Non-Degree Special Education Moderate/Intensive Licensure

Non-Degree Special Education Moderate/Intensive Licensure
Please be advised that the Plan of Study (this form) should be filed (meaning completed, signed by your faculty advisor and you, and
submitted to the Graduate Student Office in 418 White Hall) no later than the end of the second semester of coursework in the
program. Registration will be blocked at the end of the second semester until a plan of study has been submitted. Licensure
coursework and field-based experiences are prescribed based on the program approved for KSU by the Ohio Department of Education
(ODE). Previous coursework may be considered if appropriate and current. The courses prescribed on this form apply toward
consideration by ODE for licensure. If you are interested in a masters degree from KSU, you must be fully admitted into the
program and complete the prescribed coursework on the Master’s Degree prospectus in addition to courses that are
prescribed here for Licensure.
Name _____________________________________
Banner Identification _______________________________________
KSU email _________________________________
Date Graduate Work Began __________________________________
Street Address _______________________________
City, State, Zip Code __________________________
Teaching License (Discipline/Grade band) _______________________
SPED Core Requirements: 21 Credits Required
Course #
Course Name
Alternate Course
Semester/Year Taken
SPED 63200
Introduction to Exceptionalities
SPED 53010
Family and Professional Collaboration
SPED 53030
Applied Behavior Analysis I
SPED 53031
Applied Behavior Analysis II
SPED 53060
Curriculum Methods in SPED
SPED 53040
Language and Reading in SPED
SPED 53070
Plan and Program Transitions
Moderate/Intensive Core and Field Experiences: 25-29 Credits Required*
Course #
Course Name
Alternate Course
Semester/Year Taken
SPED 53051
Characteristics Moderate/Intensive
SPED 53063
Curriculum Moderate/Intensive
SPED 53021
Assessment Moderate/Intensive
SPED 53080
Technology in SPED
Revised May 2014
SPED 64309
ASD: Theory and Diagnosis
SPED 63092
Field Experience SPED
SPED 63992
Student Teaching SPED*
4 or 8
SPED 69525
Inquiry into Professional Practice
Total Credits
*Students who are completing this coursework for their initial teaching license are required to take Student Teaching for 8 credits (16 weeks).
Students who are completing this coursework for an additional license in Special Education are required to take Student Teaching for 4 credits (8
weeks). Student teaching is taken after completion of all licensure coursework and conjunction with the Inquiry to Professional Practice (3) course.
Additional Coursework if not Completed at the Undergraduate Level.
Curriculum Courses: 18 Credits Required, Must Include 12 Credits of Reading Instruction; **3 Phonics
Course #
Course Name
Alternate Course
Semester/Year Taken
CI 67310
Theory Practice of Teaching Reading
CI 67319
Diagnosis and Remed Read Prob
MCED 50007
Teaching Reading with Literature
ECED 50105
MCED 50005
Appropriate Phonics K-Primary (or)
Effective use of Phonics
CI 67330
CI 67312
Reading in the Content Areas (or)
Teaching Writing as a Process
CI 57501
Teaching Math in Early & Mid Gr
Total Credits
Student _____________________________________________
Date _______________________
Advisor ____________________________________________
Date _______________________
**The Special Education licensure ensures professionals are equipped to teach the range of ages in grades PreK-12. Therefore, your
licensure program must meet the requirements across the curriculum areas, which typically includes methods courses in reading, math,
science, language arts, and social studies. Your program should include such courses if you have not previously completed them.
Additionally, the Ohio licensure programs require professionals to complete 12 hours of reading instruction, 3 of which must emphasize
phonics instruction.
If your program includes a practicum and/or student teaching, you must meet with your faculty advisor and apply with the Office of
Clinical Experiences in 304 White Hall one year in advance.
Licensure Requirement (not required for graduation):
Candidates seeking Ohio licensure are required to pass specific assessments in order to apply for licensure. Students should consult their
advisors for specific program requirements and refer to the See Ohio Department of Education-Educator Preparation website for more
information on assessments specific to licensure type.
All course work for licensure must be completed prior to student teaching.
Revised May 2014