state is +3. Thus, Ga3Te31is the first mixed valency compound that contains an element of the third main group with the oxidation states + 2 and +3. The macromolecular connection corresponds to the following structural formula: Fig I. View along [OOlJ in the one-dimensional structural element of Ga,Te,l: G a = 0 , I = 0.T e = O ; each tellurium atom forms a trigonal pyramid with three gallium atoms (bond lengths Ga-Te: 2.633(1) to 2.693(5) A) In the structural arrangement, the strands that are extended parallel in the [OOl] direction are approximately hexagonally close-packed with respect to their central axes. The successive macromolecules are each translationally equivalent in the [IOO] direction. The shortest intermolecular distances (3.863(5) A) are found between the terminal iodine atoms and between those tellurium atoms that are involved in the tetrahedral coordination of the Ga"' centers. Received: March 10, 1986; revised: May 6, 1986 [Z 1696 IE] German version: Angew. Chem. 98 (1986) 7 2 5 dral and octahedral sites,['-31 and are not reduced on treatment with H2 even at high temperatures (770 K). In calcined Cu/y-A1,03 catalysts, copper is similarly present in a spinel-like p h a ~ e , [ ' . ~CuO . ~ ] segregating out at high copper loading^;'^] in this catalyst, however, the C u z @ions are reducible on treatment with H,. We considered it worthwhile investigating the nature of species in reduced samples of bimetallic Ni-Cu/y-A1,03, which are used as catalysts for hydrogenation and other reactions. It has been reported that the presence of copper favors the formation of Ni" in reduced samples.'61 Presence of nickel similarly seems to promote the reduction of supported copper. The actual nature of the nickel and copper species in reduced bimetallic catalysts has not been described hitherto except for the identification of the Nio species in Ni23-Cu77/y-AI2O3 samples by Erfl et aI.['l We have investigated Ni-Cu/y-Al,03 catalysts over the entire composition range by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES)."] The total metal loading in the catalysts studied was 5 wt-Yo; samples with C u to Ni ratios 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, were studied along with the catalysts containing only C u and Ni. The catalyst samples were first calcined at 870 K for 8 h in air. The spectra of the catalysts were recorded after reducing them in situ in the sample preparation chamber of the spectrometer (720 K, 6 h, 300-torr hydrogen pressure). The 2p level of A1201 (74.0 ev) and the 4f,,, level of Au (83.6 eV) were used as references for the XPS binding energies. Calcined Ni-Cu/y-AI2O, catalysts show the presence of Ni?@in . the form of NiA1204 with a Ni(2p3,,) binding energy of -856.6 eV. The Cu(2p3,,) binding energy in the calcined samples was close to that of CuA1,04. On reduction, XPS in the core level region clearly reveals the nature of the nickel species. The N i ( 2 ~ , , ~spectra ) show the presence of both Nio and Ni2@with binding energies of 853.2 eV and 856.3 eV respectively, in samples with high copper content (Fig. 1). The relative concentration of Ni" increases with increasing copper content, the Ni" being totally absent in reduced Ni/y-Al,O,. Variation of the rela- [ I ] InTeHal: R. Kniep, A. Wilms, H.-J. Beister, K. Syassen, Z. Naiurforsch. 836 (1981) 1520: GaTeHal: R. Kniep, A. Wilms, H.-J. Beister, Muler Res. Bull. 18 (1983) 615. [2] 1nTe: J. H. C . Hogg, H. H. Sutherland, Acra Crystallogr. Sect. 832 (1976) 2689; GaTe: M. Julien-Pouzol, S. Jaulmes, M. Guittard, F. Alpini, ibid. 835 (1979) 2848. [3] Crystallographic data of Ga,Te,l: 1408 (1462) reflections; R =4.8%; P n ~ 2 , U: = 11.168(4), b = 19.529(10), c=4.102(2) A; Z = 3 : pcnlcd=4.00g/ cm'. Further details of the crystal structure investigation may be obtained from the Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik GmbH, D-7514 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen2 (FRG), OR quoting the depository number CSD-52010, the names of the authors, and the journal citation. [4] G. Gerlach, W. Honle. A. Simon, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 486 (1982) 7 . Ni N I 75- Cu2S N I 50 - C U 50 Nature of Ni and Cu Species in Reduced Bimetallic Ni-Cu/Alz03 Catalysts By Gopinathan Sankar and C. N . Ramachandra Rao* It is well known that NiZOions in calcined Ni/y-A1203 catalysts are in a spinel-like phase, occupying both tetraheN. R Rdo, G. Sankar Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit lndian institute of Science Bdngalore 560 012 (India) I I I I 1 851 8 55 859 863 867 [*] Prof. I>r. C Angew. Chem. Int Ed. Engl. 25 11986) No. 8 fb Lev1 - Fig. I. Ni(Zp,,,,) spectra (ESCA) of reduced Ni-Cu/y-Alz03 catalysts: Eb=binding energy. 0 VCH Veriagsgesel1,schajimbH. 0-6940 Weinheim, 1986 0570-0833/86/0808-0753 $ 02.50/0 753 r Simple Synthesis of 1-Amino-1-cyclopropanecarboxylic Acids from tert-Butyl Isocyanoacetate and Epoxides; Synthesis of Alkyl 5,6-Dihydro-4H-1,3-oxazine-4-carboxylates 6ol 0 t 0 - 50 */* cu Fig. 2. Variation of the relative concentration of Ni" with copper content. 100 tive concentration of Nio with copper content is shown in Figure 2. In contrast, the Cu(2p3,,) spectra of the reduced Cu-Ni/y-Al,03 catalysts show little change with composition. From the XPS data it cannot be decided whether Cue is formed in addition to Cuo, as noted earlier by Ertl et aL1I1Formation of Cue has been suggested in the literature18] in the case of reduced Cu/y-Al,O, catalysts. We have employed Auger electron spectroscopy to examine the presence of Cue and Cuo in reduced Ni-Cu/y-AlZO3 catalysts. The spectra d o indeed show the presence of both species (Fig. 3). The relative proportion of Cue increases with the increasing copper content; accordingly, the AES spectrum of Cu25-Ni75/y-A1203 does not show the presence of Cue. I.I! I I I 934 924 914 + - Ekinlev1 By Ulrich Schollkopf,' Bernd Hupfeld and Reinhold Gull 1-Amino- 1-cyclopropanecarboxylicacids 8 are currently attracting attention, mainly because of their proven or potential biological activity."] Although methods for the synthesis of this class of compounds have already been described in the literature,['.21a relatively simple, inexpensive and productive synthetic method is still lacking. We describe here a synthesis starting from tert-butyl isocyanoacetate 1 and from (inexpensive) epoxides 3.13] The lithiated ester 2 reacts with the epoxides 3 in the presence of boron trifluoride ether[41to give the tert-butyl 4-hydroxy-2-isocyanoalkanoates 4. The substitution takes place with inversion of configuration at the less hindered carbon atom of the epoxide. The compounds 4 are then mesylated to compounds 5 . The mesylates readily undergo base-induced cyclization to the tert-butyl l-isocyano-l-cyclopropanecarboxylates 7.Owing to the considerably large difference in size between the isocyano group and the tert- 2 1 Li Ni50-Cu50 I 904 Fig. 3. CufL.,M4.,M4.,) Auger electron spectra of reduced Ni-Cu/y-Al,O, catalysts; E,,,=kinetic energy of the electrons. C02tBu 4.X=H 5, X = Mes 6 R3 - H,, R1 T R ~ The present study not only establishes the presence of Ni', NiZe, Cuo and Cue in the reduced bimetallic Ni-Cu/ y-A1203 catalysts, but also shows how the relative proportion of Nio increases with increasing copper content just as that of Cuo increases with increasing nickel content. We are presently carrying out EXAFS (Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure) studies on these bimetallic catalysts. Received: March 24, 1986; supplemented: June 3, 1986 [Z 1710 IE] German version: Angew. Chem. 98 (1986) 736 3-9 R' 8 R' R3 1,s trans :cis CAS Registry numbers: Ni, 7440-02-0; Cu, 7440-50-8 [ I ] G. Ertl, R. Hierl, H. Knozinger, N. Thiele, H. P. Urbach, Appl. SurJ Sci. 5 (1980) 49. [2] R. Hierl, H. Knozinger, H. P. Urbach, J . Catal. 69 (1981) 475. [3] M. Lo Jacono, M. Schiavello, A. Cimino, J . Phys. Chem. 75 (1971) C02H H2N 7 a b c d e H H H CH, H CIHS CH, H -(CH&- H H H CH, H 6.5: I 6.5: 1 29515 4 Yields [Yo][c] 5 7 8 9 54 66 76 72 80 80 77 85 84 90 63 66 33 66 67 60 62 62 69 68 93 89 89 91 89 1044. 141 R. M. Friedman, J. J. Freeman, F. W. Lytle, J . Catal. 55 (1978) 10. 151 M. Lo Jacono, M. Schiavello in B. Delmon, P. A. Jacobs, G. Ponchelet (Eds.): Preparation of Catalysts, Elsevier, Amsterdam 1976, p. 473. [6] A. Roman, B. Delmon, J . Catal. 30 (1973) 333. 171 ESCA-3 Mark 11 Spectrometer, VG Scientific. [8] M. Lo Jacono, A. Cimino, M. Inversi, J. Catal. 76 (1982) 320. 754 0 VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. 0-6940 Weinheim, 1986 [a1 Referred to C02tBu and R', R2. [b] Racemates; one enantiomer shown. [c] Yields referred to 1 , 4, 5 , 7 and 4 . [*] Prof. Dr. U. Schollkopf, Dip].-Chem. B. Hupfeld, Dr. R. Gull lnstitut fur Organische Chemie der Universitat Tammannstrasse 2, D-3400 Gottingen (FRG) 0570-0833/86/0808-0754$ 02.50/0 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 25 (1986) No. 8