Document 13720611

Classroom Infant, Toddler, Three-­‐Year-­‐Old Early Learning Guidelines Observation Tool (refer to the Guidelines for specific age group indicators) Child’s Name: Jasmine Kenway Date of Birth: January 5, 2014 Date: Week of October 6, 2014 DOMAIN COMPONENTS Physical Health & Motor Development Health & Well-­‐Being Social & Emotional Development Language & Communication Development food snacks by herself.
snacks in this way and progress to
Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Trust & Emotional Security Self-­‐Awareness Self-­‐Regulation Relationships with Others At the end of last week, Jasmine began
Provide other toys or mats where she
pulling herself up in crib!
can practice pulling up and/or standing
Cognitive Development outside the crib.
Jasmine is starting to move toys from
Continue giving her a variety of toys to
one hand to another.
explore, as well as placing toys where
she must reach with both hands.
On Monday and Tuesday, we had a
Continue to reassure Jasmine, allowing
substitute aide, and Jasmine cried and
was fearful of the substitute.
her time to become comfortable with
the aide.
Jasmine can point to her eyes and her
Continue to discuss and point to
mouth when asked.
various body parts, naming them and
asking Jasmine to point as well.
When Jasmine got upset, she reached
Continue to provide comfort when
for me and began to crawl towards me.
Jasmine is upset and looks toward me.
During playtime, Jasmine reaches for the
Provide multiples of the same toy and
toys of her classmates.
talk about sharing and being friends
during playtime.
Listening & Understanding Jasmine has just started to recognize
Continue saying the name of objects
the names of a few objects, pointing at
(cup, blanket, ball, etc.) when using or
that object when named.
giving them to Jasmine.
Communication & Speaking Jasmine began saying “mama” excitedly
when her mom picked her up from our
Encourage Jasmine to make other
vocalizations such as “ba ba,” “da da,”
throughout the day.
Emergent Literacy She points to the picture of her family
Ask the family to create a small
hanging by her crib when asked.
picture book of Mom, Dad, sisters, and
NEXT STEPS Continue to encourage her to eat her
OBSERVATIONS / COMMENTS Jasmine has started eating her finger
Exploration & Discovery Problem Solving Memory Imitation & Make Believe other key family members to read with
Jasmine enjoys looking at and reading
Provide different books to continue to
books in the library area of our
keep Jasmine interested in books.
With the recent addition of the crawling
Encourage Jasmine to crawl on top of,
mats in our classroom, Jasmine has
over, and through mats.
begun crawling on top of mats.
Now that Jasmine knows where her
Provide other objects such as small
eyes are, she enjoys playing peek-a-boo,
blankets or cloths for Jasmine to
covering her eyes to play the game.
continue to play peek-a-boo. Place
toys under cloths for her to find.
Jasmine has started to raise her hand
when saying “bye-bye” but is not fully
Continue to work with Jasmine on
waving her hand when saying “bye-bye,”
waving as of yet.
as well as playing games such as
“Itsy Bitsy Spider.”