ¾RSV Laboratory and field staff ¾To explore the patterns of RSV repeat infections at group and genotype level and the iinfluence f off group dominance i on the patterns Table 1. Sub-group re-infection patterns and the time interval (months) between consecutive infections METHODS ¾The study y design g is detailed in figure g 1&2 ¾Positives were G gene sequenced and t k taken through th h phylogenetic h l ti analysis l i ¾Result interpretation will take into account the prevalence of RSV A and B as depicted b surveillance by ill data d t ffrom child hild admissions d i i with RSV pneumonia to Kilifi District Hospital over the same period (figure 3) Pattern Number of cases Median duration Mean duration Range A A* A-A* 12 28 2.8 66 6.6 0 7 - 22.8 22 8 0.7 A-B AB 19 14.1 14 1 15.3 15 3 8.0 8 0 - 24.1 24 1 BA B-A 10 14 0 14.0 13 5 13.5 10 3 - 15.2 10.3 15 2 BB B-B 13 10 4 10.4 13 6 13.6 6 8 - 23.0 6.8 23 0 Overall 54 12 2 12.2 12 6 12.6 0 7 - 24.1 0.7 24 1 ¾The e sstudy udy pa participants c pa s ¾The Wellcome Trust for funding (grant ref. nos 085882 &084633) REFERENCE Henderson FW, Collier AM, Clyde WA, Jr., Denny FW. 1979. Respiratory-syncytial-virus infections, reinfections and d immunity. i it A prospective, ti llongitudinal it di l study t d iin young children. N Engl J Med 300: 530-4 Medley y GF, Nokes DJ. 2009. Does viral diversity y matter? Science 325: 274-5 Cane P. 2007. Molecular Epidemiology and Evolution of Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Virus In Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Virus ed. P Cane, pp. 89-114: Elsevier * Fi Five off the th re-infections i f ti iin this thi category t may b be iinterpreted t t d as single i l infections i f ti that th t were persistent it t RESULTS Homologous group A to A reinfections i f i Heterologous group A to B reinfections i f i Indiv viduall 60 Ken12 Ken11 Ken10 Ken09 Ken08 K 07 Ken07 Ken06 Ken05 Ken04 Ken03 Ken02 Ken01 Jan02 U U M U U S U 40 U M M M U SU SU 20 UU MU U S S Jan03 U Jan04 Jan05 0 Ken29 Ken28 Ken4 Ken27 Ken26 Ken5 Ken25 Ken24 Ken23 Ken22 Ken21 Ken20 Ken19 Ken18 Ken17 Ken16 Ken15 Ken14 Ken13 Jan02 U U RSV A U U M U S U U 60 M U RSV B U S 40 U S U U U U VS U M M S U M S U U U Figure 4A No of o in-pa atient cases c Figure 3 20 U U U U U U S S Jan03 Jan04 Jan05 0 Figure 4B Heterologous group B to A reinfections Homologous group B to B reinfections 60 Ken39 U Ken38 Individ dual U S Ken37 U S Ken36 S U Ken34 Jan02 U S Ken32 Ken30 U U Ken33 40 M U Ken35 Ken31 U 20 M S M U S Jan03 Jan04 Jan05 0 Ken52 Ken51 Ken50 Ken49 Ken48 Ken47 Ken46 Ken45 Ken44 Ken43 Ken42 Ken41 Ken40 Jan02 U U U M U U U U U U U U U U U U U S U U U Jan04 Jan05 Date Figure 3. Time course of RSV infections of each of the 52 children included in the final analysis. Dotted green lines represent the time from bi th to birth t the th first fi t positive iti sample. l Each E h symbol b l represents t a positive iti sample l for f which hi h genotyping t i has h been b completed: l t d , GA2 GA2; ¯, ¯ GA5 GA5; |, SAB1 and ½, BA. The letter above each sample represent the clinical status: U, upper respiratory tract infection; M, mild pneumonia; S, severe pneumonia and VS , very severe pneumonia pneumonia. The continuous red and blue lines represents the respective number of RSV A and RSV B cases of under five-year olds admitted to Kilifi District hospital during the period. Date 20 U U Jan03 40 U M U No of in-pa tient ca ases U 60 0 Figure 4. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees of homologous group re-infections. Panel 4A shows homologous group A to A re-infections based on sequences from 11 subjects and three reference sequences Panel 4B shows homologous group B to B re-infections sequences. re infections based on sequences from 11 subjects and two reference sequences. The subject sequences are represented as follows: Ken#/xx = unique q identifier/year /y of sampling. p g The unfilled triangles g represent p first infections,, the filled red trianges represent confirmed second infections while the purple were suspected to be prolonged shedding cases. The summary of the observed genotype patterns is shown within each panel.